Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1876, page 4

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W^SSBSBISBS" -y-T rip^Hff5ipi?^?^^^w THE lfREE PRESS, ACTOJST, HALTOK COUNTY, ONT.f AlfRlt ACTON THE FREE PRES3 Tbrvs One dollar a year, sirtctlvln n.l\ wo. Hii't )v>Jt-rot-othr<>omoi>ttiK oire Hn.1.1 imii-wrlli be clrargi il; ir +*.> dottjirs tfTiot r '1 til) Hip eu of th > OA- No jwt *r w HI bo sent touy wr it hi more ttiuii one > ear unpaid. BrIU cents P^r thio for UMt Inner!Km; nd .wo onus per Hue for eneh subsequent Insertion Miorta Herilsemenisor eltht line* and tinder, $1 for Uirt p insert ton-. Bii'-lm-ks C*i\lB-f eight linen and under, $4 per annum.. A Hiwral.iliteoMi-tRlknpredon ndverttso- tupiH inserted for extniidod m<fcl<xls. AdrertlMtjteni* Ulmxii special inirlruc- tio is in n-U. llH forbid, and charged e<v>rdiiiv:l3- Vny ^ppctnt 5foil<H>, th object of which 's io piorouuj (he r>e<'iinlnr\ i-enefltofnii} Ipditiduml or corapanf, lone considered an .odTeriUcment. Tr-m>ent ad\ei tlsrment* to be paid tot wimn onlrod \ll Nd\ erasing aceoami reerf<>rv<T~q,u irtert\. r Notice* ot MarrUg:es Births and De*th rikerted tree;. ^ Didn't Suit Him. He was an aged u-ith a big ffsine, round shoulders, long tang-" led hair, and- a parch nieut-colorvd face, with, very bleary ees and a \ erv red nose. He had an old coat on his back and u pair of \erj- de crepit pants on his legs, with a rup- tured^boot on one foot and a strugg les* and heeliesa slioe on the other. He appeared at the doar of a Dan- bury houses and bagged for sonie- tlimg to eat _, " Why don't you go to work ?' demanded the bead of the house, holding the door, .and frtJwning heavily upon the caller.* ~=r ' "Ican^get no work," snuffed the object r " What's you* trade I" - " I ain't gat none." " Ain't got none I Well then we ain't got nothing for the like of you to eat,5 said the proprietor^, frown ing more heavily than before " You ought to be ashamed of yonrself a man of your age and size- td be around begging. Why don'jtyongo and learn to be a music teacher, and earn your own living r" " What * ' gasped the aged jwrtv fooshooh," and with this snort of derision he shot off of tiiS* premises. Danbiinj FUNNIG&APHS- Tie man who had a prtject. f.j --rtf ^foot went to-a corn doctor. A Why is a drawn teoth Eke- things forgotten ? Because ita"bat ' of the head. Poor Tweed! they've even denied ^ him, A stay. But of corset's all right, you know. The following is aa Irishman's description of making a cannon ~ " Tike a long hole, and poor brass all round it." Say what is rightr and let others say what they please. You are responsible for only onetongua. 4' Qi rP. If f 'JY r .51f * -I e\ ;a. if j on are a mamed man. i Yon will notice that when a boy *teps on a Canada thistle, or sticks ii splinter into bis foot, it is invari ably a_few seconds before schooL , lady Castomer. " Have you a -ztice book, covered red leather, with gild letters on the back I" Shop keeper " Yes, madame. We have* De Quincey's works, three volumes In. Russia, or* General Sherman's Memoirs, two volumes in calf." Ifidt Customer "Oh! I don't ' want .anything about Russia. Give me the book about the dear little calves; besides it was written by a general." little QVELPH ARMORY, ALSO Gold, Silver & Nickel Plating Works, 148 QUEBEC STREET, <rUEXJ?H John Zirkham, Prop, Manufacturer and Importer of Breech and Muzzle Loading Rifles. Shot Cans, &e. r -rtyruJreri of all desa ijttiona aticays on hand. AMMUNITION FOR AXL BKKXCH XtOABZNO AfetMS. KJy * Kj oocrt's Cartridge Cakor and Cap* for re-ltmdlng <uimo. Ke-londeni, Ko^uppors, &p EJftotors, Curlers, and Cioiitor..leiinli>ff HchIs, nnd all articles ticcesscry for a Sportsman's 6utflt All sorts of Repairing and Jobbing executed on me shonesi notice at US Quebec Street. JOHN KJRKHAM. J^"Rlflr Gnllrrj on the premises- open from ID o'cWws u m. lo 10 p.m. A CTOJf Wagon and arriage FACTORY. JAME$ RYDER, Proprietor. 7aeeus, Oarriagsst Sleiffhs, Cutters, &o. Kept In stock and m-ide to Ordrr on tne Sbortest Notice. Strict attention paid to ioEso-Sipoinff Ss Gnoral JobMaff i ' and sitUf-tction Euaranteed. Acton July 1st. L~5. " Jfe- get neatly onfr of a scrHpe with his intended. DR. ROBERTS* Celebrated Ointment CAIXED THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, " Lo confidently recommended lo the Pnb- licas an uofolllng remedy tor wounds or every description; a certain cute for Ulcerated Sore Xegs. even of twenW yeirs' standiner" Cuts, Barns, Scalds. Bruises Chilblains, Scorbutic Krnptlons, and Plofples 13 tjje Face,~8ore and in flamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts. Piles^ Fistola. and Cane mns Hurooani, and Is a Specific for those afflicting Erup tion;, tliat sometimes follow vaclonation bold In Pots at Is. 1 Jd. and is 0d- each Or. Eoborts'Pilula Aatiscropliula *J.'Jrd.JdJ POST OFFICE CASH STORE, On beginning the business of 1876, 1 would return sinoere thanks to my numerous oustomers for tbo very liberal support ^hey have giveo me during the past 23 years, and again I rcost respectlully ask a continuance of thou* respective support. During my experience in business 1 bare pretty thoroughly found out the Ups and Downs in Trade, And am fully convinced that a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to both Seller and Buyer. I am therefore determined to do a READY PAY BUSINESS And give my customers the beneGt by giving them Eight per cent off for Cash on all General Groceries (excepting Sugar). By doing business as above, 1 will have the cash to buy my goods and effect a SAVING OF AT LEAST 6 PER CENT and MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, And in reality get 14 per cent for their Money. Please consider the matter over, and give me your support to carry out the only right way of doing business, that is JR JE -A. JD TT DP .A_ "2-. SECORD BROS. 1 i MOiMIJREAL HOUSE, lA-GTOJ^T. We believ advertising: i\ the correct principle of and doing business generally to be, Id show cus tomers and others, clearly, positively and convin cingly,' tliat i,t is to their interests tai trade with the party advertising. This of course! is not pos sible to every merchant, for to do so he must be able to show cjlearly that he can give them better Mam value for their To accomplish money than they can get this, he must not only buy well but om Prices, elsewhere. My stock will always be found complete in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass-ware, Stationery, Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Window Hollers, &c. Specialties.-SAUSAGE, OYSTERS, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, FINNAN ILADlDIES, &c, &c. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. I believe in the DISCOUNT SYSTEJI. and as it has proved very satis factory, I will continue to give the discount as follows: OB 25 cts, 2 cents discount; on 50 cts, 4 cents; on 79 cts, C cents; on $1, 8 cents. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent ;Agent Honey to Loan., Agent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth Dir. Court, Com. in Q. B., &c. he must mark all Goods down to JSott so that customers ' will see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him. i i I i ' In the two invoices below we think we clearly show the advantage gained by those with us, over those who don't. * i who deal Actor/. January IS, JS70 W > , .!," I.i l I II BBS JAMES MATTHEWS. ses5 Win. Stewart & Go. WYNDHAM STREET. or ALTEKNATrvE IU.r.8, confirmed Qh0 by Blxty years' experience to be one of ouej t&e bst medicines ever compounded for taied llim With kissing two VOUn" purifjlrg the blood, and assu.UnBlatore ,v . ...i_-i_i in.ieropera.lons flenre they are nsefu' - ladies at some_party at which She in Scrofula, Scorbutic Complaint*, Qiao- TBJiMfc nrpswnf (Tenirnnl it huf dnjar "uwellincs prtical!rl> those of the was not present, .tie owned It, Out ^Cfe,*c. Tnly forma mildaSdsnnerior SAid that their united ages only Family Aperient, which may be taken at ___j. t i a'l times without confinement or-change made twenty-one.^ The simple- J , at is Md ,2s.Bd., minded girl thought of ten and j ** fid. n and js. each elpven, w laughed off her pout ' D "^ THK PBOPBrKTORS, He d,d not explain that one was ' BEACH AND^ABNIOOTT mneteen^nd the other twrj years of I 9t9nsSBAmtt brwpoot. ETCLAtn, age. Waan t it^arttql. Cfn, treorge! una by all respectable Wed(eme Vendors Ax>YEBTiafif(? People. Says the ^.Boston Potty " People who adver tise are smarter than thoS* that dou^; iettecjooking, too, iSne in ten. - This is natural, if not logical. Advertising is an indication of in telligence, and intelligenceljs-one of the leading elements of good Jocks. At all events the world believes in those who 'advertise, and it plants " its dollars in their pockets. Such , .are live people; and in these live days nobody wants anythijng to do jvith any but-fear live men and wo men. Our advice to everyoody except in matrimony is to adver- j ,tsa Beware of Counterfeits. For the protection of the public of Brit ish North America, 1 deem it mj duty to state tnat my ^ills akd- Oi'stuent are neither manafaclurecl nor sold In any part of the Ujri+EC Si atkb. Each Pot and Box bewrs the "British 'Jovernroent Stamp, with the words "Hut IM WAY'S PILLS AND 01J.TMEJ.T, lomkjs," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533 Oxhobd Street, This notice has become necessary, in cobsequpnee of \ile and spurious lmliB' lions of "Hoi loway's PilWohd Ointment," beis fabrlcat en Lone, New ties stytine "Holloway 4 an assumed thus 1 fd at 78 3Ia!d VorJc oy par- tti emselves Co " with -rade marJC, T/oprlncipied vendors can obtain this -T-. ^ L . , ,i u.iprincip<ed venaors cu uoisia mis. It is smre to return largely. | trash at a \ ery low price, and so deceive increase your reputation as a bust-; ^^Sl^^^^ *?*^ nessr-man, jnako hosts of fnenda, }are manufactured only at 533, Oxford and add to the number of shrewd j Btp^rtim^nw^0 may be so deceived win and -sensible- people in the world, of' be pleased to communicate with me. i.'_j.Ljt-t .i- __^ i. t. _ _ _ Many respectable arms is the British frorlncej", wboobtaln my medlirliiea tll- -rect from here, have very properly sne- eested that I should, lor the benefit of w*hich there never has been an over- *tbck." ^A. man whoc spends a dollar for ttor reoeiTes nothing of taluS; labor receives less than two cents S/rom the dollar so spebt. If a dol ^ jb spent for a pair of~shoes jbr a labor_would_ have received arly twenty-thr^ cenfc~a8 its re, instead of leas than two cents when- spent in liquor. Hence, i examining the question of capi- " and labor, the drink question is very important element which dust be dalf considered. The ly -for bad trade is certainly in qwn hands- As long" as men their money for liquor which -but little profit to labor, whilst the same time they take the i-of- those cottunodities that more employment to the labor- glasses, wo shall haveja contin- . of hard times, a scarcity of rk, and consequently low wages; " Uie laborer will continue " the i of cupitaL" 'J the,mnelves and the public, insert their names In the papers, that It may be known that my medicines can be g-nulnefrom tnem. nad The following Is s Iist-of the firms allud ed to: and I particularly recommend those who desire to sret my medicines to apply to some of the Houses named^ Evans, Meixcek A eo Montreal. Avbky, Ubow a Co,, Halrfai, N & Kobsyth <t Co., Halifax. N, 8 T. B. Sabkeb A (fans, Ht. John, N. B. ApdxitE a RrErt'IlALLCo, Charlotte to WD LANO.LBY * Co, Victoria BO HooBE 4 Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr -ilonjr Pallbk, Cbatbam, 1TB Mn-mo A Co.. Montreal J _Wive <t Co., Hamilton, Ont, H. J. Kwe, Toronto. A, Ctrt I'M an Smith, Stuohn. JR. B. JotN Bosd, uc<lerlch,Ont Eli iot <t Co .Toronto J. Citalokeb. St John, N B. Haninot i(r BrothEit. St. John. N. S H.. Pjuddy, Windsor, Ont Hr*. OopSs, Morden,N. H Qeobos i\ Hunt,Jun Kredericton, N. B W. O. Thompson Harbor Grace, fJ.F. L J. M. Wiley, Freddrteton, n, B W 4 O. YorLE, Montreal - Uhaj?. l. Havies, Frederlcton, N B The- m-diclnes are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices. In quantities of not less than j20 worth viz., 8s. 8d., 2ta., and 81s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. THOMAS HOIAjOWAX. 't 533. Oxford Street, W. C. ^^^ ' Liondozi. June 1st, 1876. GUELPE Are showing now Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap fJottons. Special Lines of Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets. A Special Lot of Canton Flanne*!, A Special Lot ofi Cheap Tweeds. A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value. C. T. HILL, Mill Street. ACTON, DEALEK IN * General Groceries, Soots and Shoes, Wall Paper, OTlndow Blinds, Crockery, Glassware, ' Hails, , Glass, Putty. Linseed Cil, &&* & soiioi Paints, Turpentine, s&Cacnine Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, etc The subscriber begs toretarn his thanks to the inhabitants of Acton and surround ing country for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and at the same time solicit their farther support N.B. -Cash Paid for Hides delivered. A customer bought of Sccord Bros.; ^ ~ 5 lbs. Meteor Tea 50c per lb...................... I$2 50 11 lbs. Bright Su^af...........................,. 100 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar....................... 100 1 lb. Best Hyson Tda............................ 83 1 set Knives and Forks . . ....................... 1 50 1 set China, 44 jpiecfes____......................... 4 00 1 gallon Coal Oil J. .......... v.............."____ 30 | I Stl 15 Another party wlib didn't buy at Seeord Bros., had to pay the following prices (or the same goods: ,1 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 1J lbs Best Sugar .. 12-lbs Medium Bright feu^ar.....,............ J-1 9 1 lb. Best Hyson Teal 1 set Knives and ijorks .,....................... 175 I set China, 44 piece 1 gallon Coal Oil Brought down per lb........................ $3 75 ... 1 10 r 00 NEW SPRING GOODS. RECEIVED THIS WEEK AT " ' -. a M. BOOTT'S STORE, The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Stock of \\" PRINTS, DRESS GOODS Oottea*do, '. Plala aad Ohecfcofi JPneka, -- Oottoa Sairtiags,' aeats' Waits-Dross Shirts, '. ( Corset*, ' v Knitting andOroeaet Cotton, Fancy Goods, t' ______ friaaiaga, fte. f These Goods were bought ffrth great care in the bet market* forCitfe 5 ' and owing to the stringency in the ^neney market, __ , ^^ X AT AN UNUSTJA^T' LOW FIGURE V They will be sold at from 5 to JO per cent less than Guelph pricesi ' Call and inspect Goods and Prices before going elsewhere. Don't forget the place Midgely'e Old Stand, opposite Agnevfc HokL am Street, Acton. ~il^ 4 0 I & Acton, March 24, J875. G. m. sGoir. TRY A MICA LAMP CHIMNEY Proin McBeati & Co's. f Tbey will not break from any cause produce a good light and will out. last a score of Glass Chimneys. BRASS WIRE BIRD AGrES And fl good voriety of o:bl;:e].a.:e* cages. i AMERICAN GOODS-, Floor Mats in Cocoa, ^ Floo^ Mats in Oil Cloth, ; Floor Mats in Rubier, - Floor Mats in "WcoL March 20 1876. A. McBEAN & CO.'B. ~ ALM4 BCOCK, GUELPH. 6 00 35 MOIMEY WANTED. $15 04 II 15 $3 89 Secord Bros, cnstortier thus saved no less than Y Ml $3.89 on a purchase of about eleven dollars,.1 The man who didn't buy from them now thinks it would have been tq his interests if he had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now a living, standing, walk ing advertisement for us. These ar6 every day facts, witnessed to by hundreds of our customers, and commend themselves to the attention of every frugal^ housekeeper. -j I 'j Orders of five dollars' and upwards delivered at Georgetown, Noryal, iLiimehouse, Guelph. Kock- wood, &c., ftee of| charge. SEC0&D BROS., Acton, The largest Retail Importers of Tea west of Toronto. Steam CarriageiWagon Works MAIN STREET, ACTON. I C H A L S P E J G H 7, General Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Maker* Best Horse-Shoers, in the County Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged. I FIRST-QLASS FLOATS AND WM. STEWART & Co. Acton, July 1st 1875. 0 T.-HILL. COLLARD'S PATENT IRON HARROWS 1 Always on hand. , A Good Stock of Carriages and "Wagons. BfcPAIRING promptly and properly attended to. Aoton, July 1,1875. ' P, i ' I L. T AI^L KI|fDS OF BOOK AND) JOB PRINTING j BBpHPltY EXECUTED AT THS FREE PRESS OFFICE. AT PANJC PRICES, KENNEDY BROTHERS, Have just received their ' ^ 4 Pall Stock of Boots and Siloes, And are deternmined to continue*o sell cheaper than tlia cheapest, ui better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. Call and See for Yourselves and Coring1 yourL Friends with you. ^ .Examine our stock which comprises everything in the trade of the latest and most olegant styles and natterns of English, Canadian and American manufacture. " | ~ i > t^y> Orders promptly executed and good fits guaranteed.* U B. All accounts must be settled this month. Acton Nov. 4, 1875 ^ 1 KENNEDY BH0S. CREAT SALL. Volni w ffollfgd and Baf lege. SI CaUe<<i Xoejfaal t,m. r yrrov-l tl'ieyl fObtniJ vooeyl graph t Com. in D. tiile 4. Ac, pre| and onf *J<J3|> Gl^sg Ac OC Streets I Chanee Knr * Milton- rnent ofi la-w -K-.i| oo Fru Agent f<l All buMil <pitiimll4 soficited jrp| Fateat lorrrm'4 ation tei limaer! Cheap Overcoai^ ! CjELBAP overcoats. Sweeping Sale of Eeady-Made CK)thing com menced to-day at the '} ELEPHANT CLOTHING HOUSE, Rare C nance. Call and See Oar Prices. i WM. RUTHERFORD &, CO, I - No. 31,-Lover "Wyadham Street. hul*rV -.January 4, 18f6. ' ~ i v O1 fjastf-n' tie nifi^J Sa e^ ata Ml Oppol Go 5es Ml Iomb| lad pi countl ar| tftenb P>SJ tieali eonlait estls^a PractiJ f All) Des r l Ruling: I* Vj'l , tlOrde Officef-willJ COjAuy/! fe One- [J wrjcdBd, in the}3r tf Essne -Eiip i$61; ftl 1 I - I V. to 3TO.S "^t^Lafff^&^

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