Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1876, page 3

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:[wm >m -: c LOCAL MATTERS. the Meet press; acton, halton county, ont., '-"t pHe*^ r>*3. i Vail ailf ^ %- JQTt '"-' "' Agricultural Exhibitions* Kritmosa. ?at Koekwood, Sent. CSth. Nassaciwi^i'i, at-l HaltonvilloJ Sent, ' 29th. -. -" J " EKjnesing at Georgetown, Oct 10. * =' Halton County,, at Milton, Oct.-12 Mid 13th. ' ! . Vnslinch; kt Alvrfoylo. Oct 12. Erin, at:Kriii Village, Oct. "if, ' J Northern" "Central," at . OraniteviUV "I Sept. 2S Mill '.*>. " - - i. Provincial, at IL-u'uiltori, Sept. lSth to 22n0.; I." T: \Vc*trn,nU London, Sept. cthito 29th. _ Central at Guclph,- Oct 8, 4;-A, 6. Caledon, at CharUston, Oct." l'jfth and Uth: /sr go to .ir Ac-"7 nt on ny re- bf our i-:.V: '. lers for Uiftet-' igoutU> 1- I r -1,' r-:i.- all f ;' , M \-i.j' >*a*r"iajC" r "V |Wm, 1 wUtdJM ; i% I- antfpgeduci -" ' <.'^-~" Ires. ~ -; / T?rf ;-V |leto ;-'" [.Oysters,-Ac.' ". |jre licenses, 4 i"Sf- F&: N -. / SHOES; id Quality. ; ire satisfaction '"0 &S0N-1 LCTOK. ";.:-:-t- t For stylish Dress Goodsj ^TM. Scott's. - The rate of.assessinent ft ton i only "a fraction over |ohe the dollar for aH purpose*.4 _ A Kid. spot on tho tstr^ei "near ths. resiaenee $>t Mr. John Koi quirfcs repairing. ' The Attention street cojninittH; is .directed thereto. : Mr. D." Megan's brick!block Kii, resched the second storey, land is assdniinga good appearance, j - . -Six more sheep have been wor- . ried to death by dogs, this tiiii.e the pro perty of Mr. J&s. Dunn, near Speyside. -The attention of tho Esques- ing Oonnwl is respectfully directed to the dangerous state of the; bridge on the 5th line,-at Limehouse. It should be attended to before any accident oc curs from it , ' A silver medal.hAs been award ed at the Centennial Exhibition to the' thoroughbred stallion, "Terror," bwjieJ, by Mr. John "ttliite, of Milton." ; ' " -ilr. Robt. FisKer has bnilPnn a<\dition to his tin shojj, an 1 is having the front part neatly tHted up, prepar ing for the fall iLrado in stoves. and tia- . irareJ ' - _' ' i-- '"; - Ladies' don't fail to seo G. jl. Scott's Dress Gi>ck!s, they aro vc -j- styl ish and very cheap. r - . - The Equalization jComnnttce for the Acton School TJivisioi-, have ; fixed tbe-^te at (Jo per cent tab ?iidded to the^ rural portion on. rci3 estate to . equalize, with the village n.^essmcnt. 1 Last year 6j per cent was added So per- . tonal property is well as re.-J,- llfhe re duction is a slight conc-cssiojt'ij'tho ap peal of oar rural frienuU. j ' - White Fish and-S.iInionJTfoat . at- Seeord Bros. " | . ^Fancy< Dress G30I.I3. in ill 'the neVanil popular.shades it:!te Glasgow House. Christie, HeaJe^on (jo. tiud- ing"tde rapidly increasing 4s their popular low cash prices beconib"better knojm, have in.alt lines made !-greatly inafea*el ^uiphases, but more pnrticu- ,ly iiiLiilies i>r*5'Gond^ in whic1.! their - stocicf this seai'in will. i*o-i::mPiiaUy at- -tract^e ia style, c^l'>r^ni-.l ]'-ric-j. They inrit<j specirJ attention to this-liiie' and feel satisried jhat their eai-rtV t;> siip^ly bw ^prices wil| bo duly'c*pr<reci.ite.L "- ' T^st iFridiiv was'cjbsc-rved as 3 general .holiday", in .Acton, and a large nuinber of oar people took advantage .if the cheap--excursion--to Toronto and the Huniber Bay. ffe learn that 2S5 tickets were sold %t- this* station. The trip tw a very enjoyable one, the weather "being pleasant, and the com pany agreeable. _ Some disappointment tu expressed at the picnic groohds riot being quite equal to the high anticipa tion that had been formed of it; never theless, there was nothing to complain of to mar the pleasure of tho-"outing." The half hour's ride, on the lake was pleasant enough to put everybody in good humor and give them appetites for . the lunch. Pancing, swinging and other amusements, -were indulged- in during th^-aftefnoon. "- AMon t-onnrll.. "Tlio regular "monthly mooting of the'Council,wtis hold lupt Thursday o\*enirtg, nil- tlio members boiuj; pivsonts Tho Finnnco committee Jtvported tho nccoimt jof John Mc- Oonnell of ?15 for services us nightwatchniaii, and nlso-account of. James Burns of $21 fbr teaming gravel, and recommondod thoir payment. Tho usual charity dol lar was granted to John McPheo. A by-law was introduced to pro- vido for tho support of tho public school of Acto.n School Division; also "a by law to ,prcjvido~ for the ex penses of tho viliaga foi* tho current .your, both of which wero read tho necessary nu.mber of .timos <and fi nal ly passtxl. The school by-law provides for tho raising-of $1200, aiid for, the levying of ft rato for that purpose of live and threo-tifths mills, on tho dollar.oii tho assessment of 1S7G. .The village by-law providesifor the raising of 67S0 and tlto levying of a rate of five mills on tho dollar. ; Council adjourned till Saturday^ 30th inst., then to appoint a Col lector and transact other business. ' I^HE GASH SYSTEM "W^orks Wanders beyond all Anticipations. SEPTEMBER 21, 1876. HAT WGNplRFUi MM G. M, Scott has by far tho cheapest Winceys every seen in Acton. Bane'.Ball. . played in tho Scotch Block on Tuesday, with tho following result-:-" MrTUALS OF.AtTO.V. \V. Watson, 1 f.. .. J. Wordo'u, of.. G. Wilds. 0 .. G. Clark, ord b.^_ ' .. A. Jiacishaw, 1st b_ . .- ('. Speight y "... - ". . F Kelly, A : .. .. " . A Mattlie-s, s s T. Wa.Uon, 2i:d b .. 1 OAK l.F-'.FS OVJESvjriiilSo; : TL KoUertaon, c ..' .. D. Mcpoll, Sril b ... .:. Jas. Meriierson, n' .. .. "Wm. M0C0II, ss: ). .. Laidlaw,.. Cud bl : *. W. MeUouald, lsf'b v . r ., John McPherson, .1 f "., John Leslie, c f A - .-. Hugh McColl, p , .!. , .. 1 1 ! li 2 '2- 1 t 2 R. O. 3 3 3: 2. 1 o 3 2 All Goods Reduced from 10 to 40 per cent on Credit Prices. Below we give a few of our present prices, show ing, a striking comparison between the old Credit Prices and the new Cash System Prices. We have not room to quote all the Goods we handle here but we have given most of the principal articles in the trade. All other goods are being slaugh tered in jthe same manner, and our patrons will recognize the fact at a glance that it has been our aim in marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything that it is possible to reduce. Wp respectfully invite all persons to participate in the benefits of this great reduction. -h'v SBCORD BROS. i i 0 0 .14 -Time ot game, one hour and for^y-live iwimites. _ " j SPECIAL J NUTICI3. Ail ac- counts on my books "must positively be sett'ed on- or before the 1st of October. After that date I shall keep: strictly to the Cash .System of doing business, *My i-t"a!l- stuck is now arriving and will be complete irf a few day's; goods will bu sold extraordinarily - ehean for cash or produce. '. j. W. MAXX. r 5ew idyertiwrncnts. Mr. "Matthews announces another de parture. - - ,:' - Mr." Scott's 'new, g^ils have arrived and he offers them cheaper than ever. ; Messrs. Kenney & Son have a word to Bay about their boots and shoes. Messrs. Seeord : Brcra. say that the Cash System works wonders, and they unfold in their new price list a very jn-j teresting secret. __ - - ' - Highest price - paid for any . quantity of good Batter and fresh Eggs at Christie, Henderson < Go. 's, Acton. Eemember their famoti3 50c " T-' ' . ' :;:- - - - Choice Wincays only \1\c at Christie, Henderson k, Co.'s, Acton, - pronounced by good judges to be cheap -at 156.!" Full size Cotton Bag3 only S3 perdozen. See them. Shirts - and. Drawers^ a^ hard pan.,prices, at Christie, Htfbtfersoh . i Cp.'s, Actori. Grey Flannel^, superior quality, at 15 to'20 per cent under last ^year'B priceai ,Da- ' eiddly thejbest: values offered. ** KaUvar tjebentares. A public meeting was convened in Matthews' hal.l on Tuesday eve ning by E. S. Appleb'ee, of Oak- Tille,:to consider tire question of prateiting against the giving up of the County debenturog to the Ham ilton-is Northwestern Railway Co. - : It was: contended that as th^ Com pany had committed grave breaches of agreement, the'County Council .were"no longer bound, ti hand over] tie debentures. The-Council will meeton the 10th prox., aiid in the meantime we believe it is proposed to enter'a formal protest jfr"om,-a large number of ratepayers, in order to strengthen _tho hands, members in. resisting any tbat may be' taken by the company. Scott's-Black Lustres are excellent value; Uon't fail to see theiu. ;. " ' LJ . G.'^L Scott has atiioice lot of Laoies'Siik Ties. , - - . | - Nfiv Dre->s Goods' in all tho .-aawtai cohirs, at(i. "?.k Seott'i. of^ this action railway - ck ind O jfg^i ,GH'ea unusually .heap,, at - Si.-eord Ijros.' grc'at reduction ^in priced and their Cash System is tak- -ing with the people, as the crowds in their store: ever since clearly proveo.- "Thc people sec that this is a genuine re. duction in prices, and no humbug. This reduction rangtis from 10 to 40 per cent below tho usual retail pr^a. Let us examine a few. prices and sec if this is not so. They' have reduced their best Tea from 90 tents^to SO!.cents, a. reduc tion or 10 per cent on 90 cents, ot 11 per cent on the dollar ; they have reduced itheir 60 cent Tea to 50 cents, a reduc tion of 20 per centj and their celebrated 50 cent TenTto 45 cents,-a rednetiou of 20 per cent. Best-Vinogar from 50 cents to 40 cei}ts, a reduction of 20 per cent ; Pickling Vinegar from 40 cents to 35 cents,' a reduction of 15 per cent. Ben son's .Starch from 12^ cents to 107cents, a reduction of 25. per cent. Soap-from 12j Ceiit3 to 11 cents, ri reduction of ^12' per cent, llustard.-from 30 ce^ts to 25 cents, a reduction 'of 20 per cent. '.Soda, from 10 cents to S cents, aboiit,20 per cent. Every person can see that this is a big and genuine reduction, for it is on gootl3 that every person knows the price of; They are making this reduction on all classes of goods. Go there and save money. ; _ . " - Wood. "Wantccl immediately a few eords-of good hard wood, 18 and 22 inches Ipng, in exchange for goods at our reduced cash prices. Si:coi:dT}ko.s.. ^Wanted bad" at Seeord Bros.' Cheap Cash Store, any quantity of good Butter ajnd Egg3. Gents, if you want a stylish-] Hat or-Cap, very cheap, go to G. M. Scott's. -'. " - Bock BottoaT Pkices. Christie, Henderson.& Co., in order toi_meet tho views of the closest cash buyers,- have |. marked all-goods at Bpecial- bottom prices, whieh precludes the possibility of putting .in threads, button^,1, etc. This change in all cases will result to the advantage of tho buyer. Instance, j goods otherwise sold at 20c, spool in, / are marked 19c, so that in a ]>nrchase of 15 yards there is a saving of f0 cents. As all goods are marked in this way we can in no instance vary the rule. We have for a long-time believed it would be better to adopt this plan and feel confident that our. many customers will at onco see the propriety of the princi ple. The practice of giving in a spool is too often only a delusion to obtain a few cents mererper yard for goods, besides buying thread at our special reduced price-by the dozen or half dozsn is an other gain to the consumer. . ; ^ - Best [dollar] Hygpn Tea .. ., |.. Medium Hyson Tea . . . " Splendid Hyson Tea, better than Meteor Best, [dollar] Gunpowder Tea .-. .. Medium Gunpowder Tea ' iBest Japan Tea ?- ..'.. ~ i. Mediant Japan Tea .. .. Good Japan Tea '.. Tolerable Japan Te,a ',..'- .... .... Lust pick Japan Tea .... j Best Black Tea .. ; . Good Black Tea ... Medium -Black Tea .. '_. - \ .. Best Amber.Syru-p .. .; .. ".-..- Best Golden. Syrup .. .. .. . . Best No. 1 white wine Vinegar .. - .. Best XXX Pickling "Vinegar : ;.. . . :. Oat Meal, small lots, per lb. ;. ... Pot Barley .. .. _ . . .. Lamp Chimneys, largo ... Lamp Chimneys, medium ... .. Best.Benson's Laundry Starch _ .. Best Corn Starch .... . ; Best Brown Soap, per-Aiar .. .. ' (Best Judd's Soap three bars- ... Best new ; Currants .. . i. . .... ... B2st old Curnmts ... .. ... .. Best Turkish Prunes, new - ... , Best Layer Raisins .. . . . . . . Best Valencia Raisins .. .. ... 5Iixed Pickles, bottles .. ..,' .. Mixed Pickles, largest size ... .. Mustard, per lb. ... .. SJest Java. Coffee, extra choice .. ;.. Gck>d Java Coffee ..' .. -.. ... Faro Java Coffee ... .. .. ... Best ptye ground Pepper Brooms, ex tra heavy ... .... ... '...- Brooms, medium ; ~~~?--' '. Brooms, light ... ;'..- ... '"....- =" Soda, baking ... .;. . ... .... ... Soda,- in five pound-boxes . ... ... ... Set bes.V-white granite Tea ware, 4-1. j)ieces ;. Set of China Tea ware, 44 pieces ; .;. ..; One dozen white granite Cups arid'Saucers One dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest- Set white granite Toilet ware, nine, ineces One dczen Knives and Forks ... ... : "... One dozen Knives and Forks ... .... . ... James' best No; 1 White Lead ... \. Gold medal White Lead ... ... ... .OLD CKEDIT NKW CASn i PRICES. PIIICES< 1 $ 90 $ 80 ' ; go 50 50 45 SO 65 j. 50 35 SO .,' 70 60 1 50 50 40 25 ! 15 15 12i 80 60 50 50 40 1 00 85- 80 70 50 .40 40 35 5' .4 6 5 m 10 10 ;.;8 " - j 12J 10 ! 15* 13 12i 11 ' 25" 23 9 n 8 : 5 '.; 10 7 15 12i 10 .-;,- 9J 25 .: - 20 50 35 30 '25 40 35 35 . 30 30 '25 25 20 40 35; 35, 25" ._.':' 25 20 : : 10 8 10 . 5 3 50 : V 285 V 5 50 4 00 1 25 1 45 1 25 1 15 3 50 ':. 2 75.'- 3 5a : 3 00 Z, 00 | " 2 60 3 00 2 40 2 50 2 35 129; DPI3E30: BS New Styles nd Colorings, fa ' - - - Crosb> 's Tnpostry orpcts, bcantlful Goods t Velvet and TarkI in Carpets, rich design* t BruueLs Carpets* cltarKliisf colon 900 K^CBS NEW Comprising all of tlie newest colors, styles, and pattirm of th& fashionable world? : Vert/1 pretty good?. BLACK DRESS SILKS, 309 Pieces All bought before the'j recent advance in raw silk. Prices 45 cents % |to 83.00 per yard. No better goods to be bid in1 the Dominion. Plain. Faney and Brocaded Silks, (701 Pieces)| ^ Magnificent quantities. Great selectio i.| .And th*prices eilremely low. *" A call at any early day will well repay tho,se who wislJ Sept. 1, 1875. 1876. FALL. 1876. AT THE GLASG0W HOU$E, ^.OTblT Fresh, GOODS, Choice, j l-'j Cheap.V CHRISTlEi HENDERSON & CO. Take pleasure in advising the arrival of new-gciods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Knowing fully the wants of heir customers, and . having, exercised unusual care in making selectio as, they feel sat isfied that thev have secured a stock of goods for the Fall trad'3, which, ' j lor quality and cheapness combined will surpj all former efforts. the nicest and cheapest, goods in to^ JOHN HOGG & SON, ,, Alma Block* Upper Wynjuham Street, Guelph. ^ For a large and well-seleotedJRldck-of atches,; Clocks? andAjewelry^ OALL ATr / ; Post Office, Acton: ' A fiEWLOT.OF CLOGK&FROM Sl^UfiWAJiDS. ' ass Brooches, Ear-rings, Finger Rings, Chains, Bracelets. Lockets, GatBi-Stttdaraai4 qaffiButton* . And everything that is kept in ft first class Jewelry House. All goods i ' ' warranted m represented, and Repairing a Specialty. --. - 'y ' - O. & G; IfitYiTDSv - l - j |]?ot Office, Aotonl- Aognst.28, 187fl. LABG-E !IRRI S> S OF .AT TEEfi-' - if! ELEPHANT jCJ^OT^lif^ they can get Who would buy oii Credit when goods at such astonishing Prices.. ] S^ECOED BROS ' Actonl Sept. 14, .1876. OUR: FALL STOCK ~ giv6 100 lbs. of bread for 100 lbs. of flour, i ' For good 'tea cakes and buns" go to Oidloway's Bros., Acton Bakery. - i Galfoway Bros, make the best bread in the county. Give them a call. In Acton| jj)i the. 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Matthew Kenny, of a son. '. , DIED. .'On Tuesday, tho!12th inst., Mr. Sam uel Worden, of OEsquesing, aged 85 years. . UARKTED. , .On the 14th iimb.r by the -Itev. Jos-- eph Uljswdrth, Thomas J. Starret, Esq. of .Georgetown,. Editor and--Proprietor of thq Halton Herald, to "Miss Enimie Jane Spence, of the same/ jilace, tliird ilaughter of the late Alexander Speiico, "Esq., Ireland.; -- OF. !f#fi m seo: ^This week they show a great variety in lines suitable for the season, such as grey, scarlet and oheck Flannels, all wool, union and wincey shirt ings, all wool and Canton Shirts and Drawers, heavy Canadian Tweeds and Etoffes," plainj etriped and'checked Winceys, U Dress Goods in popular .shades and at. popular prices^ a ' |j" large assortment of the far-famed TigerHrand Black ' Lustres; Gents' Felt Hals, common to fine furr all-the popular styles in Canadian, English . -j_ ; and American makes; men's.and boys stoga and kip Boots, at 10 per cent under last; year's prices; women's, ; misses' and ! . ul children's ShoeB in pru- - Bella and leather, | . a great variety . ' "- y^ ! Grey tind. white Cottons . also complete lines of Staple Goods at all times. In plain Wincey we show this week a Hoe at 12Jo., pronounced; cheap at 15o, and decidedly the best Yorjs shilling j Wincey offered by any] -bouse in the trade During the season we shall continue; to add whatever the comfort or taste of our customers may command1, and hope by careful attention to iheir wants to merit as large a share of ,heir trade as heretofore. In all cases onr goods are marked at .Special Bottom Prices so as to pre clude the possibility of putting in threid, buttons, &c, which when re-, quired will be charged for as other goodi, a change which will be n decided gain to the purchaser. ; Instance gopdii that sold at 20o., spool in, are marked 19c, showing a decided gain to the buyer of 5 cents in ;d purohaii of 10 yards. , ., ' ' GrurttiLj&ja:. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, L,:. Sept. 4, 187G. No. 31, Lowsr i'WTiiaJiaia Strsot, Gnelplu UWDEBf .4'K:I:N:C Our The undersigned begs leave, to inform the;.people ' oT Actori!aiul ;suf - >- -' : rounding neighborhood that he' has procured a magnificent AndpU prepared to attend and'.conduct.Fun'erals on tba shortest notica and: most modejrate texinae.. y .,^" .'.-, Caskets, Coffins, j Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, andf supplied'oh the ."!;-... . ' . shortest notice-, t j- . Acton, Aug. 8, 1876. ^. . -i .M : i ^PELtf; SPEIGHT. ' >> DRUGS, DfiUGS. Motto-!-" Quick Sales, Large Sales, Clqse Prices', Small Prqfits.' Onr Terms arc Strictly} Now Arriving, And will be Complete in a few days. Call and evahkiuc out* Goods and Pricds; e^AiNE & son:: Acton-,.Sept. 5, 1876.' 7- No bad debts. No book-keepers' salaries. No costs for collection Division Court Suits. In'fact wo believe^ of "Protection" we want, to restore prosperity. Come and see us. Cash or Produce. . _. No the CASH SYSTEM is the feW {the- country to its .former state of GS&X5TIE, HENDERSON Sc CO. N.jB.-----Choice T-at of Dark Aftitrtcan Prints just to hand. ' | -.v ! ." i Our famous 60c. TEA Btill leads; the list. Try it, is all we asls^ We know you will afterwards buy it. Acton, Sept. 6,_ 1876. a Drugs, Ohcaiicals, Dye Staffs, Patent and Proprietory tfodiei&es, ' tanoy aal Tollot Soaps, Spoaares, Srusnos, .; v'--'.W- Pjuats, Oils and Tarnishes,'.: Fancy ualtau'TjlJor.eoodal PURE "WINES AND IiIQTTOBS for JMediciaal.Ptrposes only. '. '" Aflgoods warranted of the bestqualityandiat ten per cent below Toronto picreis. | :--.. .-:' -'."' ' ' ""-. Don't-forget, the place. ' .- "i. '" - |-is - r | t Medical- Hail, Mill j street j Acton. Acton,March 13, 1875.- '. .".; .'".,'-] ALL KINDS OF i [book and job printing j<f' PROMP.TL"!^ ESE^HJTED AT, THE FilKE PRESS J OFFICE

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