Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1876, page 2

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~v A -Wte-.>-afc ** *<***+ r | .r B** *V 1.1 i ! i i THE FREE PRESS, ACTOtf, WALTON COUNTY, pNT., OCTOBER 10, mUG MITON FREE PRESS Published Every Thursday Mi>min. J. H. HACKING, Prdpnetw. ~ . SI Per Annum in Advance JOS M HACKINCJ tOITOR EASTERNJJUESTION. - On the Eve of a War. a <jl6oiy rEELINO IN CIRCLES. FINANCIAL ~i Tnctauuv XLmimno. Oct 19, 1876. Tho war ne 8 has become of a most exciting character. Every -ijmrttom now points to tie almost immediate commencement of la genet al European conflict on a tre mendous scale. It is reported that war between Russia tied Turkey Baa virtually commenced, and" that farther diplomacy on the part of | the other Powers wa8 no longer of any avail to avert the catastrophe. <Srcafc excitement is reported in London financial circles and on the Stock Exchange. One of the lead _ingLondon papers insists thatGrent Britain must wqge war from one end of the vrorkl to the other rather than allow the Russian flag-to be hoisted at Constantinople. A meeting of the English puliament has Been, called, in consequence of the grave aspect of affair1!. Soct^ WEttiJRSTox. The nom ination for this constituency, t fall the seat in tho Local House caused by the appointment- nf FT Gow, Esq., to-'the shrievalty of Welling ton, took pi sice at Guelpli on Fri day List, Mr, James M:issie, of Guelph, was the Reform candidate, and tbeir-being no opposition offer ed, he was declares elected by ac datuntion. Mr. Mussie is an active, energetic business' man, who has worked bard for the party, will do eredit to South Wellington in the Local Legislature. , Thk Lewsxatcbe. It is- now definitely: known that the Local Legislature will not meet till thi> first week in January, The ease in dispnte between tie Great Western and Hamilton and -North-western Railway Companies, relative t<j thecrossingnear Welling ton Square, was argued before the Railway Committee of the Privy Council lastgThursday. The deci sion reported yesterday is to the effect that treJL k N. W. Railway abould""be allowed to cross the Great Western track en & level. Tlr"j matter now being set at rest, it h probable the crossing will be effect ed without further delav. Mr. Kenneth Mackenzie, Q C Las been appointed to the Judgeship of the York County Court, rendered vacant by the death of Judge Dag- gan. This,Judgeship, comprising as it does the Metropolitan District, is the most important one in the Province. j: L Mr. Potter baa resigned the Presi- on account of Hisa#n-*>r>mivt -:>i. k^. colleagues. A treaty has been signed by the Black Hills' Indians, handing over that territory fcr tihe United"States. Tbereported death_of Commodore Tandebilt is cerh&idicted. Demonstrations are being made in Athens in favour of warlike pre parations. Sixty nine horsea, wereshippel to England from MoStreason Satur day, by the steamship Dominion. At the Centennial Exhibition, GiiadA has carii>-d off the sweep stake-% prize for rb.e best Boar and Co'.h*old Sheep on the ground. Tne By law which was submitted to the latepajsers of Guelph -on 'Monday, for the purpose of raising $30,000 by debentures, for street improvements, *as defeated for the second time. LOKDOK, Oct. 17. Tho Pall Stall Gazette in n lending ruticlfr contends that Ru&siu i* nt present actually at ur with Tin key, and that any, further efibrtS; at diplo macy are useless*. Tlie cortes|>ondeat of tho Times at Belgrade, discussing the situa tion, says ; Every diplomatic agent here believes wu are on tho eve of a great Eastern war. Tho only difference of opinion among them is as to wiother it will commence in the spring, or almost immediately. All outward indications seem to favor the latter idea, which would give Russia and Servia great advan tage. Strange rumors are current concerning the intended ac'ion of Austria. On Sunday semi official intelligence reached Belgrade that the Emperor of Austria had inform ed the Czir that Austria would re main neutral, and would make no objection [to a certain limitation- of one of the Christian Provinces of Turkey. The St Petersburg Journal,'a semi official paper, says : There are indications thaV the ]ieoplo- of Con stantinople regard war hs unavoid able, and welcome Russia's decision to finish the mutter without delay. The meeting of Russian statesmen at Lavadin indicates a crisis in our politics. This meeting represents official Russia assembled in t iow of the Bosphorus and the seat of war, f A St. Petersburg letter to the Times, dated Oct. ll.sajs: "Doubt less the general impression here is that Russia- is on the eve of the long wishedXov stiugglo with Tur- key. -' A special" to- the Times from Vienna .states that the English and "French Governments, especially the former,, have decidedly pronounced Tor the acceptance of tbVaix months' armistice. Austria is inclined to do so likewise, and lias asked Ger- minj's opinion, which, however, hns not yet been given. Italy, en Wm,^ pressed by England to give a dttinite reply, says it does notwant ia any way to-anticipate Servia's decision, as it regards an armistice as disadvantageous to Servia-. A Reuter telegram from Buchar est announces .that a convention has been concluded between the Rou-_ manian and Russian railway com panies, by which the former under take- to hold in readiness at the dis posal of Russia sufficient trains to transport four thousand troops daily. A despatch from Vienna to the Reuter Telegram Company says it is believed in well informed circles here that an alliance between Aus tria and Russia is on the point,of being concluded, according to w hich Russia, in the event of Turkey's re- fusing-a short armistice, would en ter on military intervention:, while Austria would remain neutral. Russia'would not permanently oc copy the Turkish Provinces, but should events lead to the overthrow tension' of territory as she might claim oil the grounds of commercial and general interests. ThetZVnt&j, in a leading article, points out that peace or war de pends on a prompt reply by the Porte to Russia's demand for a six weeks' armistice. i The Times repeats its arguments in favour of/ the Powers urging Turkey to accept Russia's demand. A Reuter telegram from Vienna reports that the Austria Govern ment has not approved of thePorte'a proposal for a long armistice. On the contrary it is understood that Count Andrassy will support the steps taken by Russia in favour ot a shorter armistice, and v> ill second Russia's action, in harmony with the alliance. less, immediate tnen that of Ger- t many, Austria, and Franop, and we ' may await with equanimity ovon tho outbreak of war, but there may Vie point nt which the regard for the well-being and the reputation of tho llritish-Empiro would neces sitate a resolute attitude." Tho I Times' Belgrade despatch *nys Germany's atitude is not un derstood by diplomatists. Bismarck is supposed to bo. biding his time with the view of assisting, if the opportunity offtrs, itLthe disruption of tho Austiiau Empire. Thft'Vienna correspondent of the 7Yme ays: " Now that there is -no longer any misunderstanding re garding tho real moaning of the English indignation meetings over the atrocities in Bulgaria, it is re membered that even single handod, England's opposition may bo more eflectu|t than any other Power. Apart .from her superiority at so*, her land forces are a very different condition from what thoy were at the outbreak of the Eastern war." LATER. " London, Eng., Oct. 18, 15:30.- At this hour the Stock Exchange is greatly, excited, and it "is almost impossible to give accuratejquota- tions. | Russian securities have, de clined ,seven, making a fall o(f near ly twenty within a week.. War between Russia and Turkey is con sidered as already begun, and it is generally believed that other powers will become involved. A commer cial and financial crisis in Russia and consequent heavy fall in Rus sian eiphnnge, adds to tho confu sion. HALTON COUNTY 8H0W. , (Cimclvrtrd from Jirtt page. KIIUIT, ETC. Collection of apples A. O. Dean, 2d J/, and W. Hume, 3d S. Poacook. Baldwins 'J. T. Brckin. Roxbury Sunset Goorgo 1 Pell. Spitcnbwgt-tf. T. Biekin. I Not thorn Hpy lS. R. Hunter.) Rhode Island greening J. T. Brekin. ltibston pippin j-J. T. Brekin. King of Tompkins county A. O. Dean. American golden russet 5. T. Brekin. Red Canada Mrs. J. Thomas. Snow apple Mrs. Thomas Pominegreeso J^ T. Brekin. Gold en pippin A. O. Dean. Any other winter variety Mrs. J. Thomas. Collection pears Mrs. J. Thomas. PLANTS AND FLQWERS. Collection of flowers J. Thomas. Collection in pots Mrs. Tasker. Boquet/ for' table John Sproat. Hand boqiiet A. Sproat. Boquet of everlastings Mrs. ThomasJ Punsies J, S. Preston. Fuchia in flower Mrs, McKindsoy. Cactus Mis. McKindBey. Collection of annuals in bloom Mrs. Thomas. Coxcombs Mrs. Thomas. Double, rinnias Mrs. Tasker. Stock Miss McCal-1 lura. Geraniums Miss Willmott.i Judges of Fruit, Plants, Flowers, etc., Messrs. W. W. Koo, Durkio, land1 McBnno. , FINE ABTa ANB'LADIES' WORK, TWo> Ouclpi lIfn Killed on their way ' o Plilladel^hla. . Tho snd int( lligerice waj reoeived in Guelph or Monday |thut two well known re lidonts of that town had been kille 1 while on"}iieir wy to tho PInlaiolphiR exhibition. Their names w sre Robt. "WVRobert- sdn, son of Adam Roberliaon, Enq., and Nowton Cnssitt, BOA of Mr. Levi Cossitt, the formerWged aliout twonfy-five yinra and the latter ubont sovonteen yenrs, It appears^ from tho teleg aphio despatches re ceived that t le y<>ung- men were going from on i car jto another, just as tho train was passing a Bhnrp curve at a rap d rate, and a sudden jerk of the cats threw them off the platform, aligl ting on their heads." Young Cossilt was ktjlled instantly and Robertsoi died i| a few hours. Tho bodies wire taken to Guelph yesterday anc buried by the St. Andrews and Caledonian societies of which tbey were both highly es teemed memb srs. . nrrortand ludir ()po Hint will euro KOK. Tmw great wnaiehc<4, early decay Ac, I will seiitl a roc you, BRISKS iOK OHA------- -,-.- romoily wiw tllncovercl by a mlfilonnry In South Am rten. B<fiuaneir-iuJ<lri*iifd nvt-lopo to tho tttty. Joasrn T. iTfMAV, Btatlon il, Blblo Horarj, N^w Xork- City. 187& InfTurln(t trnm tt>e crctian i of >ouiu,norvinm |i Ions of mjinln od, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LINCOLN AND LEICESTER HEEr FOB MALE. Tho undersigned 1 as several Shear ling Rams and Knm Iambs for sale, on his promises at Ac tan. Some of them have taken tlie Exhibitions. 0, 8. SMITH. Acton, Oct. 16, 187C. -? Of PART' In nearing tho be me of Mr. Scott, op Latge photograph-W. H. Kahrs,1 the 8th line, t le'younglad that was ' A verdict of manslaughter has has" been returned at the London Assizes against Grant, who shot his grandson at Dorchester. "In the Kent-Howie homicide case the Grand Jury returned "no bill." At St Catharines, Vanderlip, charged with having caused the death oT Roger Murphy, wa# acquitted, the medical evidence bWing strongly in Lis favour. Erin Fall Show. The annual Exhibition of the Erin Agricultural Society was held on the Society's grounds at rErin Village, on Tuesday. The day be ing very fine, there was a very large turn-out of people, estimated to be from 2,500 to 3,000. In Jvery respect, the fihow may , be said io have been a perfect success, with the exception, probably, of the small number of team horses ex hibited. There were a good many fine looking corts and joung horses, -and & large number of superior cat tle and sbeep^ In roots, grain and dairy proiluce, the show far excelled ' any other we have seen this year, ' and in ladies' work and the fine arts there was an excellent display. Indeed Erin's reputation for its superior exhibitions was ftdly "sus- We will publish the prize tained. list lext week. i Tho yellow fever epidemic nt Savannah appears to be on the do- crease. There were only three in terments on this account on Mon day. Several vessels -were lost during the recent galea off tho coast of Now Brunswick. L-ctures are being delivered in Western Ontario, on the origin of the movement, and the ui6ral, social, and financial benefits of tlie Grunge system. , The story reported by an Ottawa paper JDf an outrage upon a school mistress in Rarnsay township is pro nounced untrue. A new kind of cloth, recently got out from some of our Canadian roillr has been named Big Push. It is understood to be a fine cloth with a fine sarface glosa, but of coarse tex ture, and with a large admixture of shoddy. Mr. Charles Andrews, of Aurora, had his-face injured by the bursting of a gun one day last week. Forgery, frand, and flight briefly describe tee doings of Wm Johnston late of the fourth line, Toionto township. , Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y., preached at the opening of the new Methodist church, in Ottawa, on Sunday, and succeeded in raising $20,000. | I Byan, who murdered his wife at Peterboio'last spring, wasonThurs day tried, convicted, and sentenced to be banged on the 21st prox Woodward, Tweed's late partner, has been jointly indicted with the " Boss" for forgery in too third de gree, i ThemanBlanchet,wha is charged with having caused the great fire at St. Hyacinthe recently, has made his escape from>the gaol in that place, in company with, another prisoner. A most extraordinary robbery took place Sunday night in Mon treal. Lazarus' pawn shop, on Notre Dame street was entered and ?20,- 000 worth of-jewelry and dia- jmonds stolen from the safe which 'was left open. ' The Judiciary" Committee of the Canadian Association of base ball playeis wilt'meet in Hamilton shorts to decide which elub is entitled Fatal Runaway Accident Erin. On Sunday evening about 9 o'clock, a son if the Rev. H. Reid, Baptist minis *r, with his father, motheri and sister, was driving a span of young horses .attached to a wagon, and th )y gave Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott a rid ) with tjhem. When A Reuter Berlin telegram states to the Canadian champion pennant that Russia's telegraphicdispatch re jecting the Porte's proposal is dated Oct. 14^ and is as follows: " We regard a sat months' armistice us unnecessary and unfavou'rableto *he conclusion of the durable peace which we desire.1 We are no tin a position -to exercise upon Servia and Montenegro pressure to obtain their consent to such a prolongation in their uncertain and difficult ]>osition. We consider that the financial, and commercial condition ot Europe, which is already unbearable, would suffertstill more by such a post ponement. Wei must insist on an armistice of fouf or six weeks, with provisions that it be further f-----------f---------....... Pro longed-should the progress of nego tiations render it necessary. London, Oct, 1& The Stand ard-^ special despatch from Vienna announces that a Russian courier has just arrived with a second letter from the Czar to the Emperor of Austria. I Letters from Odessa report that 5,000 men has arrived from the fortifications of that city, and of other' places near the sea shore. The Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphs the following: " I have just been informed that Eng land, France, and Italy have de clared their acceptance of the five months' armistice, and have ap- ppinted delegates to take part in drawing up the line of demarcation. Austria has not yet made her de claration." A leading article in the Times, reviewing the situation, concludes ' as follows: " England's interest is this year. Quite a sensation occurred in two family circles in Hamilton, on Sat urday last, , between two married men n*med Burke and Krudson, who resided in tho same house. The former is a brakesman on the G. W.R, and of course had occasion to be from home a good deal. When he returned in the evening he learnt that his wife had eloped with Krud son, taking with them the youngest and eldest children, and one hun dred dollars in money. The old man Thomas Grant, con victed of manslaughter in Bhooting his grandson in the Township of Dorchester, has been sentenced to five years' imprisonment in the Penitentiary. He is a very old and feeble man, and looks as if he could not long survive. On Friday morning a man, who gave his name as John Hyde, was found lying near a whiskey'barrel in Mr. Allan's distillery, Guelph. The room in which he had been found had not been opened since the Saturday before, and as -there were no signs of a forcible entrance having been made, he must have7 been in there since that date, sub sisting on whiskey, which he man aged to secure from a tap in the bar rel. He was in such a helpless condition that he had to be conveyed to the police court in a cab, where be was sentenced to twenty one days imprisonment. He was badly in want of medical treatment, which he received at |tbo hands of the goal surgeon. ' J 2d O. A. Hemstreet. Collection of, photographs W, H Kahre, 2d G. A. Hemstreet. Portrait in oil Mrs. J. A. Fruzer, 2d P. Moffatt, Land scape painting in]oil L. Willmott, 2d G. Boak, (Augusta Harrison recommended). Painting in waten colors W. Harrison. Pencil draw j ing Julia Mason, 2d Rebecca Bessey, (R. S. Hall recommended). Crayon drawing Rebecca Bessey, 2d Miss A. Mason, (Miss E. Deaiij recommended). Farmers' wreath Moore and Johnson. Wnx shell woik Mrs. G. C. McKindsey, Wealth hair flowers Mrs. James McKerlie. Stuffed bird? and ani mals H. J. Bakor. Patchwork quilt Mis. W. Hutcheon, 2d Mihb A. Stuart, 3d Miss E R. Hunter. White quilted quilt Misa McGre gor, 2d Mrs. W. Hutcheon. Silk ]>atchuoik quilt Mrs. T. J. Chis- holm,2d Mis. R. Brackin. Ciotchet work quilt Miss H. Brackin 2d Mrs. A. Bell. Kuitted quilt Mrs. S. Mason, 2d Miss C. M. Parks. Tufted quilt-Mrs. E. Miller, 2d MibS McGregor. Crotchet work Mrs. G, C. McKmdsay, 2d Miss Hay, Crotchet shawl Mrs. C. M. Parks. Fancy knitting Miss Gordon, 2d Miss Parks. Darned netting Mrs. Tasker, 2d Miss J. Hay. Knitted cushion or sofa pillow Mrs. D. Mc- Gibbon. Silk patchtfoik Mrs. McKindsey. Eaibroidery on mus lin Miss Pu^ks. 2d Miss Murnsou. Tatting Miss Hay, 2d Miss Parks. Oinanental needlework Mrs D. W Campbell, 2d Miks Goidon. Worsted work Miss M. A. Cross, 2d Miss McGregor. Raised Beilin wool woik J. M. Fields, 2d Miss Hemstreet. Plain Berlin wool woik Mrs. Tusker, 2d Mrs. Mc- Kindsuy. Raised German wool flowers Miss Hemstreet. Shell woik Miss Gardner. Braiding on -Stuff Mm Tasker, 2d Miss J. Mason. Braiding on muslin Mrs. McKiiid- sey. Gussini netting Miss Hc|y. Lace woik Mrs. Miller. Point lace Miss Gordon. Lupine Miss Parks. Silk embroidery Mrs. D. W, Campbell. Net embroidery Miss Switzer. Ladies' bonnet Barclay and Lindsay, 2d Mrs. T. Patterso! Velvet hati* Barclay and Lindsaj 2d Mrs. ,T. Patterson. Cloak Mjrs. Patterson, 2d J. Hollinrake. Ladies' cap J/ra. Patterson. Felt hat and Lindsay. Ladies' fur Mi T. Bastedo. Judges. Mrs- Secon Acton, Mrs. Noble, Miltqn, Mr. Tai Ladies \York. Mrs. C. Anderson,1 Oakville, Miss Young, Georgetown,' Miss Christie, Acton. SPECIAL PHIZES. Best band, 10, given by Sam Cook, of the " Thompson House," 1st prize Oakville band, 2d prize of $5,-.Milton band. Ten pounds butter, 86, given by W. J. Robbi- boo Mrs. W. C. Beaty. Horse and buggy, $5, given by W. D Lyon Jos. Harrison. " Kenneth " colt, any age, $2, given by J. A. Frazer Alex. Hume. Patch quirt of 1876, $2, given by Wm. Steirn MiBS A. Bell. Woolen mirts, 5, given by W. L P. Eager Mi3 A. Cbisholm. Water melon, $2, given by Geo. Stoddard James Thomas. Span horses, any class-, S10, giveni by Robson and Brothers Joseph Brownridga 43pan Roadsters, $2, given by Caverhill and'Waldie . W. H. Walker. Seneca or Claw- son wheat, $2, given by John Dun can Walker Bros: Durham bulli $5, given by John.Eothergill Ti Boak. Light buggy, $2, given by John Iforsball Culp<kMcKenzie. " Terror " colt, any age, 820, given by John White John White. Assortment of family machine knitting, consisting of One pair woolen mitts, twb pair socks, and two pair stockings, 85, given by the Franz <fc Pope Knitting Machine Manufacturing Co., of Georgetown Miss A. Hartwell. [The work which took first prize was done on a Franz & Pope knitting machine, in competition with the Lamb knittejr.] ' Heavy freight trains are passing over the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce line at the preaeni, time. "Vel, Flits, vot you dmk, you ehust can get < Ireo pounds of goot Tea for von dollar, torth"some more as fifty conts for \on >ound at Secord Bros., wo/t keeps the fhcnp cash store nut the corner, and th iy sell eighty cent Ta for tifty cents aJpound." " Vel, vel, ish dot so, the 1 anger I lives tho more I finds bj jimminy fcrackey ouat I takes driving, on looking over the dash board to see if anything was wrong, the horsos gavs a sudden start and pitched him outj injuring him very little. Tho animals becoming frightened das iejd off,l upsetting the wagon pants out. A! r. Scott was instantly killed, the fat] it is thought break ing his neck Mrs. Scott received some bad cut 3, Mihb Rind had an aim broken, irlrs. Raid a shoulder dislocated, anc the rev. gentleina^i was severely , shaken. The horses continued running I until they reached hom<. The son of Mr. Reid, who w;ls almost, nninjured, secured help and the injured ones^ \\e| 10 cared foi, while the body ot Mr. Scott v-is taken to his late home which ' i*us only a shd-t dis tance "ofT. TI o sad event has cast quite a gloom over the neighborhood and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones Mercury. - ~ i STRAW AND FELT HATS JDOIVE OTEB, * And made up in the latest stylo. All orders promptly attended to and satis faction Riven in all coses. Residence on -Main Street, opposite the Presbyter- Church. MilS. S. L. PEER. Acton, Oct. 11, J676.________lS-5t TjTOECUTORS' NOTICE. Any parties having any claim against tho estate of tho late Henry Ryder, of tho Township of Esquesing, will pleaso hand them in by the first day of Janu ary next.1 And all parties owing tho estate of tho said late Henry Ryder, are requested to pay the same on or be fore tho first day ni January next. C. 8WACKHAMMER, \ Exccnto JAMES MATTHEWS, \ *-xccatOTB- MARY RYDER, Executrix Esquesing, Oct. 4, 1876. 14-3t TjlttS If ALE A DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF ACTON. Tho executors of thl estate of the Jatef Samuel Wordcn, offer for sole that de sirable property situated on the corner of Agnes and John streets, consisting of two jiots, on which there are a good frame house and barn, also some fruit trees. For terms apply to JOHN SHAW, I JOHN WARREN, Acton, Sept. 27, 1876. 13-tf Executors. SHALL FARMS for Sale in Eramou and Erin. Tho undersigned offers to sell his farm, being the East half of Lot No 3 in the 7th concession of the Township of Eramosa, comprising obout 63 acres, about 40 of which nre under cultivation. Good log house and barn, orchard, etc. It is situated about midway between Act-on and Rockwood. Also part of Lot No. 2, in 7th con. Eramosa^compneinj? 28 acres Also part of Lot 3, in the 1st oon. of Enn, comprising SO acres. For particulars, enquire of Mr. Wm Hem- Street, Auctioneer. Rockwood, Or the owner on the premises. JOHN McINTOSH. Eramoso, July 19, 1876. 3-3m AUCTION SALES. Thursday, Oct. 26th, sale of farm stock and implements on the premises bf Mr Robert Kail, lot No. 24, 4th cob, Nassagaweya ; VtiUinm Hemstreet, Auctioneer. Friday, Oct '. 7tb, sale of farm stock and impleme jts, on the premises of Mr Daniel Thompson, lot No. 21, 2d con. Esques ng. Wm. Hemstreqt, Auctioneer. Tuesday, Oct. Jllst, sale of farm stock and impleme ats, on the premises of Mr. Jas. Crcbton, Lot 20, 1st con. of EtqUesinB. G. Gibbs, Auctioneer. Tifcsoar, iti,,-. xa*%,, Sale OI Durham and Grade (!attle, Horses and Farm Implements, on the premises 6f Mr. Thos Easton lot No. 27, oth Nossa- gaweya. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. [Parties gett ng sale bills printed atf tho Free Pees? office, may have a no tice similar to t io above free of charge,] Flour ACT^N HAKKETg. .. 82 50 to 2 75 White Wheat New Fall W'healt.. Spring Wheat, < Jlasgow .. New Spring Wheat Barley ... Barley, No. 2 Oats Peas Apples Onions .j Potatoes, per big Butter ... Eggs. Turkeys . Geese Ducks Chickens .. Hajy, per ton Bacon Ham .... i Shoulder.,. Lambskins.. Pelts ...J Cow hides J 1 00 toO 10 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 10 4 0 75 to 0 76 0 C8 to 0 70 0 35 to 0 00 0 65 to 0 70 0 40 to 0 70 1 00 toO 00 0 50 to 0 60 0 20 toO 22 0 12 t^0 14 0 OOtoO 00 0 06 to 0 07 0 06 to 0 07 0 05 to 0 06 8 00 to 0 00 0, 10 to 0 12 0 12 to 0 15 01 10 to 0 12 0 50 to 0 75 0 20 to 0 65 0 04to0 00 Epps' CoooaJ Grateful ano Com- = - porting. "Bj a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a carefu I application of the fine properties of wall selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provit ed our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by he judicious use of such articles of diet i hat a constitution may be gradually bui t up until strong Snough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sul tie maladies are floating around us reai !y to attack -wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shi ,ft by keeping ourselves well fortified wi ;h pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Oazette. Sold o dy in packets labeled "James Epps &. Co , Homraopathic Chemist, 48, Tl reodueedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." Many Yean of Careful Re search hi is produced itl Wood's Improved Hair Restorative Is unlike any ether, and hns no equal. The Improved bis hew vegetable tonic properties; reto e grey hair to a glossy natural color; r< stores faded, dry, barsh and falling hair ; restore*, dresses, gives vigor to the rmir restores hair to prema turely bald head i; femovesdindrun*, hu mors, scaly eruptions; removes lrrlta Hon, itching ar d tcaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful efteots Try it, cal^ tor Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put ofTwith any other article. Sold by ail druggiBts In this place at id dealers everywhere. Trade supplied a: manufacturers' prlos by O. A. Coos * ( o., Chicago, Sole Agents- tor the United Sates and Canadas,nd, by L.YHAX Baos, & Co., Toronto. -^>L - - kzrss* iwsstwsasw TVSSOLHTION The partnership luth< rto existing be tween the lmdcrH'gritd . cw tilers, in the village 'f Aoton, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. All liabili ties of the firm to be die changed by Gecv Hynds, jr., to whom ill payments of outstanding accounts ars " GEORG Witness Geo. Hikiih, to bo made. CHARtlES FTYNDS. |E HYNDS, Stnr. Dated, Acton, Oct. 5 ;h, 1876 Ttt reference to the above, the nnder- signcd while returning thanks far ther liberal pitronage recen-ed by the later firm, would state that he will continue to carry on the Jewelry ^Btteiness i in the same stand. B<nn^ a practical watchmaker he hopes t<'merit the con- tinued favors of tho jmqlic. A good - stock of Watches, Clo< ka and Jewelry always on hand. r GEORGJE HYNDSt Jr. GKR-A. AMMOTH -OF NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. Our mugnificent stock of ^ew goods now to hand, comprising ajl the law' styles and Mo$t Fashionable Assortment of 0oods fa WQsterci Canada. We. have been very successful m buyinj and getting opened out, wbks, upon inspection, will he, \te are sure, The Cheapest Lot cf Pry Goods in Canada. If Jr^ Mori tfeyl J3*p| 'SigA u- "pa one! Wej ask J tana UsTID DISPIAI xo the Ladies. A. Zt&rgo & Elegant stooik: Fall and Winter DRY GOODS AKD <Ve will Fbow the largest, iinfrt,. and most extensire stock % DBESrS ffOOD^' in the [county, comprising nil the new f i*-hionil>'.e color?, in sl broton; navy bjlue, plum, prune", and hi) i tic gr en I re-s Goods. Also Black Lus tres, Par mattes, Persnn Cords, .Repps French Meuno3, Wincejmjfo Trimtriings, Tassel Fringes, COrU-*, Bulicr?j <fcc , to match all shades. Clouds, Promenade-- Ssni Bieakfit Shawls. IfooJ Squards. Polka Jacket?. Hoiieiy, (Woves, &c , In all the fashionable coJiw- ind style'. Millinery, Mangles. & Shawls. Thi* d -partment is fir ahead of all c:>mp stition. \A e h*ve thiae*M.u- Cufed he services of a lirat-cli"s milliner from New York. Ladi<jf)f<a should not-fail to see our millinery Be ;ure and call beloxe yon MantWs1 and! fcbawls we hive importe-c direct from the head pjentwof fasliior j viz.,'London, Piris and New YorL. Novelties in Flower*, Feath ers, Yv mgs, Velvets, fcilks, &c. Ladies' and Children's Fw$. No'whsre m the country is such a display ot Furs, in sable, se1,lJa>k otter, lynx and beaver sett" Fur Jack st and Fur Cape la great TM&tf. Men's Fur Caps, Fur Glove?, Fur Mittd, -eielgh -Kug, BuSalo Kphwjit. cheaper than the cneapest. ' , t Ordered .Clothing. ^^ScSS'e!" best cutter and turn out the most stylish and best fitting suits in this of the Dominion. We have just recused a splendi I loHjfei" Tweeds, which we are prepared to sell at rock bottom pncS. Cs'l our stock. It will pny you to do sc. No trouble to show onr Ready-made Clothing, Men's and Boys'* Overcoats, Ulsters, Hudson Overcasts, Boys^ Youths' and lien's Su ts, warranted the largest and cheapest stock in Canadh Our Staple Department *_. with xtra gooq, cheap goqds in Cottons, both white and grey* Fancy land Grey rlanneL?, Blanketa,_Tab e Linens, Towellmgsp&c. Qarpets, Moor Oil Rugs, Matts and Mattings, at extra low {"rices. Boots & Shoes -"* ~-*** We Would ssk a continuance of the pa ronageso Ebppalry bestofcfd us, and m return we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than ever, ( -McLJSOD, ANDSHS0N & Co, JU.AM MOTH HOUSE,/GEOB6. MILLINERY D. McNAIR'S, Call and See onr Goods and Prices. Oct. 3, I8TS. HTJPwPwAH F0H [ ^ CHEAPER JOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at the FREE PRESS OFFICE. Next tlie Feit Office, Mill Street. XX A cciv^ pnbl- erabl Wd l o: rapid -an breujj BAFwGr. THAN "&fijfc '-V iTEWI (PA.V0T BBES3 GOODS StyhslJ ar|d Cheap. NEW BLACK'LUSTRES, Extra valtie. v I NKW WINCEYS, 2o per cent less than last year"s prices.^ J White, Scarlet, Grey and Faincy FLANNEL?. ", '? 1 I Coarse TWKBD3 and ETOFFS. - ^, 11 Hollands, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling*.S -- I Factory and Bllached CO 1TONS. ^ rf-^m* ' V Hosiery, GlUes,Crochet8JidKBittingGMJl Ladles' land"Gen t's.Collare and He* ' ^Lacis, Edgings, RibbonSr^&i M A Fin Stock of Hats and Oa] In all the latest English an Also! 4 very good d American Styles. Stoc^ of General Groceries J Crockery & Glassy J If youVnrish to Save Money, don't fail to ciUla* f| G. M, SGoVife: Next door to Galloway Bpes.^Bakery, Mill S^eet, f*^?s Actor, Sept. 20lh, 1876. \ - * ^ 1- ;" - r ^|te- ^Hon-I * tflJH, I meet| -^IHti Ourl Til jJowe their I - -oajt T" ladie siie tion -a i ;I

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