Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1876, page 2

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THE FREE t 3 FJUIE A4 TONFREE IIiESS ." Pablishod Every Thursday Morning. .It H-llAOKlNTr, Proprietor. SI Per Annuni in Advance ^; .; JOB. H mjcXlfio. Etiiron- to trout iishin-* season expired Friday.-' i Tl l!Wt. The -Ontnvio Legislatitro, it is sjviit," xtili moot early in Ifavember. His - Excellency; Lord. Duffei-in will ..Mil from Victoria, 15. ('., on his return to Ottawa on Thursda i next. 7. Tlli:.KiU>.VV MoUMNCS, Suit 2l,llS7f>. The War in the East. The Eastern imbroglio.'is; fust Sastening to aiv apparently 'serious crisis ; arid that which, at first* whs no bjigger than a man's hand, ;ii al ready darkening tho heavens, f The ocond SrJiws has been dethroned, and,a third, Midhit- Pasha, j reigns ~iri his stcrd, from whom some ex- j*ct great thirigs. Biit to re form Turkey ,is to destroy it, and that; stains to "be the consuuun.ition towards wliich" atuirs ft re irapidly drifting. True, the Moslem is every wdiero victorious onthe. fields of battle ;, but ~ho has shown him self lost to all humanizing iuiluonccs by his_ worse than liarlm-ic cruelties in Bulgaria, m hire helpless and un offending men, women, and children have been mercilessly.butchered in -cold blood -T>y- the victorious sol" -usery ; and every mail -biings par- .tie:t!ars.oi"-additional dxiii sickening boners per]>eti-.itcd by .those fiends in. human guise. This fs what con stitutes Turkey's yivai'est uuiiirer. >- lie t ieniv>!-selt-si cruelties, and bos- i- m tial outrages, liaye tilled Europe with a burning jiidigiiation which, ;'. threatens to ov,-!*t~j> all bounds of reason, and etwvijK-1 the powers that be to eh-tstiec wiui scorpions such a b'!ood;l:ij.-i:tji- n,itil it Eugland-is moved" to its heart's core by .tho tales .of horror with which every news. r paper teems, ami her people are. glamorous for iIn; I>ishit-Ji Ministry Wthrow alljiiiidetiee to tli=- dogs, and leave tihV'dil-cipk-s of Koran to_be devo-iiuil by -Knsshi, or any etherpower, which chooses to under; tzike tho - ta^-k.- """"Tin-re is a limitj 'Lowtiviirjlw-yoijcl-wliich even human sympathy wigliLjiut uhvnys go. -: It- is all very Wl-1! to expK-ss'. oiir' the atrc.eifies which hare been comniHted and out feelings of Bympathy for,the friends of the vic tims; but thai England should con stitute herself'the wm id's champion *cd send out tro>j t-o chastise the Turks, is quite anojj er matter. No doubt she would' well to see-a proper chastisement administered, tut why shonld she, who has no national interest in tho matter, take np the ctidgvls in behalf of sympa. thising Immunity, more than any nation under the sun ? Nevertheless, fc is very probable frpm the pressure THE WHITESIDE MURIIER. Tho ndjourned inquest in ' this caso was resumed- last Thursday afternoon, at Salvor (Jreefc, and after tho examination of two wi't- v, / nossea it was still further ajljourn- ed. The fuist witness was RESS~ iAGTOIST, HALTON GOUOTY, GOT., j SEPTEMBER! 21, 187^ Tho Town Council of In'llnville intend applying at the next session of the I-ocal Ix'gislntiiro-for aii Act of incorporation as a city. ' Tlie firm! viiTe competition *at Ovedmoor took place on Monday, after which tho foreign teams were enturt-iined ut a banquet'nt Dl- monico'a." Iha entries for tbo Guclpli- Con tra! Exhibition are coming in rapid ly, and tho /prosj>ect is' that- tho Ex hibition this ye^er will, surpass uuy former year. ;..' . f .Itjis said'tlfiit the mixing of old and. now barley renders it value less" for malting purposes, as tho new grain sprouts so much quicker than tho olcj.: : - Mr. .Baring's re}x>rt on tho Bul garian atrocities has been publishod, and fiilly eontirins tlio sUitemonts made bv Mr. Schuyler as to the horrors perpetrated by the Jiishi- Hazouks. . Gen. Terry is reported to be on the-1 nick'of a considerable body of hostile Sioux, and an engage ment, probably the last of tho sea son! may shortly be expected. J I>uritig the nionth of August forty-two patents were grunted-Tn Camula ^thirty of the patentees re side ija- Ou'arof ten in Quebec, and two hi 2s ova "Scotia. .-_ Canada will l>e largely reprcsent- erl at the exhibition of gmin to be held on the 2nd and ord of Oclo- ber'by the Centennial Brewers' In dustrial Exhibition at Philadelphia. A boy about nine yeai-sohl, son of Mr; Thpnais Tilt, "of Waterloo, wkis I)e-.irly. killed one day hist week by Laving a saw log r(>ll over him. lie remained for two ilays inscnsi-v Ide, but is now slowly recovering. - Grn. Terry is in hot pursuit of the Siqux. The commander of the Cheyenne Agency states that the hostile' Indians have expressed-their desire to surrender. Twenty-nine of fhe warriors of the Little Big Horn have ulmiJy- surrendered with seventy of their people. . The Lincoln election tvkil has been adjourned-until the 30th in'st., when the Court will the Chancery Chambers at Osgoode Hall, for the heating of tho appli cation for the petitiouets to anient! their bill of particulars. As a workman was digging for the foundations of a now bhilding in Sari Jose, Cu)., on Aug. 17, his spade struck a. huge eartlien jar as large as a beef barrel. Ho took it into a saloon, uncorked it, arid found it was full o'f^solid'nuggets aud gold duet.- The treasure is-snpposed to have been bviried by an old alcade who lived there in the middle of the last century. :'" ) r = which is being btought to bear that . she will be compelled before" k)Dg - to show "heir hand. Russia bias been .managing, her affairs, quietly and craftily and we observe by the Litest despatches, .that she is : anxious for a brief cessation of hos tilities, in order, it is, supposed, to prepare her army, for a winter , eariipuiigri. against Thriey. Every thing, in iact,-'snrtly indicates a general. European outbreak and ' that not very far distant either. . One; of the elements, wliich no doubt bears consi.lerjible weight in;" impelling the inufscs of England to urge "tHSt nation to enter into the' "jfray, is the great commercial depres sion which tergij:> over the whole I thinking of such tTthhig. He did ' not road any of tho papers, but ho saw no paper tho Biw'af tiio will at tho Ijpttom of tlio trunk. He did Hot notice any drawora in the trunks. -' ' f j hlv. Dowar stated [that, as tlioro wbh somo more ovidenco foitlicom- ing with roferoncii to tho will and tho. axe, with which-tlio deceased was. killed, and which, ho said, ' vft'Qi'go Campbell, reealleil, who stated that ho and his brother Ilob- ert sawn wili of Robert WhilosidoV would be identified, arid as tho do /.I _________ll!___1 - ...!!..:_______1.. (tho; deceased) about thirtjjon or fourteen years ago; it'was witnes sed in the witness' inother's Louse, and was drawn up by tho letjeased. Tito substance of tho will aslfar ns hecould remember, was that tho pro perty was left to Henry and John. The will was firat drawn-up with provisionstfor giving tho olhej-s one dollar each, but, as tho witness sug gested, it was rimdo five dollars eaek There vas ho-provision for leaving anything for tin wife, as sho would got herthiitl of the. property. (Tho will was then produce) and th > wit-- ness recognized- his own signature.) lie did not knew of "any othei will being made. About the 'first iveek in July last Jolm Whiteside, neph ew of the deceased, told tho wi .ness that deceased was going to nrakn an other will, and stated that Johnny and Willie, sons of die 'deceased were to have tho 201) acres op lot ;U), 7th line, between them, and the other two boys,,Tommy and Benny, were to have tlio other-200 acres divided between them.- lie did nut remember what tho others of; the family were to get and he did not know that the will was executed. By 'Mr. Laidlaw Ho heard no thing of any wills from '-any one else, and had no conversation with tlie deceased about it for ten years. The will was given up to tho de ceased several years'ago. The de ceased had four children since the- wjill was made. .' John Hayes, County Const dile, sworn, stated that on Monday noi'n- iug, August 21st, about six o'clock Henry Cole, jun., came (o his hbiisc and told him that. Robert Wliite- R.itlo was murdered in a, field .near liis house. ; Ho then went (to tin; coroner and got a warrant for sum moning a jury.and holding an inT quest. As ho was coining i'roni the coroner's he saw 'Henry NVhitesid The promised lecture of theRev. Henry Ward Beecher, at Toronto on Monday next is creating a great stir. . The papers are condemning hife endrirsajtion by the Y. M: C: A., and both Globe: and Mail accept the Beecher-Tilton oase as 1 proven against defendant. In the last men tioned paj>er a lettor ajipeara from Mr. John-Hague,sayingthat Beech- er's defence in the famous suitallow blifc one ' interpretation . that is guilty; even if it is not so| it is urged that associations should not countenance anything that has the ap"]>earance of evil or of pandering to an indecent curiosity. Bishop Whipple illustrates the cost of the Indian war rather strik-" ingly. He recently remarked to a. correspondent of the Omaha 'Herald' that if ten soldiers were placed in a line with an Indian end, and . rp, , , ..--.- tlioi Arrierican people could be country. The pr-ople have ,n view mi^ht to.luukl4tan,l that in order the ger-erai revnal of trade that Secure the scalp of that one In- toctivo was getting the wilrieHBCBhe would liko the caso adjourned for a week, Mr. Laidlaw objected to the post ponement on, the grounds aerified, It, was,: however, ultimately agreed by all to adjourn till Satur day next ntTO o'clock. m' <'oI!ais(>_of Hie i'nsc hsaiiiNt Kirs. Whiteside, mid Her Disi-baftfc. Mrs. Whiteside, tho wifo of iho Into Robert Whiteside, who was nr- resteil at tho instance of Detective Murray, on tho churgo of murder ing her. husband, resulted in her honorable acquittal. Tho ground of her arrest was. the discoveryof a stun of'money hiddon'iti hot- house, but, instead of tho money being in any way -equal to that which was stolen from her husband, when ho was murdered, it only amounted to $10, in two Sf> bills. This money was found in ari old pocket-book, which was placed in the till of a trunk* and although Mrs. White side did .not have tho opportunity of stating it in-evidence, sho says that it came into' her possession through her husband some consid erable time before ho was killed. On the finding of tho money the detective took out tho warrant for Mrs. Whiteside, which was word ed as follows: "That tho siiid J. W, Murray hath cause to suspect, and doth suspect, that Mrs. Cathe rine Whiteside did wilfully kill and imirder her husband, Robert White side, on tho 20th. day. of August,. 1S7G, in the Township of Esques- itig." Immediately after tho n'rrcst the prisoner was taken before a magis trate, but as the detective had. not got his evidence ready the casa.was adjourned till Friday. The case was opened on Friday afternoon in with Mr. Starrst in a waggon, and the Town Hall, Georgetown, before- called for the former to get in with hnn. Henry did s.>, and tlio wit ness asked him where he slept the previous night; -he received (the te- ply that he'slept at Mr. Cole's in Georgetown. TI13 witness "pointed out that Coles were not there, "and Henry replied, " 2\To, hut j Raines Fraser was there." The . witness then asked him what time it was when he got there, and hereplied he did not know but it was late. The witness then asked if Frazer heard him coriie in, to which hri ne. plied " I don't think ho did he" never 1 spoke.". jury was empanelled I Messrs. T. Huston, Win. Roe,' W, Mcleod, and Jos. Barber,- magis trates. Mr. Matheson and Mr. .Laid law. appeared for the definee. In the absence of Mr. Dowar, County Crown Attorney, Detective Murray watched the caso for the prosecution. John Hayes stated that on the morning after murder' lie searched Whiteside's house and found no money or papers. Tho following Saturday ho went there with detec tive Murray, the latter asked Mrs. Whiteside's paticmars of the mur- as der. Murray asked herlif she had would almost ii:e> i'ably ensue.jirdg-.' ing from the generally prosperous state of aEdi-s that existetl during the progiess. of the "Crimean %nd otherreeeut war*: This is not a very commendable eleint nt to enter into the consideration of the stfliject, but that it does-have a c< rtain influence in that direction there can be no question, - " ' . ' The Loudon 'StoudnrijC* Belgrade correspondent says : " The political situatio.n is R'erkms. Russiafwhose interest it'is to have the war drag on, supports tho- war party. The great Powers are. pressing-the Porte to extend the truce 'for a month. In tLis they .were simjdy playing the game of Riissia, ivhoso influence lian it Would-require the sacrifice of the ten soldiers and an expendi ture of.'500,00.0 in money, they might be led to inquire whether the scalp, was really" Worth the out- lay. _ "" V: :' ' ': The "-Herd Laddie." During his visit to this country, Mr. Wyit lie has* played over 12^100 games, winning 10,000, losing about 00, aud leaving the remamder. drawn! This-is certainly a wonderful record. He sailed for Scotland last week, and took with him,'.we'understand,' a sum of over. 3,000, the result of his earnings in the United States and .Canada,; r'U is predominant,'.' j T/wo ^nass nreetirigs were held in LondonJ Englauir, on "Tuesday, to protest;ffg.-ibist the Bulgarian titro- 'cLiies, aiid to demand the. ru-ussem- bling oCjParliaiueiit.>- . ., - Tile Porte has proclaimed a' ce's- . SAtiori; of hostilities for ten days, ^dating from .tho 15th ?inst. The feeling seeriis to be, however, that . peace is as far off as ever. The' Eponn^ a Spanish journal.r raises a <|ii<iKtioii ns to thecoui-se to be pursued* with 'regard to the extradition of 'Tweed, on account of the non existet -e of an extradition . treaty :bef? -{f Spain and the"iJhi- i L is.'. Case of Suspected Foul Play. PuATTSviJLLEr Sept. 18'. Last Monday evening.Mr.:EdwardiPlatt left this village to go to Washingr ton. He was afterwards found by Mi'. B. Keyri.on lying on his" wagon, his head locking th.e wheels. When taken bat his head was found to be badly cut on boith sides, besides which two ribs;were broken. Ho has since died and an inquest held, at which the jury Lave returned a verdict that death resulted from, in juries received at tbe-hands'of some parties to the jurors unknown. Twe persons who saw him after leaving here on Monday evening,'and who are both known to havd liiifl a "spito agiunst him are suspected pf mal treating him and then.leaving him in the rjiosition in whiph ihe was fonnd b Mr, Keynon.^Tlie affair is causing inteiiss excitement thrpriglronti this. Bection. S-\ r' After the lie asked Henry to go down , with, him to Silver Creek. Henry asked if he was hrrostcd,, and the witness said, " Not.exactly," .but.'-he wanted him to keep With him fbr a while. On the way down to Silver Cie-k Henry said the previous night was cold, and he thought there must have been a frost. He also said that when he arrived in George town he got into Frasei^s photo graph gallery, and hjdd down, but ' that he got so cold he Was obliged to go to the houso and get. Fraser to let him in. The prisoner then asked Lira (tho witness) if he had ever hoard of aiiv one being hanged on circiimstanial evidence, to which he (tho wit ness) replied-., in the affirmative On Wednesday morning his 'mother came down and asked to be allowed to see Henry. She was told by the witness that she would have to get an order from the Coroner. The j Coroner permitted the interview and the witness brought the prison-" er out into the hall of the gaol 'to see Mrs. Whiteside. They talked together for'somo time, but of no thing of importance. Tho witness tljoJi told Henry that'.ho was busy, and if had nothing moro to say. lie (tjho witness) -would like to go. Ho then went to ,put his arm round his -mother's neck to whisper to her, buf. tho witness said, " You can't do that Henry ;! what you have to say you:must say in my. hearing." He then said, ." I was only going to tell! her that, if a strange man should coriie up there" pretending"to bo her friend to have nothing to say to him, us he will be an"enemy, and perhaps a detective." - By JMr. Laidlaw Ho did not kifow at that time that a detective was comings ho had not, heard of it; a^ detective came, : however, some' time after ; Henry Whiteside, saidaftor he was arrested that there' was another man who ought to be suspected, anil, told him (tho wit^ ness). to ask his little brother who it was. ' , ' 1 liy tho Coroner He searched Hpnry on the.jfirst day of tho in- -qiiest, and found a-knife-and sonie rovol vei- enrtridges in his possession. He did not find any blood on hitn. He (the wit ness) did riot telf Henry that a job was going to be put up on Shirkey.: By the Coroner He examined the; houso and found no will or rnoney in any box or trunk. The trunks were] all unlocked, and he did tot ktlOtv in what.trunk the wjlL was found. Thero might have been spmei.papers among the.'clothes in the trutlkS; he noticed some at the bottom taf the trunk, but he did not know what they contained. He did not look for,.a will.; l.e was not any money, arid she told him she liadiiiit a dollar in the world. She said-she could not tell when she got" twenty cents from her husband last.- He further gayo evidence as to- the searching of the houso, similar to that which was . given before the coroner. To Mr. Laidlaw Ho did not be lieve Sirs. Whiteside was asked where the deceased kept bis papers; he did not hear any person ask- Mrs. Whiteside if she had any money at home. On the occasion of the second search Mrs. White side was present in the houso with her two daughters. Mrs. White side told one of the persons who were search (.tig, that she had not a dollar in tho {world. ,-.'.: : Detective Murray then asked for 'an adjournment in order to give hitn time to work up the 'case. Mr. Laidlaw strongly .protested against the accused being again committed to prisori in order to pleaso tho detective. lie pointed out that there was nothing at all against her, and stated that if she were discharged sho could be taken again if anything was discovered to connect her with the crime. This was objected to by the de tective, who stated that ho had fur ther evidence against the accused, and he only wanted timo to pre pare it. - Mr.'Laidlaw-pointed ont that ho had already Lad a week, and urged that-.if there any other witnesses present that they should be heard. Thomas Watson; a constable, was then, called. He stated that he went down -with Detective Murray to search Whiteside's house. Ho" then referred to tke arrest of Mrs. Whiteside, and said that S4.15 was found in her possession at that time. She Was asked if she . hall received any money sinco her husband died, and she said sho had received 3.75 from Ler son John, 2 from Ellen, fifty cents from Mary, and 1 which she borrowed from Mrs. Cole. On being asked if she had laid out any money she said she had bought some things in Ballinafad, amount ing to about -2.83. Tho witness, the detective, and others went to the houso to search "it; the daugh: ter Mai-y was there, and she said sho had not any money. While they were searching they carao across a trunk in the bedroom, which was locked, and upon open ing it they found in an old worn- out pocket-book two five dollar bills, T6 Mr. Laidlaw We did not ask Mrs: Whiteside if ahe bud money in her trjunks at home. Detective : Murray again asked for. an - adjournment, which was again "strenuously opposed by Mr. Laidlaw, who stated that- it was' a shaino to keep tho accused upon such slight evidence tre that aw>y front hor family. - Tho Magistrates agrood that- tl o oVidencol wjnti not worth a straw, mid promised that if" tho dotoctivo could [give thorn-i any good reiiKcn why Mrs. Wliitunido should bo de tained, ttiat they would not release her. ;' j--- ' " , .. The dotottivo then had aprivalo interview with .the magistrates, af ter which tho latter signified Che r intention of acquitting her. t TJip Court then adjourned.' Our 'School Inspectors Tlio following wo copy from tLo North\ Star, published at Parry Sound, Sept. 11th : 1 - "Mr. R.j Littlo, Public School Inspector qf tho Co. Hnlton, anl Acting Public Inspector of the;dii:- tric'tB of Parry Sound and Algomtt, has just completed his inspection of tho schools of this district.. Thp Parry Sound School which had been left till tho List, .was examined on. tho lstinstj ()f 181 .'scholars on tho roll duly C-l were present, and wo only regret that every pupil was not there. Tho ilnspectoiywlio is well qtialified. for the' important position which he occuptas^throw' out somo valuablo hints with refer-: enco to correct writing, &c We tiro convinced'that such visits can not fail to benefit tho.young, and advance our educational interests. In a new district liko ours so far retrieved from tho front wo riot only need: but appreciate such exhi bitions of training as those1 just wit ne&ed. By such examinations o .r teachers arc initiated into, all tho latest and most approved methods of teaching, and a fresh impulse is given to the work of training the: young. We cannot speak too: hiidily of tho manner in which the examination, was! conducted, al though wo regret jthat the answer ing was not equal to what was ex pected being only a little oyer fifty per cent. It is gratifying to know that the interests, of: edtic-ition aro | not neglectnd by tho pioneers of this now country, and that tho gov ernment has nobly assisted in this important matter. In this District there are now 21 schools legally or ganized, 10 of which aro in opera tion. In'addition to theseVwe find that four new- school houses have been built, which are nearly ready for opening, and -the erection of others are in contemplation.- . We find that tho attendance at school during the -prist year has doubled itself; still wccannot, overlook tho fact th-at there is great room for im provement in this respect, for in our own school during the past six months'the average attendance was only G4, being about one-third of the number on the roll." QATSTItATF ]; Good nnd clean for bed tickn, can Ife had ilj any i|Uiuitity :it my hiirn for '20 contu per tick, or "5 cc-ntw dolivorcd. ta liouaua^; - - ! " : V. 8. AKMSTUONG. Actori, Sept. 5 1870. - -1.0.8t gTKAY CO^Yi / I C'amo -into tho cnulosiiro of tlio atilJ- oeriber on the 2i)th August, d milch cow.. groyirfv eolor, Tho owner in requested to provo property, pay charges ,ati<5 tnko her away. j JOHN si>ito\yx. Lbt.No'. 18, 3rd'con., Esqucsing. TVTAKE STKAYED. Strayed from tho prcmisca, Ixit No 10, fith con. KsqueHing, about tho 28tli August, :a Clicsilut hiare, medium size 4 years i old. One hind leg has bcei LliHtorud. Any porsoii giving Biich iii fciriiintioii as will lead to her recovery, will-bo liberally'rewarded. JOHN KWING 3Cqucsing, Sept. ,r>r JS7(> 10-*.'Jti r<ENTKA1i EXUIBITION, v>; T&7& $8,0.00 OFFERED INKPREMIUMS .Will be licld in the- . 1 'irOTSrN.OPQTJBLPS, : on the 3rd,-4th, 5th, 6th Oct. FOR BARGAINS. STIXi3y CHEAPER Viit'^l. - -2; : > THAN EVER ; OIE\ TO ALL. t Prize Lfets and Entry Papers can ha find at thti-Souretary's Ofliov, Ouel nli, itnd also-:from the Stcrctaries of other .'socictioi' thriiugliuat the Province. |i Parties not receiving their eiitrj1- tieketH prior to the Show will find them at the Secretary's Oiliee. : The several Itailwaya will carry frciglit and passengers to and from the Exhibition at single fare, til. MUItTON, . c! SIIAKPE, .Secretary. President. Guelpli, Sept. '2, lS7(>, ll-2t NSWI ^ANOT PRESS* CF00DS Styliin and Cheapv NEW: BMC5, L0STRE8, Extra'value.' NJiW WINeEVS, 25 per cent uss* than Ijist.yiar's pric j Walt*, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNEL?. ' ,. , !' . Coarse TWEEPS-and ETOFFS, j? . ' : '"";- Hollands, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling; Factory arid Bleached COTTONS, " .'"..';' Hosiery, Gloves,. Crochet arid ItoiittingCbttflB , ... '" Ladies' flbd'Bent's Coltora.apd Tiet. ! ! laees, EtJgings^ Kibbon^&c^ See. " 4-! A Fine Stock of Hots and Caps: In all the Latest English-and American. Styles. AIbo a very good ; ^ ' \,, . ' . Stock of General :Groceries}"Grackcry & Glassware If you wish to Save Money, doii't fail to callat ' * G.\M. SCOTT'S! Next door to Galloway;Bros.' Bakory, Mill Stxetit, Acifc Acton, Sept. 20th, 1876", ,- .^ : "...'!.""""'. POST OFFieECilSH STORE, A0TOIT, OJ^TT. ">.-": ! ^^-J p - *A-1 * - -'.. -kJ "r ' ' W -.' -V. " -29tb| v-Es ' ^ '- - -" Ki ' . . "- '. ond -. Ta .'-.' Ei Nc 8ept, Pr to K W 29thi 'Cel : * Ca 13th. F IAIMI FOR SALE. To the LaIV/,t r/ttiv Free PrtM. Dhak Sin, A cliscuEsi.-ni : occurred la^t evening on the game law's'; would yon kindly ^'ive u.i sinuo light'on the subject? "la itprohiliited to trap mink or othof fur'beariiig animals befoie tho 1st of Noveihber ? Is it nota breach.of -the law to.shoot or destroy them in the close season..? fn deciding this yoU will confer a favor on ' " Anxjous EKQiniiEn." Acton, Sept. 20, 1876. : Reply.i-It is enacted '* tjlmt, no lieaver, mnsknit, racoon, otter, 'or fish, shall be hunted, taken or killed, or had in possession of any person between the 1st day of May and the 1st day. of November." The penalty attached to ', the tnni8gression of this Jaw is frem $ > to 2.1. - - ' ' ' ' ' AC'irOX JliUKET-S Flour i....... .. ?2 oO to 0 00 White Wheat .. .., 1 00 toO 00 tjpring AJjbcat .. .. 0 98 to 1 04 Ked t;hafr Wheat . OiSo toO 00 New Fall Wheat.. .. 0 '75 to 1 00 .. -0 90 to 1 00 New ^Spring Wheat Barley .... .: 0 00 to 0 00 Oats ... .. 0 >3~> to 0- 00 Peas. !' . .. ] .".' .. 0 60 to 0 62 Apples . . .. 0 40 to 0 70 Onions : ".. . . - .. 1 00 to 0 00 Tomatooe.. ... 1 00 to 0 00 Potatoe 1, per bag .. : 0 50 to 0 GO Butter ... .. 0 17 to 0 20. Eggs. .. 0 11 toO 12 Hay, per ton .. . .. 8 Op to 0 00 The undersigned oilers to sell, liis 'farm consisting of about 50 acres, being the south-Syost half of Lot No. 21, in tho 2nd con. of Esqucsing. Good ;house and h.ini,mnall orchard. The land is of excellent quality, well watered,! 40 acres cleared, balance good inaplc wood. 'Apply to. \V. I,. P. Eager, Milton, or to the owner on tjie premises, or by letter to Acton Post Otiice. ' DANIEL THOMPSON. . Ksqucsiiig,'July 15, .lS7f>> 3-3m.- Thesabsoriber desires to tb/ink hra nmnerpus.caslvctrstOniCTS for the libera . marinsr in which they have eupported-him in-carrying out tha ' Keady Pay way ofdoing business. When 1 com- . menced on the Cash or Trade System"' arid 8 per cent discount, - ' ' I had to compete ; -a-gai/ist. the credit trade of our vil-.' lapo, but to day I am pleased to say we are -doing business on the only right-principle, ^ha.t is rsady paj. jSince that rndeof our village is now dope on the Cash .SvSpem, IwiftdiM [ continue Riving discount for cash on arid after ^Ist Oct., i~ J "" " - McNAIRB Is now progressing rapidly, and the GOODS In the present store Must be all cleared out Within the NEXT PEW WEEKS Kri-s': Cocoa. OiirA-rni'UL and Com- FOiiTisci; " By a thorough knowledge, of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by fi careful application of tho fine properties of well- selected cocoa, Mr. Epjis has provided"our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' hills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradiially btylt up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies arc floating around] us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may| escape many a; fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil iScrvicfi GazeCte. Sold only in packets labeled "James Ews & -Co., Homajbpathie Chemist, 48, ThreaHncedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." Try It and You .will Always Use Wood's Improved* j j ' ' Wooil'H Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, arid has no equal. Tha Improved has now vegetable-, tonio properties; retoros grey hair to a glossy natural color; restore* faded, ilfy, harsh and falling hailr;.restorer, dresses, gives vigor to the hali;; restores hair to prema turely bald hoads; removes dandruff, hu^ more, scaly eruptions; removes lrrita tlon, Itching ahd.Ecaly dryness. Ho article produces such wonderful eftects- Try it, call for I Wood's Improved Hair Bestorative, arid don't bo put off with anyiotuer article. Bold- by tt'l druggists In Uils place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' prlCeB by C. A. Cook a Co., Uhleago,|Sole Agents for the United States and Canadas, and [by LYirA^ jBros,' a Co., Toronto. */C - . A CARD. To a!l suffering from the errors and liidherotions of youth, nervous weakness, early :decay, loss of manhood, 4c, I will send; a reolpo that will cure yon, FBUE OP ] CHAttSE, This great ronaody was discovered by ainlsslooary In 8outh"Amp.rlca. Send a selr-addressod ovelopo to tho Rev. .loSEPit T, Inman, Station .lVBlblo Houso, Now York City. "We don't want to MOVE AWAY Any of oiir Present Stock. Things must be sold at any price. NOW FOE BARGAINS Such as never before lizard of.. 1 ' Aetonj Aug. D. McNAIR. ," fS76. SMALL FARMS for Sale In 1 Eruinoaa and Erin. Tho Uadersigued offers to sell his fannj bpiug tbq East half of Lot Xo. 3, in tho 7th, concession of the Township of Eramosa, comprising about 63 acres, about 40 of whicp aro under cultivation. Good log house and barn, orchard, etc. It. i^ situated about niidway between Aefcon and Hockwood; .Also part of Lot. No..2,-in7th con. Eramosa, coniprisins' .28 acres! Also.part of Lot 3, in the 1st cn. p Erin, comprising 50 acres: For partioulars, enquire of Mr. Wm. Hem Btreet, Auctioifctr, Rockwood, or the owner on the premises. JOHN McINTOSH. Eramosa, July [19, 187G. 3-3ui i all tdy goods in price to the"strictly- oasb" figures. .-: ' .- . " I' ' ' My custom-rs'will always find my stock complete ^ricsrios, '-.OrociarT,- Glassware, "Wall Paper, Stationery,, ttwisioni, te - \ r^rCASH FOR PRODUCE. Specialties kept in Season.,; Sausages, Finrian' Baddies, JA5^E Actnn, Pop'. IP, 1S7G. Conveyancer, Issuer of Alarri . ton icl . -the <iq '-I the- r* - qnireij " 8treet| 7-|Eas ""'.'M8B :- ried Party j _ teg Co :i tha ' the 5tlJ -. bette| - cars fr| . : ed Aft 't; " taorou ,"i'by'Mr.| ' odditioj ;; ^the fron : ing for J i 'wa^e. 'Scott's I - ish andl srll and reduce' t Oysters, 4c; age Licenses, 4o- THE KEW DQMI^IO^; ;, - - i ' i. - ." KENNEY & S ' Have just received their FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, \v The Best that -ever came into Acton, for Price, Style; a ad Quality. OUR VUSTGm WORK1 I -' " ' .- r . ' . ' illreceive careful atTention, and.all work guaranteed to give satisfactioa *ai Repairing Done Keatly. "ea Don't forget the place : i Main Stroot.lTort Door to Agnow's Eo.ioL ,.; . KENNE^&SON-" :ton, Sept, 19, 1876. ' '- j ,.-... -A.OTOIST CJyster & Fruit / BAZAAR. GEOi LEVELS Being about to remove into .new prein- isos, offers all the present Btock at j reduced prices. -: Fresh bysters Every Bay. Peaches, Pears, ' .. ; -Plums, Grapes; &a, Eresh and Gooi . A BABBER SHOP In (onjiection, where Shaviiig,Hair-cut- ting, Shampooning, etc., can be done in tho best stylo of the tonsorial art. .-' ' Actjui, Sept. 12, 1S7G, G. T'i I Mill Street, ACTON, :; ' DEALEfi IN -' -- -'} . ' -: j.' . :'" ":..:i- .G-rtfc.orio3, : ' l'Orocltery, Spots a Saoes, j :_ ... :'.' Viaio'w Bliadis, \. : i. 17all3-j &lks^;,Putt7, ' liaasea (311/ ..'.. ;- ' -Painta, Turpant ,- Coal jOii, Bait* eteii All'of which will be sold low for CUM BOOTS and SHOES "Selling on* at cost. Aiso agent for tlio BLTBBBB PAINT COMPANY" ; 1 Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for nides. j---- Acton, July IS, 1S76. 1. Choi at ChristicJ ' pronoanc i * I5c Fd per dozen. -^b pan^r i& ckH's, ptperipr. 8Bit nndeJ "-(Sdadly-th^ T*JU11 -lApdbliJ inMatthal ^i by aWto PfSfektingj <he CounN Utpn & Nd .It was con Panyhid, * agreemd ^[mb hd loJ ttt^dehent] meet on"^; _ *o enter a| **> strengt' Members '- *htniay Company, *- ^P'e loredKi<i( J < r

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