Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1876, page 4

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mm H THE FREE PRESS, ACTOS,} HA^ 1876. ' ".' m^i\M f* mm 0&< Sgjf; Kr.i,L ' i* i' iv. r A Sltkkt Mtsonderstandkne. iiour town there are two. fami lies of Cadwalladers, and until a few weeks' ago theheadof each of ihem,- Was muued Henry. One He.nfy was a store keeper, ai d tho \ otheV Henry jwas a butcher, and neither- was .related in any w ay to ' the others'^About the middle1 of June the butcher died rathersud denly t but; somehow; tho impression got.ont .around town that it vfaa the other Henry, Late one" evening a wagon dfojre up in front of the Jiv-. ing Cadwatlader's house, and.'a man. rung thelbelL X^dwalliderl/wasin bed. He arose, opened the window- and shouted : "Who'slherer.-V " Me j. Tbomhs !'.' .: i _ **Toonsb! Who'sToombsl What d'you vnuvt^'_ i ' " Why, I've just run laroupd with * load of ice for the old niun. Let me in, so's t can fix hlrn." f'Dunno what you mean, = No body around here wants fixings ; with ice. We're temperance people." " N6, bo t-I'm ; the undertaker. I brought it around topackj'lhoohl man in, eo'a he'll keep for a couple of days, . Hurry up', sonny,11 want to get done," * ! " What old man ?" :- ' "Why;Cadwall*der. Dfon'tyOu know, if he isn't laid in ice hVtl ,_Bpcil before morning, and afflict his jl family like thunder." J j ?fI guess you've struck the wrong boosed ji { . " Isn't this Henry Cadwallader's placed ;' . i .,- r v-ttfc",:. "Well, then, he's my man. I've got a coffin; in hero that'll fit him like a glove;1 after we've froze hitsi up awhile, " I1 danno if unvbyjy ~ean get him up better for thesepul- chre than lean bo. Le' me in 'a quick 's you can, and I'll show yon the ^silver- plated bandies, and the mahogany trim mings, j. .Queen "Victoria don't want -anything-more gorgeous than thep. WhiRr Toombs was speaking, an other man came up and rang the bell, and 'Cadwallader asked him what he wanted, ....." Want to see Mrs, Oadwajlade about the tombstone." " Tombstone 1 This is getting - solemn. What tombstone f "Old C^walladeVa, Mr. Mix sent me round to ark- whether he. ...should cat the line 'Henry Cad- ; wallader'in a straight line or a carve, and whether she wants to- put on Jie stone a broken rosebud or,torch upside,down... You tell thewidder to take my advice and r; go ia ontherooebad and the straight line. It's cheaper, and'twon't pmke . jany differ^oaa tothfl corpse," ri| menjjgn jj ^ j,OT_ When is tire tombstone to be done f* ~ V Wednesday-^ right after the Weighs about a ton. Mix says Mrs. Cadwallader probably wanted it heavy, so's to be :8ure it would bold Tfenry'idown. Ho will 3ve his fun."_ ' .During _ihe conversation, and while Mr. TpDinbs was!-removing bis funeral appliances from the ,wagon^ a: third man arrived. "He asked for Mrs. Cadwallader. "What do yon want?, asked Mr. C. " How's the widow Mw' it ? Hard T he asked. "Not so very.'5 "Well, you telpher for me^tiot Xo go on about it, Plenty of fish Jji tb,e sea|8 good asany overf^aught. 'Tell ber; the company's all righty It'll payi her in full, and t&en. she can get on her feet again, and may be.rconsdtidate. with .TBonje better man." . _j. *? Wbkt company do yon meanf' ^'Wr/ythe Hopelessly" Mntiaf. I'm Benjamin P.tfjunn, the insur- -. anca agen i.- . Took his risk"" in jjannary. Thought may be the widow1' might' r;L* snffering from ' grief, and I'd toll to cheep her np^ I'm coming to the funeral, and I'J} see that jTftnry's stowed a^ay> afl Strag as abng in a rqg." : Cad wftlladfir came dowoand bx_- plained tip maiter, and got thiligB straightened out a little. On tbe , . day of the dead Henry's funeraj h# thought be would go iq it, in order 0 ascertain how it felt to attend ' the obeequies :of Henry Gadwalta- 4er. It turned out thaf spme t>f the livo Henry's friends, who didn't __JcnoTf wheipeba lived, were at the bouse of tljte dead man, thinking it s^orelpeepeys : funeral When the hitter canjo' in, Mr. Jones met him a$d s&id to him : 5 - "He^en and eirth, Oad wallader L ^owfd yott/get out of that ppffin fy ?'Inerer wasjp it.-', - ^Whatl I've been crying like a babyabobfc you in the parlor there Not dead ! 2JQW e! here, OadwaL- '- Jader, this js not the square thing! Plame Btei.if I hayen't wasted ai ^norm6^S amonnt of sacred emotion over yon, and-now you go b*jk 'on pie.. Is that treating a man right?' -" I donna $cems to me sp." " Well, hang roe jf it seew to . jae so. j J you advertisej thai .you are going to be burried, why in the namasef ffebftcbadneszerfdbn't yon stand by your contract like a man?' "I>st ina ex^lainW 1 : '-f.^o.sirj no apologies. This {eta jpoa bat as far aS I am concern ed. Wbep .1 die J die. f don't invite my friends to see me inter-, rod, get thm to cry like thunder, nd then ooma iwufl|ing aroqod with some shabby' excuse about not ^being dead! , I'd rather pick = man's pocket than trample pu his . ieefings tint way f Ai a*: Mr^, Jones .shouldered bi* Umbrella sad marched off home, <Wf#^ Vent a)so; a Jjttle gloomy because lm felt that if ho had been a thoroughly conscientious jnan who liniJeratp^trltiia duty -to society, ho wouldj be a corpsb,', Ho is going to apply (to th^o Legislature at tlie next session for permission to change his name, - - -j^*-m-----.------------- The Vest of Practising Tern- v Jpcralnce. i Perhaps of tho several ways whereby the cause f of .tcjmpornnce may be. advanceu, none are likely to effect more tlm'n Uiat of choaj>en- ing temperanco refreshuients. The present tariff for non-intoxicating drinks and iced preparations is ex orbitant, and there is no doubt that numbers are from this cause 1<h1 to drink whiskey, beer, &c The tem perance -preparations -sold-, are, ft* their best hot much to boapi of, but they aresolj at prices which would lead one to imagine they contained very expensive concomitants. Yefcj broadly speaking, the article for which seven, eight 'or ten cents are asked is little more than very cold water or milk flavored with xathor doubtful essences. Now, a'-iung-oT, iced beer can be had for five cents,-* and thorn are these w|io hold that a cheap drink of this nature is more refreshing than any of the high- priced preparation sanctioned by the advocateaof teetotalism. Then there stands out that a bottle of "old rye" can be bought for tweuty- five^cerlta, and this with a jug of cold water,: will make as many drinks as would represent about one dollar if estimated by the tem perance refreshment - tariff. So it willj be seen-that the temperance people hare a big field before them in tho refreshment question. What the .people, want are refreshments that are really refreshing, and they* but I don't think ^ waQt to ^ able to get them at reasonablejirices... It is now out of the question for tho arerago citizen to taie his family to^i refreshment ro6m, and- give ; them ," a treat * oftener than once-a. month or so. Yet tddrink-the city water is to court sickness, beside human nature at this period of the year naturally craves for something less insipid than water, impregnated with de cayed- : vegetable matter. , This, then, is the opportunity of the Total A-bstihenoa party, Jt is aft oppor tunity for-the display of earnestness in a. practical way. At election times we are accustomed to heaiva good deal about what temperance men can accomplish by organizing; we should like to see whether they can accomplish something tangible in t.ha shape of reform in the direc tioQS indicated. Montreal Star. Now is the Time to Purchase CliOTHIIiq, TWEEDS being rushed make off at ItK^ueed rates room for to FALL STOCK Now ARRiyiiiG AT THE BAST B3STI3. WM. RXJTHBRPORD 8s CO. rri^c>; -. Bi.siSs: NEW Aototi, Aiicuiit 1, 1R7R. DI0K30N & MoNAB. HT1E-V7- G-OODS NOW DAlIiY ARRIVING AT THE tASHIOlSrABLE WEST -EST); JUST OPENED! One case new Seal Brown and Navy Bluo Dress upoJa. 12 dozen now Silk Ties. . ^Jew Lindn Collars and Cufi's. \ Stock'now very complete and attractive in each department. A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable WeSFt EnJ Dres?, Millinery nnJ Manila Kstabllshincnt. Qaelph, August ,11. ISHi. i POST OFFICE CASH STORE, hA-OTTOIN-., OlsTT. Just reqeivedj comprising all tho'latest i English and ^meriG^n Sjbyles, TO BB SOLD CBEAP.; A Large Stock of j Linen and Lustre Coats stil,l on Hand. .;. TO BE' OIvEAKED obT FOR IfALF THEIR VALUE. WM. RUTHERFORD & Aug. 12j 1876. No. 31, Lowar "flrynlham. Street, Onolph CO, GREAT sIPECIAL SALE 9F DRY GOODS AND Preparatory to Removal, iBooks And Stationery AT PAY'S BOOKSTORE. M. STEWART & CO. BOOT 3$$ iSHOS STO^B, KENNLY jk $01^ . - ' "' -Have' ust. received, their Spring fc>tock\of. _ , . '.,.-.. BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, Tho Best that ever came into Acton, for Price> Style and "Quality." I OUR USTOM WORK' Will receive careful attention, arid all work guaranteed to give satisfaction - ffB" Repialrlng Done Jfeatly. "53 Don't forget tfaoplaco-rj f Mala Stroct, ITezt Door to_Ajiiew'fl BotoL ' ' . -,.y :.-.:S :}fik KENNEY & SOJT .Acton, May 29, 1CT6.- . HO! FOR BARGAINS; X . i - -i- *v' ON THE RAKPAGE, Look Out for Cheap l Goo^s, Our entire stook of Dry Goods and Clothing is now offered regardless of Cost, to reduce^stock before removing to our ne* premison, now bailding. The public may rely on the When you have paiJ your share of liad debts to thoso doing a-Crctlit Business, please call, nt the Post Oflico Cash "Store/where yoii got Qoods Ulieup and r EJight per cent Discount-for Cash. jtfs* Casa for Produce. "Ea Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licences, 4-'c- J4MES Acton, July 19, 187G. ' MATTHEWS. Pay Sells Clicap. Gttltt-&.T Clearing* Sale FOR WE MONTH QP Hiscellaneonji Books, Station, pry, Wall Paper, ^c, i AT 8 6H5AP 900KST0RE On the East aide of WyncLhan) Street, aUELPH, He will give such -Bargains ttnll'* PiMio. -, : ! m STILL AHEAD AT Central Boot and Shoo' Store. ORAINE & SON Havi just receivedlfieir"" SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES which is ahead of anything evered offered in Acton for style and durability and at price's that cannot be undersold. :.' r our custom worii WillreoeWe oareful personal attention, and all work guaranteed to giro satisfaction.. -' iDon't forget the place,; ' ' mil Street, opposite Morrow's Drue Store. Acton, April 4, 1876. CRAINE & ^m. K OTICE TO FARMERS.: Jin Having purchased tho threshing :and sawing machines lately owned- by Messrs. J.&'A- Mann, with the under standing that they did not intend car rying'on. the business, and having got the machines pat in good repair, I am prepared to receive orders from farmers for- threshing and'sawing, I have se cured the services of a first-class thresh er of seventeen "years" experience, and can-guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Tberpatronage of he farmers wspepfc- fnlly solicited. : donald McDonald, . ; . Lot No. 30, 4th con. Esqaeaing ^uly 19, WS. "" .3?4t -1. I SHALL FARMS for Sal JErtunosa and Erin, , Thp undersigned offers to sell | his farm, being the East;half of. Lot No. 3, in the 7t concession of the Township of Eramosa, comprising about 63 acres, about 40 of whicl) are under cultivation. Good log house and barn, orchard, etc. It is situated about midway between Acton and Rookwood, AIbo part of. Lot No. 2, in 7th con. Eramosa, comprising 28 acres, Also part of Lot 3/in the 1st con. of Erinj comprising CO acres., Fpr particulars, enquire of Mr. Wm. Hem- street, Auctioneer. Bockwo.od, pr-the owner on the.premises. . JOHNMcINTOSH. : JErampsa, Jiily 19, I876, '.3-3m Best and Cheapest Bargains ever offered of KTEfViT' OECOIOB GOODS Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price rCheap because just the goods .wanted TSB STOCK 'ilUCT, ."WILL A-ST> SHALL BE SOLD. Out we arc aware how perplexing it is.for honest people to read the adver tisements here and elsewhere. Who'll talk tho loudest and brag the moat seems the maxim of each.. But an intelligent Public know well that :t>hoddy Gouds are dear at Half-price.- MAMMOTH HOUSE C3-S3 OE.C3-E TO"W3ST McLBOD, ANDERSOH Ss Co.5 "".",- -05.E OF. THEIR :"" '[.".' :^[ .'.: " \i~'~ For Thirty Days; Cnly. .;;;: CUTTING AND SLASHING RIGHT AND LEFT. nl cl *'College, W-ff gad Sar8e| iSgSfNew-i College. c| Taesuays al . p. m.. Bef JAMES Teyaecj ypstmaKtei] jioaey to -- raph Co.. \ji an Ale Assarl c, pteparM -. ina oajraf > .J fraatj on :\ eiasgowj. JOHN ner-al Jotery t^ali . >i<jfre;r.W2.| Ku-tosw ppi, __ Karri Uctt* "In I Main Stre iicttoi Ctiancery,! Kng fre4 jyuwn -Ofll ment of !> law will dr 0b Friday 1 ESI H ... G-003DS JKE3DTJOE3D. p 4,500 yards, of Dress. Goods, -former, prices, 15, 20,-25 and up to ; cents reduced to 10, 15 and 20 cents. ' Lace Curtains 75 cents. White Cotton Hose from 6J cents, 50 Striped'silk8 jeduced to 57 cents.- Striped Grenadines to 10. cents. Striped and Plain Linen to 10 cts. Paoisols from 15 cents. ' ; j Black and Colored Lustres from i 12i cents. '.'.' ! .. Straw Sun Hats from 5 cents. Cashmere Jackets from 1.25. Linen. Suits from $1.50. Table Linens, Bed Quilts, Table Napkins, Sheetings^ Damasks, Towel-, ling will be offered at striking'prices. | Colored Shirting from 10 cents. 1 A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced _from $1,00 to 60 cents, Colored and White Dres? ShiFts from 40 cents; A JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING to bo SACRIFICED. This Salo Ia no Clap Trap.,. 3" Reduced Prices Must Be Cash.*E Guelph; June ,5 1876. tLli WILLIAM STEWART &. Co. DRUGS, DRUGS. PruBrs", Oliomioals, D70 Stuft, Patont'aal'Proprlbtory Modlciaes,; - Faaey aal Tellot Soapa, Spoaffos, Brusliea,. Paints, 011b and Vaniishog, Pancy aad Ru'b'bor'Gcoda. PtTBE "^I1TE3 AND LIQXTOIIS for Mollclaal Purposos only; " All goods warranted of the best quality and at ten per. cent below Toronto plcres. ' ' ' ' - ', Don't forget the place. ! i . i; . ^ . Medical 7HaU,L Mill street, Acton. Ucton, March 13j 1675,' (5. E. MORROW ALL KINDS OF BOOK AJSfB ; JOB POINTING jRQl HPTHT- PXEOU-TBD AT i Teas wmsM OFFICE No quarter will be given. 'M All goods marked down, .and gard'ess ofcosl- ! will be sold tft- Dress Goods, Muslins, Grenadines and Prints i: At Cost Price and Lower. MILLINERF>!MANTLES ATiHALF PHtGE: ^ Ready-made atid- Ordered Clothiilg, Tweefls, j- Gents' Furnishings, Hats and.CapB, &c.,.at extraordinary, low price?,!^|;-. Call and examine ;'it will:pay you.' " 3T '."] '" Carpets, Oil Cloths,-Rugs, &c., a clean sweep ;must t be made of 'these goods. Cottons, Tablings, Ducks, Brillings, Towet*;-. !-- lings, &o.,atvejy low prices. ]. > jv' We commence, our Annual Sale on Thursday, July 20th, and sbjS.;".!'-."".. continue it for'30 days. Remember we. never advertise anything that i' i)*'. do pot perform, bo that you can rely upon getting bargains a'bdj.firit.clrf: 'A-'^ goods cheaper than "ever. Come and see. our prices and'examine 6vcf' goods.' .' ! HIAjOMOTa HOUSE, GEbBGETPWS,: S -WrT'-T: REMOVAL, REMOVAt. fc G-l M. SGOT Begs to inform IheiEJhftbitants of ACTON and surrounding country, ,thi,:x ' - ' . .-.: w .1531 Agent fori All biiaLuef raitliftilly oirclted. pW lYT CaDHdal for printed Un tea ; Hee.mtil -111 u*ntt Hit -- (<f ffiss at Cuuty. " M1 .Teac&er< O1 tUe mosil UoDi:air| * *! ' Kfoar ani| jaaXs and : .imilr. ,C| xcel'lcnl ling pablj new Hod *tyle wld .?AiVellen and com if *-.ten.tlorl Jlng ptfbll L,lquorst aitenttve MJ r4. ^W: K6f tile ( ton; Uri Office, Al Rockwocl trms rq " Tbe util tomere rJ t^artoe tl thai ha jf - ditloaal j pore. Tre lnc-and I tin whef ; .rl at- . cretltod in advaj, Xorsoccij Aeti Next Boor to Galloway Bros.* Bjakcry, in the: bnildlns Intel?^ occupied ]*y B. Creech, A:'^yJf'^-^: Which has been nektljr fitted up. r It has the best light of any store P^^'i^- two counties, which is very ' essential for the proper selection ol-gooa;^ ;.<;;; Sash,| jfiahirtJ iO~1 1 counties, which His stock, whioh is-'v^ry 6h6ice, is fully assorted, .;ji-:#i f^ And witr&e SoM it an Unusually Lo^ Figw?- ??" xloisdetermined-to still maintainhis formar repftatiop of keepiftg NOTHINQ BTJT THE' BEST OF GOODS AND $EI&8&^^ " :PHE^? -A-S 4NY PCKJSE IN TH!E TRADE. ^ Qive hima .call. ,i!l . "M- Jnhe i27,1870. g^m; sooths ' - r : '- :_ Square Dealing Ho^, : - " *6trip1 ' iMilt :M ' V iii i r;i:| '\'4&*m IA- - -v. A>A' y%

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