Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), MAY 25, 1876, page 2

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M 1 'ii - : ' -'-nl^l mr !.- TtlE FREE Hi? !PHE .UTOX PBEE PUEJSp - V/j-tJUkcd Kvorj-"TTiurerhy Morning. SI -Per Annum in Advance. The Wool Trade. Tin; following circular 1ms ;}nst been lvceivinl fiom qriu of the hu-g- est. dealers in 'wool 'rin Cunadiii. "A pemsul of it niay be of general in terest r-' As our Canadian wool clip as "** O ' t"t Hs> ' i siiortft to be marketed, and ii very ^cmn^rcGift*c$^ >'^"f^owum f .tho deer I who t>uy every sunm>er do not grve wool any attention,-'from one sea son to. another, and miiy not bb PRESS, ACTON *0 * HACK1NO EOITOR TucnsnAT Mornino, Mjiv "ir>, lS76j Mr. Stirtori Tins resigned bis seat for South Wellington and accept'tld' the jmtiro^nhip of'Guetph. A Pivo?I Vs every facility for koep Iw>st*Jd"ioH tho actual state sf nliairs' governing.the valuo of thut com modity, and ra oar constant con nection with1 tho wew>l market, -rtBi?--.' fc:-:'i ..":ijllili' |^c'^11 wi "-.'#-:^}3i-V- tfiv; ISi-Si^ lit '-' = * ' C.' L"F> .-j.i-crtM 2- --::>--"- & ii- ' ' ^i-l'JwH goovi, many likely candidates are named, brtfnone yet formally an nounced, for the vacancy. . I. Mr. Iiilbhird. Cameron is to gf t 2.000, it is said if be caifprofo the Ontario^'-License RrH unebnsCi- "tutionSt: Mr Cameron received handsome fee to\saye the nuuxWryr of Mr; DAicy ;McGee from the- gallows, t he didi.'t. '\_ ,' J A By9aw is .jjow before the rate payers of Elora to i grant'a loan of ..10,000 to the Carpet Factory hi that village,. ,-Tlie voting; will talfe place on the 29th inat. j". "~ j = , Count Andrassy, "ift .a ;sps?och-?at ' Prague; said tire peace of- 'Europe was assured, and that thti Herzegjo=_ - waian insurgents were -.willing to pt the reforms proposed byhiin If their fulfilment were '^uaumteed _by| the Powers. The Sultan is saad unsound miiid. ' _--. .j - Provision has been made for tweii- "ty-three thousand . raluri.tjecjrs being trained during the coining sum- __ iner, the drill to extend' over eight days and to be done at headquarters of coqis, and on different days, iif convenient to the meni -The reyi- ments to be drilled wilL be deciJtsl / by.lot ->-/ J". , i'.The electors ofiListjwel,- on Sit^ ; jui-day, \xrted 15,-000 to "tliefSti-iit- .ford-aud Huron Kail way, bdtwein' ' .Stratford aad ListoweU Only, tin voted against the by-Jaw. _ _ . 'j i^SheRev. John Potisi of thetie- troporitan Cbufchr Toronto, made] a" "verj- , sensible aiinouncenie-nc ;.the otiici- Sunday yhen he Tdeclined to l-eadiany more'intknationsfroui the jiuipit of iecturesj soirees, meetings, it, so "long" as: there -were pajielrs in which' to advertise* them. """ Kei-. Mr. S?a,yage,: a TT. S. cleigV- ,mBviB a serhion on niitional cor ing informed of - all (Ranges, it atlbrils us much pleasuro'to submit tlje following to your consideration, aiid try,ft,it may deter buyers froiu irtvestig*ting"in tho incoming clip,, at anything- like prices current last year, which would. but3 entail eeri' ous lass to them.'. Kcjporls fi-pin nil manufacturing contri's show,, that" since its incep tion, the worstetl trade "was never in such a depressed coridiiloti ; and as tho gocnla manufactiiixHl froiu Canadian; combing and other like wools, aro Svipcrior. and costly fab rics; and more of ^i luxury thau a a necessity, and manufacturers,' l>oth in England and-the United States, have found it iiii|>ossiblo to dispose of their j-ixKluctions,the re sult is'that the market-is heavily overatocke<l with goods, and a large proportion of worsted; macfiiuerv idio: - :" .. !' As a consequence; <i deteriora tion in value orJ5d. (<i Gd. |equ:(l td 10c; (J 12c. Canadian moutiy) in the Liverpool ..and j London, and 9c. (5 l'lc. in L'.S. markets, for combing wo61,. has occuncil. - .Hitherto the" entire English clip of combing has been ivquired in Englaiid, white the Canadian clip was none too large-,to meet-the re- qiurements of TAiited States manit- faSturers; but now, owing to the jmiversal depressiuii of trade and stoppage of sol much machinery, both the English and Canadian clip will be in exesss of the demand, and prices low..'. : Consumers in. the JJnited States -where the greater'portibn of our clip finds .marketr-^express their iirm deterniination/npt to purchase any Canadian vfool this season, ex cept at figures fully 10c to lie per piund less than last year, and even then they, would limit! their -quanta ties. - = Should the market open and rule' Loan to ManufaoturliiK <pom- i panies, . Tho 1-fon. Oliver Jlowat having iMcu'nskcd to givo. his opinion as to whothei'. municipal ,'corpon.tions have ilio j>ower to giiiut tiiil, by way of Joan, to ini'uiufnoturinj coin- punies, jivplies ua follows :--!. I think illat a municipal corporation has, under the 372nd section )f tho Consolidated Act 30 Vic.,'cat), 48, jiowcr jti grant aid by way .of loan for tho purpos&s therein mentiJned. A loan;|m a grant, subject to u con dition that tho money is to lie re turned, j 2. Though I cannot, say that tho, poiut as to a loan is entiie- ly free frpui doubt, as Chiof Jv stico, in his note (/) to tho section refer red to, bos sitid that the point; is not very clear, yet-I--would not ad- viso an attempt to nccouiplisi the object-,by inserting nreteudod't onili- tions not-intended. .to be fulfilled If it $ljc my opinion) that a loan is not with in thisfolausq of tho Act, and that a mortgage -taken by the corpora tion' tu ijecure the loan would there fore be kuvalid:;' nuither could tho debentuk-es be enfoi-ced against tho corporation., 3. After the pissing of the by-law1 the"corporation could not, widhbut a vote ol, tho ratepay ers, cancel or nrodify any conditions embodied in tho by-law ; bu , con ditions imposed by tho couuci , and uot referied to in tho by-law, might !; Tho man O'JCoil, who n urdored liis mother-in-law in St. Joint some time ago, lm8.becn sontonetd to be hanged on Aiiguxt 3rd. A Quebec dispatch si y.H that Louis Kiel was in that city on.But uixlay on his way to lieaupjrt Asy lum, ho being a violont lun ttic, Mr. G. Ks Elliott of Not t!ii HALTON COUNTY, t)JSTT., MAt '25, 1876. al, wl|0' was arrested a tihort time ngo by a detective, in Toronto, on tlm charge of forgery, wasi acquitted in llrniup- ton on Wednesday of last '\ reek ' Rev. Dr. Ryerson has written a history Of tho Puritans,'-which - will bo published iii'Loudon ;. tho Doc tor left Now Yyrk off tho (20th in stant to mako uri-angementif for its uppenranqs; , '; Six murders, -three atte mut-dor, half u scoro of. (leaihs with " moro or less npts at sudden KUKpici- ouldrbe held (contn[i7to4'0ll?-.?,'cunift,l11'.ccs ttttncliejl," five Vi._ suicides.and thirty-three fatal acci- donts have been chronicled between 1st land'-17th"Mny, The Ontario RHlo Astocintioh matches begin on Angus; '28th, with a j)rizo-list of $2,100. Partly circular Uirgots will bu user. Con siderable encouragement in shown to young shots in tho programme Canadian Press Ac-sociation, Wo are glad to learn that tho trip of tho Canadian Press Association afterwards be cancelled without a to Philadelphia this sunimir prom- votc of :he ratepayers. ^ We happy to leant tliat a company has bee-n formed in Uanu' da fornanufacturing that useful do mestic article and ladies' jjieiid the Kuittin; Machine. It is usual that citiei'fti d largo towns are most for tuuat<b ill seciiriiig manufactoi ies of iliis.kinJ, and we must comjil ment Messrs. Creelmtm Bros., tin ough whose exertions'-Gcorgetqwi. has been cl osen as the niauufiicturing Ceuti-e for the Dominion. Jlessi-s Creehm n Bros;have been the gene- ial agei ta in Canada for the cele brated Franz ifc Pope Knitted and we are'jjluil to know that, th fef:-"--.^^-i<J-*ii-iS" r m'%:l-'-iW&m"::-'- .:>_.- f .'nifrtiouf-jlelivered teceittly expres-1 Li*^' tbe' usl,aI:'}arS^ buyers will ' sd himself-ratber:forcibly regarding 'refrain from locating agents at all -things-as they exist across* the desirable points, as heretofore, and T~ ~ ~ ^~ i 'wait until the clip is out of. the growers! hands, and buy later in the season' from country dealers at value, as was the .case a few .years since, when;country dealers were obliged to accept.a loss of 60/to 10c j>er pound, on their summer pur chases. Farmers will have tp exercise Hinusual care to tag tneir sheep thoroughly-before putting them in the water, ahej then-wash them well and keep them in good clean pas ture until ready tp^clip; and tbe shearing- should be done tbe mo ment the wool, is dry on-the shfeep's back. They, must:; endeavor to bring their fleeces to market in good order, as it ,ia always the case, when the demand is light and prices low,' that-buyers are unusually severe in selecting and grading the wool. border. He said :. " The one hnh: V dredth anniversary has cbme,. and -wchave invitediilFtheneighlKirittg -1 fnations to^come and -help \ip cel,e-i brate it; when, lo ' < we find vie. liave invited them" io a den of "; thieves !" ' '" [- - " 1 The Turkish Treasury is said to "E-ave received.: a contribution of $759,000;from^the Suhan's privale exchequer, which was to be appro'-' priated to the payments' of officials, .: what dads is not stated. Acurioijs story-is told of bow,/when the Sal: tan was-coming from" his bath, ia ' ~short time ago,:he saw -a line of meu drawn up in front of .him, anil on asking~what toey wanted, was informed that they were his cdoks "and that they had not received any ]y for three years. TJie resultls jatated to have been, that tbe Ft- nance Minuter^was. dismissed and thtf cooks got unless that was some satisfaction to them. ouirh f.k WMCi^}' - K-^i y *&^B BWb..;-l|| ->-< *. rw : '/ r^^B mttSA--~ Sy^j31 l:\*HS WfwBP --' " ^" i-PfS WafrWs' *' IIS i'H ^/|'| IIt* tjl i: j '&m 3i.-"t'vS frijSl ; ' "J *T I" ' - -Kft m$ K*~~':'" "3i yy.z , - ;fj|S m&&+">' vfc-^L'-'-^m Mgf?ir WSt-11'-*:- fflfcfc'; Pp^ fcfi^'-.-.ZwM Ws^-t- P^,: %9 H^fc'ji-. l^K. ' W* mm HwlHIr t*--.- r"-' ' -vfl IHhk :-sj Q^-s-"'i9| ^^BBSlif^' fei""-*M W^M m F-'^ Bu fe>i:59 MHRy*'.*. h|p|m| wml>- BHHI ' j^ wSmm # \~:: SomeToronto ex-Runiseliers who ^.. rfailed to obtain Licenses: are fornj- "- ihg clubs so-as to stirf- conticu.e .' their evil" ;work. and ^-et :kf;ep .! witl.ia : the bounds of the "law1 The despatch states that 'doubtless a nieainre will be introduced aCthe next-sfcssion of the Ontario Legishj.- : _tui-e/tp regtilate clubs, and it is: as ".well thattbis_deveIopement of'^hR; " rumsellihg- business has comef up \ soon. The ministry are 'warne'd-in good .time aud'will have a goodoj)- ortuuity to investigate and decide -how best to check this" now oulr growth of an exceedingly wicker 1 trade. ' The Toronto Tdf><jram publishes ; 11 long array of figure-i which shows . that the total value of -property -"jl in ' Toronto .which is;M;exe'mpi from taxation, \arid bears ." n> 'share of- the expense of rotmicipa jgoverrimftnt, is $3,001,406. - Q( ithis sum the Episcopalian .cliu/cheb repres^ut $777,924; U10 liqicau catholics 724,^46^ -the-Presbyter ;- :ian S392,7'05"j the We'sleyun Meth- _ro<JiBt.$2!*a;72"8 ; the Baptist $172,. 321; the Primitive Methodist $80,f 541 ; the.Gongregational .65,105 j ". 'the Bible .'Caristian 821,018; the Disciples SIG.Olfi; th"e""Reforni<5^. EpiscoiBd $0,9^3, and niiscelLuieouf churches fbot up $70,051. Ail thir prope rty a total of $2,G 1 G,G48 goes untaxed. :_ ;\ Ratheb Funny. An Amei-ieit pai'mriLas got sadly mixed oyer the jPresbyterian difficulty at Toronto. 'It Gonfounds the Hvv. Mr, IMcDon- /nell with Sir John A. _Tbo out come is- rather comicuL We are told that " Tired of -political lifer and disgusted with Lis own party,' he (Sir John) has joined the churcTv .and has idtieady gaiHed an.unehvia- V ble Dotoriety by preaching a, doc trine distasteful to the members of his church-who'go in foif eternal punishment; but we are happy to s;yihat he has gained thel sympa- t|y and estem of the more liberal ipbrticfn of :hh> coutcigaticu,: yLb! ^e*d'e*ei"miiied to 'sti<tk lo -him! ^ jrou^h thick-uud thin,"" their influence" Georgetown in a few weeks will be able to.;bcast-of a manufactory which no other city or town in the Dominion j-can lay claim to. Herald, H. i ,N. W. R. In a confersa tion with- Sliiitland Young, Esq., sec. of the. Hamilton &, North- western Railway Co., a few days ago, tint gentleman informed -us that th^ company had selectel the tendersjfor the construction cf tho rbad from Hamilton to George town j and that the work will posi .ively Tie Commenced in the first week of June, j Each contract will only Rover four miles of - the .raid, so fibat the re will be no difficul ty in paying it finished by Sept 1st. They w 11 advertise this ivh k for tenders fcr bridging. The .'Govern ment E iglneer's report will confirm the comnanyV'statements as 1.0 the great ei jwnse of the western route through Hamilton, and they confid entlyi;:c)>ject the decision, of the 1 School Law Reform. It is underetood that the" new- Minister of Education is engaged in revising and consolidating the edu cational laws of thfr Province. It would lje: difficult indeed to ni'err= tion: ,any - kind 6f refurin moiti ui'gpiitly -needed' at the present time. As it now stands it is quite safe to say that tho school: law is undeistood by very few. r Cases have occurred in which deputations have gone to the JNormal school, and after having, heard, Dr. Ryer- son's constiuctioh ofi doubtful clauses, ronsulted' som^ ' eminent Toronto barrister,.and found that his reading ^of the same clause .meant somethinglentirely different. To expect tnisteesvto come to a cor rect .conclusion ./in -points which puzzle the best trained legal minds/ is [to expect 011 impossibility. Mr. Crooks is eminently qualified ' for the work which ho has. undertaken, aim he will render great servic* to thi Province by putting! the; school lii\^ in such a shape' that; i can. be understood by. smyone iii average iufelligeiice. It is expected that the work will, be completed by the nepcersessicjn of the Ontario Legisla ture. IScacon. ' 1 . i. * Privy C favor1 of pioiu' ouncil at Ottawa'will be in bridging the canal. C'Jiam- ises to bo a gi-eat success. Not only is tho number of'old members who intend going very la: ge, but the Secretary is daily recei "ing up plications from others who are d sirous of becoming meiube'ra of the Association and who with to join in thotl-ip. ) Wanted a Rino..-^A ne'il'ly Kyed- deU bride caused quite a disturbance onj Queen st., Toronto, tl e day because the groom did lot vide a ring for the weddin marriage ceremony w-as pe-fo by a PresbyterLiu Ministei', m ring is not considered nectisn the ceremony. ,"Tho brit'^e r to live with, her, husband as thinks the marriage is not egiil be-, cause.she did not get a rinj ,.iijs she says her mother iiud granduiother did ; .Two gajiway Men IBZilJed. ;Sqme se'etion men wive fixing a piece of track on the Great West ern iltailway,' near London, and wliile doing so went a little distance for. some iron, the sectfon"boBS. un thinkingly leaving the Witch open. An express train cjinie along at full speed, ran off the track;; the loco motive upset; and the steam cham bers burst, Bcalding the- '{engineer and fireman so padly thati the form. ejr died in great. agony, and tbe Tetter died tVvo days after]. ] A ver dict of inanslaugbt'er hasjvery pro- ifjierly been given against tbe section, iboas by the coroner's juiy, iahd it will "be well if the serious"results of his thoughtlessness lead other per sons on'whose,care manyi lives are depending"r~tor be more careful^ and a?s6 if ,it makes those i who place men in responsible "positions mord careful as to whom they Bsleet fori them.;.-;. j- -.-..,. 1t :Suriday*s Thunder Storm. DAMAGE AT BRAHPTON TWO 3ARNS AND . LIVE. STOCK BUB.Vt D BRIDOES CARBIED AWAY |- 3IAN BADLY BCBNED. Bramptox, May. 22. On Sun day morning about ;ono o'clock a very heavy thunder storm- accom panied with torrents of rain visit ed this locality swelling the Etobi- coke and smaller streams so rapid ly as to do mtich harm. D uing the storm tKe" chimney of a inmll frame house was struck bylJight- ning, - the fluid passing down through Itheiiouse into the cdlar, j demolishing the chimney stove pipe. .About the same*tiuie'a barn near Malton was struck and destroyed. But this; was only a prelude t) the storm and flood that followed, corn- mencinglat 3 p.m. About G:3) the Etobicoke water began again to rise, and! before 8 the lower pi.rt of the town was completely subi lerg- eii, cellars, flooded, bridges, cub crts, 'arid side walks . carried away, and much-other damage done." Many bridges jih the township were also carried fiway, so that qiiite a : lum ber of people who were ati end ing church here were unable fc> got home. At thte p. m. the bat n' of Wm. Griiy, No. 28, 4th line East Chingiiaiousy,' w^as struck by 1 ght- ning iind. totally destroyed, together with a quantity of wlieutnrnd'f irm- ing implement?. - - Five calves and a Lull werie killed at the' iiame tin e and'qne of the bdrsea sini ned. Ay0ung;pian was'badly bumei in saving the horse. . The CJItjeen's Birthday in. the- States. r-The 24th will not pass unnoticed in the neighboring re public. .: The town of Peters! urg, VirginiftJ has mado especial pn par- ations for the event, which wi] 1 be honored by a grand recoptioni :of Other pro- The rnwl nd a y iu fuses she Caught at .Last. 4- It ii said that the Rev. G. -W, Wnrieri, who was' formerly stationed at Elora during which time ho preached in Guelph on one" ocpasion,-una was recognized by Chief Kelly, is an individual who was wonted-in the United States, has l^een convicted of forgery by.a court in tho 'iouth-' ern States. Another LtBEL Scit. iL de8- despatch from" Philadelpl ia says that Mr. Permiilt, of the Canadian Centennial-~CoinmLssion,: his in structed Mr,' Jette to jiioceed. against -the lifnil newspapiiri" of Ttfroiito, for heavy damage) en ac count of aspersjous thrown on his (Mr; Perrault's) integrity ai 1, com missioner. . breaking of his neck. Tln>; les|on is too apparent to need to bo point ed out. Persons who will Tho Eternity of Puniahment. Wo observo that the Toronto Tchi/non has taken up the fcjubject of tlie eternity of future punish ment, and has been iiiSorviowing tho ciergynieii of the city in order to ascertain their views on the sub ject. , A summary of tho result of tho Tehi/nim'n -lutjors may jioasibly bo iiitoiestiiig to our readerj. ' It was found that there existed among the Toronto ministers of denomina tions other than Presbyterian u very gonenil sympathy with Mr.. Macdonnell personally, Out among tho orthodox bodies u very general repudiations of the doctrine pf the final restoration. Canon Baldwin and Rev. Septimus Jones both per sonally and in the name of their church denied . tho doctrine. : The former thought that a minister who does not agree with the doctrines of his church should leave it, and that ho good could" arise from the discussion of this question, while tho-latter took tho opposite view on botli points and wished to see broader platforms.' Uovds. John Potts and T. W. Jeflbry, Methodist ministers, both held thut a minister must only be judged by .what ho preached, and that-words dropped in the.heat of extempore preaching should be treated with great leni ency, but that a minister could not be allowed to preach out^of accord ance with the received belief of the Church.. Rev. T. Guttery,'of the Premilivo. . Methodist Church,! thought' there was a great deal to bu said in tho personal investiga tion of ti nth'. 1 To did not blame Mit" Macdonnell for refusing to deny,his own feelings, and view, but commended him for his manli ness in boldly stating them. His view was .-undoubtedly gaining ground among ii large class of veiy influential and veiy intelligent Christian thinkers, and he did not think "any "pressure', should be 'brought to bear on a minister fori such a hope. Kevds. J. H. Cfstl'ej D.D., and A.-H. Munroe, Baptist, agreed that; there was no standard but the Bible, and both thought Mr. ^Mncdonnell's view did. not affect his standing us a min*i!-t>r. In fact ! sointo noted Baptist ministei-s held thoso views. The latter decliued to state his opinions on the future of the soul, except to say that final, restoration was not his view. Rev. J. A. R. Dickson, Congregationalist, while entertaiur ing no such hope himself, would not like to see the exclusion of One who believed~ih final le&toration. Rev. Geo. [ Webber, Bible Chris tian; had no doubt that the teach ing of the Scripture excluded such a hope, but would not allow the qiiiet entertainment of it to shut u a man out from the Christian min istry. Rev. George Field, Sved- enborgian, said the Lord Casts no one into hell, but all who go there, go because it is their proper home, on the same principle that birds of a feather flock together. " No one in hell desires to come out of it any more than a fish desires to confo , out of water. Every one brings cjn his own punishment u]>pn himself in the same wuy that u elrunkard brings pn 'delirium trcnlcns." Ho did not believo in final restoration, i" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. /IOW STRAYED OR STOLKft Krom tho romilonco of tho suhscrilicr, about tho 30th April, a Brown Cow, Iwitli white utrenk along'tho- body ;imo- idium oizo; abouf, 8 years old. Any otio giving such iuf<innation o-will lead to her recovory: will ho suitably re- jwnrdod."'- 'N. McGAUVIN. . !"'Apto'n, May.'-10i 1870. /^UEMICAL! MANUKESi l'rovod to be equal for all crops to Barn- J . yard. Manures. [Tho Brockrillo .Chemical & Super- pho/iiihntu Works, Brockvillo, Ont. ! j- ALEX. COWAN, Manager. Any suhHtftiitiftl farmer, with good references, can purchase 0110 ton or up wards of Cheiiiieai Manure on credit till" crops are harvested and perhaps mnr- kbtcd by paying inttrcst on note at' rate" of seven )5ur cent per nniiuin.1 Where no agent jias been appointed hi| a towiisliip, each jpostinaster is hereby authorized to net as agent to receive onlcni. Where jigcnts jhnve been ap- pin'nted to a township, they are hereby reijriired to rcportj same to postmasters in their township immediately, iu order - ]" t<> jirevent confusion 45-4t JURIED MEAT, DRIElDrjWIEAT, Charles Carfieroii llaviug postponed removal- in order to clear out his stock of Pork, offers at a reduced rate Supo:ior Smoked.'and Unsmokoil Hams, CumDorland Cut & Baoon aired bj' himself, and. which-will be found uiisuriiiusseil in.quality. and bt couviiuedi In future, meat, will be found in the shop partly occupied by O. M. .Scott, Main litrcct/Actoh. CHAS. CAMBnOX. Apr I 26, 197G.' , -f4-3iii ri EiOKtIETOWK T Conjugal strifn' has ended in probably unintentional riitinler in New York. AJ woman in a tore: - tion with her husband pushed him off a stoop, and be, falling on his but sympathized with Mr. Macdop- head, was instantly killed 4y* the nell in using his freedom to express their best to restrain their passions, may easily be horrified any some this. not do day nt such unexpected- rdsalt as About a year ago a youht girl, residing in the town of Vil wood, swallowed a petruy. Time >assed. and nothing wjos 'thought >f the matter, and no junpleasjuit -esults were experienced until several monthsi ago, when she was attacked at times with viblent pains in her stomach. By tliis time tho i act of her swallowing the penny Wis for gotten, und no; satisfactory cause could bo. assigned for the pains. Physicians were called, bt t they were unable to afford her am relief and for a short time since nlio has been . failing rupi|ly,^ and it- is thought she can' Survive but a few days longer. For three wit Its or or more, she has; taken no nourish ment into her 'stomach'-' tljn,t she could retain. Her moutli, s tastes just like )a penny," n;i saliva from the stomach it greenish colon and strongly ii nated with tho smell of otipper. About the only thiug alio- h 11 rel ished is a lemyn ., the. opinions he held. The Grand Lodge of Freemhsohs will meet in Ottawa on . the 12th of July. .-'... - I says, 1 the of 11 ipreg- The New York ' f^m says expenses of brother Moody's _ t>i.:i . 1 The three months' revival!" in Phiiadelphia amounted to $30,000; theeypenses of his ten weeks revival ii New York ran up fo $42,000. The number of Philadelphia converts was estimated ut! 12,000 ; the mini ber of converts in this, city) is be lieved to bo about 8,000; his revival in Brookjyn brought in bs- tween three' and four thusand converts;- and his revival at I ^orth- field gave him a few hundreds. It visitors on rJae^23rd, and an address niay Be calculated, therefpik that !.__.... the-whole numjbrir of men a d wo men, who, as haB been' saiti have on "British Colonization in [Vir. ginia".delivered the 24th. All the British' residents in the tate and elsewhere have been invitelby the-Mayor and !tho President of the-Celebration to be present, in order 'ftp (mark the. glorious broth er hood which in the nineteenth cen tury has I been established; an ong English-speaking nations, and to add one piore: link to the go den chain of (affection which binds to gether the citizens pf tho United States antf "the British people." ] i- had the autograph of Moot y and Sankey written on their since the beginni ig of l-e'viv al op erations lust September,f hat been not far from 25,000. ' If thti e cop- verts, or bne-lialf of them, cr one quarter of them,' have reallj been rescued from their evil way .1, and transformed ini their lives, there must be fioruo interesting. ipjinifes- tution of the power of p-acti al-ro- ligion in the community. aearts Flonr ... '..., White Wheat .. Treadwell.. Spriny Wheat .. Barley ... f Oats" .... .'. Peas-; ... .. Potatoes, per hag Oilionsr per bushel Butter ... - _. Kggs. .. ., Hay, per ton .... Lnmhskins";. iPelts- ... Lard .... Tallow J.. Bacon 1.. Ham ... Shoulder... ACTOX SIABKETS, .. S2 00 to 2 50 1 00 to 1 .0 95 to 1 .0 95to0 0 50 to 0 70 0 35 to 0 ;40 0 63 to 0 JOo 0 45 to 0 -50 1 00 to 0 |00 0 18 to 0)20 .0 iotoo;oo 12 00 to 14 00 0 50 to 0 180 0 50 to 0 !60 .0 12 too 13 0 00- to 0 07 0 11 to 0 0 12 toO 0 10 to 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. s HALL FARM FOR SALE Adjoining the Village of Acton The undersigned offers to sell the pro- psrty belonging to the estate of the lcte Thomas Burns, comprising 45 acres of land, most of it under cultivation, situ atcd a few rods from Acton station. > A branch of-tlie Credit river runs tlirou ;h part of tho property ; good cedar tim ber along the creek ; Jog" hpuso ajid frame barn. Apply to i > ALKX. BUKNS, Senr., May 22, *48-4t.. ' Rockwood P. P, ^TILLAGE OF AOTfljN. COURT OF REVISION OF 1876. Tho Village Council will hold its first sitting as a Court of Itevision, on 'Any sessmdnt ; lloli for 1876, an Saturday; tho 27th day of May, inst., attlio Cpun- cil Chamber, . Teinporaiioo Hall, coui- moncing at 7:30 p.m. j! By order, JOHN ttOSS, '; 1 : Municii>al Clerki Aeton, May 15,\187C.:. 47-2fc| : ^OTItE to CONTRACTORS Sealed tenders willbe received by the undersigned up to the first of June for a new Brick Store arid Dwclling"'House, in the Village of-Acton, for tbe various works required in tho separate trades," (viz.) excavation, stone work, brick work, carpenter and joiners work, plas tering, pajnting, and glazing. Separate or full tenders Will bo reciyed for the whole work. ; Plans and'specifications will be seen at tlie resideuce of Me. McNair, Acton. The lowest ror any' tender riot: necessarily aceepted unless otherwise satisfactory. .' :, Actoii, May 3id, 1870.: 45-4t Implement "Warerpoms AND FEED STORE. . The]subscribers heg to,announce: to farmers and others, that they- have opened a wareroom on Main Street, Georgetown, next the hay scales, where they will keep always in stock, tlie most desirable kind of , Farming' luipleiiients. Also in connection, they have opened, a FEED STORE, where will always he kept a large stock of flour, feed and | seeds, of various de scriptions. ! J. C. DEVEREAUX., Allan Moouk, Manager.' ' ', : Geor eto'n, April 12,1^78. .?42-.1m; ILLISMERY^ MANTLES, DR3ESS GOODS, GENERAL DRY GOOKl A very hnndsome stock iust opened out-rall neWandbeButifni iy> -^r MILLINERY AND DRY C00DS EMPORIUM, . Uur stock of! Millinery, is not surpassed" by any house inJrJaltoni Our sales during the past two' weeks have been extrabrdinary-iargi first class milliners kept exceedingly busy from eariyTnorntng till with the millinery where to Ladies' m Oar stock We bel Please Acton, during the past two' weeks have been extrabrdinary-larMt^^m milliners kept exceedingly busy from e^rlyhttiorntng till ktIt'-, night atU'nding to the wants of our.customers. Everybody highly;plMMd ' _-..... * --" jeatness, beautiful styles, superior quality and cheapnes* of ow ' Thpre Is no longer any necessity for going to Guelph pr.eiie.V get fashionable goods. r.' ' ' ' -'-ii-^ ' . We have a large and handsome slock of MANTLES, pf the most fashion able styles, in all sizes and-.qualities very cheap and good. Ready-made Suits* !..') Black and Colored Silk*, ' . - Bress Goods,of SarlonA kJnii, GENERAL DRY COOPS is much larger and better than ever before. A good assorbMat . of Uen'.lem'en's Goods,' \ ./:-, 1. Traiia Sf offia_ l>ylEipre -Express Miidl Kiht & "":: I ' -. Sight Exril Mixed! if Mail* Coil K-oacfc $%$"' Tverijthinrfriiarlccd Down'to the Very Lowest Fighres. ,jg> small profits and quick sales. A fine Selection of EANDSOTSE JE^7BliST at all prices. Also a Good Stock .ofi! General ti'Milltncry Show Room Up Stairs. ^ ;all and see our new goods and low prices. May 23, 1876. ..-. ""-' ".' '-. "', D. MoHAia. G. WATCHES', ;. ^ - CLOl.'KS, and ' '. . JEWELRY, Of all Jdnd3.v ".' THE Rock River Company Patent ": - BUILDING PAPER DAY'S BOOKSTORE. 'Inodorous Sheeting Paper 5ic a lb one pound to a square yard. Prepared Plastering Board 6c a lb. Tarred Sheeting 4.1c a Ib-^ljlb," to B<[uaTc yard. 1 ' '.I ' - . ' . " Mothj Proof Carpet Lining 7c a lb. ^-one pound toa square j-arih Call and Examine j the Stock at ..Day8 lioof^torc. Bay Sells Cheap. DEAll. CUSTOMERS " '- Duringihe'fiiftimer1tottl-tcnd'a person]from v\y yjjiop.into the coun tryyto. examine 'and repair clocfo which \are warraikcifr by 'me.' Custo- niers- whose clocks are not going well will.please send .in ward: Should you ft mr .the young man whom. T\ \ ', i ._,., >,.- 1, . Jmi ofc "hall fa;/.!\}i be responsible^ Donfc fo^t^hose great marvel^, beanttfnl Ktd Glo^ aU shades, 2* Seals Some o warrameii MAKING AP JEWELBJf , ESTABLISHMENT^'JL' lV Post Office Acton. ~ jnent. _ , [----Gckartl VciTfoom ne WATCHES, CLOCKS,'and ! JEi\yELRY, Of all kinds". "WATCHES,.; j , ;V "CLOCKS, and ; " JEWELRY, Of all kinds. "We have just rleeeived-ahother-well selected stock of JEWJELJRY EN ALL THf LATEST PATTERNS, -; Comprising Cents*. Gold-?latel Cnains, Studs, Cuff Butions, Loekcta, Solitaires*. Ladies' Sots, -Ear Drop's, Srooehes, Plain and, Fane? Coll Eikgs, Plain ana- 7ane7 Pilrer SisrL Also a fine'assortment of Jet Jewelry,; New Patterns. those One Dollar Cl-cks left. - Clocks for .Schools and Churches soli! at a small percentage abovp cot. All work left with u to be repaired will receive prompt attention and -'to give satisfaction. ';.' . jdresi (larg VTJbiuraday evl Don't icrget the place. May 16; 1876. a & G.-HYNDS, Pott Offio*, ActOB GOLD tN LION O^ Q-XTEIXiX'BL:! Iment, bti^ dj IjLrl^-and ador: am: >iu meeting,! lieal >ed (com ay aad uriin agii lie is a proaahly week.. La jet jewel y tliti. i|yn^ ee' I The, a bate 1 1 match j I gMues;' ! t>ly of 1* CHEAPEST DRY; GOp DS STORE IN OlvrTARtO Are now Enormous Sales at Prices never before heard ot dMe^srs, J.D. "^illiaaisdn &tJo. polling that. Immensi SEE T,HE PRICES! DRESS GOODS. /Kqwest pj.tterns in Checks'and Stripes, lovely shades, m plain colon Beauiifil Silk Mixtures at 10<L-I2fa I5c, 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c per yard, l^RTH ;D(pU(BLE.",iHE MONEYS piecei to choose .from. Thousands of A whole 0Department in devoted to ti Qualities i- Tntji ISIS itsgivmgsatisfaction.' Any'caurtesy- extendi-d to'hfynwiltbo tveipracated by me. Y[ours irtyly, g. h^pkmoLE, Watchmaker, Guelph. April fttw, isre. SEND ZSo.'lo G. P.-ROWB'L.Li <t CO., Neir York, for.Pamphlet of 100 pages containing lists of 3000newspapers,and * estlmat is shovrnis cost of advertising, We treat Oiir piices Our sales {, I Montreal_Bankrupt Stock recently per- -chased at {[0 cents; on the dollar^; All areCrOod, Sound and Hoijiest Goods. "We. guarantee Satisfacticiiip f il *&( S* ( perance 1 neek. a moT L A: CX -.,* LiUiSTBBS mrivalled thnt cannot "be approached elsewhere. -- Silks in ej-ery possible pattern i nd shades-perfect marvels of cheapnM*. Grenadinesi, beautiful colored aid .plain stripes at 10c/ worth 23c. frossamer and Striped Dress Lawns at 12i cents^ cannot he bongM elsewliere unaeri25 centsii . t Costume 3 jhien, hnndreds of'pii ees at 12^c, worth 25c.l Brilliants. 10c; CobdurgsV T8b ; Japanese Silk, 18c; Linon Embroidery* Swiss).Embroidery, Check Muslins,12Jc; i>se:and eyeryiother line of Staple'and Fancy Dry Gooda labp: Defies Con^trtioiit Para'scjls,' 37. jd.',"- y | WORTH THREE TIM1S THE'AMOUNT. , / vitn silent contempt til insinuations of disappointed rivMtj '.:. ^ OUR pOOI >SfA.RE PERFECT. : 25, per cent below 31 ything to be met wHh elsewhere, ihree'times as great.-aii any other house in town. Low Prices and Perfect Gotdsl gmall:Profits and Large Sat coil a"/Come' and Se --Ts.1-"*"

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