Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1876, page 4

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^WirtftMwwwr^n if. B- 7* VOTE i ; 2 ;xi Ionics anti IMrrctlons for l*rc- ~ .". scrvinc.; --' 1. Let everything tosed for the purpose be delicately o'l6*n and dry; : I'otttet wpooialfy bo. _., 2. Lotfniitfi^ixJiierliibrgRth- crod ralway*. in perfectly dry vi-aajher, and be free from morning and evening dow. When bottled J t mufti lie steamed during the'day _ .on which it is gHthr<Kl,-*>r theto will he great^ieas .'from the bjirst- ~ infc of ,botiW . . : . 1 ""; '. / 3. Never "pUce a presorviug kettle Hat. uj>on,'tlor"ro,..ii8 this will Vi-rider the preserve liable to burn t, as it is,-called -that is, to! ad-. here closely to the metal, mid" jtboh to burn ; should fust,uliraysJpn-u -Uivct. ; . < ' jit After the 'sugar &; aiided to thvni stir-tbe pferscrves gently, at ; ; !ii-st, and more quickly toward the j j ond, without quitting thorn until : . they aire done. ' " '- 5. All preserves should 'bis per- r fectly cleaned from the scum as it rises:'-" ].- . J |, . " . 6; Fruit jwhich is to be preserved iu syrups must first bA.b*U^ced or ' loiledgeifdy, until it is sufficiently spftened to absorb i^e suguk \ and :i chin syrup must he poured ojn at lirst or it )-wlI shrivlo'; instfeui of r^ remaining plump and becoming ; clear. -;-.:_ To preserve both the ^nie flavour and color of fruit in Jams and jellies, boil them rapidly -until they are reduced, before thi sugar Is added; and - qulck.iy aftorw-ard, . j.'iitllo not idfow them; to jbecome '\ ^rimich-.thicke/ied thai the sugar ia them will not &6soWe easily and throw up its scum ; the drol(> which adheres to the skimmer wjll.ihow the state it has reached. eV Never use tin, iroo^roj powter spoons or-skitmner for preserves, . as. the}' wiil convert the. .color r& red fruit iiito a dingy purple, and impart an unpleasant flai-otjirV - 0. When cheap jams, .or jollies ee required make them with Lis bon sugar, but use that whicjh is "w il refined, always, for preserves i:s general; it is a false ecofabny; to , - purehase an inferior? kind, as-1 here L is great waste from it |q the <j nan- tity at team it throws up. 'Che bjest is the cheapest. lM. CREEbH, SADDUR 4 HARME3S-MAKER, Uiw rcnxjvod <uh>. door weal of hi* old aUiul, and is Bow prepared to turii. out work; which for - ., ITBATKE3S, OEBAPITESS AND BtTRABIUtXT, " jauinot Iw, annMuqcit by any bouse in )'- thi) county. . Harness ,of all Kinds supplied on the shortest possible notke, and warranted to give perfect s^tiafac tion. . ": '. . As Jie is doi^g business" principally on thb Cash System, he is preparoil to soil cheaper than oyer. ' " ^Svo him a call and bo convinced that this ia the right place. FOE BAE&AZXT3 CHEAPER THAN EVER JuneaB.;8iB. R.GREEcn.Aelon. l-r V.'.- A i $ gPECIAL. i "I"'. - . ' - '*J : { j: iop WRITING DESKS WORK BOXES than Half Cost 1*1 Tkw*lM- It costs more to revenge wrongs than it does to. bear them. . ' There: are time^" when jdthjj^gh ] AN DEB SON'S speech might be silver, ealencalis I *r*w**r. mfWiM-^m wr mw p .-gold- r- . ' . . / . ^i-l !"" Where ^rue.fortitude dw-eltsj 16y alty, booniy, friendship ahd fideli ty may be found' " " I ' f' No one "ought.- to enjoy whati is too'good for him ; he pughilto make himself worthy of i:, and rise u>italevoL j The flattery of friends and j ene mies would do us very little harm if we didn't .unfortunately flatjtejr' ourselves. . ; ' " It is a d&ogarous thing to treat with a temptation, which ought at first to bo rejected with disdaihond abhorrence. -- |. I | .He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper; but The is more fortunate who can suit 'his i tenjjier by any circumstances. / Some peopfe sink-all enjoy toent of present comfort in the foreboding apprehension 'of future evils, wjhich . juay never happen, 1 ' ' If you have built castles .in the air, your work need not be lost; that i3 where they should be. Now put foundations under them. \ : 7", A fool in high station is like a man on the top of q mountain ; everybody appears, sma^l to him, - .andie appears small-so .everybody. Our brightest ihomeits are those Tvhich frequently arise to as fcoxn the bosom of pare and anxiety ; the getns that sparkle upon the - dark : ground.; _ ..':":!'"'. NKW SEW PANOT DRBS3; 900CS .Stylish and Cheap. VfKVf Hr/ajOK LUSritES, JExtra value. WlNCBVii, ,2S per ocht liKss Ihan livtt yoar" pricesj ^liito, Scarlot, Grey and Tuncy FKANiNELS. Coarse TW1SUDS ami ETOFFS. | Uolbinds, Tablo Linonn, Toi^elp, Towolling. Factory and Ulrachod (Jo'lTONS. , rjJoHiery, (Moves, Crocliot and Knitting Cotton A Fin o Stock of Eats '"I.. ., Acton, Sept. !': A rTrne Stlojry. ' _: "Shon, mine son," said a worthy' "German father to his hopeful heir often years;'.whom he had jjyer- heard using profane languag^" Shon, mine son, cs,rtie here, ahd I Now, .. mine spn, shall id be a drue st<5ries, \-r- or a- makesbelieve V.' j : T " Oh a trUe story,|6f couFSo]"aa- . I jjwerod John, , fi - - Ferry veil deu. 'Mere vas voince -J'.: a goot, nice old shentleman (snoost like me): And. vonf day -he heard hiH" son shwearing,/ ^.like a yimng to ] the winkle (corner J and dook bud a cow-hides, snoost hs; I am doing now, and he dook der liddle black- ' guard by d'er:<lhHL J[dis yay^ jfou see), and yoilopeii fhin> shoost so ! : Andt den, mine tear sbn, he pulled bis ears dis vay, and smack- his face . dat vay, and dell him to go midont his sapper, shoost as you vill do dis efoffazr^ :\ -' ]'. . '-------M= !-, -, ( Oirie Thiho %n$ ip^T Jto.r- Two <rieods were: diaousingj the merits of their' respective wives, when one said : "I wouldn't have ' such a wife as you bavej ^rnith." v|b*< Why not Trashed Smith. ;f "I . c '[beard that she makes you :do all j the work about the house." . Vi^Vho . ' toldyou sorV^Oh.afriendof mine." . filing f !jthat she dosen', repliea Smith i J^'Whatis iti": "She d<j>sen'CKget ! 'np at twelve o'clock .at "night, in -. the dead^of winter and throw mo -but of fchp. backlindow in|iJoa ' snow-hank si feet;deep, and then . say, *Freej5e-to death, yon miserable jap, if_ yoa^-we^t to/ ^-And % have Tieard that your wife has done that ', toryoB, eo yon needn't bra|! #booJ ' jl ^>ur matrimonial partner^" - =-:!' ^^fr^f^f^'i^iuiuviM CHEAP BOOKSTORE ! .' :! On the East sii][e of ^Vyndham Strco . fiUELPH. SCHOOL BOOKS. School Children should Bay Paj"s 5 cent Copy Book. It contains forty copies, and is made ofgnod pai>er. All the School Books used in the Town and Country Schools on hand at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. The subscriber 1 Ltuiies' and <U nt'ti taceB, Edguigf, Collars aud Ties. Hibbbns, &Q,, fid. and-Caps n all the Latest English and American Stylvs. A' so a very | cod Stock of |[renerul Groceries, CrocUcjiy <fe GInsswaii|e If you wish to Save Money, don't fall tc> call at : ' Q. M.SCpOTT'S Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakoryi Mill Street, Acton, 2011^.1S76. '.'".: ."".. .1 --'j OXJR; FALL STOCK Vlf M 'A IS NOW COMPLETE. OFFICE CASH STORE -A.oo?o:isri oisra:. desires to think hia numerous cash customers for the liber il mannr jn which they have supportod him in carrying out the Beady Pay way of doing business. Whon t oom- menood oo the Cash or Trade System and 8 per cent discount hgainst the credit trade of- our vib ,- i -l4ge. but to dny I am pleased to say li-o nro all - - doing business on the only right principle, Uitit M ready' P"y. Since the tradd ofour villnpo is now done on the Cisli System, I will dis continue j iving discount for fcahh on and nfior 1st Oct., and reduce " all my goods in price to the strictly cash -figures. xnyg 2nd my stock completo My customtrswiH al QrocorioD, Or^ekary, QlasavaxK. ' \ ' | "' Wall Papor. Staticzerr. Previsions, Sk. Acton, Sept. 19 SOOT WATOHiES,: CLOCKS is JKWELHY. mm W^ : -.">. ki. k^". For a large and well-selected slpck of ... -.j- Watclies, Clocks atodi J&#M| " ->j t0m i"-. .ll-SS's-j't-rfi Twlai CALL AT. -I Call aud examine our Goodsand Prices. GRAINE &" ?ON: Acton,, ?>opt. 5, 1876. Now is* the Time to Purchase IMP- TWEEDS being rushed off at reduced rates to make rooni for :o.. \&p} Or. '^rsrjsTTymm Post GfBcQ, Acton^ '.-;'. A;NEW LOT OF CLOCKS F.ROM $1 UPWAI&sA*^7^" :lios, Prooclios, Ear-rings, Finger Rings, 13 feracolOits; Lockots, Gents' Stttd^'aniJSuif Battel M^i0^& And everything (hat ia kept in a first class Jewelry'House. : .-j represented,-and"Kepaifing..:Speeialf ^mm. Bemember the place. August|28, I87B.:-.'-.-, DRUGS, CASU FOB TRODUCE. Specialties tept in Season. Sausages, Firinan Iladdies, Oysters, Ac. JAMES MATTHEWS. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, &e 1S7(1. TWE NEW DOMINION A1TD SHOE STORE. Day Sells Cheap. C. T. HILL, Mill Street. ACTON, - .. DEALER IN Groceries, - ^ : Qrpcfcwryr^ " ', : BobtB * Sftoej, yftV. Paper, window Blind*, :'; if*U, <J1*M. PttT, '..- PaJiiti, Turpentine, :[ .. -ibal:OU,Salt,:ite., 'All of which will be sold low-for cash.' BOOTS arid SHOES Selling off at cost. Also agent for the 5!?BBE& PAINT COMPANY Of Cl^iveUad, Ohio, (Baith for HJde, Aaton, July 18, 187?. ON KBHHm & i Have just received their FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Tho.Best that ever came into Actoa^ for Pricaj Stylo and Quality. : -. ' '- OUR PUSTOMC WORK Will receive careful attention, and all work guarantepd1 tp give satisfaction c3" Repairing Done Neatly. "i Don't forget the place Main Street. Next Door to Agrao^'s SotoL : ~KENNEiY.&SO!Sr. Acton, ^ept, IV1876 UN The junderBigi And is prepa Hat Acton, Aug. w DERTAKINC. r*T. ed' begs leave to inform ;the.'pebplei, of Aoton and sur- roundibg neighborhood that he1, has procured a magnificent ed to attend and conduct Funerals -on the shortest notice and most moderate terms, ' Caske:s, Cofflnsr, Burial Robes;, And all kinds )f Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, and 'supplied on the _ >' shortest Kotioe. . i < Bands and Gloves supplied When required- 8, 1876. ' JOHN SPEIGHT. Drugs, Chearcals, Dye Stiffs, Patent ani Propiletbsgr ._. Pancy'ana-Toilet Soaps, Sponsree, Brushes* ! r. Paint? Oils and' VarniSlies, Paney and ;B*61 iejf'8^^5; PTXas Wtyras'AlTa LXQirciEa far ISeiicinal Purposes i ' X i^g*tlvjt ;.-y\:mm FALL STOCK Now Arriving AT THE1 ZE.A.ST? EJlsT Acton, AHipl8l 1, 1K7C DICKoOIT &: McNAB, GREAT t SPKCI&L SALS OF Preparatory to Removal. A_J1 goods warranted of the bestqualjty and at tt'n pet cent beibwSwS^W'1 .picres. " S!-S^?J*i ' _ s: :t>^0&L t;...;.-,. Me(Jic^l HaJlj Mill 'street^ Axytcml ::||S8 Acton, March 13, 1875:. ; '. \- \ G. k Jjtof '"" =T!S? HO! FOR BWRGMJ* '^B'i . tt.'JU-. Scroif. f fey Vortn jooej<rpn laud oa ,|a**i-.' - *6- 0(Bc| W1 3rT Aitfihu: Out for ;~-.i. .: L: mmsp 1 rsT'snirAxttf, '-:& Our entire stock of Dry Goods and Clothing is now- offered regardless of Cost, to reduce stock boforo removiugcto our new premise i, now huilding. The public niayrely on the ': :V-/ . -. Bs3t and Cheapest Bargains over offsied of Cheaper than Old 3ankrupt|Stock ,at Hatf prioo Ch^ap because jju^t the goods "wanted^r-Ubeap, because Fresh and New. " 1 ' TEE gTOOS MT70T, "WILL AiH) SBAXtXi. BB SOLD.- But we are aware how perplexing it is-for honest people to read the adver3 - tisements-here and elsewhere.' WnoHl talk tho loudest and. t "t ! . ' ah intelligent Ptihlio know w^ll that SSbodify' .-.. "!."' . : . >EEsoar ss : i -ARE HAVlXGJONEOF*TflEIR 'X-i. ' . -x-^ :'^:-> V";. ;Fcr ibirty Days ?Ga^:=/> GUTTING i ASa SLASIflliG RIGHT AlW No quarter will be: given", ill goods marlced dbwn4 and will be i - "'." "'-. - Dress Qbojds, Muslins,7 Grenad^ie$ an4" At Cost Pride and Lower. , < if'"! 'I; !V- 1 We give a few quotations of x>: 4:5.00 yards of Dross Goodsi former prices, IS, SO,. 25 and, up tg 50 . cents-^-reduced to 10,.15 and 20 confcs. i | Striped silks reduced; .to 57 cents.' Striped Grenadines to 10 cents. , Striped and/Plain iLineu 1.6 }0 efe. P^rsaojflfrbm 15 cents. ,".S.\.-. Black and Colore4 Lnetree from j CWhih Jnoketeftom fi.25. 12J cents. .. . i .Laoe.Curteina|75 cents., '.'- " '. White Cotton Hose from 6Jfcent^ Str/pur Sun Hate from 5 cents. Uasinniere Jabket*rrom^*i,">fri jyinen Suits- from$1.50, Table Linens) Bed Quilts, TaMe Napkins, Shootings, Damasks, Toy?elf . .., p.,'" :' ling'will he offered at striking .pricesVj^ ; I'-ij,- Colored Shirting from 10 cents. A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from $1.0d fo GO cents. Colored and White Dress Shifts from/40 centk. A JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING[to he SACRIFICEDJ. This Sale is no Clap Trap. " i ' I 1 as-Reduced Prices Jdust Be Casli.ts* i m? Juircrl -iuibetr-dii ffi rtea&ktjti O1 PlaJrterl*'! ' lheraml] xloo | T< :- Fldur-c . . . ttto aa<f-i i JJailc. ~ ?^S *"or th 4 ton. . y* Kackwt| eroui ' *. :r6jE MlLljm%Y & MANXES At: RALF^ik 1 Gents^ Furnishings. Hat; and CSiipSj &o.. at extraordinary lerw Call an4eunirie;^t willpayjyou.. '... ,- s, Oil Grotlis, KugS, ^.yia clean sw^ be made of these goods.;. Cottona, .Tablings, bucks, ~ '"""" ,5*i'~fc ftc-;, atiVery low prices. 'l on Thursday,-; July 20tb; Vi ^ fl !f^ We comnienc,e;bur AiinUal Sale: ebo'tinue.itTor 30, days. ltemember!e never^^adveTtis^*anTthhgi* do not. perform,'spthat yhuican rely "aipon getting bargains And?"" goods cheaper ^th^n ever./^Come Tind see our prices and-exi goods.. ^utii'- ~sr : %z. McL^OD, ANDEHS0K & C< ;- ;_ .; ' .ilAMMOTBC HOUSBi^^&B ill'1" ' lD.,1- .. I~,L"( ' ,".. / ' "in" i ijjjijifl ALL KINDS OJV k.;~ ^mmem BiRMr :ia^-**K PROMPTiY EXECUTED [AT Guelpb, June ,5 187$. WILLIAM STEWART b Co. ' --f. jtromj Mat. m :4.i ' ' : '-"^ <ri -V-" - L'^ 'I--: -J. BtSD OffieBU fl:^Sl Ttetfs FHS ^^LIJSSJ |i| *M*Tt; *\1im ....l ir iMlll ^ij*.-i;Btijiiiaj!iii iskiiSmM

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