< ***mm*mmmmmmm+L. . .*j*B|> j*W|j i,^u.yjK THE FREE PRESS,. ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, 0^ fpilE ACTOX l'REC PRESS raM;.\c,n:> i iv TlrirMUv M oriungt $1 ,1 H Pot 11 U KlNl>, Proprietor. _ Annum in, Advarfco S-.x?.1miFvooI?i:oae & OOS H M^CKINQ d?lTOR MokMMi, {*LTT 7, lb7& --S Till KSP_AY i' - The mvstoiy siinouiid'mg jtlie iminfe of Robot t White&ido on the night of tho 20th ulu. Inn not yet been cleared uj, although Alio in vestigation has-,bccn curofully antT persistentlv conducted bv the Coro- ner, jury aijd iletectiv i-b, during the p.istt throe iv^t'ks. Tho si^picion, Jiowevw/* Inch at tirsl-utuxched to LAYING OF CORNER STONE. New CoiiKrcKntioiinl Church in Acton. , In>nveordiuico \nith piiblic mi nonnopment, the cornerstone ofthe fCew Coiii;i i-cuiomil Church, hi Acton, w.n. laid, \fstoidiy, liy Mr. |,ilnines Kiv^ict, of Georgetown. The Mto is a \oiy" coin oniont one on Church street, between John and ljlj;m streets, and in the immediate vieitny of tho Methodist and Disci ple Churches. The baseiucnt storey | is to bo of stone, 10 feet clear in height, and- tho audience room of brick, 19 feet in height; tho size of the building tc. be 34 x 4S feet, be sides tower and Genii circular pro jection in the rear. The design is youtg 'WhiteMde as the guilty I oftt and substantial, and thostiuc- party is still as strong ,ts ever, amk ture ^jieu completed, will be an or- giove, which was nuiuorously at- ago; mother told ino of it lost win #atiliw4 ftti.l lir.iii.tiN. ntiinVKil frni. 1 il.itit- nl, *rlillirti, intif. will tended ond heartily enjoyed. A public iiicoting was .held in tho Drill Shed in tho evening, addressed by tho bovoral uiinistuiH present, And subset iptions vvero re- ceil oil towards tho chitroh building fund. VII ill 1? -* Er the evidence given, list vvjvk bMr. G*llo\vt\ tends- to strengthen the conviction iu th minds of the publicJtliat the siispiefons are well toundeei. The eiicnnist.inti il evi donee is so far ctpt.titi.ly n^-iiust lnm, and n!cs he is aUe to cleir up the hi.itus between the time he leftSihei Cretk.it tin o'chvh on th.it fat vl Shard i\ evening and three1 o'clock tl e follow in-; nioiiung. it is likely, to so hml with luin It is most proluhle some tmllier con demnatory e\ ulence-will Vie btoucht out at' the adjourned ui^i.e*>t this 1 evening - " ^= v Preniiei Mackenzie avi!1 .ulutess his con.-tirtMsits if\Y.ufo.d on the i?th it at . at ^3 p in. k THE WHITESIDE MURDER. CORONER'S INQUKST RESUMED. the susrialox FURTHFR-, KVIDEKCB, MYSTERY STUKNOTHENED I}Y PUT THE OT YET CLEAUEI> UP. niiiucut to our village. Tho ceie- monv, yesterday, Mas witnessed by -iv Jjiige number of people, nuiongst ubbni we noticed a good many strangers from a distance. After singing a hvmti, ihe Rev. Mr. Pjivies of Caltdon, who has held occaMOtti-il *ei;\ices in Acton duiina the jiast fewjinonths. Jieud tho 84th j-lVihn and p-art of 7th chapter of Jnd vSnmiel. i He\. Mr.' lhifF, "of , Tho adjdurnoil ioquest on tho Whiteside inui(Jor cuso was t-eauni" ed at Chuk'a hotel, Silver Creek, last Thursday evening. liefoio coniuiencing tho further enquiry, tho coioner and jury unanimously resolved to exclude tho public from -the j-ooiu ; and several of tho jury men were disposed to also exclude young Whiteside's counsel, admit ting only tho County Attorney and pie*M reporters. L>ut after isomo little discussion it was finally agreed to alljw Messrs. Laidlaw and Matheson to watch the caso on bo half of the prisoner, without their iinnecesMiiily impeding the progress of the inquiry by cioss examination of witnosots. The jiuy having all uiiswcied to their names, tho fust tor; 1 think fdio told'mo hint win- tor ho hi tide a will when Johnny was u baby'; this is t)io only will I know of; novor heard of tuiy other; father told nWither some time ngo ho hadn't mnifo another will; I told somebody that I read a will about two weeks ago ; couldn't say wheth er father's nunio was1 to it or not; mother was looking for a recoipt at tho timo, and sho cumo across the will; alio hnnded it to mo and I read it; I handed it back to lier, and sho mud, " Oh, you may burn it;" think I did not burn it, but throw it on tlio floor; father wa not present when T read tho will; ho might ha\o been in tho house; don't know whothor father would alloiv mo to read tho will; don't romombor tho names of any of tho executors of tho will ; there was 85 loft_ to each of the girls, and half tho property to Henry (tho prison or) and half to brother John ; mother can't read writing; she said sho know it was a will by the sight of it; doii't remember the date of tho will; don't remember destroying it; niother told mo to destioy it, it was no good ;" don't know if I would know fatltet's writing; wouldn't swear positively that fatli- ei's nunio was" not1 to tho will; father tried to get Henry away from tho house more than once; Mr. Httiurt ofl'urcd to givo his por- Honul security, and that of tho othor directors, for tho completion of tho road to (ieorgotown this year. Mi'. Stuart hnitl they had already ex pended in grading and tho purchase of rai's and ties nearly .$240,000 ; which fact ought to Lo Biiilicient guarantee. Tho grounds on which the court refused to grant a man- damiiH to compel tho surrender no longer exist, and a resort to tho cotnt would leavo tho county no option. Howoyer, tho comp'any did not dcsiio to resort to an action at lav until other means failed of securing justice. Thoy had paid cash ho far, for all niatorial pur chased and work done. The right of way had been secured, arjd tho surveys had been continued beyond Georgetown, although not much had been done between that place and Bairio. Tho road would be completed to Georgetown lly 1st November. T., SEPTEMBER 7, 1876. u 1 the purpose of introducing his work to tho council, and addressed them fLriofly ond to tho point. He con cluded by asking them to purchase [a numbon of copies of his work for tho municipalities and"county offi cii B. ' | ! Moved by Mr. Clay,L8econded by Mr. Barber, that this council buy 'of J. H. Popo & Co. sixteon copies of their New Illustrated Atlas Map now in course of publication for this county, namely one for each niunicipolity and one each for tho offices of the County; Judge, Sheriff, Clerk of the Countyi Regis trar, Treasurer, Clerk of the Crown, and Inspector of Public Schools, and (hat the treasurer bo directed to pay for tho same upon the de livety of Raid atlases at his ofUco. Dr. Buck and Mr. Warren ob jected to such a proceeding, saying that though they fully recognized the value of the work, and had personally subsciibed for it, they OUR FALL STOCK OF 84MHEK-A19B ... v....-, .. .J------~.....-J ..~..WW..U . ", *UUJ Tho Warden asked if the Com- J thought each municipality should Speedsido then othied a iniuvr. , - ,. , R..%. Mi. D .. s made a few, W I W1'r;r ^'^i* "** . . , l.miii.i> rema,ks. mating that in I ^ an. Jojce, magistrate ns- constqi.Vnee of the lengthened Hi-1 sllhn>' V1 ^'orgflown, being swoin, a-*, of Rev. Mr. Unsworth he had { testltlwl tL,lt tltll&r ln M,l-V or Juno Mr. P. liow> <if Guilph, hv? ac- ct>pte-l tii-shrie\,ilt\ rf Wil n gton, a,Tid his resigiic 1 bis teit ill tne Legisl.it .ire.- s Sittin* liall is h,ive been kit. .1 his fate Crook and Terry do not appr-ir to m ike 'much progtsss in stukip^ his band some months ago to' resign,^ his cliugo of the concregation at Chuichill, and tliiithe (the speakei) h.ut ft It it his idut\ to supply the \a>Mnc,% and tint he ulso became uiipre-s d\\ it lithe nt c ssityefhold ing occii^ional 'ervices in Acton He was tlid to "s-e^ tluit thiough the meieios of CcJ his feeble eftoits n'.i i had hem instrumental in awaking ii;un reported to ihefcatteied members of the church m the b ittli in ' in Acton to the desirability of er- L*<i Sea&rtli has hid a ttinble-fire by vwhich forty buildings are re- ]>orted to have been destioitd. in the bus'ne.ss p.ul of the town. The ecUng a building for the worship of God in thib village. It seemed to be our duty as C'ongi egationalists to proceed at once to erect such a sanc tuary, and hS was pleased to 'wit- iu-s.s the spirit which was manifest ed \>\ the people. He thqn read the follow ing documpnt, a Copy of \ i buildings des'trevtJ were pnrcijral-] which was enclosed in a tin box Iv of wood and not fin i duable, -and deposited in the cavity of the except the Mansion House, which i coineritoue : u ila\mj bi-tn L.-.lkil 16 tin-ProMiIciKse j ol lio.l to jyt-ach ihLijj.ait tuliugs il the 11 "** t<J >U]>1>1_\ tlit- e atroci- i laA long f, Jt bj the members m" con- iii-cuoii w ith the C'oi3n?-itional 1k>Jj? Wt. tins day rijuice ;Mul gire uur mest hnry tliii^s to our Hmvenlj J'atlitr, , The truth of the tern -<_,___..... ties' committed by ;l.e Tutks on | uutun with the C'oncrcjntional I their CEriBtian sut^tcus, is^oi.fhtd for by tLe-Eiiroj>ean consuL. Ot! er wise it would be .dmest beyond hu- mnn comprehension toticct pt tl em. "Whole fjJliihes sine slangh'ered, bosses plundered, and \ il!a^.'a burn ed. Women, girl-, and .children the LUr ef e\er\ ,ble -m^, for the 'dumhmt veici-t-s tlrtt1 has alrtiiH "at- tim^ctl our ( tblc LlFortk i.i tho preach- n.^ of the Go \k\ of Christ... Being stron^K enaiim-id tIiatt!n,Lt time had ce :nt- UV^Ua^e a spiritual house m the \\. - ire of Acton, sptcial meeting vtas were outraged, behe idtd. ot burn^.1 i ealkci on Monday cvtmng, August I4t6, -bvthe hundreds, and their bodies (to cou~u!cr the propriLtj of creetiuga ~i"r* 4..- - .i -, f - ,irra tn . church for the said use of the CoiiKre- leff rottinjj m the sn-n for tlo^s to ....... > s b> feed on. *i A Cheap ExcrRsioN.^Un Friday and Saturday tickets will be issued all along the line of the Grand Trunk to Toronto good to r( turn up till Tuesday, at one fare. On Sat urday a championship lacro=se match-will be played which will 1* a great |>oii.t of attraction for \ lsit- ^ atianalists. "It was unanimous]} re- so'\ ed that a church be"erectd forth with," and lia^-ing committtsd this great euterjirise to our Father in Heaitn for his blessing to rest anti abide upon this sanctuarj about to be raised, wherein we maj worship Him who J3 a spirit in spirit, aud ln truth, befng felly assured " Except the Xord budil the house tLey lattor in vain that build it; except tbeEord keep the city, the watchman waketh but iu va'n." Witb-"our united prajer w'e desire tbatw-ithm the walls on Monday. Pare $l.v>U. An EnglisIT-..paper j=ays : -Tlie trade in Canadian horsea and cattle bids fair to affect the homeTnail.tr, as it is increasing in importance. Yesterday the Dominion steam' r ,rDoEjinion" landed at Liverpool 110 very fia" 1/e.i.sts, in splendid condition. The'" Dpruinioir " also landed thi-ee-thoiougiibred, nice harness and nine cait horses, alL "very fine. The lost jimpattation of these horses brougbjt, by aiicrion, from 75 to 100 guineas each. ora. There will be an excuision j i this 'ihy Holy ^anctuar>, there m-y from Toronto -to Buffalo b\ hteamer j be built up a. spiritual house ; that it liiaj be said of many jet unborn, this and that maa wa^> barn there; and that tbe Lori}-may.keep it as the apple of His e>e fiura e\erjthin^ that would bnng dugrate upon our Congregational "pnneiplts. ignetl em behalf of the meml>er3 of the toii^regation, Sept 0th, in the \ ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and se\tuty-six Ja-vu-s Divins, Pastor. The other artie'es enclosed weie cojiies of the Montreal Witness. Cin'tdian Imhjynilent, ActDn Free PaL^a, Guelph Mercury, Toronto DruImGlohe, the Declaration of the PuiicipJes of Faith ami Church -----------------~ m---------------- I Diseiphne of tho I Congregational A large number of destructive , Chuich, and a eoin of the realm, fires have occurred in Ontat 10 and i A handsome silver trowel, Dealing Quebec since May. [ On Tuesday, I the annexed inset iption was then May 30th, fire in Olebec city d'e presented to Mr. Barber, who per- Btroyed over five lii?nth'pd htjiiRes : I formed the ceremony of the laying on Thursday, June ]8'h, the b'l.si- ^ ness part of Cav itga was c >iisumed , on Sunday, June, lSrb, all the b\n iness-portipn^of St John's, Quebec, WasTfcdneedJo asripsj tin- loss being over $500,000; on Sunda\, Au^iif-t 1 6th, the Aurora Agiicukinal Woiks were burned, entailing a lo"ss of $80,000 ; on Sunday, August 22nd the bussiness street of the village of Brussels fell a prey to the flames; on Sunday, September 3id, the con flagration in St. Hyacinthe occur red anofsix hundred houses were burned; on Monday, S.ptember 4th the destruction of forty buildings in the centre of Seaforth, and on Tues- -day of-this week the vill ige of Dur-^ ham was visited and eight buildings consumed. The town of St Hyficinthe, Que bee, was almost cpmpl"tbly oV-stroy^ ed by fire on Sunday. It is situated on tb-f Yamasko. river ,al>ot^t 30 milds from Montreal, is the county town of SCTlyacinthe county, ^andL| has a population of four thousand. - The buildings weie mostly of wood, and the Sre engine of the town Was next to useless. Added 'to thisj a strong wind was blowing, and the flames were carried with lightning ' rapidity from one end of the place to the other. Hardly any of the { contents of the burned structures wer? saved. The people were re ported without bread, but supplies have be^n sant from Monti cal. Ohe old woman is known to have been burned to death, and three children are also supposed to have peruhed: the corner stoiie_of the edifice PRICES'! i-D MR. JAMES BARBER, on lajinri J he Toond itfon Stone of the Congregational Church, Acton, sept- 6th, 1876. of this year the deceased Itobei t Whiteside came to him and wanted to get some authority to keep his son Heniv fioni coming about his (Whiteside's) premises, suing that the boy would not work, ami that he was an annoyance to'hiui; wit ness told him that he could give him no buch authority, ami lulust'd htm f-to give Henry TiO^icres of his land and let him live upon it; deceased said he would do no such thing, and that when "he made his will ho would give lite boy but very little, just enough'to cut him out; deceas ed did not give his son a very good character, he said that he had stolen some of his wood and sold it; witness was not aware whether de ceased had made a w ill or not; de ceived said to witness that the mother kept Henry clean, and thought that she encouraged him in coming round and in being idle ; witness said he had known the boy Honry for a considerable time about Geoi<;ctown and alwavs found him respectful and civil; never saw him otherwise ; was not aware what his occupation is or has been. i Duv id Galloway, baker, of Acton, sworn, said he heard of the dtath of Bobet t Whiteside on Monday^ morning, the 21st. Was in Htlls burg on Sunday, 20th ; came oowti the 7th line, in a buggs. About the centre of the hill near Henry Cole's, I met a person going up. The night was rather dark ; did not re cognize the person. It was a little before 12 o clock. Got home to Acton at 20 minute's past 12 o'clock, Think it was a man about my height 5ft lOin. The clothes ap peared to be all dark. Did not dis tinguish any light clothing. Could not lecognize the person if I should see him again. I never told Mr. Campbell what color hat he had on, as I.didn't know. Did not tell any person. lie seemed to be lather tall and stout. [The prisoner, Homy Whiteside, was- brought in and told to stand up before the wit ness.] The man I met appeared to be fully as tall as prisoner but I think a little stouter. Hud no par ticular acquaintance with prisoner, though had seen him and knew him Bliglitly. Would not be likely to irecognize him in the dark.- I was once at Silv er Creek when he was playing quoits ; do Jnot remember ever having played quoits with him. Never played any other game with hini. The person did not speak when I met him. ' He appeared to have his head down. The hill is about two miles above Silver Creek and about half a mile this side of Whiteside's property. Would take a man about ten or fifteen minutes _to walk from place of meeting to Whiteside's farm. Don't think he appealed to be skulking or trying to keep out of sight. Did not see him till I was within a few yard's of him, as_I was coming around the pay for its own, and no doubt would, if canvassed. _ The motion was then put and carried. A number of other mat ter were disposed of, which we are unable to give in detail. Try ilt-and You will Always. Ifse Wood's Improved., VVochI'h Improved Hnlrl Itcxtot er, and iuiB no < pany was willing to stand by tho offer they made in the spring to sell tho debentures to tho County at 9 lc on the dollar. 1 Mr. Stuart repliod that tho time for the consideration of that Iques- tion hud passed. It should have been accepted w hen it was offered and tho debentures at once given up. Tho oiler was made us a com- think I never told Henry of the I premise, and was conditional qn the w"illl, father sometimes guvp moth-j sin render of tho debentures at that er a. littlo money; she sometimes I time. j eat nod money of her own by sew- Tho Wardtn "Said Mr. Stuart ing; sometimes she hud foifr or five vvotikl bear in mind that the line dollais, sometimes less ; she might was to bo completed in threo years have had $100, but I can't ssy j thiough the County. The Company don't know exactly how much; she would only finish it to Georgetown sometimes sold chickens to get within \\\o specified time. That some money ; don't know if there'would leavo about five miles unfin- was any money in tho house otter ished. Would Mr. Stuart siy that father's death; saw mother with ' tho Company intended to finish it j Trade nupplied at manufacturers- pric* some money after. his death; bad thiough the County before May j by c. a.Cook* Co., Utalcago, Sole Agents souio conversation with Mrs. Camp-! uuxt J bell and Mrs. McNichol about a Mr.. Stuart No, they could not will, I told Mrs. Campbell that I do that. saw it two or threo weeks ago ; The Warden Then do you wish don't think tho funeral expenses us to bring an action against you have been paid. I for not complying with the terms of Mrs. Addson (formerly Mrs. Mc-' the agreement 1 The money for the Nichol) sworn Never saw any pa- purchase of the debentures at the per at Mrs. Whiteside's; whb there rate of V lc. was still on hand, and the day of the funeral ; Mary (last had been reserved by the munici- witnees) told me she read the will,' palities for that purpose. The only not more than two weeks ago, and reason-why not paid was that the said there were a dollar apiece put people of the County were not sat in for tho rrirls, and it was marked is tied that the railway would be out, and 5 put instead ; sho siid built. also that the propertj was ali Jeft > A length} discussion ensued, to Henry and John, and that will Messrs Cla},Buck, Warren and would bo no good, as there had been Young being opposed to lrinding four children born since ; Mary said over tho said debentures till the-, there was no other will , had no completion of ths road, conversation any tune with Mrs.' Mr Stuart then agreed to givo Whiteside about tho will; Mary the council one month's grace, and said .she behevetl HoiiFy innocent si.itl that ho and the other directors of the minder.; Mrs. Whiteside would still, at the expiration of the said the morning of the muider that month, bo w tiling to give their per- she hadn't twenty cents to get any- son tl secuitty for the completion of thine; with; Mary was pios'eitt i the road this year, and that thj; | when Mis. Whiteside said this, hut' work of the month, in addition to em't tell whether Maty heard it or whit had already been done, would not i surely bt stiflicitnt guaiante-e of the. The jury adjourned st nine o'clock , company's good faith, as they were I p. m.-to meet again at the same [ to st irt laying tails the next day, placemen Thursday, the 7th Sep-j (Wednesday.) temUer, at five o'clock p m j The Warden thought that if they The prisoner Hemy Whiteside! were going to have the road donej so soon that it ought to be satisfac Itcxtoratlvc Is unliXo any other, and has no equal. Thojmprovetl has now vegetable ton'c proportlen; reloresgrey hair to a glossy natural color; restore* faded, drj, barsb and fulling hair; restore", dresses, gives rigor to the hHlr; restores hair to prema turely bald bends; removes d indruff", hu mors, scaly eruptions; ieioves lrrlla tlOD, itching and fecly dryness. No article prqduccs such wonderful efieets Try tt, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put ofTwIlh any otnei article. Sold by a 1 drugg.sts Jin this place and dealers everywhere. for tho (Julted Stales and Catiaujts. and by Ltma^ Unos, * Co., Toronto. ' HARRIED. ' At Campbell's, Hotel, Aqton, on the 1st mat., by the Rev. 1) B. Cameron, Mr. James Pharp,' to Miss ,Maggie Campbell. i 1 The trowel, which cost 635, was i hend of the hill. He looked up protnr<M_frani the establishment of, when I met him ; - did not see his Mepsis. L2ish <fc Co., Toronto, Rev. Mr. Unsworth, of""George town, then delivered^ a brief ad- drees. He said <it was not \he pur port or pohty'of Congregationalists "to interfere with the hariijony of any other chinch ; that thO'utmost good wil was always felt towards all brethren in Christ, nol matter of what particular denomination. In- deeel it had been remaiked that Congregatiinnlists were so catholic and libi rat in -their views as to n("gleet the r ownindividua1!growth iii nuriibeis and streDgtbr sThey offered the light hand of fellowship to aB who woik in the name of the I/31'd.^ yet- we consider we have a place to fill; we have distinctive principles, and the doctrines which we teach are,<in harmony with the full growth ['and freshness of the bhnian mind. We have no creed t<J- fetter us, and are free to advo cate sound principles of christian liberty. ^ Affx r singing and pray er by Rev. MtTJ5wing, df Georgetown, a col lection was taken up dnd the audi ence {dismissed. in the afternoon a pic-nic .was held in Mr. F. S. Armstrong's eyes; eould not say whether he had on a white shirt or not; did not see him have anyJ^ng in his hand. He was the only person'i met below Ballinafad on the 7th line. John Tomlinson, stone-cutter, sworn, said hoarded at Clark's hotel, Silver Creek. Was here on Sunday evening [20th inst. Henry White- sido came ahout eight o'clock and regained till exactlv 20 minutes to ten by the clock in [the house. The prisoner went outside then with Mr. 'Webster, and Mr. Wheeling and got on the waggon with them, I was standing outside at tho time. He was dressed, in dark clothes, with drab soft hat. Have seen bim several times; generally dress- ejd in dark clothes. Asked me if any young chaps were up from Georgetown. Never spoke to him tjill last January when I saw him on the ice at Georgetown. Went tjo bed five minutes after he left, and it was just 15 minutes to ten o'clock. . | I Mary Whiteside, daughter of de ceased, recalled, on being sworn, de posed as follows concerning heir father's will : Don't think father made a will since fourteen years' Now Arriving, And will be complete in a few days. ~sc' Call and examine our Goods and Prices. Acton, Sept^5, 1876. CEAINE & SON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o AT STRAW Good anel clean for bed ticks, can he hael in any ejuantity at my barn for 20, cent* per tick, or 2o cents delivered at hou=-es. P. S. ARM.STRXG Acton, Sept. 5 1S76. 10-3t was remanded to gaol. HALT0H COUNTY COUNCIL. The County Council met at Mil ton, on Tuesday of last week, pur-I suant to adjournment. The Waidon stated hat gentle men connected with the II. & N. W. Railway were in town and would probably jiemand the debentures. He submitted the question whether they should be surrendered to the tiustees or should the Council stand by their by law. Mr. Foster said he ,waa decidedly opposed to given up the debentures at this Btage. Col. t'lay had seen nothing since the passing of the By-law to change his opinion. He opposed the surrender at. the pres ent time. Dr. Buck thought if the Council now surrendered the deben tures they would ignore all they had done in the past. Mr^Barber expressed his confidence that the railway would be completed thiough the county in a short time. The Warden had confidence that the railway would be built, but would have more confidence in it were it finished. The feeling of the coun cil was in fav or of still holding the debentures. - The minutes of last meeting were then read and confirmed. The Warden read a communica tion from the Provincial Inspector of Prisons relative to Louisa de Long, a lunatic. _ The clerk read a communication from W. Henderson relative to the Credit "Valley Railway debentures. CREDIT VALLEY DEBEVTUKE8." The by-law relative to the levy ing of a rate to redeem the C. V. Railway debentures was read a first, second and third time, and passed. The by-law levies the following rate: Nassagawoya.....-. ... ~ . .S1964 00 North Side NeJspn .-,......1657 00 North Sulo Trafalgar . . . 2642 OO Portion o Esejnesmg.......1987 00 Mr. Barber introduced a by-law to levy rate in support of public schools, as; follows : Trafalgar....................".. 800 Esquesing...................... 800 Nelson........................ 800 Nassogaweya................ 450 which by-law was read a fiist, sec ond and third time and passed. H. & N. W. EBENTCRES. A deputation from-the Hamilton <fc Northwestern Railway Co., con sisting of the President, Mr." Stuart, and Messrs. Williams and Sandford, waited on tho council, urging them to deliver the bonus debentures to the trustees of the company, with out further legal proceedingSj and y ost, On^tho 2nel line of Esquesing, be- tw eon Acton anel the residence of Mr. John Weirilen, a piece of erochet work, abeiut two jarels in length anel about threii inches w iele, containing a spool number 10, and crochet neeelle. Any p~rsim nuehng it will oblige the owner I)} k'a\ nig it at this ofh.ee. ll_ R. B. ICOOK. ' _ll------------------------------------------------------ QTIMY COW. ' Came into the enelosure of the snb- scnl<er on the 29th August, la, milch. c?i, gre^tbh color, Tne owner'is reeptesteel to pro\e property, pay charges and take her awaj. i __ JOHN SPROWL. | Lot No. 18, -3rd con., EsquesiHg LARGE} ARRIVALS-OF QLOTHINC AT THE ELEPHANjT CLOTHING STORE, WM Sept. 4, 1876. TCTOTE LOST. All parties are gtjelph:.l I < RUTHERFORD & CO, 'No. 31, Lo-wer "Wyndhani Street, Guelpi. Creby cautioned tory to deliver the debentures on its completion to Georgetown. Mr. Stuart said that in giving a month's grace, he was perhaps doing more than he ought to, and that he could not possibly do more ; that accot d- ing to the by-law, ratified by the people, the debentures shouhl now bo in the hands of the trustees of the H. it N. W. R., and that if the council refused to deliver them, tbey could only expect that legal proceedings would bo taken for their delivery. A formal protest from W. Y. Pettit, against tho giving up of the debentures, was read. Mr. Clay proposed that a com mittee should be appointed to wait' on the directors of the Co., some time before Oct. 1st, and make ar rangements for the delivery of tho debentures. Mr. Barber moved, seconded by Mr. Ramsay, that the council should deliver the i debentures to the H. & N. W. R. Co , subject to the conditions of Mr. Stuait's pro posal, which, Mr. Barber said, were fair and reasonable, and should be treated with consideration by the council, for if they refuse to deliver thorn tbey can only expect to be served with a writ in ten days, and J the debontures taken from them by law, the county put I to an expense of five or six hundred dollars, and have no guarantee that the road should be finished at1 all. Mr. Young moved an amendment contrary to the above, which, after much discussion was put and .lost. After some further argument, in which Messrs. Barclay, Barber, Ramsay and Stuart spoke in favour of the original motion, and Messrs. Clay, Warren, Buck I and Young against it, Mr. - Young moved an amendment to the effect thatj the council should hold a special meet ing about the first Tuesday in Octo ber, for the delivery of the deben tures upon satisfactory bonds being furnished by the Company fori the ! completion of the road, i i Several'hours more were spent (in arguing the question,] and ab last it [was agreed that the council would hold a special meeting on Oct 12th, and hand over the debenture) on the company paying the costs of the trial .that has taken place in] the matter, and the directors giving their personal security "that the work would be pushed as fast ^s it haB been. j i Mr. Pope, who is getting up an atlas of the county, waa present; for M' ARE STRAYED.' Strayed from the premises, Lot No. 10, 5th con. Esqucsmg, about the 28th August, a Chesnut Mare, medium size, 4 jears old. One hind leg has been blistereel. Any person giving such in formation as willhiael to her i recovery, vv ill be hberoll} re areled. I JOHN EW1NG. Estiuesing, Sept. o, 1876 10-*3t cjeIvec k5 vncj A or CLAWSOS SEED nuiT. | The subscriber has a very choice sam ple of the above wheat Tor sale. I (This w heat, accoreling to reports, has stood the test better tins year than all others. I It'is a white wheat, and yielels enormous cr>ps on every variety of wheat soil. Price gl.jO-per bushel. DAVID SHULTES, ' 10-lt "S Rockwood. "IJ1ARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers to sell his fa! ml consisting of about 50 acres, being th i south-west half of Lot No. 21, in th j 2nd con. of Esquesing. Good house an 1 barn, small orchard. The land is of excellent quality, well watered, 40 acres cleareel, balance good maple wood. Apply to W. L. P. Eager, Milton, or to the ow ner on the premises, or by letter to [Acton Post Office. DANIEL THOMPSON, sqnesing, July 15, 1876. 3-3m. -AOTCXN- Fruit Bazaar. GEO. LEVENS Begs to announce to the people of Acton that ho has oponed out in the budding lately occupied by Geo. Stoddard, on the corner of MU1 and. Elgin streets, win ire will be foind at all times all kin la of - | Oaimod, Fruits, Caudles, j Oran'eoa, Lemons, against buj ing or negotiating a eertain note of haneb, drawn by George B. Hume and Tho3. Hui le, of Milton, in favor of The Acton Pie w Company, fir the Bum of 3o o6-n th,ted April ISth, 1876, payable six months after elate, as the same has been lost or mislaid. ACTON PLCW COMPANY. Acton, Aug. 21, 1876. 8 3t McNA BRICK BL0C,( Is now progressing rjipidly, and the GOODS In the present store Must Too all cleared out IR'S- Within the NEXT FEW WEEKS We don't vy-ant to MOVE lAWAY v i Tobaccos, Clears, Summer! Wsli Drinks, etc. ter and Musk Melons, To matoes, etc, qn hand. BARBERJ SHOI> In connection, where Shivmg.Hair-cut- tirgj Sliampooning, etc.,lean be done in tho test stylo of the tonqorial art. A^top, July 12, 1876. / 1 I ! Any ofj Present Stoch. Things must be s^ld at any price. now for Bargains Such as never bjefore heard of, Acton-, Aug. 2', -ISJ76, &EED WHEAT. The undersigned Jjas "a- qrantity'rtf the celebrated Turkish Fall Wbeat, for" sale at ? 1.59 per bushel. This grain is very hardy, and will not be lnjOjPed by the S2\ erejt winter weather. The grain will be left at J. Henry Smith's furni ture store, w here it can be procured. < C. S. SMITH. Acton, Aug,. 14, 1876. 7-3t REMOVED! R, CREECH, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Bfas removed one "door west of histoid sland, and is now prepared to turn oSi work, which for - 1 NEATiTESSr CHEAPNESS AND DISABILITY cannot "be surpassed by any housa in the county. Harness of all Kinds Supplied on the shortest possible notica, and warranted po give pirfect satisfac tion. 1 - ' As he is doing business principally'on the Cash System, be is prepared to sell _ emeaper than ever. Give him a call and be convinced that this is the right place. 6B*M Train8' Horning Day Etpri Express Mifk, Night ExJ Mixed J Day Expl Ml - Mixed - NEW " ^gtray Col Maro Stnf ' Cat Stravi -proclamal Crochet " Seneca 1 New Goo Early ar & Son.I Tall sfcxJ & So; I ford If J call-at th '. On. ed imm<"T A-ctcm. *-. Mr. retm-ntd ^Scotland. to have e The has tomei was e yield after alL Iiar| cheap, at The| menacle ' Shed, ttf-r( a tery eni arel doing! thing ill ] Peaches price, : strppiy - ntusic'i Bes ih town 1 mid Shoe I IifcPOI indebted, i notified i accounts the 1st strictly tl open; no ; Chd at Chriarl pron^uncJ r at If [ periloz Fire In A iranj Campbel JNassagatl fite a fe-i 'tents, il from hor had put" I one enel 1 d.oO"rt an^ _ setting : - til too iat goods. Mr. Ca June 2S, 1876. B,, CREECH ,Aoton. j^CTON BAKERY. Cheap Bread. D. McNAIE. GALLOWAY BROS. ARE STILL AHEAD, And we intend to keep so with cos Superior Bread, Buns, and Cakes, Delivered fresh around the village tai^ "vicinity every day. A. 'good stock o BREATH BUJSTS AND CAKES Always on hand at our hakery, good, ,* fresh and cheap for cash. NO CREDIT GIVEN. Except to prompt-paying monthly cus 1 tomera. All kinds of Produce taken.in,ex change for goods. -1 - Weight for weight given in bread m * exchange for flour. WEDDING & FANCY CAKES Made to order in the shortest possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. ^ N.B. AH goods are warranted p"Bre as nothing but the best of maturial i used. The_patronage of the -jmblio u respectfully'solicited. j < GAJ0LOWAY BK0S--i Acton, Aug. 9, 1876. , t V NoTd - wieiedj *B4Sho