Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1876, page 3

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"SSgg Tg*>> ~ .' rossr ?J*=F *! TBCXK Tfstlj TABIE, Trains leave Acton as follows : .ootsa WKST. Miming Mail - * J' 9:10 Dare Express - . I &00p.iu. "S.-17-p.iai, 7:15 p,m 1-2:45 a;m oat m tfcx_^T^ pi *od. toriTSi?*" -t' |0*Btit^ Sueed Xigfit Express > " . " COISO Ki\ST.- - Kight Express - - ^ Mixed - - ' -:- -Pay Express .-- Mail - - ! Mired . .--. -. , -h V TELE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTOISr COIfJSTTY, ONT, AUGUST 31, 1876. LOCAL MATTERS. 3:37 a.m. '9:10 vm. 11:35 a.m. 5:17 p.m. 10:05 p.m. "tilt Bom Car*."-"'} Under this head too Seafortli JEr/xwrf- forbrags ahimt a stalk f cbm-brc-lght to that office meaam-ingiafeot 7 inches, It is^uo doubt * big thing for that qoc tiou of xiountryybut wo can show a stalk which measures nearly a foot long- e>, yii tri3 fpflt 5 inches. It was grown in Acton by, Mr. D. Malonoy, and ho has plenty more like it in his garden. ITh^sUlk is now on-exhibition in this office. -, on haoi v'i iTfe^laTU____^^ etc, cMTfeedofcW [ '"'. |c toosorial art. " H t, ACTOJf. I is '(1 *?: 109. Otf. :^- -.i it*. Tut9?ti3u. foil Oil S*lt,te, : seli low lor cask* td SHOES" \ 'at cost. "'.."-'.-> "-1= i COMEAKY; ad, Ohio-V. ".:; ! r Hides. r_, ^; ji-si:6.. '" 34*. Paul Kennedy, of tho 3rd "line of Esquosing,' threshed S25 bushels of Scott wheat, a few Jays ago, the pro duct of J3 acres. Tjiia d jcs not look much like a failure of the < Top. . Rev. McjMcPherssn, of Nas- ; sagawcya, r'was recently thrown out oil : his buggy and; seriously injnred. Dr. Winn'was summoned as quick-as possi ble, and we-understand he is now doing _/ < " We JleMn that the Congrega tional jienomniatie-n,-here, ihare pur chased a lot onChurcn strait, and-that they are making arrangements to erect a brick church'thisi season.'j - .; Tho Fall Assises"fof.tfiis coun ty will commence in Milton! on Tiles Jay October 3rd,-. The Wellington Assiies in Guelph. .-Monday," J\ovjemt>er-_ 6tK Pieel Assizes 'alt Brampton, Oh Monday, October 23rd. ,' j . \ Sfr. P. Kellcy has returned ' from his trip to onhl Ireland, looking . halo and hearty. He bought iviih 'him real Irish black-thorn jstick which ihe has presented to Rev. Mr. Calvert. x; -" Darkey Dave," qiie of oar 'prominent citixens; has Idffus. Xo _p30$S2 vrUl vre hear his - Kell-tuowa Jtrimp, or listen to his meliHUoos voicc> on oar streets. He has t^inq to visit his friends at ^Ciagnxa. Our Village Treas urer paid his fare. ?37.49 is \vhat he cost the Council during the year 1S75.', A :T6rDnto"defectivoJ Las boon working np the Whiteside murder mys- teiy.d'at we have not-learned that any definite clue has yet ~l*5en 'discovered further than,is already kho.wn: The in quest is to "be resiim'ed this^afternoon -at Silver Creek, trh'en several new irit- nesses" are to be, examined. - Henry. Whiteside is still in Milton jap waiting books must be-, settled by'cash or note by that date. Parties who cannot make a-settlementwith cash, will please call the ve'rdict of the Coroner's inquest * The friends of Mr. NVftT. Mf Laren, baggage; master at Jtuelph sta tion, who had hijt h-g broken Vec<Mitly while shnnting^ al train, will be pleased to leanr that sin^e he was ccKnrej-etl/to the;;HospitaJ he hx< rested' tolerably, welt Although, the break as a very bad one, there is a likelihood of the bones knitting in due time. _ ; ':...' ^-Receivedltliis week a rnagiiiQ- cent stock of nt-vr fall hats comprising all the litest English and American Styles to be sold eheap. ti. M: Scott. XtXmm faanrir; Thd regular meeting of the Council was held last Thursday evening, but no business of any public importiance was transacted. The Council adjourned til] the 14th Sept. SKNipA Ske^Whrat. Christie, Honders'on v<i Co. havo inailb arrwige. ments to supply tho colebirated Sonoca. \\Tiof for sect} in quantities to snit purchasers. Tho H. & N. "W, have finally decided to run tho lino on tho Bay sido of the Beech. Hamilton has voted tho feroney and they.will have it. i " The Hamilton Sjwcttiior, Bays tey arc,happy to learn that tho H. * -K. "W. are laying" rails "at Wellington Square. It eeoms, howcVer, that thoy alludo to fence "rails. The /Kidkappino Case. The -Trafalgar parties concerned in this case were examined before Mr.-Appleby, at Postville, on Tuesday." Mr. Br'own- ridgo, of Mimico, was disoharged^-and the examination adjourncdtill Monday, when Stephen Peer ,was examined in Miltoa. J . he lyfiltqn Ki'ir's says " Trou ble is anticipated by the H. & X.:W. Company from the G. W. R. It is stated that the Great jWestern has at least ono 'hundred men -within call to prevtnt tho H. 4; ?T. W. -crossing their line. We hope that the Kortheru Com- PAJiy will have a sufficient force to drive them back." i. - . - ._, "-.' -" ?The Champion- says the head engineer of thq IlMnilton & Xorth W-cstern Kaiiway was in that town last week, giving directions for building the -depo't in Mr. Scott's field, near the cemetery. It also sayi that tho pilo driver is now in. fujli operation on the flats in Mr. Dempscy's east 100 acre lot. The cattle guards are all: completed in this neighborhood. '-1 t NoTi(jii.-r As we have decided to go in on the Cash System on the first of September, our books will jbo closed on that' dayr and all accounts on our WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. JEWELRY. For a large ind waU*ieltotd atook of Ghes, Clocks and Jewilry CALL AT O- &P Gr. J=L ^ HTJT)^, .! ! Post OflElce, Acton. . J A NEW LOT OF CLOCKS FROM $1 UPWARDS. Erooohes, Ear-rings* Finger Rings, , SracPlota, Xiookoti, &eati' Studs and. Oufl Buttons, And everything that is kept in a first class Jewelry Houg;. A^l goods warrantedas represented, and;Repairing a Specialty. Remember the place; Augustus, Jo*7o. j;t Post Office, Chiina, TEISi. SDP.A.O Acton. warn E ^fcpsiredto SA.n7^3S aanty. ," $ -. S:h and.give their notes, othenvise we will draw on them through the Bank of Hamilton for tho amount cf 'their ac- cxmjit. Everything on our books must he. closed by cash, note or bank draft by that date. Please call before the 1st and save the annoyance and, expense of a bank draft. - Very respec. yonrsj SECORD BROS. Belongs ^o Ttr- 1 THAT MAN. km A2 IN tt/^l'^ityuiLC averse <Dir?E3srEDD *00 Pieces Hoyle's sevcla-elebth Print? at C cents per yard. 300 Pieces In Dark American Prints at 5 cents pf>ard. GREAT SLAUGHTERING IN Aug-25, 1875 DRESS GOODS/ , '"" Bept Material, Excellent Styles, at Half-price. Astonishing Taljie in Amerioan Grrey:and Wiite CJottons. '.^: ^ Coma Earli/ and be- Cliecred Up. Good Times Aliead, . ~: .p :k|'- j ;j j Alma^BIocV, UpperWyndham Street, GueJph.V People's Oielp Dry G-oods Store. GOLD Corner Wjndham EN LION and Macdonncll Streets, Guclpli. Gheajper^thaix ever. Dry Goods In order to onable all our fr: ends to purchase their Dry Goods cheap, we hAve been induced to con t nuo our Cheap Clearing Sale for the balance of the 8eason.- - Wo Invite every ono, therefore, to come to the . ; Lion and obtain thogj-o'at bargaina now being offered. Belbw Wequoto a few of our leading Lines, butjvs it is impossi- 1 ble to enumerate, all we would simply is (hat we. are SELLINC:CHEAPERiTHAN EVERi, And are determined to show the people ot jGuelph and-neighborhood that For New Goods, for Stylish Goods, and for Cheap Goods.' XilCffer ^IS AHEAD 0?SIE! f all eat poWMeBflgl* { Base Ball. ~~ At the Internatitmal match played at Gnelph on Tnesda^f, between tjie Maple Leafs and the Btown Stockings of St. Louis, the score 'itoqd. at thej close of the came '9 for tjjueTph _and -8 for St Louis. Only eight innings were played as the latter had to leave by train! Katlee. - ~ """ Every person should read ;the; large biljis annonnciBg the Peach festival and '* Promenade Concert in the Drill" Shed, Acton, on-iFViday Evening, Sept. 8th. , The entertaihinent which we offer to the public is first class in every respect.s Sev singers ; new songs ;- soinething new in promenade music, which we think wijl be appreciated by the audi- . ence. The Acton Brass Band (second to none in*the county}ivill be in attend ance and; enliven the proceedings with some of their best selections, j We con sider this entertainment Worthy the ; patronage of omVcitizsni and the sur rounding country, Actox So<fiAL Club. |imd th* ;"*SL4jk-1 pnVba^"^1p aying n rk. ioee '^ "-" .takWfiI "" ",J;W.|y rov buy**F ' v Tpe nil.* (. I . The editor of the JTeirs says his classic town can now boast faf a " genu ine ghost that"neither cares, for shot guns or cannons." He doesn't say that he has actually seen the "animile" tint be relates a long-story about its having been |sccn every iightsthe past three weeks prom enading around the Court Housesquare. Hs_ says it 1'*appeara" first as a small handle and gradually rises until it Sperhs to be abont ten feet high, when it com- neoces to walk slowly-backward and forwards and although all ofl our con stables and a, great number of others h*Te been nightly pursuing- it, Btill as yet without finding out what it is com posed olj' Why don't they say " boo "t . Kew Ckai'elr im Acton. - TheV Foundation Stone ot the new Congregational Church will be laid on Wednesday, Sept. 6th,,at 11 o'clock by Mr. Jas. Barber, of Georgetown- Apic- ^ine'alsoiin connection with the Church,. wiUjbeJield upon the grounds of Mr. P. 8. Armstrong. The following ministers ; J"**-teen invited to attend : Revi O. ^ Jos. tfnniworth, Georgetown; Wm. Manchee Cinelph; G. W. Calvert and D..B. Cam. *H>^' Acton; dames Davies,. Caledon. A Public Meeting will be held in the evening at 7"6'clock, in the Temperance; Hall, when addjrerses'will be delivered- hy the Ministers present. A collection - *"lbe taken up after each senice in- aid of the budding fund. : - r--------- mi J----. 12 lbs. bright Sugar for $1 at ^ CWstie, fttenderson & Co. 's. ~* i - -Galloway Brog. make the Iwsfc , orsad in the epnnty. Give theni a cali Galloway Hios. give 100 lbs. of bread "for 100 lbs. of lloiir.""'"'. Gents new.l'Felt Hats arriving . this week at Christie, Henderson & Co.'s -' For good tea cakes and"-buns go to Galloway's.-Bijos., Acton Baker}-. ^ r Christie, "Henderson <fc Co. have a new 50 centitea. Read about it,' see it, and you will buy it-^it 'has no superior itself its only equaL " -t^At Last; One Dollar Tea for fifty cents. We have snccccdcd' in obtaining a lieaotiful' tea to sell at. 60 cents equal in strength and ilavor to a 1 Tea. We do not make this assertion without having first given it. a thorough, test, and also having an'-acknowledge ment of its worth from -seceralyof our customers. "" Try it, and "you will be sat isfied that the best 50 cent tea is to be had at the Glasgow-House. Christie, Henderson 4 Co. - ' ' -Lord Ribblesdjrle, stepson to Eurl Russell, has committed suicido in Switzerlund. : ! i s Of TJveri Other Store in Guelpb. :GrasshOppers are still .very thick in Nebraska, doing a good (deal of damage to ^vegetables .antf corn planted .late.'; At tho- Caledonian games at Brooklyn on' Saturday, tho Cana dian repreaetative carried away the principal prizes. -, Samuel Rabb, a farmer, about two j .miles from Elora, committed sui cide on Sunday by eating a quanti ty of paris green. _-: Burglars.entered the bed-room of John Webbj Harriston, and after drugging him and his wife, left' with $57 and a roll of clothing. The Wentworth Grangers are making arrangements for a grand " outing " on Friday," the 1st Sep tember, at tJie-Brant House, Bur lington Bay; ' ' ' Rev. Sf r. Affleck is. about return ing' to Canada from England. He is engaged to address a temperandfj mass meeting at 31ark bam on the 14th prox. . j . The petition against the'returnof J. C. Bykertjto the Ontario A;ssem- bly for Lincoln .will be tried ija St. Catharines, on Sept, 11-th before Mr. Justice-Burton and Vice-Chancellor Blake. -[ .A man-i-ecently came back to- Grafton township afUr an absence of jieatjly twenty years fpi; the pur- jwse of claiming his wife, and found ber heart bound to another-,'whom she married years ago, and is no^i .surroimdejS by ajaecondfamily. : Tie great driiiglifc throughout the Province has given rise to many bush fires. Live stock ;is suffering in many'places for want of water, and others are driven long distances to obtain it. Tnewant of rain is. severely felt in New York State. -The Great! Western Railway' Company iayo| commenced laying steel rails froni Paliherston tip the main line of the Wellington, Grey, <t Bruce. It it understood the Com pany intend laying steel rails all along their line to Southampton this fall. -1 HENDERSON Onr Regular .Lines are|Bonebt for Cash, Direct* Consequently no ohi can undersell ns, while the half-price Stock bought in Montreal has enabled us to sell at far lower prices than our neighbors. In consequence of this our sales during the past season have been fifty per cent in advance of anything ever known at The Lion before, and for thft liberal patronage we desire to return our very hearty thanks. We would add, however, that our repuution for selling cheap being now so well estab^ lished we aie determined to rpaintain it, ana we therefore invite everyone To par us a Visit. laspdst our StocJt, ascertain our Pricoa, and you vlll (ilways lsuy at tho Iiloa.' WE QUOTE A FEW LEADING LINES. Dress^Goods, 6J, 8, 10, 12J cents and upwards. Factory Cotton, 30 in., 6 cents a yard. Hoyle's Prints, at 8 cents. Striped Silks, Grenadines, Lustres, Ac, marvellously cheap. KalbTweeds' latest stylos, immense variety, very oheap. .- Hciady Male Clothing, less than half the usual price. :> " Best Cotton Bags, 83.00 a doaen. SECORD BROS \A.OT03SF. OASH. DASH. - GASH. ! After' havfhf/ giyen the Credit System a fair trial during, the past few years, and become thoroughly convinced that it is the fruitful soujree of much loss, expense and anxiety as well to the customers as the" merchant, we have- finally after mature consideration decided to go in and 4o a CASH BUSI NESS, feeling assured that that is thej only: sound method of {doing business,-"and. when properly car- SPECIAL LINES AT LOWEST PRICES. & WatchJ for their new adveir- tisement next "week. '-, Tpy Christie, Hendersoii & Cb& 50c TEA. The "best vahi^ ever offered. ^ Striped and CheckedlShirting, Derrys, Sheetings, Table American Duck, . r . and Denims, Bed Quills, : , ' Towellings, &c. RU'LE. Our Rulc'is'not to'decry ourl neighbors goods, but to offer our own on their merits, und we find this answei- so well that AT THE LION WE ALWAYS HAVE "LARGE SALES, JQUIC2^3ALES, SMALL PROFITS AND READY PAY. j wsrcomc Guelph, Aug. 28, 1878, and Sec. Us. "so J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. UNDERTAKING. And is prepared to attend and jeoflduet Funerals on tbe shortest notice .-. and most moderate terms. The undersigned begs leave to!inform the people of Acton a&d- snr- rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent -E3-. Jl -A- ZE\ S JtU^ ittend and I ootid and most mod< Caslsets, Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, and supplied-on the shortest Rotico. r Hat Bands and Gloves supplied when reqVuredi Acton, Aug. 8, 1876. | JOHN SPEIGHT. ALL KINDS OF BOOK AND JOB FRI1SITIN6 PROMPTLY: EXECUTED AT THE FREE PRESS OFFICE to thirty per cent below, the usual credit prices," and will 'cover all. classes'of goods. 1 It is a well known fact thali houses, doing a credit business must. / calculate on a loss of one dollar in; every eight, and to protect them- selvea against this loss, they hav* to .add 12J cents to every dolknV For instance, a merchant doing- a credit business, (wishes to realize a profit-of: 15 cents uin an article" ried oaOa:'we intendjto $6J jrill ; result ia a.great savini to d'ur cus-. r tomers. : .;..,. -, v-^-r.- . We do not intettd;to merely jd- - vertise that we are going in on the 'Vl : Cash System, and at flje same tihae continue' the ^redit bfi^aness and. , j the old credit prices, but we intend to^ carry itr out'.to the letter, and : make a' genuine; reduction in lT"_ L onr goods. ^TMs re^ttctib^ wjHin j many cases amount to fr^niJf^fe/y tprner of one dollar in epery. eighf.' If he sells his wheat for] a dollar a tyishel, by payingcash at agenuina cash store, he;will gain-one bushel in every eight.; If he is a.mechanic or laborer, he gains one d&y^spay in! every eiglxt. These are startling facts and'kaown to be facts by every merchant. -. lit may be,that \ve may vloose a fo'jv of oflr'cu^tomera'who"have be come SO' wedded to the old credit which cost him *; dollar;'. ja}r ido.; so': hej-muat charge a dollar;and twen- f ty^eight cents one ddllaf. cost of article, ISi cents for average loss "-'. by^ credit busmes% and the balance, ;'.{.. 15 cents, hiia profit, "y^ereaa, ff he had been doing a cash business he wpuld hive sold> the article.for; one dollar and fifteen cents; instead . of a dollar,and twenty-eight cettfe;,. - ' the credit p^rice. : \r ^Now here is a the cus-. ' -' m system with, all; its" i?a4 t^aj thej j are Wind to the advantages M'--^'-'-f_ cash By8t^").-bat'^;-ffilpW.'W;%t. ^ -I :anaffectidria.tef^VelL'^Wftkini)^ J-" | % that Imndr^ds of our wstejrnero will ". haU our new e&rt witfeplearorey :' I ' aa-one that will put mone^f In ^Uieir"" apologijte to our customers, for,"not having kept up our usual stock of bujgars this summer, but we had to do so in order to be able to lay in our Cash System the first of September. ' These|gOods will ar rive Fduring thfl prwent *ano^ ciexi Week, and after this our stock wllf, be found full and'complete in every line, rind will be sold at the toash price, and after tho flrst" of Septem ber for cash or produce only. AH i -,: : -Wo have been preparing the way^Wiae8^d^t^;thj^^ring. ' 'and bummer, by reduomjj ctexUVand Iredi^cing. sto^, and wefooWibes *o "?Ya:. rhi ( Tir- ;...?n-"'-si-' r.:t,- Will iifipid^i^tit th^-, -A ' new^,oasb^rioei ^',:^jrl'i'{af--cMyi'^\ . ^]i : Com*ld j^minoprieayaad-sf %-' i j Hoping to. se all oot ol<Wik4ly t^' tad as many new ones aaprtf^Bf-'*-' i I #:. tjik -j-';;si*SSs

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