Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1876, page 4

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r i-f' ;. > ._/ Methods of Sotting- ^Slilk; Mp&Ri KtfiTvns.-^-ln di-iens the ijnosiioii ofj sottiiij*' Hulk Kinking, 4>v^ ;un( cd'd-'-l'or, buiter - bi'tore'tho <UjTt'Wrnr'<jsurvm .v'c-'.'it.ions '\ni jsover;aV!bf tli :tiiii.~OtSniula,i'. this vpnU>r, claimed foif+lnV method su iu thfr t.ste, aroma, ynifoimitv of M ^TELM! ARMORY,; (PS t tics I have iSerio^ity xklHceil^- u biitteiv > Ui-S. qimlitjv srain, quantity, I iiifil kvoping ijualitv of *tl Aiid.nlso of iimch jriYuterjeoohoimr f in cost- of making; labor at d-build- ings ; of protet tion to milk fivw iaoods, fiv*;jing and thunderstorms, and that it ttxjiiiivd iio skill what- ever to make a first-class :i|rticlo: of my jmt xuv'milk, \vahn from the-- co""k, in Mici'p" cans,.-put on i tight-iltttng-covers,'and lower-tho i to.m'pcratqiw, tjv: means* of ice-,, to 4i'*. and; hold it. as near as possir hie to' tUis=,teniji!.T(fiu-o! for/;36 "when J ho ei^am is skimmed oil-and churned sweety All this is - a bold innovation apojjjthe hither- I 1 to jiecopied rhtxVrid; <rf- t-rtj.'vm hiis- - ing Unit have-, governed our butter '_'._ drtii'ynifii ; bin \yheh]Ln bounced myylf an'a\i*oi'u , ventilation \vhatovvr ti> tlii'.triilk^ a . "..vague- suspicion.-seems* to Sake pos session of tho audiemje t lit .i'~ -" -liiuo for 'me to riturn to tfhe b: (Jold, Silver & pkel Plating Worl^a,. JJ13 QUEBEC 5TF.3ET, GtTEX.PH bhn Sirkham, Prop, Manufacturer and Importerot l$reecn aiiti .lluzzlc Loading Rifles, Shot Guns, &c.; tvhtq'i 0/ all-'descriptions lilmtijs on *"-. ' :*' '-' , Kami. - IV0 \i\\>- of no it- rs> ndeav fiject of jiortanjee L'i.-A-. %: m S-M%-| l&U<??4 i's# l^'^l fe?.--.-- -itplpj 1 . ^"j-jar.-o -J SK1 - e ""3'1 jt 5&t -1 "\\\x>djf of Kentucky, 1 will or "to ;-show tlmt;-the sv ven'tilatiou is ofgrvjiirt- ini to the butter maker flmti :ili.^oth4i-s ivineeruiug quantity, e^mui>my, skilly = iVc^, put toj^eclier. Pj'o!'. Armjld. li-Ils its that;-when a tliild, as. milk or -Writer,-15-.collier than thij: sar- rouiiiting aii^ it condenses lheTi-accr - of the . atujosphere, and th'dreb'y t draws-into iss vv.n\ hese'.t: all t^ie -' "i'.'.piinties t|iat ikiy . exist in the burrounJi5:>;fair, "'.For instancej I li'sve htard fisaid i hat if k pitd^er - of ice water =is placed in the rodhi of 3 |>erson sick vrith a. contagions fever, and the ice melts, thja water condenses enough sit tLe coll-., _fagioa in tho atmosphexol to~giye: the diif:ise to -any one vfho may ^J-'ink tli?_water. . For this reason '. .tine'-professor pertraentlv.i asks,' ; .shall we purify the atmosphqre -.with milk, or ihCuiilk with the .'.UnosphereTj But, says eTerv one, lite atmosphere of mv milkroiin: is pure. ' Li-t uirsee. Suppose there is ix dead cow ..just one mip away; giving.forth all the odors t>f.activ putreiaction ; a light"hreezja is com- : 1 - ing from that direction a't it lie rate ;i of three or four miles an'hottr, aiid ,'. by wiiy..,of viirierj, da*.l|ps for! a " luofiient /wijjrh rhec odora of the , s'-able-yanl '. before J it .enters. t|ie tiie. orifices of vo.iir culia,to2lv-de4- vised ven'MIittrini; and lin'gfcirSjOyer the surface of your creahi.- For, iiiiixd-yoo;, it usually bds Of\"erTorty honts to impart all its kleliciOui ol'prs-to 4bis-|<jliick and :iii<orbent, ctitii. You lii'akhouse aiid tictect no a.>i!e-CKlurs'whatev'er ; but while: thi3 light wind" is _. yoa thoald place a hub hound in that mOk-rooni, 'he, witfa -feis keea scent, -\ jineiring-precisiou to th TB A sonwrritoN' for ali bksech Ely * KyiKxctrs Cartriilse CnsoR and ;ipa f(>r ro-LiKidtui; wne. lti>-loadcr, 1: o.riijipers. Cup tyf."tors, Curlers, nnil rcnsnrs.f li-nulii)* Kods, nnd.^ll nrilcliDii Di-cossary for.a.Sixir'siiaiu's.oii'iilt.- All sorts -of- itoiviirlnfr: and Jobbing efweutod on tbc>ligii<st notice at - 148 Cinobco Sfroot. ^4r"Ktne 'nilrrr,on the r'reraUes r ysfu from 10 u'clocK A.m. lo 10 ]>.u>. FREE, ?JIESS- AGTON, ] HALTON COT^T^, OTll., M THE POST OFFICE CASH itORE, Ti;ade, +. On beginning too business of 1876,1 would return; sincoro thanks to my nunierous customers f6r tho vory liberal support tliey have given mo during the past 22 years, and again I most respecflully ask ^ continuanco of their respective support. ' During my experience |n; business 1 hare pretty thoroughly found out the j s Ups and Downs in And am fully convinced thnt a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to "both Seller and Buyer., I am theroforo determined to do a RJSADY^ PAY BtrS And give my customers tho benoSt by giyin^j them Eight per cent off for Cash/on kit General Groceries (excepting Sugar). By "doing business aa above, I wilt have the cash ta . ..; * buy my goods and etlect a " siviNGr OF AT LEAST 6 PER CENT i v and ".-,". MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, " . * And in reality get- 14 per cent ibr their Money. Please consider the matter over, and your support to carry out " . the only right way of-doing business, that is .. SI IE -Al 3D 4r DP ^ -3T. IHNTESS jfthei mm 2, i i$T6. Bool s an<l Shoes i AT A G.^EaT.jBAC QtTE WINTER STOCK 0FJ00TS& i Aro how offered ' I.'- -- % VERY I*OT3V Pi To make J6m for Sprtnj RICES, StocfcTS, A No"v7 is the time to got Bargains. Call Early, Acton, sFeb. CC 15, 18TG. BIG- powerijil snter tjie disagrue- suppose, blowuj^, ST f?F" could npt go with ?' i ' i uead car- WAGON AiiD CARRIAGE r- FACTORYl iAMES RIDER, Proprietor. "' Catriagss, ... ."-Slolgiis, I/-. "" <-': ' Onttsrs, &C. ^opt In ttoc^ an J Ordtr on tbe .i. Shortest ifotlce. . ..'. Strict attention. paM to ^orsc'-shocla.'? & Conoral JoVbiae -ancifsatlsftctlon nuaranteed. Acton j-uly Ist^ lS7^. , My stock will always be found complete in (Jrooeries, Provisions, Orockeryi ^lass-ware/Stationery, Wall Papers, Wind^-w Blindsi "Windov Rollers, &c. Speclalties.-SAUSAGE, OYSTERS, YARMOUTH BLOATERS, - FIXXAN 1IADDIES, &c, &<v nm m^: case? Cifriiiverous birds detect t{ie "I jscent of lean-ion tea time's the dis- \ I have named. He w ofceii I . ihave had the" good house wife^ t^ll i rue that soniu day3 her butte'^ lis I T-trrfcct; bint there was no regular- r Ity about it i"?oni day to dayj and :-f>he (ioujd.not tell trie trouble fwis,' .as she always , treited x p Je. '; ' j She, does not bear in mind that t le "wind Jilows from many quaBEi; "S,- ' and brings with it all tiu bid;c6 n- pany that lies in its way. '_" " - . My argument as this; -Milk as . -it otiies-frym thei cow is pure a id f-^rfeet food, and:if jbti will .only. keep it in that condition, the go>d " '!afity uf-yoiir buttkr is insured- Xhis' caln be- done with t im.plicijCY -v itnd,-economy for ttiiriy:sjx hot rs ' bj-pitting .the hiRk yi tjght cais ."" and bringing the iempferaturg, with , ice, - to" 49=;^or| louver, immediately ujion tiikiag tlie' miltf'frotn ii& iS<iw. . Theiie] has. been much said^ . -jiuui the necesity of removing t ic jniauil bait and odor by ventilation- : i: do not" recognize animal heat ,- ts ^liii'eiiiig from ahy other heat/arid /;l will reidily come out th "Oiigh tne * , sides of the can if the auiTOtiudis/; -1atiiro"-p,here7is only cold (hough ; AsJfor aniiii'U odor being coil' . rinsed in-myrinilk, either by want "\; i . veitUatiod ;of by means pf- srtdilejx poolingj i bimlply dehy^tle '1 iMii..' I have cooled my mil^wlth- ou6>'entilatiou lor three rearB and never detected animal odjoi? in my ~ ijutitr at 50~[ier cent. ja4>oye market pricj?, just as the j Swedikh'buttt- . IJf lariy oni S.CED At THE Mammotli Hcuse, COMME On Friday. The balahce will be OrAi^js ;is" & w D3 l)wn, Jan. Mh,i 1876. af our \Vlhter .Stock;,,, ': cleared out at "j ' Enormously Low Prices. Big1 Re PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. ... I believe in the DISCOUNT SYSTEJI, and as it has proved very satis factory, 1 will continue to give the discount as follows: On 25 cts, 2 cents discount; an 50 cts, 4 cents ; on $1, 8 cents, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent Aeent Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fonrtli,Dir. Court, Com. in Q. B &c. Jnncary It, 1ST6. JAMES MATTHEWS. DR. ROBERTS': Celetratgd. Ointment - CALLED THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. it confidently recommended to the I*nb- 1 ic as an uctalllOK remedy for wnunfls of < voiy. d^BPrlption; a certain euro for Ulcerated-Sore Le?s, even of twenty years* standing; Cms, Burns," Bcaldy, j Irulses, chilblains,Scorbutic Eruptions, ;-Dd Pimples on ibe.K^ce, Sore nn4 in* mamed Eyc-.^-yore Heads, Sore Brea^t^; : "ilef, Fistula, and Gancmns Hanioars, < nd is a S'peciQc for ;tho-se afllicting Ernp- 1 loes that somirtiznes follow vaclutiatlon, Sold in Pots-at 1*. ljd. arid is. &d. each- : 3r. Eobirts'Pilula Anti3:roEliulffl i>r ALTERNATIVE PILT^, conflrmed uX.j5lxly years' expfrtence to be oue of i tie b<-si medicines ever compounded for arif3'icg tbe blcod, and assisting Nature nher op5raUons. Uen"e they lire unefai n'Scrofula, .Sctirbutlf. CumplaintJ, Olan- i f"lar-Swellings, particularly those of the C<=ck, Ac. Tney form a mild and superior family Apenent, which may be taken nt .11 tfmes wltliout confinement or. chanco of diet. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid., 2s.kt, is. Sd', lis. and 1C!srach.- , - JBY THE PBOPKIKTORSf, !" BEAC3- AND 'BARNICOTT at TiiErn SMSPEXSACy, IJKIbPOKT, E\OL.t\D, arfd brail respectable Medicine Vendors Wm, Stewart & Co. WYNPHAM STREET, .QIJSLPH, Are showing now BevVarfe of Counterfeits, For the protection dt tbe public bf Brit ish North America, Idoem it my.duty to staUn'tnatroy Piti-s and OrxT.MKsr are neither manufactured nor told in any partof the Dxiteii STATts, ,: - RCcliJ'ol and Box besirs tba ? British Government Stamp, with the words <"MjAM-6WAY*S I'lIXS AND OISTMEXT, XiOSijuN"," engraved thereon., On the label if the address, 51 OXKoEPiSiBEET, 1jO>tion'. i ~Tbi notice has become.necessary,Id conKe<jU<!nce-'oi vile and spurlouK irnila- llonBor"HoIioway'RPill'andOintm< llt.', ed ot7<* Maid- York, oy par- ihemselves Oo.f with .rode njaTt, bein<fHbricat en Lane, New ties styllne "Holloway 4 an assumed thus -lis in' Ivohdon. i&'.i W- r .: Joiijjts this, lee him put siorne milk >arm~fr^m the cow in a clean bot- ue and dork it up tight land rafter -I i^hiis become coid,'uncork it and -;..iell of it and if the milk was gpi .vhefi it.w'as put- in the bottle, jit " he good when it.03 fciien pBt. Viltlk that iSirank and baa when' [it tumes from the cow is> cot. fii fco in^ke;butter Ifrom. ~it jvill endak' , get'"tbe gooid; will' of the ,cusWm|ei itpofl" whoni ^ou Thet* ~ Ljoio'reason 'ffhy cold air should npt ;/r<iietre intlk just ,as-it! will mdat _ -jt any'other animal ijubs'tance. j -\J Jewelers ar(< said to-be busy pre :)ailfog elegariti new pins'fco be wotl the gentletpau. this Iseason, ot. whi-.h arieito be engraved, "Engig- ^l," ^'MarTied," ."Don",fe,, ' "lio, imVatu/' or vfords te thit jfefr /dct, to be used, as (a pratjectidn dtjr -S .' iiigthii J'ear, iWe bopjj". -tbei>-^ ... . -.- ' a ^ IP .';?' less man i.i) worm viz., hs. oa., za., ai bearing the two fii"Bfc Uiscnption , py dozen boxes of Pjlls or poU wiU-;|m> mad.3;iirstian(i Wr^lot SSn'Pft1S5 ^*,0, wlttaaoi mn oopwuities to pLjc^-then ^ TJiiprlnclpled vendors can^obtaln tjils trash at a verj" low price/ and *a deoeive you by BellliiKtbe same for myjgename Uollowav'- Pills and Ointment, which are manufactured only, at 533, Oxford street, London. . i* , , .-' ,,, Pt-rHOijs who may be so deceived will be pleased Co communicate with I"e. Minyi respecmble firms-ln-tbeBrltlsti Provinces, who obtain my medicines <U; rect from here, have veiy.properly^sUK- feested that I.should, lor the bf-riant of themselves and the public, Insert their names in "Ihn papers, that it may pa Known that my medlclnea can bo nad genulne'from i.nero. .' ' ,, - Tiie following is o list of the firms allud ed to; and 1 particularly recommend- those who desire to eet my .medicUiea to apply to some of the Houses natapafrr- Evaxs, Mekckb A Co., Montreal. '. ': '. Avery, Beow* a Co.. Halifax, N;8,; " - Fobsvth Co., Halifax,:S. 8. \ . I. T. B. Babkeb * Sows, St. John, N. Bj.r '. APOTHBi'ABlEB' H Ajil<-Co., Charlott^town LAKOLEY A Co , Victoria, B. C. , ,: MoobeACo.. VidtoiioiB.O. v "'>; Dr. 4okn Paluest, Chatham,:!*.B MONJBO^*Co., Montreal. !, j J WJMSER i<Jo., Hamilton, Ont. / 11. JJ Rose, TSjrpnto. - A, CHtfM*NelTK, St. JoUnv^J.;B. JorA BOND, (jodericb, Ont. ^_ j Km.ikwAC(j.tToi1onto, v . J. CHALOKEBLRt. John;N. B. -_ HajAmotkN BnornEKS, St. John. N, Ki SlPBIDnv, Windsor, Ont. I MrsJ.OBPEN, Mordcn, ST. B. . . Oeoio*". Hujrr.Jun,, Frederlctbrj, NvB. w. a. ThompsokI Harbor yraoeJN.F.l* JiMjWtLEY, Fre**rlcton; |N. B. X ,B. SpcLjal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dresa Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special Lines of Cheap Bilks, Special Line* of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines df Cheap Blankets, A Special Lot of Canton Flrrnnesl C. T, HILL, MUl Street, ACTOX, OEALER IN W. if. 1). Yuxle, Montreal.; CHa6.1.------------------- " , Davhcs, FroderlctQD, N.B., Thb medicines are sold /at the lowest wholotalc net prices, in qiiintitios of not less than 20 worth viz., 8s. 6d., 22a.L and " ~"" ------ots of ...... , _ ________ . must , , - . . ' libisemVln'ad Vance. ; ~' bere. as weicnowj (M'V'erkil, good pb- i: t tuomas HOLLOWAY. : I.: -'.'.I i Lot of Cheap Twdials. A Special Lot: of "Winoeys, Cheap. Blade Lustres, Special Value, General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Will Paper, ! "Windo-w Blinds, Oreo^sry,', - \ i i Glassware, ITails, Glass, i Putty, v I*inseed Cil,'8**"* So^od Paints^ Turpentine, Machine, Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, etOi -i The subscriber begs toieturn his thanks to the lnbabjtanlBof Actonandsurrpund' log country for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to: him, and at the same time solicit tbelo farther support : Ifoadou, Jane 1st, 1875. WM. STEWART & Co. THE C00DS MUST BE 80LD. n" __ -,.'-^L Prepar|e Note the pticr i S-i.Cr"6-> iU, for Bargrains. sofa few of obr lead ing lines : . "! . Extra heavy Full Cloth, 40c jper ya. Extra heavy jwool Tweed, 50c pr ^d. Extra hffavy Blankets, S3 00J Splendid ShasvjlB, l.o0:; ! - Splendid Jackkts, SlioX). Fur Sets, 2 00- Extra heavy factorylCotton, Vopryd 800 Ladies' wjncey Skirts, m^de up,^ 50c each. . . _J-i" 200 pieces Plain and Fancy ^Dr'eBa CJoods,-|2Jc per yard. ] .'. 100 pieces plautiful NeW jSefges,^ . 1 iiOcperjyard. _. .. ;- .;, j'..-. :,, -.,,. The above lines of . goods which we shall .offer j at this ';i! ' be the grandest j * ' 1 . ptjsfe' isfiixiB'w;! weiavt ever contemplated.' r Call and see is if you want to buy. |j: COODS AT PAXIC PR|ICES. ,- We shall be pleased to see our , customers, and show, buif stock whether they vant to buy orjnot, XPS~ yo trouble to show (7norfii."S* . MoLEOD ANDERSON \& CO., i Mammoth"House, Georgetown. N.'B.--Reiiember our Ordered' Clothing and jMillinery BeparimeDts. ! ' McL.,A.L& Co. ."' ' Georgetown, iJan. 11, 1S76. ( AKaTHgE LOT m OPENING AT t;u4 'VX/i &<Mi TolttB UP- 3. ' Christmas Seasdni .A LINE OF, feEAUTIfUL L^lyjfS AT PRICES UNPARAttEDt IN CUELPH AT- - !/ A. McBEANat C0M Alma Block, Gaejpb, Dec 18,.jJ875 (>.'.'.'.- .V . Vi. AT panic; PR ICSS. KENNEDY .BROTTH^M r . Have just rec,aived theirs Fall Stock, of ^Bqots and Shoes^ i'and aradeternmined tbkoritinue to ^ell cheaper ?than tlio^cfcpapetf an4 :. ;! better value fot* your money than can be had elsewherp. '.i' Call and See for Yourselves and bring yourf J ^Friends with you College, Hese.j andSor; "- legfl.-N.el Colrege,! Tuesday I -.p. m, - Acro^i titfj 9J vey^ Pofit^na-| , Voney . eraph Cl "Crtt,in-f ST. ^Ac^prejf and. on ZiOau orL - CRasgowl tree's. <3nanoery -mat of j ; lawjasiil ou Jerrdad Exarninefour stock which comprises everything in'tbe trade of the hUtst and most elegant styles .and ijattei ns bi Englitb", Canadian andfi American manufacture. 63" Orders promptly executedJantl good fits guaranteed. ^B. ' """' i .- kennedV: BKOB, .1" Acton Nov. 4. 1875 DOMINION EMr?ORI IS -_. UM. V : i N.B.-C Cash Fald for Hides delivered. : '-' r ' i. i Dit. HlXi.1 Acton, July 1st. J875, Steam Carrlap 1 Wagon W^rks main srkE^"'A&f&H.\-y~: mi e h aeIH sF^i^Hf r: General blacksmith, < Carriage and WAff' >tt Maker* ' Best Horse-Sheers in thef>Gduiity Perfect satisfaction gju'aranteed or ho FiRST-CLLcCS' AND' "'" ' CGLLARD'S PATENT IROil^^litoRROWS Alwaj 1 Good Stock of REPAIRIIVtt promptly Acton, July 1,16^5, 8 on hand,: Uarna and propterl .":i,-.:ii. -y.'i-.r &L& Kismtir BOOK AND THE \l'" 1 <Yh nj ^ <n tit ,sd'. attended to.' Tf:a;5ST0pK which^is now complete, is larger, bettfer Assorted,-more aitiactire^arfr JL$ 'm T weeds, Ovprcoatingrs, flrcss'Gpous, in I^onch Keiiiies, Cobrmrgtl. .:- All " -?$ Figuted Flanaels.JTWace'y-s, Shirts, Sltirtiagk, TJa&r- - > ^:' , : sMrts and Dra-were; Felt j sfcirts,r Sliawls,; ,-'W " i BlaaSet3, AH "W"ooi Tabljs Covets; (very ^ - pretty patterns),. ClOOdS, KtlfaftPS,' j : . '- -, - - ; , Toxrolinss, Factprri -aki'. Bleached Cottons, tiadics' Iaen "".' " ." ':' "'- am'1!- m Bp K AND MEN'S HATS AND CAP8J !'. -. ' .;- together' witb : '.". Groceries, Crockery & Glass r!ll Call early and secure bargains. Acton, Oct. 26rl875. G. M/ SCOTT. fl InCanad ll: P*tent a forf>rinte3 atiaa teal t- H V : 'Maahan Wjiand| B;tMer3 (l irfflle t I (Wtf iil I MM' ] l'-T* TekrI lHVl _.'- Act : Pln*tort"L ;ine njostl ftlon gusr^ , Jci i " -r. . \~ i-.n-A. & J | FIur ah' j i- mtklm |uad.r J JJii^; *2- f Jfi|/j':c& huui puwi .^ sw* OREATl SALE!. GEKB3AP OVBEGCWyrSL FREE PRESS! OFFICE. " " - ! "i - -' , j Next Door to the Post Office,> :!:::Lr..::,:i : ; J .;:-4:.-;:' Mill Stre^t^ Acton. k Sweeping Sale of Read^Mg^e -Clptbing rraehced to-day at the I : ; pub!: ^M' <^ Hot- "njrle Witil 'T<*ve!lers| aad cum ml itntio:i f .linff.puilii Liquor* a.I : BttnUVe f XC Ac J Hami^e rol . Cocninf-reJl i modatfoh" 1 . brands jQ 1| ^mm, Office, AAe| "Koetewbodl - Terms real '# jyear ,*1B! COBi*| ELEFHANi: 'jfe^^ Rare Chanoe. Call and See Our Prices. WMi^ruthe:rforo l'^M0^..m January 4, 18761 13o. 31, Lower1'WTadhamBtreat S, B izi .'. -""" - ^bfftbgrajg - .'<**n-*ti Gton. ^Callat* hEriiP.Dl M""M'--'-" '

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