Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1876, page 4

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m x THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ON^ SEPTEMBER si'. c tJeros ol Th^ushtj -.: . Kindness -'is laiijjniiso w-ljiich tho d;ii'b can sjH?\k "mvil the 1d.e;d'"Cim Aihdevstaiid. ! !I - . - Ybunj*; folks tell, what Itliev' do i 'tei<\ ones what tlkl>y have dune; and J fools what Urtry will do. '.'. *__ - t. | Evil thoughts intrude-in an.un- employed mind, .as naturally us worms aro goni'i-.ited in a : pool.. ' "'! /.". r -liielvos do "not fridf so jaiitr J-iilafiite us, with, their ]H>sse4sioir lis ' ..they 'toniitut us \yith-thoir Joss. wllMl- Yon BEMOVEDi *h R, CREECH, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Hm rvinowi) oho door wimt -oi ift* *>ljst-iml, jnid is now prt>pa,rnd to turn out w<.rk\ \vjiieh fi>r - ST.- i-. i." !i v I. * vk- ^ lie who'eitfi jxriUito )W *ver he likixs is'your blaster bad better turn rebel by J, .'urning 'tho virtue-of "patience. * JVorlJly joy is a sunflower which- .shuts.when tho gleam of'prospeiity is over j spiritual Joy is uii r jjver- gtvcn jin unfading plant.- I ' ,: I Great thoughts ims not produced ninid noise and mirth ; the }niiiid>, thunderbolts, like the clouds, aioi 'forged in sileneo and darkness. .. .Grapple ever, wiUr~'oppbitiuiity. And, us yon don't know .when pp. jiortjuuiity will come- along, keep; your grappKug-iroua idwaya ready." A rich man, without tho capacity -/or intellectual ejijoynieut, ia ait i poor as thfj most "humble' laborer who lives under: the shadow of; judaocs. ;..* ' '- IBM * PhunyKrafs. j ... -"After me," as %hd needle said to the thread. J - " ' An expensive wife makes n pen sive husband; -.' A pickpocket works on obstruct principles.-' '. A difficult | lock, to pick4 One fronx a bald hejud. . - Never go Sailing with children. There is snro to bo a squall '..-beforp jrou return. . t I Even the records of " high socie ty""' show that a wife's docup^tion is toa often Fret-work. 'I Swimming is an j art that all ladies should acquire.; Jt inspires courage and saves soap. " Hints to Theatrical Managei ... When a man is constantly dtinning yo& for a bos, give it him-rn Ithe ' i .A small boy could net so the fteceesifcj- of repeating a liis'tory lps4 pon.- having;been told that history repeats hsel t - "We find be, came to his death frdm_ calling Bill jacksou a liarl" was the verdict of a coroner's jury JaMissoarL ; A guack doctor advertizes to^this effect "Congh while you can"for after you have taken ono bottla cf ' my inixturo you can't." j-' "That store ^ares half the fuel," ^id airfironmonger " Faix, thin, I'll take two of them and save it all," replied his Customer. V'Carrie}" said he, dreamily, coii-; ..templating her coil, "how beautiful "^-how very beautiful is your hair?. Where did you get it." - / "Io?e^' says an amorous writer " is ah internal transport." An-e:c-'i change remarks, " The sauie might ho said oT a. canal boat." ' ' _It takes-a good deal of philos;>- phy for a man whe; buiiijjs hra hes.d. >gainsfc an empty shelf to excuse' the'shelf on the score of hard tinits. Lady" visitor (examining tlle^ school): " What's the' capital (of. Tttrfcey.r Bright little scholat : ."- Please- 'm, it aint got. hone it's bdnkrup'J? ' .' ' 3 ' '.- . ' I " Jfearly all tho pos't-office31 in Texas are Jn chaTgo of females. / It works so well that the mal^l.iow arrive rand depart every hourin/yie few men who are still efarn- ejfc advocates "of the theqry hat lager J beer does not ihwxi'ciitel still jclhWforidly to the good qld custom winding the clock, at twotfi. m with a hiiir brush "Your ifose ,lc>oks like tie laet .rosei of snmmer," said one toper to another.' '/'Well/' said toper num- J>er two, pointing to his companion's inflamed nasal <Jrgan,"".ifc ain't left bloomin' alone anyhow." NEATNSSS, 02EAP1TES3 A2TZ) JJTTRAfillirr : ^Oftuimi ! <> tmrimaswl^ij-Lany-lioiuo in ;_ ] tno emmtv. Sarnoss of all Kinds srij<pliod on tho aliortust possilile:ni>tioo, .Mnl warrantvd to give perfect rioA. ' if '"' " - ; . ..As |io is doiui;l>nBinC3S principally on tlir.Casli SysU'in, he i prepared to sell ehe,iiw-r than ever. i .' ' .' : - - .Give. Win a call anit^xscpiwineeu' that thia is the ri^ht plricc. j JtUiP.a.4STil. ;U. CREECH,.\eton. s PECIAL. ioo WRITING DESKS A-X'P WORK BOXES Retlirncd to the Ofljcc of ihe Clerk of the Peace for the Couiily of Hnlton, lluring the Quarter |^nding^the Twelfth day of .SeptciAbcr, A.D. 1876 Niuno of Pi-OBocittor. .lohn Hrri-.. ...... John Kok...____.:.. Aiidrow Fi-apois Post, Janjea A. Fraior*. . . Jeremiah ;Lano.. .*,., Wellington Brown.. . M. Conway...... f.. ,, M. Cfkiiway .:. -,... James a. Fraier. ,i..., James A. Frnzoi.."... JameslA.Frnior^.___. M. Coiiway.......i.. M.t Conway .......... M. Conway ....-..'. ..-.". RI. Conway ....-.. j.. Patrick Connor..... Fntrick Connor...... Jnmea /f. Krnzer..... Jaraea M cBrian...... James Mclirinn.-...-..-. James McBrian ...... Name k Iietiunliuit. .losppli Vantlijot.... iiabccqa Newson .. tiodlrcy Ilonlley.... .lohn pJUoper.... Horatio PJii Cotter . John MpKoiiiio ... Wm. Hiuley/,____'. Jas, McNiimiirn ... John KeJineily.... Jolin Gt.r-ry ......... /\ngu MePlicriiOD. Patrick Kolly .____ O.'.Brown....... Thos. Knight..... Jaiiios SiowaVt .....' John Uosa....... John Hosr......... Clinrles Morton . . . John Vain........ ICtlw.ird Dwyn..... Jolui llickev.l . . ,... Nature (if Charge. Aspniilt.. ... . .. .. y. .-. .'- ... Drtmk and .disordorly... ... . Assiiiilt............... i.... Salliiig li<iuor. without lioonso Assault........ .v......... AnHault..................... Drunk and ilifiordorly...... _. Drunk and disorderly.....Z. Drunk and disorderly. ..,.,. Orunk and disorderly.'. ..... 'Tunk ni\d disprtlorly..-..... Drunk and disorderly..... Drunk and disorderly....;.!. Drunk and disorderly....... Drunk and disorderly........ 1,'nrrying a dagger.......... Interfering with workman... Soiling liquor without license Drunk and disorderly...... l)ruok and disorderly...... Drunk and disorderly. ..... -. Date of Conviction. July llth,"lHTft. " 17th. 1875 June, 1S70. ...... ". MLU, 1876 " .flth, 1870 . Jtily th, 187C . " iyih, 1870 " 19th, 1J870 ]<Uh,. 1870 " Ulih, 187fi " 19th, .1870 Au'pust ICth, 187ft " 18th, 1870 " 16lh, 18/.0 " nth, 187ft " 7th, 1870 " " "9th, 1870 Sept. il 1th,. 1S7G ' il2th, 1876 " 12tli, 1870 " 12th, 1870 Si'/iiiio x( Convicting JtiHt|cc, ____-.,' \; -I,. _ J. Fcathorstono'and l\ Culling J. FeuthorHlonoJapd G;4Inrdbottlo. -. .1. Applebe, A. Poat and .M. Cleminls i !).: obartsdn,.y..Contcr, J. White ) ) and F. Barolay................J vVni. Bunton and i'loheit Miller.------. (obn'Murriiy, Davjd Cross and ) Geo. WTiggleKivorlh..........v D. ltobortson UKd h\ Barclay.:..,------'. \). Kohortsmi arid F.'-liarclriyv........ D, Itobbrtison and P.-Barclay:=.... J...;.. D, Robertson nr.d.'F.' Barclay.I,.....'/. D. KobtTtBOn and'F. Barclay. |____ D. Robertson : '.'.........,.., D. HobertHon........;.....] D, Rohertaon..............,. D Uobortson ............]..... ( .lohn' Whito, David Robertson and I FrnnciB Barclay.....j____ J. Whito, D. Robertson nnd F. Barclay F. Barclay and K. Dixon . i........... Elijah Dixon:.......... j.___....... Elijah Dixon............;........... Elijah Diaon..........:.............' *j ' Fine. ?- 2 00 5 00 .2. 00- 20 W 14 00 ' 5 (H) ' 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 .3 00' 2 00 3 00 3 00 20 .00 20 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1'iino Giyoh. Forthwith j. Six dayav-.i:.' Forthwith... Forthwith 17th jnne Forthwith Forthwith .;, Forthwith..-. Forthwith , Forthsyith.:. Forthwith Forthwith .. riino given. To wlibin paid by Justice. County Treasurer..:. J.. County TrcnsMrer; :'-- TrouBurer of Trafalgar, Insp'eclor. " l:. TrieasUror of Buriingtori Count; Tr'enBui er. Tow Tgwi of Milton, Town o Milton. Town of Milton. Towi of Milton.; fowl of Milton. i.Of Milton, ' - >. j. k . .',-.- I certify that tno foregoing is a .correct Schedulo of tho Convictions roturned to my oiFico for tile Quarter OlUco of-tho.|01eik of the Peace, Milton, 13th September, tS76. ' , . \ JOHN DEWAR, If not paid,, whj not-and Gtnwal 01ervi atioog. 1 -Bound over; h'ent"to jail for twenty days. Sent to jail for twenty days. Sent to jail for twenty d-ijs. feent'to jail lor twenty days. ~i Sent to jail for forty-eight hours. Sent to jail for ten days. Sent to jail for ten dajs. Srint to jail for ten days. above mentioned. Clerk of tb Peace, County of Halton. ___ju 's Cheap jDty.&ood? Store. GOLDEN LION dorucr Wyndliam mid Mncdosutrll Streets, (Juelpli. w ..The Bay Yon Were/Born. -.' ',,.. Here is an infallibly method of " discovering the day of th week on, 'which a given day of the month, any1 number of years .previous oc- curired. ' To the number rtipresant- jng your age .at your next birthday vjadd one-fourth for leap /year ; l this 'amjnnt divide, by TOyWaud tlie'ro- nia Jider count back "feoiu the day* of the week Oa"whiph you were hoini' t'orynstance)'op your-next bir ;hday yott' will be 21 years old.; Th a divided by 4, andihe quotient, B, i dded to 24,-gtves 30, the amount wh icb divided by 7V the nuiiiberf of . jcLtj a iri a *>eek; gtv^ia ' Jo-it' weukfl, an<. the remainder of tw .days'. -Now, if you^ birthday iii 1876" ". cories on Monday,-count back two days and you have the day on which yon were born, Saturday. ;. S?our . advertisements are read . afl sr y6.ur;.stote is*' closed, nnd are -Joft jn perused heibre it is opened Jn the norning. "' - > Elev. Wi <i. England, ^a1 IJetho- - tin It" preacher, a,nd hia farnily; seven pei sons in ' all j were -tnnrdered at -Mongaguo, Texas recently, by a pa ty of disguised men,-'^robabljr $01 money. Less, than Half post ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE Ox> tho ErutsidoOf yVyndham Street GUBLPH. UNDERTAKING. The Tmdersijnied l>egs leave to inform tht people of Acton and vicinity that he will furnish all Requisites in Undertaking on sh<irt noticu and reasonable terms as pan be had ; ^ ; __ ichen Desired. ' Also that ho will Fit up Stores & Offices in the best style. Stow <'aOH, nook C'osrs and Desks I made to order. Frrkx/TCI;E REPAIRED. _i. - Shop on Willow street, near Main s 1 ! P. M.:McCANN. -4cton. March 20, 1876i 39-Gm SCHOOL BOOKS. School Children should Bny Day's '5 cent Copy Book. \ It contains fort j copies, and is made of good paper. AH the School Books used in the Town and Country Schools on hand ut DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day Sells Cheap, CJTEAM Carriage & Wagon Maia Stroot, / - Acton. ^ lHICIIAEL SPEIGUT, Genoxal Blacksmith, Carriago and -. \Vagon-maker. Bunt HdribrShoers in tho County, Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no . " price charged, FlinWlawi FIowh and Collarrt's Patent . Iron Hurraws ttlwayn on hand. j A gpod stock of Carriages and WagonsJ 3Bepairing promptly and properly ati tendd to. -",'.-. ." j Acton, July IS, 1876. ar Now is the Time to PurchasfB GLOTHlHd, Diyjjocjds Cheaper than ever. In order to enable all our frienthr to purchase their :Dry Goods cheap, wo have been induced to continue purChonp Clearing Sale for the balance of* tuft icoSon. Wo invito every^ono, therefore, to come to the Lion oonid obtain tho great bargains now. being offered. Below: ' "' we qutito-S lew of onr leading lanes, but as it la impo.Bsi- "~ ble to oi^t'iiierate, all we would simply i3 that wo aro I, NC CHEAPER THAN EVER. And are determined to snow iho,peoplc 61 Guelph aud neighborhood that. For NewCoodsf ior'ijtylish Goods, and Tor Cheap Goods, i'i ; : - Ot'Every Other Store in Guolph. 'OnrRegular Lines are Bousht for Cash, Direct, Consequently no ono can undersell us, while tho half-pricd Stock bought in Montreal has enabled us to sol) at far lower prices Hum o'urneighbors. In consequence of this'our sales during tho past season have been lifty per cent in advaace of anything ever known at 'fho'-Lion belore, and-for this liberal patronage we,desire to return our very hearty thanks." Wo would add, howevc:',' that our; rcputa^oh for soiling"choap so well estab lished we ai< determined to maintain it, and wo thereforo invito ercryone jo pay ua' a Visit, tnepoot our Stocfe, ascertain our Prico3, and. you will always ouy^at1 tao Lion, La oux i. ' Dress Goods 0i, 8, 10, 12J cents and upwards. Factory Cotton, 36 in., 6 cents a yard Hoyle's ______ Prints, at 8 cents.' atriped Silks.iGrenadines", Lustres, &c, marvellously ohef%>. Fal! Tweeds, latest'styles, immense" variety, very-cheap. Ready MadejClothing, less than hall tho usual price. .Best"Cotton Bags, S3.00 a dozen. Striped and Derryi, WJ3 QUOTE A FEW LEADING LINJ* ^ SPECIAL LINES AT LOWEST PRICES. Checked Shirting, Sheetings. Table Linen. t American Duck, and Denims, V . ' Bed Quill's, Towellings, &o. OUR !1 RULE. .Our Rule is not to decry our neighbors goods, but to offer our own on thehT merits^ and we find, this answer bo well Hhat AT" THE LION WE ALWAYS HAVE LARGE SALES, QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS AND IffiADY PAY. fi" Come and Scc:Us."ffi> t J. D. Guelph, Aug. 2^, 1876. t WILLIAMSON & CO HOW DAILY AkBPVIKfG AT THB I . ^ FASHIdSTARLE WEST EKD. ... JUST.OPkNEDi .- ".-.' - One oaso new Seal Brown and Navy Blue Dress uoods. 12 dozen new SiiE Ties. -T*^. Stock now yory complete ahd A. - New Linen Collars and Cufisi ".' ! attractive in each department. O. BUCHAM, Faslilonqblo West End prdflo, Millinery and Mantle Establishment.;' |'LGueli h.'Aubust 11, 1876.}} [ TWEEDS being rushed off at reducecl rates to make room for , FALL ST(pCk Now Arriving AT THE DICK301T Ec MC1TA3, Acton, AugoFt 1, 1876. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS IPO CLOTHING ^ Preparatory to Removal.. M, iSTBWABT & CO. FOR BARGAIN^ T#ft)B< CoH t>i nd~ on rl .lyoaij onf Glasow-. JOHJ ,' Ower W r Mn<To^r. T ^ . jF=#*^at| *c:_ OflJoC Streets, at Om THS5 ramp ass. Ii69k Out for Cheap Goods. Our entire stock of Dry Goods ancf Clothing ia-now offered regardless.xi.f Cost, to reduce stock before removing to our new premises, now j building. ] Best'and Cheapest Bargains ever offered of l4"3E"VCr C3ECC>IC3Er GOODS = Cheaper-than Old! Bankrupt Stock at Half price Cheap becauso-'ju'st the goods wanted Cheap, because Fresh und New. y THE STOCK MUST, WILL A^TD SHALL -BE SOLS. But we are aware how' perplexing it is for honostpeopie to read the adver tisements here and elsewhere. Who'll} talk the loudest.ond brag the most seems to'bo the maxim of each. But - an; intelligentPublio know well that Shoddy ~ j Goods.aro dear at Half-price. .J We givo a few quptationa of C3-00|IDS ^REIDTJ<piEI3 '-!'! I- 4,500 yards of Dress Goods, former prjees, 15, 20/125 and up to 50 cents reduced to* 10,15 and 20 cents f ' 1 ' Striped silks reduqed. to 57 cents. Striped Grenadines^ 10 cents. Striped and Plain Linen to 10 eta. Parasols from 15 Black and Golared: Lustres from : 12i cents. Table Linens, Bed QuiUs, Table Napkins, Sheetings, Damjasks, Towel ling will be offered at striking prices., ........ .;-..'j from 10 cents. A lot of Wooleri Tweeda reduced from Colored Shirting 1.00 to GO cents. Colored apd.White Dress Shirfcd froni 40 cents. A JOB LOT of ItuT Guelpbj June cents. Lace Curtains 75 cents. White dotton Hoiie from 6 J cents! Stravr Su n Hats ft om 5 cents.; Cashmere Jackets from $1.25.: Iiinen Suits from $1.50. : L4DIES UNDEIICL6THINg| to be SACRIFICED.: This Sale is o Clap Trap. ' ' i - I - . ..'..' - ' -5 j ' Ktjduccd Prices Must Bo Cash.T^a ' - WltLIAtM; STEWAET jfc"^o.-'V! HOUSE Gr-EJ!3:o"vsr3sr7 ^ \. r! ' . , .. v M0LEOD, 4NDEES0N Ss Co. ARE HAVflKfj OSE OF THEIR -.. .J ,:.-.|" ",: ' i 'IMMESr^E^CLEAKIKG SALES, Fbr Thirty Days Only. GUTTING AMD j SLASHING right AND LEFT !-"." '" "'-: :/ ' ^ No quarter will bo given. AH goods marked down, and will be sokl rs " 1-.'" . gardF^ss of cost f- Dress Ooodsr Ikiusiiiis, K3renacliues and Prinjfcs ' " .-I >. I"'- \y\ ' ' ' \- > I y At Cost Prico and Lower. ^ MlllNERi$ MANTLES AT HALF PRICE, Kfe^dy-made .: |and Ordered, Clothing, ^TweetK Rents' Furfiishing8, Hats and Caps, Ac, at extraordinary low pdeeiL . Call and,e"smihe ; it will pay you. Carpets, tjjl Cloths, Rugs; &c., a clean sweep mm be made of these goods. Cottons, Cablings, Ducks, Drillings, Ttfi lings. &c, at very low prices. | "' "" ' JVo commence pur Annual Sale on Thursday, July 20th, and'(44 continue it for 30 days. Remember we never advertise anything tb*t't do not perform, so that you can rely upon getting bargains and firsteUf* goods; cheaper than.eveK Come and bee our prices and exaunaefl* goods; . ' w nl iaayj m I3t8l Agent to All boslnd BojlcrteL r Vee*aii luutrl Caulj aJ M: O1 ii^rri H.t KioeTlenl liD^pnblf McL10D, ANDEPwSOU Sc Co., '- :M.AHMOTfl HOUSE, JGEOBGEtfilW-'" 'sis- REMCWAL, REMOVll t C3-!. m. s q omm Begs to inform the inhab;tfints of \aCToN and surrounding corairy,!*^ '. , .; "-V . J^j^ !1 ".' ~--y:":fi:U^M Next Doojr to Ga|loway Bros.' Bakery,In,the Trnlidfi^M^f ^..'X^iif^h FoJthet. "tonj. iorl tmcK -Aj Hoptworl i3fi which h,as been neaijy fitted dp. It haathe best light of any'^r** two counties, whioh) is v,ery essential for the proper^electioh Ptj____ His Btook,"whioh is very choice, is fuliy aaso/.ted, '~\ '.' ~ .".".-.",' - -ri { rr And will be Sold at ;an TJnusually Iiw He is determined N0tHIN.G:; B.UT ... [-.CHEAP tu- ( tamers f Idrlnje til tbavgeTj aiLlQoali fwre-fre ijur, aod _ .yps -hol ejheaper i . rtftt i ^elltofe, Twen-ty- n advai SorSOceE- A- Aeton. 1 PL Sash, .- '- 0 i ..... ; to still main tain his former reputation ol ?^BgpSM^.;i THE BEST OF, GOODS AN& SE]i^EP||| AS ANT..HOTJSE. m. ;THE TRADER ;'-;!-|i: If* 1870. JGive him a call, Juine 27,1870. 0. j^ SCOTT'S i Square Dealing PI :"j.-; ..y|)jfw| ' -Oiflerr prowpl M XL-:'"?: m^ AU .4c Wi?* '^i'LLi-zL-:ir:..^Jik^

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