Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1876, page 2

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*jmmsmm- amtwata THE FREE PRESS, A0TOISt, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., APRIL 20, 137& rpiIK .U<TX FREt PRESS Pablishcd-Uv.^ry Thursday M<irnin. $1 Per Annum *-iu Advance. JOS H f4*CKINO" EDITQJ* HALTON COUNTY, COUNCIL.- 'Koport. of. tho .^ommittoo on | nhoul.1 l.o tlm: rccogijizen ono of I " ' ' "'" ' this Tmdo DoprosHioiV . Uit.vina[in Urn chcnpeHt market ami selling in tho dourcHt. It' thntinui The Debentures will not bo Given up without a Fiht. Tin;fisiv\T Moiininis,' Aruii. 20, ISTG. '..i'-ia |T;.. Mil | IV is reported that the* jonquiiy 'innvle hy. tlio C<jiumUtx>,on tho T*i.- presiion tit Trade will cost tlrecoiin try about "!$2,0tHL Wo fancy it wi.Tthe' a virry difficult thing to eon- incc any man of ordinary discern- " jm-rttrtthat. value lm$ been given to the country tor any1 such exjwindi- ' tr\ The eridenoo taken is to she published, and distributed through out the country, hut when all this is.done a a oodTmariy people will be inclined to. cmpiiny ho-v much . the.' trade-of the.' count ry -bns" Iwe'ri .ho nested by the whole 'rtroecedin-f. 'it i>ut a stngie bdnt in the " jiocket of the niunuiHcfyirer, or " one; met chant n doing* richer! No 4^n^>t much valuable inforuia.- tionibvs t>eoif ptfiit-d, but 'who will undertake to-come JloWn to pnrtic-u r!lars and shovr lis what new liglit .has been thrown on any comniqj:-. cial qoeVtion ? Th? causes which ..-led- to tile depression- were juht as vcell business men before the Committee, sat as they wv - known now. ' The'lciue "will come in the ordinary cVs*!)?t*s<>_ of business, and'the entire House of.Commons, if constituted a committee,, cannot "": hurry it a single hour, or make.-it niiiiTe cflec-tual when it docs conic. A Kpi'cial iweli,iii nf the. County Council, convened by tho Warden, was held in the-court house, Stilton, ~~ \ on Thursday,ilio tith inst. V The minutes uf.iast. ineitiiig were road and continued. The W'tirdon read a letter from the solicitors of the U. it N. way Co., as follows ; r : . John ^VnWiiyl'Vq.j ' . IK-ar Sir, --An tho. municipal council nf tlio etointy of Hallou declined at th\>ir rocout meeting to deliver lip the countydeltoidares to the trustees, in ternrsjof the Act and Hy-law, wouro iu- stnn"tied to proceed to compel their .de livery unless we hear fivm you by. re turn mail that you are prepared to do- liver them up. Yours'faithfully, ' .' ltKNliKU. W.U.UUT. 'i.ItC'B.TON. .Hamilton, March lo, lSTti. . The Wardenstated that he had visited Toronto, anil tool; the nth vico of eminent.^ counsel us to the eourse. it was advisable for the council to pursue, irspectiiif; the foregoing*, aiid .was told the. council should pass a By law 4o fortify- the iKisition taken and prevent the Warden being coiii]K>tU.'d to surrender tlio -deben tures !hy mandauiu.s,. He-liiol std)- ndtted the Jtylaw lit read to the council at its last:meeting to the -iirin of Harrison, Osier ifc Moss and Mr. Foster had levised it... He tl'U lvad the following communi cation received, bv him from Mr The ; parliamentary eoiuinifleo which "was appointed aeveral weelcH :m!Or CDinpletinl their entpiirieH on Tuesday of lust-week anil it.ported the result,jsyt great length. -. Tlio following is-iv condeusution of tlie report I U'poiTTVs out. tliat the catii.tis which produced tiit> depression in the conunerce of the country are, ?n the opinion of the '(Joiuruitleo, be yond legKlativo (jotrtrol. Tlio com mittee report that they have exam ined pel-sons, on tlio lumber and' coal trade, the reli'nitijj of sugar, tlio man, lfaet.nro of agricultural im plements, of saws, stoves, and gas- titting, the mnnufactuiti of leather, of boots and shoes, type, steum ejw gines, of slate (pnuries, of cotton ami woollen fabrics, and oT iihip- buililing. They regret that they have not been jihh^ togo over the th-o whole ground embraced in the order of reference, they are llierefoi-e unubfe to submit to the House all the infoinution n.t cessnry to a-consideration .of tlio subject. The oncpiiry : lias, however, been sutlicienlly broad to enable them to point out with a ctinsiderablo . de gree of accuracy tlio causes which have .immediately, operated to pro duce the present depression in the commerce of the country ami in Rome branches of its manufacturing and nlining" industry- tlu>ao causes are quite. l-yond legislative control in this country. .This stagnation in coninierco seuins to lie "universal, lus of foreign inarketrfis -wanting to il country, especially a rtinall one, its commerce and' lunnufiietureH become stagnant. The present Obiiiuiurcial policy in the States is eoni|emned as unwind, Hellish, and eliaruCtcrts- tie of (ho grasping 'capitalist who. calls upon Congress to protect him into prosperity as the cost of his fellows, and tlien, when he is over taken by natural adversity, lie. de mands nioro .nit.'!, and thus every: moment is clamoring ut Washing-' ton for more prlitection. Though they have hud it tt) almost any ex tent, the: result is jthtHr shops are closed, tlioir peoplti jn sreut dis tress, und.the genera the country is uiuel. Ciiuiidii. Tho. couimitiU'o (ind thut tlio indiiRtties, suited to a count/i-ty are lvot likely to sutler ut any time, ami do not progress at-tho expense of any other interests. Besides that, they can Inar a crisis when it comes better" than. when, fostered ami hanijieretl. I 'condition of \Voi'ku than in- ^,:?- Stuart;-the Prcsideiit of the Com- |"s tI"-'ro '* cot '^'iwrtnt tlui present time" from .which ships" may be i.f tin >V4,< PU-'i- .- -.urSiS . "pThe prevailing.:pjiinion of those who itiiyc hiad<? financial affairs,a '-studv%. is that the commercial de- " prvssion wii"i^h has l>ee_rj so univcr- 1 in its effebtsj during the past two; veuvs, has noSs".readied bottom, antl^ithat here-affcr-bustqess geneF- C ally will loom up. 'While we have \titnessed-suclf.a jicriod'of rlisister to ^omruai-cial irouse3 of-']ohl siaiul _ing in njfeighboring countries; !and -_ _iu adjoining provinceSj it| is shown ' ' by btatijtics that Ontario has stood the^- strain remarkably jw'eTlj ami that, oiir failures liaye been com- "ptimtively much less swious than was generally-supposed. \In fiict, ' the snbstantiiU prosperity of the . eounti-v liaus really not been shaken' to. anv appreciable degree!""" The anjiual trade circular of--Messrs. Dunn k, ^"inirji 'fiimLsh< a eam- prehensive view of" the'situation, '.- giving hopeful intjieation.s for the , -'* future. We ttuttt tli3.realities will pany : John WaMlc,. Esij., .W.irdcn t'ounty;<if-Haltim : Hear Sir,--lii viewdf the fimrae pur- shed by-the amuiiil'.il cnimeil of the County of llaltou, ilt their reeeiit'-iuei t~. in^, 1 he^ to withdraw the jirop'o'siil con tained in my;lettyr to-yu ot luih'Jaua-' iirv- last, that the corporation--of the County of Ilulton, ox any of the.iuuui- eijvilities ii|chuled in tile L'relip Lrrautiu^ the lines' qt t>.-i,(KH1 to" this'.Uailwa'y l'ouip;my sl-.o-.ri.t have the optica of ae- 'juu-iug the ilc!>ei>turcs i>r .T|M4-tion of tiie dijlie.etures issued under tlit^ By-law irnvutiiig s-.^ch tionus \ui eertaiu teruus, and have to intimato:|tlir.t pueh option is withdrawn and afpSn end. Jons STK.vnt, rrvs. H. & X."\V. Railway Co. H.-vruilton, i'tjth March, li'C. Ho had'Teplit'd to that eoinmnni- eation, informing the cbnipaiji\ that ho had called a nieeting id" the Council for;t.h.e-:Gi'h. [ ..... _'.- Mr. Mi-Enery iiio\>'d, seconded by' Col. Clay, that the By-hiw re lative to the U.-& X..-W. Hailway te- rt-ceiveftxand rt.-iul t\ jii>t tiine. C>ol..Jh,liiy believed it-, to 'be abso lutely n'ecesiary that a By-law.n-la tive to -the. II. N. W. 'Bailway shimlil.4>e passed to protect the.peo- ple's. interests; The Council desir ed to, do right. There was no wii.1i to shirk any responsibility that Irjvd. becri incurred ; but ho '.'.had the strongest possible objection lip he- ing victiniizeTl.- Then there wits the threatening ietters Unit bin" been receivctl,, from which it__:i p^^ned that unless, sticti a IJ\"l,a^v was passed, the \\Tanlon vvou'oj 1 " Adven- Iirove the correctness of the ihdka- !compelled by-inamlamns'to surn-n- tiens.'" .' Business n*en, ata.ll events, are taking a. tiop<?ful view of tha" approaching season's tradP. Let tier tho debentures., The qncstir of expense was a 'secondary consi erution. The cxpenditnrc of 62< d or -*l(0O to protect the interest uf all uite in helping to increase( ratepayers is a matter ^of this in :traiieactivity", Rnd general prospcr- *ity-will inevitably follow. ffiiiit We have received the first nujjii. -b *r of the Orangeville Daily Ad- tcrtitr.r. ^It is a neat little, sheet, and we havie ii'o doubt!it will b^_ well conducted. From the e'xperi- jenco gainetl-in steverul ye;irs' piibli- 'ipjclu' AdwriisW in presume that Mr., i'hat he. is aliontiii on a daily Lssue,T still it strikes ^is that Oraiigeville is rather toctsnL.-dl a-town to war rant the enterprise. We would be "glad to hear of Its permanent suc- catipln of the VI that town, we Monr^knows y thus" Venturing Toeonto- Eyi^n-isg Telegram; We see it anno) paper need that this new r_ has : marie -it.s appearance, not yet'been favOr- -The' publisher is though we: have p<l with a feopy. Mr. J.-Row* Rcibfjrtsbn, of,the old Ttjronto Tdcjr '/" P--M mi 1: l^w^-rJw . If jthis new. venture 'continues to rhave the nierits tUoTcl^/rijph possessed,.it sure to become thonnost jopular ]taper in Toronto. I ,i ' that it oght_to ' fortunately pub liaucbefl orL.the r.%i*8 U fulluf ihieves. no BigjiBof.-Veutitutioli Slf'anwhile' One ; getting found 1 Blaine in _tbe portanoe was of Jittte conscquenci. The petiple would stippcirt tho'C-puii- cii almostUiuiniinou.sly. Fifty bra hundred of r.iU'payers inaddiUan to.those present v^ould huveattiiijl- ed tjiis meeting of the Coujicijl to testify to that fact They h'aij no faith in the company's intention or Jibility to complete the. railway. He believed the Liw "was such that the'-people's interests would bo \no- tected on an appeal to it. Itecent decisions'of the judges , hail vindi cated the right of mjunicipal Coun cils to refuse "to-fciibiiiic By-laws "tantirij' , bonuses. ; This, showed people ot large.' He-' seconded the. motion. " ? r The By'-laft- wasthen read ja first time, and after some discussion, was duly read the second and tliiril times knd' passed' withefft^aniendiuoiit. Several accounts were then piissed "and : other unimportant business transacted, after 'which the Council adjourned to the 6th June next. market and 1 that tho inij England hits declined Ito request the return 'of'the ..LO,0'0p,0U0 over paid in Alabana chunks, but We .notice th it a few, a'very few" American ntfwsjra|)ei-8 a're saying _be returned. Un ic conScienceTs de- jther side, and Con- There are there yet. after t-Jii other is rjiBCitiity. out in last vietinr; His steal iax'aid to be Jyfj4,000 : M.r.7 Thomajf r3catc]ierd,: M,- P. fer TStoHh MiddJesexj died early on Haturthiy, at Ottawa. ' . : Hir~3'Aih -Olpvor, tha new G-ov- e'piior Tjf Newfoundland, arrived at Halifax on; 8a)ttirday> fil ;Kug- l&mL [ ,-f .'; : :'" : -\ ..' A Blise Ball Convention was hphl at the Walker -the 7th inst., nr*i, pf Guelp.h &U.[. .,' --" ]Iniio,-Toronto!lor) Vhen Geofgo Slee- whs electe-d; Presi- fivightetl at remunerativq nites. The dullness in the lumber trade in Canatl* is i caused by a diminution of thn dj-mund in Eif^lainl and life United States, ami by its having- almost ceased in the West Indies and South America., The Xew England, mar ket is now'- tola considerable-ex tent supplied with'-snjx'rior lumber from the' forests of Michigan and Wi.sconsin. Tliu duty imposed upon the Canadian lumber"entering the.iUnited-States, has enabled th'.- Michigan lumbermen: to compete in the Eastern market. But the prin cipal cause, of the depression in the trade, is the diminished -con sumption in every country where Canadian lunjber has hitherto found a market. The quantity of lumber now being iiiaHufactnietl in Canada will not exceed "'!) per cent of what was produced in .187:.' ?o."; The report goes; ou j to-say that the mercantile -chrsses, ias shoyvn by the returns furnished tjy .otlicial as- .-iigtHis, have'felt" much liiure 'he i.leprcs.sioii than any others. The system of. credit has been a fruit ful source of mischief to mercantile men. Theexcess' in value of im ports over exports seemsindicative of inflation.- jAs it is easy to. .ob tain credit in England, many small wholesale dealers boldly enter that }uy. The result is t,s outgroT the abili ties of the country to purchase, a'ntl til io inevitable consequences aie failure and ruin. .The commercial t recklessness itilargely indulged in bcftiiise tbo merchants know! that if anything is .gained it flow's into their own ; pockets, while, if there arc losses, they ' nro sustained by ;their crctlitqft, who were foolish eiioiigh to sell fopei-s'ens who had little or no capital. They condemn Ft-oteetion pn the ground that, when certain interests are protected sor'as to become money making ones, ^capital is diverted, from'.its natural channels into .-special and sjwculatlvo ones. The business- systein is deranged and the, -atten dant, evils follow in train,! con.spr quently itii.e Comuiittee believe that the freest arid most unrestricted is the best for any country. Though sugar refining was.not incident- tojthe investigation; it was that the law was. framed wjith ii c,nquiredTi|to for the purpose of a&=: viewi to protect, life interests t'jf. tin: irtaining | tome information con cerning it j Thy Committee have decitled that' further protection would cause tho . coiujiimeft to suf fer.' Protection would but put money into the pockets: of the re finers at the expense of the people', as has beeti shown to be the casein the States.' The Comuiittee, there-, fore recommend no change with with regard to the sugar refining industry. '; . - ' . They believe the manufacturers of agricultural implements, are iii a good condition and thrifty j and so with those of knitted woollen goods. Tliey report that, as the Canadian manufacturers of cloth and tweeds can produce tlieiri as cheaply as: the. . ISng-lik'h and Scotch manufactures "can make theirs, that the former do not ask for .protection, except from-fraud, as riomo e/f their, com petitors are' nso s hodily und other inaterials. They cheapen cloth and assist in making the com petition-very severe. Nativeiuan- lifa'cturqrs are manufacturing sound goods and relying upon them to ebni'mankl sales. Though tho sys tern-of Reciprocal duties might be defensible as a pieco of diplomacy, it cltnnot foramoment be approved of Ion economiciil grounds; .The 'Colliinittee think that'-becauso ithat policy is adoptetl at Washington, Canada is by no moans called upon ,to follow it. Theyifind that high protection is with tho interests of the! few, and enhances the price of livincr to tho massi of consumers, and, therefore, they cannot approve it, lielievrng ns they|do that a liber al commercial policyds the beet, of iall. * They condemn nil.'legislative jntt rferencn in coni.merce. Tliey think there should be no restraints win tever, and that the policy " Adventisrn" --Misrepresenta tion. (To the Kiiitnr of tin: Stralfurtl' Jicfterm!) Silt, Would you be. kind enough to grant me a little space in yoilr columns, in which to make a few remark's concerning a " rejiort". which .appeared in tho. columns of the London A<li\rtlsv-rtu{ the 7th inst.,-under tlie heatlin tism," Ac.' " Liberty of speech," " lilyrty of the press" and "justice ";iue mot toes of the land in which we live, and although.1 wiv are ever . willing 'to admit, wherein we have been in the wront.1, and always ready to "confess a fault," still .wo- cannot see, that in justio', wo should lie beneath whit;h is false. " I knowiiot the wiitjer ;of saiil " re port," neither know I who were his informants, but this I ifo know that liis-"'ieport" is nothing more nor less than a compilation of mis- repie.sehtations; and fabulous in the extreme, which I trust your read ers will soon perceive. What he said concerning " Chris- tatlelphians'M will not notice, as we have nothing at all to do with .Slid " body.-" True, some tif our little hand were atone time "Chris-, I tatlelphialis,"[ and- on some few points, our beliefs are himiliar,-still, the two bodies run in entirely sop: urate1: channels.'." As regards, his "slang" Cstatrtncnls which he has picked up by the wty I wjll say- nothin'g. His " vision'ito a hysteiicjil girl " his " Methodist' jireache'r of ?,<) years' cxpeneiice" '.' flame like streaks" that were seen in ilte sky by-oner "of- ojkr number in Htratfurd " o:i each ofwh'eh was- written in -blazing capitals the terrfOle word GENERAL NEWS. Na\igatipn isnowojien in Toron to. Ho'veiiil vessels letjt that harbor Satuiday iiioi'tiing. A Thirty thousand collitirs tiro on Htiike Mil Derbyshirei ntul iSptlth Yorkshire, in I'higlaiul. ' i ! - - The steamer l'evetitis. from -llio with the. Eijiperor. of Brazil on board has arrived ut >tti\y York. Tlie /largest, i : haiulHoinesit, eheajii-Ht mid bust iiHmu-tiiiciit of criick- cry Ml tliU'ui'uiit patteiiw ot t'himi Tea Sets ut .Sccord JiriiM. I A mini ox gotdooso in Dcllovillu on Satiurihiy, nnil knocked down a man mimed Duncan, injuring him Hiivurely. 'Tho debt of Toronto is .?5,000,(M)U, upon which, intiuest liiis to be paid to the amount of over ^oo,ooo. ; - -: ., The (Jovernient buildings used us it boarding hoiise at Ij'ort. Francis was destroyed by .".lire-Ion the *J7th of March. ; , '" J Tlie Ottawa Fro: Pm*auym that iiOuis'Heil -of MaiiitoliiA noloijiety, is an inmlttti j of the j Asylum of Montreal a coulirmed luiiatic. m.uiB inn. At WoKloynn Piini >nKe, fJenrgotown, on Tuesday, April'. 1 Hh', by the Jlbv. Mr. Mill, .Mr. Win. 1'ruiitico, tif Stxrw- arttawn, to MiBH farah Stantlinh, of: KequuHUig. .| luiu. At his residence, iienr 01emvillin.ii oii.'J'liiirMibiy, April jith, David Sturri t.t", a liatlvo of .Tyrone, Ireland, fu thaiiltl; year of his ago,' At Krin 'VillnguJ on the. fi'Ui inst, (if,' JiiMcpll A. Irving, eldest Boit of the late jhii. Irving, Kstpl of Ktupichhig, a^'cil 21 yuurit mitl ,8 moiif)in. Deeply le^retted. -$*- V.vvh'- Cocoa.' (InATKi-ni. asd Cjui- roliriMJ. " Hy a thorough.kliywledgo of the natural laws which .govern the upurutfoila; .of dig<|tioir;iuid mitritioh, and hy u: careful application of the finu prn]ic.rtieH of Weill selected .cocoa; Mr. KpjiHlhau'provided our breajifunt tables with, a delicately -ilnvorcd bpvyrjag{: which itiay nnvculiiimny'liuiivy <loctf<rt*' hills. 'It is by the judiuio.UH use of shell artieleH of diet that a constitution may hugradually Irtiilt lip until HtroiigtnjiHgh til'" resist every tendency tii disease. Hundreds of subtleinidatlicH"are tlnai ing' ariiund us reatlyi to attack when vt-r tliero is a weak' point. AVu may est ape many a fatal shaft hy keeping ourselves' wiill fortitied with pun; hkioil and a pro perly nourished fraiiie.'Y-C'ii i7 fit-trice iltr.iHe. Snld'oniy in ]i:ickctH lahelcd ^^.m^m^AMf COP, NEK 81 S* Halton Gotxntjy Asfiizes. The Assiza Court' opened in Mil ton on Monday, Mr.j Justice Wil son presiding.,1- There iis A large niiMiber of cases on tho docket. The case of- Mr. Lyons, of Kor- valy who wm committed, last win ter to stand his, trial for niahslaiiglr= ter, was dismissed, the Brand Jury finding "no bill." The; case of Pettit ', . Mills was before tlii: couvt on Tuesday. . It is an action for the recovery .of $10,000, brought by the P.ettit family, of Kelson, agaiulSt'7Charles MiIIb, who, some time ago, was convicted of being a party in tho notorious Pettit [rob bery, and who was senttncetl to fiy.e lyears' imprisonment in--the Provincial Penitentiary. The ab- tion is . brotight to recover., the trjoney stolen from them, i iclnding exjienses incurred inr prosecuting- suspected parties, together'with ui- tereyit on thciinoney from the time of the robbery up to date. Scve- ;im1 witnenses from iramilton were examined. Yesterday tho;c.'iso off Buck rii. Carrique, for slander, XVas on. CrestT.ntereKt is being taken in tui ciiBe. | ; J" ' A ruoverfipnt. & on ,foijit to per petuate the; 'memory '.of I.ho 'Bev. Mr.' McDougHjl, who y.-as icwnify lost in thei_Xoit)i'-westJ | 'Jtiilgcuient delusions" as lie calls! them are :tH nrir a.o us. .; Whence ho got them we know not, unless that during his vii/il on the night of March 'J 1st he had a.rivltm himself, while drearily watching for. that irhiclt icts iiul, for the readers of said "re port" will no doubt lie astonished to learn that tho report's glowing' account of the ."several days carry ing in baskets of provisions tor the feast"-; tho numbers of " buckets of water to wash their feet" " the gathering of the little band at Pu.t- eison's houte" "the vacant chair1' "the dispersing of the disappoint ed band about one. o'clock" their "silent march," itc.^ yes, thoy will ho.amazed to learn, that all this is but the product of un jimaginative brain, for there -wijis niiither '.'fe;ist" "washing of feet"'n:)r " iiieeting of Mr. 1). Starret, of Esquesing, a highly respected farmer, father of T. J. Starret j of tlui-' itrnxld, died on.Thursdav, Oth inst., aftei; a short illness. "I Tho Great Western h is issued a new tiiiio-l.ablt which canio; into force Moliday, By the nevy r- raugement tub extni fast tjrains each way will jje put ou the Toronto branch. I ' ' j Alexander Muol-ie, proprietor of the Ileadford ir.ills, in the towfisliip of M!arkhin.n, near liichinoiidjll ill, wa.s accideiitally -drowned on Good Friday, while in the act of hkting the water off at the waste gate of ... * ... i " [ * . i his mill ilumi. Ho was a married! man, but hail no family1. I Some time, since, while driving "from tialt. to Berlin, l|)iv Whiting was thrown tver an oinliankiiieni at Freeport, Waterloo Towiishi|i, and considerably injured, At the recent iissizes ill Berlin he recover ed ."ririO damages- and costs from the municipality. ' - The authorities of the .Great Western Railway have issued in structions 'prohibiting persons walk ing upon tiie tructk-or in any way trespassing upon,! their grounds. On Thursday a prominent merchant of H'amiltoii was fined 'J^ for tak ing a.walk on the track last- Sun day. ' . j At the recent assizes in Beiiin, Mrs. llasenpllug obtained a verdict of .^lV'jTo for hei-st-lf iititl chihlren against the Grand Trunk Railway, for the death of her hpsband, who Was run into by an jctiginc; and killed, while driving aeiiors the ii. - ' ' " -VI.. Iamks. Bi'I'h 4. (,'o., Hoiuif-opa Chemist, 4\ Tlirerulueedlu .Street, 170, 1'icoadiily, London." thie and Flour ... White Wheat . Treadwell. . . Spring Wheat Barley ... Oats ... , . \'v:ih .. .' I'otatoea, per bag Aliple.-i, per bag. Oni|nf!', per busht Hiittc'r ... K^.|. : Drenseil Hogs '! Hay, per ton ..-. baitihskiiis.. Pelfs .'.'... Lard ... Tallow '...-. "Paeon .Ham..' ... Shoulder... AfTOX.M.lURETK, . .. 2 00 fj. $ oO 1 OOHo 0-' 0 05 to 00 . o an to zoo o r,o to (i 70 . o :tr, to 0 tM) 0 (i.'i to)) Co 0 fia to 0 (!() (>',7.> tot) Ho 1 00 to 0 <)() X) 22 to 0 00. 0 12 to 0 11 8 2.5 to 0 00 12 00 to:l 4 00 ()-.".() ti>0 SO O .-,().t<>0 CO 0 lo to 0 10 "' (I 07 t.rO OK' ! 0 10 toO (KJ ' 0 12 toO 14 ! () IffK'O 12 Largest; and Best 33ryi CJoods Souse in Western Ont^rid ; mm EXTBaOBDJW^iiY i4f SAINS " - HRE8B GOODS AIYD Jr?IlIj>rTSr $ Ji "VVJiite and Grey Cottons cheaper than an j other .' house; Twenty Bales just received. ' : t< A-:iollie.ivT.Lar^e. Lot -of those wonderfully low priced Black Lustres just in, at "25c.; worth 37^0. :. Iii caeli and every, line of. Hie ^Jry !6oils Tr^dc wc Chal. . leuije! Competitioii. :-- t :iil NEW; ADYEUT'lfvEMEKTS." '" BOQUiTT" OUR PRICES AJKE CLOSE, '. 0URtV METY EXTENSIVE, - OUR STYLES >StJPERB. -a- e -.' r iifr i ^ m All Who \vant.';lhc 'Latest Fashions. All avIio want the Best Vatlm* for their |rnoney; All who~'fiUe to he Treated with tl e Greatest - Courte-y .ind Attention;. '. G-O TO THE G-OfcPBN lilON. k.ia\r i the than an ;i "aye our 'little Land'" on that tl t-se and "kindred t T. U. truck between Waterloo and Berlin some time since,' One . of the gii-1 operators at Crane's paper mill, Wetd;rie'ld, Mass., suffered a severe attack of lo one day lust week, iii whit jaws were set for mom hour. Tiie Utcniling'physici it as his opinion' that1 the disease was tho result of a long and daily practice of chewing gum, and that if the young lady persists in vhotv- ing the nrlicle, a fatal return of tho disease may be expected. , Church building openithms!in Toronto promise to berbrisk during the coming season. No less than five new ones arc to bo erected, us f'lllowsi - Centrul Presbyterian, East Presbyterian, Church of As cension, St. Philips and Western Congregational. St. Mary's Ijloinun Catholic Church on Bathnrsi street, is to b6 pulled tlowii and re-erected on a magnified scale jnt immense cost. : All . churches , arc in .the" western portion of the city, except ing East Presbyterian, Jamt>s Senton was killed on Fri day, near Priceville, by a falling tree; on the same day, Henry Ouu- ingiiam fell into a cattle gittird' on the Grand Trunk near Parliliill and died soon nfter heing ttikqn but, and Alex. Mackio was: drowned, in his mill race near Richmond Hill ; on Saturday Wm. Dewey, who had been run over by a train at Lin- don, diet! from his injuries; and yesterday it Miss King,! of Toronto, and- James Black, of Hamilton, both died suddonlv from heart disr- 'ht. Eaeh family was in their own h'jme, kiiowim; that had. the Lord come, evx'iwis had been expected, He would gut her those-that were worthy himself. (Matt. 21, 31.) No wonder< thtin, that "there was no response from tho waiting band," when there was no waiting band to respond. . . Tho "upper room" designated by the reporter iih ' the place of meet ing, is where a widowed woman and her"fauiily reside.,- The. pushing aside of tho blinds was chiefly done by tlio, children;, who weto anxious to watch tho movements of those who gathered- around tlio house, without. In regard to tho rest of tlie " report" it is on a par with what'I have ixjviewedv baso repro- Kentation. And notv just ono word about tlio "jittle jband" spoken of and ridiculed so, much. We can givo a reusomof how wo were mis led to appoint a day pf our Lord's coming. . We can also given rea son of our -hope. The truths of the biblo wo love. Wo love to keep tho commands of our Master. We endeavor to walk "according to .the Scriptures." We still lookfor- '-ward witfi joy toward;-! "that land that is fuirer than \ day," and while there is breath in molhope I shall ever bo iiblo to'say, "I'm not'aBhameVt to own my I^ord >- Kor to defend hia cause." ',. Ircinain, dear Sir, truly yonr.1, - . !:]>i 1). I'ATKIISON. Listoweh April )0j ltjjti. ; De-:!gns most 'lastefql; pritfcs very low. titit-lpb; April IS, ' '-!.rv. l-STtj. . .... l!S A. CALL.'-a for hQ-ldint 'Flowers J | .. ;.:" e( X';^s'_a vptv lai^k'yaiuexy of; _'/..'. ' jr" "' r-ass2l5, 'TAj^tryi/ Ee^ip, M& Wcbl Carpets^ kseps them Inic.e and fresh all day. Call alnd '. see tMm at PR IW CLE'S Jewelery Stojre (Juelph, April lo. 1S7U. ;il i liyiieAi-FOfli TMEv" ELE i G-rand Display Spring" Clothing ;' ^'0,000.'. WORTH Q$ STORIES j.^' u- CTTJST TO BE^.0CsriD- k Tho Sin-.cjulnr'"nys : Somo two weeks ago a farmer .'mimed John Every,' living near' Drayton, shot an old she-otter in his creek. Jti her li.qiiBO ho fotiucl two young otfei'H, whoso little" eyes were not yofc ojiened. His cat at homo had kittens,(ihd after killing them ..ho put tlio' young otters with the mother cat, who took to them at once and is how carefully nursing them. ! TINWARE! Jf you waiit a Tlosa ' : COOKING, 8T0YS < :-:^--' '" l - PARLOR STOYE, -. "'-..' " i GO TO ( ' - - Suits .from $6a30 up,, I / - " |"."'iV",- Boys' Suits fjpm-$2;SP xp, I ALL AND StE TBEJI. MILTON, Mr. W. D. Lyon having resigned t'l Uccveship of Milton, nomination to lull 'tlui'vacancy was held on Monday. Mjd'nineis Barclay, merchant, and Dr. i|'. freeman were pi,o])osed. Polling taki place on Monday next, J.-K. llarrisi was at the ulnar tinio elected by aeel illation to (ill, tho vacancy in the CouJi cil caused by tho resignation of Mr. Diirclay. ^ . ! A lueotiiic of the creditors of D. 0. Watson took ]dnee before the Assignee, at his oiliee, Milton, last week, when-a number of - the creditors; were present. The Insolvent was exan'iined closely hy sumo of the cteditnro as to what became of Lis property, and he gavo a satisfac tory 'account of tho same.: In fact it- is allegedtho estate will nay mores'on Jtlio dollar than tiny estate that has yet passed .through the Assignee's hands. D. Me-, (iihhon appeared on! behalf of tho Iiisol- vtait. Nuwh\ . . ' ! ',. Sliow in Milton, to-pnorrnw, 'j ;____.[_ Spring (Friday). CilKDIT I AI.hKY Uauavav.' The Finance .Cb'mihittcc of Toronto Cjty Council have agi'eell to recomihond tho Council to submit a JBy law to thf peopltrgraiitiiig;.rl 2-r),000 in aid of-the!. Railway." This, is half the amount naked for by the way Coiiiimiiy. Always^ iii- stock, " ~i Stoves, Stove Triiumiuss, Tin, Sheet-Iron "| and Japanned Ware' 'Particular attention paid to E AVETROUGHI NO, done on the slmrteet notice; Cotton Ray*,- Cnjtjicr, Brti^-i, Iron and ollitir produce Utkan exchange. Also just to hand ._ " J .'.'.,_-: jL^^GASiSS;' t)F ^NEW FELT' HAT# Direct from _thc mahufacturers, English, AmrricanJst_fleV . : ' ; .'boiig[itTyery cheap, and to bo sanU likewise. Oar stock of ~:' ;- '-' "Sliirts, Collars, tiiiMs, Bow,s, Scarls and GlovesJ [ :' Cannotb.e surpassed for elegance and cheapness. .'. ! Ari inspection is in m ted. All goodsvyarranted as represented;" ^ . j WM. ^UTHERFGRiSf & CO, ! ! ! iTo. 31, lio^or "Wyndlikia Street, Quelpi ! April W, 1876. .' ' -\ '! * '" - {,,',, j ^OLLARD'S | _ - r-rr - HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS, I PUBLIC NOTICE- [' I' Jtcrcby give notice to all parties'sell-' pig C'oliitrtVB Patent Iron Harrows and Cultivators without -my pennission that (they l)old theinselveslialjlo to bp prose cuted, as I have tho Brde right ..for the, townships tif-K'stiucsing, Nassagaweya; north half of Trafalgar. Aijy per- K>r Call and See Us. Doniembcr tho stand, ono'd of the Oanada tilovo Works, MILL STflEET, AOTQN. "LP: \\L H.-.Wai.sox. Actoii, April II 1870. and wishing to purchase the above im plements can be supplied by Applying Ut iny warerooms iVnd :feed store, in* t'.lci rgetowu, or from my authorized its: J. C.'.DKVISrtLACX. eorgetown, April. 11, 1S70. 4l!-3t* it )oriwcst "OALSAM SILH>K TEtEESi Any quantity of yomig- Balaams-can bo | had from tho undersigned, on 'lot No.' 32, 7th con. NiiBsagawoya, or will be doliyereu at Acton er oliiowhoro, from ton to fifty cents each, ncc'ordiugto size. Orders may be loft at tho Fiu-y. Pukss oiliee. i JOHN UENNKTIV? , .vMarch27, 1S70. s rdii'l es'tli .1- :'! : RE^VAKI*. lXlio'pnrfcyjwHo took a. BiifTalo-Itobc frin i a sleigh in the ehed connected.with the Itoyal Exchange HoteL on the 24th oTiMareh, is hereby-warned thatr-a re- vviiidof ^ oil'vrJsd for') ita'recovery, and as ho iB pretty well would )bo letter tar him to rotnTilHho.- Kobe to tht| owner without delay. '-'UllOlQWiier's name is pjrintod oni.the Holjc^ni four pliifj'eji, so there is no excuse for keeping if. i If it la not returned at'on'eo'tho above reward will bo grVcn .to! the per son who knows where if is, anuSvill in-f forjn. Save purest by returning it. - i! thosv .campwcll: ,cton, April 11,1870. KD ikr. In OJ'. RO\VFl,L,'.t CO., Npw York, forViO'iptilct-oriiiii iwhcs tuVfilnRi llhtu or 3X10 iu-w<twi>oi;s( iiu.l ma'.os Hhowlng o'jst,oTk<l"-er;lsltiB.r'" T". "". Grot ;up at the "Free... Press ": Office in Firsti-- ^ Ola^s Style," on | sljort .... notice.^- :..! ""!, Gall and s^e speci mens of Cuts.'. j; : ptEOKGETOWN --'.; Itoipie^ejit "Warerooms AND PEED STORE. The subscribers bieg to annsunoe't0,' fanners and_ others; that. t.6ey^ _ opened a wrireroom ;6n ^a'n,^*^^ . 'Oecirgetown, next the'hay scales, WS^.' ; they will'.kcc'p always, in lltock thepowjl desirable kinU of -'. .' -. '-. I". FarniHig irnplemeiS^^| Alio in .connection, thcy*_ve opened^!4!| .'FEED: ^OBBv -:-r" whero will always lio'kcpt large it** ! .of tttiur,-feed .and seeds, .of' vM^B.^.yj ^criptions. Ai.tAS Mooiis, Manager. -Oeorgetown.Aiirjl 12, IH'O.. 3. G. DEVEIJEAO^!- <?-*n ! Mi V Villa Copi4 of this-rntu] jnay l>c.~hoi plication toj -Seedij ' den, liot-l* . at Se*ord II " Gtiel on the 28rd havijig beoil "tehed on th are the te-sil Hafe ali-.tlf tbia is thp.; tennial, as | should .suj strati on. ] ." ACTOK-' -.':.v_- nuantity o!j for which - - in cash. -^(1 ' rTlie goo(l in thl son Jt-Co.J visitor tbe| mctropolit the idea isj thfrbusy j every desc^ r; parcels. of gc!>ds- f r suplies orfcl The GolcieiJ influence iq ,ers, -See; ! --^-Forr< ; fresh and ' Acton BakiJ - --JThe adveitis .sity ctf hav] Its eilargi ! an outlay , mateHi ' -n-eeKiy -rai-4inted | lir.->t Te^r.1 of. Jilltie, ail . year's opei] courtoiigJ the.ahpro\j ".. -rPeril inercial. ^1 - ' out 1 till J beeufput o| storey &.i The ivagoii factojry-uf a cist of o\| .credit: apt s-omitvhat | .Ol.asSe fc t .-ind nir.ij - throughout sniglp; leal forni stylel ,"ortistioal]_J - ,w<-rk pf til ;.. The ire! itiriii viillaje.isi -ifr.'Hertd H'WWn as | meetings i .Sirtttlay; dm and ha ! iu! ruber ojl of iiis doe! '_ ntigejsary < tiai'lity an| Giiirch.; of adult nJ . in adeordal . ijients, au,| trary to Holy Wrij . .;ears of Del MethoiVistI -. combat til &trmon-spJ pose. Itl .that he-wij Bajptiam. . Presbj-te church" bj 'the expec| "was, as so deep wj the peopl J - -% Calvje'I -(Matthew'! edupoufcj teri'al j mostimj: which! village. ! the orig ; tkizo could to mean i as the i tern had a.4 ' texts and I ioiiubsta .. ifiutpption J jtically Ijcll ;the,im_priJ numerous f tinned uh^ . whetlieri to the!eo| '".knockiE -.: 'Opponents! .' ail everitsj . good .d v jtected tli; cut takinl fbjjowingj gaitherin ffe-did nc| jec'texcepl closing. "^ly, bnj| *mnounce . champion | ioSotthcsl doctrinal [ - culate'd 1 true rchd . theymiyl ly un Willi J l>ty. ho-| ly'they ^ .hearing- tS . -And after! ."'a,flatly; i :.' fOnJiripcdl Teibre'liurc: eLe.durii)

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