Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1876, page 3

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iK^j&Asai<i4ife* T V- - . teE FREE PRESB, AOTOM fliXTbN BOUNTY, OOT., APRIL ^1876. 'HE LOCAL MATTERS. r i.bor of his sons anil daughters .from, dig- 1 '.tiuitparts, Avitli theirchildren ami grand- i."i' .^HtvHon Spring ..Assizes. \ in children ^ Milton." .eennnoneiiu; on Monday,- 17th '.sp:' i SHflES' |o&ndJdarjkbtUty~- IRK r.rant*ed to gtfm More. & SOJSu ;-f-- f= j ;t:on of the papfla _ Scbcol will takt ~ fA;>ril llth. aa- i ^n;. bVparttacsts in ifec litat:iy._ |:.. .r^xriiiacs df tW interested ia;el- jvitcd to attriwi. ,'; ROSS, Mutr. SEopj | people of Acton has ogaa com- Business id- 'from his long; line 'he Trill be esh iafats of all - [uil.iy, nicely ud < at the . houses |rday>.-and aiwiy* Jf the public is nv ZZXMEIOIAX. - :'a ISTrv. " '" MILLIO& - . tbey hsvesecured ;s_ Baker, I*.-.:-business is bow . rhr premises oneet:, rerei daily at th* "asd vicinity. Is. Tea Cak^ : Eia^ner, and kept i-'x an-d-freeh^ Ah"? |c:io=ery' Biscait*, ; public is TtS- inst. r . .. .. ,: __-Public School |. Examination next Varejits ami others in- -teresie.l ii\a3,i,ii.itioaal- mattersshould .cnde.ivor to attemU_ _\\"o Ain(ici-s(;iHlrtlia1 Mr. Clms. - Cook, son of i':'K Oook, of Acton, is about going .to. England to study foT the ministry, at Spurgeou"CoTftse,"London. lie expects to' be away about .three t years-' "-. ?'.' ___Jr. Joel. I/Oslie, neat" Acton, * lis* purchased a handsome thorough'- - '., bred . yearling bull. Mm- Mt?:'Joseph '"' ratkinsosu. tho >-cIl-known stock-raiser in KramosaTior vdiich he- paidj a >:rge ihrarsC.-- '-. ___Yon can got .dime rtovfls and >- sine books a: the Molical-Hail,[ Acton.- i_}IeLeod\ Anderson-o: Co:, of Georgetown, T~ ""have received their new stock of Spring- _ Goods, which tSep- will sell at exeecd- i ia^ly low priees.' ",Iax>U out for ttevr. ad- ~ vertisc^iont iiext week. '^ ^ilr. T.akor, The brush _m:\n. :ir- "rived by the train hisj-Thurjilay cviiinc. bnt he --"found the people of ActoirsoUniror.jjhly. disgtistcd with his recent actions .and-breach of agreement. that he beat a hasty retreat: to otli'er . parts.. . .. j- - Spring htxtiries now ayriving, i'sack as Oranges, Lemons,' ,N"uts; Can- . dies. Jellies, Jahis.'Cani'.ed fish, Catmed Tho-.Gt-orj^town Diiuiuttic Olnb gave a rehearsal of the himtsing Draihh entitled " Am.-nvg the Urejikers,:' iU tho Tenipi'ranee Hall,, bere, last Thursday cveniuj;. 'The. ai\dietioc" was notivery largo. We did m>t rhmk for a trrst-'elass pcfforniiineo front an ..imatcni'clnb, aiul. we vero not at all diappointcd. One or two of the chai-aeters was wellsttstailaHl but scinio of'the others are. not likely to shino .e^cracuitiiigly 'brilliaht; in the Dramatic constellation. Tho tableau- was remarkably! effeetivo particularly the pantomime \vhile gazing for Promp! .'the fuzzier. ' The following answers have been .re-" eei.yevl t.v Lvst week's Pu/.r.les : PWiible Acrostic, Jso. ;V Diamonds '~r-Ottrt-ville l.eerts ICtluvjiia-^'ifc- gets - Newport -:i"l>it> Yorli': tub : = : Hoots and Shoes. . " " PotHde. Acrostic ft\V). 4 lln- dergo-i-Keel Walachia-r-' Elbow Ni!l-i-<.;<.>at l>uk*-o{ Wellin^tou Hattleof -AVater- Xniits ia-'-tiu Shcl jjlass. Canned Vygv- tab'.es.- Pickle^, Winces, t'atsujis. -Ap- ,ples, PrahiiS, llarsiiis, etc.. at'Seccrd 'Bros, --'.-. . ~ ' 1876. SPRING. - 1876. c THE BEST GOODS FOB, THE[ LEAST MONET- THE p^ASGOW HOUSE, The Poiintaitt Head for Bargains, i THAT EW 10NDERFUIi: M\&M SPRING CI X fO&Ss FIRST ARRIVALS iN CUELI 39 PACKAGES DF!NEW GOODS. One; Case Fancy D|res^ (3-dbds. Newest ONE CASE OF BLACK An . Imme^ae ; Variety bf PANCX AND STAPLB 3DRT -, A. K. M- and Wib Liiirie K. lie S------ -. | Traiis]x)sition.! Tate Tape. Diamond Puzzle. Canoe Dudgeon - Mnngo Park Uuauo-r- Era -K :: Muniro Fark: : i/Lizzie K ai:d A. E. M---. New pazxles crowded tuit this Week. Another Delicacy. Secord Prosi have received" anothoH m.-at. Maltbys ilcsceeatod Coeoauut.put - ... i uu-iu_ioti!id and half pound "'jiackaues,'- a rublic-niectifcj will,'*'hoM in Camp- j or-pu,t_ into cakes, piiddijigs, etc., etc. beips-ilalL-oa Friday evening, for the {~1t? :t-____- -'"^^ '-' purpose of discussing the subject of j Sugars,- Sugars, SugRTS. ^otaiBga-farai-.rsGraa'ije'iii this^vje^- White griumd; whi'tp crushed, wliite 'it.Vi \V-c.-j.res;:iii'e the re -will be :i larp j cllt 1,,-f, wi,i:,. pulverized, colored, red. testing of tic^e. ititefEited m .Wie jb!i;e a::.t \ c-Hoy". i\.r frosting, etc.'. mus- initter. i , - f" .'! C"V,-.-l,". >,'Nv.c York snow, gulden yel- '-..- "" . " -. . 'i low. .yellow r-'::nint. and .briovn 4ug^s,- Revived a-/Se-.-o.r.l Bros. fw 'SIsttLews" ivS]'., dttri!!^ the pastAveek by Mr. HerUog. a DL-ciple. ;:u^ioiar> . have-attra.-tvd a - ' '."Lu-} -e-.:: cr.'V.ii j-,1 t-a-.-i! evi;.n- ir.z ana ' on - Hertzcr/is ^ t::eci:ve speaker, aii-t ci-il< i-e :::ar.::"cs:-,d by h:s i.e.-.rers..' - The ou'iy tnc-tnciit whi_-ii hoiks more rleAjaut an-'I l.r.ppy ti.r.ii a ; litiy sitting br ^ prcture, is B':.ia;:i - 'Clover stud Timothy Seeds'at 'Henderson' & Co.'s, Aetou. uii *:ock .-.t I..'-.\e^t jirices. ; rr.oon. . Mr. j . .Sr:nr-s, Seeus^Sekds.^ Jast ro- -jsd earnest-j-'e-iiyed -iiur>]ir;ng stock of Fresh (iardeji 3"n,l. Fiehl. .See-Ls. Xu\y is.the time to l- iiittrvs: !- o i Xi-^-r neek a;o'!t ai;- . e^cl:j::_-j .jK.ira.-v. \V -^ays an . hait'^e -j2 lis siic Eis ! : ~ mt-neV he gt;\e h-.r'i^ ti:e inonimg.tef., bey a idre.' w ith,'i^'.-Lr.ving rp-ar'cL.-.--_-d -.. -nU.ut . liarf_ti.e -.'ric-j Le e:.?.ct^il'-;.^r wp-ivi' ieeure your se*.-tls for-ho.use " and..;lox plantHg. f Oio to the .Medical Hull, Acton, K'riioif dim* music. . - Tr:>rd\yai-o. i>uildiiig' Goods,. Fie: i G.-o.b, Cuttbry, Car-|-eutc:is Tools, Paints. Oils, A'arniihcs, Japan.-i,,:.Brushet-, <olas, etc.; etc,:, at >,v-r.l tiri.>a._ \] ' . tlailv at '- the la^;i fy=te:;i, C:ir:st:e,,Henderson i Co.'r,".\e-.o;]. Special v-.-lms in'.'tverv CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO., ' '! ': Being satisfied that Large Sales, Small Profits, and Quick Keturns,; will not only pay better! than having the gofuls renuiinon the shelves, but will enable them to constantly show a greater variety ' - !!.- ' ' -.'"-" Have Marked all'their". Goods Down to the JVery Lowest. Figure, . and have now in stock and airriving daily niagni- ficent ^Jinesaof i .pry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Prints, j j1- Motions, Sffiillinery, Hats and Caps, i V;" '" Baots and Shoes, -Black ress, Goods, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, . Grey and-White Cottons, Cottcnades, tickings, etc, etc., I AT TH2 GHOST OF FORMER PRICES. ECORD B MONTREAL, HOUSE -A.OTOZST. j t .- - " 900 Pieces New Handsome Prints, : ,0po Pieces Best AMeriean Cotton*. roods to "be Fcjurid. AND ALPACAS. BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. Bed Tickings, 8heeting Table Xinens, Towels, * I would intimate to my old1 friends that my Agent in Britain has been able this'obtaln j traordinary bargains, (all pf which yon shallf have tho full benefit of. An early call is solioited.: -. - . Feb. 22, 18^- GOODS :Ab?iYi2ig; ^Dailyvp Alma Bl(Uk, Upper Wyndham Strart, (3niph^ -.-.I We believe the correct principle of Irce -:"r.e-tioit.'m:ar::ntv:-d. and tiii; un't -oi.g".-o,U fo'r the least e t*_e Il:*r.:-ee:jie;it.i t..ey are KOWt Lb CO, n--irspapers, alid si of arf> erttsinj-' '" AMONGST If ^:ir Isjcrv-E Dja?BtM'l antroTjpce -fro tJ* - and-tuiTOHndnig nave opened *(" -Iroii and; |usiness,; fsnaerljr oVaea'pf3?-d , nearly oppotit*'^'! ..rorkmeW 1^' In appose ail WW*"-;, their pawoiMjgPn _ Upon bTing'".; Iroptlyloil in s:j.ndiijf:tr :so, the _ other ; day, " , ilr. -John Btn-:' '.nert, of Crews rn's CSSers, "as I. a y-jung; . inati- nini-pi J^hn 'ALaa."' '.'jTihu latter' cJ&ii tSf-jforzicr a- =' liar^-i:! in:.!ly strolck hiin -.r;th lis fist. 'Hr-.-jJuLut'". did'not retaliate, h^t, had' ii:s an'tag-'n-.' ista arraigne'l before Mr. Justice .'ytran^e - in Rockwood, yn }iIonitay last. Youcs Allan-agreed, to apologize- and nay the cost?, on consideration of Mr. .Bennett forgiving him f.irias ra^h'act. r^o the cite waS settled. :: Attempted .*nlride. A man alxt 3-5 years of.: age, named .Alex.- Weir, well kiiown. inihis v.-trhiiry, /attempted to cut. his . t"ro,at early on Ttfesday- ^loniing, at the re ilr.: Stewart, neir. Crewsoh'a Corners. ; Try :ii(> M-.-iiic-ii Mai!, Acton, f.'r copy;and eeh.'d bou'is, ] - i IIo-!| fop. Tea's. ^ew, j, sweet, 'choice ' drA -fresh, just received and1t'i arrive, ia.1 uta'^tiilieent stock, t>ur Td-as have -always. 1'eeii known to be ^iie btst a-i'j eheBj)-.'.-i :n the market This year we-ou'*.-r.>peci^l inducement.-*, (jhir ifOe. Tea iTas (listicneed all,competitors, and is in-universal use. Skcoia>-i!lUij3. j Cash System a I>EijJDj:n Scc-j cess. Christie, Henderson it Co." have great pleasure in stating that' their -ktily sales since adopting ihe Civsh &yi~ tern, liave been much in excess of any -~;:a:lar period siiice l>eceml or. . Thrs is; iiij:lily e;rat:fyihi: to ail parties concern- f c:-i. The public can feel .-L.s--ered that no [ elb-rt "wili- l.-e spared on the-ir"part to ence- oi I i|i-ke'it an object, for all to cpehd their! money at the Cheap Cash S/f-jrc. . . ' e| stock of i ^ lit and ; JaP*^ { llVare. the best:qoiiti^r^' oaI-sra|a;iJi- tof^ |ng|>rx)bbjDj|; "'"" -.'i^-1--: ittended-to. \i ~:' lia'a Copper taW^-i -nge-v 'v -- I orT tbe ted. He is a man more than'-ordina'rilv well J ^ .vo want dniwi'ri^ books OV edSSted. For a^nmbsr of years] ^msv | I^Pf "Sa to',Jls -)it'li=fvl il=U, At'^ . j Just received and opening up. our spring stock of Crockery, Class- of money -Laxs. been stntj to him ijy his trietds in Scotland, .blat most oi"Tt_,yas usually .squandered -in" periodical "sprees."-"' -IJfecently the . supply 'of -money has' been stopped," aad he has" 'fallen into a state of despondency. Eirlj- oh Tuesday morning, Jlr. James . Stewart. -was' aroused by.. a strange "noUe proceeding from V*"eir s .Lett He jumped up and found the man bleeding profusely from tbe neck, and discovered that'he had cut,a-severe Kash in his ; throat with a razoj-.' The; instrument was taken from him and, the wound bandaged. It is not considered danger ous. Wo understand that',this is his second attempt at suicide. i OF ACt'OtXTS - OF Tn ," I ' '[. Mtini'eipalitj pf Acton 31st OF- DEOBMBER, -1875. Tl 't^h m 1S76-JL ,t______ Sa.obt ' 'm Ttto old Acton have; been "-. removed by death trithln the past few daye. 3Ir., Saniual Speight;'who has been Bnfferirig-for ,the past 'four years . with .peri'odieal attacks of bleeding at tte hings, iihally succuhilx-d on Satur- ^*y ^st, after -several, months' conhiic- -ment. The deceased has resided in and near. Acton for many years, was well^i known and universally respected; His funeral on Monday was very largely at tended. '... " -.' "-.'-'-. Sir. John Zimmerman, one of Acton's early pioneers died an Sunday last, at 'the residence- of his son-in-law,. 5Ir; -.'T^os. Reaper.,' in Erin. \ More than forty yeirs'-ago, Mr. Zimmerman settled i.opon the farm which is crossed by tho.: j railway track at the west end of Main* - ftreet, part of which is now ow.ncd and .. occupied by Mr. Jas.VCamefoa. Here he resided for many years :.M'herg he hr^^,t up a large and respected fajnily: His wife die2 just eight yearB ago, since ';'*f?*? he has been li\-ing with his sons -. .""S-daffghfers.: Over, a year ago;-he - kffcf a paralytic stroke which rendered him ahnost helpless and Speechless. He '^~1as a quiet, unasgaming old'gentUnjian ,. and was highly esteemed hy a .large circle of friends and acquaintances; He attained the ripe age ot nearly 77 years. ('.,. .^ ^eral yesterday waiatten/led by -' " *-J55?*fc many iriEada, iuciuding a nuin- \.oi -- - wire, etc. Our:str*k :in the'seidepart- ments are the largest;and cheapest we have' ever ha<U Parties requiring au'y- tliing in this .line should examine bur stock and prices. .We-?how no less than 1-8 different patterns, of China Tea Sets] :'.. Dr. EECEIiTS To balance on hand from. 1 74 $ 793. C6; "Uncollected taxes from 'V.; 1874, village and school. .255 80 Tax arrears .*3G0,O5, less 27.84 collected Tax arrears collected . ,,. Village taxes ' .. ,. .'. I Ji on-resident taxes -; x .. FflESH STOCK OF Also fulllines of the best brands of TEAS Gr'eenj Black and Japan, at tbe -lowes't prices ever offered tprlhe Canadian public. Our 50c. TEA has no-eiqiial for the inoney. Money may be" scarce/with you, but remember that our prices will be in proportion to your purse ; and,.if you have the money to spend and want our ffoods.cio not fail to see us soon.. We .ffdhere strietly tp the Ready Pay System, and "Popular Cash Prices," and the popular ver dict. on~jour prices is that no goods of the same style and quality can be bought anywhere else for the same money. r Any'.. Quantity, cjf PJJUESH. EGGS "Wanted, for which wewill pay cash w'beii, required. Our terms are Cash or; produce. Kbnc of our customers are obliged to pny the bad-debts of somebody eLse. It wron't"c^>st you anything to examine our stoefk. Ko one is conipeli'ecl to purchase. A call respect fully, solicited. advertising School taxes, rural portion Municipal loan fund .. Tavern licenses. . .. School, fund account... -.,. Fines and penalties... Clergy reserve '..;'... .. Public scho'jl, Government . grant...... Public school, interest on loan ..'.". ".. Clergy reserve" ., .._,- .:.- Iieftind account..... 332 21, 27 84 180fi 91 20 03 42.J 50 191 50 150 00 ! 3-2 tfi - .24 75 :im o. i4 :],. ^123 00 I Cr. HXPi.VDITCBES. - k'aid Public school.. :'"j. . "Charities.. -.. :'... . , Contingent aceouot . Streets and sidewalks. ! v'-County rate ... ;., . , Clergy reserve '-..I .. -".'. Jkefund account .... Uncollected taxes .. . ^ . Tax arrears .....V- Balance on hand .. .. . 84 50 1712 00 21 98_ SG072 89 1824 48 98 02 287 58 555 07- 75 00 1712 00 2 23 813 44 332 21 { 372 84 CH2$TIE, HE2TDEES02T & CO. Acton, April 5, 187G". | and doing business generally to be, to show cus tomers and others, clearly, positively and convin cingly, .-tliat. it is to their interests ttjtrade with the party advertising. This of [Cxmrs^,is not pos sible to every im?rchantj for to Ido so lie must be able to show clearly that he can give tnem,better : a' ' ' value for their inoney than they.can get elsewhere. I ' > - To accomplish this, he must not ionly buy well but he must mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices, so that customers will see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with him. | J ' ' "i , .facta In the two invoices below we think we clearly trial NOTHING LjjjSLE }Vti4n yotf'Jiave the T%n. to buy it. R. \FI ^ HiErjiv Begs o announce' that having pur chased an entirely new stopk ; of tools of the. most improved charac ter, he is now iira position to turn out all kinds of TIN AND SHEET-IRON in the VERT BEST STYLE. Being- in a pftsitiori > to , Bu j aU Hii^ Stock Thereby gaining .-the advantage of the trade discounts, be is'determin ed to sell goods of-first-classjmake and. material at ; - ! Decidedly loyrer Prices Than can be obtained from . any- other house in the Province. | This is not'" blowing, but genuine facts.' If you doubt;it, give jhim a 8- ABBATH SCHOOLS. Tre^byteriah at Work.. '-' . ,' . Salbai7i Sclwsf WorlcL 1 1 Sunday -School Times. , - . ; 5 ' .- , -'-: ^ Sunday School': S.ujyeririUndtril?* . Times. '." Westminster Question Book...' ' i .- ,f Berean Question ^oq7c ; - ; , ,.' International Lesson Leaves'. Westminster.Lesson Leaves.',-. Berean. Lex&pn .Leaves'. ' ; \ .-' -;'- -; Select- Notes, on the- international Lessons fpr -IST6. ' -' . ' '" j/::': The JUjrgest and1 Cheapest Stock of : Sabbath.School Papers, Sampbjii ,for.wJirded, prepaid. - ORDER AT ONCE. "Nl showj the advantage gained byi tho,se who deal with us, over those who don't. A customer bought of Secord Bros.; - 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 50c. per lb.....-. ../I.. i... 11 lbs. Bright Sugar -------lkil "" '" OS^Meiliura Bright Sugar 1 lb. Best Hyson 'Pea......: . 1 set Knives and Forks :.___ 1 set'Uhina, 44 pieces__.... I gallon Coal Oil........... i $2 50 .* il 00 ... 190 - : . 5 ll 50 ', 14 00 rr j . 30 EAVETRDUCHIHC A SPECIALTY. Having just procured thetmbstyiih- prbved appliances for dping the work, he feels B.atisfiedi that-he cannot be outdone in this branch.': ERSON'S CHEAT BOOKSTORE On East Side of Wyndhani JStreet," '.',' " <3UELPi. r* . '-,'. 0LEARINq SAME OF -f.^: :"f. 1 -."I r\'M'aN'ftimS en is Another party who didn't buy at Secord jBros., had to pay the following prices lor the same igoods:" 5; lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 perl lb. . 1) lbe Best Sugar.......!------ 12 lbB. Medium Bright Sugar . 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea ...!.'..-.'-. lket KniveB and Forks .. . lset China-, "44 pieces........ 1 gallon CoaJ Oil,........... -^ Brought down. $3 75. 1 JO 1 09 1 00 1 75 6 00 35 The shop will -shortly be consider ably enlarged, and I intend to keep always-on hand a large.8took.of STOVES -.--' -- -,n : Of all kinds, which will be Bold at very low prices. - : . r- Coal Oil for Sale. ' , ] ,- ' It." F1SHEB., Acton, Feb. "22, 187o." 35-3m 1,5 04 11 1A- $3,8$ .- ) ;GAIi2i;AHEl SEE : DICKSON &:-. IVlcNAB?S t SPRING- tSTQOK. - Large Lot of PRIiN"TS of theMost Select Patterns I ':- -" at the -.'.} "_.' SG072 89 ' We> the undersigned Auditors of the "Village o? Acton", hereby certify that we have examined the Iwoks and accounts Of the Treasurer of the said Village for the y*rl875, and the above" is a correct abstract cf the Bame. Sailed, \- 7,. A.'-HALL, i } ..j.v. ' I SAMUliL e,\.Tm,iAf<1,tots Also the Celebrated DTJXDAS OTTOONS. afj" exj- . - .-, ceedingly low rates. We have now an Immense Slock, of S CF> K, I 3ST (3c T W ES; IE 33 S 1 : . ' 'i Of the Best^Pittterns: that can be had jn the market. | " -,' o . .' . ' -'^ 'i. - ' ... i! 'fpr jfo-'are determined iaot to be undersold. ] ' i-' "V DICK30N & jMcNAB. j Acioo, March 29, 1S7C- , , Secord Bros.' customer thus saved no ldss than $3.89 on a. purchase of about elieven dollars. The mail who didn't buy from them now thinks it would have been to his interests if he had gone to Secord Bros. That man is now a Hying, standing, walk* ing advertisement for us.; These are qvery day facts, witnessed toby; hundreds of our customers, and commend themselves to the attention of every frugal housekeeper. i Orders of five dollars and upwards delivered at Georgetown, Nerval, Limehous^, Guelph. Rock wood, &c, free of charge. SEC0HD BROS., Acton, " The largest Reta0 Importera' of j Tea west 6f Toronto irftHOSE who always bare READY MONEY, * - '" l':;" - '. are tho most particular in their ef forts to make their purchases ait tbe ' '-" *^ ' Lowest Cash Prioe. LCD. ', With Cash in Hand . No Losses Are Made! and you can afford to sell lower than your neighbors, who musb make up tbeir losses by greater price* to those who pay and thus MOST UiXJUSTL,T make those who Always have money pay the bills of those who never have any. I T, J. DAY" does business on the Csh Principle, paying money down. He possesses advantages m his line excelled by none. Close Cash Buyers go to his Bookstore for their yooda he is satisfied with Small Profits. At Greatly Reduced Prices ""' * ! A large quantity of, ' ELfeRY/ |T6 be rashed off'a^ . TEST to".OT."*a-i-o.ssL-' HEIGH m STOP! jt. Matfsi&Maitter?; Why-any -person whe wants a 'goods. J-jj and cheap. . ,;^ ." SET OF HARNESS Should call on " RobiY Creech, Mltilj STREET, ACTOX, > "Who is always- ready to supply cus. tomers with everything usually kept m-a, hraUctft8a Harneee Shop. ,. i Harness rrjade to- order -on the shortest pOsssbl^ liotjoe. I collaes X srscxAinr. -M DAY'S BOOKSTORE, CUELPH. NOV 1^,1875. R CREECH ,/LClok. 'ti - I ^Tr

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