Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1876, page 2

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-I .------.------(_,- _*_ T|IE FREE PRESS,, ACTON, EALTW COUNTY, ONT., OCTOBER 12, 1876'. nu Arrax FREE PRESS T Vahl.'-hcd 17vorj Tlnu-sd-ivMorniug, .1 11. HACKING;>tor. SI Por Annurii in Advance ----------------------1______________ 00 H HACJKINO EOITOH Till K-*KV Moi.Mil., 0iT 12, l!>Ti*>. Nnstnsaweyn Council. . The Council met nt tho call of tho licevo on Friday, the 29th day of Soptemhor. Members present Messrs. Kiinihtiy, Winn, niuLllutch- 'oon. Tiro Uo<>\o explained that tho ** i 11 i m^ i object of the meeting wuh to mak" C^ClUUi1 |H?X\i| JTOSS f.>t,'.',r pumsi of ono tenth of a mill in tlio dollar for tlio amount of County Kato, tho (inn uiiioiint not boing known by the Council at the time of tho passing of tho former B\ law. The total amount of rate required for nil Municipal purposes for tho current yeiir will he 3 mills and four tenths in the It nus then moveil by Dv. Winn, sec ortded by Mr. Hntchcon, for leave to'^introduco n By Iw to repoal-n certain clause >in By-law No. T for 1870. for loT\ing the neeessnj" ad ditional amount lequired for cony ty paiposes for tho current year, Iks now read a fiist time. Le-ive was granted and by law read the first, second and third time and passed The latest news .respecting the progress of the B^stem negotiations is important. A d'sp-ft-ch dated Constantinople, Oct. 10th, repottb that-Tin key-has Irn.illy \ielded to the representation of the Powers and cxpresietl heir willinguess' to .gi m a six months' armi^tiee It now lcsnains to be seen how Serbia will rr\jai\l this concession, but Lopes are held ovit that the armis tice will bo accented. Another re port, howevei. s.vy-s that the news -that the Forte has accepted an ar- iiu-.t.ce is considered premature. Tis dijlicult to arthe at anv eon clssion ss the ripei t> to tho truth of am of Tire IVuitcMdr TragfdT* i By an oversight, %e effniued last ' week to mention1 th it the jm \ had lina,l!y rendeiedl a verdict in this case. There was no fresh evidence i given, and tlieije In ing 'no reason for expecting ar-J." fmtlier light to l>e upon t"'.e uiTsttflv", the coroner amii >^<jed to the jtiiy that Le wns prepAied . to close. Mi. Xaidlaw on hdialf of- the pus- oner, and Mr. Ipewar, on. behalf of the Crow n, bi jmy. after whic in about half au the following S-rftrcr. fly adaressed the !i the} letired. and hour returned w itli rviict : , Sept. So, 1S7C. '.itJ jury, find a %er- "tt'e, tbt ir\di.r- diet jha{ EuKr: '\ mic-ido 'ju.c it-ihis neath oiBi tee niDd t of the- Oth of Au gast lanVj bj by some p^rsoaor persons uuknoA ii :o-thi= jurj. ^D.m Cvok," Fotvmui. len,i=F Whiresill^. son of the de ceased, who has1 been in. custody for, the pas' severall weeks, on suspicion ef being implicated in the murder, y is then acquitted of any blame in thtf nintter, for \v.>nt of evidence. and st at hbetty-.; After his ac quittal he give arc apparently truth ful-account of bims=?lf on that fatal Sand..y night. The a,ffiir Lr now r.ors ciis:erieus than over, there l-r'ing no knowri i:ue ly which it sifty" be n-ra'v tiled Tkllt the eoi- oner and jury hui<_ deno their duty THE E8QUE8ING FALL SHOW. Tho annual exhibition) of- the township of Kvque.sing Agrioultvtrnl Society was held in Georgetown, on Tuesday, nnd waK vt'ry luruely at tended. Tho day wim fmo nnd clear, though somowlnit chilly. In hoiHt'8 tho hhow wiah excellent, in- dtH'd wo heaid it remaiked aH be ing much superior to tho exhibit in Gui'lph last^weok. Halton county flecma to (ako tho palm in Uiis do- jiartmejit. In tdicep and hoga tiicro was also u very godd show, fchero was soino very excellent cattlo, but tlio nuuibor ,was not very largo, ox- eept in grades. Tlioro was a largo display of buggicii, waggons, nnd various other agricultural implo ments. In grain thero waa a) good di#lfiv, especially of bpring wheat nnui-bftiloy.. Roots and vegetables weio not very hugely represented, although some good sample of tor 4iipa " "i.~.. 'i'i.........~- * were shown. Tlieio wia-s The Dlkkix Act in Wr.i-i.iso- ton. A very lively attended meeting was held iu the OJuelph Tempelxinco h ill last Thuradny evening to tliseuss tho advis.-fbility of submitting the JDunkin Act to the i-atqiuerd of tho County ""of WeHington, The feeling of tho meeting .is of an enthusiastic na ture in refeience to the isuggestion thrown out bv tho vaiious speakers, as to the mode of jiction to bo taken. Mr. Robt. ^IcLeau, from |Toron- to, was present, and assisted the meeting to a great extent with somo cautious instructions, and advice how to proceed with petitioning the Council before submitting the Act to the ratepayers. -_The question as to the advisability of acting pn tho resolntion of the Convention, to pe tition the County Council, was dis cussed, aj>d the general opinion seemed to be that it would be bet ter to ascertain the feeling of tbe j>eople in legaid to the Dunkin Act bSfoie the petition be presented to the Council. 24 1-- Sow On-motion the council adjourned ta luu. 8i10W. 0f uri)]08 ttnj j,e(U.J j meet ucain on M'ondny the 27th ,i iry produoo thero weiv tVelv day of November next. t.ntl jcs 0f njco fresi, butter, but only J. KvNTMim.oqK, T p Clerk. four of firkiu buUel. of mtiliuln quality. Domestic manufaatures wcro not numerous. In lidies' woik there wns a very fin display, and io also was there in paintings and pencil drawings. Thoro was a fine collection of greenhouse plants, and a few choice flowers null bo- qucts. Altogether, tho Bhowj may be said to have been a vory good one. PRIZE LIST. I HOUSES. Heavy draught horses, 5 er tries Allan Pickering, 2d Sa nuel Mason, 3d Thos Monahan. Two- yeanold gtldtng or filly, 1 Henry Brown. Onivyear old gelding or tiilly, 1 William Caster. SiTring colt, 5-^-II. Brown," 2d II. Clkue Brood niiiro, I Henry Brown, 2d Wm. Castor, 3d R. Cleave. Gen eral purposes, 4 Jaa. Brownt idgo, 2d J. S. Bessey. FBrood mure, 14 11 Stark, 2d A. Neilson, 3d Jos. Mothersill. Two-year-old -entire colt, 2 Henry Mullin, 2d Wii limn Shoitill. One-year-old entire colt, -.r> E. W. Dcveraux, 2d John Mann. Two year old geldinj or filly, 2 K Garvin, 2d Wm. Malt- by. One-year-old gelding or filly, 4 Daniel McKinney, 2d J. ard G. Hardy. Spring col1, 7 Jcseph Mothersill, 2d A. Cook. ROADS! EI13. Carriage horses, 4 EL "W. Dev- eraux, 2d Rowland On, 3d John Campbell. Single carriage horse, in harness, 14 Jas. Hairison, 2d Wm. McClelland Hack horse, m harness, 10 Thos. Black, 2d Sam'l Masoij, 3d Thos Clarke, S iddlu horse, 9 W, P. McChue, 2d John D. Orr, 3d Simuel Mason. .Biood m^re, 2 J. S. Preston, 2d Heniy Mullen. Two %ear old filly, i 4 Jas. Matthews,"2d R Stiik. ,One- jeui old gelding or tally, 2 1st and III- c. His Honor Lieut. GoverBor^Iac- donal 1 h;ts npjiointed Thursday, November 2nd as thanksgiving day for the Pro\ince of Ontario, The appointment of Hon. David Lxi^J us Lieut to\einoi of tho Noith weat Tenitory-is gazetted. Mr Janus Massie of Guelph has been c<!rcted by the Reformers of South Wellington -is their candidate- for the Load Legislature The other1 names proposal were Messrs Jas., Innc, I. Paikinson, W. White- I ..t and J.vs. I^iidlaw. T:.f Centenriitl Commission have fiiithfullv, e behete tl ere can be officially .pjiojiite^tbe 10th of NQ- ! 2d Jas. Chirk. Spring colt-John \*ml er as tlio- day for the^ close of Cunningham, 2d Jis. Lilly. -Mm L no queci'ion, and that they h.i\e < pot snccweiled in ^irtrapjnng the guilt\ pii t\ has ii>i b.-i?n fur want of due diligencei on tLeir part. A Goverh.menf dctectise has appar ently u=eJ every means in his pow er to fenet out any clue -which might lead to the discovery of the tiiirJcier, an i it maiTbe ]ire=umed from the persistency w itli which he Las clurg to tLe prisoaei tiiat lie "hal at IkIsI. gco-1 hop's of being abl' to do^ive. soiut thing t'l it might I-.-j.drL3 Lis cou. iction. Aft- r r.Il tie J.ii.^o of evulence th it has tak u b\ '1 e ccfoner, there is cu- ruuh r(^iL-ir;g qf an;, Luip<!'rtaiict. to strengthen the .s'.opiuun that was i at i5r-t attached t.' the young man, but ratLci. if anvt! t'jc injj-rjhub ty of th*- det,d Wo smccicly )joj>e that his f uiiie conduct ma\ be uch aJ5 to fully regain the cootidencc of his associiUa and the gcneraL pubj- lV.and th.'t he.mi j take this as a leoscn to kcej) himself fj.1 above suspicion. _ i- anything, to p.^int -to Lty of his bojcg fruil- Pacific RAiLwiY We learn from the Thui.der B ty Zsentiitrl, that the work on tue e istern end of the Paciiic Railway is being rapidly pushed foi ward by the_contr-actors, M&sait> Sifton, Ward <fc Co., who are eoiployiag large numbeis^ of men. The i-nls lio-vg been laid for many nnl=s, and two- construction trains are employed with the nrce-ss-iry men in preparing; the track for.inoie. Some engineering the Exhibition. Governor-Morn s baa satisfactory lly cou'pleted a new treaty with the Indians of the Saskatchewan, on substantially the- same terms as those arranged with the Qu Appelle Indians in 1874. His Excellency the Governor- General itrii.(.d in Toronto fionfhis trip to British Columbia 11st Situi- dar, and left on Monday moining for tbe Centennial Lady Duiferin returatd to Ott iwa. At the mc-dic-il evniniuation at King-ton, seven candidates were re jected on account of bad spelling. The" Prtsl.} terians of the Mari time Provinces have decided to raise 5100,000 for pniposes of Univer sity endowment. .The Listowel b_\-iaw for $2G,000 for public irnpiovementfc was carried hy a majmity of C2, th it for clfoice of a maiket site res'nlttd in favor of the eastern cno by 20 majoritv, and that for maiket appropi i-itiou w-as defeated b\ a ri.ijou'ty of 10-. The Town Council has appointed a com mittee to have-immediate action j taken towards laying the town line between Moleswoi th and Tyrone giodtd and gravelled. An appro priation of 3,500 has been voted to ji8sist_w'ith the work Municipal cleiks wilTf do' well to njote 35 Vic , cap. 7, sec. 20, ns it applies to the next municipal election It reads ; " When the last Slonday in December happens to be Christmas day, the nomina tion of candidates for the office of Mayor and Aldermen in. cities, and difficuiiite have been exi'rienced, ;of Ma} or, Reeve,, Deputy-Reeie. kz 1 ,' *~b- ' r & - 5 E*i * "* |f i-t W'%i but it in helieved they will sjwedily be- oveicoinf. Every effurt is being rna-Te to &eotir& a large corppliment of able wotknien, which showa the' contractors to 1j in earnest.- One member of the first firm mentioned," is now in this -part 0f the Province [be tormented with another turn of ind Councillors in other municipal : ities, shall take place on tbe preced ing? Fi-idayr at the times ami pjaces and in the-jnanner prescribed by law. The Toronto Rumsellers seem to purchasing $50,000 worth of sup plies for the whiter. ^ i B \se. of Commeiice. Mr. G. W. Sandilands, who has been Manager of the Canadi-in Bank of Commeice in Guelph since the- office was open ed in January, 18G8, has resigned that position. -His fiiiccessor, Mr. William Smith, late manager of the same l^ank in Barrio, and formerly Manager of thp JGore Bank in Guelph, tas .arrived. Mr. Sand ilands, although retiring from the qran.Tg^iuent, has consented to act as Local Director of tho Bank iu Tvbich cipicifey ke will undoubtedly jjivfe valuable did to the institution, l|4s pojuilaiity among tho Bulk UKing eoimuunity and the citizens generally being thoioii^ily absured. the License Bill screw next year. The Commissioners have found the effect of reduction in the number of licenses this year to tie bo salutary that they propose again reducing the mi ruber by at least thirty. Mr. J. Livingstone, of Listowel, brother of tho celebrated explorer, has, had a relic of tbe Doctor sent bim by his sister, living at Hamil ton, in Scotland. Tho memento is a s*nall Inverness cloak, which tho doctor was in the habit of wearing while in Africa, and after his death was sent to Scotland with his body. A despatch from Philadelphia states that out of 68 horses sent fiom Canada 52 took prizes, and 13 weie sold. One pair geldings $1500 in gold. ' C^TTLK. THOItOlGHDRLt), Judges W. C. Beatv, Joshua Norri<*h, Gideon Awry. Milk Cow, 6 entries Jas. Early, 2d Thos. Black, (protested by A. Campbell), 3d Arch Campbell, 4th Alexander Waldie. Thiee vcar-old heifer, 2 J. S. Bessey, 2d William Wrigglcsworth. Two-\earold .heif er John W.inen, 2<|"\Viii. Waldie. One\earold heifer, 6 John Mit- chclli 2d Wm. Wilson, 3d liouis Czeivvinski. Heifer cilf, 1 Alex, Waldie, 2d L. Czeiwinski. Billl ' Win. Wilson. TwoT,eai-old bull John \V.uren. 'One-jearold hull, 1-rArch. Campbell, "2d Joel Leslie, 3d Robt Miller. Bull calf, 0 Jas Eirly, 2d Thos, Black (fno- tested). Bull, any ago, G James Early. GR V.DE CATTLE Cow, giving milk, 12 entries B. Tuck, 2d Geo. Tolton,;3d Joseph Brownridge. Thiee-ieai old heif- . r, 5 J. S. Bessey, 2d Wm. Wrig- glesworth. Tvvo-vear old H^oifer,~7 B. Tuck, 2d J.'S. Bessey. One- year old heifer, G B. Tuck, 2d J. S. Bessey. Heifer calf, 5 Benj. Tuck, 2d A. Campbell Yoke working oxen, 6 James Hume, 2d John Campbell. Tin ee-year-old steers in yoke J. B. Bessey. Fat beast, 4 Wm. Frazer, 2d J. and G. Hardy. SHEEP----LEICESTER. Judges^of sheep and pigs Jas. -Matthews, Edward Tolton, Mark Sutton. p. * Ram, 3 entries T. Cameron, 2d C. S. Smith. Shearling Ram, 3 C. S. Smith, 2d Wm. Waldie. Ram Lamb, 7 Alex. Waldie, 2d Thos. Cameron. 2 Ewes, 2 C. SvSmith 2d Wm. Waldie. 2 Shearling ewes, 5 0- S. Smith, 2d Alexr. Waldie. 2 Ewe Lambs, Alex Waldio,2d W. Waldie. SOUTHDOWN. | Ram, J. W. RnstelL Shearling Ram, Samuol Mason. , Ram Lamb, 3 Wm. Wilson, 2d J. W. RusselJ. 2 Ewes, 3 J. W) Rus sell, 2d Samuel Mason, 2 Shear ling ewes, 2 Wm. Wilson, 2d S. Mason. Two Ewo Lambs, 2 Wm. Russell, 2d Wm. Wilson, i Fat Shoep, (any breed) W. Eraser, 2d Wm. Wilson. Ram (any a|gG or breed) C. S.*Smith. PeniFine Wool, Newton's Prize, 5 J. W. Russell. j COTSWOLD. Ram, 3 entries L. Czenerwenski 2d Wm. Frazer. Shearling |Ram, 5 Jas. Early, 23 Wm. McClelland. Ram Lamb, 9 Jas. Main, &d L. Czenerwenski. Two Ewes James Main, 2d, Wm. Wilson. 2 Shoar- ling Ewes, 3 Jas. Main, 2d |Wm. Wilson. 2 Ewe Lambs, 2-j-Jas. Main, 2d Wm. Wilson. j Pins", LARGE 11KEED. liodv .Jas. Mutn, 2d Sumuel MiiBon. Sow, fi Henry Ross, 2d J'ns. Main. Sow undor 1 year, Jus. Ford, 2d, Rohi. Ford. SMALL 1II1KEI). Boar, C entries Jas. Mrtin, Jaa. Foid. Boftr under 1 year Jas, Main, 2d A.. Wilsou. Sow, A Jas. Main, 2d Robt, Ford, undor 1 year, G Jaa. .Main. UKAIN. Judgos John Hart, Goo. Wrig glenwortb, McGill. . Deihl wheat, 1 entry D, Cross. Treadwoll whoat, 5- Jas. Burner, 2d Jos. Brownridge, 3d. Jas Harri son. Other variety wintor wheat, Joa. Browiidge, 2d JntrflfhaiikB 3d D. Cross, Spring wheat, 1Q Jas. Harrison, 2d, W. K. Einmbtt, 3d J. B. Bessoy. L irgo pons, Jl W. 0. Beaty. Small peas, 2 Jas. Harrison, 2d Thos. Shanks. White oats, 5 Thos. Shnnks, 2d J Harri son. Black oats, 2 Thos Shanks, 2d A Start. Barley, 8--Win. Gordon, 2d Samuel Mason, dian corn, 2 Benj. Tuck, 2d J Hillock. | BOOTS, Vr.OETAl)I.i:S, AND FMIITSl Potatoes, 2 entries Jas. Barbor, 2d R. A. Rood. Eaily potatoes, 2 -It. A. Reed, 2d Robt. Milfor. Gin rots, 1 D> Cross. Field par rots, 2 W, Maltby, 2d D. Cntss. Swede Turnipit, 10 R. A. Reed, 2d It.-Cleave. Other Turnips, li lt. A. Rood, 2d C. Swickhamner. Beets, 5 J. Drinkwater, 2d J. B. Bessey. Oniousyl J. Matthews, 2d J. F, Taylor. Mangold Wurtzel, 2 W-m. Jlaltby, 2d, It. Ford. CJab- lige, 2 1st and 2d, Henry C rr. Celery, 1 Dr. Freoman. Putip kins. 3 b. W. Dovereaux, 2d T. Shanks, .ToumtoeH, 3 C. Tint} or. Apples, 1 J. B. Bessoy, 2d W|m, Fraser, 3d Jas. McPhei-aou. Fall Apples, 9 W. 1C Etmu'ott, 2d ID. Cross. Winter npjiles, 17 D. Cross, 2d W. K. Emmet. Black- grapes, 2 J. B. Bessey, 2nd, A Brownridge. White GiyiK's-rJ. B. Bessey. Pears, 5 Wm.Hbaw, 2d Mrs. Thos. Young. Bottled fruit, 3 - T. G. Herald. ' Mixed Pickles C. Swuckhammor. Hoine- mado wine, G W. Gordon, 2d |R. Young.| Hop yeast bread, horiie- mado, 3 1st and 2d, Miss Cun ningham. Salt yeast Bread, 2 .Mrs. W. C Beaty, 2d Miss Ada Beaty. Honey in comb Win. Fraser, 2d C\ Thayer. Balo Hops D. Cross," 2d H. Ross. | DAI It Y. | Judges D. Henderson, Miss Hartnott, Mra Shot tell. Home-made cheese, not loss than 12 lbs, 2 entries Robt. Miller. Fresh butter, 5 lbs., 12 William (Gordon, 2d Mrs. W. G. Beat\, [3d Benj. Tuck, 4rh, A. Cook. Fiikin butter, not less than 50 lbs., 4 Wm. Fnuei, 2d Thos. Monahan, 3d A. Neilson, 4th Wm. Goidon. DOMESTIC MANLFACTLIUS, ' [MI'LE HUNTS, H VUNEjS, I.EATHFK, LTC Judges W. Baiber, John }T. Elliott, J is Waldie. J Team harness J. nnd T. How- son. Cuiiage harms.-, J. and IT. Hewson. Single hamess J. and T. Hewbon. Men's sew ed boots; D. C. Watson. Men's ppgfJL'd boots D. C. Watson. Upper leather 2d J. C. Hil lock. Solo leather Z. Hall, 2d D. Cross. Plaid flannel J. W. Russell, 2d A. Neilson. White flannel T. Bell, 2d John Newton. Factory made blankets J. Newton <t Sons. .Two hoiso carnage J-ls. Ruler. Open Buggy Culp and McKen-de, 2d W. Watson. Lum ber wagon Jas It\der, 2d Wm. W.itson. Maiket wagon James Rjder. lion plow Acton Plow Companj. Other plow 1st and 3d A. Grieve. Iron hanow W. Tost, 2d It Ford. Gang plow A. Grieve. Double cuttei W. Wat son.- _ I LADILS WORK, MADE I.V I87G. Judges Mrs. D. McGibbon, Mi s. Tusker, Mrs. W. Bai ber. ' Patch woik qailfc, 7 Miss Gordon< 2d John Stewart. Fancy worked quilt, 4 Samuel (Mason, 2d R. A.. Reed. Fancy wool work on can vas, 4 D. Crossed Miss Cunning ham. Embroidery on Muslin--- Mrs. Rovvdan. Embroidery oh Cottpn, 2 1st and 2d Mrs Thomas Young. Embroidery on silk Mrs. Rowdan. Ornamental needlework, 2 Miss Gordon, 2d Mrs. Ro-vdan. Ciotchet work, 12 Mrs. W. Mc Kay, 2d Miss Gordon. Fancy-knit ting, 5 Miss Gordon, 2d R. A. Reed. Biaiding.G S.Mason,2d A. Bailey. Tatting, 3 Mrs. Rowdan, 2d Miss Nellie Barbor. Point lace 3 Mis. Rowdan, 2d Mrs. M. JTracey. Lace work Mrs. Row dan. H oniton lace Mrs. Rowdan. Woolen stockings, 2 Miss Gordon. Woolen socks, 3' Miss Gordon1. Woolen mitts Edward Nixon1. Sofa cushion, G D. Cross, 2d Mrs, Dr. Freeman. Parmer's wreath - Miss Cunningham. ^J EXTBAS. Rag carpet A. Neilson, 2d Jas. Ryder. Bead work Miss Maggie Nixon. Toilet basket W, J. Robinson. Gont's shirt MisB Gordon.' Fulled cloth Wm. Gor don. Indian saddle John Wan-en. F,INE- ARTS. Judges Mrs. Secord, Mrs. Jaa. Barber, Mr. Colquhoun. Painting in watercolors, 5 Mis? L. Reed, 2d Mrs. W. F. McCoL- lum, (Miss Freeman recommended, Pencil drawing, 7 Miss R. Betsey, 2d Miss L. Reed. Crayon draw ing, 5 Miss R. Bessey, 2d J.' sBessey. Photographs -y- W, Knhrs. Collection natural flowe W. W. Roe. Table Boquet, 2 M. Young, 2d D. Cross. Ham boquet, 2 R Young, 2d D! Cioss, p ' Dreadful Accident im the G. W.hRiillway, i KIVK PKKEONS l4i:.LKD. A dreadful ac< .i-l jidont1 Recurred to tho night oxpros) train bound cast on tho G. W. It, hist Thuisday night, two miles west of Princeton, in which five pinions 'vore killed, which consisted of tho engineer, lirotnan, two orprosa messengers and tho baggageman. Tho train going at tho l ito of thirty-fivo miloa an. hour, and in a moment was thrown fro n tho track and hurled into the' ditcb. The most tomnikablo pait d tho accident is that not ono of the 250 passengeis on tlio train iceeivtd injuries enough to bo worthy of note. Tho accident was earned by ane of tho wheels of tho ei gino ditching fiio which bioko off, and is said to bo ono thut no h imau foiethought could guard against, , A young mai i from' Wroxoter, nained Henry Ii aHtio, engaged in Mr. Climie'ssaw inill, Lilstowel, fell on the circular siiw and bad his log and arm comple ly cut off. Tho young man's condition ia very pre carious, Mr. R. Currie of ^Niagara; bad six Bdllo Ange\ ine p sars at tho Guelph Fair which weigl ed six pounds and ton ounces, ono >f them weighing ^1^ ounces. G. J Miller, of Virgil, showed a' Flemish Bounty pear ^weighing one por nd. On Tuesday m>rning, 3rd inst., during recess at the Flora Publio School, a number >f small boya wcro playing together ' idien by some acci dent ono of tli 3m wub thrown againbt James Brough, a littlo fellow about seven years old, and bioke his right le {. W. Bell it Co., Guelph received a silver medal for the best Canadian organs at thoCentmniul Exhibition, All other medals merely bionzo. Tho people of A fatei loo expect to have a branch of he Grand Trunk running to their town by New Years. The stati jn is likoly to be a few yaids of the Mill Square. Rev. D. J. Mac Donnell preached last Sunday to hii; congregation in St. Andrew'8 Chvtch, Toronto, for tho first time bine 3 his leturn from Europe. The buil ling was ciowded to excess The Rev. Claudius Byrne, (" Father Byrne," as he was called), died at his residence, Burford,'on Thursday, at nine o'clock, being' 84 j ears of ago. Mr. Byrne had been a encuit pteacher in the Meth odist Church for probably GO jeai-s, and over 25 years of that time he spent in Canada. He ib well known thioughout all the whole of West ern Ontario, nnd while his demise was not imcxpect'd for some time post, still many v ill harn it with soilow. The fun ral took plaee on Siturdav fiom hi' lite residence to 5 TOOK SAtE A DE8IRABLE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE Of ACTOH, I Tho oxocuU r of the tstnto of thp hito Sai|mcl Word m, ttffcr fiir ulo that do- Birablo piopor y Ritimtcd on the <[>rliei of AgiieH mid /olm Btreeta, coimiBtuig of two lotH, on which tlioro aro a good frame h|ino and barn, aluo boiiio fruit trees. For terian apply to - jffi 'wArJuEN, I "* "-- Acton, Sept. 27, 187C. , ' 13-tf TTIXECITOKS' NOTICE. All pnrtica indebted to tho estate of tho lato Samuel Wordcn aro hereby notified to make on immediate Hi'ttle- mc|it; and all persons holding claims agaiiiHt tho Bnid etatd aro requested to liaiid them in, properly vouched for, to" the, executors. JOHN SHAW, r JOHN WAHRBN, j Acton, Sept 27, 187C 13-3t ' Executors. 0 ATTLE STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of tho sub scriber about the 1st of June last, a I'cd Stcpr and a lied Heifer, both three years old. The steer has a white star pn his forehead and a white strip on the aiiU of his, shoulder. Any person giv ing such information as will lead to thelrrecovtry *ill be suitably rewarded. WM. GOllKON, Lot Nc. 28, /5th con. Esquesing. Acton, Sept 2G, 187C. 13-3t for organs wero SMALL if r.rumoKi) Tho nnd farm, being th in tho 7th of Eraniosa, about 40 of wli Good log houS'! It is situated Acton and No. 2, in 7th 28 acres. A Is con. of Enu, c particulars, street, Aui owner on the Eramosa, July ARMS for Sale in and Erin. :1 Offers to sell hia East half of Lot No. a, concession of the Township prising about C3 acres, ich aro under cultivation. and barn, orchard, etc. aibout midway 'between -- ood. Also part of Lot 40(1. Eramosa, comprising > part of Lot 3, in the 1st iraprising .50 acres. Tor uiFO of Mr. Wm, Hcin- \uctioncicr, Itockwood, or the " jiremises. era: gned Rotk-vv DIS.SOLCTIOX ,m:iwiiii'. of FAET- Tho partnership hitherto existing be tween tho uticTcraigntd je'wetlert, in the Milage of Acton, has this day been dii- " solved by mutual consent. Al] habili- tic of. the firm to be diBchargettby Oeo. Hynda, jr., to whom afl payments of outstanding account* are li> Ix, msuic. CHARLBfi HYXDS. GEORO-E HYNDS, Jr." Witness Gro H\.Ijs, Se>nr> Uatul, Ae-tonr Oct. Stb, 1876 frair "\fornini "Day '< Urpresl Mi.*l 1 Kight 4 Bright II , Mixed r Day B-j Mail - -Mixed In reference to the above, the under signed while returning thinks for the liberal patronage received by the late firm, would state that he will continue to carry on the Jewelry Business in the same stand. Being a practical watchmaker he hopes to merit the con tinued favors of the puqlic. A good stock* of Watches, Clocks-and Jewelry always on hand. GEORGE HYNDS, Jix JOHN McTNTOSH. 19, 1S7G. 3-3m TT1AEM FOR SALE. - The lunlersigiicd offers to sell his" farm consisting of about .TO acres, liemg the sou,th-wesi. half of Lot No. 21, m the 2nd con. of Esquesmg. Good house and barn, small orchard The land-is of excellent nu.dity, well watered, 40 acres cleared, balance good maple wood. Apply to W, 11 P. Eager, Milton, or to the owner on tho premises, or by lotter to Acton Post Office DANIEL THOMPSON. Esquofiug, i uly 15, 1876. 3-3in. McNAIR'S the Methodist CI inch at Bnifbid, anq1 from thenco tj tbe Mount Vei- non Cemetery, The fluiry of mow was pretty general over the tho continent. Two farms of 100 acres each,near Guelph, have beoi. sold lor $3,000 and 64,900. >' ACTON V I' lou r White Wheat Sjirmj;, Ola1-, Red C'hitF \\ litat Now Fall Wheat . Birlej .... O^ts Pcaf, Apples Onions Tomatoos . Potitoes, per bag Butter . . Eggs Hay, per ton Bacon Ham .... Shoulder... Limbskins.. Pelts ...... noithern part of lUKtTs, . $2 50 to 2 7.) . 1 00 to 0 OS . 0 OS to 1 03 O flO to 1 00 . 0 SO" to 1 0j 0 05 to 0 70 . 0 35 to 0 00 0 6j-to 0 GS . 0'40 to 0 70 . 1 00 to 0 00 . 0 75 to 0 SO . 0 50 to 0 GO . 0 20 to 0 22 . 0 12 to 0 14 8 00 to 0 00 . 0 10 to 0 12 . 0 12 to 0 15 . 0 10 to 0 12 .. 0 50 to 0 "5 0 20 to 0 65 Errs' Coro\.-^Grateful akd Com- poiitiko. "By a thjrough knowledge of the natural laws Which govern the operations of digest; tm and nutrition, and by a careful app' relation of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided oi .r breakfast tables with a delicately lavo^ed beverage which may bsvo us m my heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually built up i aitil strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle m dadies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may^escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourseKes well fortified with pn -e blood and a pro, perly nourished frane." Civil Service Qazelte. Sold only in packets labeled "James Epps & C>., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadi eedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Londm." Many Years of Careful Re search has produced It. Wood's Improved Hnlr Restorative Is unlltte any other, and has no equal. The Improved has ne'e vegetable tome properties; reforest >y hair to a glossy natural color; restore \ faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; rest >res, dresses, gives vigor to the half; resU res hair to prema turely bald heads; renioves dandruff", hu mors, eoaly eruption!; removes lrrlta itlon, Itching and eci ly dryness. No article produces cueh wonderful eflects Try Jt, call for Wood s Improved Hair Hestoratlve, and don't t>o put off with any other arllolo. Bold by a'l druggists in thlB plaee and dei.lers everywhere. Trade supplied at mai ofacturers' prices by C, a. Cook 4 Co., Chicago,Sole Agents for the United States md Canadae, iind by LrMAN flitos, < Co., Toronto. commended no name. A CARD, To ail i utTering from the errors and ludlPcretioni of joutb, nervous woalcness, early deoay, lots of manncot), 4o., 1 will send o reo:pe thut vlll cure you, PBUE -UP CHAliGli. Tms great _ ,-, . v/ i rometly waa dlhooverec by a missionary Collection grcenhouao plautS lie! lnSouin Anvrlcn, Sdi d rt soir.addreRaed ..___opo . ._ Station i), Bible House Ht^yr York. City. - - \- Is now prog -essi'ij, rapitlli , and the GOODS In the present store Iust "be all cleared out. Within the NEXT FEW WEEKS MOV We don't want to E AWAY jlny of our PresenteStock. t Things maE fc be sold at any^price. NOW FOR ^ARGAIiSTS SucI as ti 3Vor before heard of. Acton 3? Ncit lull Aug, D. McNAIR. 2, 1876. All OB ]ERIiSTI^ of all kinds promptly executed at the neatlpr and FltEE fRESS OFFICE, I'ostl Ofllcc, Mill Street. MAMMOTH DISPIM | . OF >EW , - ' " . FALL M WINTER. DRY GOODS. i - -^ . Oar magnificen , stock of new goods now to hand, jsomprising alt the of st>les and - Most Fashictaable Assorfcmant of Goods in Western Canada. - 5 We hare been *ery successful in baying and getting opened oat, wfcichj. upon inspection., will be, we are sore, ' The Cheapest Lot of Dry Goods-ft. Canada. To the Ladies. ID v. ' - We will showthe large,st,'finestB and teost extensire stock'of . S,ESS GOODS o the connty, comprising all tbe new fashionable colors^ in sell jjrowos^ navy blues, plum, prunes, and myrtlo~gi^n Dress Goods. * Also- BlacSJaisJ tres, Tanmattes, Persian Cords, Repps, French Merinos, Winceys, i Trimmings, Tassel Fringes. Cords, Buttons, &c, to match all shades- ."Woolen" Goods. cl^A^nsX %5 Squares, Polka Jacket5, Hosiery, Hlovres, &c., In all the fashionable catesr and style-. j ' C~ '"^ Millinery, Mantles & Shawtel - This depaitment is far ahead of all competition. We have this season-so- cured the sei vices of a first-class milliner from New York. L3die,,yoa' should not fail to see our niilLjnery. Be sure ^nd call before yaal>Dj=. Jur Mantles and fehawls ho have imported direct from the-head centres of fashion, viz., Ix>rftion, Pans and Nevy York. XoveLtle3 -in. Flowera^Feath ers, NVings, Velveto. iilks. &a. ' t Ladies' and Children s-'Purs., Nowhere in the country is such a display of Fursv hi sable", sesl, tainki * otter, lynx and beaver setts. -Fur .Tacket&and Fur Caps fn,great variety.,- Blen's Fur Caps, JFur Gloves, Fur Mitts, Sleiglf Rug(vl3ufialo.Kobef,iei cheaper than th<? cheapest. i - Ordered Clothing*. -w5rS^c3SS ? tiest cutter and ,urn out the most stjlish and best fitting suits in tins'part of theV Ddminicjn. We have just received a spLendii lot of extr fim Tweeds, which ws are prepared to sell at rock bottom prices. Ca!l and set our stockJ It will pay you to do so. No trouble to show our goods Ready-made Clothing, Men's and Bors' Overcoats. Ulsters, Hudson Bay Overeoats,[Boys' Youths' and Men's Suits, warranted the largest variet; and cheapest stojek m Canada. ^ j taple Department" to*mPw- with extra good, cheap, goods in Cottons, both white and groy, White Fancy and Grey {Flannel*, Blankets, Table Linens, Towellings, <fec. Carpets, Moor Oil Cloths Rugs, Matts and iMattipgs, at extra low prices. Boot^ & Shoes. /JS5 as8ortment "d"^ We would osk us, and in retur; Oct. 3, 187G". - ~ continuance of tho patronage so liberally bestowed Opon we guarantee to sell goodg cheaper than o?ei> XoLSQD, ANLEPwSOlT 2f Co., MAMMOTH HOUSi;r QfiOSGE-TOff^ r*rr HUB?vAH POR BARGAINS. i i STILL ^.IBIEI^Jbl CHEAPER THAN EVER AT, WE"W fANOT DRESS GOODS Stylish and Cheap-. - " " ' " NEW BLACK LUSTRES, Extra value. - - ' NEW WINCEYS, 25 per cent ^ess than last year's prices. " ,JWhite, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNELS. ~* __ -'. Coarse TWEEDS and FTTOFFS. ? - -1 Hollands, Table Linens, .Towels, ToTrelling. - ' Factory and ISleachdd C03TON5. > ' ' ' , Hosiery, Gloyes^rochetand-Eoitfingpotj'08 Ladies' and Gent's Collars. And Tie* Laces, Edgings, Ribbons, &c,, &c<(S|. pr A Fine Stock of Hats and Caps In all the .Latest English/and American Styles. "" ' _ v Also a very good _ .->,, Stoek of general Groceries, OrockeVy & fjlassttm,^ If yott -wish to Save Money, don't fail to catf at i, - _ I !. G.- M: SOOTT'S^ '*[ Next door lo Galloway Bros.^Bakcry, Mill Street, AcfWyg Acton, Sept. 20th, 18T6. . - hits ma.d| vejtiseiBq Thi Ejys "thi ^well-prinl ArJ ITvcred chapel, Elder W.| "---- >?< hive aJog -u-e find "Twill "bel Nol large; adyJ of this'i Co. Havel evervi>odl *" 1 first *nol xi*day 7ta on tlie grj ev-esiicg Foil - go-ioGa tBe'ljafcj white C2 The hr?t| the secaij The enlarged : sizul shej also annq __ on lp<i" enccesE. ' * Thel chanced tl a nev, Jieil matter" ii! improveu ^tarrst w < oiiB _ad\ cr i>y to con ' At Village tl ^Tras done.1 appointe41 yet bour-i station, titne the cl tnere -duTiJ Ealt on ; Ofe nie Jiersons or thf made a^ _16ngiiiff-tp J ej-ly bjaitsl ^y stnppel Sait, coasi els. Mrs! the tune, i probably; t _ and they ! ' 'Tis_a grea.1 covered anl theia. SoniorTel The fol: f Jr the .t Comers J- C. St . Miss S. i\ VTm. Sp 'I Mis^iL R. Lamb- S. McGol Wm. Cr J- BroWi Miss Liz Miss 1L. , -_ E-Fo&J ^ <w. .^ Til _tioa of thi ' fier than t! >\ P*l&h"ed| i ?ge CSrculI , I ^ the Gitj ii excaedingl '^atofaSJ , *hana,t Jomiial. one, and *eopli - ^

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