Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1876, page 4

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tBtiIWtjftKW*Hq s^sasjT^ctiaBsvru^ij**^ .i**- '-rnupytl}* n'*it)iH*iUt,+m* '1-5 ?y tataoaaM-'^VJM* VMjiMWuaj^. T% TFREK : PEipSB,, AOTQt,- HAI^TOtf .'COUNTY, > .?.-> i :-: 1! n>- . 1- r. - 4 ':f' |F|: ' n Wedding: Anniversaries.--: ( /KirM iji\iuv'i:s:*ry->-.tvon. \- . 'lVt\lh";miYfrwn '. Vijtoonlh ;iinivM-s;n--Or-vst;il, T\vi*nt\ -tiilli .njinh i'i*:ry--Sil\ er. , .Tlifr'riptli umnv^rian ^Gcilon.'" Thh-tVjHfth nniuvi>jivy.-'-)".irii; " FottirlK ahniversuy" \\*ot Uhx. joi ty*tifih. iTmiiyei.saiy- -Silk. JFir(ii".li;>ni)ivo>-s)Hy -(JoUhi. ^t'vonty-tifiii anniyorsaiiT"---l!>i})- Thi above is tlio old style ; now -\vo will <jiv'oJl-ht>.' |ie\v style, ivliich is us fulluws ; ~i . i Sugar, wedding X nuvrVirtge with aiiutU'gilrtht Suit. ; " .-tj \Voud*n wi-vuUuii Slaiivui* iiv ~ -luniUuniiin '_.;_. " Tin wixiiUng-Om? tliat*'pun s.out' u.,11. - . " CiVstal weihlinpj :3Iirryin*j one"1 luitiletvv' to tie yhissT? _ i. " I : silver wcdUiiig-^rarryitsg ii-gniy- nMpn v-SJS&Vi,.-.^'!^ M^BKtt^p'.-'W?0;- HRISTIE, HENDERSON & Co. i I U-.l!*l. ' Golden vct^lhi^-^ Wiirn j th pt'oi'tn-is :i luiuor aVid the liijiJo a Ifttl.'-i.-Ain. . ~ j .-'. ' T>iamoiid,. we\lding -\Vlic:t the 1' w <u>E i si ^!i-" a re 1 ai ge.. 1\ Mother style. Su^anwodditi'S Z\LJU"i'Y-iL>:i,<|-"l,1>IV ;fectsiici." " .-"-' ~':'- J Tin / weddiiigr-K)no ahud| th j>ar.Mt*jS." '-"" _."". Crystal wedilii]-4-The o-iemonV. . -" Silver wedding An rn<l ".-juioning." Golden wedding: One eft] ^cie.s we "like. Diamond weddiji^'s li.-syu. . - Desire again to acknowledge with tkanks the la%e sha: of ipatfotiage bestowed on them during the past seasQ: and again most cordiallyj! request a continuance of th many favors extended iojjthem by"their nuihie^ous cu&tdK mera and the public generally. They have great ifleasur1- in announcing that theirf Stock is now complete, an offers all the advantages ibhat close buying and lepw cap prices can sug REMOVED! B* CREECH, t8ADD(.ER & HABNE88-.MAKER, Ififi rciMvcjl oiifo door? wpst.of Jifirpliij gt&h'il,- anil ib iibw-^cpi>r'd't(6'ttjni.'01151 wort', which for ... "" NEATNESS, OHBA$N33S A#tf G lo>io\v of-. *F Vhwtysrnts. \, If ladv vavns liu-lf u dtusen in - Jim-cession, youuj; ujiin, voir tuay ^et Vour hat. Mrs. Partington denies that she Las ever sued a man for ' leiliruia- ticn of i-hai-acter." A man -may bo said, to he (irinfc jitiC-like a tisli \vhen he tintts ll at he l-ts. ii.i/Hgii tii luaktr hifi-heid- j.wini. :. "NYake uji here and paylfot-youi' lodgin^V"-, s^iid a deucun, a> ht 'nud geil &i.]t-ej>y 6ti-angei with a-c'litri- i hatioii box, 'I ; - " ,_il ' If there's no mooniigbt, wi 1 you j rneet^iie by gaslight, deavesti Jnr- )iana "> ' Xo, Augustus, I won't.) j I'm 116 gas^aetpr;";. J " ATe l>nd the khe.e, but u^lt the ,_iJl>ow,-: is the|nioi^Q 'of a Tewi;r iiJ'.ce SeJbi-iu..'Club. "This hi Slip-j jrjsed tif) rfei:/'says.a| wag, ' to a | dexttioirsJiahk?of;driuking out cf-j iLu huirghile: " -, J ' Jin anikjuairy" recently.visited an l old castle, and'Hiked one of tlie vil- | 'h.gisi-s.' if he kriew anything of-, n old j bW.ry iibou'. the building. "Ave,'; ! ' "s>aid" %he rustic, " thtf're was ainht:-; aiild-atoiy. hat ic- fell doon; lan-^l pviie;'" ' : . ." - " " - Soora men kfH?psa\'iige dogs': ibout their houses, so that the "injinmy j ] poor who stop to " get a b'ile "nTuy h--] get it o-itside. . ""' ' &$ a matter of Fact, Actow is known, act only throuw the County of Mai tori, bufadjioining1 counties as well, as one of the CHEAP! ST PLAGES to buy Dry Goods!, Boots and Shoes, T^O-s, and Household wants generally, f :. | The business nien and manufacturers of Acton, by their enterprise, push, and square dealing, hav^ placed tne vil lage in a position quite i^ advance of many of i>s olde and morje pretending neighbors, which position t ley at determined to maintain. The immense quantities of graji delivered daily in Acton, afford the best evidence tha BETTER PBIGES ARE1 PAID than at Other points e>aisib gp^i. Or west; and the enormous (quantities of Eggs, Apples, Su^ ter, and other" Farm Prodube shipped from Acton Statibi prove ^conclusively that a large amount of business is dail: transacted. Where;Produce or Qqods iare handled in large quantities, only a ve small margin for profit isneeded, ,. ! V canpQi )jp s'tirrxiABcd hy Why hfuso- iy " ' tne couuty. '. Harness of all Kinds Biipplhxl ()tho shortest |K>ssihlo notice, and warranted to givd-jierfSot tatiHJoc- tion.'; - - Ashe is idofpff huainessiprlncijtaliy on the Caijli Syotcin, ho is prepared to Belli jcheapor thau cverv ! (xive hin> a call and he convinced that the aright place. AND THIS' IS THE GENUINE REASON sell pay higher prices for produce, goods atKlowerj prices than in other places. In advertising: our goods, we make no rash stat and are deter:uinetl tp adhere to anytliilti^ >vc state when \ye say our goods are c ers, we know it tojbe a fact. The public assure us it is the case, and we int WHY otli to facts, and side, and will roods are inducements wcoflef ments, heaper (hajt end to ^tjcK small pjhofits. The people are our ^supptirfers and we intend to k jepxui tlieir sell goods at lower prices thqn ever, Large varietyt low prices, a This season wjill offer more than usual attractions. In addition to our former stafl cure/d jjie seryices of an excellent Milliner of long experience in fashionable circle to execnte all orders neatly, promptly,-anid satisfactoril}1 ii^ ts usually done for millinery, but sell, as j we'do other goods, at jreliiember this! . ; ' | . ' We ask no fi Honest Price W'e have! se , which \\mcy figured, j." Ladiesj, s. Our Stock of Ladies' Dress Goods this season i3 large, - Hc-,v to Ap:>ly Manors When qa'rs!:2Qtuitfre israp]ilied to a crop it decouijiQses very jiijd, v.e tlje whole Utnelil- i/f fti for "the first--crop and mav V.t-e r>uiiiKi\,l itaTahie. Butwh^dit is rn-ide completely iivailabJe befpi-e it ts. ajiplit-d, th_<j first crop is enhhhd >j a]>4>ru]>tin.te all that it wurilsaiid cLib ampins retnaiiis for the next- wop. To get, the greatest bint-tit. ' ivoi'4 it. thei-efore'j'nianure for shal kiw-toaied l'a:;tsi inch w heat, 1. oats, etc., should Reapplied nc;ir tii.e j Pfjrfecf aud mixed wjtlr-thie .sail hy ' |iiiri-owing, juit before .the jgtjed 'is"j-: -Tiown. so that the young pliijif; can ', ieach ita-fohd when it will (|oJt Use i _iaast good: For deep footed'igrassU. .-feeiling"phiiits, as the various foots, j jjhitoes,.ete.', the should he] -L-overed.. with a light fifri-ow^in the I diill, and alittle.extrafine fertilizer U-: plaodtl near thu &eed.-*r'A}/ieric.m varied aiidJcheap. AH tire new, and fashionable shades and patterns will be found > n Ionr, shelves. Being determined to make a-specialty of this line we liave marked every piece dow) to hottoin prices. No far of comparison. ! Ladies' Shawls, Jackets, Clouds, Pur Spts, Silk Tjies, &c in great variety and cheap. 4 Qnts' Pelt/Havs, Cloth and Pur Cap^, in all. tljie nev?[- est makes and styles. ' B6^"Btbffe$,'.-flPw,ee4s7- ^adorshirts, and Shirtings, decidedly cheap, |J f GlITP STOCK OP BEADY-MADE For gQnts',-youths', and boys', is immense. Why go shivering to Avarm, respectable overcoat for enly 5.00,-. Hints to Hprso Traders.' Firet, look- ai the hoi-Bejw'hile ^CsuJing in the stable. .If heseeius to rest one foot, look thatUeg'froni tvp to bottom. See if he ^afeajilintK, .-jjla vins, piupV windgalls^or [curbs, .ji if he is i;nee spruhgj'^nd it hi' -il-ipcap id' doyvn, for tiji fat liorseH iiiisS(jiu.etiines bar41i' tJiovys, ^Nextj . 'jiis vyes\ if they look weak and he Ts ~\-yujig. it. may he caused by. wfjkt are t-omiuonly called?'blind teeth," Ii' .; WiH i| so, bin face will be thielij , .-nd-they can easily be. found by . looking just in front of the! first grinder*, and should tjb dulled witlf i.viirmon Lorse forcepi or punched i>iit. The first is .preferahle, ati you- (^uTt. get all the roots by punching sytsty time. Next, look at his j puupling, and if he kibs up woii. _ ,{\( placiug.your eur "to hb breast, . y.U gaii usually ascertain if his -. ind is gojbdj after a little traveiling. i\e!xt, see; if he jstauds straight on . hisfoet, cr if-be stretchea hiiiiself vvlula standing.- Jte a groat mistake to want to see a horse;on the nioVe tdl the time. . "You can le-4ni twice as much abouta hoi-se^tancUng sti'f as wliile tuoying.-. Far better back a horse than' see htm go forward ; iiji- if &tiff, there is" sphere he will ;t>huv( it, an* that' is what will tell i-ii, his hhouidei^, if they hayebeeii lii&t at a4y; tifHib. =; If you wish to by, ride'th^ Lorso yourself, for the kcow8.t|e gate that hifl horse .jnov'^i liaat^fc, ijnd you .<SSn tell- by the. inotitin oif"the horse,;Bre on hiiii, Whether .(there is*anyihi9g ' Jhti matter withJtis travel or.ndtr ' coiild add much inore if Itbought \ Aut. Farm..Joitr/utl. ,)' CLOTHIl^rQ ! -r church when you can get Blankets from $1.75 per pafr up. , This season is really immense, bought directly from the manufacturers and at the) lowest'ca&jii prices. We positively assert without fear of contradiction that our stock of J3oots and Shoes for cheapness, neatness and durability combined, is not surpassed by any hoiijse in the trade Special discount off our low cash prices for any purchase of five o'lnore pairs at any one(tim(i Scarlet and G-rey Planhels, best Canadi|an and American makes, 12 jip 20 per cen lower than last! year. Our jstook of Winceys is pronounced the cheapest 'by all Vvho have had an opportunity of comnaring values. We are willing-tp compare our York no fear of the result. , Dbnjt shi!|ing Wincey with any other sold at 1 fail 'to seeiire $ piece y or 16 cents, and have Teas, Sugars, Soaps, 'Jobajccos, &p at decidedly lo^^prices. Now copnnands a larget' sale than ever. Buy back if it does not give entile satisfaction. 8 TERMS ARE STRIfitLY 5b 0133^"* a 5 lp. lot, "and r eturn, it ajrd get Drapers, id the best SMrt WRITING DESKS WORK a yoLir money saves ex aftd are-saiisfied with small majrgins. We put in no threads or buttonsi for the-purpose pf extraeiing a fevy toibr/s cents pea* yard from our customers. It is easy to buy of its, since sAl are> treated ialike, no one.getting Vavors that are denied Jo others. I i if you live 15 or 30 miles from Acton you will be largely repaid CASH AND jcnse^ frorn eollection and losses from bad debts. Store. All we ask is aft opportunity of t j. L/iA^feiil i ?:; 401.^1; by a visit to our i /he holving the goods; you vjijlclo the buyinjf GHRISTIE; HE SMALL PROFITS. We NDERSOU} & Qd School Children - r Diiy's-5 cent Cofijj contains forty copies, and is made of cood pnncr. .. ' ]. ~ " : All the School Books used in thCjTowu and Country Schools on hand at ;.," DAY'S BOOKSiaR^. Day Sells Cheap, c. 'r. hill; -; Mill Street, ACTON, ;'. -.':,..'.:' .' .'.JQEAXEBIN..'. .;! I \- nimmense sales, Boots & Sliooa. i : WeH. Pajorj j \ Naila, Qlais, Putty, Llaseei 0U, I ]* -'< : Palatsi Turpeatliiei , iOpfa jQtt. ssjit, ete-i" All of which wjja h bold', low for caah, iBOOTS aind; ;&&Q$& ' . '. 4M *^t 'or th>): '_] : \\ | .j i |:, 3^UBBBR PAIlj'T COMPAQ Of Cleveland, Ohio.i ' ' ,i'-r -. :.-'.".- ?:: ;' Actoa, July 18,.1870. \" Our entire Cost, stock of Dry Goods and Clothing i* now offered re; yo ieduce slock before removing lo^ournew prenusea, now building. The puhjic iua,f rely on the , _ " .. ;:; Best -amd \0]ie:^est;:3ar^ip-s rever o; Cheaper!thin Old BanlcrUpt Stock at Ualf p!rj^e-^J.Iie%p bejaure goods. wa&Ve<i Cheap,.because TJE Bill we|areuwaretiow perplcxirig It is'for Uoi6Bt!peoplette*e4:lb^! tisemenU here and elaewbei-e. Whi'll tAft thejBpdfBtMft '>raft tp^'mbst'seems to be tlie-m ucirxnjf eapfc But an!'intelligent Public know wiinjtnat^Sboitly- .: CJioods are dear at 5alr-pricei, i v STOCK :MVZ?,- WTZXti-'JkSto We give a few quota^iops q%~ t^oooDS m^nxTj<5E&L> 4,d6' yardii of Dress Qbddsh---fOTnier 'p* ess, 1$, 20, 25 ^hta-^^cecVto IT),; 15 send 20 otjnt*..__ ^>'pfcj||^ Staw Oasbniere Jackj^s'ftoro f f-mM .- .r"-T---i -- -:>' .-':= Stribpd sUfcB reduced-to $7 oents.:- Striped (Crrenadines W 10'cents, Strii>ed and Plain Lineu.-to/iO eta. PaPiBols:frooa 15j cents/ji ;-" .-^' Black ancL Oolflred Lnstrea ft-oiB: ' 12Lceit3v-j ' - -f " - - -. .- V"--'. :!.. Taljtle Iiirieis, Bed.-.CJuiltB/Tuble Napkins, Sheetings, B*|?f? ling wiU he Offered at^iirikmg prices. ^ Ck>ljOt^.^hiiiiftg:frpm 1 Omenta. A lot of"Woolen. Tweed| Linen . - .i-IfciWts r $i-esbfarili Sew. SS4J*E* 835' :X- " .-'W^^a '1K-'<- ^1 Sashl i-'.L-.'.'. ;-: Soitafrow^SO. 1.00 to :i^---:&semii 60 ints. Colored an^ White press" Shirts froja -$*& A fpB JjO^ot iADtES TJ^piiRGLOT^NG W bo_.SA0I. 'rji.-^ 7:s. >> ':- ' Tbia'Sale>; is -,no 0|B i^P>- = ^t -r '" i r. Gu?lpb, Jjojoe iJSJi Bcdnced ipriccs xMEost B Ca^fc^ ~_-: J' :L?5a ;iir.<- m- r \'U

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