Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1876, page 1

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IB.- f- vwijgj -:i, ES . -j eon;"- Jii: I i" ': !.-"! (1 " It- - rates to RIYING u JjE HING CO. regard** <* . use jot *** r" "' -i" ' ':l-'.-"' 80UJ. Ireaid u* ** "- tand 'v= andttp,-*? j t -f v n v \rr h.i-owry. m. b., ar. y> # r..r. s. UrmlusU- or Trlnitv fjHcs.AI<,Jmlv,r ot cvMrcp of I'liysiclaus ioJ Surgvolis. Mlt-LSTUKFT AVJJON. T1R- R- MORROW. Phjsl- t/ cin. Sunsivm, Ac,,ol lMU<vuo> _C<>1- i7jpv.X<>r YorK.HiMt*r!uln*t< ol "Victoria 0;1p6<\ 0.:il. CoiKallajlon Onv* Tofsa' '">' Kr.Uu>". rrohr 9n. m, t'li 4 n. iu. , Kcsidoneo West Uowt-r siroe'l, ' , __________ TAMES MATTHEWS. Ton- - *l Veyaneor ImuitoP Miirrlacc iwini.islrr. insurance _Aom, .^S'lit >l0'\v u> 1 -'Kin,-.Agent Monlr.ul T.>lr- riph C^v. O eiKKourtti t'lvistiii i-oiii-t. D. AV-tox, ONt. HENDERSON. Convev- anccr. *c, ulMi'AstOiit- Ciinuii ui:e~As-iar.i!,ico t-\\. IVods, Mfirt^gis *o, jwrvirvd iii-a'Jv, rro!at>l!y <Mrr e;ly an"l on! ro'<il>lo. terms. Vloftev t> jxaii on Mortgage .security, otjico Oliijovr Uoass1. Acton. J_ D. MATHESOX. Attorney- uio,.)"v, ttc. Offlse-CoruMoJ Mala uuJ-Cliurcu Su**ts. Ucorcrtovra, . i PPLEBE & SIMPSON, ,/X^ ; Barristers. A.ttorhe>-^i-lJiw; S>- Bcltof la Cuuncerjr, Conveyancers, dc. .J|*ln Street, IiUjugltumx. rem. fcAIDLAW; Barrister. J J AlKTuej'-at-I-aw s< lienor in rMi*i>eer\>j!tc- OHJci-s:-~j>-Jiaiuil:<in. k" {C n street; Sltiioii. Main stri---:. i he Milura urTlet? Wia t**-anJer *he:!u.t.i:it, sient f t'.V. Cunubsll. an-i Mr l.ifl- Jtr \riil Kleud at Jne."Miltua oGlcv oa Friday b..'e*<-ti week. , Harness shop. E. K. COOK Having -purchased tho utock'and eooit \villof the business lately carried mi hi- Mr.J. V". IVmpsey, boRs'to nnnnunro toUie jnlL"liit;tiitj<>( AuU>n and vicinity, thntlio will omtimui tlu>- harness' luisi- ties* in tlie same premises, Old Post JMllrc Itiiildiux, Mill : ~ Street. Acton, where ho ia jvrejvti'oil to turn out workr ] seun> to iiouv.m the IKvminimi, Kiii.t;.v; ! ]>rflbtu;:tl wVrkluan of ensiiU'r;il>le x- ' perietiee.. All work ilone jirtunytly nnil | .asehfc.tfi aa tlio ehe.iivejt.' On liiiiul sy j Jfirgji" .iml v"*U sekjteil .-tttK-k of ! U:trnr, . Horse jRlnnkel., Trunks, j Whip., Uru.Iir<, Couib, Vc. I l^e^airiiiL: promptly atteii'tlijtl to. K. K. COOK. A'etoh, Sept. 2t>, 1S76. H EXR.Y, t. DJBAJiE, i' SLEIGHS':. - iNsnuxci: istvr, crEtpn, A;cat for.tiie XU-rcant'le iuij \V u^rloo. Ali bn^iue^is eiitrusfetl :o uls e;ire'i 1 Lie J fiiih:'u!:v uiuaJo! to. . iAulvis.t>y ihuil oJifilfU, H. L.I>KaKC j PATENTS for INVENTIONS'; vx v n":i>'ilji- anil .prtj,*r>>". iurnl > ;|u C411..J t, I!.^ U:ilU--t ^i^Xei :i?kJ tur.tiH.-, j fat*at j-iur^iilevtl ir no ciiurye. ^"mJ ( -for|Hme-i i^-lr-ot:o*i>. Aj;^uiy iuoJH-r- tU^is.vtar-v lIK>'tii (.Jt.X^T. :u\ta, thum.l.i, Mecl^nieui E:isin'ecr;-!so"Jei.iir; ol l*.i t^i:i& and U.-.iu^h NSKin. Xow is tho time toSleaVo your o.nlcr ^t J. Ryder's Pactary for a ' Stylish trnftrr or Serviceable ' i SlciSIi. j I am lr.akinj: up a. large stock for .the 1 earning tcasou, from the bust materi;il; \v XILLIA3I WATSilNS, C: t lT/v H.vais Ctilk'rA lisvrr Harr|-f Lirrn.'ir^ tlc. ' ' .j "U? Koy'al At, ointuieiil.) ; B^:nei>s p: ivule.:i!.U c^ii.rKlei:ti:il ' tjjSc^.at 1U0- 4*o"at *.'U2ee, tiUiiwliilam. jVaiiJtj'ilalten. ; . M RS. S. -CAETEXE. Trarirr om.Ic,.DrawIns and Frcacti. ." _ . ' Cti'^rcii i*ree:, .-Vi-f p. Act' __L. 01 |LIVES LOZIEEAI?IasSr4:er, Acu>:i, '.^i'- >.>vry leser.!> i >n o. rt"-rt"g and K<K:s':i-ca,.;ii.^ jdoi.o mi .tbr nl'SL reaxJruible lejms. an j >uUr>l:iC- lioireuardntsvd. r Mv' pfeeut st<uk of BUGGIES AND WAGONS win Lc:=oM oil very cheap. .. ^{y^^ y 5 gooi.1 time to sccurt Icagaius. Strict attention.;;!veil to 2orsc-i.C5::ir &- GoacrtI SiaoS- C'heni* Bread. GALLOWAY BfeOS. ARE STILL AHEAD, Ami wo intend to keep bo with our , . Bocad, Buns, and Calces, ' I 1'elivereil frenh around tho :viU.igi! mid vicinity every day. AigooiC stock of BREAD. BUNS Al^D qAKES Always on hand rtt oui) Knkery, good, .'- fresh and cheap fcjr cashl NO (RElilT [GIVEN, Kxoopt to prompVp-'iyina monthly cus- toinera. I All kinds of l'roducol taken in ex change for i;o0d9. , : ; -Weight for weight givcu iu bread in exchange for llour^j ;.~'" WEDDING & FANCY CAKES Made to order in [the shortest possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. X.U. All goods [are warranted pure as nothing but the best of material is used. The-patronage of the public is rei-pectfully solicited. . oUt.LOVYAY URO.S. Aeton, Aug. P, 1S7C . LIVt. Liviiigfriendly, feeliiig friendly, _ Acting fnivly to all .men, Seeking to do that to others They niay do tb niu ngain, -Hating lioiiian, scorning no man, Hut forbearing, soothing, serving. Thus 1 live and this my creed. Harsh condemning, fierce contC'luning, . Is of little Uliristian use, Dnu.iuift word of kindly iicnco Isworth a torrent uf abuse; falling things bad, calling men bad, Adds but darkness to their night, If thou wouldst improve thy brother lA't thy goodliest bo his light. " 1 have felt nndknow how* bittor Human coldness makes tho world, Kv'ry bosom around me frozen, * >'ot an eye with pity pearl'd ; , Still my heart with kindness teeming Ulad when ojlher hearts are glad. And my eyes a tear-drop tindeth. At tlie sight of otUers sad." Ah ! bo kind life has. no Bccrtit Vor our happiness like this ; Kindly hearts are-seldom sad unci. Blessing ever bringeth blis*. I.endi a helping hand to others, . Snule, tho' all tho world should frown. Man is man, we all are brothers, lil.'iek or white, red or brown. 'Man is man, through all gradations. Little recks it where he stands, How divided iiito nations, " !. Scattered over many lauds ; Man is man by form and feature, Man bjf vice and virtue too, Man iu all one cumnion nature Speaks and binds us brothers true. EAP BREAD C" fob :the; million Act; n, > ept. "-'7 J AM IIS ItiTti.U ;ydki:. A JT0N FLOIE MILLS. E.4 E. .MCKfclS, IV',]>r!otcrs. Floor an 1 l-'e-:-^ hJivuvs on h:.nd. wholf ij - tfciii . C-sli or aLJ-tin lso-.'i'r In. - 'tfN'DEfiTAKJNG. Tlu t:nC!vrsiu".!'<-il begs.leave-to ;:ifi>rm the peojde 'J* Aetou anil vicinity .that he uili furnish T.n , f Requisites in rndertakizssr KO^SlN ". t'jO : lo i - liu; jnUi.e. II03 Sfc. Acton. U>- G. T. lia^\i-.t\ ^uilio:*. ::iRl>i.i:ii u lor uJ( I'r:i\e! ' rUU-.i AM. 1U;;.L, i-roj-r. j Jf.r,,-^' oh short iiu;icc and reasonable terms ;;cau be liad DOMINION HOTEL. Acton, j li-ueri. a^iiuw, . Vru^rieior.liii.-- 1 n Hoitrl U at <--! a,> In- (irsi-cle^.' $jy!c --iin iic lurii.tiir.-. t'ojjin.irt'ial , . T^tv#-Mei>. wi l^Ld^oi^ ;.<eor. ii.. ii.iio^i' j mvi.e-'Zntiw-Aiiini^ .s.t:u;ti- r;.yiins. s-i_K ei trl.:-0-; ;-'il ,toth- vji.-j.h'o' i>-tj>l'1'i'-ll. -I . Atso-tliat he -hen Vm D r>l. r Mlf'P 1^- ' W;l ll I l.e-- ;nr_- *-~zjo L S :;Uiit;*t rs. . - 1- ! it .::d( Ifns'Vullic, '!' ': L:ipani;i--J Ci: 'TOTH. HEHSTUEET, . Licaussd" Auctioneer jr"Qf the Co_ii',ie> or Weill 1 gtou ;,nd ni.l- Ua urltrs 1- I at. tUe Kkke ri:i^-s Ufflce, Act^i-. or at my r^."-l'-:eiioeF in Koc*wro.*J,;\Fii; ti*ryrwiytf} iittei.det' U>. Terms reaiiniaiiln;.. _-' ^it n|) Stores. & OfiLpes ; In lliv tiest ^LVle.- * -; shoiv CiiKr'tr C00K < aseH and Ucsli. made to otdcrT .: PCJiXITfM: lU'PAIHED. m WiSlo-.v -street, near Main st. .-Ji,.j. . - ,- Y -.Icton, March.'20, ; M. McCANN". 1S7.('i. - ail-Cm prREHiUK. - TneTiadafeigr.c-d fc*^s to lliai toracn; f tr^Jof lineral r*rirvna:_ idurine tuti yU.~l suihiai-r; aj;d would .-ay i'^lllat ke l^^iw j.r^i-arC'd Nsn p|dV an_ad- ' '4iliGiiUI ijumher>rners witn ^/^l, ;"^Hir*.fie-3i!i miik delivered evt-ry n>' rri- 3ns, lOidisri-je ivdaj- oil .SiLturfiayH. :I*ai'- . tii-s who-fec-fp <-r.v.K -U j 1 i Ji1.1l :t- jneti* - rbea|>erajjd l^ss trocble loeet milk.deli.v- :l: fred at their dr>-irs. and Uo-y w^.uld do> well CofeHtueircows arm buy tlielr mi K.. Twenty-one quart ti.cKels for $1.11 IKiid la advaace'.lor iweniv-one pint tlclcels Jorso^nt-i \ f. s. AKMSrllU-NU.- _- Aeton, Sovi. 10th, lsi5, r-, <^TEA3I'. ..k^ec-lOarriage & Wagon ..WORKS. Mais .'Street, .'- - V&etsn. 3. aE.lTICKUlT Wg to nmumncc'that they hnvo socurctV: First-GlgiSS BakerJ and that their nailing bvitineps is now iirfuM op;r.ition,.in the<; tiuned by J/rs. Hanua. i| ' Krcad v.-jll lu.- delivered daily at the houses in t!io village and vichiitv. \v~eddinpr" Call: es, . Tea Cakes, Pastrj-, Buns, &c, made in the very be.'-' alwa'vs on liaud, g'-io all kinds id' t'onfe Che.eVe, >Vc. , " t maimer, and l;cpt d aiid fresli. Also e-ii'.'Uu'rv,- lii-sctiits. , Th pectl p.ttroiia^e-of t'.ic public Ls.rcs- Ily tolititi :d. .Icton. Feb. '20, V.. k ! :. KICK1.1X. Gl ELPII AKMORV, HALTON COUNTY 81 0W. Tlie Hulion County 'Agyi itiltural Society nptwar to bo gGBOiiilly for tunnto in having fine wen .bor for their j dhow d.uygj and' iio could bo desired than T and Friday of last week. ' ?ho -pnd'dny was'especially fi vorable for out-door exhibition, anti it wus titkon udyautiigo of by nn i tb.iong of. - visitor*, i As show itself, however^ it cui.not, nt least, bo said to hnro' l^ooit better lursday nmeiiBo lor tho A Truthful, Sketch. Let a man fail in business, what un elli'iit it has: on his former;i'edi- Uri> i Jlen who huyo ta-ken hiui by the iirfn, hitighed and chatted 'with him by tho hour, shrug their shijul- ders unu pass on with it cold "l:[ow do'you do?" Every trilleof a bill is hunted tiji and jiiesented that wouldjiot liavo soeii tho light for months to cowe, but for theuis- ibi tunes of the debtor. If iPis p lid, well iiud good ; if not, the scowl of tho sheriff,perhaps uieels him at the cordu*. ' Aiuuu that has never failed knows but little of human ina- tiire." In prosperity he sails uljjng gently,, und wafted by favoring smiles and kind wurds'froiu every body. I IIo ]>i ides himself on his name and spotlets character, and nmkes his boast that ho lias not nu enemy in the world. . Alas ! tho change.;- He looks lit;tIjo world in a different light when reverses come itiponliim ; he reads suspicion on every blow. lie hardly knows how to'move or to do this thing or the other ; there are spies about him, ii writ is ieady for his back. To know \yhat kind of stulf the Avoild is made of,a person must be unfortu nate,; and st6p jmying once in his life- tinivj flf he has kind friends then theyjitrjo-.nutdo manifest. A failure is u nidrul siev.i-it brings out the whoat-Jiiid shows the chaff. A man <.in::ii..*.;.ia t.lnit good*iivoid8 and pro tended goodwill hie nut and do not constitute .real friendship. <f M ILTON MILLS. J. R. MITCHELL, Slanufacturer'of Sash, '0<iors| Blinds, Mould- jUifis, Ooor and Window frames, Piekets, etc. MICHAEL S5EIHT, , General Blacksmith, Carriage pud . Wajjou-nraker. .. Best Uorfe Sh oars, in Perfoct the Counti). satisfaction (jnarantced or 'no prico charged. First-Clans Plowsand C'ollard's Patent Iron Uarrows always on band. A good stock of Carriages and Wagons, .Repairing promptly and properly at -funded ti. ' - Acton,. July 18, 187C; tiun.smitli, Silycr-Plater, &c Wishes to inform the public that he has rembved'to -Hatch's Block, Neit door to. [Tyson's Butcher Shop AMMUNITION FOIt A1*L BREECH LOADING "ARMS. Ely A ICynoch's Cnrtrlihjo Onses and Cans'for'T ro-loadln(j same: IJo-loaders, lle-rapoers. Cap KJncUirs, Curlers, and Croasors.t'leanlng liods, and nil articles uee-essary for nHpnrlsmnii's outfit. All sorts of Repairing and Jobbing executed on tho shortest notice at. (JJuelph, -fpril27, 1870. Planing, -Scroll Work and' Matchiixj . >.. -Done to Order. JS". jjlinils 30 cents 'per foot. "2* AMI wjork delivered in ^leton free. Orders left at Secord Bros, will be ^PcJBptjy attended to. ^ , ." . r' Milt^ June G, IS70. ' '" 50-ly P TRpLLOPE' CHAPMAN, Practical; Bookbinder. H>psertptloris of Btn^ing -..'- - N^atlyj" Executed. PLANING ^rSv" "s i-. -1'^- MILLS AND -I A&ount Books of all ginds { 2fade lo Orxlcr. :._ ~: '." . feeing Prpniptly Attended-to. BlSDEEy__g^ Qeorge'sSqnjire.Guelyl.l o^0le left at the JFbee Bkk vmee noli receive prompt attention. S*2? ^- i u- p- BOWFLL it :co T*itiinr^Yo^krrQr,p llmP"16ic-f lto page StnSJSi"8.,"**, "f 3000 newspapers, a **VWltes shafting cost of ad ertis(nV. pages and Pump. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. TSOkAS EBBACJE, v ilantifacturer of ^Tikdo-w Sash., ' , Doors^ ; Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites Eoye of the Beautiful. Place!:i young gii:I-.under.tho care of- u kiini-hearled, graceful woman and she, unconsciously to herself, grnvs iiito u.giaceful lady. Phico n hoy in the establishment of a thtougli[.'oiiig straight-forward bus iness umri,_uud tho boy bec'imes a jKel'f-r'cIiaut, '[nucticul business" man. Children; are susceptible creatures and circumstances and scenes und notions always impress. As you in- fludico'tiieiii not by arbitrary rules, nor by stern exiimplo alone, but iu a thousand other ways "that Kpeak through beautiful forms, pji-elty pic tures, etc;, so they will gro v. Teach i yunr children, then, to Love the beau tiful. If" you are able, give them a corner iu the garden for flowjera. Allow them to wnnder in the prtit tiest Woodlets; show them where they can best view the sunset; rouse tbein intjtlie inomiug, not by the stem " to work," but with tho enthusiasticf" See tho beautiful sun rise!"- Buy for thetn pretty pictures, and enctiuraga thefu to decorate the rooms in. bis or ber cbildiab vftiy. Give them an inch and they will go a mile. Allow them tho privilege and they will make your home pleas ant and beautiful. CTON Also -Makor of tKEROVED SUCTION ""2PTJSEPS Lumber PJand-and Dressed .to order ; ^ in] the heeitjnanneri All v^ork guaratTtejeoU;' Acton^ Jabvl67il. '"- >' ' ' LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN, Takes p'eosure In announcl'riB to the riuhllc generally IhaA lie Is rropareu to _ . . , Pirst-olass Horsos and Oarrlages ; At Bei(anablo Katos.. His RigRaiid HOrses are the best-.tlial oan be had,"and lis Is determined not to be surpassed by ariv City Stable. Acton July 1st, 1875.. mJBSCRIBE FOR THE }ACT0l* fBEE PRESS, i . ' Only One Dollar a Tear. $5 t(5 $20 Samplers wirth $1 fre*. JSt^sson &. Co., Portlund,; Maine. (i>IO adavat home, i AgeDts wunted- <pL/4 Outfit ana toi^ns frc:o. O^HP .4- ffO;, Augusta, Maine. . - ..; Cablclng Across the Atlantic. How long does it tako tp trans mit a message through the Atlantic cabloJThe New York Journal of Commerce bus been investigating this question, and simple as it lboks: at first there are many singular und interesting points in the answer. When thh electricity ia applied to tliecablelat one end, two-tenths of a tecond Ipuas before any effect is felt at tlie- other end, and three [secondsare consumed before the full force of the current is- in .action. The first signal J3 felt in four tenths of asecorid, but the following ones go through niQi'e rapidly. As many: as seventeen words have been sent, over the Atlantic cable in onemih-, ute ; fifteen oan usually be sent un-J der pressure, and twelve word's 'a' .minute! is a good working rate. Messages of twelve words have been Bent all the way from New London in two minutes. A ^rtC'1 not yet explained by. the scientists is that the electricity does ndt move as rapidly from New York to Lon don as W the opposite ducctiun, provoment on that of lastyiar. In deed/ in many respecVs tlier i was a perceptible falling off; novel tlieless, it wns on tho whole very iredita- blo to the county, tho. la go and remarkably fine show. of he rses be ing tlio piiiicipul redeeming feature. In this department, our com ity may truthfully ;bo said to sUnt second to tho province. Shuep and swtuo of superior breeds w< re also very largely represented. I a cattle the show jwus decidedly tneaj ;ro both I iu quality und in numbers the whole being, [represented by less -than ; 50. hea|l the only animal yortliy of; note being a rem irkably hundsomiif; tWo-year-old Durham bull, Weighing 2,100 ponnds owned jby Mrs. Thos.,IJoak8y of Ti tfalgar, which' took a iirst prize at tie Cen tennial Exhibition. iThe li how of agricultural impleuaentit w*s neither lui'ge nor remarkable for novelty. There; was a: good exhibition of poultry, some very handso no and valuable specimens being shown. Fifteen excellent samples of fall and spring wheat were shovn j six of peas, seven; of barley, ,a:id five of outs; rlmlian corn in> bob, four lots ; bea;-.s two; Time thy setal two, fla'x seed one, buckwheat on 3, grass freed one;' In potatoes, the o were ten samples of early rose aud'five of other varieties ; six of t urnips, six of field and niuo of table hirrots," six of beets,' eight of onions ; ^and from two to four each of cubbages, pumpkins, squash, citrons, ] arBnips and celery. In butter there were 28 s ttuples of fresh and eight of firkin ; two of farin cheese and one factory - iheese ; 25 of home-made . bread. There was a very good display of irtirdes of domestic manufacture, such as flannels, fulled cloth, rag carpets, xiiata. coverlctB.woolensarns, initts, stockings, etc' A large and fine collection of fruits, plaiit;, iaod flowers. The display of ladies' handiwork was good, son o very .fine and tasty specimens be ug ex hibited. Tho iFine Ait gal ery de servedly [attracted a good dejil ot attention! several of^ the pj intiings and drawings being of a iuperior; class for hmateur work. - j Messrs. Creelman Bros., of! the Georgetolwn Knitting'Machina fac tory, occ jpied a prominent ibs^tiou in the hi,11 with samples of work showing what their niachin 38 ivere capable of doing, such ns woolen shawls, cjolton jackets, tidie i, initts,, etc.' Mr. Mitchell, -of the Milton, planing mills, bhbwed several lino specimens of joiners'; work, and Mr. Stearn a lo ,'Of -tin ware aiirt stoves. ii PBIZE LIST. .DBAUOHT IIOItSES. | . Brood mare; H. Browj i, 2d J. Agnew,Sd J. W. Bowes, Threeryear-old gelding o J. and G. Hardy, 2d J. Ba jtok. Two year-old gelding ot filly H. Brown, 2d John Cordin gly. One-year-old gelding oi filly- Wm. Carter, 2d T..BaUain;eri Two year-old entire od$i f Joa. _Matthews. Spring colt or filly T. 2d j. Agnew. . . ' HOADSTEBS. . Broad mare J. -S. Preston, 2d d J. Yi : TEAM HOUSES. Heavy draught horses H. Pick- son, 2p. T. Alton, 3d 9'. Mason. General purposo^Jos. 'Brown-J ridge, 2d J. and W. Humes, 3d'J. I Sherwood.- Oiurjage horses -E. 'W'. Deve- rawx, 3d J. Coyne, 3d J. M. Camp- boll, i -j ' Hiicjc Iioreo niiider siiddle J. and W. Hnme,.2d J. S. Eddington, 3d \Vm. Penny. . Hack horse %i . harness John Prescott, 2d R. Oir, 3d S. Masqn. nv im- i Carriage horse Jos. Harriscbr, J l2dTlios. Wright., Judges. Drauglit horses, Messrs. H. 1L Hurd, James Miller, Sam'l Pearson, and.Jolin Clarke. ' Of mares and colts, Messrs. David ABlibaugh,.C.".C. Gibson and .Win, AVatson. .,. nUTtllAM .CATTI.E. Aged bull Henry Robinson, 2d W.Willson, 3d Johnson Harrison. Two-year old bull Thoa. Boat, 2d J. Hat ri8Qht- One-year-old bull John Fother- gill, 2d Thos. Alton, 3d R. Willson. Bull calf Jus. Early, 2d Thos. J. Clark, Tiros. Bonk. Cow, calved or in calf -Tlios. J. Black, 2d Henry Robinson. 3d Jas;. Early. Three-year old cow Thos. Boak Two-year-old heifer Thos. Boak, 2d Thos. Alton, 3d Walker Bros. One-year-old heifer: W. Campbell, 2d Win. :Willson,\3d Walker Brosi. - Heifei*-. calf J. Harrison, 2d A. Wiildie, 3d Thos. Boak. DEVOKS. Bnll--W. S. Bowbeer. Cow, 'calved or in calf W. S. Bowbeer. " Twoyear-old heifer ,W. S. Bow beer. ; ' - One-year-old heifer ^W. S. Bow beer., ' - CitADE?. Cow, calved or iu calf Benjamin Tuck, 2d Robt. Willmot, 3d Thos. Bowes, 4th Thos. Alton. - Three year-old cow S. Orr, 2d RTudk, 3d Wm. Lucas. Twoyear-old heifer B. Tuck, 2d Win. Lucas. . One-year-old heafer Walker Bros., 2d B. Tuck, 3d Wm. Lucas. Heifer calf & Orr, 2d B. Tuck. Working oxen David Storey, 2d Jas. Hume, 3d Jos. Finnauiore. Eatted ox or steerT-J, and ti. Hardy. ' . Fitted cow ot- heifer J. knd G. Hardy, 2d Wm. Lucas. Judges of Cittle Messrs. Josht Long, Edward Toltoo tmd------'-Smith, LEICESTErt sueep: Ilanv C. S. Smith/ Sheailing ram J. W. Bowes, 2d C. S, Smith, 3d Wm. Waldie. Ram lamb Alex. Waldie, 2d Robt. Hay, 3d Win. Waldie, 4th W^esT3d^n^w11ullk2dX Shearlii% ewes C S. Siiuth, 2d Wn* Waldie, 3d Alex. Waldie. Ewe lambs Wm. Waldie, 2d Alex. Waldie, 3d R. Hay, 4th^J. W.'Bowes. : ' , I Ram Jos. Watson, 2d J". WT. Bowes. '-- ~:.." Shearling ram Jas. Early/- 2d J. W. Bo^es, 3d Wm. McLellaud. Ram ltimb-^-J. Mainj 2d J.rG. Biggers, 3d^j. W; Bowes. Aged ewe J. Main, 2d J. G. JJiggers, 3d -if.'.'.W. Bowes. Shearliug ewes J. Main, 2d W. Wilson, 3d J. W.. Bowes. Ewe lambs J. Main, 2d J. G. Biggera^ 3d J. W. Bowes. . j 80U.THDOWNS V Ram J Featherstone, 2d J. A. Bussell. Shearling rarji J. Featherstbne, Aged ewes "J. Featherstone, 2d J. A. Bussell. J. Featherstone, 2d S. Mason, J, J. Featherstone. Rahv lamb S. Foster. Pair Leicester rO.Ui.TRY. Light Brahinas rDuncan Peer, Chickens-^-AIIlon'nnoV Bpyes. park Brahmas Alton cVBoyeB. Chickens f Jas, Main. I - - ~. Cochinsr^-Aiton knd Boyes, .' Main^ ; Dorkings j-J^.Main,. v: .. - ': '" . j Ciiickens-i-T.. BusBelh" _ 1 Black Spiitjish W. G/JHewston." - Chickens rW, A. Kiggk Lnghorns rWi-G.- Hewstohi! Cliickens-T-i-W..G. Hewston,. Hftmhurgs W. Bussell. . Chickens " Plymouth rock . Chickens'^W. Aji Lawrence:- ""/ Pohuids '- Chickens^-T- j do -. '" Houdahs4 - Chickens Alton, and B^yes. Game ydo :" - Chickens -- 1 Bantams '.. Fancy jvigeons- W. A. Lawrence. Gninea foirf/ Cohrmonj" Chinese and -Ehideh peese-^J. W.iBnssell. - Aylesbury ducks- Jas] Main. Bronze'.turkeys^-rBtissell. ':: . . Common tnrkeys+T-Chas. Foster.r Judged Jacob' Peart, J. G. Harley. : . tai^lS. - ' - - ". 'W:'2iTeaIV 2d R. Tuck...-' ;j '"." 'j' ',: ; Treadwell (wheatf-R.i Tuck, 2d W. TuckJ wheat W1. Tuck, 2d I fall whfeab ^J. Win. Armstrong, Three-year-old gelding qi iUTy 4 Wm. -.Watson,..2d .Jai. Hu "' Two-yeai--o'ld gelding or filly r'R. Stat'. 2d D. Wedgew'ood. ; One-y.ear aid gelding or filly L. Cbeney,!2d J.'HaJliday, Two-year-old entire ccjlt H. Mullin, 2d W. H. ShortilJ. Spring colt or filly J. S. Pics- ton, 2d Jas. Early. .' | JGENERAC PURPOSE, ' I Brood marer J. S. Preiton, 2 R. Start, 3d Wm. Arrnstn ng. Three, year old gelding o : filly J. Sherwood, Two-year cild gelding or filly -J Ha|l, 2dj,Q. ^rooderham.-' '-." One-yeatrold gelding or SHy J, und G. Hardy;,. 2d- WjA-'-i ^ixon. Two-yeai\old' -entire ccjlt.. D, Laidlaw,;2d K. McTayish Spring obl.t.ojr jBlly-r-JS- Start;, 2d Wm. Watson, A. Bussell, 2d ,Mason, 2d C. Brown Bowes, two shearling ewes, two ewe lambs and one -rani C. . i3: Smith, (protested by A. Waldie), 2d Alex. Waldie. ; Pair Cotswold' two.' Bhearling owes, two ewe lambs and one ram -tJ; Main, 2d JL W. Bowea. Fatted ewes J. W. Bowes. J.upxMSS- of Sheep, Messrs. Chaa Mc- ougall, John Hamilton, Jos Kirby and Jamas Drinkwater. White faU R. Tuck. , Other variety. Brownridge. i i-| Spring wheat R Tuck, 2d W. H. Walker. Six rowed borhjy W. Tuck, 2d R. Tiick. '-- : 1-' :. White oats-^T. Kirby. _' --.'.-'" Bine peas -John, Hunt, ~2d J. Gaston. j"*--' ' Small peas T. J^. Tavlor, 2d J. Hunt. ;_ Common white ojitfc-r^J-. Fraa?r, 2dC. BelL -I -- !-' Black oats-UC. Foster, 2d-Hunt. Indian orn^ in cbbV-iJ,"Maititi, 2d.J. Gaston. ' | >.v ;- y Timothy, seed TJ M. Taylor, 2d A. A.'Deal "' /.'. Flaxseed T..MJ Taylor. i ,W-Li^b; beans J. Fothergil?, 2d C. Foster. i '. -- ; - : -;; ' Buckwbeat-^-W. Gordon. ', -.- TH'ungarian socd jO: F<rser.-:'. Barrel of ftoar JL P. Martin, 2<l P. C. Campbell. j , ' ^ ,- roots,' Eire; '- j'. '. ' Early Tee potatoes J,.S. Pres ton, 2d H: J. Bikek Pink eyea B,, Tuck. Ch|rties^-C. Foster. Kidneys If. J.i Jtaker? Other kind Bake/, 2d jC. Poster. -.: Swede-tvirnip84^4- A. Dttit, 2d John Hunt' i3d, W.Oordbn..Other turnip T. M. Tiylt r, 2d Hunt. Field carrotai^C Foster, 2nd J. GanoM O. J?*Ow-^,'i i j JJ..t,or;.. ', "Mangold wurtziei--Cv Foster, 2d J. S. Preston..; 53 lobe mangold wurtzel '. . Red onions ^W. ^f uriStm, 2d J. McMasterl Si)anisb OBjcms-^-C. Eoster. . White. onicins-^-C. Foster. Potato ovuons-^Jas'. Matthews, 2d O. Foster. ' .,' Blood beetep^T. Brad%, 2d C. Foster. &ftgaif be^ts C. Foster, 2d Thos. Bradley. . Citions Djr. : Sj.a.ndish.'. R*'d cahbuge . Ri' HolmeR, 2d G. Fdstler: Piimpkins J. Thomas. eeierV^rBaker, 2d Mrs- B. Ttyck. Parsiiipsl Buter, 2d C. Foster. Redpoppejr& Jajaies Mo- Master. . ' :' Judaea'of- grain ann; roofa BSessM. J. M. Bussell, J.. A.- jessey, and Alex. Robinson. -- l :-. - ' - - '. Pleasure harness} single haroessy j team harness and saddle, and bridle T. HewsoncNorval^ LEATHER. '; :-,; Ladies' boots and! men's fine Calf boots O. NeihuusJ Men's coarse boots 0 .-;. >AlBTf.- ' -*. V Judges Hugh iMcKq,j,|5. ... Cutter-^-Anthony lire*;, 2d HnVv .' fcr and McKenzie. ! Iron plow__Edward Mcliinnan, ?d Acton Plow ' Company, fiang plow Frazer and Gillies,- 2\ Thos. Richardson, Com-' biuation rdow Charles Browii, 2d Biirkholder and Smith. Harrow . CTms. Brovyu, 2di 'Jala. 'Keith Cul tivator harrow-i-jOf; 3Jrpvv|i. Fun- : ning mill-rJ. O.! WhtoW. and Son 2d L. 'fJomtU Gfaiirdrill Win ner and Son, 'TnaiirJdrill Chhs. ." Brown. HorHe. rakc+-K and it Hnnter, Sharp's:'niki 2d E. and R. , Hunter, Cossitt'sirirte, ;; Judge* of Implemeni i W. Torrance. Jas. Allan, Wm.^Barb. k : . ^^ : DOSIESTJC, ETCllANP-MADR " FhmneJ. Mi-a BijsseH, 2d Wm, Gordon.: - Union flannel Mm. 8.: Miison, .2d Mrs. S. j Moore. Full clothr-hti and 2d Wm. Goi-dom . Coverlet Miss Mc-Clljitm/^d WW. I^wupn. Blankets aiisa A. Hrt- .wl|. ^Eorse blauke si -W. and J, '. <autiholrn. : -Mr. 8L, Moore, 2d Mrs: P. Ca pljelk, LineJ cloth Men's woolen knit shirt Bliss RrBeaty, Flannel ahirt Mis: > Gordon, 2d ' Mini Dawsori. WooJ n yarn^-Miw -Gordon, 2d - Mit. ' 1 Udd. i Gentle- taan's fcirh-t^jnacjiii; s-made-^-Mns. A. jHart^feii. .Gentleman's .^bjit, hand made.-^Mrs4Gcidon. Wool en. >tockin*i McGregor, 2d Miss Gordon. W< olenf *oeks Mis.. W. Hutcheon, 2d_Missr:M(v ' Gregoir. ' Woolen : uista} Aiina : Chisbolm,- 2d Mrs:'Ifci Imago. Wobl-r en stockings, nmohiiit rnddef Bliss/ R. Beaty, 2d Miss IA. Hartwelh^ Woolen spoks, Biaobine made ' Miss/ A., Hartwell^ 2fl" Miss R. Beaty; ' Woolen naitts, intt(rhin4 made, Misj* A.-Hai-iwdl, 2d. Miss '.-R, B^aty. Rag;mat,'Mibs Ji.Mason. Yarii carj>et, MrsVWni. Lawson. Honje- umde bread, hojiiyeastjnoname, 2(i Mrs. W. C. Beaty, 3d Mrs.. W. Cle- meht. HoBie tu ade hresd, salt yeast, Mrs; ^V. C. Be*tv, 2d Miss A. Hartwell, 3d Mrs. "Clenienti. flnms, Miss Demp sey," Search, Mr*. Dolmage.: Confect onaiy, Mra^DoK Wage..- Raspberry wiuV;Mrs. W. C.: Beaty.-. tGh-apt wine^Mrs, H. Mi Switzor.j; Red currant wine," Sr Peacock, Black < nrrant wine, W. Gordon: Honey in comb, T~Lnsh. Strained honey, M rs. Beatyj| Maple , sugar, -Miss McGnl^or.^Maple faro-' lasses, Wm. Gordon. Raspberry .' I vinegar,.MrB. D. IIcGibbon.. j Judges of Domestic, &c.A-Mrs. Jehu j Applebe-andMrs. P.:M. Bowe. , ! y- fPtiu List coxtiauttf 0.1 \ueoud page.) Smith Bessfcy; -T.; P, Rbper, R Donahue. . .." ... Best factory cheese Milfer. Farm cheese, (not pounds made, by bartioSj factory \Applianqes) Mri field, 2J John McGregor, for table use (uotf less i . ' PIGS, LARGE BREED. :Boar <L Featherstone, 2d J. EastQH.1 Boar under' one year Main, 2d Featherstone. - *' Sdwih-Maih, 2d Featherstone. ;. SoW! nhdar one yer ^Feather- sfcQne|, ?d Maia, SALL BREED. M - Boar Main^ 2d J. Feather-' stone;: ."'. I " Boarunde^ one y,eai-T-^-Main,.2d! Featherstone.' Sow Main, .2d 3has.: BelL - Sow underj one yew Main, 2d J. Bigger. ..,. ' ' IUPROVfeD -BiatKSHIHEi - Boar Boar wndet^ one year-^J. Hunt, 2d J.Main* ' Bow -Jas, McGibbon. 'Sow under, one yeari=-Waikei-L Bros., 2d Ja^ Main; d Jndges of Swinei ((. JBentley,, Hfiury 1 Ross, Geo. Toltoo. less than' ten out Mrs, Bbns- Buttei- in five pounds) Mrs. Fothergil), 2d Mrs. W. C. Beaty^: 3^1 Mi-s. Gardner, 4th Miss Detnjieey. Firkia! butter (not less, than 56' pounds) Mrs. W- C. Beaty, 2d Mrs. l:Dpl8bn, 3d Mrs. Thomas Ghifi lolm',. 4th Mite Dernpkej. ' . ' '". 'I' . '.'. I;V'": ."' *" * CABIIJET W^BE,JSTC.' j, ; Window sash ^ist aiid 2d J. R. Mitchell. Tighfi hii-rel; flottr)hr- ,rel^iha wash Ub Jamea.Lindsay. Cooking stove and 1 uriifture, parlor stove., specimen ti lBicith work- , W. J. Stoarn; r ^ -^ . " : Fjannel, Tweed, Sknkete-iJohn Newton, only.*xhHitork':i^" / .: ? - ". -.- .'AGBICDnTUKjti.^ :HPlKHE!fTS. .Single hotse rcoered *jftrjKage^ Culp und McKenze, 2d ^'Anthony Bros.": Op^a buggy -Calpad-Mc- Kenzie, ;2a -MaKruir/ .and Lowe. 4 Lumber wagon-Hi as. -Shknd, "2d McNair and Lowe.: Market wagon Anthony Broaji J Eaufieldifc Co. "l A Strange Story. THE riEATlT CRT OF GEORGE PHTrir, THE ASSYKIOLOG [ST,-HEABr. FUOM." ALEPPO BY A FBIEND-ik rjOiTDok. t5c^w,1H%^olr^r^ni% t rnf- Aw5jrriiorot, {fltotd in"tlle la%8. London._ papers. Thi: gentJeinna died at Alepjie on the I9th - A- gost-at or.abont tt ebaur of 6 p.m.' On'the aaiae_day, and between three quarters of an ho ir and ail rhokr laier, n fried and fellow worker (of llr. SmrtiTs- Dt. Delilzch-^.-wts goii^io the hotiae of a third 1 theVttrtfic* of the aceosat of^^tiie labors of thedepaiterfi;hehtr which appeared in The i. cudemtf. Irt-liie course of his walk Qr, Delttzch paie- ed' withini"a ston a> ih^o-si of the lionse in ijrhich iir, Shiitfi /Iwied.. while- in T^Londo 1;; ^and suddenly heard1 his own 11a ne ufrtereoT alocid in a most juercin| cry^ which tfariU- d him; to the 111a row".: The f*et itni prcssed htm 60 ittroogly that, ho looked!t his watch and noted the hour. Dr; Delit sebj who strongly disavows any c iperstitjon lein- ings; was ashamei 1 to mention |ho cirenmstance to ] tia friend on rBafeb- ing that gentlerria a's honw^HhodgW on his return bom e he owns thai uis nervous .'4tpprehi nuiion of sonvj mournful event in bis own family found relief in ti *rs, and that] he i-ecovded all %h' fxcts in_JjiB ,^Ate-r book chat same u igl t. Dr. Deiltich told the story on the 5th irtst, *tJl friend's bieakfust table, witliail ti/V circnnis&UK^B nt ntioned above, in- cluding theftne it which he heard the shrill cry.^ fit i dfsrM^tiy denies having'been thin! cing of-!Mr. Siuith at tho time.w:" .- Ij Gems of Thongat- Old injuries nr > seldom cancelled "by new benefits.- The world is more apt to reward ajipe^irance than leserts. It is more nob! e to make younelf great than to be torn so. Things are of ten impossible bo cause cowardice riakesihenrso. Every day is a littler+ue,-aTidipnr : whole Sife-is but a day repeated^ Temptations 1 fe true tests, arid accordingly they are often the; .best" fi-ienda we have.'"." The' tt'atv^qr-wo^ man who has .no temptations lean: never' know the j itength of princijde he or she niay p ssesa. . Tbe merit of a"virtue is bit ugfat &rttkh>n' it j- beset by'fche enei ^V- The world fika the strong and th e g^od; brftrit never sees it till it has Bhowr* itsaf by i vetejeontaefc. ani t BtjrtiiggleTfith. the opposing eleinen:s and beeol oui vera trial, as it; were.J :!3Jijg

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