Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1876, page 3

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PU^Tnw'SifiaKiJ"rw^ i.' V.' ^^*f*~-:iJr->-i.- '"* : J^ RJEt >TOTS ;oi\ps. e* Ware. Is,paid to- ^ ll-Jobbing. in Ddtice.': '.- - a/.-tis m "f'dovir.-wdst- !rKS- - - ' ,,ACr02T... 'V. V. .Jorowo*. It"- ! I -I 10CAI MATTERS,r - gentlo Ahni*.' '-.\^~ . 1 . " Moonlight walks tudf star- > jpoing **t>ow_in~<>fdcr. jKver so many . beobloa.diukff it ish nice. ' _ . _^Kbw\q\rot np.your spades *nd 1 3iho*i,-anAl ooimmrnee gardening opera- tkiaa. ' ' :'j _. ' a hut- 4f*gaidy "opera, on the. streets, the otlwrday. -Remember tho Acton Fair jaext Thursday. Fanner*, bring out all .roar u*plus stock. ! Mr./Ransom Adams' beautiful ' blackVstaluonj carried off a first pruns at ;i the county show in Miltou, last week. from'Milton that Mr. p.. Barclay was clotted Reeve, of that town, o& .Monday, by a majority of .15 orcr Dr. Freeman. ^-An./&uelion sala of horsei, wagons, etc.^ will tike place on the premisea of Mr. Ransom Adams" next i^^ low offer i&g ihe- " \&m. [and Slippers to f N 0., i'StS.,/: ;ario. anj other wj riUtfvl low | le'.tee TS* m-:;l? luioney. A e Greatest ,i. >F- ^ 'IV- Thursday, commencing at one o'clock, V ^ftr. YT/JT). Lyonr of JKUofi', baa, we understand, compromised! with -. hi? creditors/ for forty cents in.the dol- ,Iar, and that he-has re-opencd his store. rApril's flcldeuess wa^ then, ou^hly cxero(ilitied on Monday. Morn ing bright .and cheery ; u* gushing tears,followed by hail "and snow : ovcu- iag laogUmg 'sunsbine. " At the ftsaizj-s in ililton last the jury in: the case oi Pet tit . Mill*, returaeil aVtrvlict for $<;,a!>iC4, being the'principal and interest on the aiabunt stolen. ; i ;: i- ^Messrs. Eennody "i>ros. an- . 3>pcnce "that theyrare alSut ,giving \iy 5suine*s in the lot and *b>>e li:in,aiHl that they are offering their o-n'ir*;. stock at remarkably low- -prices, in onter .to cSect an early cJearing. How alxDiit the early-closing . fyjtem that-lias loen jso successfully carr-.ed ont Juring the!^cvst ' n$nt<ir ? SevesJ of 'onr "storekeepers appear to ravre'got lack to the .old nine o'cl.;x;k plan again.!^bia tlius! l)on't ; all apeak at once. __.,;- -^-Tbe 'new T licfuse 1;iw b:is :li;id thectfect of th^nuini:^oni the numUr of taverns ttirri.jrhout tiiti .prv.>r:<>ce .to a ren^irkaMe uttnt. In th'isoincty, \tc le^rn "that the CunimUiiuivers h;i*.c .1c- the actira membcca'of too club, n.l!<or otlicr bi^iiieaa.'. A full t attomlknca of all persons lntcrcatcil ! n^aostwC Arton <nar11. The OuniiciVbrt on7ThuredRv even, nig, 20th' iiit^, Ml the member* l^ing (present The;niinnto* were read and .ippmvwl. Oit mot ion of M r. Sniit h, seconded by Mr. Christie, the Rwvo was authorised to pay |s> to Mr. Z. ^Hall for the boatfit ..of'Mr. McPhee. The finance committee reported the ac count of J. H. Hacking of W&W for prinUng-and advertising, which, ron mo- Uon, wa ordered to bo paid. Mr. Christie, chairman of tho finance committee, stated that he. haj recently examined the state of the \-UUgo finan. cos, in order to ascertain tho'amount available for this season's improvements,, aud found that by adding the cash in hands of the Treasurer, uncollected taxc^, and license fees, as assets, ,ind deducting therefrom sulficient to cover! the payment *>f miscellaneous aivounta. there would lie "only about $3<H>vyaU- able for improyemeuta." [It has'since beeit ascertained that only two tavern licenses- will bo gnvhted, conseyncntly this sum will be'reducod by aWrt $.V).] . Xo ietion was"taken 'in-respect to streets and sidewalks, but.tho commit tee were instructed-to prepare a detail ed statemaut of reraised uiipKivonscuts, for next meeting of Council. . Mr. V, S. Armstnmg, T<y -permission of the Council, stated that ho was prv- ^pare>l to sell- to "tins c.irpi'ration; at a roasonabjc price, ajstrip- of. land Scar bis house, in' orilcf to." admit of the widen, ing mid straJi*hte:iiug of the ro.vl in the vicinity [oi the railway cnissing. The street committee were instructed to" re- jK>rtTonthis matter at next meeting. Mr. <')iristie .moved, s>econded by Mr. <hat the A^cssor's rv>ll be re. THE FREE PRESS, ACTOlSf, BtAtTOWJttimiY'[pm^hAV DldkSON 8c McMKB'S SPRING I ci STOCK -'< :- w SP ft-'- AC Lar^e Lot of PRINTS of theMost Select Patterns at the Also the Celebrated DUNDAS COTTONS at j ex- ; Jce'edingly, low_ rates. | . ! " ' - : r "' S JE? IEl I 1ST O- T'-W.-E! EDS Of tho Best Pitlterus that can be had in the maiket. ' ' wcWc-jurc determined not to be undersold. > :A'U - M! ; ,_ DICKSON MolTAB. Acuin, March 2), 1876. i- . .Smitli, ceiveib t>n in. tion tli K<th M:iy, Revision. Council adjourned till then to meet as a Court of The bankrupt stock of tlio. wh.iles.-je dry .giwd's house of Kmpuy i Johnson, of Montreal," has .l.>een pur- ehasl jly Messrs. ,1. I); Williamson Jt Co., of Iiuelpti. at fifty cents on till- dob' ,lar. land: will lie opcueH out. at their stt'ru inja; few d;fc\s.;- Tbd earth 'moves^-tho :stafi* move, and it is provable the sun also' moves j-.but the-str"ngejst motive jHJwer yet diseovered f* Christie, Henderson A Co. a famous otic Tea, which moves more, people, to Actt>n, than anything heretofore discovered. ' e Elephant clothing store, ;n IjiieJph, has a trememlous stock of _. , , , , . _ -. . -r-.adv-ri!adc garments of evcrv de^i-riii- . . ^:oeii to the nu:oi>er r*v 17 ; one i- . ,, :' *- L -i.~i ---:. t-on, as well .13 a vsrv handsome-vane- - rbe:n^ cut-off .ja Acton, one lnUcor^c-. . : . .... % ' tv iii.isi-aacs t<nni, two :n.M:itoa. one at Ri natad^p " eie at Silver Creek.-two i;\ N+sjOCTwi-v ya.-and others -ia [Various tarts of. the n.uh< DRUGS, DRUGS. Brues;-OlxomicaXB.DTO SfaffB, "".". . ! - Patoat an! Propriotorr ISoOiciaea,. I- "-'- Fancy aal Tollot Soaps, Spoajrofc SruahJs. Pamta, Oils and VaralsJios, . -i Fancy and Rubber Qco&a. PXTBBJ -'W11TES AKB LIQtTOas for Moaieiaal Parposoa only.' :, All goods warranted of the bestquiUify and at ten per cent below Toronto prices.- - ' . . Don't forget tho pluco.'-" Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton. Acton, March 13, li<75. S-J. E. MORROW. THAT "WPNDERFJUL "woasr MAGNIFICENT NEW TRIMMED HATS, ! ' !NB\V iTBIMMED BONNETS, NEW FIX)WERS AND FEATltERS, < I 'V NEW CASHMERE J AC KETS FO4 iADIES, Ten Cases arriving this week, 80frjpieces N^ew !t/ress Goods at twelve Riobett Prints at slaughtering prices. BeatfWliit and Urey C >ttons a.t bottcm prices, ;ApriUS, 1875. 1876. SPRING. NEW GOODS QPElNlNG UP AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END] 'SEW Sl'KlPEDAKD CllECKKD S1I.K..S,. NEW DRESS-oilDDS, "NKVV LUSTK.ES (bl^ck and colored), ', NEW CX>sTU.ME LINEVS fplain anJ checked], NEW JSWISS EMBROIDERIES, FOR THE LEAST 27,. 187-0^ - __ I - r, I-- . ' " - .. ' .' '. ?v- ~: ~"!--------.' '. -,---------- 1-'- m=r RING GOODS. t TIL, AT^iyLQTIQjS' DISPLAY OF NEW MILLINERY-. ALO^ BLdGE, QiOWLBS. L 1 NEW CASHMERE SCARF MALTILLAS FOR/'IiAl NEW CLOTH SCARF, MANTILLAS PORJ.AI NEW PARASOLS IN IMMENSEl^A^IEI,,, , NEW DRESS GOODS IN IMMENSE VARIETY-. eomprising the newest novelties London and Paris Can produce. und a. half cents per/yard, clieap at 30 cents. 1891 pieces V Remember that wonderful man. Alma. Block, tipper Wyndham Street, Guelph. MONEY AT THE GLASGOW HOUSE The Poutttaia Head for Bargain 3 CHRISTIE, cocaty.j '. ^-The Roctaliji aid parkin age rf the Eng lish Chnrch pars-inage fund, at the residence -of Mr, Hunt, ,Ut wek, was participated in' bjrneaxly eighty _guojts, aereral *f whojnj were from; a distance. |.nd allappgarftfto ebjoy rhe-iiselves to their heart's .content. Cuacides. and other abasements of various kinds were - : heartily indulged irt, and altogether the entertainment was snch .as reflated credit <m the.'management ".of Mr. and - Hnat" The proceeds amDanted to j'i.aboat^. - Mrv Hertzng-delivered an 'm- teresting diacooxie to a -prowded house ! in: the Temperance Hill, on Monday ereniag, oB^the ' Mode of Baptism,' taking a decidedly different view olf% the subject'frotn u>at recently taXen in a diaeomrt*' by Eer. Mr. Calvert. - He poke for one hoar and a half to-ah at- tentire aodieace. quoting largely- from Biblical and profane authors and from the criginii Greek, to snataimhis-argu- .. meat that the only scriptural-mode of ; christian-baptism was by immersion.. It is'not the pro vine* of a. secular news- " P^V^- to'^'eipress an opinion as to the relative merits of the respective ideas. Suffice it to say that both were ably andi eloquently set forth, evincing" much ";' study and research, with an earnest de sire to reach and expound the truth. * :1Ve believe it ia3fr. Cajvert'j intention - to preach in the -Presbyterian" church next Sunday' evening, on "Infant Baptism." emeus furnishing goods. :rford is' n tirst-rate fellow tli deal fwith, and he can tit almost auyl>ody le-ornplcto, from', hat to socks, .at "a ino- Tiient's notice. (Jive him a call h JHam and Ecus. A- choice-lot. ," l'-a-.o.-i and Hams '.-it the'("ash Sys tem <-lo-'ap. -Cash paid- for any quati- freh egijiV Chrisiie, ilcudtr- tit.y oi son & C AViiiiteV:n-ny quantity of good maple molasses ami Bugar,_also, eggs, butter.; dried apples, dried pirk, etc. Seeord Hro3- . - For the:best Tea Cakes go to Oallowav Brost, Acton Bakery. - -.,- - ' . - mbnpy wasted: Yon could jhaveibot the same f et of china from Seeord Bros, for $4, and you have, paid $K for that set You have jost fwasted two dollars by not buying at Sicord Bros." ,. For%Jl klnrls of biscuits, poI, fresh and cheap, go to Galloway.Broa. Acton Bakery. '= - , . .-Toe Ijokil-*-Another caKQ of the celebrated Tiger Brand Black Lus tres just, received ,at Christie, Heuder- sph ft CA.'e, Acton, wh5ch iwill. be sold. afr.their popular low cash prices. This vabie ii NEW KID G.I.0VE& IN rsEW B' KID NENV^ARASOLS, NEW SUN.SUADE4S, J^c-j *c- LI GUT. EVENING AND SPRING SHADESi GLU'V'ES, i HENDERSO -- i Lnstres market. opt ]fy decidedly the Iwst ever otfered in Black a Canailian NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. .4 qxunisit. ^ ' We nnderstand the -Baptist pulpit Ueipected to,be,filled for the. summer months by a-Mr. Everton. a, student from Woodstocli.' "Services were ield for the first "fime Iast-S^bath. \ ',"' "' Weleara thSt-Aler. Weir,: who .at- tempted-to- cut his throat ncir Acton, a-, few.weeks ago, managed"to hang, him self ia Milton jail last Friday. He fas- ;-tfebjBd ihe^nd of the belfiUhich he wore ; around ibis body, in aoriie way to the r hinge -of bis cell door.jjnd the other eml arpuad hisi neck, and tnns rfwung. him- ^ff pff. . He was founittin ^he morning %iite;deid. This third'attempt at sui- -lciie proved effectual. ! JURIED MEATI DRIEDJVIEAT- Gharles G^,trieron Having postponed removal fn order to clear out"~his stock - of Pork', offers at a reduced rati) <-,'* < Superior Smoked and- TTnsmo&o.d ;Hain s j Caqi'berland Cat & Bacon, Cured by hiraeelf, and which will be found unsurpassed in quality. Try it iand be eo'nvinced. - ... In futureTmeat will be: foiind 'hl^tbe !shop, partly- occupied by 6. M. Scott, Maui, street; Acton.' . ' s. ' ' - I : ' '-> CHAS. CAMERON. !' , April 26, 1976. ._ ' 44-Dm j A Stock Very Complete in Every Department. a. b. BUCHAIWI. .lilLshment. !i1onnl)le West End Dress, Millinery and Maptlo Kstal Guelph, April IS, 187ti " ' FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. MAMMOTH HOUSE Ta THE FRONT, AS USUAL. \:-\ With- all the newest styles in t .. !-.-. , NEW ! SPRING GOODS. & Beiup satisfied; that Larpe. Sales, Small Profits, and :Quiek Ketiirns, will not only 'pay bet :er than haying the ppojds remain on the shelves, enabl^e.them 16 coiistantly^show a greater Have Marked ^11 their Goods Down I Very Lowest Figure; and liave now:, in stock and arrivSiig' dailj magni ficent lines of [ Dry Goods. Fanoy Goods, Prints, Notioas, Iffilliaery, Hats and Cajjs, : Spots and Shoes, Blaok Dre33 Goods, Shirtings, Dncks,: Denims,. 1 Grey and White Cottons, : ; Go^toaades/Tioktog^,; e^., oto^ AT THE GHOST OF FORMER PRI Tn consequence of tbedepressiori of trade and the eagerness or manu facturers to secure money for their fioods, we have laid donn here the largest and cheapest stock of. ! IDE, rIB?er imported into this country G-ODI3 STOCK OF KEWSRir, 7 ,-At^a meeting of Basc-'Ballers, last Wednesday evening; the '-club uVis organized aad the following officers elected for' this season': p." :L<)2ier( President ^Jos.; P. Allan, Vice^Prcsj- , Fred. H. , Storey^ Se#etary ; D. McMahon, Treasurer ;: Dimeters-; Jamos Nicklirj, J- P. Alianj It^lc Francis, T. Kennedy, A'JJicklmi Jt was resolved tliat the club' should be named "The Pastime Club of Aeion," as formerly. AjresoLt- tion was passed -atrietlyprohibiting The practioe of swearing and the use of -any profane, or immoral language on; "the practice.ground. V-' .-- '- " We are requested to announce that another meeting; will be' held "jh the Temperance Hall next Wednesday even- DB .for the jrarpCTe of tfully organizing The partv who-'took-a .Bn-Balo Kobe" from a sleigh in the Hlied connected with the Koyal Exchange Jf<Hel; on the 24th of March, is. hereby warned thn^ a re- war^dof 5 is offered for its recovery, and as ho is pretty well known, it would be better for him to return the Kobe .to the owner without delay/ The owner's name is printed on the| Kobe in four places, so there is iio exe-usc for keeping at.': If it h. not, returned at fohce- thx^ arfove reward will %e given to - the1 ,pcr-.. son who knows where it is, and wilf in form.' Save arrest la: returning it.. , ' .J ^ THOS.-CAMPBELL. . Acton, April 11, lSTfi. HARROWS AHD CULTIVATORS. J ^PUE^iTq NOTICE, ; "I hereby giVo notice; to all'partie* sell ing CoIlardS'i'ateAt Irwi Jfarrow* and Cultivators withoiit. ray permission that' they hol<l.fiaraeIves liable to be prose cuted, as* I havcthe sole right for the tcjpvnsbips of Esquesing, Naasag.-vwe}^, _ "and north half of Trafalgar. tAny perj son wishing to purchase' the above im" plements can be supplied by: applying at my warerooms and - feed ' store, in Georgetown, or from my authorized agents. - J- C. DEVEREAUX. Georgetown, April II, 1870. 42-3t*: IN: DRESS GOODS, we have all the latest -'-novel- lies in Check; Plain und Fancy Colored taBtres, ^ilk -Poplins and Silk Itepps, Black and Fancy Silks, Black and Grey Grenadines, Black Lustres, &c., &c. /"".'--- : i, r : J " ' - ' ' : ) IN. PRINTS, a larre arid varied stock, cni.brncfri'g Ashton &: Hoyle's Checks, American Checks, Percole's Ginhanis, '. <tc, itc, all remarkubly clieap. i~ . . i . - , - - ' ' ' - ' IN GOTT0NS; we haveuhe :best ami cheapest stock ever ollered to the public. Beautiful ynrd vvije grey nnd whjte :-.r. fattens for.9c per yard. The American gpodsj 8uch|rns Prints.'Wh|te- Cottons. Tickings, Cotton Warp, Cottonades. J^"'" "Wilis.'"Brown .And Ci|6ckUucka, and other DotSonis, have hew iiipw^ejd^dir^cflrorn iiH wlfaufcurturer^land-.-rare bojoglpold; by]'uXo^il^t%t^t|>'^C*iiijdi|n nholesalB prices^- We .have nlo?on hnnrl lines ^hich we are always able tt>jo!bj;8Ueb aa Dresg.GloodB, JKrinta^Xweeds, &o,- /:. MlIJil^rERY^ Our Millinery Show Room is riojw in fiilii {blast, replete with:o'U the.l$tesj)o#Uifeffrahirart tj^e'fushiqn- able eejilres^:consisting" of Shavvhr, Mflntte*. Hats,-KorHioti,-d"lowqrd, I Feathers,' Ilibb6ps,-.I?ara3p^a,- jjew Check .vVaterpjeoofs, Sun^Iats, &'oL ^RDDRED. CLOTHING, Jo Mxiie jpf t^Ue Ji^rd I ' ' tiines"aHd. the depro'ss'ion of tr7t'dfl" bur Ordered'6lbfting T>el>artrnent , is steadily going ahead. It is advance of any-senson yet.. It is proof -positivei of tho cheapness'andlfit of our G'oods,'ahd the universal .A large-totof- cloths frbni the h%t manufucAireisof JSiirqp^nnd Amoriqa' to o|obJe. from. An immense variety of Gents FurnisDiiigs, liats and-Uiips|*Beadytina'de Clothing, Ac, <tc. '..' , ; .' . CARPETS i A^ mari>]fiee^ty3sso tifui paUerns-from 50c.'per yard, " !' "IBOOTS AND Sl1t635S^A-nne^SeA-iiSd ffey -. -nheapt^'; :;!';: . We, would. mwnd^thepuhJic^hat we. are giving tTo^derru]|Jbarg^iiijit that wje are now selling goods cheaper thau we used them, airfn conse quence-of paying the cash down FRESH GENE Also full lines of the^ best Ijrands o|f, TEAS Green, Black f GO., but. will .. 'i.- - Variety, to tfcte HORSE BILLS Got up at the 'MPree Press "' Office ip. Firsts Class Style, on short notice. ; Call andf^fee speci mens of'Guts.] rS EOKGETOWN Implement Warerooms AND FEED STORE. - \ - - The subscribe beg- to announce, to fanners and others, | that they Imve opened a wa^eroom Jon Main Street, Ooorgetown-, ricxttheMiay scales, .where they-yvill keep always in stock the most desirable kind of - .'. _ : i Panning Implements. Also in connection, tliey'havo opened.'A . FEED STOfiB,-0' ^ where will always l>e kept a ljirge stock of flour, feed and seeds, of various de- sorii'tions'. " ."" .:. -' "'< . j. c.'.deVekeatjx.' Ai,UAN ilooBE, Manager. . Oeorgelown, AprltK 1S70.: rSm OABBATB SCHOOLS. D KESS & M ANTLE-5I AKlxVG MrSS M. ELLIOTT wishes, to inti- mate to the ladies'of Acton and vicinity that she has removed ^to the corner of. Church and Willow street!, in partof Mrs. Yeomaiig.'s house, wl ero she will; he"'-pleased to: receive drcerssfor dress . and mantle-making; of anj description. Stamping 'done to order. i JJiarges'inndr erato and satisfaction guar iiiteed. Actpn, April 5/187.6. "J 4Ii3t I^OTICE , TO CB^DITOES In t -i& -Matter of 'the! Estate of .- -Tl bihas Burns, Dt ceased-' ES. Presbyterian at Work. Sabbath School World. Sunday< ScFiool. Tunes. ' .'Sunday Sdhpol .Sfiperiidendeni's . Times. ,. : Westminster Question' J?obA-. Bereaii Question Booh.. .- - - International Lesson ~Lcaz>es. -.." ...'"' : ' "* .' Westminster Lesson Leaves. .: Bereari Le*sbn Leaves. .-.."." Select Notes on the International ; 'Lesions for 1S76. , ". \: Tbe Largest and:Cheapest Stock.of Sabbath School Papers Samples { forwartleti, prepaid. T ORDER AT ONCE. i ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On'East'lSde of Wyndham Street, '- - ": -GUELEH. .'""' I ^Ci^-iK "ru at the lowest prices ever offered to Uie^Gaiiadian public. Our 50c. TEA has no equal for jthe money. Money may be scarce \yith you, butjJijineniDer thai ourj>ricS >vil| be in p'rppp'rtidh to. your 4>urse; and, if yb'ti-liave the money to spend and ivantjour sroods, do not fail to see" us- soon to the Ready Pay System, , and the pop jlar ver 'ff#efndUlfii'%tHctr3 and "Popular Cash rices ..' .XiADtESL Madame/DempMsfc's aatterpa for Sprjng are now^tojiaiid. ' .\.., t'itBt^w* McLHOD, ANDERSON St <~0., MAMMOTfl HOUSE, GEOBGEtTO^N. &'&.' dit-t oii our,<p*ices'u is <hat mo gbi]lds of tbe.saitip style and quality can be bought anywhere) els* fot the sajft^nj^ijey^ . ^ic , Any Quantity of ;PR^SS U^fS".:^raai^ i^^oPwiiitffi^we will'jpajrcasfe:'!wli^te^% Our terms are Cash or produce. Noife -olPMir customers are 'obliged to bad debts, of somebody ,clhe.! ;| ' ' > n , It won't <;ost you anythijog to exainine^D No one is coinpelied to pHrch.^se fully solicited, i . h I lf^ ;;! _Acton, April 5,1876. CHRISTIE, HENDISHSOIT c CO. .;::!TV call apan, UOSE who always liave T READY MONEY, r The creditors of Thomai Burns, lata ofthe Village of Acton, in the.-County of Halton, gentleinan,- deceased, whi> died on o^about the taventj -fifth day uf - Fel>ruaryi Av i>. 187|6, ?ind < tilers having claims against the said dec ased, aro in, purauancelof-the :Act :S9 "\ietoria, Cap^'"- *J8(. Sec. 27, hereby notitieu and requir ed to send on or before the ninth day of. May next, by post to the undersignt^l/v^ Solicitors for'the. Adminin tratftr of The'-. ' said deeeasetl,' their christ art; and sur names, addresses and desc *xptions, tlie ,* full .particulars of their ela nis, a state-- meiifof their accounts an I the nature of the securities, if any held by them/ aild the said creditors am. otherw are also .notified that iminediat :ly after the expiration of the sard iiintl day of Ma'y ,- thedssets of ihe said dece wed' will be " distributed among the pa ties, eijfltled thereto, having regartl. to-tse elaiui^ of which the administrator ha< fchfn ;notice,- and that tbe a<lministrato r wil};not J>o liable-for the assets or any- part thereof' ' so distributed to any peri on of WhosfeX - claims the administrator si all not have.--- had notice at the time' of si ich' distribu- - - - * tion. : - ': IK: 'r . >' Dated this 28th day of March, A.l>. 1876, . .-.-'.. , ".-i Kobebtson, McMpericii t HowAtn, .' ~* --Solicitors"for :Alexasi)er Bt7R8, Allmfnistrator, ; No.T, LTnitfh Block, Toronto street, ." ! ,-' Toronto.- UNDE INC. ri The undersigned begs ,l<Jve. to infolna the people of Actonluid vicinity thatho via furniah.'all/ <\ :. . , j .-' s : . -J :' Requisites -in Uhdertakjng ": on short notice and reasonable terms aa can be had :. -. \ .: ~ Hearse \J>upvIied\ when"'Desired. i Fit up Stores &. Offices in the best-style, I Show Cases, Dtafc Cases aad. Desks made to order. lj " 'FURNITURE' REFjAIIlED. : Shop on Willow street, near Main sfc'. ' '.'._ -p.^/ikeCAEsTsV: : Axtpn, March,20, 187^.1 ?,.. 39-Gm Butclior.;Shop. S. ZIMMERMAN Would jnTorm the people of Acton ' and vicinity that be has again coaiV meuced the ' . -.Businsss In this 'village, and from -bis "long Iine<be will ^>a ^^!'"l8LP^4^ih!1/^ 5ble>j lurniih fresh meats Will ; forts to make their^urchases at the LoTOBfit Casi, "tries. ired. pay the ur stock! respect- Wittt Cash in Hand ;:;-.: , No Los^esj, Are Mnde ! and you can 'affdrii to sell Sower' than your heighbors, -who mustl make, up' their losaesjbygreaier- pi-ices to those. . r'i ... aud ^hus -. -/;", n ': .-K'.'V.,-. ' make those who always have- money pay tho b.Us of those who never -'- .":;,T;' J,":^::;:; does buainiisson tho Caeh PriDeiple, paying money down.- Be. possesses advantages) Ttt-: his, line 'eioelled b^ np'n'e'..-- Close'Gash-Buyers go to his Bookstore for- : their uoods ,he:- is saUsSed with1 Small Profits..;. kinds of the best quality, ntoely and cleanly dressed. ..Meat delivered at the : hbuses;-*:V Tue^days andjSaturdays^ttnd ^Iway^ ; on hand atitne S,libp. ~' ! TA J " ~T. The patronage'of thepublic Vreo. apectfully solicited. - :, -. ' .;' - S.' ZIMMERMAN. ' Aetoi l&teh ?5th 187s_. .' ' ' i - .. ' .CTOltf A" tMmRY^SALE i SLE " ..!'..". Tabes -p'eas'ure.. In anhauncing- to t^e putillc gsnerallylttiBt no. Is frepared to ' lurnlsh ; Firat-crasa Horwa siiii Oaxriijca ..-.:-: , Ait Mehwiiwibte ItatcsT7' ': otses :ire jthe H^st tliat^ R <letofmlna<l not to to- " His KlgHuud Hots fi^nb' hiut,jin<^He['ti . - _^..".iiii__, ._._1J ha surpassed bi.uiiy OltyrBlable. DAV8 BOOKSTORE CUELPH. lActo? juiy j :-.-4

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