Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1876, page 3

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7; :n^HM '.*V -'^V'~*isSM 1" ".'"". ! .. " -'-7*lM -i- *-^'] ^:, ';-,' -.. f " .{ f. -.. ^>". - ' ' i| |___" ' :'i r ... ^_. 7 r THE F&EE PRE$S, 5 B13 TWSK TIMi; .T.IBLK. ' r>TriM-l*V0 Acton ,ii follows: ' "- COINO WV,>T. Jtforninj: M:l- - . pv Kvprvss - -; - Etpivis -.' ' Miwl A NieM Express i-.olN>: l:\sr. - >'isM Kip'^-I 7'Mi*or "iPiv-Express ' 'UO.vml U.lp.m. .V17 jV111; 7;1." p. m. lJ:4o.m' 3:37 a.m. - , 9:! ^ 111 :33 a.m. '-^ TO :05 p.m. :R V ^ - 7-- '^? f?>gL*U theiieRr r ; r [Goods in ped out, wiucbj. Canada. :, ' ^ ' latest, 1&ne=nv;/;' i?ire stock'of/ -"" in seilTbrowww' .AMBDkBfeidt Lus^ ?S ,\\ mceysyAc. (ill shades. Steads Scarfs ' *"" [k2uIs, .Wool.' A sionable colors-.. I >h&wls.X tOrCAl MATTIRS. ^B* "There is a largo number of Prek Press'" subscribers, who 3hivo - not yet paid for their paper this, *rer> We would respectfully say to all such if they wish to take advantage of tho advance rate of jWT.T'OiX.vb -a year, they;, must | dp so without delay,'as the-three months'"grace has now expired. After the 20ttt of; this month we shall have-to charge at tho rate of one dollar and-si-half, and -if hot paifliefortE! Ibo end of the year the pjriee.will be two dollars; ~. ^g^Thero aije also a 'few of our ! patrons " wirtThave net yet paid one cent for last year's subscription. We trust they will "not-oblige us to *sk vary often for something more tangible than good wishes. . -.. jjiiiej^you ._ ^e yoa'bny. Y 4r bead eent**s~of" lEoweis^ .Feath- able; seal, mint Jn_grat-TBrietj. - =iO-Kobesr Ac. sugeet-trade.Tir . Dtffing, keeo.flia- feuits in thiipart I lot of cxtn fine- 'j Call and,SS Ishow our jgobobL -. :s, Hndspa' BfcyTS largest Tsnety ..*.'- is sTeq wwyl Ljuf completed- ^Dd grey,: White,.-[ aieni afcd tey ~ r bestojrd sjosr lever.' . P- ' _! _L, "V Gulph Cojitrnl Exhibition. Amougst tho exhibits at tho Gutlph Central Exhibition from this oountynnd vicinity, in addition to what wo giivo last week, wo nolo (jli.o following : Hops by Jlr. Tim othy- Wilson, Acton, and 11. G. MillojV of Erin. In wheat tho Township of Nelson distances all cornjxititors, Win. and Robt. Tuck, of that township taking all the first Uprises, along. with.,Wrm. 0'Neil,of thesamo township, and David Rule of Barton. Tho samples shown by .these exhibitors were .very find. Mr. Wm. Tuck also took tirat prize jfor barioyv tJos. Browhridgo, of Esqttesing, took 3d prize, for white .Winter wheati D. McTtivish, of Ntxs&igaweya, took 1st and John Ramsay 3d, for red winter wheat; Thos. M. Taylor, of Nasstigawoya, lsl for red, forn spring wheat, 1st for Small tield ]x?as, and 3d for flax seed; John Hunt, Nassagaweya, 1st for black'-marrowfat pea and 1st for whito marrowfat pea3. John Ramsay Jst for field peas, and Isaac Wood, 3d ;. I. Wood 1st for flax seed ; T. Wilson, 'Acton, takes 3rd for hops. Jos. iBrothers' it Col, Milton, show a ^Dominion Champion Sejiar- ator and a cx>mbinetl reaper and mower. _.. Mboro & Johnson, Low- Ville, a pea-thresher. . ;, Several of" the Franr <lfc Pope Knitting ; machines manufactured iix Georgetown, were on Exhibition,, but not for prizes. J; & T. Hew? son, of .Norggl, showed several sots', of .harness, and carried off prizes. J. McConnell,, of Nassagaweya, shows as arii extra a beautiful curi osity in the shape of a house m^de entirely of spools..: .'.";' In Horses John Whitei Milton, took first prizo" and diploma for thprongh-bred stallion ; John Cun ningham] EsquesingJ3rd prize for 2-year-old gelding^. 'J. Brownridge, Esquesing," 2d prize ifor matched farm horses; H. Mullen, Esquesing, took-lst, and W. Robinson,' Acton, 2d for two-year-old roadster; J. S. Preston, Trafalgar, took special prize 610, for brood in are ; E. W. Deveranx, Esquesing, took special prize of $30 for pair matched carri-' age horses, and the.-second prize of $12 was taken by J. E. Burger of Palertno. The special prize of S50 for pair .of roadsters was taken by Rowjand Orr, "and the second by Jonathan- Tasker;iboth of "Milton^ J. Harrison, of-Milton, took special prize cf 610. for single buggy horse, -' C. S. Smithr Aoton, took 4ch prize for Durham^btill calf, second prize.i'or two fat ewes ; .3d for twro aged Leicester ewes : 1st and 2nd for two aged Leicester ewes; lstaird 2J for Lincoln sh&irling ram ;, 2d for aged ram ; and 1st for ram lamb. A. & W. Waldie, Actoii'j in Loices-. .tfcr sheep, took, 2d ptizu for shear- f.-liiig ratii 2d forraiu lamb ; 2d for jj'.iir ewe la:ul)S, arid in . Lincolns 2d for two aged'ewes; lot for two shear ling ewes,; lstamd 2d for pair ewe lamb3, and-a diploma; for pen of Jong-wooled sheep. Thos. Cameron Acton, took ,1st .for aged "Lincoln nun. Thos. C. Campbell 2d prize for improved berkshire boiir- pig. Jas. Slain, of Trafalgar took a host ^HH WO ^ftal BTO V& THE GRAND ..' CiP THE ACTON, HALTON Grand ANNUAL L) ft 4kM* '% EXHIBITION SEASON. -A^-Dj-i BtJGHAM Boga to annbunco to tho inhabitnrts of Aoton and aurrounding oountry ;!";- ' thatiho wmI hold his 1XHIBITION SALE Silks, Dress Goods, &5hawls, -Millinery; arid i Mantles. ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. In Ladies' Jackets and Jacket Cltbth variety proionted Mattalos io Jncko . Cloth, Bear, Boa! Cloth, Voriptlnh bloth. m all | shojlcs of brown, groon, navy plud, aquiline blue charming ood tor ladlo^' drosses Our Stock on this occasion will be one of the finest ever ofi'ereid for sale in j Ouelph.. Tho various departments will present varied attraotions, while our prices will place the" Very B^st Goods' Wltjlrin the Reach of All. For prices and other particular^ we mus^ refer to oirculars and band bills i .._!.. nowJt>elng|ciroulated." ...' ' ." tOF Wo will make it an OBjeot: for people to deal with us during the waek of the Central Exhibition. '!,__. A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable. West- End Dress, MUllnory and Maiulo Kstabllshment. Quelph, October l.! 1S70. .. '. SHOW OF CLOTHING. COUNtft, JOHNHoaasc Irst to renelvd Fall Good ami loug profit, and flritto In dnt]"- --"'- var| ha Urfi' . cty Is lrrimoho, tho quail A xvoHt comploto nigiortTnont BOIV ..... Ofe, OCliOliER 12, 187S. Just ariflvcd from Great Brltiala SON, Upper Wya i. first to soil- thorn, ft'Ht to b'ittlo Ing down I'rtoes of all goods li^ Ord mos'.; Hurry to th^t won(ierrup*a8n',store^tlio| stoatc s 18 w In Silk and VW W+n onr stook ' ** lUm^nlo, and all booght CS.- HSI.Vest*, double and rijglo brJnslert n & S2^ 8SucU <-'at'afl Urets =*? |in B11K ana V.eiyetS. ovaweeKberornean%!&.!oWIedB(,|o.r8a,n thIS^ ^^^V2DJ.wrfl^^ nuviince. These goods are a marvel Of exooilenoo of quality En Ladies' Dre^s^ Goods ^vf^.lffe^ nnJprloo,thatnolJea can txj conveyed of tho bxa'mynnd: rjjehn^of ltj'sufljce to " BIanktS, QlliltS GOtintlTDail6S ir,I<> VBt Rnod!*> ?rf"" sayJUiat tlioThotilDg"colors orlvoryinaterlal is to be had atoiir stiri; iBnd wo would r.rl-~*^^^Z^J ,*t*!Z"'J'Z?> V",^ lully call altentlon totlj^ nbwest produatlons now ln.nso for[layi".B dresses, viz:. %? J ?5?..a.,!'i,!a.r <^HP*o audi Ey of Kooda in wonderful, tho kirlo<js ajtnBzliiKly ciionp: pfNow Auturan. Kali add nrlrttor|u<><WS:wflf bo prft- ,'./-' -S. -, *[ =; MAN; od to Intending purehasdr* Ittiat will OHll-forthBurprlun and WH| montlun a fowdotutrUnejutg that cantlot be approkuliodln Oiiu^ih Priees. iJlankels tnnt lire good and and largealSKn pair, tmlnsufiio ^vC'hlte "Oufrfs TlVdforbn/thecYollflanonMnri.theMa^^^ "Jffia{&J j^ffi$3'!%^ Tba^maie^lalsaro all at prefer^ on show, and 10 the leaJlnsipoi^rfand shades, aii kittdBar mi Knrnkhin. .nrf i. ^L... --------- parpets, Carpfetb 1 and ucslgns of i--------- Sept. 1, 1875 .UTS. j prices. rk'PS-, i;i:'"^ ~l": knitting Cottflf [and Ties. : ' glassware !>;; Jall-at'"' :tU County Council meets to-day. -: Halton Counfy\ Show takes place in Milton, fto-dsy and to-tnorron-. Prire list Jiext wctk. -Get your old straw and felt tats roide new, ty Mrs.'Peer. See ad- vertiseBieiit iu another column. , The Dominion . SienQi>jpcr' savs ".tlie Actotr Frsb PfcEiS is a spicy, well-printe-d saect." Thanks. ./ . An.interest mg lecture was de-i livered List- evetiinj; inr the -Pijeiple iibeL oa the' .Eistern.- question-, by J Sld'er \V. J>cv;erall. " . '}. '. '- r^-Xearry all of our business men lave adopt-.-.! the ready -pay system, and ire nnilin^it to wo-rk wonderfully well. TVil! be foan^.l-eiter for all: coce^rni d.' -2No one should faiLto read the large advertiscmeh- on tiie fourth page of tHs iisfce. Christie, Henderson <fc Co. hive sometaiii^ *^>iay iutcreiting tc everybody. -^ - L?i it be rfecorded that the Erst snow'-cif,the jtcvjon-rttll'on Sr.t- nr\lav ~zh isst^ T}?e lir^jt *-i^t rer7i^iii:ed oa the L ^und'o.iir n\\zhz^ibll-TL^day Fot good te.i,cikes and buns go to Gili-jwiy'i Bri, .V-:o:i Hakc-rjv- ' -| Ia>tLe prize lt5t,: kia^ week, of tSe "Sjisagaweya show, ,tli-; prires for : ttL5: Oit 'were [aetidcc-tly omittc-. The tir^t wni" token 1-y IL Irving and 'the scr-i-a'd by G. .KitcLiug.' > ^The Brampton Con^rvator'has enlarged its border3, aQd 13 liowa g!x>d- iiz-j-i sheet. 'The Brhmpton Manner- alio announces s> proposed enlargement ,t-i Jst- ofJaniiary. "VV wiih them; both : ^-The H'tU'^i H.rnbl has been" chiage<ito the (J?:jry*l-^rn Hvrahl ith a new heading." and part of ita reading Bitter', ia new typ-.-, giving..- it. an' improre.i appearand. If our friend Sferrei would also discitrdjhe old.worn- cht adverthdag t}-pe we.should, be hap py to congratulate him.' . ., i At the last meeting of the "Villages Council," very little.- businea3 - was .aoce.~ ilr. Zimmertnah was nraiT? appointed CoDector. jjfothing done yet about the approaches to the railway! station.T People begin to think it high ^^r.the eonncil -w"ere showing a little r.awe diUigence' in 'the matter. ' .-. . bMniii.Ontaid. .;- One night last week, some person or persons.not having the fear of the law, or the-feeliaga-of ordinary humanity, J Milton, fancy'liuttlng, aflicrotchet Stragers visiting the "Central Fair-atGuielpli ahould should make it a point to call and see the immense stock of MSW iii^^. AT TUK GREAT ELEPHANT CLOTHING STORE, ..... I . No. 31 Lower "Wyndham Street, Guelph. OVEKQPATS A SPECIALTY. ti" Xc' Hats & Caps, and Ueuts' Furnishing Goods. " Itcantiful Goods. of prizes for pigs of various breeds, and-also sevend forponltrj-. !; There was a large display of rag carpets, many of which were very fine patterns. Among other exhibi tors -are Miss Ellen Shaw, Esque's- ing,"and "Mrs. ^Donald Clark, Pna,- linoh. Miss Ellen Shaw talces-the red_ ticket'for wero flowers. The exhibit of gent's sjhirts, band made, was very extensive.. Miss Gor don'of Esquesing- Mrs. Hiram Swackhammer, Erin-, JasT S. Arm^ "strong, Eramosa, ware .amongst the list. In Canadian'straw plaits, Mrs. J. McConnell, Nassagaweya, and Mrs. J.. Parkinson, Eramosa, are principal exhibitors. Mrs. J. Norrish, Nassagaweya, exhibits knitting in cotton ; Miss J. Tasker, VjfM. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelph, 0c< and t^e tnlted to*te&r l2 lackaa:es Aritanui and Fall Go^ds. -; ; ^ aa street, Guelp&i are tie:Progressive Jfta-of "th^^afe" ile Is lmmenso, the them that wo cannbt bo boat. f p" 0,lttao ^ o ill on us, und wc v.-iti .sLiIhiv "nnssliiKly cnonp: - j. ...... . , * .r Ready-made-plotMnfi' pi^ immen^ so I?fefer,c^l;a ^ ^^tb ?^^d ^h %l*^T?%^ I variety <-li<".:ip lady lhtondihg to use Onr To rt"\reA-a aria novolly to behold, and^verj* ..., .. V-/LU OaXjOMwi Uaclcetthls Antnmn and Fall,fhould call ahd ezamlne "and hear our prices. ^Jpia-rrrTo In sha'wli we have a trejnendous HtocW, the Ivnrloly TsTlarge, thlnir ploi suro to havo an opportun ty lof showing such nloo goods, J . lottSSira! aM"wAnr,"i1"ni'i!;iv^;;,v" """!.' rotlf,,J' "ur -P>ic* are aovt !"---;> ----------t -I- -O-hr stock of Brussels. Turki4h and. Tapestry SamellbK^ ^and'^^r^s^^arpe^M JOHN HOGG & SOIV, -Alma Taoek.j'Uppe/WyndhaTn Street, Gadplj.' M. Below we give a few of Our present] in,* a striking comparison" between t Pi no|t rooni to'quot^ all the Goodsi we 1 Goods Reduced from 10.to40 per cent om recognize the facj at a TTHE Works "Wonders Tjsyoad all Anticipations. IGredit, Prices^ prices, show- le old Credit ices and the new Cash.System Prices. Webave but wc have give:i jmost of the;!principal article's in the trade. All Jot her goods are being slaiigh tefed_ in the sarnje; maimer, and pur 1S76, During tie past season we have sold so cheap thut T made a raid on the apple orchard be longing-to Mrs. S. Speight, at the east erly limits of the village, and complete ly .stripped the treea-of all her best fruit, consisting of about 30 or 40 bnshi els. Mrs. Speight was 'from home at the time, which circumstance ^was most. : probably known oy the guilty wretches^ : ad they basely ' took advantage of it 'Tis a great pity they could not be dis covered and fitting jnstic^ meted out-to thenv of CrewBon's !? :|B" ".T" - ^'uofTnatK.niec. The folloSwng are-thej office-beftrers *;r the present quarter Camera Division: J- C. Stewart, W;'P, ito J. McDonald, W.f A ' .m..Speed,-R. S, . ! .-Mis3.j Slajfn, AR. S. ^'Lamb^.JB. .: f ' o. ileGo.rraan, Treasurer. >vm. Crewson^ Chapbiin. J-Brown, C, *to Lizzie-McDonaldi^ C. M^L McGonnan,lJs. -= Z- Forbes, O. S. "'..*.' wt>rk. ' Miss Gordon, Esquesing, and 3Irs. Rawdon, Bramplbnj show fine specimena of brnamental'needle- work .and guipre-work.' rGalloway Bros.-make the best bread in the county. "Give them a: call. It is easy to live well among good X'eople ; but show me the man who can preserve his temper, ; his wisdom and his virtues in:- spite of strong temptation and . universal example. I . _ .' GaUqwjvy^ros.-giye J00 lbs. of bread for lO^Ibs. %t flour. NEW A&VERTISEMENTS. UTKAW, AND O DOJTE OVEB, FELT HATS y 4; -, The average daily" Circnhv . ^oaof the Montreal Qvening Star] * 12,154, being considerably lar ger than thatr of any other paper Pabhfhed in the City. The averr ttF^htionj>f the ^venter?'Star tul t% b^2,0er copies a day, wat of any other paper. " Thht ex- cess represents 8,obt> families more *b can be reached by any' other journal. Its Ciroulation is a living ?e. and is-tonstantly increasing. *rom the ^y ^. wlligh tbb Sfafl| , fiu ontstripped'air^nlpetito it is" And made up in thelatest. style. All orders: promptly attended to and satis faction given in ,all cases. Residence on Main Street; opposite the Presbyter- Church. MBS. 8. iL. PEER. . Acton, Oct. U, 1676. } 15-5t. XpXECB.TORS' NOTICE. A the the Township of Esquesing, will _ hand them in by the first day- of Janu ary next. And all parties owing the estate 'of the said late Henry Ryder, are requested to pay the .same on or be- foroithe first day of January, next. C: SWACKHAMMER,') , JAMES MATTHEW,^j.'fc'xecntors- It has ic Lion is now known far and wide "as The Ciieapost Store in Ontario. TVe intend;-in the Fall months to increase our reputation, j | Our Stock is the largest west of. Toronto. glance that it handle chere patrons will has been our aim in marking dt wn our goods to make a genuine re luctionon ever) thing that it is possible to reduce. Wr respectfully invite all persons to participate in tli 3 benefits of this great reduction, j SBCOBD BBOB. ^)een bought direct from the producers at Bottom Price "The LiU But puts 1100 Fie ces Dress Gcods Flannel^ 25 never Asks for Big Profits, J'do\jra. the Prices tasui* the times and small harvest1. "W^inceys "Wlond-erfully Cheap, neydr so low .'before- per cent lower than formerly. '".; : ' j'- s .. . i.-. Large S tock of Hb. MAltY RYDER, Executrix Esquesing, 'Oct. 4, 1870. 14-3t BOY WANTED To learn .the Printing Bnsi- ness: Apply at once at the) ; J Free Press Office. ;. Best A Dollar anyjotherl I Gueiph,;Ser} READY-F^ADE CLOTHINC, LADIES' JACKETS AND Cl^eapef than at any other House. Cotton GBAIN BAGS, $3.00. Besjt [dollar] Hyson Tea , | Medium Hyson Tea Spl :ndid Hyson Tea, bettsii than.Meteor Bes t [dollar] Gunpowder Tea Medium Gunpowder Tea Bes t Japan Tea Me lium Japan Tea Goqd Japan Tea Tolerable Japan Tea Last pick Japan Tea Best Black Tea .. Good Bl.ack Tea Medium; Black Tea . Best Amber Syrup Best Golden' Syrup Best No. 1 white wine. "Vinegar Beat XXX Pickling "Vin ?gar Oat Meal,, small lots, per Pot Barley . !. . Lamp Chimneys,! large Lamp Chimneys, medium Best Benson's Laundry S arch Best Corn Starch Best Brown Soap, per ba Best Judd's Soap three ;bs rs Best new Currants , Best old Currants Best Turkish Prunes, ne^ Best Layer Raisins Best "Valencia Raisins Mixed Pickles, bottles Mixed Pickles, largest sizi Mustard,per" lb. i'-Best ava Coffee, extra ?1 c Good Java Coffee Fare Java Coffee Best pure ground Pepper j Brooms, extra heavy Brooms, medium i' Brooms, light Soda, baking Soda, hi five pound boxes Set best white granite Tea ware, 44 pieeea ' Set of China Tea ware, 44 One dozen white granite (iiips and Saucers One dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest Set white granite Toilet w are, nine pieces One dozen~.K.hives and Forks One dozen Knives and Forks- James' best No. l'Whito-i! jead Gold medal "White Lead. spert at The Libit will buy more than at stoye. : "' .-'.'. t. 26, oice %Ztf All other Goods iA odr store reduced accordingly.- j. b. Williamson & oo. 1876, Who would buy goods at such asto Acton, Sept, 14j 1876, OLD CREDIT NEW CASH .' , ' PltlCES. ; PRICES. . l-' 5 .20 , 8" 80 . CO .50 . . -.' 50 '-45 ' : -80 ;' -.- 65 50 35 - . ' 80 .' -7Q , ' GO 50' : 50 '40 . ' 25 15 15 : 121 . -i ' 80 CO : 50 50 T 40., . ; 1 ~00 ' 85i 80 r .70 !50 - 40 40 - 35 5 4 . , 6 5 . ' 12J. 10 .10 8 '. ; 12i 10 15 13 . - 12* 11 25 23 ", ', 9 '^ n 8 5 ; . 10 . 7 . ' 15 12j 10 9f .. '. 25 20 50 35 . . - ' - 30 - 25 .. - ; 40 35 .. , 35 30 30 25 ** 25 20 .40 35 ... 35 . ' .25. ..V 25 20 I-.- '" ' if> ;. L" 8 .'. . 10 . 5' .. ' . 3 50 2 85- ... S 50' ' 4 00 ... il .25 1 15- t 1 S5 ;-. '1' 15. '3 J50 '.'-.: 2.7.5 ..ji 3 50 ;3J00 -.:. 'J 00 2 60 ... . 3 00 2 40 ... .' - ]& 50 2 35 ^.co^piSFv oasrol Thesubscrdber thank his numeroos cash-odstomefti for the liberal m ^Ifpf they h^e?UPPrt6d hifD in ca^ymg ouf ho Keady Pay way of doing business. Whei 1 com menced on the Cash or Trade Syjstei i and 8: per cent discount for. cash, _ I- 7iad to : compete against'trade of onr vif- . liger but to day. I. am pleased to say we are all ^t5.HU8^e850!?nhe^llyrishtp,inciPle' that i ready pay' System, I lwiH-d,Js.; ISince the trade of our village is now^done' on the Cash ^ continue fcivirig discount for dash on and after 1st . all my goods in price to the stHotly cas^h ' *" f '. '. . . My:customers will always find'mj stock epmpldte ilrofterloB, Cpoc^oit^ Glassware, "7 ' *' ' -V :_'*!- Vail Paper, Stat^eaepr. Prerisicas, :&o. CASH FOR PKODtJCEi Specialties; kept in Season. ; Sausages, Finnan Haddies^ Oysters, &c^^ V JAMES MATTHEWS. THE 1STEW DOMIOTdST boqt ano smm .Have jtist received^their FfltL STOCK Of BOOTS fiNDS ^Tho Bast that: ever came into Acton, for Price, S oim qusTOi^i; mbKjs. Will receive careful attention-and all work guaranteejd t'(j give Satis action .. . i -.. *3f fecpairlrig Done Neatly, fa* Don't forget^the place *:'-' -.'.*. : Mala Stroet;^Neast Boor.'ta Ajae'w's Acton, Sept. 19,1876i on .Credit when they can get rices. ., i-- ! " - SEC0HD EPwOS. [nishing Prices. c UNDERTAK M- Hotol. ^,KENiNtEY^SO^-i -<-"-- 1 iCa*/' -jjfc The "nndersigned .begs leave to intorm. the people j of Acton- and. <sur- , '- rounding neighborhood that he haslproouro* .^------i- !-.--.- And , is prepared to; attend' and coiiduct funerals oi i -.: '-" - andinOst^noderate terms. > . Cashets, Coffins, Burial And all.kinds "of.Funeral Furnishings kept fn stock,.and supplied on Ihfe ' : " ' shortest notice. .-"'.'.'. -I -" ' - Hat Baiids .aid Gloveff supplied wlie4 required-. magnificent CE3U:":"-.;""; the shortest notice "! ' Acton, Aug..8, 1876. J0(HN SPEIGHTJ DrlUGSi DRUSS. ,7 x<D?E.'S&j&E*3SX&*J2: Brags, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, .Patent sa& PrSprietory IsSJiiciEcs i Fana7 aa& Toilet Soaps, Spoagss. Brusaes Paints, Oils aadV-Vasaisaes, Paacy vnNES ANO-ilQtr'teS for Iloliclaai All goods warranted of the bestquality and at fen-pei] plcres, ' i- Don't forget .the place *t jaad. Ruubor GebSs- pParpoSes" oalyv.'-. cent'bel6>rTbro"nio Medical 'Hall, Mill-street,; jJLctop, Acton, Blarch 13. 1S75J . ' '. - G. E;.MO'EKO\V .-' f

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