Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1876, page 3

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?si; |*sii# IKE \fr-bvjf it. ' - fR ring porr. |siock - ot cbarso- to ten* HROM M- s 'LB. from sky jvia turn, a f BOOSt i- Soing the ;henn*t consider' rd to ket( r of * Ibe told .at LOCAL MATTERS. THE IjREE PRESS, k' the By-law adopted m , J-tl.iHon CVfrtrity Council, in " iiit6nVrxtTc!'-J*rj-. ; . ' :' " __Tti.p' C!ni:ni~'rn says then? Wo nt'pre'senl tcii rrtsoncix'In Iho.Couply 'm. : " ""_ -li.TlK'Spring Show of (he I-hal- W-vericulinral Soeieir, will, be held at $}*. lv yn}t : II. P. Moore, for scW1 rose am amendo'dL, ifon of Messrs. Hamilton and Secord, 1 he Treasurer was'nttthnriKcd to pay 2 11 Z..HaIl for llio'benefit of Mr. Mt-lMioo The V nance Committee reported the f ollowinfe account* and recommended j *lt5>* a* poll clerk and oftor duties, |9 | iR, AdSi is, wood for J). Minot, $3,20' | Sydney Smithy for lumber, #13 tha two Jatt =r accounts being for 1876. it rhotiou of Messrs. Sooord and committoo was appointed to seledt the' Standing By-laws of the -,. ,. *. j . ,v. - municiijahty ahd ascertain the cost of -lavst I nday. two .YoUtjhs fram printu&.thcm ijn pamphlet form. ' Vl'.top.on >"ri.<Iaj7 21*t Of AprilJ -IMr. R. li Meade, Wli? koritl a . t?B,ii(tlor<HnHfinvl!lp,^ii.wunraweiT, -.,'^ifcntl'r buutte Insolvents mvi his nf. " {Mrs tW now 1 n the hamlsof llie official '..* .W*isn<**it Stilton. "__ \.|r f' Vhe-eountrj-jfitnilshed ihp IrexM-rs of our 'ylH^e wHUnfreo cfitcrlnlnniflrit. After "'".- ^'eonjWernAlc amount.-if ruffianism troy j-jrer? Mjwrateii. niul bOlU-y^rltrs we'are " tcli' .to Hear are doolie as well na could be ::>xpe*t#d' " the ctrcuniRtalijces. OnTucsday evening lag.t a Vrnz- \*S~ **** '1,^ul nt Itjo Kiehaf&o lintel. - Tn^aitptttlnnev-wrns more immcirous than i*!ro'_ Art<>r their itVoTts had wlfn <-rown- ' *.iwltht!ieinci<4 sisrmU sncceiU, titer sat w. tlo'vri to a\H?.hof-ovsWT*, pjni-rt>.iTs3y- P^ >1ie.thy Mine J\j.t, The Hi tie itvonlo'n vms.kept Up far JnM lh(> tnpmlnp,-when the < lclori re4lr\Hlln gooJ otder, ns-far tig lnnc' ro cotiebrne.r.'os Feycmtjor our. quietertcslUents-cAtrtosurj" ^ Mr. irarry Atkins wns enter talneJ nt Camrbeirs Hotel on the. eroh- tpf of.the?.Hh nit. --V small hint selee] eomfCTny-cf. *ils most Intlmato friends wu down to ah C>vster * il>j'>er> to which. -thev-UU! fnl'r4'jsttre". '.The rtanwrUi which It was sr-ri-o'd "reflects Rreat credit'; on Mr. Camph.ll. About IS o'clock tt> v conip?k::y bnw np miicfv. pjeajted with | ))VVv' Mf. i Visiter, i'Licenso Inspector, ro.. portcdrl h.t^lto inspected the three hotelsH t the village, audi would rocomi- mod ttat'licciues W granted to Thos. H. Can pl>el], of the Koasin Hono. ami Robert" Agubw, of the Dominion Hotel | "that tlt_pres.ent occupant of the Kx- chjut'goJHotPcl was abotjt removing from it, and in the present^tate of tho house ho ecu]it.ifot pecomnijind ;tho granting of a lief nri tijit. " "" [Mr. house, iiero ihaving the tttjriliKng put in a thorough state oi ropafr ' and thKthe intended to ocvupy it:himseU. The' IJecve inform- Oil hint that bo would havo to make ap- pliea^u n foriicense.through the Govorn- -Wteht'T icctree Inspector,' as the Council could mly oxtend'-tbe licensb for two^, month! to the present occupants.] On. notion of Messrs." Christie-And $iji)th,-the report of the Inspector was acceptW and the,' Clerk authorized to the licenses to.the two hotels for nths, on receipt of tho necessary L'amjniell, the proprietor of the Jvte.iL'that, no was alKiu't exUuul two m tci^s. Tr. .., M,r. .M*l.,s ts^bo.Uj to leave jty M, o.H^ie. that the report was ^ill be-much Bussed,- ! ^ requi^by law. not cv . town-wh^re :he Ccm, . ; -The Acton .Division' [Sons of j to'the TenVjx?^:^ :U hcld.^a gnfni Ro-.| ^{^arl.j"'^ half-past seven. union,, i.u -"their ; Hall, on Tuissday- ~ evening next, 7th inst. Tlie enter tainment is ispected f6 .be first- Fur .particular^ see posters and prosriimitei Mr. Baker; the . brush factory, wits ex]>ep.tetl!to have report of the Amlitors was rea< Clerk, Ix-iiig an alistract of th< ts for li*T5. Objection was raUeii j[On mi'tion.- the repor,t was referred Kick o'the Auditors for farther particulars. -Tonpcii then adjo.nnieHftill Thursday, n.: _. A Ntivel Temperance Sooiety. Editor of th* Frtt Pft.ts. V'SjH.-a-I understand there is a cnt on foot -to cstaldish in this To dir- - Dr,v mnvcir village Mr. Baker! the- promoter! of the', prinkclrV Soicety," -the principles of which are these-: Xo member is allowctl 1 .' | to-drink more than'one class of Spiritu enter* - what is termed a " Moderate . : " " ' ' .sfc ACTON, HALTOK COUNTY, ONT., .MARCH 24, 18f6l AT THE -A. s t -lE'iisri}. DIOKSON & McNAB. Acton, Feb. i, 18T. CA^SH iYSTE SELL FOR CASH! BUY FOR CASH! SAVE MONEY AND BECOME RICH! THAI WONDEiRFIJL^M'aS NEW S P R IM G ODS. FIRST ARRIVALS IN GUELPH. QQ DAPIfAPrC AC Mr\Af PnflFIC Bed Ticldnss, khcctlngs, SOO^iecesJTcW Ifanifsome Prfnt. OU rHllAHtirOUr nCll UUUUdi TaWe Linens, Towels, 5,000 Pieces Best American Cottony One Oase Fanoyi Dressi Goot|s. ; ISTewest Goods to be Found ONE CASE OF iJLAtjlC LUSTRES AND ALPA0AS. BEST VALUE IN TM QMMM f An Immenso Variety of IpAlTCY AKD STAPLE ^R? GOODS At^ng bail^, I would intimate to my otdrfrionds tbt.fc my Agent in Britain bos-been able tlfis.duil Beasoii to obtain eiEtraorrlinary bargains, all of whibh you shn.V'- i tho full benefit of. An early call is lolicited, I . ,: j^ ." ,' :': ' " have Feb. 22, 1875 Alma lllock, TJjiper-Wyndham Street,] Gislpri,, BROS. Montreal House, a ^- MVe T. ter into a I "to cuieruiu u i ,-, . ' ., r , ous Liiinors per day, and any member giir;j liiyend .this "limit, is to be fined for .the'l first, second and third offense the samjof-f srenty-five cents, and for the .fourtli offeneo expulsion from.the sbcie- \y. -TJieeo. are-, thtL^jreciou's tenfts of this, previous association. .Efforts are Ixinj: made to oraimend this s<x:iuty to tteople ol sound fenij>erance principle.*, on- the ground Jltatiit will reduce the evils. .> ijitcmptTJUice.&c- It is hardly necessaB"! to say Uiat this is a most alj- f>urtl ani{ ilanArous so;ietyi tvnd is cab cu'atedt'i strike a scrjoas blow at the temperaniio.'Whovtment at present -s^o s strong in this villfige. It is^also iuardly > necessary toikay thatnio Son of Temper- f ante, JjivKpTeniplar, or othcr*ouriil and ' .4^>v.-,l tuiuperanl-e adrncate, would, viiv mp-..i l\tc his \nf lire by K-coniiug a member, anyway countenancing any such tvs fctr bv d^ing so, theV would be it.:: ti.- h-!!!'l-_"'t~..ti, ot /*-tu'. .sleyjli I couctilir ' ' loj th^ principle of: m'Merate' ' -fornisl ;icreeiuit wi:h-4l* Council, \ -TPtr-ettini'the tiro}rased'bontssv. He' _', hsBTi?* ye: :\ rriveH',- but a letter wits rv-A'tved fiMtn^him by !theLReeve, -.Testerday_. statin^.'t}i:it_ho wotdd be ""'here "-i:t a fttv' da'vsC" > i. ;'- ---' J "j- * -'- A" i.spriotis' nccrdt-nt] .,*bibh -' "msy" iirpve.,f:iSt-M, occurredi yester- <Lij ivft-errsoosi, to a boy about-seven .-yei-.r? of a^e, sV-n of Jlr.-^V-J-ia/H - Th.imi'son. a! number of l>oya craiffij frv^ni school jumped !tij>oa a . . .-., ir,' |.^vr.l icn^.-rr The Everywhere Popular CASH SYSTEM ] Adopted byv CHRISTIE, HENDERSON .-A-Oioasr. & CO., eiibt-r frU or was tuishod (.ff. j r ""'any : . " fS'CietVi tii- h-in-i- 't-.,!, of/*-lie. .sleigh couctiliandinir what t.bey are : pledged. {nss-e-iii-vcr bis U-dv. .'Ik- jumrKil i'no: t y .loj thj principle-of; mWfratt' 'w:..':but -in R' nTouK-l'it became- too I drinking;..l.-in-l this is. .whir the -giant ' ,, , ',, -,T .. ,- - - , . ,' evil'ot lntehiiK-rauce, snrtU2s from. lo. w;-k: to wjilfc^'lle was takf II h..n,e j llR|rs,nr p-fomoters.of the in^a y!s.-i;rh, nnd at hist accouutsjii-s I jtxriety I -liquid say, if your: intentions ilB-an I join with those who in" a critical condition. uik-s the matter woiwr is niotber is just now confined wish serious .illness. What j g.'-o 1 that his; "re r^.tin tktfi tcot!V y J-lrth) ,%aJr*. ' ' r . Jxmes Thompson,- lot] .7, ttufon'of Erin, will have it sale of -. c- fsrm stock and implements, March 4th, ,(!o-morrow.") '-"' Josej.h Ferris, lot 32, 5tl Vjnesinjr, farm stock and iruj'ijlenients on Wedne*Aiy, March l-5tli. Geo.iGibbs, a-jtionet.'r, ki; both salesi. 1st con- sale of Friday i of E-v mcml^ers o would say to any sue! movement. would a pestilence i Stock derson k stock tak out Hie' evil entirely andrrf. ommencing at the rooL Tc- : the Sons of Temperance, I don't giveyonrconntcnance Shup it as you Yoiirs, Sos of TticrRA>'CK. Acton,, ilarch 1st,. 1876. TAKisr,. Christie, Htn- Cft. are just now engaged in ng.' Any person wanting a cheap, nici. fitting suit of clothes, or a tJ?:. Sale. SHBR. 35-3m |ETr ; :;:, lib conees^ xent^ On a log bam - oticbara in lieot. Sitii- ad 3 from immediate feES WAT- [to ThoiAa* 34-2t ~ Irug store. .Calces at bouse** .. . . . j ' i - [es ;|;-T v.- ' ;^.' '.-.' jyiV.."-.* M V irt^elitp'l.-.i .' . -~ . f, .'. The .total luiirdicr of-pnpilS etipplled in the Act-in Public "School daring- the ' ineirtii"; of January and FcbruajryislPoV ' : Sicing 62 .til tire first /lsyartznejnt, 63 in . the scrotid^sa'd 71 tn the thir<Jf. " Aver- . -1>ge attendance in the Srst'diepartmeat f ior February 51, in the. secouSd '49, and '; Tn^the third:47. Total;average attend-. ancefor- February,} 149. - Therg..ire 02 ' *hi3ren in the secti*!)s ? pchooJ: age, who"" have not yet been enrcillejd tbis ' ~~~. |il* 1 - Sas.f Temperaaee. ' 4- } A Division orSons of Tempe'rajice has recentfy been formed at'C'rewson's Cor- .Tjers, Tttith the following officer* for th^ jfeasuing "qrtarter : . - ' --) i3ro Wm Creweoo.VT P j / . Brp U Sherlock, VL&r / Br6 D McEwen, K S / *. Plslef Margery Mahn, A R:H -[' Bro Allan Mann, FS . I._ : '_ ' ~ r Bro Thoa roclrray, Tre'ss I j, Bro Vm Pla&k, C r|r; Sinter Duhr-rty,.A C ~' '-' Bro Morgan Crewion, I 8 !. .'.' -\" KroR Lamb.'O S : . handsome silk dress at a very low price can have :heir wish fully gratified by by c-dling early at the Glasgow House. Don't l'l-e. the." golden i'opportunity. Money sa .el' is money made and you Bro Ssmiitl MCJonnari, Chap Eboljdhn Si cord, DGwH -efn Council. , The Council met last Saturday even- ing_26th nit., all the members being present . On . the minutes ofTprevious meeting Hing read, Mr. Christie wish ed to have the words "exclusive^of fees"1 inserted in the' By-law; relating[to the - appointment of CojjStable. Ou "motion, the words were added,- and the! minnte* -. jad'^pted. ' J '. . - On motion, of Mr. "Seord^ seconded / by Mr.-Smith; Jeave was granted to in troduce a Ky-la'w relating to shop li^ eaes. The By-law provides for- the printing of notiaore than two licenses in ihopa ; thai the ^fcense fee |be $200, i *nd that such shorjs be restricted to.the- *le of liquors only, and have ho con- ; ftetjon with';- any otkt* Kne of bnii-: *&* It passed- the several readings *nd was adopted without ame ailment. On motion of Mr. "Christie, i seconded by-Mr. Smith, ji Uy-law was introduced and read a first time, respecting tarem- : -licenses.- Council went into committee of ihe, whole tt. consider this By-law, j Mri Smith in the chair. , After gome'discus.. \>on the sum of $75'was finally [adppted s the license fee, and the nubibirof farerns limited to three. The oazunitta* Being convinced by observation and experience that tbe only true principle on which business can be sujccesufuily1 and satisfactorily carried on is the how Popular Cash System, wk haye-det^riuiiied in all transactions TO BUY AND SELL FOR READY PAY^ ONLY,-commencing on the 31st day of March next, on and after which date we will adhere strictly to|the Cash System.! By bujiiig for cash -and taking advantage of trade discounts, we will be enabled to sell goods at but a slight advance on importers'and manu facturers' prices, and decidedly?lower than can be obtained, by Grangers and others from city jobbers. To do this we adopt the Cash iPrinciple, and we feel assured tlriBt our numerous customers and the can sire fn.niv any day by ieaTing your (public generally wul accord us a hearty support in ojrders at (the Glasgow House. Kemem- * ; ~ J - i our effort to advance their interests by supplying them with a good article at a decidedly LOW PRIC^. V _ ! This change, we feel,! whilst resulting largely to the benefit of otn* patrons, will; not in ajny way re sult in any material loss to ourselves, |as wc will effect a greaf saying in keeping books, collecting accounts, interest on outstanding -moneys, &c. A decided reduction will be made in tlie price of all goois..haildled by us, and we trust the dif ference will be such as will result in a material advantage to rill parties, and receive i"general approval. i In'.the meantime special inducements will be ofieredto all CASH BUYERS. Produce will be taken in exchange: at market prices, and when required for the purposes of our trade will be j>aid fori in cash if desired. In buyijjig Butter we will carefully grade and pay a price according t^> quality, thereby offering n premium for the best production, We cordially invite!inspection by all, nnd assure pur many friends that in no instance wil we allow their interests to suffer by dealing vvith Us. Our famous 50c TEA will still maintain its reptr- tation as second to none in the Dominiohfor purity, pungency and flavor. - :Y i CHBJSTIE, HBNDERSPN"& CO. J Acton, FeWl6, 1876. ! -A.OTQ3ST. The Acknowledged Cheapest House. - ' ..". I Is Cheaper than Ever. Prices Reduced. Money Saved. .... . O;" . eoKSTA^TLY: ARRIVING AT THE GEN/TRAL ElvrPORtU^ i - MILL STUEIST^fACTOlT. j . - ' Winter Stock of - , " 3D tt ST G- O O 13 AND READY-MADE CLOTHING Is- now!.'.:- \ '.. -.' i .rAfc GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES^ j B GREAT BARGAINS I ;';Are offered for cash or produce. In G-roceries, Crockery and : Glassware ^ Willbe fonnd/a complcto assortment of. the best^quality. '..'.'^- Acton, Dec. 29, .1875. 3T" W Jjfcr that ^)c tea. Iniyiew of the prevailing hard times it riehoves every- person to, make their Etc aej" go as far as possible. How to do so is no longer a secret. The fol lowing t gures must convince every per son tha ,; Secord Bros, is the place ,tp save niiney. A bustomer :bought, at Secord 3ros. : ' "5 lbs. rr, eteor Tea, at 50c per lb. .2 60 lllbs, irighteat Sugar.. .'. .. 1 00 12 lbs. ^nedium bright Sugar .. 1 Oft llb.~r.cit Tea.., .: ........ 8-5 l-setXjhives and Forks.. ...- '. .. 1 50- 1 set C dna, 44 pieces .. .... 4 00 Ano Bro; 810 85 her party didn't bny at Socord er part id had to pay the following prices or the same goods 5 lbs. 'i ieteor.Tea; at 75c per lb. .?3 75 11 lbs. brightest ^Sngar.. .. =-.. 1 10 12 Ibsl medium bright Sugar,'.4;st Tea.. .. .'...-. .1 set I nives and Forks.. .. 1 get ( hiaa, 44 pieces ., .. fi'i pughtitewa . . 1 09 .. 1 00 .. 1 75 . 6 00 14 69 - 10 85 Seclrd-B-'custoracr thus Baved S3 84 more than the parson who didii't bny from ' hem. Thesn are facts. ; ; - vlessrs. Secord Bros, desire to reminl their customers that all accounts now ; unning at thenr store, in accord ance ith their published tfeirms; be come lue on the first of March.; They consic .er accounts, paid every three mont is as good as cash, and that being the a se, they have; made a great reduo; tioir* nail their-prices, which were al^ "teadj as every pehion knows] the cheap est tcj be bad anywhere, ahduto enable themj to continue those prices, they muitl carry out-in evary case, and no exceptions, the terms' tibey have pnb- lishett of collections every!three month's. Any.i account* not' paid .tWn must be settltd byuilqte with interest. They feel assured "ri-reasonable person can Objeit-to this, when they know that the tnen hant only gets an average'of about 70 < ays credit, and if; he "gets longer -time thanthis he has to pay interdstlor it, tnd it is only fair that consumers shoo Id do 'the same.' However, we lin- tcn<5 in "every case to carry this ont, and od t je first of March we will commence a to ir amongst' bur customers, who will nbli; ;ehy having the 'money ready for vs. TJut if they shonld be goipg from ham 3 Ifrey will please leaye the money witl their: family, so-that we/won't be diaajpointed when'we call during the, first week in March. All account* not o'tt: ed then will bs handed aver to the terl: for collection. N.B, -All ipverdue must beLsetiled forthwith without fail. U-: accounts and notep of hand i', . j ' & dot RE ALT THIS. i ' Haying adopted the system of doibg business on a Basis :of Three MpntW Credit, We feel assured it will result to' the advantage of our customers as well as ourselves, and we propose shorring our custoinera a few of the advantages they will-gain by it.. If we can Iget a settlement of all accounts every three . ' ' . .- I . ' ' ' ' months, it as good to us as cash, and as we intend to carry this out, and whether the account is one dollar or a hundred, insist on cash or note, and interest eVery three montDB,,we have made a GREAT! AND GRAND :; : REDUCTION im PRIICES . ^"r-'. ' r 0t alt goods capable of reduction, a few instances of which we give (below --.-'XiOODSi-f "..." - Tea reduced to 85 centsv 80 cent Tea reduced to 70 bents. "; ' - ' 7j cent Tea reduced to 50 cents. , 40 cent Coal Oil reducjed to 30 cents. 825 Silver Watch reduced to $18, $18 Silver Watch reduced to..$12.' 815 Silver Watch reduced to 10. ' ' S0.50 China Tea Sit reduced to $5.50. 86.00 China Tea Set reduced to 5. $1,50 Chopping Axe rjeduced tc 135. 81-25 Chopping A*e rieduced ti $\. ' 81.50 Granite Cups and Saucerii 71 cent Toronto Biscuits, by hojs, |reduced to -T cents A fu'fthar edtlotlon of 5c per' lbi on all ?[ sold In 5 or 10 lb. lots SO pounds of Bice fbfiSt. eas except opr 60oTe, when It iIs- a great and glorious thing to sell gcod goods ehesp, abd the inah public benefac. to the title lor pest anywhere, who has accomplished this has ilways b^cn tor. If this be *o, we think we tiafi ^aitlj liy|some claim our house has always been acknowledged Or e Qf the chap and we, now making anothep ejlort to; Hire W, 6henp>\ &< ods and hioney into the pockets of our dustomirB^ and we ft ro publlo hail it with pleastlfa. .] !. reduced to 81.25, regarded as a SECORD - CHEM23T A2Tp DRtrGGlSl1, "' .! ^ ", Brick Drug Store on Mill Street, Formerly occupied by the latSDR. 3ARTEB,- which has beeb enlarged and refitted. - ' |- . . : A large stock of; Drugs, Medicines, t^idcy Goods, Toilet Arttotes, Ac. aiwayB on hand. j - . '. j ", -. " ' _" Acton, Nov. 3. 1^75". i .. '.'--; ' - '" OYSTERS, } OYSTERS, ; OYSTERS. | ; Best.Brarids of BALTIMORE . 5RESH OYSTERS^ '!. -:' **\-~ .- - i STOBDARD'S Fruit, and Oyster: Bazar. , . - - - * AU kindsjof'Temperanca' Drinks arid Cigars constantly; Aolon, JanJia, 1S70. ' <!i,iRIX SALE OF K;-;'."..:. winter fiboas: At MoNALRrS At Groatiy-^ju-Wqi'PJaos nT T HOSE :iylio ahvays havo jrn the most pirticulnr in their ef- foits to make their purchases at the Lowest Casli Pries. BROS. With Cash m Sand J^o Losses Are Af^de I i and you tin afford to sell lower than your neighbors, who must make up their Iosspb by greater prices to those who pay and thus MOST UjNJXTSTLY make those who always have money pay the bills of those who never have any. T. J. DAY d^es business on the Cash Principle, paying money down. He possesses ;- i A large'quarit-Jty of, v- - "- i -' -. '-.-! r^ ' To. be i|uhed oft; at ? TBB?-;L'.9 PRIOSSi'; glKBiTII SCHOOLS. Pieshjirfian at WorL Sabbath School lfo?W Sunday School TimeJ , Sunday Scko/'l Sui^riuUnden?-* '1 nAetii Westminster1 Que&fum fy)t>T, Bertan Question Jiuft; I, ' International Lesson Lci\v4ii We$tminstei LeiAon Leaves Batc<ni Lexton Lctive**. ' Select Nofu, on the tifeiiaiiemot I**so;i8 for JS2A U\ 'I The Largest and Chenpr-st Rtoc-kJ'of fcabbath School P,np< is .Sumpies fbi Warded, p-epaid., ' ^ OKOEU AT OS*b. nfVeady obnlvlnoed ihat the advantages in hia juie excelled by ** ,* ] ^ j"f t* ? I none."^ tlosd Cash Buyers go to n*e ..JiL ^ i M- . - I Siokstore for their Ooods^-ho . CHEAP BOOKSTOfiE . sdltistiea with small ProBts. DAY'S Q33KSTORE, CUEtPH. ^i ^.Ul-djl'lT. On IUst Side of WyndWm *et, '.-1

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