Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1876, page 2

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muinl>v s^t th t:"i:; ~ih ^f :-'-. ;rir 0 .5'5;' :i:.f ' xl ,; ...J ', ": .-:*>' \V\-y-. " ! 3i*..... 1 - U , : 1 I 5-43 f'.jf- Nwitzoi, tl\ll OW had fix ;-Mr; in tho that < point gross bcntnt iinless ( fliiiin fitruetfc -t.u>n o ' on Ul rjii :Thc ing w1 cumst t! OUt4l! of in? oliijib Kvas-I r& J .r<-'7-- :--> '". '-'< I 5-tr; <H: l.i.-'rT tv::"c .-V. H> ' t? " "'-i.. .v|4Pr^:* - ^ i-t" !* . '-".tri^it?--.- '.tatiiures to p-t into _tlu>..bunds of the Railway tXmtpany, in the prca-" ct t nUit f t-ltls niiid. . . - ~ " Oa motion.of ]W. Buck,-second-. t'. hy Mr. Robinson, tho petition \V\ Pet tit and i:Rt other lutc- juijers of tlrty County of Halton, retain _Uuv it & N.'.Wj. Railway- Vc.eiltlllvs, l iteiv<xl, rtsvd^jiml rofcnikl to a committee of ihw. whole, i! ' ---Th* Petition was-ivcvivod ami rqad. Council went into oomuiit- t*je of -the whole/ : H" ;, Mtfssrs. -J-ns. Apptebe and =f\W . Pfctttit, by permission.; addressed1 the Council iu jsHpjwi-f'of.tho iwtic'ioiv I Mr. Youfeg ovlieved. Mm prayer of thu petition wais reasonable.-' Ho iaitT thiTB -was serious cause for doubt a to the a'bilitv of the cvni? 4ny"to .construct the raiRvay ; and >Wi\i t1o petitioners . asked the Cwincjlto withlwtd thedelH'ntnros till thoir doubts weiv solved,, thny ujkted.notliiuy moiv than was rij;Ht Vnd-just. , Tire petition, wits worthy of aiid_5-onhl doubllussr ivceivo the . considerution- it loerit^.d.. . It \v;u said tlw liue^woiUd becompleU'd to Gtjcjr^otowxi* bjf next ^epteinlH>r. ( lu jiis opinion this xyas'si ".physical" i iknjiossibility.'- He doubted whether ._r that section jof tlw charter hquir- . ins'the suui ot'$tKT0,000 eapi-| tory tal \tt>ck be subscribed had been conipJitnl"; with. . The' Council; bad no ^jideiioe of tire fact. Thea-oui- jkinj' VFii4 c>3mp6stHl'-..of re^irisible nifei>.-t'i the Council was told that unless' the bonus .of ?i5o,000 from HalioD was piactil in the hank, the contractors would liot go on with . - tbe work. If tuei-contrsptors'would ':Jot trust 'them-,"was it a wonder, "'that _the-people of Halton- he'sitiited, = to repose full "confidence in them ? Judging froui the various acts,of - . deoeplion by which the company hud succeedeil iii obtaining the pas- *' sage of th5"by-l:iw, they were not entitled to uulnnited confidence. "A bird in the hand is worth two: I in.ihe bush." The Credit. Galley ; tine> au^lit to be a warning against placing implicit faith in any projec : -tors .of railways] The Haniilton&i ^brtliwesiern Couijuny lia-d not' kept faith with jtlie people'of the countV. It will be time enoush to< gtve.up -the_ debentures when- thei 3' or when good - . aecurity was givjen that it would bej deue. The Council would ,betray< .the trust reposed in it. if it did not; lesist :ill deoiiinda for the surrender. of the dfibentiires, until niattersl lotfked mors pro'piising "than -they1; did tft present, i He felt it to be his dutv to support the prayer of the petition. _ T ... ] Mr. John White," by pertiiiision/ had, _J: carefully considered the present po-( isitaonvof-ihe company, and had ar^ rived at the conclusioa that t'liq- ^ "time ;had arrived when the railway ^ would beTbuilt. Tbe directors 1 " meant tusin^ss." He -thought ' the question as to the'de^very of J the debentures jwould be perfectly safe in'tLe hands of tbe Warden,.. Cot Clay objected to the ^'ardeii of tliu t'ounciJ were they: to liMiid o r'ier tluv. <lbcntnros and not i>.verv qontidenco in his old 'fri"hd of nil the Erie .4>ocan*i ->'th at out contr the hosti! bonu.'. shou! that rtvid after all. . He had , but he' had rwilly no conr the debentun-s when in thuJhniuU of the Trustees. Ho (Sti-._S ) had only one vote ugidnst tiiu twj Hamilton: Trustees, imd, consequently, coiild bo. overruled. very 'gratifying to him to iee gt'ti tleinon from other parta of Uio county ^coniiug -forwartl rtnd sUmdii g by {hose, who had always token tho grdund that ho ami otliere m the tii-st maintained. Warreh'liad i>o confidenoe coinpauy tuir in any coiiipuuy e{cpudetl_ m>on stninitg ttj f law to perpetrate an "act of njustiee to gain its objects. ^fe did not. think t he Council could be conipel'.ed to irrender Alio dil- es, even by an-acticm" at law, tangible eviilenco was forth-: tliat tho road would Iki coh- d. He advooixtwl the retell- the debentures n'ntil they be. just-itied by aecomplishud 'piIE A TON FREE. PRESS Published KreryThu'riidny -Morning.' fci Peir Annum in Advftnoo. JOS M. MACKINQ EOlTOrt Tbuiwdat MoKKtNo, Macii lti, lt76. tact.s. in-giving them up. Waixlei'i said, this was'an ional case, and we wen* deal- ill it under'-exeeptioiia^-cir- uices. He reviewed the liis- f the epiupany, and pointed at; by amenduieu'.ts' to the ct u-ponition, the Directors-wore ' The ProUtclionista'ahd tho Freo Ti-ujlo hobbyists, havo been airing thoir eloquerieo- ami thoir tlioovit'is itj tho Houro of Coin nions nearly every other diiy for tho last threo weeks, rind it "is hard to Ray which party has gained advantage in the debate. There in i\ gitiat deal to bo sitid on both sides of the'question, and every member who has been 'tblo to fonmil.ate nn idea on thu subject,-has;'not neglected the. op portunity to express it. Matiufuc- tiire&.who were so chiniorons to secure a -protective, tit rill' have set tled down, to the conviction that it is' viseless'to look to the govermneiit Ui satisfy, their demands ; neither do tho leaders of tho Opposition show a disposition to \ coiue to the GENERAL NEWS. -Hotel lictmses- m Milton 16, .'=1970.. COBt JO to by a she hy a itt G. shop t|) tho Friday moth cost Erin Council. ' barren, sroondod by Air. Lindsay, This-Council mot on thu 28th that the sum to bo paid for a Ttiv to.liecoine ffoiitractorsl This ' tho rescue. The .corninittro who ad in principle and "greatly we:ikt:ned|tl'ie-hands of tl'ie friend road. . Then again there was itnalgamatiqn -with tl^e Lake road.' The! Directors had in curred personal ^jjlig^jtions and thus J e'wditorsHo the Conijwiiyi t now. the same pei-sons were andthe saline tiiuoDirectoi-s, ictors, and cretlitors of the compiuy. " He-had ho hostility 10 "being phtced sin such a position. oad but 1)^ I ad" a determined it-y to jeopjirdizing tjia county He wasanxioiiSithiit the road ^be built,- andthe" wuis anxious J be intei-esU of tho ratepayers Isttoull be protecteil. He would "neyei have supported the scheme had ii beeij pivsi>nted in its present shape He hail a proposal to make to tho gentlemen frotn Hamilton. Thet?rmSof tbe :J100,00u bonus recVn :ly granted by the. city of Hamilton were.Such that tlie nione>J' wkmlc.; not be piiid juntil the road was finished to Georgetown: Whv not place the County of Halton in a siinlliar position. Instead of the money being paid out by the Trus teed lt it be paid, by the county Cotindil. .3f.. this- suggestion was" accej)Uible, a by-law would-be pre- 'jKired Itnd therarrangement faith fully, carried out.' The money w-as just as-safe and would be-paid to tbe Company, us if it was in the Bank Of Harnilton:. M^r. pay foot said he was' not in a" position either to accept or reject the propositi of the Warden ; but he' was pf the opinion that it.woiild not beluccepted. The Company was prepared to go on with; the road, aid. would insist thaS the County bf Halton kept to the terms of the by-law 1 ami the company^ were some time binco ap])ainted to ilVquiro into the cause of the pre sent business depression, havo not yet repotted, though, they h^ivo been busily engaged the past three or four'weeks in procuring evidence from leading mercantile men and manufa.etureis throughout the Do- minion.H, We doubt veiy much if they will, after all,l bo able to re port much, tu'oio than is already well known by' almost every one. The Centonniiil year so far prom ises to be disgraced by tho revela tions, of the most stupendous cor ruption that hiuryet been unearthed in tho.Uuitcd States.-! lit addition to Minister Scheuckfs connection with j the Emma Mine scandali and Secretary Belkiiap's sale, of Government privileges, it is now qtated on undoubted authority that Congress is in j possession of evidence of a' most damaging char acter respecting the '.administration of the departments of. Justice, War, Post Office, and the Interior. Im mediate, investigations will take place. -.- 6120 thin year, t If yoti want cheap Goods, O. M. Scivtt'H, ActonJ .1 Belluvillo had a $4,700 iitjd on Satuixltty, It'is expected that tho Hon 10 of Coinntons will bo proroguuij Eajittuv : .! ""',- " when fortuno wants to let fellow-being fall tho harclest lifts him up tho highest. , j 35ight houses have beoti b iricd antt twenty-six jtorBons killed, land slip in Geriuan'y. - 'I Money saved by buy'ng M. Scott's, Aotolt. . ' . - It. \V. Whitely's carriugo in Gbduri.cli,; >vns damngeil extent of 1,000 by lire oii night. The Montreal Warehousing Ilom pany are about to enn;t :i mam rwarohuuBi', estimated to !?27^,0(VO. I Tlie collieries bf Pennsylvania, which havo been shut down for some, time, aru preparing to rt suino work. -. ' ' ' I Dr. Orton's Agricultural Com mittee has issued a circular o the farutei-s, who are usketL to a ihwer certain questions. j; ^ Ladies, if yovi"'wan!t a cheap Dre?s, tJ.'-M. Acott'B, Actnii. A verdict for over six and a half millions of dollars' has been return ed iu the case of tho ]>eoplo of Now York against W. M. Tweed. A Mrs.- Georgo Chirk; h tiigod herself on. u tix-e at Woodvi la. on Satuiday, in- consequencp of dis- ugreemeuts with her husband. Fourteen persons between sixty and seventy years of J ago .were burned in tlie Ahns House itt Nor wich, Conn., oii. Sunday night. " In Ksquesing township, tavern licenses will cost G5 this year, and sdiop licenses 200. The number of tiiver'nsis thirteen, samo us last year. ' . -^-Gents' whit* dress shirt from $1.00 up, at O. M. Scott's, Actop.; ^lessrs. Kraemer J: Sons, of Pres ton, have been working for several months past at a pjeee of furniture to be exhibited at the'Ceiitennial. " At Prince 'Arthur's Landing the snow is now from six to eight feet on the'ground, and the tbermomet- er registers from 35 to 40 degrees below zero.' Victor Hugo intends proposing in tho French Senate that an am- lilt. Meinbors all prcsont.i Tho llouvo in the chair; On motion of Mr. Uurt, seconded by Mr. Rtid, a by-law whs introduced and road- a tirst and second for granting certificatcH of licenso. On motion,/ tlioTavern Inspectoi-'H report was recoived and adopted. Thjo sub- utimco of tho report is tliat John Chirko, Jatries Crozior, Thos Garvin atid John Linfoot, of Krin Village, JohTvKirk, J. W. Dwier"und 'John passed.-' erri License in tho Murjioipalitj? of Esqncsing for the ycardommencing tho first of May next, shull bo $05, and that the By-law ijo filled uj> accordingly. Carried, i - . On motion of Mr. McEhery, Bec- onded by Mr. Warren,lenve wiis granted; to introduco a By-law to amend By-law No. 277 appointing two Assessors for tho^ Township, Said By-law was duly read-and Execution of McConnell. nesty be granted toi politiclprison- era since IS70. This would include AuldhouBo.of Hillsburg, W. Willis of Brisbane, and Mrs T. Fitdding and John Anderson, of Ospringo, bo recommended to receive! certifi cates for extension of licenses until the first ,day of May, each having his house in good trim and meeting tho requirements of the laW. Tho Council formed in committeie of the 'whole oil byflaw granting] certifi cates of license. Blanks wore filled and the by-law finally passed. Payment of 4 was ordered to| Darius Kennedy for repairing a hill, on 5th line. Tho Auditors' re port-was received and adopted, und tho clerk directed to get 100 copies printed. Moved by jilr, Bur.t, seconded by Mr. McDowell, that' the Reeve order that John Campbell bo paid 12.50 for a job of bridging done on the town lino between Krin land Esquesing. Carried. " On motion of Mr. Iteid,. seconded by Mr. Barr bour, the bill presented, by Arphd^ McEachern was laid on the table or laid over.'- Moved by Mr. Burt, seconded by "Mr. Barbour, that n, By-law bo introduced, limiting and .regulating shop license, and that it bo. read a first and second time. On motion- by Mr. Barbour, sec onded by Mr. Burt, a Bylaw w introduced for the purpose of aji- poiitting pathmasters, fenqtjviewers- and pou'Tidkeenej-s, which received a first and second readingj '.' On'- niotioii by Mr. Keid, second ed by" Mr.lBatbour, the Council formed a committee of the whole on By-law No. -5, limiting shops, stc. Mr. AlcDowell in the chair. By-law being filled up,'fixing the rate aU$200, the couintittee r<)se and thi Council -resuincd .business. It was moved by Mr. Beid, Sec onded by Mr. Burt, that By-law- No. "5 bo read a-third Mime and.' passed. Moved, in amendment by-. Mr. McDowell, seconded by Mr. Barbour, that all that portion of -By-law .No. 5 after tie words " limited to one shop,v be strttck out and that 100 be tht shop li cense (no: . '"' l.( Moved hy Mr. Linds*y, seconded by Mk Wrigglesworth1, that tho accounts- of tho. Municipality for the year 1876 as nudiujd lie passed by this Council, and that 250 copies be printed for distribution. Car ried. ; i --. Moved by Mr. MoEilcry, second ed by Mr. Warren, thiLt tho-Tieas- urer bo authorized to pjty Mr. Jere miah Kentner 3 for work in keeping open the town line between Esquesing und Erin, th con.,"on the condition that the'Township of Erin: pay an equal amount. Car ried, .j .'-... The Council then adjourned till Friday, 14th April, J . J. MohrAy, Clerk. charter. :C<il. Clay-t" Don't jnake any threats, ^Ir. Dayfopt. The Council; and the people are unanimous in The wishes, of'thf^Coun^il had atr ' yrays guided, an(f always1 ought t<> ~guid, the- actioju of' thtkt geutlemiic, He would betray ihe trust reposed; ,-. ,, T, . , in him, and b^ unworthy the coil- thl,^ Wtfii.If -vou ? vl? ,avP' *e fidence of the. Council if lie acted w,li- Wntfest >t to the - bitter end. . otherwise; ,r Mr. Williams-had tolil thein'that thelCyiiniy of Peel Lad. tfe"#fii;- h- I ~sl"iS-i:5:i'J.:i " .'.:3P '1"""*!> . been granted pT. rebate of interest' on its debentures.-"Hei could not1 ^ see why the company should not grant siniih'r^ifrni's to Hilton. - ;-, Mr. White; took it for granteid, that the Trdstees woi>ld guard equally the inrjeiiests of-Hahon ami Jlunfilton.: They weieaH houor- - .able:and responsible men. and . he - could not IjeKffve that they would; t do anj thing that waa not strictlyl. -just to tUe couhty. It was no won der tlie Council was careful, when ^ ' it had'^before it anexampte of what the county haid got; for'105,000 given to another company, /Col. Clay; said tlikt when 'the- , ~ right of w'ay'was bought ; and tan gible evidence1 was before them that .the railway would be 'built, the . would hnUil over, thode- , lienturrs.. -Hi hoped she getjtleuien "" from" Hamilton would- \go\ back to - Hamilton with no liird feelings\.J --. against the people of Haltoiii;,- If so ' disposed, he mightjUrge with justice tliat the company 1 hail broken its c'tar^r, but he !wpuld w'SiVe'thati point. He assured them tliat "tlie Council bad every-yisposition to do what was strictly ~j list, both to "the company and the people..- i- . . Mr, Clements referring to the proposition to purchase the pi- N. W. debentures with money in - the hands of municSpalities collect, - esd-to meet tlieir obligations to the . Credit Valley Company, said:what-. ever was realised by the transaetibn ought to be credited to that fuhu1. An ojiinion in wliich tlie Council "geherally concurred. ~ : l's^ -Dr. Buck thought that as "the "' Council had held the debentures for ^woyfeirx, although the law said -> they Bho>ild be placed iu the hanils - of the T^stees-. witlrfti six weeks after ' the ;paKHage of the by-la w,;- tjtero could be no d.ariu in holding them a little longer.. With the [Credit Valley [monument of folly rBefore their .eyes, :it would be su- -" to take-any other course. - - Ha was as m(ich opposed >-tb-thfr prieiplie.pjf bonus as he ever vas,"but tk&t feet did not affect the ' - - cours* he intwided -to. pursue as re gards' the juetioin at i|aue. Cir cumstne*4Dlght in the future be - -^..-sif^tha^ tWyi would render it ira We hnvelG;000,OOQ- to our back. We only Uvaut what is right. Go on "and build ,the road, and you'll get every cent you have been 'promised.! 1. The Warden said he would tt'ike no steps towards surrendering the debentures without the sanction of the Council. . ,: ', -Tlie'Council agreed__tbat if it should become necessaiy J.'y reason of tl e couj-se taken by the! com pany, a special meeting should be c;d!ed by the Warden. i ' fixaxce. The finance connhittec re]orted sundry accpunts which Wdro order ed to be p4iJ. .-'.. * ; -ice or iioTios. -'.' iarvin gave notice of ollows: I will at the next meet ing of this Council move for a grant from the ftitids of this;i,runicipality of one' hiinilred dollars, to be ap plied in aiding common, school li; this County, one-half to be uppoiftioiped for the establish ment of a lijbrary where nonertiow exists, the other half-to tho best common, school library .in the County." : j " Oil motibni-jebe Council adjourn ed to; the fi-^st; Tuesday iu 3 line. ^~ HEMAKESA SHORT SPEECH PUOFES-^ SINiJ MIS INNOCENCE. . MicbaeL McConnell, murderer of tbe late-Mr. Nelson Mills, suffered the extreme penalty of the .law,-at Hamilton jail, at 9 o'clock Tuesday uiornihg. . The prisoner walked up to the gallows with -a firm step, looking calm and collected. He was asked if ho had anything to say, and he rejilied that ho hail not intended to Bay anything on the occasion, but seeing so many people present he thought hft would say" something. "He theln in a clear and firm voice saidi "That he was innocent of the crime cf murder ; that he did no', intend to kill Mr. Mills when he left hiR shop, but that" he was provoked to-atlack him over a dispute of 14,i and that Mr. Mills had acted in a tyranical iiranner to wards him. At the close of his remarks h"e was led to the drop, wliere-ho knelt. After the black cap was jiiit over his.fuce, his_cour- age gave way, and he then prayed fervently for salvation, and that though he was about to die-, suppfi- Dr. . NO' Mc motions; as fplloys: " I he:-eby give notice that the Communists, i .The Georgetown Herald learns of the appointment of Mr. Johu Hayes, constable, of that village, to the office of bailiff for the Coun1- t\' of Halton', in the place of Mir. Fraser, resigned. . Gents ! if yon want a stylish hat, go to (J. M. Scott's, Acton. A walking match has been ar ranged; at Detroit between Miss Clara Hubbard, champion of 'Amer ica, and Miss Aniiu Mafctice, tile Canadian champion, (who is she?) It wilPlast'six days. A revival is going oh in-Montrral. On Sunday night the Theatre Royal was crowded, and a large number of persons went to Cote St. Church, where 40 enquirers remain ed at the closo of tho meeting. A clever but intemperate sculp tor died in Montreal last week, owing three mouths' board. The proprietor of tho. boafding-house, towards .repaying! himself, sold the body to a-dissecting room for 25. . A splendid . stock oflpeneral Groceries at G. M. Scott's, Acton. Further troubles is reported be- tw:een ; tho Protestant Indians of Oka and tho French Canadians. A The Reeve, after a few remarks- in referenco to tbe petitions pre sented by the ladies and the other temperance deputation a short time ago, and having granted the-prayer of tho jietitions ho deemed it'pru dent to pass the By-law in its pre> tent form without graiting the amendment,'.and' that Hie would therefore support the motion tliat By-law No.!5 be now re^td a third time and passed. I It %fa-S read and pass.d. " ' | ' Moved by Mr Reid, soconded by Mr. Barbour, that leave ho granted to bring in a By-law gi-itnting the , ,-removing of LotH^lNo..5t|, east \and west ift tho 3n,l con. frioni. School Section No. 9, into School Section No. 14. Carried. Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by [Mr. Reidj. that this-Conhcil do adjourn to meet on the third day of April next, for the - purpose of appointing pqth- mastexs,. poundkeepfirs,| and fen'ce- viewei's, and other business. ",|. : " Wm. Tyleu, I"p QlerW. Thirty-five nieuibers| of tlie -On tario Bar have buui appointed J Queen's Council, and thoso who we're appointed': some years'ngo by. the Dominion ' Government hivve now received from ilia Lieutenant Governor the samo rank iu Provin-' cial Courts. - j . '; . Daniel Drjewiof Netf York "has suspended payment. His liabilities exceed 1,500,000. He lately en dowed two colleges t{i the exttMit of 3.ri0,000, but thisj luoney has not been secured to thbtn. - ^G. M. Scott kee[is a splendid stock of Grceu, Ulnck an<l Japan TcaA. A little daughter of Mr. C'lms. Arkellj one of I the proprietors of Arkell's worillerli factory,'!iu Pus- linch, was playiiig aroimd a picker, when she by accident | fell against and was caiight in the "machine: Her injuries were principally con fined to the right arm, which was so crushed that it had to be ampu tated. Since' the bpenition the child, who"is only abc-ut live yeare old, has been progressing favorably. - - - . ^ " It. is Relieved that Hon. W; "Macdoug.ill, who bits been nt Otta wa for nearly two weeks, is looking after his> claim" of 2,500 or 3,000 or bo, for bis " efforts " in Scahdinayia and elsewhere on be half of immigration to this country. ] He has not yet got the money. NEW SPRING GQiODSf ' 1 ' .; ' RECEJJVEr> frms avkes: at j , G; m. scotts nrbRE^ .! The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Stock of j /; . " PRINTS, JDIIESS i 0 O DS^ bottona4c, x -;-;. ; Plain - an d'Ohoofcod Dictai,_ -;!' . ! -, Cotton fifllrtingrij,-/' I ' - :..; "' "Oontfl* 'Wlilto 35x058; Shirts,' "- . 'y-_ -: - Oorsots, .-..-;, _ ;. "-') .... Znittinsr-anA Oroehet Cotton, j " -~ Fancy Qooasj: ':' ' '- .!". :.- These Ooods were bought with! great car* in the best mirkets for CMh, and owing to the stringency: in- the money market."' - AT AN -UNtTSXJALLY LOW FI^tJBE. They will be sold at from 5ito Ip per cent less-tban Guelph price*..'! - Call andjnspect Goods and Prices.before going elsewhere. _ ^ Don't'forget the place^Midgeiy'B Old Sfcind, opposite\Agnew's tloM, Main Street, Acton. . .'v :.j \',"". i;J --!'-'. G, M. SCOTT, p. Acton.March' 14. 1875. ' . - ) W pmu tpeisl JUST A r'l^E LOT OF!, '."' Spring and" Sumrner ^intmgiSy - -' Which Will be sold Cbeapj espcci.llyto Cash Buyers, *a" ffe are noted for Fasliionable and Durable 60c Acton, March 15, 1S76. - ' ] li-M 1*1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: S. ZlUl&E&M&IS muTas yeya, on In Kassaga^-eya, on the 13th inst., tlie wife'of Hejiry Cargill, of a tlauglitcr. i jMAttKIKD. ' , - On Wc(inR^laji>, the, 15th 'inst, at Maple Pl.-iile,, Aott.ti, liy Key. G. W. Cal vert, Mr.. J6I111 D. KirkwiMl,-of Kiiu, t<> Sliss Annie, daughter' of ;II)uuciiu McUonald) Eiq., of~12:>(iiieting. In Gueliili, iiy the ttuvL I. B. Howard, on the Stn iust.-, Mr. dienrge. Williatn- Mino, of fcq losing, to iMisa' Mart;aret Stuart, uiisaiiie plactJ. j :':'(j DIKI>. ' ' At lAct<rh, March lltfi, of heart dis-, case, Mary Marilda; aged 1" years 11 mouths and 22 ibiyB, daughtor'of DaWd" ahd Phcohe Rl-der. ' As aVbiifd fijom its l>o\yer, as a rain bow frtjinj its cloud, nhoi hua passixl- away. Sarilii will call; liack its little minstrelsluidTthe Summer Sun ruhuild its airy arch, Imt she will come back no more. Her lips are sealed in silence and the Shadiw-ot Dettlt is on her eye lids. . Leaves have their time to fall, to wither at the north breath, i-- . . i .- ' 1 W011M inform the people of- Acton and ricinily that he has again cpm- niencedthe 1 , , j - '3uioiL'srin^ Business In this village, 5rnd from his long experience in iIms line Ite will-be able to, lurniPh Iresh meats ofiall kinds or the best (jU.tlity^nie^ly and cleanly dres>ed. i.Meat delivered ntj' tbol ho'^ises 'i'uasdavB and tiiturdays, and a.ways on hand at the Shop. - .~ The patronage of, the public is re spectfully solicited . - -S. ZIMMERMAN. - Aoton, Mrch loth 187s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.; MEAT SHOP. Thfrnndersi^ned has commenced th . Biitchesriiig "; Buiiiiiess lisr -^ O'TCDEa'. bj-jyjfftb' AU'ijfs Livery aiicl will keep constantly.on eated iho Lord to take him to his.rnUmber of Protestant gentlemen bosom, because he was' innocent of the"crime:of murder. Kev. Mr. Smith then offered a fervent prayer and -just before ^lie concluded tho Lord's prajer, the bolt was diu'Vn acnl the unfortunate culpiit dfdj)- pM. lie ' died instantaneously. The only perceptible appearance of aniniationSwas two or three twitches of the legs. ; __ J.- ^kjasifcde toMiid the road; iiwdulth ['ulldings a " The LSsto veY.Ji'inner denies the trtitirofl jthe story going the round of the pSjpeKi, that Mr. I). D. Hay, M.P-.P^, belli:ve.sinj"or has any sym pathy with the-views of the Adven- tists'of thai place, who think the world' is coming, to an end on the 1st of April. It-adds : " Neither is he a" Matt riahBt, as on more oc- caiiious than one, political pettifog gers have un'deavored to induce ignorant pet ^ile to .believe, for the purpose of g lining political advan tage, and exciting public'prejudice against him. As far as we are aware, he jelongs to the body known, as Chisiadelphians; . whb deny "in part bcth the doctrines of the Materialists and the AdvBntist; who believe .the teaching of the Scriptures ,jiroves. the immortality oif'tho soulI )f tho righteous only ; white tho m.tnrally wicked, vicious .and - demor ulized, rest ;in their graves forever." Tho . Rochester Brewing . Co's. t Itoehester, N.Y.; were Storage of' Grain. There iR at present stored' in the dill'erent elevators in city of Toronto nearly one million' two hundred, thousand bushels of grain, occupying all the large room that can be got; and it is said that one railroad company, at their own expence, are moving.a large quantity of grain to Colling- wood, where it is being stored, owing to the lack of accommodation there. have left Montreal, armed; to. pro tect the Indians. .Revival meetings are being held lit St. Michael's Cathedral,Toronto, by. the .*tiarmelite Monk, Rev. Father King, assisted, by Bishops Jaunot and Welsh j 593 people, mostly young men, went to the Co'uuminioif last Stniday. The Port liopfe Guide, gives nn interesting account of the opening Esquesing Council, j The Council inbt at Stewarttovfn on the 28th 4ilt.,'all the members being present. ' The minutes last ..meeting were then re-id confirmed ; also a circular from Treasurer of- Ontario .'relating And flowers wind's And stars to ict;f-bttt nil, Thou hast all Death. . one kheep killed, $5.00^ Neil Keith, of tho new Methodist Church in r$.33j J. McPherspn,|$4.05. j hi aii evert-wtiiig di.^'i|aCB-. tolevfiry- burned onflaturday. : Loss !?30,000./ 01l the streets! The Joseph Hall Works Sol6. The estate of the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co. was sold on Tuesday by . the creditore to Pr.,-. .William IL Briggs, onef of the; shareholders, upon -a tender sup ported by Dr. McGill, Mr^ Glen and others. The competing tender was from Whiteley, Fussier <fc Kelly, Springfield, Ohio, and was actively supported by Mr. T. N. Gibbs. 'The vote stood for Briggs, 15-0 jcreditoi-s, amounting to $.161,- 000 \ for Whiteley, sixteen credit ors, amounting to-i 33,5.00. The successful fender gives the unsecur ed creditors fifty-one and' a half per cent. Nominally the tenders offered the same per centage, but the conditions of Dr. Briggs' ten der were regarded as the most fav orable. , A grjahd torchlight proces sion was held that-evening, over one thousand.; "people congregating that town. At the opening'services, which- commenced on Thursday evening of last week, the very hand- aome sum of !?27,000 .wus. subscrib ed, being $5,000 more than suffi cient to meet the balance remaining due on the church. This- costly and beautiful,- edifice, therefore, worth sonie 850,000, will not be burdened with a; debt. The first sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y., and it was through his persuasive powers, in the subsequent services that the satii-factoiy result of providing for Jthe debt was secured. On Wednesday an ice jam was found at the bridge in front| of Mr. J. Martin's -grist ruUl, MUton, dam ming the creek to such an extent that it overflowed its hanks, and converted most of the flat froin ,the creek to Main street into a.pond. The cellars of jthe Town Hall, Mr. Jackson's Hotel, and jother buildings were ;fiiled yvitl^ water. Through the united effort* of a number of citizens the jam.- was cleared away in the : afternoon. Just after it was cleared, a jam which had been.. formed at the C. V. R. Bridge on Mr. IDer^psey's flats, broke away. H^ad this hap pened alittle sooner \t: would- un doubtedly have carried off the bridgcat the mill. . of tnd the , . - to Tavern and Shop Licenses; and also a letter froui Mri S. H. Mc- Naughton declining tp servoj as Assessor for Divisions 1, 3 and 4, of Esquesing, owing'o illrhealth Moved by Mr., McEnery, second ed by Mr. Wriggles worth," that' the following sums ' be paid iby Jthe. Treasurer to the undprriient'oned parties for losses sustained to'their floclis by dbgR, viz : -Mrs. Bai|ber, Fresh at and Salt Merits iFovrlk and Vesetablcs, x\\ seasons of the yer. seasous for thine own, 0 Moved bv -Mr. Warijen, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, that leave be granted, to introduce b By-ltW to limit the nurhber ^of Tavern and Shop Licenses; to be granted in this Municipality, ;and the: sum M> be paid for each License, and thatj said By-law bo read the first time. ]Car- ried. ' . : !".. . Moved by-Jilr. McEnery, second ed by Mr. Lindsay, that four] dol lars and fifty cents be [paid by( the Treasurer to Richard ! Britton for stone and culverts to. Wm. Pertonr Path'masler. .Carried.;. ! Moved by Mr. Lindsay, secoinded by Mr. Warron, that the^e ahall not be'more t)ian two shoplicensea in this Municipality, and that the Bum to be paid for a ShopiLipense shall be two liuudredjdollars^ and that; the holder of siibh Lipense 8bal| not be ia'lowed to oaniy 011 any jother business, trade, or calling on the premises for which isuc'u License may be granted; Carried. Moved by: Mr.- Wrigglesviorth, seconded by.Mr. McEnery, th^it the Byjaw to limit ftheinumbfer of Tavern Licenses in Esqnesiiig be .13, and that jthe sum to be pdid be at the rateiofj 60 up to the 1st of May 1877 j and "that the By-law be read the Secohd and third tim^s and passed.--Lost. ; ., ' Moved, in! amendment by Mr. ; Krrs' Coci.\. Gratefc'i. and Com- foktiKO. " By- a thorough knowledge of- the natural laws which govern the operatiiiiis of:-.digestion and nutrition, and hy a carbful application of the fine .properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our hreakfast tahles with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' hills. . by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution" may be gradually built up uniil strongetiough to resist every tendency to disease. Huudreds of subtle maladies ore floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point.. We may escape many a fatal shaft by kefepitig ourselves well fortified with pnrah'lootl. anda pro-" perly uourisl ed: iramo." Civil -Srricc Gaxette. Soli I only in packets labeled "James . JLvia & Coi ! Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadnep<JUe Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Loudon.i" NEW A DVERTI^EMENTS. 'I would respectfullyi Tetum iny. sin cere thanks to the people of Acton i and vicinity/ for the very iiberSt" patronage they have given' me during the past' year, and would say ;that I a.m no>v in abetter position thipi ever to furnish | all articles usually kppt in a hrst clas<i I f^i bakery. Having removed to more con- | .-*-?' venieiit premises and built a first class qven, I can now. .tuiti out hread.rand other articles id a more' satisfactory manner than heretofore. The continued patronage of the public is respectfully splicted.- '; " ' ' D. Acton, March 8th, GALLOWAY. . 18J6 : n day atihoriil" OuultanJ teVi COv'An^ustn', Maine; 3>l<a Ouuit an J te^lms free. TKJJE 4 Aaents wanted a flatter; amchgst tlNV^ARE!? HEW TIH AND STOVE DEPOT. SiaUe? haad Fttfc, i raott.- TJie s Jpportof the public restiectfuliy solicited. S ?r " !' -' a 33.2.2: yoJr- e^fvss. -'k* ' *i the [best plsn so say yop all. Er>yARD MATtflKWlli A;cto^i, March?l 5,1856 .S*s3a"-' tHfiAP BREAD' p FOR THE MILlilbK: ]3.;& e. Niostiir; OEED WHEAT. To meet a. want lohg felt by far-, mers, I ofir a-lot pf very superior Fife or Glasgow Spring Wheat* groWn on he aw Land {n-tbe Gounty of Durham, selected jexprensly for seed, and now- for Bale at People's Hills, Quelfh. ; -| JAMES GOLD1E. "CI TKOjLLOPE CIIAPMAN, Practical Bookbindsr. All Descriptions Me; itly Executed. Account Booha of'al Kinds Made to .'-'!. Order !J.-I Huline Prjomptly Attended to of Binding The undersigned announce to the ,___ , people of Acton and surrounding'i Cheese, &c Beg to announce that they hate accural i.' 1 tlie services of a j - > ' '""b I"-- " "^: PFirst-Class Baker, .-':,': .'- -" ' l and that their Baking business is noir ' in full operation, in the premises <WtiM by Mrs. Hanna.- :-.-' ! . -. ' v .' Bread will he delivered dauyj>t' the-;. :? housed in. the village and viciiiity. .'^ Wedding Cakes, Tea'; Cak.eaij,.;' Pastry, Buns,&o.v;."":. -..- '[": malle in the.-yery best manuerj aud kept - >. ahfays on hatnl, good Jahd fresh. Ali-i I all: kinds': of Confectionery,j Biscniti,'-; BinderV St. George's Square, Guelph. - Orders 1 aft at the Fkek Press Office where price]list can fee Been, will re ceive prompt attention. $5 to <DOr\ per day at Home. vP^IW Samples worth $1 free. Stin !ON 4 Co., Portland, jMalne SEND 85i.. to G. P. iROWB'LL 4 jqo., Hew Yorfc, for Pamphlet of 100 rMtges conlalnlng llbts of 8000 newspapers, and estimates showing costof achcrUslug. country that they have opened a-; ' -. ' . Tin, Sheet-Iron and Stove Business, in .the premises formerly occupied, by! Mr; Chns. Bean, nearly opponite the post office. 1 Beingrpractioal workmen of large^ axperieiice, we can assure all whd may with then- patronage that they can. rely, upon having all work executed promptly and irkf the very best manner'. _ . . - A large stock of,.- "-:1". Tin, Shcct-Irbn and Japan- . - ned(Ware , : always on hand, of the ^be'st quality.. gTOYEg: of -various patterns always in | stock: 4Eayetroughing| Jobbing .promptly attended to.= ' Rags, Iron, JBrass and Copper thken in exchange. - /. T ! -.:.'- ,* The patrona^s of the public is respectfully solicited. V- WiLSON & JOUNSON. Aotoii, March 8, 1876.."". '- The patronage of the public is w- pedtfjilly solicited. - '-. hu. . ; " /-.'B. & E. NICKLINi T ' - --2". SPE* A ;neV lot of ^ of the pest quality! at 56 Cents, tfS Cents, 91,00, '[ -i ^ j. >- **M* '. '- Eeceived at ] - PRINCLE'S Jewelery ' ' : JLk--' CrwHphjFcb.:t,lS79^^ '.i'"v- , ] -.J'-A: Seed Whe Boifc Bind I>rpg, I>r, 'Meat^Shop! 2iew Spr New.Butc^ Ifsw Sprii , ~ Kab.- ;','." Mr.'l /1 ?nio<vin Its of hi jid(t^'ii?x -V ^Vi 1 .^-jald, belorig ' -' -weiKhed^yl ; scale'at K heavy! The. *^-ocalist, ' Georgetoy -24tt-."'We wiiely in th j _jpf Scotia iu I . Cotfc >-.-;'--up-, at G/.ilJ . .-iNew'i ,. and Boy*'^ cheap at Ca Mr. ..'. tlenoan resiij - ' -broke his li. '<lay, byj houie. Dr. : injury, and 1 Mw;en.. "' . ?: -; Cash-ri :. ITendersoTi L .(reooU at tliel '" .-T Aa wi| Council pr advertising - - mictions has "} ' PeeSs. Tl . "Tie. offici -!; Haltom" ' -. U - Jf-I -...* fe to 10 per . Chrisd ' " daily recetvi| Goods in eve at their. red Prints from" ':-..- The .A| '.' having on the 24th: --. ^arly in ordeJ of any otiter 1 liiight other and., cheapest | Goods. . .^^nial Erhibil ;.- tho ActdoM'j ~ band-some- i*ie , aingle frame iroai eicept . liick'iraletitl Its eijflre wcij T"y strong i-hipping it, carefully wjj etrong case. : r good acoonntj :.;' 0/iL '- to- be ondersol 'tri*te.v:' -Byr-an: -^aitted aiy': ^"^tyei-airj '""i. lJ-that' has ; f *liiis5et. of cad i' ~**; ?d." pric^ ; ^roronttJ-'and ' " first timel th<f cattle thl ";head, many of I -. the fair-gtonfiif i.Iera,appeared 1 .. roay hereafter | 'out more stock ; -.primlised io bej ..Tairif-. Ts-hichT . 'Ajiril'iSUi. Printlat 10c t from 12c. Dp; " pnach> tp. the '. -'. day:at A S. ;":'X'-^E;T.- ! "-hairlMies^el . 'York ft^ad,- ' iciLeniul on>rtheiiB^ talBwelVkpow.iJ -*yWhom,tfor -,'<*lt Bacnetoi-; ai ;"i\ta;nleceoS wn rinvai^ ( * at the point bi 'UK to be left a| . . this crpei Wortd BiSnlil Podjt * flue Uie riwntld *eV-1 f&eemi] -*n, th&fctnjti **' ^ongffor tnl Kl8.eyeTor lhl Wece, (who, bjl thlrty^a^i^ecttal Ooeaee inbrftgl ^ fraphedrorf *fWTbrthwitbd <udon\Voarie<li *%rUng hier tol ?W lord the 8J *^> first umJ *ttntnehu. 1 =.??inBthiisassa * Hoa bo^J ht. he bad lid "nder tbe rou>i """l^lthiat'at.l ^tocleiooti ^eu- Sjfentnj T*1* euWvaU^l ^hewheproct1 "mad. .,^Irrt Z^1** wl> con * hpplue.J V-L- :(-:

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