Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1876, page 4

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** --^S^Mi^i 1r.'rr\5*a'."r'i?i^"it;: jr: :- > i^-'P^-r-i^^i '-^^^^^^^F^i^S^*^^S^^m^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^MV' \ : t-4r- "J 5f ", Si' fetr llili ** '~-t< fH ft; mJ- }& m t i -THE ACTON FREE PRESS Tkbma. One^loUnr ft yrr, Mrleilyl* nflx-atiec. If uiu wild before three mouths one- or vwodollnr* if Uol li:J Ullthe enu or inn )C;vr. N<>ini*>r will-lie sont to'any iwr-' ,j.>n more th.tiittnc yar iiiiYvildr IvATKSor 'AUVKRTlHIKa. Kllthl OPllts rr line, for un Insertion, nudxwo cents pcniiio Tor-curb, subsequent insertion. t*hort alverib>?mentnr eluiu lines iuul amior, $1 -f-wHiree InsrrUcun. Ituvirwss Cards or eight Hues nd- under, $1 per annum. - - . - A Htvcrnl Vlsooui t-SHowedon advertise ment* inserinl ( :*t>-tided periods. AdvcrUstMUi'iUx witlvioi s|x>fcil instriip- <.ioa-tjR'sertd tin-.forbid, nod chiirgd . ucoor-irncbr. "-.; - AnySrwnU Nt>uc<>,*theoh)cot ofwhloh *s to pittm,-UMlio pecuniary Ceneui ofuay Individual op company, UVbo considered . in ndverilsi'me'iu. '. - Ti*aii>lcU(lii(irp! lUcments lo be jvild for vrhefciordrrW.. AH advertising account); i-pedfrod mi irterlf. - . Xoitcpsol Marriages, Births and Deaths mertod free - "". .-' HOLD VOIR lltUD Vr LIKC A MAS, . if ..die-stormy winds-should rustle, . iA-Yhilo Vo'u trvad t!io world's highway, 5fcHl avjitst tucui bravely tussle, ;Koj>o and'lalwr day by day ; ^_' K*ter not, no matter whether . ,' There is sunshine, storm or calm, ;". "" AWi in every kind of weather, .-.. Hold jour like a man. - If .1 brother should deceive you, Aad should act a traitor's part, - Sever,let hisUroiison grieve you, Jojj alon.i; with' lisbtsi'hie -heart;} .Fortune selduiu-foU-ows "fawniuii, * , . "Boldness is; in the tfhtn, r>ir.-j for/a "better yihwii! lola yviir head uo like a mart. lop:r Ho! iiuig, Earth, though e'er-so rich-had mellow, ; Yields not for-tVc wortBe,s droije, ~ But the l>old andhoatst follow, He can shift aiiAstalid aloue; 5jura the; knave of every riatioa, . AlwSys do thdbeat you can, \ Ai3jl rio*-mattcr -whatyour station^ | Jpii your hesid uyt likea/Uian. - to .*?!>- ^ifeC" iMftpi l>eacbh-Johnston is a great tein ncrhnce man; and sets a go/xl: ei. i tirrifiis of touil alatineuce as far as J, he i seen: Noi. long xigo -he em- ^.floteii a carjtenter to'CtuateJsome alterations in bis parloF/and jn re pairing the corner near the-fire place, it was found necessary to re move the "wuinscotting, when, lo 1 a discovery was made'that astonished every body. A .brace of decanters,; " a tumbler, and a pitcher vvert cozily reposing there, as. if-theyJiad stood . tUere fraru the ; beginniag. ;-, The Dtracon was summoned, and^as he iSeheldtbe blushing bottle^-he ex claimed : ." ' ; . i "JVa'U, I declare, that is curi ous, sure enough. It must be that old Baings left tiem -things there , went out af this 'ero house thirty years ago." y " . 'i Perhaps he did," returned the carpenter ;;lj" but, Deacon, thu it . in khe pi^her mnst.bave been friz iiightv-. bard to stay so till this linie.^.. ' *_ if. ' :" i ' A. little futtber investigation ~!i|)wed -that some one in the 'Dea- ^jn's family bad a private entrance ^iuto the closet, and it-was probable .. the; bottles and .pitcher were 'in - daily use. '- ' JJow this: story is Ijo doubt irtadc up by some cif. tbe Anti-Muine lnw .. jteople, who iare always trying to - throw su^)iciOa on the temperance men. Wierdo not believe it; but the following is_-said,.to be a true bjll : ; YiOUng^YatkinSj-Johir Wutkins, -::-oiVirginia, came North to visit his '-"HKiteriial uncle, Colonel Joseph 3Iartindiile, a.very .worthy man, in, "she'vicinity of Buston, wLo was a& the head of the tem"perance paitjf; there-:" and never allowed any d(. the- intoxicating fluid .to-be kept on ... the preraises^or drank by any onfe in liis employ. :j1J6hn-w'as a grea,t fkvorite with the" uncle and all the THE FREE PRESS, ACTON,-HALTONOOtJNTY, ONI^ G-" I KL1MI ARMORY, ., ALSO Gold1, SiIverN& Nickel Plating "Works, HC QUEBEO STRS3T, aUELPE John Kirkham, Prop, . Mnuutnctuiicr nncl'Importc'rot- BTe*ch and Mitz/Ic LtnxdiuK "Rifles, Shot Guns, &c. JicivlvtKj of nil .ikiterliilioni altcays on ' land. AMMUNITION FOR ALL BREECH ; ' ] LOADTOa ARMS. Kly A Kynocli's Cnrrrld^p Cnjteii arid G:|-s Tor re-I.Kvdln same. He-loaders. Ke-e-apixirK, Gup FJreuirs, Curlers, nrd CreasorKjrleivuliiK Hoils, niul all articles necessary for a SporlMr.mtN outilt. All; sorts rof Uep:iirlU|t niul Jobbing executed on the shortest notice til ._ 14S Qucbeo Street. -. , JOHN K1KKHAM. iJ^^Rinc Ualt^ry on. the premises- open froru 10 o'clocu a.m. to 10 p,m. POST OFFICE CASH STdRE, .TJps Trade] A CTOX Wagon" aid : -arriaga ... FACiaRY. JAMES KYDEK, Proprietor. Carriages, Slclfflts, ^' i .- .Cutters, &c. kept In stock and made to Order on. tne Shortest .Notice. Strict attention piifd to SorssrShocic? & General Jo^Mag and saUsfiCtlon^euaraiiteed. Aston July 1st, 1S75. ".' '. DR. ROBERTS' ; Cole'brated 0 iatme nt CALLED THE- . POOR MAN'S FRIEND, j Is confidently recommended to the Pub lic xs afi utlainng remedy lor wnund^ of 'evciy dftscrtptioh ; .a'certain, cure Tor Ulcerate<l ore Less, evou of twenty years' standing^ Cuis, iivirns, Scalds, Bruises, wbrtolulns, acorbuticjEruptltinF, and Pimples-on tlje P'-tce, Hore nnd in- li;imcJ Kyus,.Sore Heads, Sore BrtaiitK, Pil^s, Fistula, and Cauc rous Humours, unci is a Specific for ttio-sn ufllictlngKrup- tions that-Sometime* follow vacttination. Sold in Pits at lis. ljd. ami 2s. pd. each. Br.3loT:orts'Pii'n On beginning tho busirvesa of i87^,l would return sincere-thonkn to my numerous oustomors for tbo- very. Jllbent! support they have given me durtnj? thepuBt 22 years, and again I/uiost M'spoctlully nsk a continuance of their respective support. IJuring ray experience in business 1 ha7e pretty thoroughly found out the . i and Downs in And am fully convinced that & ! Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to bothvSeller and Buyer. " " I am therefore determined, to do a REAi)Y]PAY BUSINESS i And give my customers the benefit by giving them Eight per cent off for Cask on all General Groceries -.; {excepting Sugar). By doing buslneBs as ahove, 1 will have the cJiBb to buy my goods and efTect a I : " iSAYI^Gr OF AT LEAST 6/PER CENT MY CUSTOMERS WILL CET (THE BENE^lt And in reality get '* | 14 per cent for thefe Money. Please consider the matter over, and give^me your support to carry out 'the only right way of doing business, that is DRUGS, aJSl 6, 187C Prttga, Ohomleola, Dy Btnfls, ] . , ..- - Patoat and Proprlotory UeAlotnea, -' yaacJ7il Tollot Soaps, Spoagos. Sruslics. -, .-. j i i ."" " . Paia,t8, OU8aa4Tftralttoi,| j " . .1 : F*acT aad Eupbcr Goods. PUR'S "WINES.AlTD'LIQtTOES for.Holloiaal Purposes oalr. All goods.warranted of the best quality unci at ten pep cent below Toronto prices. '. - '- I>on't forget the place. j Medical Hkll, Mill strejet, {Acton.' ~ iActon, March 13, 1875. ' i O. E, MORROW. REMNANTS! REMNANTS! Previous to stock taking, we will have our usual two weeks' Clearing 8ale i of R;ninants.-. Every Kemnant in the store will be sold cheap. My stock will always be found complete in" Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, ;.' Q-lass-wate, Stationery, "Wall Papers, "Winded Blinds, TOndov Boilers, Spccialtics.-SAUSAGE, OYSTERS, YAKMOI Til BLOATEJ FIXS'AN IIAUDIES, &c, &r. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. I believe in the DISCOUNT SYSTEM, and a* it has proved very sa factory, I jwill continue to give the discount as. follows: On 25 cts( cents discount; on SO ctS; 4 cents ; on 75 cts, 6 cents on I,,8 cents. Canveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Aeut Agent Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fourth Div. Conrt, Com. In Q. B., &c. Acton, January 18. 1S70. JAMES MATTHEW! Wm, Stewart & Co. C. T. TrnVDHAM STREET, mm Beware of Cojjuterfeits. mm 3jm Autiscropliuls. ()r'ALTEU.NATJ\tE PIXELS, confirmed r family, from the parlor to the coach- tfA^ll^M^i^m^aTafSr -. hoik=e. His visit had beeni'antici- ! purlfi'iu.e tbe blood, and assistlfg Nature ,: -i,. , . , ;>ati with pleasure, and every body., lnHer..ful3,C'>rbntic Complaint*, Glnn- "kv<<5 diku'Wfnl ts. ttihI-b fho mnof' A? I d"lar Swelliugs, particulprl^tbose of the vwiS au.p.JSetl to make tne most ol.j Npck,<to. Tney forma mild and superior Jim.'-' After breakfast, before the I Family Apeneht^wbicn may be taken at /-'-.l I all times without confinement or ctianeej Oolonwl went^nto town, as was his I or-diet. Sold-yi Boxes at. Is. )Jd.,2s.9d., Jailv-'pnictice.'hV asked John into | . 4s.9.i,flis. andS2a.each. '.Le-'irbrarvandsaidtohimi' 1 <4-e- .are all tem^rance .here"; j BEACH , AND, BAENICOTT -r but I keep a little eld brancly iiei-e ' DISPEXglKV| bmoi^ut. enci-Xxd, ;., for my own use^ take a drop be- and or ail respectable Medicine Vendors fore, j^ou rid<." "'" John took -a thimbleful, and tbe ' Colonel went,, off < No sooner was .' tie-gonej th<yi Mi% Martiridale, sefe -.- ing," John on [the piazza/beckoned come in; and leading-bim to ~.lier bouduti-, remarked' very giaod,- ' -' natorediy,. ' . , _'-\ . " You see,- John, we are'all very ptriot tetaperance folks. The Cel. never drinks, and lets no one else; -ii'It I keep a little for dyspepsia. "^2. Would'ypa drink something <before you go'btijt'?' . .- ".. So~John"tbok a glass of old bran- -4y and-the Colonel's .wife- joined ; bim in tb^-same. ;} John strolled I "but to the carriage-house, Jjihonght he would take one i of the j M^^^^^^^f^Si^ ^GUELPE For the protection oi the pnblio of Brit Ish North America, ideem it my duty to state-mat my PIuls Asp OiKT.rBKT are neither manufactured i>qr soldln any part of the TJsiTEn si Aifcs. Each Pot iud Box b.V<irs the "British Government' Stamp, with the -words " HilLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, koNDoN," .engraved .tli'ereon. on the label is the address; 533 flxronu Stbeet, LyONDON. , ' This notice has become necessary, in consequence' or vile and spurious Imita tions of "Hollo way's Pills and 01 ntmpnt." bpln^fabrlcat -40^^. ed, at 78 Maid en Lane, jview ^5 K^ York, oy par ties sWllasWlR |Km themselves 'Holloway :AHgB^J3|BCo.t with an asiumed* pUr^lafB^rade mars:, -, I Tfoprinclpled ven^urs can obtain this ""I trash-at u very low price, and so deceive -"> Colonel's-saddle-horses and "run over jjne manufactured onjy at 633, Oxford the country awhile. - As j ^Pe^'o^vnolxpay be so deoeived win the coachman saw him he touched "be pleased U> communicate with me, 1 " Many respectable firms^in the British Provinces, who obtain my tmediolnes dl-: rect from here, liave: very property sug gested that I should, lor the bmeflt of bis bat and sajdj : Beggina your pardon, Master ^oo" Joknfeut maybe you would like to -themselves and the public, Insert their names .In the: papers, that. It may be lmown that my .medicines pan be nad :", j,'. taste a, drop of liquor this cool iiiorning.. -The Colonel 4s JSo Jjai'd -_onrde that we have to kape it all i ;snug; but I have :some that cafl't^ bebatfe.'^ . : 1 - " A So John-drank with the coaih- tnan, antl Igavd" him a quarter for bis politeness;1 but. by thistime be .vas-BO nearly drunk thatije-bad,to postpone Ibis^yide- till the next day.. -John said ttiat the worse place for ' ' jiquotbe vrai wasi C61onel "Martindaie's '4nki he badttfy shorten. : iiis visit and-, hasten homk-A/O keep i>ut of the way of temptation. Are shotting now &!:> ;If a flock oJf^gBesesee one of tbeir nuinber drin^, taey wjll drink too, ; Mea, often toake geese -of tbem- : selves. . - U . |i: ' A schoolboy says-that when 'his &ichet undertakes to "Bbow him *bat is'what," he- only -finds' which j s^iighi - ': ' " \\ ' - '".': ' genuine from t-nero. ... . The foltovl-lng is:a list, of the Drm8 allud ed to: and' 1 jwrticularly recommend those whode.are to get my njfdlclnes to apply to some of tne Houses named: E-vjANs, Mebceb * Co., Montreal.' Av*eby, Hrowji- Co.:Halifax1, N"S Foksveh <S Co-Halifax, N.'S ^ _ T. B. Barker SSon, Kt. John, N. B.: Ar6xiiJEi-XEiEs'HAj<.i.,Co.,Chariottetown Xjasblbi? A Co, Victoria, Be ' Hoobb'ACo.. VlotorM, BiC. Dr, John Paiies, Cliathram,SB MtJSKO 4 Co'., Montreat ' J Winbb&'C'o., HamllUm, Ont. H..J. RoisE,rl'oronto. A. Chipmah Smith, St. John, N. B.~ Jo Bosg, Uoderich, Ont - - Blliot &j Co., Toronto L J, CnAWtfEK. St. John, N. B/ .Hakijiut^s Bbotilebs, St; John. N. B "B. S. Pbiddv, Windsor, Ont" Mri OaPBN, Morden, N. S . Geobxjb o. Ht?iT, Jnn KrederlctOD, N, B W. H. Thompson HarborUrace, N.F. L, J. M. Wiley, Fred-*loton. ^. B W. & 1>. YMLEi Montreal --' J CHAS. 1. iOavies, Frodei-ieton, N B ' The medicines are jidlh at the lowest wholesale net prices, in ouantltles-of ndl less than 20 worth VIJC 8s. 0d, 22a., and 31. Der dozen, boxes of Pills or pote of Ointment, tor iwhlcb remittances must be seat in advance. / i , THOMAS aOtiUOWA'X. CS3T0xf6rdStreBi, W.C. '" "M"A*-r, . , Ivondon. June 1st, 1875, Speieal lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Xiines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special Jijnes of.Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets.1 A Special Lot of Cknton Flanneel A Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds, "A-Special Lot of .Winceys, Cheap. Blflck Lustres, Special Value. HlLLj, Mill Street, ACTOX,. DEALER IN REMNANTS DRKSS fJOODS '{...' [ . - --' .- REMNANTS SIL&J, KEMNA>jTS LUSTBES, ' . REMNANTS FRENCH MERlKOy, : ,, '. REMNANTS PRINTS, EEMNA^TS COl'roNS <Whitd and Grey), - RKMNA^TS 'TIcklNGS, ' ' REMNANTS HOLLANDS, " ' . ; , REMNA> TS FLANNELS, ' !. jvf|. i.. . REMNANTS TOWELLINGS, ! ; REMNANTS SHIRTINGS, . - : REMNANTS TWEED, ' ,' , REMNANTS WINCEYS, &<?',, &o.\ ' . . ' ' ' ' A. Q. BUCHAM. FaBbionabio West Knd Dress, Millinery and'-Mantlo Fstabllshment. Guelph, Pub. ill, 187U. . - ' : _ CC BIG- '.S.-A-Ij'S]. COMMENCED AT TIIB ; Mammoth jHotise, | : y-y Georgetown, NEW SPRING GOOi , '"^"% G. M SCOTT'S STOM : :;AGTO;^f, V-t '?.^^.'^ The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Stock1 c-f ' ^--^ - ;-" Pottoaadea, 'u- ;" ..': " J:y\ ;'[^\ " f^:'V - \ " V^ V_ "" < j \-: OoataV-'Waita.Dreis SMrts, ;: - ?..'-"'-:>:i U' '. \,- ^ -"-': '*':"'"i y~ "h: TrimirilagB. fee. - These feobda were bought with great (jare in the. best markets forCgsV !fi| and,owing to the stringency in the. morwy market, -,."" ,";, '"^ :! |3 k AT AN IFNFS^AiLr jLvOW FIGLTfiirl^t 'i'bey will be'BOklat from 5 to 10.per centiless tban'Gnelph prices,.".'^.vK Call and-inspect Goods and Prices before ^oipg elsewhere-. ^ . '-\-!] Don't forget the place-^-'Midgelyj Old. Stand, 'opposite Agnew-'s-HoW.-";i Main Street, iActon. . ; - : :";. -; ' M^scomvl Acton; March 14; 1875.j. -- '. '. .. .'":>,, J im 1 TRY flf MICA Froife McBeaii^ & Go's. They will n'ot break from any cause, produce a good light and will Qnb i ,| "-- i-^ -1 '1-'r BRASS^ WIfiE !\r And a good Varietyof OHB J^JP ':-' I t On Friday, Jan. 'Jtb, l^TG. The bijlance of our Winter Stock jwill be cleared out at [ j.'. Enormously Low Prices. WM. STEWART & Co. CreneraHJroceries, Boots and Shoes, "Wall Paper, r -..-. ' | .- i.'," WlndoTrT Sliids, Crockery, Glassware, Nails, G-lass, Putty, ; Linseed Cil, *m & Boiioa Paints, Turpentine, ' ' Maohino Oil, Coal Oil, l iSalt,,eto. _ '.' The subscriber begs toreturnhlsthanks to the lnbabltanfBot Actonandsurround- i'ng country Jor the liberal patronag* heretofore extended to. him, aiid at the same time solicit their farther, support K.B.-rOashFald for Hides delivered. O T. HILL. Aoton, July 1st, 1875, '- . . feig Reduction. ' i . i THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Prepare for Bargains. j. - _---------- ' Note the pticrs of a few of our lead- ' - : ing lines : Extra heavy Full Cloth, 40o per yd, iixtra heavy Wool Tweedy 50c. pr yd. Extra.heavy Blankets, $3 00. I Splendid Sbawlp, $1.50. j .-J Splend|id JackeU, $1.50. | FnrSets, $2.00. 1 Extra heavy Flannels, 25c per^rard. Extra heayy Factory Cotton, 7cpryd 800 Ladies' Wincey Skirts, matle up, 50o each. ,. - ; * 200 pieces Plain and Fancy .Dress 1 ; Goods, 12Jc per yard. I ' 100 .pieces Beautiful New Serges, 20c per yard. , ; The above is* only a few lines of goods which we shall offer at_ this our Big Sale;. Remember, tbi^'is _to be the-grandest i " "PUSH SALE^ we have ever contemplated. Call,and see us if you want tobuy GOODS AT PANIC PRICES. We shall be pleased t^> seie otir customers, "and show,.our stock whether they want to buy lor not,- i [ ^2" Aro trouble to show* [ MoLEOD, ANDERSON 4{ CO., Mammoth House, | Georgetown. N. B.r-.Remember our Ordered AMTEUTCaN COO!E>S. Floor Mlats in Cbcoar i Floor. Matfrin Oil Clothi-': ^ jFlo^Sffats injIlubDer, V;,;, |" ; \| A-; McBEAN & '6&M[- e^- March 20. 187. ALMA BLOCK,-GUEEPBL:; : iii i .&.<3-:m;j '-N--*; MIONeY' -%.:- AT PAlStlG PR ' -77' KENNf^DY ; pRTHEf||i|| '.' - ' Have'just received their'....-;)-' " | -r\ '.-; .^i FaU Stock of Boo^s aid S^l- And are delernm'ined^to continue to sell cheaper than the-chiap^*!,;**^. ~i better value^&T-^our money tiaa can be had'elsewhwa.: .^-^ Call and See for Yourselves ^ncl ttriti^ 'ydttr| 'XFirends withyou/) ; Examine pur stock which comprises everythihg fh the trade;of tl]l4|fi| and most elegant styles and patterns- of English, Canadian and Amrici" manufacture. ' :. '" [njf Orders promptly executed and good fitsjguarantee4- U.B. All accounts must be settled tuis month.! . - . T Acton Nov. 4, 1875. KENNEPT BB8& ' "< i ^^M Clothing.and Millinery Departments 4 McL., A. & CJ Oeortetown, Jan>ll, 187a $ Steam Carriage! Wag on Works Main STRget, ^ioiiroN. General Blaekaralth, Best Horse-Sliders Perfect satisfaction I. . : FIRST-CLASS Carriage and IV aeon Maker in ithe Gouni^j Aotbn, J*ulyl, 1875. AND aranteed or no prioe^ oharged. PLOW^S COLL ARIZ'S PATENT IRONi H^REOWS Aiwars on hindr - ' lj^-"- A Good Stook of Carriages dad Wagons. REPAIRING promptly and ^rqpeWy attended to, QREAT SAiUSS, .W :-r V CSB^P-<)VBEQOLATSR Sleeping Sale of. Ready-Made Glotliiog '!M ) v{ ...f'::-,. menc^d to>day attbe^ U ELlpHrYHT LOTH IM fc lit '-f- u Hare Caance. , Call and See Our Prio*., WM. January 4rrl8T6. I.W..

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