Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1876, page 4

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ovHiiMRMLMin f'-r-~ "i n i-i _ii jji i iiiiiTnTrrninwniii'iiii 'mni'iinnim I'nunmiii'n ni.nn ii'."jnwn n : ! ^CTONFMe PRESS :'-:. ' H sjkji ' TTBrt**. fwip-iJoiiHr a 8h pjl| fl.tVaileiS El'.,lVtvV.lli.:fi.lXMt]r>'P'HK'iill,.i.S |ffl< jiwitr.iiia' tii'irwUH'i- clmryed : or jiri odllui> li'ttol (rt >l iiii the cji.t of the iB year* iNit|vi|<>r wiil <? spiutouoy. iji> mm. more m.m on<> year i.oisud. ILX.TKM nr-'.\tnrtcitTt9t.stt. Kip)* wixtt*. ii-HTi- ^r ""' ^"T "i-jfe jwriuie uw >.HWi sir!isi*iroi\t Insertion. I'f.e Khnrt-ii.Ivrrllsi'iunnlo'til' oiuht lloesLaml ?:S' ;"">'< , *1 forxurs-v iirs.iTii.ns, Ililm-Ss ift- t'ard* f elglU'llnes and under, it |ier mimioa."' -: .. -K IllKToVrtJsSWPt mllnwMon ndtfrrlMp. J-;t3i .moms' 'rtw^nHt "f't^*'3ti^mKsl--t* r*>*"^ .HMVuitlsemowt* wtttiiHies)>0<iial llfc.truo- tiviiis uiseirext-HH t^rbliV'-ttml -c^mrj^iHi- Any -<>oecial'Nvii lee, th oVjpt of .v-ldi-h- *<to in>nu.w the rvenniHty ul>ne*U lot ;%uy |^r.-r^ -t'...livi.'t-nal o.c>iiii*in}, toTv! cunsiaeYed lijhfsij j auveiUsemeut. '! v Sjf-jfi" Traii-iehUHlVeiUsomonls i.e.:l>c jFddtor ^1-j- tr>ien ordrrtsl.\rlti!-tUi ;\=iHHlt's " " NoOt-es* rMiurri.iires.-liirtti^ a'nd l.1<vilhs. twe'i ted'free " " j -. - THE FREE PRESS, AGTQF, II THE- . :-i- ' I RBAtiv iki^iPdS? OFFICE MB STORE, iro tho moil! p.trliciilitr. in Uici.r of fori* to UVtl' fer-Jwr--.v,-!ll P::^-li I *.- -4-*^: **? 6 their purchases. Price. at the\ oistt ~: 1; .Ittidished by riyoiest. KSSAT ;0* t*Tt!MIU%M'K. t.v \n;s. Tilths. \-s\hth. ov '.\rrvei. fsfet ("J i 'What a frr^Htfiilwv'rU to s.ny. ; s|;Kfr':*" -j *"';Huui.-in4^'rtns-c;tst n'iv, iij! King Al\">!fc>rs >U'Aih l>ate. Vt'S", t hcilcAt" v p!**Sl \ri."J . J". -Tfil .tln-<-.R>mf ii|M>n the 6rinlv*:~. ." IVhiav-.tticy II "mk_ti> risono.inoi>". W"hat- jxioi to fathei-j iiK'tlu'r. To sifctfr *r'i IhwUip*. " --v .. tffi? I " To a liuslwUiLi-ru wiUv,-^ ..!' , -^. MS*T 'All-that"* dear urns in -life . .s Si - - ' 1? Ti>l>ehoM fromUav toSny-.; M "tSh. t>""i>JV5 iuiam', i-ast h^tay," $3!' ' Auil the a\vt'u! \vonls t.i aoWT- & $ lie a victun. iiniml foriliidl." . Oh. SonSjPt^Temp"rAIJ>.p>r.-V'Vi:uTu iwl^ini-.t .l*r>n!n;r iir, An^l,'vfc^ith-iilv'W iuji hearts of t:.riHell* GthI' iii*:tic<.' out tbo'iiiitx*. . , -. -Aivt sifters iltr. jilcaso JiiSu Ujclhmiij; T.> ryli tU' "t^iiij^i^wi^? Util j'lj.m^.- Ami by "your hvipiiii: one .uiothcr Yajuay sAve^i poor U>j.t t'Txilhtr. Gixl-grtmi the temi>ereiee stAr tlivine a}4 * Ove^-Outario long may shine, *=j Atulrise in brightness higher and highet MlKr A-'util itTJUtnihes the iiiiBiiriin.'. 'iSro; Losses, iVrtv' 31 Kilo ! hiul vou >>:Vii iiltvivJ/M soil lovrerJli?iii tour iioi:'.lilK>rs, :-wlii niirht. Iil.iko lip ilicii- loii.M;s jiv fti'rtCiov |>Fuvs to, thusi . WllO l>iy *>Jli tliua ~- MOS"3f:l t^NJUaTL^ jjiv_ikellviy-;" \yho ^lT[jj'-'1-li!iv"0 stihnoy 'j]ay itio" iiills oi thus;' who never \-.:.-.. liavo J>i>y4", ;;' iloos l)U.-.;nes^<in Uii Casli rri'iioijiJo. luiviup money down. " ll'tj possesses '.nlv:mt:!ges in'.-Ins lino: excpllei^tiy none. " t"loso'C:tsh Btjyd'rs'jn |tp JiTs Bpj<W5i,i>i'*-4<M^--il.ioir ho ii sattfjednith J?ni;if! 1'rolits. i .?-. i -: . - - V.: ' , On liogliinU-.g IhtS bnsinOHs of 1S70, 1 wouM.'return sinoonf tlmnli's to 1MV'numerous customers for tlio voi.v .lilidriil .sitpiiort they lmve given >ne ^.luriirt; the p:isl::L"J ye:irs, unit n;!;iin 1 11 ost ,rosj >e'tiiilly n oOlitinuiinc'e o.lj]tliiji"iosjientive stippoiu Durtng my '"exiieiienco 'ill bUH^iess 1 Imve piytlyflhorOiigflv fouml out' tlio ," ;* :. !, -TJps, and- Downs itv:Trf&d&,* ' Anil utii fully ooiivincckl tli;i( a. '_ Credit, business is a 3>angoroiis Business to[ ;[< !'."." (: 1 nm thoriiloio ili}!eiuiineil to.dp A BEiVDY> PAY- .BIT8INE.S8 . Ami give my oustoinors the lieneUt i>y giving them Eight per cent off for Cash oil'all- (general -.' DAY'3 G3a!CST0nE ' GUilPM. |ri|. Oh, m5 tlo\l prosjwr *>iir ' tctfinV.uiee j lii? ..jUajnW-1; - ..-'." :.^ V IS-- To ilri>e intemivranee fruni the lan.l. |3| Ami the banner wavi frT>ui shore to .s| >i>- ' A CTOX-" v :YiU Taiip>a>iice Itv^s lo:'lie uo inorv. - -^-i- I: ttiaiperaiiew J -^ t BeSfecttons. ^ ' Anjr'mlin~ wlio will ilo the best lie cstu will be surj>risl nt the le- "j: Bill?- - - ' '. - ,f Itis-aLgreat relief-to <les<smil to f. . .triti^si unco in a "while. -,1 wouUl ^ >like"Uo better ftih tlniB to'i;.:t viglit Sj: '-tlown to flie earth., [ilay a 8i! : giime of marbles^witliany boy"_\vho" | .' tiidttt swear and. coirlil. jihiy a l.cx1 3 l gaunv . '._ r , | One sir-eat reason. ^hy so few-of i: lur iire ever huiii>V is l>.-aiise w-e are tBore.aaxiiiiisto n:-<*k-oihers. t envious tliarrto niakc tbenV h:ijipy. Happiness ami misery, af'-t-r.all. aye verv nearly dlviileil auiohijiuau- j^kino. -" " ] l.f There are jame ppojle so con- i'*<edited ",liat nothing is <loe riirht hi , unless in their way. - Tii.eso folks k! "will try to Jnake a puifectly-cjii tented nrart-t>eHeve lieJain't liapiiyj i%\ Eve.if tlieir wasn't any virtue iv! there Is piiiej,".enough in it to nia^e~-it-wccejita^>Ie;to all. f" When :t-tnan get? so old that he ' FAX'TtHlV."" . JAHES KVftEK. ^rpprirtor, n Carriascs* ' " ' Slcif&s (excepting Sugai'). -By doing business.ns above, 1 will have the cash to irrd elk'cljii. SAYING OF AT LEAST 0 PEH pENll A '. -' - : -.hini .', '[ "V '. MY. CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BE^^2T , . And'ility gt . .-. . 14 per cent ibr tkelr.; Money. rieaso consider the m:ittei\ over,"nnd ^ive mo to.carry out T ^ tlio only right .wiiy of doing business, thai is . :r,:el! j^jd ^r :ei^.-sri ,My stock will always be found complete in CS?ope'r^s;--Provisions,;.CrEbclsBrjjr, '"." ' t G-lasswkre,'Statioaory, ^7all PapptSi \ . ; Window Slinds, Windo"w Pollers, etc. Slot-iaItes.-SAl^SAE,OYStEKS, i.ilUJOlTJI ISLOATERS .. Ac #W-;Q#0PS OPEN1NO VP U'f TUB FASHipMABLE WEST END- NKYV STRirKf) AND CIIJ2CK13I)' SILKS,, NK\y DK.KS.S OOyDS, ...' ' M-:\V;LUrtTUEH (.black nnd colored),. NE\y- COSTUME LINENS [plain and cbcckcd], NEVV' SWISS KMlinolDEKIESr -) f | - ; Nli\y KID (3U)VEs IN "lilO.HT EVENINfi ANP SI'IJLNG SEjAiTES, NEW ClULUIiEN'.S KID GLOVES, ! - NEW 1-AKA.SOI.S, . ' --_. ,' . , " NE\V'.SUNSHADES, &c, &c ... r Sfoi'k Very Complete i|i Every I>epartmeiit. A. a. BUCHAM. . Fnshli.n.itiU' West Knl Dress, .Millinery aw! Manili! KHtiiMlKllttichi (illcl]lll, April U, ISTii. . , .: .-.. : era" C^O 3'. &* ftr-^ at -asps :'?'^ /^7s A?^ ,i rilODUCE, TAi\"EN AS CASIil. Cuttsrs, &c Kb;l :n.sii>e!tainlJiiaiIi} lo Order-ou llic ; " ^tr:cl atfiHion paUl It> \ ~ adrss-shosiaj & C-cacralJolj'bia.g : ". ' '.:-- ' ' an 1 "satisf*c-tiorrsnarnilu-piL | A-:n^r .I u!y 1 .r, LfTo. DR. ROBERTS' iCeleljrated Qiatiaeiat - -, - cit.i.'Kn thk " POOR MAN'S FRJENt>,.: , . . isciiiirt.ieiitivroronimendeiUto i!n'-4'-)>- ^as lost itll relish for anv particular (j lie.-is airut-iutiiiitc remtity lor w.iimls " ' "iBVeiy aes<-r(ptlon; a corlnln <!ure f.u LTicer.-it;.'il: s^'re tees,^ ev-u of twpuiv' veur-' tiiling;: Cuts,-TBuni,'-S*-alits. iniTs, m..l PhVipl^s oa Jho >'ce; .Hor aint In- -ilam il Ki-;*,: Sogi Keails Sort! jltrr asts. I I'll .-, i'isinla. aiKt Cane rous llniiioms, an l"is a sp'rvUiiMi- afllietinjr K.rni- j tions tint s.-ni -tiine<fo!lou.'lkiaallniiv The two leading articles in mar-j 's'"l'i' *- 5ct jrfat now are "pitv and advice, j 3r.S005lt5'PilUlffl AstiSSrOT?2lUla)' iurt I.ish is wortli more thaii either >r Ai/.-Kit-NATrvK imi.i.s, . oufiriiic<l| ;o any live man. " ' - ( tfi'i n-si ni><.'ii'in<.sever conn onial.-u rur [r- l>lloii, iill.l assl-lil'J Nature, li|i^ ; .Mjen olU-ner get caught in trap3 rn Bero:--TirjiinF. *jen< ailn&.n'/uvBrlrii Iiii -T,c . "llOl- i.-5fj: :m.v sec -. tuemserves_uian m any , d ,,.lr.Sw .civ iin.s=- oi ihe t-^: ' Olliar-wav. T' i' "S ; -i X.eU,A.--.-T;:ey f.rrina ini>iaiuls!ii>,-rii>i- 14 ! J- J ,.<-', " ' Ka::ii!v'.\j.>a-ieilt, wj-icll lil!i-lit-UikcSi nt!i - .. J\ hen a m^rvis losttd all shame j n :iuic-.-..r*"itiioi:t coniiiiPini-Tiiioncii.-iritre-. -.-^-. raeln. ." ~ g-iments left. ' J - - V "i liY TitK rttorKH-.TuKM, -; . An iinitaKon .fc. -ofc to Kti a ! BEACH A^B BABKICOTT ' 20o<l dail better than theor^'irud-to ; A1: J"E"-.^i"......; .. ' . L:- i.DPr.Xs.lB'S> CSIWrliBT, K\UM>, ~ j :m3 iiy all resnecuible Medicine Vendors' :,,. 1 Beware .oi" Cpunterfejts.! .1 believe :n the DISCOUNT ijVSTEM. and ii< it ha* provedlvery s-'Uis factofj-. 1 will continue to'give" tlio discount .ns follow-s: oiij ^'5 cts, :: cents discount; on oO cts, 4 cents: on 75 cts, 6 cents ; on $1,-8 cents: <'Uycyaneer,:Issuer of.Marrla.Jre Liee'iases.. Ci:ssirat:ee Asen AueiU- .llfi.uey to ,. tierli '"" FoarJh-lUv. C'oiirl. t;-oiti..i:i <J. IS., iT>e.:' ; Ae'Giii, January ls,-]STi5. -jA'Mes Matthews. MONTREAL BOUSE, 0^trai;Boot a^id Shoe, StoaC .i ^,' :-K-..Vj.::- OJAjNE ^SOiN '. - Havb Jiist received 'their * 'rti "XI; -^ j: ;/tj SPRING STOCK OF; BQOTS&; which is ahead of anything evercd offered in Airtonfor ptylcj and daraljility (and at prices tjjat cannot be-i-Uhderaold. n'.-:,:" :," ^ , ;; ; rk:" M Will receive care.ful personal attention,' and all work guahmtefedl i<y'^rft"\--':'-- { < "^ ' -^- ""--'-' Don't forget tlie place, . ~ _,.-" . T r~" i.."sl; .',. ;'|- .Mil! S<reetVrOl>posife Morrpw^s iDr2 Stor<s U - 4r Vriome1 B! Aeton, April 4, I876. ,.'GHAl]5fE.-&:-SQS'i "- --!: :.-*.' --'|-.-.-!>41m'wd ;i andaare^ * College. CJ Toesasy* a P.P- Re . ACTO?r. ;=^ -]f;TAMES . *f= - yoBtaiafterl I.i $ - - j rapa^Ca. -!' ,}a.CpmilB-tt. ^' M'-'TV Kl -' |j> i. .t,ira" Assnrjf ;,' i|: -'/-AisT-pfepare. ti . 3|r i nd on. re ijOA-n. on Glasgow Htj D.JI| . -at-i. *cP- Offlce- >< T^" t#. AOTOlsF. _v ^SBS? ^t 1 ylwasure, the.iL he ?jjrow-s eloijueiit advising others tD beware of it. VH would like to be sliowa.some- t^rtng ffiat nobody ;couid be fom>d readv to find fault with. NOTHING Wlicn_il<>it-lntrr ih.i- Tin In I-itj </ C. T. HIL.LL, SI:!! Street, ATTpV, I'EALKIt IN eSfii it. -,_'.- - . |! TIferte .are hut few "menwlio are jiaorl cdnipjin-y for others, and less who are ^obd com(ia\iy for them- - Kelyes. ;' -, Hope is a Piracy-jaue, and lias _t:lienud_jiore folk* tlan .lo-lus .,ver--belp3r^nt-^e'ia- willirtg / to cast hec&S- - -.- . I.nerer jfnew an indolent Tnatf vet biit thait^iad more -wai-k oil - : tnd than threer smart men' could iip. " i - - - -f- .-'.'.. ; ' i ' :> Idle eariosity-is a woi's'e ^liseasb t*ian.the itch. - Korthrt prot<--clioil 01 Lbt- public ofBrit- iaita*^n*-tli Amaiica.J dej.iii it4by ouly (o -i-r^t"tnai my i'liius aMj DiST'i:r..vr are neiLiier niaiiu'acltired nor soid'ia uny iiartoijtiitr L'sirEiiSM'T*-".- ! Jitieli Pot -lb>x. b-;.rsthe f'IJi;liis)i 'JbVeinmrnt- Ki'iimp, Willi Hie Words ** Ki>l,1.0JVAV"M- 1'lI.l.S A.-.Jl-"-OlKTiSK.-JT, Ijontijn," l-nsravvd thereon. . (Jiii-iue Igtjel is V.ieaidress, 53.'; UXhor.o BTi:ni;T; Lonjio.v . - ;.','" fcrtjif* nnij^fi lia* ;beooTn? .r<eo.s=nfy. li^ consei|U-iu'e o! vilf; j-n I spurious iniira- Uon,soi "Ifolloway's l*illu!iiii->inim>-ui." bciiirf fahricat '^^^toi. ed atTs jl.ild- enX/ane, >ew firm Bfy> Yorlr, us par ties styliieijjl^l. jB'iemsel'vcs "llollowrty AMI an as"..iliac J S p aule . xuailt. vet grea-t enpuah to make evenxhe I ' ---,-.. -- ^*2S3P; ..-..-.; .' ornnllesticiime or vice respeota,ble.- tr^t,"ItTvwv iw pXlfind (r.^-rvo. ' T you-iv=^eI l<n* tue .sarao tor my. ifeujijiie ;l-aorft 8uppose_ taere is one, jioiio\>s ciis and niiitiie,,t, widen ~Ti.IRihgle thing-.' iti .this whole W9rld j are; jnUitliractureil only, at 5a, Oxiord "; .'iniuls^iar-vain, hat there. araf bojus j ' i'Jrsor'iK 4ho may he ko deceived will ^ ^^,come:;dread$l close.-tpj ^^^S^n^VhViiriush 5-". Provinces, wlKi.oblaln ray. me.llplnes nil re<:t tam lierp. have veiy properly HUt'- irested tiiat.I should, lor the bnellt pi ttieinsKlvc-s mut UiK-publle;'liKt;rt tbeir nain s in 'Mm"- pilpftTfe. that it Imai-LbO known ilia* juy-raisllcines can be nad v v'-inn^fr^ni nietn.\ ,: . j T'ie T>1 lowing in u Ihit ofthe flrrrmnlludr ed to: and- I'particularly-recommend tlicwe-who desire to get my. jxn-dlclncs to apply to Bomp <fl tue-Hounep named: kvA.S:s, MKaoER*Co., Montrxal. \ , AvbiiV, :ir.ow < A Co.. Halifax, pi H 'KratdT!TiHit-Co.;lIdl)tax;-N.!8 :; r- -. 1 T^:l(. AirtrttBd:stoi.sHt.JomJl)r.B.-v i atotiib'aiiir.s'Ham.Cij., Ohailoitctown La.volev*.x Co; Victoria. BO >Hh>uk dc Co..\ IciotIm, Ii. C J: Drr John HAi.tKN, Ctiathain, NiB MIjukoaO?., Montreal ! *- i - J . WrsrBB <t i:a .-, H. .1. Ho-iB, JWouto. A. CHiPir*."? ftarrir, "t John. Wi B. Joifn liosn, yotlurlph; Ont - .! I .7 K1.140T <fc C'j., Toronto ' -; -! r i . J. Chai. -nek. rtu John, N. P. llAMlKiix i.v BKoTif-Eits, Mt. John.N.-B H.>4.PBinny, Windsor, Unt .^ QKOivir,*'. M-i'ST,JinJ., Crederlcton, N.B JR.- tt. TitoJM>.-joN JfcirbortJraco, .!'. 1j R. FISHER Begs 17) announce that having pur chased iih .entirely .new stock ol tools of the' most 4mp'rbv^f.jE'liiirwc; ter, lie is now in a pbsitioli to, tuin out all'kinds of " " - Tm AND SHEET-IBOSf ' ' , in the VERY BE&T STYLE: lJeiiig in a position lo Buy: all- his Stcck FOR OA.SS:, , '... -. .... - f . -. - - ' : i Thereby-gainirfg the ndvnntnge of the trade discounts, be is determin ed to sell goods jpf first-class make and oiaterialat -:-. ! : j -..I "" ' : Decidedly loyar Prices .Than can be obtained rfrorri any other house in the Province. This is hot blowing, but genuine facts. If you doubt it, give him a triaK -,-"' ' i . iVrc believe the correct ;priuci|le.'of advertising and doing business generally to be, to show cus- and conviii- G. toincrs and otliers, clearly^ j)osilive!y cingl.y, that, it is to their, interests to trade willi the;partv a-d-vcrt'isi'iig. This, of course is not jios- sihle to everv merchant,'. For. to d< so he lnust l->e able to show !c!jearly-that, he can gryc them 'bc-i:cr value for tlreir money thaii they caniget elsewhere. To aceosinpiish iiii;-:, he must uo't-':oi).i;' b'.iy avc'I but! I ' .{ he must mark ali Goods down to Botroni Prices,! so that, .ciistoiners will see! at a glsincc, that it is.1 to (heir inleresis to trade \vifh h*m. J-.R.ECElVED*TIIIt5 \VEEX AT. Cv '. ' . ;- I 8GOTTS STORE, The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Stock of -'-..-'. j. jpkiWts,7 db;es-S": ^p0"d^ Ccttoaaiec^ .' -' . ": t lain and Chocked DaciiSj -.',.i ' .' .' Goats' 'W'Jiito Drors Siirts, ' " "' Knitting and CTropEct Cottsa, ... . '!. .../. .^v -':...<-. i-.'V Thesft 'Joods .were'liought with grett care in the' best markets for Cashy ami owing to the stringency in J.he money market.- ' *-?"'.". ~:~:. '.... AT . A^ ;'uXt7SiIIAL!.Y T<()W -^FIGIJ|l^ ';. They will he soM it from 0 to 10 per cent less thari-Cjriielph prices. " .'Call'.and inspect (jooils'nnd Prices before going.eliesliere: '. _:~ . Don't forget the place iHdjjely s Unl Mtmid, bj'positcf Aynew^s Hotel. ' ! .M-iiin Street, Act-n. . .. .-'. "~ - i' : \:'- 'iCl-' -X-; Acfon; March'14. 1ST." G: M. SQOTT. EAVETROUCHJNC A SPEWALTYJ Ilavihg just prQCdr'ed. the most.ira- pepved appliances for dbinjg the work, be feels satisfied that he cannot be outdone in this branch. * How many .people do you sup- -nr>3e there jue in fchis world daffi to have their hearts laid opea.-;to publie"vieW< . --M\: ~"" p.ld people- are just as, foolish an yobng ones; the only difference is th3 kiad o/<"ll/. " : ;i ~7' , tlfe t8:'a^ bbndager'ai\yhowf ami - tTSJae.whoHttck toithe^retid wlieet, the cldrja't are th<j happiest. '<r { '""r. 'It |b"so^y and'natrH'ai for peo- .. give good advice that I have :v I'atVayls wonderfed why they ^never \^ba\d\foUaw"Wtmy tetter them %t!yai-..^_f-. ij,' . ' - /j;T' Eloffo^iice ia the art of ejcpress- ':'[ ;ihij tbe tyet ideas in the choidfest * itod Jewest words. " .......-_.......____________ . ' r. - --Ortrity W na evidence lit wisdom -W. *1>. yiui.f, Montreal ,->:- '- to me. fcafeif a' maa is a'lool tSe V"*8-1- OAviE3,>-redertcfon NB ; *- .Tlio medicines nro soldiat tho lowest . Ueft tbUJg fie Can do be grave wli'ilosale net prtoes, in quiiritltlcs of noi i-; ^hdfepitillonebBst.yect.'.;. l&^^Z^lfr%*%?gt$'% ':';'.; Th^^^w^er-thanrthe-]^^^^^^ UPTSUPR ;;k<*dr But X jlont. believe it niakes I ' -, ;., ' Tii/nrAs holloway. '" H - j-_ .k. .! i.s>ue.k - Acton.J-eb/S^SS-i The'shop wjll shortly Wconsidir^ ably enlarged, and J. intend to keep always on hand a large stook of ST dVES GeaoralG-roceries,' .. - -. i Boots.aad Slides l':mil Paper, i Window?'Kind's, Crockery-, G;lass,sraro, - , Nails,- : Glass, Putty, Linseed Cil, na^&i'Bdiipd Paints, : Turpentine,'j Macnine Oil, ;^ Coal Oil, ' * . . : ','SaItj etc. iY"-.-"^';; MIpA'/--.- ^"iMW^"-i*Hil!(t|V; FroixL McBean So Go's: ; Tn the two invoices below we tliiiik we clearly! show: the advantage gained by those who Idea! Thciy *i.u not i.i-e.ik fmm iiiy>.i** pWiii .;-.. '.'."...... i: - - ' '.last a score of blass Oni with us, over those wlio' don't. St" fie a gool light nnd vrilKbut" nitaie s. ... ' '" Of all kinds, which will be sold, nt Very, lowpiices.. ! - Goal Oil for Sale. A customer bought of Record f*tos 5 lbs. MeteorjTen, 50c. per lb.........:.. Jf lbs. Hright Sugar .'.,. L.....:.. .1... 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar ..;..,..'.,.. . 1 lb. Bpst llyaon;i>a?':____'.'.'.-....-.'..,-'; 1 fet Knives and Forks........... L... .1 set China, 41 pieces:.................. 1 gallon Coal-Oil . .............., ...... 82-50 1 00 1 UO S'i- : 1 f-D- - 4 00 "-: 30 ;Sll 15 Another party .who didn't buy at Slecorct .Bros^, had to pay the ibllo.^Viitg^'piTces-ior-the 15'lb's. Meteor Tea. 75 per lb. . 1J IbB Best Sugar..;'......:.. !iaib9. Medium Bright Su^ar lib. Hest Hyson Tea____... 1 set Knives nrid Korks ...',. i 1 set China, 44 pieces___.... 1 gallon Coal Oil . .'..'....... Bioughl!dowri..'.-___' $niuc goods: $3 75 1 JU 1 <J 1 00 1 75 ; 6oo j. ' 35 $15 04 H 15 BRASS WIRE BIRD i ClAGiES \.'t pirietb of ;'."' w !.. . "-i - ' j ' .. " And.a eood: ,G S3! 3B3, J. ^': ^ O iA_ G- EI Si :...-.; AM ERIC aK GOO D Sf; Floor Hats in ^coar \; . --> ^ ; . - j ArC'i' \JOX< ?3 89 ess than Secord Bros.' customer thus saved no $\8.S9 oa a purchase of aboutj eleven dollars! The nian wlio didn't, bu.y from tjieni now thinks it would have been to his interests if he had gone to Secord Bros s.- That nian; is now a Ijving, standing, yvaiU? iiig advertisement for us. TaetSj witnessed to by hund March 20, IS70. fi^*i V" Floor :Mats in jWcot 4; McBEAisr : qo.;s;." ?v', -'-> '.:' A LM A BLOCK,. .G.UELPH. alid1 These are every day red of of customers, eoinmend themselves to the attention of every Tlio subscriber bogs torcturn lils thanlii to the lnliaiiltuntHOl Acton nndsurrotind lug country'for the liberal heretofore extended to ;hlm, and at th< sanvo time jsollcltthelr/furtli er snppor N.B. 4-Casli Pnid'for aides ijellverod. 33-3m Acton, Iri'ji'JKt isto. T. HILL. frugal -hoiusekeepbi t- 0 rders ef five do 11 ar s and Greorgetown,. Nohal, LimeHouse, vvood,!&c., free of cliarge: SECOED BROS STREETS ACWPH-, Cencral itlaeluinitb, Cairrlaseptad 3>^cn-ii>^^;.^J Hest Hoijse^Siioers J-Iii t^ieJ Cou^ty^ . j rerfectsatiBfaction guaranteed or no jirice charged. ;;:-C.!'h s ~ ' Cnsurcers, K fig atreorl Milton Offic Oieiit nl U.-' taw will all on Friday. 69 m KXR3 '. Agenv.iTor tfl " All business I "^altlifaliy-aa solicited." J expedl :.. JnTeantid.^t. . Fsteiit ei&rl i lorprtutedSir j at^on. tep yfed V jenU an'd U;I ;f' . '^ -'|<i>aer. Mari /'! -' .'v-raBy ' Bosinesxl i-.' offiee at the| ' '. t!a-ty Hatt .:' t4aJfe*.ar fy-'- \i/- Actop, +/ Vla.<t<"Tii.e! a| , [- tie-m'SC-neal 4;i:'-Uon tiiarafctl ". "' 1' ' V-. --B/4.S..I kJ f| iiala and r?-.-.| ; ' Uaii.. .Cjiaul issii{ Close ll -^Kicelr^nt acq [; .";n'u^>ubl.lC B'1 OWIXl - K^UBra :'.- nti> Hotei il - 8yile wH-*i| ; T-rHveaersiwI) andcoram^>i tj-ntloil^iai - Hrtg pnolie, ' liiquorfcaiid- i --" attentive^ Ho i'Vot ttu-Counl -V'ton: oriiersl , . j.UIHee, Acto: I J Hocktro-jd, w| ." Iwob reitsou ,'- -n< v tiicens Fr'j - ' Sale.a.ttenii , ' Coocdjr, at re J --..: iddressL | iV^.f -i^"' 3 ix9!';' upwards delivei'ed at The largest Rotail. Importers-of Tea west of Toronto. Guclpli,! Eock- ., Acton, -..;; j ".j "Always on -kahdl- ^-i A Good i$took.jof;, 'Carriages \ andj ^Tafdns^ =! RfcPAIRliVG promptly and properly ^tcMcifl t#? r >;^ . -Acton, July. litlSYS.' >. FL^'r^ill -'." '-^^'SfrK'S^ .*-> Op*risite| Sour MO! 0 wufi^ I, f WI Desci :i'^Ti BOdlil I.. AJN &::; JOB: frfei NTIN H.i . ' I" - rl ; V"- promptly;- EXECUTED iTi B FREE FjRE&S ^QrtiY^.St One? huna ir*^W|3i:U, iPfEfcooejing,

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