Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1876, page 3

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..f I so s&e tide -11 as rease our tov ^ei*t It Inland ^P, -X' ^ 4*#/ TSAND Ise. ^fian- at-.' ^CQ. tRB l*dlr, aatd tie IDS rstot* oat *E?EKS btta WAY It any pncej^ , I -heard <>* " J . .' - i j^JfAlB.'* rorSileto^ Ibont fi?.-***r' arcford, * lwy bet* j ot a. in **?*** - * ?*% W. -.-." f-S .. TKI'KK TIStR T.iBLK. Trains l<jave.Acton as follows ;. ' Morning > py-&qr<j Ktpresa Night Kxt*fc. Mixed Dav Kxp: Mailr- Mixed Kxnrcsls BBW ^JDVEBTISEMBNTQ Xotic* Mr. Cattle Staj Cow S T<> Contractors . Masonic Nj Cotters Dominion ForS Eiwutors' Wordon. Carter, jycd \Vm. Gordon. " Payit Maloney. irs F.: S. Armstrong, otiee Regular Meeting, a anAJSleighs-j-Jsmes Ryder. . Harnosa Shop iE.-K. Cook. Ir>csirble Propert}riu Acton. Notice Estate of Samuel 'trayfed &JeHDc3i LOCAL MATTERS. Tillage Caincil meets on Satf- urday G opens next UUTridav evening. uelp "eqtion Eli Corners' next Saturidav Divi Erar loss tiorj; at Ro. fcwoo ya at Halt wvill Conlracto advertisem ant the tie-- C We .^.Mcrhewoji : to Mr. 1>. : ing-to Broil te i; Tenders -building carpentering gxtional 0 basement S plete in a i Ther PS. . . in behalf new Con art ofofiicers in Crewsoii ision Sons of Tcnipenuu- J ,y evening' i * Agricultural Erhilli ixl to-day. Nassagawe- e to-morrow. rs are directed totbif. calling for : tenders fo; grugational Church. learn ^that Mr. Malcolm , "wEo recently sold hit farm! Wilfianwon,/in tends rehior lit a fca" inanihs. are_.iuvit.eJ "by. thcl tamittce for the brickwoijk'j ifcfe., of the new Centre arch in this village. Thej torey of stone willf bc'com-l Armit Jotir It qnailtiti the general Mr. txsemeat is ". week, manse old at prie, advertiiemtn Mr. rife, of y their trip Friday, Th aad expre. satiated \ri a social alt jMr.) rvmg's4e>n Friday evening, uT the building fund of Uk tgational t*burch, ^to. which; public are iii'vitetli nllogg's new advejr- received tin) late for this 4nuoui.*u the jurival of itn- es of intir. gryxla, to le amasngH* cheap. . Se~e tl;e t in next is*ae. uhctn Morrkon and hjs ^issaeaweya, retinied. from| the I-jv.-vr Provijires-ou' y uere away for sis week.',' setl themselves as. highly h their jourrfey. n> ' S"o.i eonjplain him the lu three timei. -VD cent Tea thnee =-pcrno"' iJrus.' t'L atd niw ! Mr. C ,'vacate the an oyster ; mence bn? ljr, ia the by Mr. . Th Mr. Jos. _cent fire in on- the adj Daridaonj bitration; totsTiave ; fid awarded Davidson,; --The ing Council the bad from' Spey cnlTerts an<. of a thoron;; is said that road in the ing a good Friday of friends sbjOi haveithe ~Lt is the great ri Brbs. - roods. stade ride : roau s^ V "J. Teaefcers' We are Crooks, "^etinRwitl: **-' Assoeiai io; d*y, ^th October. ill bej given The; folio wtiag of _ last Bobert W_ haw] rening 1 Bobe - Henry Ben J.< Be J.U Mia* Mis. Mo< ire, Sje: H. -,. Kic~. Cameroif sv. ,B. BJ Shaw, ' n; HngheaJ *Uhn, " -ladies, imofBa "* .Medical BacV Only thj ^f60 dolt, can't -of forts. oentTA ^1 ar and aSard tol adding 'J-:>. .-4Lf3 I- THE mm TEE^S. j AGTOy, HAiTON COOTTYi q^., SEPTEMBER ! . -500ISO K.VST. n.10a.k < :li>jvn!i.- 1^-13 k,' 3:37 Mil. a. at ll:35.<i.'5. 5:17p,ri lOKW^ni. THE CAS;H SYSTEM Vorles TTonioPS lieyond all Atttioipatioas. p>h CentnU Exliibitioii' Tuesday -and will contiuule v days, will be ; ore .need the jxodr nian tiiat hds_ wages won't afford orj- of a g'XKj c\ij> of tea |i day. f;jr he cm get a good for ?5 cents per pound,' or 's-for a JiUlar, at Stcord Cash Stove. E^^ard 1V< B. Leyens" having to jtremisei ocecpitd by him as fruit store, will re-eom- i in the samelirie, short- store now being erected Matthews. , tijamage to the property of; jamley, caused by the re- i bush which was started^ ining farm of Mr. Thos. is left Tor settlement by ar- e learn that the "arbitra ted the damages :at $130 that amount agSinat Mr. th j:osts 13.50. // fllttention of the E^ues- ii 'respectfully dfaytted to pf^ the crossroad leading e rto the Cth JTme. The bridges are saxlly in need in overhauling. ' Indeed it this is tlje' worst piece of wnahipT^ajrd that, is aay- TKe Council meets on" wept/and our Speyside fiak/a special appeal to ^fufed."- . ' tS'.pleasnre "we.notice :j^^tion the ilessrs. Secord ^^de^in the price of their firm, always -the first to prices wherever possible, de_the .grand reduction of " tl)ey deserve the_liberal e public foi*-their-efforts in the hands of jednsum- possible cost.' A man tjheir store now with a few j-to getifrom a dollar and dollar and a;Tialf's worth >':4-G. M. \Scott hrs by far the cheapest Winceys every seen in Acton. Christie, ..Henderson ifc Co. don't make a practice of blowing that \ they have 1001 .pieces of silk in stock when .they have not moro-than 101,'or that they have.just opened .500 cases of woolen gvH>ds wheii thoy have lint more than ik). ^ They believe in sticking to facts aiid Bniatl profits, and only ask an opportunity of slioxying their goods ajid 'quoting their jiricea. -ill goods marked down to hartljiau.prices, ami uo second prices. Tliey don't'buy go*>d. tolie on their shelves. "Sell and- repeat ". is tlieir motto. Try the Medicait Hall, Acton, for School Books and Stationery. Tobaccos, Groceries, Crockery, { on Credit Prices. I Rn*r. nail ) "The Independents.: challenged tho Pastimes,, of Acton, to play a- match in Actoitlast Saturday, but the lattorxlub inade'iici^rcs ponsii." The alKivoJs from last week's Milton CA<i;n'<>i,--"Iit reply,; wo may sUte ithat wo liavij* made inqlury concerning tho matter, *ul lsnrn from tlw secre tary of the Pastime club, that a chnl-. . ,, - _^: - '- i - .,-. , *^ , leugo'ivai received on Thursday, 14th AH QOOdS RedUCOd;| from 10 tO 40 per COllt inst., tho day before onr civic holiday *------- for a match to be played here on tlni fol. lowing Saturday. As some of tho mem bers erf our clnb had previously fmaiW arrangements to. be from home on that day, a verbal message was sent through a member,of tho Milton club, that tho challenge could not then .^accepted, foSsthat reason. The secretary informs uslhat he wrote -to the Milton club a week ago, explaining' the matter, and offering to play a match with tho Inde pendents j at any time before tho closo of the season, providing they gave rea sonable notice of their intention to" come." To this, no response has yet1 been received. The Pastimes are anxi ous to have satisfaction from the Inde pendents and trust thejt will not fail to putfiu amappearaneo atlaii early date. FIRST THAT EARLY ERFtJt OF Below we give a few of our present prices, show ing a striking comparison between the old Credit Prices and the new Gash System Prices. We have not rooni to quote all the Goods we handle her e but we have given most of ihe principal articles in the trade; All other goojds are being slaugh tered in'the same manner, and our patrons will recognizb the fact at a glance that it lias been our aim in marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything that it is possible toi reduce. We respectfully invite all persons to participate in the benefits of this great reduction. SBOQRD iROS. 129 PIE Crossby'a Tapestry Carpets, beantifal Goods t Velvet and' 900 pieces n: . Comprising dll\ of the newest colors, styles, andj BLACK DRE! AH bought boforo the recent advance in raw silk. Prices New Styles and Colorings-in rklsh Carpets, rich deslsros I Brussels Carpets, w" t3ress GPODS, 'patterns: of the fashionable world. Very S SILKS, 309 Pieces; ^ienta to $3.00jper yard. No befiter goods to bo had ifli '.the. Dominion, Plain, Fancy and Biiobaded Silks, (701 Pieces)/ Magnificent'quantities. Great selection. And the prices extremely low. r tnr a call at any early day will well repay those who wish the Sept. 1, 187C OLD Hardware, and everything ;else cheaper than you ever got them fur before,. or than you can get them anywhere els - Secuku Bum. I'auyi Notice. AIL accounts not set tled by cash or note on the first day of October will be-placed in court for cvd- lection. SeCt>i:d Bros. "' Christie,", Henderson it Co. this week show a line of Wincey at I-J cents net, .which they are willing ta-| compare both in width and weight with any.giKHls uf the ^ame'class otfered else where at 'JO per Cent higher.. They are aware that this ia a big challenge, but | they are willing that the publu; should beihe j-iidge.-.. ._ . New Indian Teas only 35 cents per pound:. New'Indian Teas only' 3o cents per pound. Indian Teas worth 50~cents,, only 33 cents Jgxir-pound.'at Secord Bros. See them, buy tlnin, drink them, they are goo^l and cheap.. Now nish'for tiiem, only a few elicits to be had. tfLColit) Bi:o3. / Hats; and Cavs.- derson iCo. this week show thu lar^ -Cb rifrti Hen- . r ^ _ st'j, neatest-and dteidedly. chc-Vpfst"lot of Cents'-, Boys' and Youths' Hats and Uoys nd-<S"i Fall and*'Winter Caps <=v*r cf!i'cred in Actoa. Tin se fancy Scotch i'aps will ' e'aiiy-fciiy look gajy. Pon't fail U>i tiov dad. neit 3 |very dollar he spends with lerequiringgoods can't af- ^heir store. They extend to:.every person to come in the benefits of their Aatodatlon. /--*" rmed that- the Hon. Mr. r of Education, purposes the Halton County Teach- in, at Milton, on Safur- Furthtr particular* hereafter. ' -, if Trmptrmnct. Aiton persons were elected : Division, on Tuesday 4rren, W. P. W. A. R. S. ight, A. Ii. S. Treas. , F. 8. :- -./ Cook, Chap. -; :Bin Stbrey, A. C. L S. 0. 8. ! you can get tbo-latest ; and Circular Combs at ttall, Acton. ink of it, three pounds for a dollar."- If y'eu'eamij __ and invest it in tea at it raises your earnings to half. -Ttonkofit.,.%ou miss such opportunities your earnings and- corn- Hr see them. ' - Ycm can get Dye Staflli at 20 per cent l>elow Guelph jirices at the Medical.Hall, Acton?" :.., -Kvery ]>ersoh is availing them- themselvea of. onr great retraction in prices. Come and save your money. We make eve>y dollar you expend with tt-ith us, get from a dollar and *en cents to a dollar and fifty cents 'worth.of goods. Secokd Bbos. . .i ^ For Btyiish .Dress Goodago to G. M. Scott'4. Ladies.' don't fail :feo| see G. 3il. Scott's Dress Goods, they are very styl ish and very cheap. -; . Fancy Dress Goods in all the mew and popular shades at the Glasgow House. Christie, Henderson Co.- find ing tradtg rapidly" increasing as their popular fow cash prices; become better .known, have in all' lines made greatly increased purchases, but more particu- ly in Ladies Dresa Goods in which their stock -this season will be unusually at tractive in style, color and price. They invite sjtecialattention to this line and feel satisfied that their efforts" to supply stylish and durable Dre33 Goods at low prices wiU be duly, appreciated. SPECIAL NOTICE. All ac-[ counts on my books must positively bej settled on or before the 1st of October, j After that date I shall keep^strictly to" the Cash System of doing business. My fall stock is now arriving and will ibe complete in a few days.; goods will be sold extraordinarily cheap for cash or produce.- J. W. MAJs'.N. . G... M.* Scott's Black Lustres" are excellent: value. Don't fail to see them. f ,. i " . ^j-jThose who require Dye-Stuffs shojild try tlie Medical Hall, Acton, be fore, purchasing elsewhere. , -Galloway Bros, make the,best bread in the county. Give them a call. -^G. M. Scott has a choice lot of Ladies' Silk Ties. ' . ' i-^New Dress Goods, in -all the newest colors, at G. M; Scott's; ,. " A splendid stock Of black and colored Kid Glores,, at 'G-.-m; Scotfs. : : .,; j .j- =^-Highesfc price paid for. any quantity -of good Butter and freijh Eggs at Christie^/Henderson t- Co.'s, Acton. Remember their famous 50c Tea. [.' Choice Winceys only 12^0 at Christie, Henderson** Co.'s, Acton, pronounced by good judges to bo cheap at 15c. Full tizo Cotton Bags only $3 per dozen. See them. ;. r-r-Shirts and Drawers' at hard pan prices, at Christie, Henderson \6i Co.'s, Acton. Grey iFlannels, superior quality,- at 15 to 20 per cent tinder last year'a prices.' De cidedly the best yalues offered. Gents, It you want a stylish Hat or Cap, very cheap, go to G. iL Scott's. : Best ^dollar] JHyson Tea .. ..";!,.. M"ediuni-Hy80n Tea sj.".'-": .. ... ; .. Splendid Hyson Tea, better than Meteor Best [dollar} ,Cun powder Tea Medium Gunpowder Tea .. .. Best Japau Tea - .. .. . . /Medium-Japan Tea .. .. .. Gootl Japan Tea .. .. .. .. Tolerable Japan Tea .. .. .. Last pick Japan Tea ... ... .. Best Black Tea '.." .. ".. Good Black'Tea) .. .. - .. .. Medium Black Tea .'. .. ... "^est Aml>er Syrup ... .. Best Golden'Syrup .... Best No. 1 white wine Vinegar .. ' I.. Beet XXX Picklinj; Vinerar .: Gat Meal, small lots, per lb. ....... Pot Biirloy ,.. .. .. .. Lamp Chimneys, large ... .. .... Lamp Chimneys, medium ' ... . ..' "_.-.. Beit Benson's; Laundry Starch .. Best Corn Starch . .. { -. ... B5st Brown Soap, per bar .. .. .. Best Judd's.Soap three bars ..... Best new Cnrrants .. r ... ... p3St old Currants '-.. .. . i Best Turkish Prunes, new" Best'Layer Baisins Beat Valencia Raisins .. .. .. .; Mixed.Pickles, bottles ... ... \ .. Mired Pickles, largest size ... ,> .. ., Mustard, per lb. ... Best Java Coffee, extra choice .. ... Good Java Coffee ;. H .. .. ... , Faro Java Coffee - ... .. .. ... Best pure ground Pepper ... ... '...| Brooms, -extra heavy .?. ... ... ...; Brooms, medium ... ... .. ...; Brooms, light- ... , ... : ... ... ...i Soda, baking ... ... ... .;. ... Soda, in five pound boxes ... ^.. ...j Set best white granite Tea ware, H pieces .. ; Set of China Tea ware, 44 pieces ... ... One dozen white granite Cups and Saucers,.-1... One dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest Set "white granite Toilet ware, nine pieces One dozen Knives and Forks ... ... One dozen Knives and Forks ... . ..;. ..^. James' best"No. 1 Whito Lead ... .;.- .Gold.medal.White Lead .:. , ... .Jv 60 50 00 80 50 ^0 5 6 12* 10;' 12i 15 12i 25 9 ; 8 10 15 10 25 50 30 40 35 30 25 40 35 ; 10 10 3 50 5 50 1 25 1 25 3 50 3 50 3 00 3 00 2 50 NEW CASH TRICES ? 80 . 50 45 65 35 70 50 40 15 12* 80 50 46 85 70 40 35 I .4' 5 10 8 10 . 13 11 23 5 .1 12i ?i 20 : 35 25 35 30 25 20 35. 25 > 20 8 5 85 ' 00 15 15 187^. FAli. m. AT THE GLASGOW HOUSE, a:oton". eofort q- o oaj s jest and cheapest- goods -in. itown-f " John hooc .&/ sou,-"-" -_j. Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street^jGuelpIu 2 75 3:00 .2 60 2 40 2 35 Who would buy on Credit when they c;ui get goods at such astonishing Prices, SECORD BROS. Acton, Sept. 14, i876. I ' " ". ' v ,'.;,' ' TEAM CUTTERS Carriage & Wagon . SLEIG-HS. to lbs, of brtad for 100 lbs. .of flonr. ' j fFor good tea bakes i and buns i go to Galloway's BrosT, Actjm Bakery. | } Now is the time to leave your order At Jj Ryder's Factory f or a Stylisli Critter r Serviceable Sleigln I am making up a large stock for the coming season, from the best material. Call and See tome of our Hand4 ,.;; some Cutters. ' MypreseBt Btook of BUGGIEf 4ND. WAGONS ; will bo' sold off very cheap. ' . -, Now ia a -good, time to secure bargains; >. Strict-#ttentionJgiven to j ;. HorBo-shoeine & Oeaeral Bltwls- smltilng.. : JAMES RYDER. ; Acton, Sept.,27, WO.' ' -\" ..WODfKfli, . . Main Street, - Acton.1 KICHAEL SPEIGHT, "' Genoral Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon-maker. . ' ' .! Best Horse-SJioers in the County. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no - j; price charged. Vlrit-CUuU Plows and Coliard's Potent Iron Harrows always in band. A good stock of Carriages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to, Acton, July 18, 1876. w AIMI FOR HALE. The undersigned offers farm consisting of about 50 the south-west half of Lot No. 21, in the 2nd con. of Esquesing. [Good house and barn, small orchard.. The land is of excellent quality, well | Watered, 40 acres cleared, balance good maple wood. Apply to W. L. P. Eager, Milton, or to the owner on the premises, lor by letter to Acton Post Office. " ' I. DANIEL THOMPSON. ' Eiuesing, July: 15, 1876. j3-3nv to sell his acres, being 3ST IE "V7" Fresh,: Glioice, Cheap. CHRIST^, HENDERSON :' .'- ' ' I : -"" - !':.., Tak*e pleasure in advising the arrival of new goods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Knowing fully the wants lo'f iheir customers, and ; having exer^isedl unusual care in making selections, they feel sat isfied that they have secured 1 i . " ." T a stock of goods for the Fall trade, which, ior quality and cheapness combined will surpass all former efforts This week they show a great variety in lines suitable for the season, such as grey, scarlet and check: Flannels, all wool, union and wincey shirt, ings, all wool and Canton Shirts and: Drawers, neavy Canadian Tweed's and Etoffea, plain, striped and checked Winceys, Dress Hoods in popular shades and at popular prices, a large assortment of the fur-famed Tiger Brand Black Lustres; Genta'Felt Hats, common to fine fur all the popular styles in Canadian, English and American makes; men's-and boys stoga and kip Roots, at 10 per cent under ilast year's prices; :" >-; women'sj misses' . and children's Shoes in pru- " ; . nella an^d leather, a great variety ' , - i to arrive;- ' .-: : -,r. . Grey and. white Cottons . also complete lines of Staple Goods at all times. In plain Wincey we show this week a line at 12^0., pronounced pheap at 15c, and decidedly "the, best York shilling " Winoey offered by any house in the trade : During the Beason we shall continue to add whatever the comforts taste of our customers may command, and hope by careful attention to their wants to merit as large a share of their trade as heretofore. In all oases oar goods are marked at Special Bottom Prices so as to pre clude the possibility of putting in - thread, buttons, Jko., which When rib -. quired will be oharged for as other goods, a obange which will be a deoided gain to the purchaser. Instance goo<is that would be sold at' 20o., spool in, are marked J9c, Showing a decided gain to the: buyer of 5 a purchase of 10;;yards. i ; Our Motto " Quick Sales, Large Sake, Close'Prices, Smalt Profits.'] Onr Terms are Strictly Cash or Produce. | No bad debts. No boc k-keepers'salaries. No costs for collection. No Division Court Suits. Ia fact we believe the CASH SYSTEM ia the kind of '< Pioteotion " we want to restore, the country to its former state.of prosperity. Come and soe us. CHEISTIE, HENDBRSOK St CO. ST'Il^lL: f^A^ ZE^3Z)!' i AT- ": __ : IWfri:;:, y KS"W rAlTOT PSIBSS OOODSi 8tylish and Cheap. - , NEW I BliiCB^ LUSTRES, Extra value, v ; . ;, ~ . NEW WINCEYS,' 2> pernoent lbss than.last year'ajprices. White, Scarlet,jSrey and Fancy FLANNEL?, . ->, V1. 'Coarse TWEED3 and ETOFFS. ^ ; ' Hollinds, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling. r '. "- ' ' Factory and Bleached pOlTONS. :. j ' / '. '-. Hosiery, Gloves, Crochet and Knitting Cotton Ladies'and Gent's Cojlars and Ties. L . laces, Edginggj ifibbons, Aon .* A Pino Stock of Hats and Caps In all the .Latest English and American Styles. Also a very good' V Stock of General -Groceries, Crockery &.Glassware . rIf G. M. SCOT/PS Next door to Galloway Bros.' BakeryyTHiU Street, Acton. Acton, S^pt: 20th, 1878. '.-".- - you wish to Save Hoirey, don't fail to call at A-PTozesr, Qj^rq?. , J . - ... I r Thesubscriber desires to thank his numerous cash customers for the-liberal manner in which they have supported him in carrying out the -I j / : 1 Beady Pay way of doing business. When I com- ' ' menced on the Cash or Trade System, . and 8 per cent discount -! i Since doinc for ch, "" .. I had to compete' 'against the credit trade of our vil lage, -but today I am pleased to say we are all business on the only right principle, that is ready pay. tbe tride of our village is now done on the Cash System, I will dis< Lot of Dark American .Prints jitst N. B. Choice to hand.} Our famous 50o. TEA still leiads the list. Try it, Is! all we ask,, We know yjou will afterwards huy it. Acton, Sept. 6, 1876. continue giving discounter cash On. and after 1st Ocjt and reduce i i| all my goods in price to the^trictty cash figures. ; My custom"rs will always find my stock complete i Orocorles, (Sroskory, {Jlsiswaro, '"." '? - ': . 'Wall Paper, Sts^oaej^.fPjrovLilona, *c Specialties kept in Season."Sausages, Finnan Haddies, Oysters, <tc - ^r - JAMES MATTHEWS. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Ac Aoton, 8ept.:;]S, 1876 UNDERTAKING. '. -i!-.'.' ' ' - '.- ',-. I^i hi?. JC^%fiS The undersigTied ^>egs leave to inform the people of Acton and sur roundinfi neighborhood tnat he has proourod a magnlBcent ': . -'*_rL -ir6 ^ -idLil-. I: "Cr^-x And is prepared- to attend and- conduct Funerals on the shortest notice I .; : . and most moderate terms. I Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kini a of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, and. supplied on th/it ' ! 'j -shortest Kotice. ! ,{ Ha t Bands aha Gloves, supplied when required. " Aqtbn, .AnJR. 8, J1876. : [. ' 'V JOHN SPEIGHT^ ; DrUffB; DRL|GS, DRUGS. StaflSj Patent a4 Proprietory Mediclnei, OhemioaU, V] Faaay Sn4 Toilet Soaps,, Paoats, Oilsaal Taraiahos, Fancy aal Rubber Qcodi. PtI]&Ei yia3 AND UQT70B>S for, Ko416inal Purposet' jsctlyj A n g wds warranted of the best quality and at ten pec oent belo^ Twonfo" plcrea. - ;.: j > r:f--.-':. -^ V;;'~"'.-..::; *- ( Don't forget the place. :k sdicall Ha-U, M&l street,; ^.ctoiiw j Aoto4,]Ma:ro 113,18j75. '; -,' '^:":l ' v--.S.-~'"-V' ' 'I .-^ l^QR^QW. v\

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