Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1876, page 3

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a-i '. ""' ' - : , '.v;. "-"":* : Br**/ - ' - -I - : , "if . ', -: :tf;C': " * 'i .- HEAD, h W <> 'with e*r . ^ ; - i Ctjrfat*, ' ' A ". -*d stock <>t ; 1 1 '; *' : OiGAkWl '. . - Vlkc-TT, good,. :J OSlsH. -nontbly on*J " ';i_: -taken- in .'- - "'"] 'in hncsdin ^ ' '; >Y CAKES ^;a rtt posnbl .-.rinUwdi -.TranteJ pare i'-f material is : he pN$4ie i TAY BEOS,,} -;'"'Nv!v-'* REl |>. or Parlor 1? i V \& .a I'd Wanv -: rHlNGLv -' dirv cm. tisr {.""-rass, Iron od i change. ' I one door Vest' r- *-*. ' Across '; V IV Jonssoy.' ELLION ;2LXsr... -v have secared ->. a . ' ' Bakery I r>rtn\iacs OTtxasd Vtaly.** ']. [i& Ticinitjv y ,' Tea Cakes.1 Mr**?", . j ' cner,"nd kep* d fresh- Al* [-aery, BiacnrtB, : public i rtm- n^vC ;i SHOP. .:ri ;rtv f= to annonoo* -; ;':!f : of Acton ad -';;;tj ^inmeocod20>! - ...j -'-"{. tee 7- BuiIdiB|, r.Acfojf/ fed ' to inrn oat* lirJdthe. Domta-- V-cheapestf ?*,. Jcible: notice.. I land well *Iw**' >1 Carriage taA. the Cou*& uaraDteed. '" .*j* :'1f. :.;jife I cellrrl* f ^."^ law t-ys and V hod properly **;. g^J if. *l bora vo 1>c*t'i_j^~\eg| |;.,,. Good h<*g .rlrf I^.Tbe-l^i.'i# W,>rby_W*?l-.::y"_ ^' j; etc, , __f4f _. 'attended to- ^'.4 !:<5pnrinoed. . _ ^| I.F.DEMPSKY i | EIGH'ii# IS ' *< ^and,ft-gP*V^|5M. I'Ul- NEW A&VBRTrsJBMENTS. SoUfHil Hooks--T.".7. nA,v.Ii' j' . lOAclph Central Kxhiliition, lSTli, .^ iA^in OystorjAnd Frujt. [^vcn?. :' -. ^HE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTOK COtTNTY, ! CfN'^i tOCAL MATTERS. 7'K*.l*5-sing 'Oouucil [on Friday, October fihr" ,. .-4 Mti-Jtamcsallilne, of St. Loutn, Juksioar thanks for frequcat eopioa of tho ntir*jvijh>rs of that city : rFivsh Oysters, Tjy \ho plate or -can,'at livens' Oyster itfjd uit Tiaivtf. ; AIki pofhas, pt<ars.aud otior laxarjes. -rThose youths ,-vvho hn made night hideous with .thvir "nfioartkly veils had or.thiiy' way Ktto.r not do si>.anj- ibo pit into tr\uihlc; Auction sale of firtii stock aiid intylcmeuts, on the premises of G, It. & J. IV -MeXau-hUoj, I^t Esquosinj-j "onithe oilth iust. -To-ruorrow will ;1>o 10. 2nd con. See hills. observed in' Acton as a general'-'hilidky. Kearlv er-erj-K->dy t.-tHca of going .m.tho'exeur, sioh to Toronto aad'IIuiuhi>r."B,iy. ,,J The Excursion Cotnmitttee are reVjnestevi to meej'irtthe Masonic Hall,. this evening, at'eight o pubho generally,are invitcti fc attend. Son li.ive received elock. Tin their no-;?all stoek of .Hoob Bud which 'will hj -founri ; ooinplete .lines. Look out for new' allvi-rtis next week.- -. -The collections .ol the 'foundation storic gre^ationa! chtirv-h .lis L" st for ^hoe3,' in alK emcut Agricultural Exhibitions. - KiaraoVa, at Rrtckwood, Sept.'2Sth ^Nassagawoya, at Haltonvlllo,. Sept. Esquosirig'fkt Gdorgctown, Oct 1(). . id 18th V'aUtit*' "* Vilton, Oct. 12 ' 1'ualineh, nt Alicrfoyjo, Oct. 12 ': , inn, at Krin Village Oct. 17. Northern Central, at Oran^Bvillo, iscpt. 28 and C9. -: -' *. \'&tjacia1' '** iramilton,' Sept. 18th Weitern, at London, Sept., 2Cth 'to Central at Gublph, Oot S, 4, 5, 6. - ,, n' atrrartston, Oct. 12th and The Powkii of Money.: Any person wishing-to bocomo coiiviucod of the power.jrf tho Very mighty [not ah mighty] dollar should look at thoso SO cent Teas soHing for 45 cents 'cash per pound, at Sefcord Bros. This Tea Iiaa often been sold elsowhero a3 tSSlar tea... Ifcirlrj-. ' "Mr. Geo. Toltoh will next wvok oom- mcjico to buy Wlejfnt tho Btation.' Wo presume the price paid will bo.ilwuttho sanip as at Guefph from time to time. It is now unotod at 65 to 67c. Client. A,,c>Snsiilerablo quantity jof itow wheat is cWming in, which fiuils ready salo; at .tlivmiil* Tho fall grain is generally of very inferior ?ample, though somo varie ties are alnvost equal to last'ycar's. Tho price pittd for new fall wlieatranges "froai iOC'tiT$l, mid for spring from 'Mo to h?l T; old wlieat is,- quoted at $1 :to ?].0t!. ': i ' PUB FALL STOCK ,'&rt.^&#%$$$ i't SEPpMB|R 14^ Mm VY mm mi sm the laying lie new'Con: vevk totalled ven .by Mr. wi ieh he;iToes present ., $7S.$0, bi-sidci a -check c Barbc*7~the amoun'o of cot. wish to make public jit ., On Tnesilay evening Mr. TTm. th a vtry ieriona acci dent. .While us^-iihig.'to jrvjjload shin- g!e3,; he thiV-^htlessly"; stepped too far baci and fell to the groandj, resulting in a fracture .of. tho Hgjji. skii'al.ler The fracture has lieep refiaccd-by Vr. Lowry, bet it' will lit soiiie time i^.-:"ore he will be r.tie to use the arm. The cheap excursion to Toron to, to-morrow, wi'l no- doul t be tak-en advantage of by a very .largo pniparfton" of our villa^v-s-ar.-.l rc-3:-U-n:= orchis vi- ci:'y-- .Ti'.; fare to Topiatjo'and return will be only to cents. .Letfs all gajjaml have a general i-'dliijeatioa'at the Hiirir-' ber. I: is s.-.i.i to \<c the nicest place fur pic-nieing hi Ohtario. '^ " No 'better and Lafirlsomer'Cn- "ish^.1 buggies, and dornoerata"could i>o Ke foitad anywhere outiidp-of the ];lt^- fct city esta'r'Iisi'.ments tha:r can now iv -t.*e\-n at Mr. Jas l;.\-.U:r's .carriage *.vorks nA'cton. .WV ?'.-.-.-.-some there ycater: day that might lv'taken as noieb iif . riatrrj- .-j- "t. i.^igr; fr.-.-i: c-ftabli.-haicnt* of-rTer.' ir.r.'jc.greater j.rv.t-jii:rionji And tier Co::'; l^rt.g iu"-:ch on thei^, eiUaer. :'-ht'Cloihin; llouso Snrcp lTorrlc<l. . About a dozen iheep-1>elonging, to Messrs. Goo. Mulholland, John Mellon- aid aud.Thos. Gibbons, of thi; 1st lino of E<nacsing, w<<re worried by dogs early .Inst Thursday morning. , Some, of the sheep Wero'sJcry valuable ones. Mr. Mulholland a* dog skulking away, from tiie tle'ld, and he procured a gun and-iehot fiim, believing him to be the guilty animal. '. Now Arriving,. And will bo oomploto in a fow days. Call ami examine bur Goods and Prices; Aoton, Sept. 5, 1816. CRAINE & SOtf, 1876. FALL. 1876. AT: e r.l in Guelph, has r.---n. p.n inirhenso stoc(k of ready-mr.<le g'.ods. of all 'ciagscs and sires.: Air. lintherford has this- season procured a line of goods ca much better quality ai rnr-re fashionable style* tHjin is usually ke^rt'ua rea.dy--niade stock", and he thinks he caE OlTer cloth ing equally as g--.od in fit 'and dura1>ility : any made t-i order. H;3 stock of gentlemen's furnishing goods is also very complete. 7 Tiio, promenade concert under the'auspices of the Act-on' Social Club, in the .Drill Shed last Friday evening, was well attended, and passed off- very agreeably. TJie principal singers from a distance were ili^= Ford, of St?Marys, Mrs. E. Strange,'of Rockwood, ?.nd Mr. D. Johnson, of Toronto, Ixaides Ecyeral local amatenra. 'Promenade mnsic was j ' famished by Messrs. J. Iz ('. Hill and J~ Demirse\', and by-the Acton .B^ass liamL At the close of the concert, a few hours-were happilj- spent in dancing -and other social amusements.-. -. 3Ioner will do wonders, tnat ii what everyone says who looks at Sc- cord Eros.' prices for Groceries, &c, since they have adopted the Cash Sys tem and-, made the great reduction in iheir prices.-, -' - : . for any quantity gJ good Butter and fresh Egg3 at'Christie, Henderson < Cb.'i?, Acton. Remember their famous-' "50c Tea. Choice 'Wincnys only 12|c at Christie, Henderson k .Co.'s, Acton, pronounced by good judges to he cheap' Full size,Cotton Bags only 3 Any person having a little C"-/n in their pockets should call in Se- cord .Bros.; if thej- want to see' what money wilt do. Their Cash .System is telli!!g already, and tliey. say they- are ooily sorry tiioy did not adopt it long ago. - _:-----m ----------- E'at'al jtrcldtuJ. ; '; On Monchiyevcniiig" of last week, a son of Mr. Ilichanl Sherlock, of Jfassa- ga-.ya, while taking his father's horses out to pasture, waskicked in tho abdo men by one of the animals. His.jnju- rie? were of fnch a nature that notwith standing all that medical aid ctrald sug gest, he died about six o'clock on AVt'd- lie_5.1ay evening. Tle lad was of 'rriore th,anordinary intcTJigcucc, and his death isr': deeply felt by his friends and ac- qu.'.intancesT' '. . '". The ^.iUdq' 1'oiinljr ^Allaa. Wfc have seen, a sample-copy, of tho style of atlas which Messrs. Tope & Co. pr-ipose to-publish for this county, and also 3 proof sheet of the map of Trafal- ger_tow::.-.hip which has been prepared from their oym surveys. There is no do^btl'ut.thejwork. .will bo altogether nrit-ela", and accurate in every ttetaik Mr. lope and .his assistants ' are' now taking surveys and gathering informa tion -in tho township of ,1-Is.i!:e5ing. They expect "to bo in Acton next week. We learn tiiat they have already secur ed-about 7l>0 aul)scriIn.TS, and a Jarge portion; or thcjOounty is yet to l>e can- va'ssC'L. Tho price will, bo S.OO jiro- vi<lxn^ tliey aiiccced in~getting a bu01- cient number of snb:ril>ers to warrant them in- reducing it to that figure. THE GLASGOW HOUSE, ACToisr: 3S|"E GOODS, Fresh, Choicej Crossby's Tapjjstry Carpets, blc); . "Uj .'900' THAT WON EteRFUE .- ' ' ,. ., i ;-i'-i ' ('.; - < - EARLY " MAN, U C(rniprtsms\aU of the AW bonght before the recent Plain, PIBOES New Styles and OoforingBf ia aotirol Geoda I Velvet add I'arkliih Carpet*, rich designs I BnusoU Carpets; charming celdrt' PIECES; NET^i ODRBSS G0OBS, riewest colors,, styles, and patterns oj' tha JmhtonMU wortd. Very fatty goods, "" BLACK DRESS SILKS, Sop Hec^ idvonoo in raw ailk. Prices 45 centa to gJ.OO per yard. No better goods to b bad tn tfe Uonnntoii, IRancy and Brocadied Silks, (701 Pieces); Mttgnificoiit qnantities. Great, selection. And ibe prices extremely lojf. ! xr A call at attyledfly day will well repay those who* wish the nicest and pheapest gaoda in tbwii/ JOHN HOGG & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndhara Street, Guelph> Sept. 1, 187G E CO -A.<D'3E,03Sr- GASH. CASH BROS., After, baying giVei tte Cfredit". System a fair trial during tho past few years, and .become. tnof^nghjj' convinced that it is ! the: fruitful source of much loss, expense and anxiety as well to tbe tustdmere aa the merchant, w bare finally after mature consideration decided to go inj and do a; CASH BUSI NESS, feeling assured jtbat that iff the only sound method of doing business, .and -when proporly car- Cheap. ca^sh; at 15e. per dozen. .See'them. _j--Secord Bros, great reduction in prices comes into effect "to-day. Go, t*e, and be convinced. ~ : -^Personal attention given tip ordered- work at. Craine & Son's Boot -- and Shoe Stere. *f Etrccl* and Sldcwalloi. A good deal of-, necessary work has Tieen done on our-8tree_t3.and~sidewalks thuscasoa,-at a very small expenditure of moh*y, and they arc now in a first- rate state of repair. Wc have procured from the ehairman of the committee the', following memorandum of tho work so far coispletcdj On MU1 Btreet^ 1G rods and 4 fpet of five-feet sidewalk, oppb'- site McMahon's prdnerty i 'miscelLanp- ous repairs on* the' road, with gravel; cuLvcrt near the- railway crossing. On Bower, and Ohfirch-strottB", ,ai culvert and-sundry repairs. On Main Btreet^ Hynds' hill cut. down,'draii<;d, gradcil and gravelled /' Speight's hili graded, drained and gravelled L; Jamet Corae- ron's hill; graded and -gravelled ; a cufc Vfert near James - Brown's ; a'good coat of gravel laid on the whale length of flio etreet from Secord's corner's to tlie entrance to Brown & Hall's sawmill. Several other streets have also had "hn- provements Wind sundry repairs. The totalospenditure <jf a\*m\>;2IC>!i. It is: - hoped that at the next .meeting" of the Cojincil sonje action wilf: bo talien to wards nlakiB^-the -very much needed injprovetnents" in 'the- neighborhood of *a<i railway station. j i ""'-.- ; -" ' - . ^n------------ If tdoii want a durable Boot try Craino i Son's. ' -Galloway Bros, give 1'00-lbn". of bread for 100 lbs." of flour. . - For good tea cakes and buns go to Galloway's Bros./ Acton Bakery. Galloway,,Bros, malco the best bread in the county."1 Give them a calk If yon want-a neat-fitting Boot call at the Central (Boot and Shoe Store. L<4!'g9 quantity of melons, cheap, at Post Oflicc Store, Acton.. Best class of Bohts and Shoes in town at Craine & Sorrs Central Boot andlShoe Store. r . Important Noti.ce. All partios indebted to tho subscriler .are hereby notified that it is necessary to have all accounts paid up. without delay. After, the 1st of October I intend to keep strictly to. the Cash System, and will open no accounts. . J. W. MAXJy. iTli'e Halton Sons of Temperance County Convention will bo held in the Township. Hall, Nassagaweya, on "the. 22nd inst. . Kock Bottom Prices. Christie, Henderson & Co., in order to meet the views of the' closest'cash buyers, have .marked'all .goods; at. special bottom prices, -which precludes the possibility of putting-- in threads, buttons, etc. This change in all case3 will result to. the advantage of tho puyer. - Instance, goods otherwise sold 4t 20c, spool in, are marked 19c, so tJoat in a ^purchase of 15 yards there is a saying of 10 cents. As all goods arc marked in this way we can ha no instance vary, the rule. We have for a long time Believed it would be betzter to adopt tl: is plan and feel confident that our mary custpmers will" at once see tjho propriety of the princi ple. The practice of/eivingin a spool ip too often only a delusj >n to obtain a few cents m'ore'per yard for goods, besides buying | thread at our special reduced price i>y tho dozen or Jialf dozen is an other gain to tho consumer. IJIBTIl i. the ""' ' ' the wife of Mr. John Buxton, 12th inst., of a son. Errs' Cocoa. Gr.AtBruL and Com-. . FOBTiN-o.^TBy a thorpugh iuowje'dge of the natnral laws'which govern thctr operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of. well selected cocoa, Mr.t fepps.has provided our breakfast tables'1 with a delicately flavored: beverage whiclj may save us many l^eavy doctors bills; f Jt is by tho judiciouB use of such articles of diet that a constitution-may be gradually built up until strongenough .to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating .around us. ready td attack wherever there is a. "weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette, riold only in packets labeled ".lAMr.3 Kits .& Co.,1 Honnenpatliic Chemist, 4S,' T'ureadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Ivondon." ; GHR3STI .;i'!HE ^ CO. Take pleasure in advising the arrival of new goods for the Fall and "Winter Trade. Knowing fully the wants of their customers, and \] having exercised unusual care in . making setections, they feel sat- ,| jisfied that they have secured 1 :. a stock of goods forthe Fall trade, which, for quality and cheapness combined will, surpass "I all/fo.rmer efiortsv i This week.tbey show ja great variety in lines suitable for the season, such as grey, scarlet and checfc Flannels, all wool, union and wincey-shirt, ingSj all wool and Canton" Shirts and Drawers, neavy Canadian Tweeds and .EtofFes, plain/ striped and cheoke'd -Winceys, Dress Goods in popular shades and at popular prices, a large assortment, of the far-famed Tiger Brand Black jLustres; Gents1 Felt Hats, common to fine fnr ~~"' all the'popular'styles in Canadian, English and American makes; men's and boys : stoga and kip Boots, at 10 per cent - u^^r. last year's prices; . women'sj "' misses' and children's Shoes in pro- . ' . ^nellB.^nd leather, ' " .-."':"' ',a great variety j ! ~ hrarrive}"' . Grey and white Cottons.. also complete lines of Staple Goods at all times. In plain Wincey, wej show this week a line at 12^0., pronounced cheap' at 15o, land decidedly the best. York shilling Wincey bffered by any house in the trade During the season we shall continue to add whatever the comfort or taste pf our'customers may command^ and hope by careful attention to their frants to merit as large a share of their trade as heretofore. In all cases onr goods are marked at Special Bottom Priops so as to pre clude tie possibility of putting in thread, buttons; &c., wbioh when re quired Tillbe eharged. for as other gopds, a change which will be a deoided gain to the purchaser. Instance g'o^ds that would be sold at 20c, spool in, are markedT9c.| showing a deoided gain to- the buyer of S oents in a- purchas*of 10yards. ! '" Our 'Mcllo " Quick Bales, Large Sales, Close Prices, Small Profits.'. iQur Terms, are Strictly Cash or Produce. No bad debts. No book-keepers'salaries. No costs for collection. No Division Court Suits. ' In fact we believe tho CASH SYSTEM is the kind of " PioUction " wo want to ljestore the country to its former state of prosperitj. Come and see us .'""' CHEISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. to iliirli/.pcr cohtbielqw the usual o'redit prices, and i will cover all classes of goods. .{ It la a well known ^fact that bouses doing a credit business must calculate on" a loss of one dollar in ovory eight, and to protect them- 801V08 against this loss, they, havo to add, 12} centa to every dollar. For instance, a merchant doing a. credit business, wishes to rOalieo ia profit of 15 cents on an article riedl out as #6 intendHEd do, will result in a great saving tjo bur cus tomers. "VTo do not intend to naerely ad vertise thai we are going;in on.thp Cash System, and at the same time continue the credit' business and the old credit prices, but we intend to carry it ont to the litter, and make a genuine reduction in all bur goods, j This reduction will in many cases!amount to iron.twenty WATCHED, GLO0E& & JEWELRY, Watch es. JEWELBY. L For a large and welbselected stock of 8 ^ patches. Clocks add Jewelry i GALL AT :. . ' : , CX 'Sc,Gh ii=LXl<rJD&y^ f'::1 Post OfficW Acion. ] ANEWLOtOFCLOGE^.PMM~$lUPWABDS. ". . ,' '! Erooolios, Ear-rings, J'niger ^iags, Cliaia0, j ! " - ' ^ i : .'-,'-' ' .' -.-' -j And everything that is feept in a first class Jewelry-House. All goods j i i| warranted M represented, and Repairing a Specialty. . ! Bemember the place. ' ' ' ! August 28', J8W.'. N. B-~ Choice T.ot of Dark American Prints just to hand. .--";;- Our famonsSOcc-TBA still.: leads the list. Try it, is all we ask. ^&. know you willTftfterwards buy it. Actori,' Beif, 6i 1876, ' s tomcr of pno dollar in every eight. If ho sells; his wheat for a dollar ;i bushel, by paying ash at a genuine cash store j be will gain, one bushel, in every; eight. If he is a mechanic or laborer^ he gains one day's * pay in every1 eight. These are startling" facts' and. known to be facts by every merchant/ It may be that we may-loose a1 , few of onr customers who have be come so wedded to the old credit which cost him a dollar; to do tio tie must charge a dollar and twen ty-eight cents one dollar cost of article, 12}; <*onts for average loss by credit business, and the balance, 15 cents,! his profit. Whereas, if he had been doing a cash business -lie would have sold the article' for One dollar and fifteen cents, instead of, a dollar and twenty-eight cents, the credit price. | Now here ia a profit to the oua- <x & a. HY^DS",-v. Post OrEoe, Aoton. LARGE AEEIITAhS OiF CLOTHINC AT-TflB ELEPHANT CLOTHING- STORE, <^XTEXi3PS-. ^* Sep1^4,:i876.. Syiitem,wltli; all its eyihvthafc they are blind to the advantages ofja cash~8ystemj those we bid. an Affectionate farewell. We know that hundreds of our customers wilf liall effort.with pleasure, as one that will put money In their pocket* - j. ' We have been preparing the Way. -to ii cash business during this spring and summer,! by reducing credit and reducing stock, and We now beg to apologize t6 our eUstonlerS: for not having kept up our usual stock of Sugars this summer, but wd bad to do so in order to b'e-able to lay in our Cash; System stook by the first of Septemljer. These go Jds will ar rive during the pfesehl and next week, and after this onr stock will be found-full and complete in, every line, and will be sold; at the cash price, and after the first of Octo' ber for cash or produce only. All ;i ' ' (I 6iirJ61<l stoVJk will be rfeotuotkl to tke new cash pride, Come and examine prices, and see the igreat redaction; ] Hoping to | see all jour bid friends and as many new ones as possiple, We arU respeotfullyj .!' BEldORD BROS.' Akton, Aui 23," 1876. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, No. 31, Lowor 'VTT&dA! am street, Oualpi. ALL KINDS OF AMD J[OB PRINTING gitOMPTLY EXEtJUTEl) At i TXIB E'B.EE PRSSS OPFICH I, O, T. HILL,|REMOVii Mill Street, ACTOW, . j DEALEB IN ' ^rotorieSj 6ibokoryf.. :3oots^S5 ShooS; Vail Papofc . , : iMado'ff BliadSi .-,". t - iTails, Glass, IPutty, !;; tinagel oUv : Paints, TutiiBntino,. ; Coal OIL Salt, eto AU o whidh-Will ho told low fo* cash, BGfQppS asid 0LOES Soiling off at cost. , Alto.agohtfar tho ,j{.if RUHBEfE PAINO? dOMPANY Of| CJleyeiand, Ohio^l . i ; - f Cash for Hides Adjon, July 18, 187C . Di R. CREE j: SADDLER; & \ HARHESS-HAKER, Has removed one door yresi of | his old stand, and is now prepared to turn oui work, which for; '." "" oaitaot bo surpassed by-any hbttsa lQ . - :HTT-^': : o all Siadfl -$6| free. < uOj Ap-^vJ Samples 3TIMS0N * Oo.,;Portliwli Bupphed on the shortest possible notlflSj and warranted to give perfect-stkfao tion. T-.- .-' .-!. ,\) _ i..'-' '-.-. . i As he is doing business principally oH the Cash System, he is prepared "to sell cheaper than ereri ' . Give nisi & call atniTje convinced thai this is the right place. at home worth SI .Maine. SimeVSiiSTti. ite, dREi&kjAJsfoik -,, Xi; <U1 O home. AgeDtmnantedU Jpl^OOtntanU terms tree. TKUB CO > '-.'".-'. - I

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