Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1876, page 2

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1 <*k.T^, .' ^P^.riC* "Ji^**-4,"^"- "*1?^^ v^JiF^>r,-ij: ^Mt^MWf^i i-u* '-." - ^ Vi - J* * h - ' : % J" J} -v "* r ' i 1 ~J- ( 1 _ -. b-v .,t -*- THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, .11 ALTON' COUNTY, PNT.,OTNE; 8, 1876. his Wpor soon"af(;or the depar'.mv (Tho Position of tho Conijtry of tho messenger, wlioihnd now re-j - Au mU;vss! w;lR (leliV(.lcd lust 'turned with the- doctor m pursuit, of hun As the jx-ior wrote!) was {wing hurried away ho turned to mo 4 mid mud : " Madaih^ this is u plot to rob me of my reputation. Your butband ia envious, of my gront skill as a RurROon's! " Adieu'."'I afterwards. lea'cnpd 'that tho man fcad once boeb an eminent surgeon in Eurojto,- but much Iwmiihg hud made him mad. When ho Ixiuhd tne to the tablo .niy hair was iib blv:k as a ijaven ; when Tloft it, it was as yon Bee it now, white as full blown cotton. S j rrniB actox free press PnMiihed Every Thursday-Morning. 81 Per Annum in Advance- h - ,1 i -h**-'* **?& -s .-."III, ; - : ' ^::ii ' 5 / - .^;;-- < ;....; ? :._N> -^|.; > 7-- _ -ti5fej:- I 1." f* i m ^ - '.: 'm&^y-i m -? 1 .*." ^ ! Wmv - i I .:i IP'^i'" <;p- :*' f -u i'j^Jsjaji; 5-'^ j *"'-?. *oi an.* reoifrcss >oe m Htcnmi; editor Tin rjn\T MoroiiKo, Jvsk J5.-1876. It is doubtful if .tlioro evc-r \f;\s ft better prospect for the growing crojis than there is^ust now. Ve'ije- tnU'>n of all kinds looks ;" Yeully niagmficent. Here and: thero^nn initance^is noted o.f fall \rheat hav ing boon stin-.p-wliat iiijiu'i-d .diiring the wirier, but theWasesiuv so ex cepUon d; as to be scarcely worth; rjentioninjr. Of the spring ; crops it is not too extravagant to say that tbe\ have every nfipeamnce- of yitldins; more abundantly than was evtr l>efore known. There will undoubtedly be a very largo'crop of hi\, which will be .ready for the mo\yer in about a fortjtiiijht. The ali<.mate rain-and Syunshiiiefwith have producxtl the desii-ed-eff-.-et. It is 5rtre*.ing to note the cUctnful fiees of oup--agrieukui-al _fjrit'ids-,iu wulcipHtidn of the bountiful hiir- Test. ^ =r- -_1 I -m auiui's-s ,was deuvele "week in Toronto^ by Sir A. T. Xlalt, oii the financial eondi]Uon of tlio lloininion, from u rvpqjrt of which \vu extract tho following rooiarks'-t '-' Th* iK).sition of the, country ia . suchl tlmt wq would se for Home tiuio to " conic- increasing disjitw,. es^H-inlly uiiiong, our -wotjking' chwaes ^ho hoped he might be) mis taken in that viow, but from his obso/vutions there' was no iviison to tliink that tho jH-isition, would im prove, Ilo'fesrtVl ho would seo liiore of tho factories closed, which would necessarily affect ouri pro: sent population, a cireumsUnco much ,iegretted. However nnfortuunto that might ber-still wo had the consolation that the natur al resources 6( tho country aix; in exhaustible'. : ,.^Te had to a certain extent crippled-them';, wo had gone on faster than we wci-o able to briir, but. still the great natural resources of the country reluain iiuoxhtijisted, and above all wo had an energetic, enterprising population, a popula tion possesMiig education and-iintel- ligenoo, who. ivhen .thev knew the -I'll of SI? Tltfc nv "T, lol Government has consented to the; bridging of .Burlington Caiial| by the II imilton and "2Corth-\vestern Ilillwar. It is l-eported th:\K the work on the road is hot.- be'iifg vig orously prosecute<l. ; The w-iit for-a new election in fcouth Wellington will be issued in a few days. The election will take place about the eiid of .the present moQth It is exj>ected', nomina- tiops in the two Ridings of Ontario will take place about the sanie time. A rumor is in circulation in.!Mon- treal that.- Sir John "Rosa is likely tp succeed Mr. Potter as. President of the Grand Trunk. ', w| '?) lat trouble, would, use every laitdul) and necessary means to reinody-tt foH-hwitli. , In closing hisreir.ark which he feared in 'many reaped had been .too gloouiy.--ho did nr t wis-li to be undt;rstood as having in any reepect despair of the eoimtr l";a:~froni it. He believed tlie ]>e io'd through .whieh we art) lio(w passing is a period of lesson and e ucation to us. After i'onfedti tipu we juxx^eeded prudently aijtd well at til-st. -Too-'great success l.xl us on too; -NVe arc nc reaping the consequences of und h;iste. lint he believed looking the great country we possess, and the--great measures' which must oc cupy the .minds' of our Legislators in the future; for it's development, that it would appear that oiu? 'of .the wisest and .best things ';'w}ich Provideri'ce-liad'done-for us Was^to arrest:Us in an improper-course, be fore, we had done ourselves materi al injury. Ile: believetl that w|as the case now. He looked hbpeful-.. ly to .the iut-ure.. -He ^lt'-'d- we "would have for the moment vncreiis- .'ed ti-ouble : but-ho was; satisfied that this country would before long rise'superior to all her present dif ficulties and fulfil tlie "jitt expecta tions of every one of the men who have made'the 1 iomiiiion-of! Cana da their homes. uleljihia claims iv population ,1 kv iv. arrival iii Quebec during Saturday and Sunday over seventy Britibh und foreign vessulb. ft is said that tho Hon. J. II. Ciiniotjon has rufitBcd to net in liny suit to. ti>st tho coiiHtitittionality of 1 aquor License Act. Thiv Wesloyaii Methodists of Ilornly "aixi about to build, a fino brick (ihni-ch Tenders havo been u^ked for tlie work. The now town hull in OraiiK<r yillo, which has seating accommoda tion fur 500, wus opened by a con cert on tho 24th ult. A chinawnro manufactory is about to bo ostablished in London, Ontario. A niiniber of oxperioncod hands! will bo brought out frqiu England. '- : T. f^mitb, who jdayed- loft field inXho'1GiielphjMap!o I>3af nine, has left tho club; to play in tlio liino of the iilion,-;N. ;>'., clu,b. Ho loft Guelpli last'woek. | j Monday ju woiiuan .named ox,'-mother of tlu-ee childi-en, coninutted suicide at her rcsideiico, in Ottawa, by.hanging herself with i sha\vl from a window. 'woman} Mrs. lVrockville, On Mis. (. Au Toole, was noon aged , wddow who .resided in Four-constituencies ;in j Ontario are at present Without members, South Wellington, Norjh On tario, North Middlesex: arid South Ontario. j The new Sultan, of, Turkey has. issued a proclamation promising re forms of various binds, and the formation of" a Government which wiil secure the liberty of every sub ject. , m Rkv Mk. McDoSJiELL Again. A despatch from Toronto to the Hamilton Times says: Much com ment is heard on a sermon preach ed by the Rev. Mr. ' jiacdonnell. iu St Andrew's Church on Sunday evening. He. took his text from the seventh chapter of .SW Luke, twelth verse, and on itl built a se ^ere diatribe against creeds and in = fallibility. It is thought that the. matter will again be brought before - tLe Presbytery; % European Grain Market. The Mark Lnite Jv-///Y-.*rin re viewing thfi-corn trade, and allud ing to-'the probability of..European war, says : Should the'.worst en sue-; we cannot shut our eyes to the fact, that with :the rapid Qiruinu- Ltion_of stocks abroad and of a visi ble supply- in America; a great ar- teration in -ttie -present range of prices in our market will in all pro bability occur. .' j! Hon. Malcolm Cameron Dead. Hon. Malcolui.CJamcron, J\L P. fpr South Ontiirio, died in Ottawa last Tb ursxlay, afte,r a protractexl - illness. His remains were hiid-irr their last resting"place in theOaua- diah Presbyterian graveyard, 'Sar- nia, on the 3rd .i&st.'. Most of the ; stores were closed] in honor of the sad occasion. He. "was over si:;ty- , eight years of-a<je; born at Three Hi vers, Lower Canada, Hon. Mal colm was a strong,.forcible [speaker,, apd was never-at ftult in adapting ^himself to any; audience which he "Irad to address.' '.The term "Clear Grit" which has clung so closely,to ;the:' Reform .party, was adopted :froth the.remark'ih a speech of his " They call us gritty: yes we are, and clear grit at that." As an ad vocate ; sf1 total prohibition Mr. Cameron *ap' straightforward and unflinching, and on the; platform-or in the eouncil bf the Sons of Tem perance or the 'Prohibitory League, his words %ere listened to with careful r ttention, and his counsel follows 1.'.' , -' - '* : Tne Eastern Turmoil. Thefelegrains represent theEist- ern question-as hourly growing moro . complicated; aridpwe are told to ?x- ]>ect "nlonientoui changes/' "The SickMatij" ai>parently tired:of i he struggle,; has quietly taken his ie parture ;by taking his life. At tirst'it was thought he had been as- sasinated, but the physicians of \ he various Embassies certify that ,he dethroned Sultan bled himself to death by cutting the arteries of bis amis with a pair of scissors, 'Qu^en "Victoria had interceded in his fee- half, fearihjj that he would ; be harshly treated, but tho intc-vjen- tion was not appreciated, tho sub ject preferring .the complete quiet of-the grave to existence as a state pensionefl -. The comment ! of. the world is that the aet shows the'de^ funct Sultan jto have had more spirit than he.jvas given credit for. Simultaneously comes the news that a " very liberal" constitution is being prepared by the Porte." This is"cheering, sq far as1 "it. goes, but,, until the:'details are published,.it would bd'unwise to jump at con. elusions. Turkish promises are, unfortunately, liotoriouslyl poor things'to build hopes upon, -i - . From otker quarters eotne ru in ore-of a Ktubborn,pughaci.q'us feel ing on the."part of Itusiia arid Eng land, and it would seem that.there is something like Fate hastening on "another" Esiste'rn war. iN'ot . long ago it was. said that arbiii-ation'had taken the place of war, but tlie in creasing armaments "of the great powers, and ihe, dogged spirit evin ced in the treatment of this Eastern question disclose a state of affairs anything "but reassuring to the lov ers of Peace. A.wai' in the East would undonbtfidjy largely benefit -Canada by stimulatiiur the ship ping and produce interests, but .it is not by sneh m'sans that the people of'the Dominion caro lo see a revival of trade and com-- merce' brought about". Though tho outlook is decidedly stormy, we yet indulge tlie hope that diplomacy- will triumph. St'ir. , ". liscovei-ed on SaUivday after lianging by the neck ' to the bed p ">st; with a )iar\dki>rchief tight ly twisted J., C; Aver, the "great j patent medicine manufiicturei-, of Lowell, Ma'ss.', wjiis'sent loan insane .asylum, in New Jersey hist week. On Saturday -afternoon Mr. KiL len, k>f Montreal, wa,s robbed.of . ?2,40k)-on the G. W. Railway pllit- for.njj Hamilton,- while waiting for How $200 Worth' of Carpets wore clotitroyod- "A. well known hotel keoper'of Gait, says tho lit i>m-lcr, met with a sharp und most peculiar loss ono day hiHt week, j Ho had -taken up tho carpets in the house, intending to. send thuiu to Messrs. .F.J. Thoni- Bon & Co.'s woojlien factory to get thorn cleansed and renovated. Thoy were in all tho carpets of eighteen rooms. For this purjmse ho gavo them in charge of a toainstori to tuko thorn to tho factory; but by sonio civrelessness tlds )iarty took them to tmother instead, dumpod them out at the etigino-houso door, and left without saying "nothing to nobody.M And now the' fireman appeared on tho scaiio, and seeing theso rolls of cii'rpei which natur ally looked/dirty Ion -the outside put down at his door, he could con ceive-of nothing but that they had been sent there to b" burnt, so-ho took tho rolls piio after tho other and jammed-: thorn, into the furnace, 'whore, of course thoy wore speedily reduced to ashes ! While.this was going on, tho owner of tho carpets was flattering liiriiself that they wore getting nicely renovated at Thomson's factory,iiiid in the course of a day or so jtook a walk" up to that establishment to see if they wero done. To his astonishment, ho learned that no carpets had been received there ; he - then" set about making inquiries as to "what; had beconio of them, jmd elicited the faet.s given above. Some of them were considerably worn", but others were comparatively new ; and it is said that, it wall take over SllOO to replace it. the tifain 'to start lbrj Toronto. -' I ! - Definite -arrangements havo last been made to bring the H. along thi eastern e id into at A- beach N. W. llailway and tfirough the Hamilton. /fire United States public debt w:ifi reduced over four iuilions and a hid " during May. One hundred and eighty millions have yet to be paid :o reduce it^o even two bil lions. Tl o murderers, Jol n and James Yom g, who broke gaol on Sunday, ult., arc'still at large. Every possible is being made 28 th effort] cure ;heir arrest, and large rewards are now offered. The Post Office Inspector was in Guel >h last week and gave formal possession of the Post Office to Mr. D. - that' -irton, though it is understood Mr.'.Well's will; continue to conduct the business until July 1st. Mount Foi-efithas now ;a jwp- good land ulation of 2,K)G. been three regari The License J_iaw ih-Toronto. A dispatch from- Totionto, says tho opposition threatened; by the " great unlicensed " to tho new li-t qiior law has i fizzled out entirely^ Hon. J. H. Cameron refused to be counsel in any- suit_ that might bo got up, "and the LiceiiKfid-Victual- lprs' Association would not take hold of-the matter. "As far as tlie" city is concerned, the general opin ion, seems to bo that the law has, on the whole, been very justly iu- .lerpreted. , Discontent is' entirely confined to tho disappointed ones. AoujoULT-aitAt Exhibitions, The Provincial Exhibitjim lias been appointed to take ])] Hamil ton on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22iid Septeu:iber. The. Western Fair, London, oil the 23th, "2t>tb, 27th, 28th' and 29th of September. The Central Exhibition, Guelph, to commence on the 2nd of Octo ber. The Clerk has notified to give the usual months'.notice in 4K'pcrs in d to having the vilhige incor porated-into a town. ! Mr. Jas. Gow who - has beeii'a many years Collector of In- Revenuo for the Gue'ph Div ision, has received the appointment of collector of the Windsor Division -With a considerable increase of sal- ary. 'j The Georgetown Herald saje ono evening last week three of,--Mr. Devi-reaox's horses broke into the barn, and ate a quantity of wheat. Two of the horses diod shortly after, but ,ho third recovered. The horses were valued at $350. '; Oi Thursday afternoon a "fire broke out in the extensive foundry of Messrs. F. J. "Craig <fc Co., Strathroy, which reduced the entire range of buildings occupied by the firm] to ashes, aad; also consumed the handsoifurbrick Cath'olic church of which the wa'lls only jxia now seen; standing. i Mr. Robert Laidlaw, for the past, two (years local editor of the Guelph Mercury and who'has retired from that; position to becoihe a partner in tho Woodstock ' It'jvieiG, was, on.. Saturday afternoon, presented by the employees of tho Mercury;office with a gold pencil case and pen, ac companied by an address. TJie Star Base Ball Club, of Sea^ forth, claims to be tho junior cham pions of Canada. Tho club antici pates an-unusual number of matches this season'. As the Stars hold two champion- cups, oho for five counties,"" Huron,.. Rruce, Perth, Grej f and Wellington, (except Xiuelph) apd tho other for the county of H uron, much interest will | be attached to matches in which they play. : I '.." : The Toronto TeJcyrma in speak ing of the Credit -Valley Railway, remarks : The enterprise was con ceived in folly and nurtured in scheming. Even were it in running order at this moment, it would starve to death for lack of support. It runs midway between the Grand Trunk- and Great Western lines, andjis as necessary to the welfare ofJllorbnto as would bo a sidewalk for passengers down the middle of Yorige street-with the pavement on. each' side. (Jn Tuesday of last week Mr. Devereaux, of Georgetown, was hitching up a team" of spirited hordes,'in Guelph, when by some means thoy became frightened and ran away, breaking tho wagon, and carrying part of the tongue ^ with thei i. Oho" of tho horses was se vere ly .cut about the legs by,the hrokeiftongue, but beyond this ito daK age was done. , * It has been reported that a "man named Trotter, under sentence of death in New York has confessed J.hat ho-was" tho murderer of Hon. D'Arcy McGee, in Ottawa;, that ho was a page in tho House of Com mons-at the time and was a witness at Whalen's trial. This story is, however, denied in -fofd-'ity a young lib an named Trotter inT'oronto, son 'of Mrs. Trotter, pioprietressrof the Marlboro House, and proprietress of the hotel \ybere D'Arcy McGee stoppod in Otjtuwa at the .iiimo of his death. Ho was the-page .who was a witness at the trial. He thinks tho .story has originated through personal malice of some one towards him, and threatens legal proceedings with the object of finding who that one is. - NaBwunraw'oya Council. Thin council met pursuant to iuL. journmeut on Monday tho 29th of May. ' ":' - Membe,rs all jirescnf tho-.lteovo, in the chair. Minutes of hujtmeut- ing lead and confirmed. Tljo- several moinbors having taken and subscribed to tho oath of re(piired by tho Act,-then organized as a Court of Revision and Appeal. Tho Reovo in-the ohair. ] Thoro were eight notieoH of appeal pro--' seritcd, which after being exiiminod, wero ordered to lny'over for;future consideration. Tho Assessment Roll was;then.carefully examined, and notes takoii with a view of equalizing tho several 'assessments, Mr. Menzics, moved, seconded by Mr. llutchoon that this Court do now adjourn, and Council meet for tho transaction."of other township biiHiness. Carried. Dr. ,Winnniovcd, seconded by Mr. Hutcheon, that Win. Dutton bo allowed to,perforin his statute labor on the Town-line, opposite lots 11 and 12 in road diiv. No. 3. Carried. , Miv jNlejizies moved, seconded -by. Mr. Norrish, that the sum of $2.2") ^bo paid to T. J. Day for |minu',o book to record the proceedings of Council. Carried. . . Mr. Norrish moyed, secondcid by Mr. Menzi'.-s, .that the follow'iilg members of Council bo, and are hereby appointed a committee on roads and bridges, to.visit the sev eral places where money has been -applied for, with a view to'letting the required improvements,.'viz : Messrs. Menzics arid Hutcheon,. from lots 1 to lfi- inclusive, and Messrs. Ramsey, Winn apd Norrish frcHiT lots 10 to 3-2. inclusive, and report at-next meeting of Council. ^Carried. (Mr. Menzics moved, seconded by M'ir. Norrish, that the sum of ,!?8 be jiaid to Peter Black, in aiWrof |Mi's. Brain, she being -in destitute cir cumstances. . ;0n motion the Council adjourn; ,vTS. neu'_a-i>v'!':i:tiwmk pUMLIC SCiliO'OIi TEACHERS': EXAMINATIONS. In accordance with the Statito. and tlm (ioneral Ke^ulididHH,' tlio - Animal K.viiiiiiuatidii of caudidfitci fer 1'iibli SulKiol'l'oaclicrH' Firxl, SfrSmtlnn 1 Third :la certificate!), for the year 18'G, will bo held" (I).'V.), in tho Town Hall, Million,' 1876, ioiinly coiniiieiicing on Monday, the 10th July, at 0 a. in. . Forms of tho notice' to be. priivioiiHlj given by tlie c,indi(latefl, caiiliu obtain ed on application to tho County Inspec tor. . ....;. . '. Itrls indispcnsiblo tliat candidates eliould notify tlio County Inspe jtornot later thnn the 2(>th of Juno,-of ilicir-in- tentioii to iiresuiit^homHelves for exam- inationj such notice to 1)0 arcompaiiieil by a certilicat(J-(f moral character Hlgn- t-d I>y a clurgyinan, ninee the lht May, ulthiio.i . It. Ll'l^XK, I'. 8. Inspector, CoJ Ifalton, Acton, 3rd ,1 auo, 187G , SOfit c ilHIRtll l.ltOlM). HILL ISVRIAL edHo meet again on Mond day of June next, to close" tl lt>th e Court of; Revision, and for the transaction of other Township business! J. Eastki:i:i:ook; '3")) Clerk. Notice is hereby given to ifll parties interested in . the. Burial Ground, at ('liurcli ilf|ill, that there-will Jbu a pub lic meeting nil W'echiesday, f-ltl) of- tluuc,'at ihiu.o'chicU-.p.iii., fojr the Jiut- pnse e-f ap]miiitiuy; Trustees,/and to ar range for fencing and enlarging the grounds and collecting motley- for the same. .-ISAAC SXYIflCIt," Sec. ICsipicsiiig,. June 1,"1S7(>./. ' "ASTEO, 1-000 <'or<ls ol " G30D HEMLOO^'ErARK, : For which I 'will pay f FIVE DOLI^RS SEP. OOHS- At the Acton Tannery, if delivered in suinmer. ' . ' G. L. I)E.UtI>MOItK. Z. A. HALL, Agent, June, 1S7G.'" ' 4!l-3m The Pope was 84 years old on the 13th1 May. The -55th anniver sary <oC his |iriesthoodn occu'rred on the 12th of April, aiuk if he lives uptil the! 1.0th of Junes he \\(ill have occupied! tlie pontifical tlirdnp just ten vejins. ' |i : Liquou Puosi;r,TTlox. --- Last Tlim-sday evening, Richard Frayne, tavern, keeper of Rock wood," w as- charged, before Messrs. Strange and Ritchie, Justices of tho Peace, with having, on Monday, sold liquor to three men' who wero at the tinio in a State.of "intoxication. Thero had been a disturbance in Rock- wood on Sunday afternoon, and tho three men supplied- with liquor were some of those engaged in it. Mr. Iusj>cctor Gopdfellow laid the information arid was pi-esent to prosecute. Tho defendant -was fined $5 and costs,'the magistrates at the same time cautioning him to be carefulin futurw. Eramosa Township Council. This Council mot at the Centre Inn on Satarday the 3rd"' inst. Members all present, the Rcpve in the chair.' Tlie : minutes of last meeting were read confirmed." On motion the Council"was con stituted a Court of Revision, and the Assessment Roll was examined. The personal property assessed at 8600 against Robert and Jas. Scott -was ordered to be struck off the,' roll as thoy had-left; the Township, The name of Anthony Jackson was erased and that of .Jackson <fc-Hal- let inserted instead, their real est' tate being assessed at $540, and their personal estate, at 500. Tho Assessment Rolls as thus' amended- were confirmed and the Court ad journed. ' Ten dollars wero granted -to Adam Clark to improve the road in his division, nnd ho was directed to report-to tlie '^ clerk when he returned his .'schedule. ~ Aii appli cation for a grant of money to assist in making up the deficiency in the receipts at thegates of tho Central Exhibition was not granted.; Ap propriations for the improvement of the Township- roads and -bridges, were made and the clerk was .di rected to-notify the Townships con- cerned-6f the grants made on tho [boundary lines, and to get the (usual nUinber of notices respecting the road improvements printed for distribution. Tho. Council on mo tion adjourned to meet again at tho Centre Inn on (Monday tho 17th 'day of July next at 10 o'clock, a.m. i J. A. Davidson, T'p Clerk. J " .: At TON ii iuki;ts' .... ^ j 00 t(r2 50 White YVI eat .. i (1.) to 1 OS Tread well !.". 1 00 tivl or, Spring \V1 ioat 1 do t l o:i licit ChatF Wlieat (1 <|S to I- (0 I'.arliy . .. O !\U t< 0 70 Oats ~ .. "0 ;l.-. to o 40 Peas : .. 0 ( 0 I!.") Potatoes, per bag .. (1 40-to-O l."i P.utter . .-:" 0 it too IT) Ktztifi. .. OiOtoO 00 I lav, per t on - . . . .12 00 to 14 01) Bacon .. i .. 0 11-toO 00 Ham .. 0 12 to 0 14 Shoulder. .. 0 10 toO 12 Lamfidkim ..- , - . .' 0 50 to 0 80 Peb* . -. ' -1. .' . . 0 ;"0 to,0 GO I-ard . "~.. 0 12 to 0 13 Tallow, . ... O 06 toO 07 JNEW, ADYERTISEM EJNTS OJIALL'.FAttSl FOIt SALE Adjoimnpr'the Village of Acton 'J'lie uuile;i-^igneil otlV-r.s to sell the pro- per'^y l>el"Ugin;^ U> the e.^Uite of the l:;te Thomas liurn*, eonfpri^ing 45 acres hi". land, most of it under cultivation, "situ ated a" few rods fr<iui Actjon station. A branch of the Credit river runs through good-yedar tim bcr along 'tlie creel: frame bani. A,p]ilv?t< ai.kx/bui: M-av -22. '-JS-Jt. GREAT SPECIAL S^LB OF "i DRY GOODS MDCLOlHINfi Preparatory to Removal.; L' ^ i. Stewart & m. Our on tire stock of Dry Oobds i and (Jlothinfe is-now offered regardless if Cost, to reduce stock before removing: to our new premises now : . .building. The pabfic may relyon trie ".: Best an^j Qheapest- Bargains ,-ever offered: of Cheaper tin Old Bankrupt Stock at IJalf-prico Cheap beoauso just tho -.^ '.-"> goods wanted THE _ NEW Tairtsh| Notice 1 .- ^Cb-'.Coht J^ilton I| Pahlic i Bigprivl Great 'Sp -: A . wheat is"| a'Jew eel Eel preach i| Llth, at : : "" Pr wiljh a i pr ^ente<| bei to tej -f:. .gaAe"of day, wit score of ! eitough. - 4-^ei Cut-we are awaFe-_how perplexing it is for honest people to jjead theadrtr" tiaement.^ ihere'-nnd-elsewhere. Wliu'll talk thedoukest and ' "each. I lihoddy bwg the most seems to be the nu,\im of "each. Eut -."-__ x an intelligent Public know well that'lit Goods ,are dear at Half-price. g house and NS, Senr., IioeUwi'iod P. 0. |"N EOItGETOWN Implement'Warercoms Striped and Plain Linen lo Parasols from 15 cents. ' 'V!' . We gi'-e a| few quotations -of, . " '"- .'--'.. ' - .-{.. .' " G-OODS ^EBTTCED: 4,500 yards of Dress. Goods, and up to 50, cents. reduced to'.l'O, 15 and 20 cents, i / Striped silks reduced, to 57 cents.:' j Lice CurtairrH 75 ceiits." ..." " Striped Gr'enadines'-to 10 cents. 1 ^tti-, r<-^! '-' r-, i White Cotton Hbse from Of-centB. lO.CtS. ' , ' ' . . ' I \ .:--. , Straw Sun Hats- from 5 cents. Dlack ' and Colored Lustres' from \ Cashmere Jackets fi'^nv ?1.25." 12.1, cents. ; Xinen Sui,ts from -1150.- l^"OTI E TO TRESPASSERS I All parties arc hereby notified against trespassing, by fishing or otherwise, ou the premises known as Gordon's Creek, Lot 28,- oth Concession of Esqucsing, as they hold themselves liable to prosecu tion according to law. Take warning. 1 : \VM. GOEDON. | Esquesing, June 2nd, 186(i, ( 50-3t Errs' Cocoa. Grateful asd Com- foutixc. "By a thorough knowledgo of tho _natural laws which, govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fiuo properties of well selected cocoa, Mr.. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors.' bills. the judicious usp of such articles of diet that a constitution niay begradually built up until strong enough, to resist every tendency to disenflo. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ws ready to attack wherever thoro is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro- perly nourished frame. " Cinil firrricc <Jazi(tc. Sold only in packets labeled ".James 'Ki-i-s & Co., Ilomoiopathic Chemist)- 48, Threadneedlc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." ; mo COXTRAC.TO.RS. [ .Tenders will be received by the Acton School I'.oard until Saturday the 1st of Jjaly,- for breaking through a.stone wall and putting two windows in tho school ^building; also for repairing the corner [all ;.for painting porch and fj-oilt win dows ;. andfor filling in and sodding on tliu grounds: The work to be |touedur-' irig the month of July. Specitieatioiis n^ay be seen at the residence of Mr. H. Jl-Hall, Secretary. .: ' " A bKX. KENNEDY, Chairman. Acton, Juuc-C, lS7fi. , 50-4t i tfflOOL; WOOL! THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be . IN CASK For Clean, -Merchantable Wool. PAID I MeLKO-I), ANDEPSON & C6. I Georgetown, Jiiue Q; 1S70. 50-2t ii/riltox ^^ PLA^ING^! MILLS. :. J. R. MITCHELL, j' Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Itlould- j- Inss, Door and Window Frames, Pickets, etc. Matching An author says orie'o/ tho uses of., adversity is to bring lis out. true, especially at the kneas Und elbows. Pianiny, Scroll WorIf\and j! Done to Order. i;' HV Blinds 30 cents per foot, I I All work -delivered in Acton free" Orders left at Record Brosi will be promptly attainted to. -" Mirtoii.-JunoG, |187:' 50-ly . -AND FliED S Tlie sid.'Sta-ilit'rs beg 1 farnu-rs and other.--, t! opened a ware-room oil Ce-orgetown, ne.-:t the ha they will kvcp always in desirable kind of Farming ,'Imp Also in connection, tliey > anriounee'to' it they linvc Main Street,, y seaies. ^vhore stock the most em cuts'. have opened a FEED STORE, where will always be kept a large spick of flour, feed aiuU seeds, (if vaijious" de- s'criiitious. ' 3 .T.C..T'KVEP,EAyX. Allax MooiiK, Manager. Ueor etown. April 1"; lt7G. 42-3m Y)RE. STO"V TINWAREr If you want COOKING .vBos PAELOR OO TO OTJXaSOIuf .STOYS STOYE, ^ JOHNSON'S. Always in 6tpuk, i Stoves, Stove -T-riiumiuss,; Tin, Sheet-Iron ," ' - aiid Japaiiiicd Ware. Pari'culaf attention paid to'. E AVETR9U j^HI isi;-G.; tj i . '- ". ; Si en celli ng and' Jobbing * -; ; - donc'on the shortest notice, ii .' -Cutton Rags, Co/iper, BraHs, ,-Ir'on - und other_pri)diif\i tplcen in - . ixchanyi'. : -. 3"'- r j" Call aiid Se^e L's.'Ca rtemember the stand, one.door west of the Canada Glove Works, - SCILZ. STREET, vr.'it. wilsos. Aeton,.April U, 1870. Table Linens, Bed .Quilts, Table Napkins, Sheetings, Damasks, Towel ling will be offeced at striking prices. \i .... ' . . -: Colored Shirting from 10 cents." Ai lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from 81.OatoJjO cents. Golo:-ed-and; White Dress.Shirts from.46 cents." A JOB LOT of LADIES UN.DEP.CLOTHING to be SACRIFIQED.- j-:-' " '. Tm> ' _-"-" Itclnced Guelph, June ,5 1S76. Salej'is no Clap Trap. - '; . Prices Wiist ;Be Clsh.-o ; ' WILLI AM STEWART & Co". WATCHES, $, ! A- CHAINS,' j American, All Patterns. 30 HOUR * .- - ~ * Weight.. - - ' CLOCKS, 30 HOUR Weight" - ;30 HOUR ('--. Weight CLOCKS, Striking. | Striking. Extra Bushed Brass Movements. -.' Just Arrived.. Just! Opened. _. ONLY $3.50. -.QNLY"'$3.50. ONLY $3.50- :' .<y- lEverV; houso should have one. iJ -1 one ia to is sad "ue-j in tjheTfo pre&iotioij hereabooi j and. vi?-a nofc::so Striking!- -Just Opeaed Another Stock of -- OUR CELEBRATED 'BOLLiR;i)L0CS. . . . Selling Rapidly,-Sel.ling..Eapidly. ",, '.- : June;6, JS76. C.; & G.';HYNDS, I 1 i Post OfficeY "Acton." THE NEW DOMINION BOOT ANS SHOE, &EG&8. ~n A0T0N. I. P. JOHNSOS". ;^T.RAY COLTS. . From the premisesof the subscriber, oil May ltith twil-yqar-old Eilly, light bay, with small white star in forehead and heavy ni'ane; also one. yearling Filly, dark bay, white star on forehead; Any person bringing tlicni ttvtho under signed or giving such information as jyill lead to their recovery will bo rewarded. They were last Been 'on town Tino be. 'sweun Eriii and lCsquesing. PI'VfMB GEKKIE, Gar'afraxa P.O. May -Si, 1870, i . . . 4"-3t, T)RIET> MEAT, DR|D|JV1EAT, Charles Cameron Havilig/postpoiicd rcnnival in order to. clear out his stock of jPork, offoi-s at a reduced ratu j Suporior Smokoil aad'-TTasaofeoa Hams, Ottm"b.orl8ia.4JOut & Bacoa: cured, by hiniBelf, and which will be found uu'surpjiSbcdin ipiality. Try it and be convinced. - j -. In future, meat willpje found in the sbop" partly occupied by.-G. M. Scott, Main street,. Acton. , CU'AS. CA.VErtON. April 2U, 1070. i 4-i-oui KMNNE;;&; Have just received, their Spring btbek bf " -i , BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS The Best that ever .came into 'Acton,'for price, Style and Quality..^ OUR CUSTOM wtifttK: / 'f. Will receive careful attention,, ftnd all workrguaranteed to giT^ sa 3" Repairing Done r;NcatlVt "^4 Dou'tf-foFget tho place i \^~r ! 'i Mala Stroet, Next Door to Asacw's Hctol. A'cton, Miiy 2r>, 1S70. EENtfEY~<& / f '. . f-'l ..' .. '.f-.r: Mm Iri.-'iifr-- -' ;-. 'Sis Mm *-:.r:'*'-';i . - - J '-.; iV- ^::f^> ' j-' . .i:i-i- : .':".:>*' -;": 'X: -- ii. 1&-L&&& s-v:i~; 14;.i. \-j.jf.^. -' '.-I M^^i&&&t&^ w :-^W m .*;-V*;-4<t;w'-,V.^

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