Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1876, page 4

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' Tm. f TV Tpif) I FREE PRESS, ACJT^N,' HiiLTON IjOC s5 . r < the ijtjl Q.l)ELPH AKORY, .vs iTkbjcs. one dollar ft year, H-rifily Jn suvancci Ifn.npa'.tl in-fore three rdniflhs .-no loilarmill r nattwlll b"ehanj*d; or t wv> dollars If not pad till tbetirad of Uit> > ear. .So paii;wlll h i*M. to juiy per- > > more thn o*w yor unpaid. Katcs or ADv*TriNjo. Klght ^ntn |v>flli IVW fttnt-lniwrHon, mid IvrdconU j>?rUi.o for each imbM^iuent Insertion. 'wnort adveriUpraonJabf-clBhl lino* and umder, M for three interne**. UuKlnef* ; Cards of elgtil Hues and uuJer, %\ per iunnum. "' ~ . I A. UucraUUtcoui tallowedna advertise : uionu 'nserted.^f extniidSd ))rloiliC 1 A!vetUenu'iil'Jwith>>ut special luslrup- i -. nns. lowru-d^ 'HI -forbid, and cuarged " ."i--i. ' Any Special XtHle*. thiibbjftetor trhteti s o pomi.ip iho pjecuuUflry oenefiiofnn.f ' v:>dividul or onn.iiy. to oe eousluered , an'advertisement Transient ndvettlsemcntit to be paid fgr irhen ordered.: All cndeivd: qiMrtorty . ettlwi when ordered.: All *<lvcrlUln$ accounts cndeivd: quarterly. " Notices n Marringrex, Births and Deaths uertcd i\jo V# 1- Sum- - ' rf DUEOCIt-AV-DHOsU*. '^, Per "name ys'll knewjlw Sboii Miarau, . Wha- inta GTasco fount bur way J To get t prw, pui, jnueUle l>y, * . An' tauelrt'ta-'-Dhooch-Sia*- 1)1 oris ; . Her shirf she'll po a slentletnn,r Bhe'U lavo wi' luve her nopjie elan", -.An' oich } she'll told to efery man - .'fit if toy "11 stood' in^reetom's Van, Ti>teukta Dheoch.n'.Dhons.. Whan she'll pe-feditwi* soord or iirk,,'. % gang to trryo ta-stirk, Or whan she ; YV.ian she'll pe tramp J-in ta mirk, Ur eaugin' to'-ta S&ppa$h kirk; .[,- r She'll Ituk S ;.\iyj-haja she'll -nf^a froe'n po (Jrvwse, ' b' ' ' ad&a.l" AfareJsbe'll-leave it pe-her use __) U it spent tif nicht in neeWr boose, j ;'ll; w ail&s, like'to tirikher doost, L ALSO Gold, Silver &r Nickel Plating "XVorks, 148 QUEEEO S TR3ET, QUELPE John 2irklia^r, Prop, ManutaotorerauiLImportcr or. Breccia nnd Muzzle Loading Rifles, Shot Guns, &c. fawlccr* of all descriptions alipayson ' hcuitl. _. j THE: ; POSt OFFICE CASH STORE, ^f s- :i- f mm mm ' * H'=^*"?k! To triak a ^Dbeuch-au'.Dliu'm. .' >>^Vhan matritches pe unco rife, j An' -ife teuk man, or Jiiah tenk >)rtfe- ; Vor warse or vaur tejo haill 6' Uii To trjve avra to tee vil strife, ' . I' ; ^Ve teuk^^Dheoch^an'-T)bris ; . An' whaa he/ ancker fires her buiik, :0r mak.her tiffer, wi'a fouk(_ . j: ^ As men will to wha pe ti gowk; 1 To ^ife her freeachip she*ll:pe howt 1 ' A twa^oute Dheojiii-ariNBharis. T^'Queenitey By-pe HeUan' lireil, IT : i l>ang will her clory stinlicht sjiread, j i,"Gin she'll pe'plt, when gaun td btjd-^-' 1 Ta nieht-kep an her ponaie head J; _ 7! Tey ca ta Dheoci-an'-Dboris j '! i Tho" far awa frae hamcly hills: : ' To laa'-o'. cakes an' mucile shilla | . ! ;- tTa thocht her e'e wi*-water fills),j '. She'll wish her Gaids an', nefei-ills' "'". Jn mony a Dbeoch-an'-Dhoris. ' Ue= Piple tells her ^lktta to, i .. Aie" spokes o' Xoa ^ettin"foa'r j iiing Danvit an" King SolomcajsJtnew Xa virehews _o* ta mnuatain dew, I An' teaktere^ - :Koo, whan teath's pibroch sob ns ta plaw ' She'll triak her bcalts afore she'll fa', ' An' wi' a Heilan-sung, H^rra: ? ; She'll raise ta quaich ah'-'trink it a', - Ah' whisper * AMMruurnoN for ailbreecb XCADING ARMS. "' .. Ely A JKynoch's CnWrUlne Ohbor (ind Cnpa fi>r re-Udlncr Rftine. Ke-loader, Jto-ciippt rs. Cap tanctPFis Caiiern, uiid Creasor-s I'lcaultig Kotls, uud ull tvrileleti UttCOisar,' for a 'Sporlsn;nn's outlll. AH soi t of Kt>p;drles! U11 Jobbing executed on the ahorioai notice at Its Qucboo Street. JOHNKlKKlkAM, ^ Br tnllrry on the prembes ^J7" open if On beginning the busineaa of 1876, 1 would return sincere thankn to inv nuniorouB;ouatomerB for tho very liberal Support they have glwn mo during the pnst 2^ yenrs, and aguin I most rospootluliy ask a continuance of-their respective uipport. During my experience"in business 1 hare pretty thoroughly footidl out tho "' psi and Downs ^n j Trade, And am fully convinced that a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to ; feotb Seller anii Buyer. .: I am thoreforo iletetpjinod to do ft | i . REkDJY PAY BU^I]Sri5SS Arid glvo my customers the, benefit by giviiig them j" --. Eight per cent off fdr jCash on; all Qeneral- '-'-.'-:. Groceries/". ':-!;,-',:' ti (excepting Sugar). By doing business a"B'above, 1 will have the cash to :" - ! 10 o'clocS ti.'ni. lo 10 p.{n. SAVING OF AT LEAST a PER CENT ' ' ".. : .-.. I"- " "I.":--" , !-.' . I ;' '.. MYf GUSTOMERSi ^WILL^ CET THE BEMtFJT, J ?; J 14f' per cent "for; their Money. rieaso consider the matter over, aiid.giye me your support, to carry out tho only right wuy of doing business, that is , WINTER I ONT,rRGH ^,[1876, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. otr^ OF BOOTS & VEK Y Acton, Feb. 15, 1870. cc tE Aro now ollered at LOOT PRXCESr* To make room for-Spring Stook. Nov is the'|tim> to get; BargaiasJ Call Early, CRklNE &S0N. ANOTHER LOT OF PLATED WARE OPENING AT . UP-BWIiCHaRDWAHE ^TORE Designed for the .Christmas Season. A LINE OF. BEAUTIFUL LAMP At Prices TJnparalled ia'Guelph, ' ragon and Carriage ii l fIagtory. ~ , LMES RYDER, Proiprietor. raroas, . Oarriasea, . Sleij]i8, . V] Outtors, :&c. Ji- to) If-:- :,:wunm.K* Balky Horses. /' './:, The brain of a horse seqtns to entertain ; but one thought: at a time j for; this reason continued Iwhippihg.ia out of .the question; and ;oniy coniinnS his. stubborn resolve. But if you can by liny means change the direction of his mind, and jjive hini a new sulje<-t to think of^nine times out of ten;you will have no trouble in starting him. As simple J.a tricJcsas a little pepper, aloes, or . thejike, thriawu back on his tongne, will ol'ten^ succeed hy turning atten.- : tiea to the taste in his mouth. A -simple relnedy iB ta takeajcouple of turns of common wmpptugvtwine, such as .'_gw>cers use, around; the fotie-leg, just below the knee, tight ': enough for the horse to-'feel^and i "tie ina bow-knot. At; the first 1 ; ijluck he will generally: gjpL^janoing '. off, and after goirig a short distance, -you ca:n .get out, remove, the string to present, injury to the tendon-"in your farther^rive.' Qr tie a sbriiig : tight'.y atonnd. his ear, which jwill serve to divert his -mind to forget iis stdbbornness, - leptlpsiock and made to Order oh the ^Shortest Notice. ; Strict attention "pad to an* Batlsfictlonsaaranteed. Acton July 1st, 13"5. "-.- VBTERINiaLBT. Galls! j : " -There ;would be-: no necessity cere gills if qoromon sense': were usd in selecting njirojjerly fitting] coilar. If a farmer worre a. pair of loose shoes; constantly slipping via Hor*>sh,oieiiur fc.&eieral Jo"bWag 'and down at the heels as he walked, he would isetreating himself, as" he often traits . his hopse, and would tiarn by.-experience how galls nijight beprevente^r Sometiines-t|e collar : is badly made as;badly'.fit ted, collar should should be hard und smooth on the iniide, and ought; never-to have anj thing applied" to it that would interfere with its smooth - surface." "Any* thing of^au adhesive nature would drag on the skin ancT create a sore 'gpoD. . . / :",-' My stock nill always be found complets in AT- Groceries, Provisidns, Crockery, CHassvare, Stationery, Wall Papers, WindoTT BliadSf Windo'wi Rollers, fico, Specialtles.-SAUSAGE, OYSTERS, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, FIXXAX DADDIES, &C, &c. Mammoth (3- S^^XiOS 33 iCOMMENCED A'C'THE On House; Friday," Jan. ith, 18T6. -/ PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. I believe in tho DISCOUNT SYSTEM, and as it baa proved very satii- factory, 1 will-continue to give the discount .as follows: On 25 cts, 2 cents discpunt; on 50 cts, 4 cents ; on 75 cts, 6"cents;Jon $1, 8 cents. Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent Acient Money to Lean, Agent Montreal Teh Co., Clerk - Fourth Div. Court, Com. in Q. B., &c. | ! \>L JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, January 18. 1876. ..- ... I " DR. ROBERTS' Celebrated Ointment r " CALLED Tl^E POOR MAN'S FRIEND, U the Pub lic as an uoftilllngremedy lor wounds of every description; a oertoin euro for Ulcerated 8ore Legs, _even of twenty yefiri' standing;" Cms, ; BnrtiR, Bcalds, Bruises, uhUbloins, Ucortiutie Eruption*, and Piraptes on the Pace, Sore nnd in flamed Kycs, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts,1 Piles, Flsiala, and Canci mus Humours, and is a Specific for tho** afflicting Erup- tlonsthatBnmetimcs follow vactnnation.' Sold in Po'U at Is. ljd. and -is. 9d. each. - Dr. Shorts' PilUa AatiscroplmltB or ALTEHNATIVE PILLS, epriflrmed by-sixty years' experience to be one of tbe bst medicines ever compounded for purifying the bloodrand assisting Nature in her operations. Hence they are usefu,' Wmi Stewart & Co. G. T. (hill, i Mill Street,! ACTON. In Scrofula,Kdorbutlc CuknplalnU<, Glan- d"lar Swellings. particuHrfy those r'" N^ctc.atc. Tieylorm'axriIM.andsui y those of the Land superior Family ApenenL wulenmay be taken at ull tames witliont'conlinemwitor chanee of diet! Sold In Boxes at-jB. IJd., 2s.9d., - y-is. 3d", lis. and '22n. each, BY TttE PROPRIETORS, BEACH AND BAENICOTT 'AT THEIT.- DlSFE^H BT, BKJUPolBT, EXCLAXD, and by all respectable Slfediclne Vendors Beware of Counterfeits, WYNDHAM STREET. GUBIiPH. ' Are showing now' UEAJL.ERIN b'X -~:Facts Worth, EemembQriiig. Id is worth whilo for all fariiiert .everywhere^to; remember thit thor. otigh,culture is faettep than three v-'inortgagesjiu their farms, - ~ ^ ^/That an offensive war-againsl - " weeds is five times less "expensive t tphaa a. deftsnaive one, .)" - ' That good fences-"always 'pay better thaij. la-wsnits . with neigh bors.-: . ..,. i "';,.) That hay lis a good deal jsheapei 'made in summer thkn purpbaswl ii winter. Tliat more stock perish from fam ine than founder, The liopsa. who lays his ears -back and looks Kghtning! . Vrher any one approaches him is vicious Don't buy Tuini. ^ ^That^srimpingtbe feed'of fafcteL.' ing hogs is a w^teof-grainl : , - .: ', That-oiri'-fed fowls won't !laj egsts, - ;r - ._ ^Jllliat'edacating'children proper Jy. is money lent - at one hubjijred per bent. ^ , --r That one evening spent at h,oni c3' | .in study- is more.profitable t ban tea f -'" lounging about conmtry tav brns.(*- rTht'.'.ropiM .i'.should -'aliijayi b j-: milked regnhwly and clean For the"protection ol the pnbllc of Brit- ishNortb America, 1 deem It my duty to state tbarmy Pills akd Oistmest are neither mann^aclnred nor sold in any part of the Unitkij-Static. Baoh Pot and' B<hf'b^iirs the "British. Jovernmept-StamP, with the words H>LU)WA.Y'S. PILLS iAKD OiNTMKSTj- LOndon," engravi'd thereon; Un the label is cue address, 533 ;OxiroBl> Steeet, LoyiX)ji. ' ; .- ; This nollcei hns become necessary. In coBnequenee or vile arid spurious infla tions oV ' HoIiQway's PllUand Ointment," beingfabricat \^B^ edat78Maid en Lane,">ew ^^ J^ York, by par. ties styllnK^fl Kmtn emselves " Holloway AgiBLaJS BCo .* with an asjumed* pJT jMCrade mark, thus " Unprincipled vendors can obtain Oils trash at a very low-price, anclso deceive you by selling tbe 6ame for jtoy genuine Holloway's Pi'ls nnd pintment, which aro manufactured only at' S33, Oxford street, Ixindon. , Persons who may bo so deceive<rwill be Pleased to commanl<H!tewRhmePi . Many respectable firms in the British neflLof themselves" and" the inbllc, ins'ert their- iume> in hn papersJ that It may be known that my medicines can be. had g?rioine-from them. 1 ",...' Tfce following Is a.llst of the firms allud ed to; and I particularly recommenu thone who desire tp get my mpdlclnes to apply to some of the Houses named: C EYAifg, Mbp'ceb 4 Co.. Montreal.. AvEBY, Hbov <* Co.. Halifax, N S Fobsyth <t Co., Hallfak, N.8 T. B. Babkeb i Sos, St. John, N. B. apotue Abies' HaXl Co., Charlotte town LasoleYA Co .Victoria, BO vioobe 4Co., Victoria, B.0. -_ .j~ ,Dr; JohnPallew, Cbsjtbam, N B MtrSB'o 4 Co., Montreal j Wiseb* bon Hamilton, Ont. H.J. Rose, Toronto. a J . ! JtjCHiPXAW Smith, StL John. *f. B., . ; Jow Boxd, uoderlch, pnt . _r~ :< ^Lr.ior 4 Co., Toronto j J.'CHALoSEBiRt. JobmN. B. HAWiJtoXnN Brothers, St. John, N. B K;8. PBiDi>Y,-WlndsoriOnt M's.OiuE:f. Morden.K. S _ Gbobok ". Hukt, Jun..lKreder(cton, N. B W, O.. Tnojtpsojf Harbor Hrace, J) \f. L J. M. Wiley, Fredr>rlcton. ^. B W. '4 IK YurLE, Montreal 05aAB. I. Daviks, Frederlcton, MB . Tbe medicines are 'sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, la quantities of bol leva than 20 worth vt^ 8s. 6d7 2i!., and 8(*. per dozen boxes old Pills or pots" of Ointment,-for which remlttanoc mast be sent in advancA. - imoM ^8 holloWay. 533, Oxford Street, W. (j. . .- ' Loudon, June 1st,11875. Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons, Special LineB of Cheap Silks'. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. SpecialJLines of Cheap Blankets, A Special Lot of Canton Flannesl ; "- ~~? - .-^h " A Speoial Lot of Cheap Tweeda. A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheapj Black Lustres, Special. Value. WM. STEWART & Co. Acton, July i 1st, General Groceries, ,-"'-"'.- i' .."'.." Boots1 and Shoes, 5 "Wall Paper, Wiado"w Blinds, Crockeryy : Glassware, Nails, !." Glajs^ IJutty, Linseed Cil, sa^r ';"Pain|s^. ' ._ - Turpentine^; Maohine Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, etc The subscriber begs toreturn his thanks to the lnbabltantsoi Acton and gfarround- lng country for the liberal patronsg* heretofore extended to blm/and at'the same time solicit their farther support N,8.-Cash Paid for Hides delivered. O TiHtLL, Tho balance of our Winter Stook will be cleared Out at '/' | Enormously Low Prices. Big1 Reduction. THE C00D8 MUST BE SOLO. ! i*repare for Bargrains. Note the piicrs of a few of our lead- : ing lines: '. . Extra heavy. Full Cloth, 40c. per yd. Extra leavy. Wool Tweed, 50c pr yd.. Extra iicavy Blankets, S3 00v Sp'jendU sfiawls, 1.50. ' .-Splendid .'ackeU, 81.50. . Fur Seis, 82 00. Extra heavy Flannels, 25c per yard,- Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 7c pr yd 800 Ladies' Wincey Skirts, made.up, 50c each. 200 pieces Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, 12Jc per yard. 100 pieces Beautiful New Serges, 20c per yard. j The abc(ve is only a few lines of goods which we sbitll Offer at this our'Big Sale. Kemember tfiiB is to be the grandest "PUSH SALE" we have ever contemplated. Cill and see us if yon want to buy GOODS AT PARIC PrIiCES. AVe shall be pleased to s|eft our -cu.tomers, and show our -stock. ^ ' whether-they want;to buy or not. \tBT Xo trouble to show Good4.~v3l | MqLEOD, ANDERSON & CO., . ] . . Mammoth Hoqse, . ! Georgetown. N. B.-r-- Remember our, Ordered ClothiogandMiilineryDepartnients.. 1 McL., A. &Co. i .' Oeorgetown, Jan. 11, 1876. ' AT A. MbBEAN &. CO. "Alma Block, Gti^lpbi Dec. IS, 187S. MONEY WANTED. r : AT PANIC PRICES. KENNEDY BROTHERS, .- ;._ . . V Have just received tl,eir J ^ Fall Stpct of7 ^Bobts, and Shoe% Acid are delernminpd to-continne to sell clieiper than the cheapest, ani '"'- ! better'Value for .your money than can be U^i elsewhere. Gall! anil See for Yourselves and bring your Friends with you. .; \* ' * r , Examine our stock" which comprises e\ei vtl ing in the tnde of the lafptt and most elegant styles and p=itterns of i-u^li-h, Caiifidian and American manufacture. , '-'. -.. r " {^5 Orders promptly executed and good fi's guaranteed "j( j ii B.*^ All accounts must be settled this month I . - ; " ':> \ KENNEDY 31tOr : Acton Nov. 4. 1875 - M w . /j/ H CONSTANTLl;ARRIVIXG AT THE geMra^ MIliL STR2T, ACTC1T. DKU ..Wijatjer. Slock of _ u > 'dona AND READY-MADE CLOTHING !|- . ' Is now V- :, ! At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ^ ft BoUea Steam CarriagelWagon Works " MAIN STREET, ACTON. JI IC'HiAEl:.?'SR:Et-Hti: ^ General Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Maker* - Best H6rse-Shbers in the County I i .- . " Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged. :. FlRS]f-GXiAS^ a PLOWS - _"! ..:L J ' . COLLAR^'S PATENT IRON HARROWS ' " :. -,. ' A Good Stock of Carriage? and "Wagons, REPAIRING promptly and,properly attended to. Acton, July 1,1875. : G RlE AT BARGAINSL . : ' ' I"; -.--,- ' I Are offeree! for cash or produce. ' aV G-roderies, Crockery and GlasswapfL Will be found a complete assortment of the best quality, A J. VST. mANN, Acton, Deo. .29, 1875. v. In OREAT SALL. -- *-'V CHEAP OVERGO ATS. Volar Coldest and bud .___ cl| lege Nt Collcgel ruoHtaf p m ACTO'V TAli eJ veyJ fosUlia/ JHoney eraph Com D! . t D. L.ire v| it, prcl and on| Ixinn n Ulasgov *c Oflf Streets < nanoeij K rfc tlMiltoai < ' 1-VS1 Agent tAll buaij r^tn'niil sohoHetll P^ i . Cjjiu ratent Boa . udfn all C*a-t? i Taab*r oj ,Pfix^-rt] 'Ilie m , ibxcrlle &n; put i Coantv, f AitlrJ Jio\v 1875; AT THE &m misrjD. ) DIOKBON & Acton, Feb. t, 1876. MoNAB. Sweeping Sale of Ready-Made Clothing coi i: V menced to-day at the ELEFHAMt CLOTHING ftoMl Rare Chance. Call and See Our Prices; P titi* ftUTHERFORD & Acton Januju-y ^1876. K6. 3i, Lower -"WyadJiam Street"

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