Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1876, page 2

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IrfflWfiMMf- '"J ,*- 'I ', tin TO V it i ^ I-~"5K -' . iFf Elf THE FREE PRESS, ACTOK, HALTON COUNTY, milE AtfTOX 1REE PRESS |_ i The Sonus Question. ; ""' ! _To itic Eitltcr iit'.'the.fWc Pros, Pa&liihed KTcrr-Tbur*d.\y Morning. $1 Per Annum -in Advance. JOS;H HACK1NQ EOlTOR 5C !, ThVwiut Messrso"' Marcus2, 1S7G. "frt:- We are coriqiellcd to omit, edi torials this wvek, to make room for comhtnmcntkms. :- i . Wo learn that Mr. \\\ P. Lyon, M.P-~P_^for this county, has . made, an assignment for tho Inuietit of his creditors.^ His liabilities are Teported" to be' very heavy, while his assets are comparatively small. _TTnder a recent Act, the fact of an M. P. P. being insolvent does not disqualify him; from: holding his seat in tht Legislature. It.remains to be seen, however, wht tlier or rot Mr. Lyon wilL! take 'advantage ot the Acf .' p-'-'.'i m. M A\ I: \i 1 ,r vki'{; . Mr. Henry Stingle, hotel- hm ; keejer In "NassagiVweya, who. was I recently fined $20 .and-costs, for ah alleged infin.ngemr.ntj of the liquor law, appealed from the decision of the .magistrates; and his c-.ise was week, befoiv Coun ty Judge. TIk>" peculiar , eiivum- 6t5inces in this case were taken into .consideration, it .being sluwn thnl- Stingle.' was not 6oi1i- . Dtittins a breach of the la>v, as . he - -supposed his license to be properly and legally transferred to him from his'j predecessor. Judgment '.was giv<>u in- his favor, 'reversing the decision 'of the (;;. \Ve are'"to!d that the charge Was mid against Stingle through f>ei sonal !SpitC. " : \i.r\\v Su; : .The sensible letter of '" Freeholder." on.this question, which appeared in your issue of the 17thinst,, has! evidvutly_.liit its mark, and hciu-o tho letter of ".Oppositionist" ill your t} last issue. Now, while 1 freely admit the light'f "OppvvsitionisS" or"nny of his class to express themselves on this question honestly and -frankly, yet 1 have an aversion to that class of tactics {itiriucj by them, which have been of the hole-and-corner character, and not .above -board-- If " Oppositionist" ao chanpioiis the people's rii;ht,;Mid feels juciun interest in their welfare as, ho world hav|> us suppose, why did ho not attend a m'eetingof so much importance .'<> lam as the one;called to consider the propriety of granting a bonus to Mr. Baiter, j" Re would lead us to suppose that 1i:S missionary real would not al low him to lie absent from the Bible meeting .that evening. Unfortunately for the community, his missionary ser -S are not of .that character, but con- in porsuadiiic, weak-persons to 'cm-, e his views, ami tilling them with nist of an olijcct which lias for its the prosperity; ofthis village. Why he no: preseotlhimsclf at t!ie meet- rcfernd to r?r if he'did, why did .., lot 11^ a straightforward and manly I ir->4- op^H>sev it tlure. Instead of trying tiguiatire the object now, and by .ieiu\.ocs -of the; _meanest, character, i to kist rctlcctions on a few of our-, loading citizens. 'The people of Acton, I.aui plcasrtl to ivy, arc capable of ningan iutelliirciit opinion 011 the de bility of otl'eiinga bomis.aud 1 think ing done <o. and ph-Llge,.l themselves t. they will not dishonor' and 'stulti- hctuselves nowias "'Oppositionist " i'.ii le.ul us to bel eve) by r,-;iising to e for the. Hy-law. should Mr. ;er d<> his part and prove true to liis r)u tnent. the people of Acton will 1 ' j to theirs. " l)pi>.i<itioui.-t" tells it w:vs a bright^iilea to ' take, the *. v>f (tie ^neeting."' This is mc-aiit wit, and'is intended to prove he- id doubt that he lias not bust his then asks,' " was not Mr, Itaker le too fast when he' remarked th;i th-1 man w.lio signs the paper cAii.not ba. k on the vote V Xow, sir,_ Mr. BaKc,r never made any such remark t vie -. sist bral- dis1 aiu did in he H -" jS: I'-: _ Comparative statement, of rate able property of the Township of Esrjuesing for the last four Veins: __ ; iAxrs. 1572 Sl,43o\0-24 S' 7,713 ii 1573 ' l,.V.73f>'- 10,47:! 13 1S7* ' 1,361.907- 9.SSH 01 1S75 '1 .',- .1,382,953 10,t;*J7.47 : There wei-e 121 births. 24 mar riages, and 29 deaths registered in ihe. Township ;of Esquesing. last year, against 132 biithp,-3t>..marri- a"es, aid'56 d^iths in 1S74. '" min is 11 - m VM- :. '--'J'-UT ' ^I'iiiiL-Hr : The-iwar in-Spain is I reivorted to be "Virtually at an end,, but the latest -dispatch says Din CarTbs and several r(att;il:xns are in the field, and show no signs of abandbn- . , . .1=1 ing tin tr canse- .. ] 'Chcries. Rykert wasfelect*<l last 'Friday, M.P;P- for Lincoln, by a majority cf "22 oyer Mr. Neelou. The Hon.'^L-. Crooks has btjeh .BWern in as Minister of'EducatioH.-, , It is to be Uop^d thiit* becoming i acquainted with, the workings of tbe-whvle edacationiij (system, that he will, see niuch ,ti> timplify amj : theraby improve, of wjhich. not the least is the Educatitkial book storp; .~ Daring 1875, 2Q,410 immi grants are reported to ihive-settled in Canada, pgainst 39,373^ in -the praviooa year^; In thtsame time the number of peopteiwboentered > Cunada from the'United States wHs . larger-than that of onr^ntizons who- crossed over to-that cduntrv. ie.r never my knowledge, and 1 lia]>pcn.eil to nuilv '[ 1 i>j ATtsijK.'is to 1m? present a^-the meet- ;n: and watch the pri>ceediifgs. " Up- po-itionist's"' reference to the "pet sel erpe'" as he calls it.,of n;it providing a jinking fund for the first ten years, fcierits no reply,-and savours of ignor ance. Possibly the persons ;:against _wiio'm these reiii;u-ks are levellevl will by their public spirit and enterprise, sceeecd beyond his wishes and expeeta- tu>as, ajid have business here -when he has. none. Again, he refers to some bt our citizens being so intensely patr.otic as to .support a scheme which-they in-^ form us is to their injury. Not much danger of " Oppositionist " doing that ; his -calibre' is of too small a pattern. W'c only, wish he had one-twentieth part of the patriotic disinterestednessnf the- petfsous to whein he refers, there would, t> jsay the least, be one less obstruc tionism and creator of distrust in' the community. Pet-pie of his^l^ss never malle Canada wliat she is to-day; and hail the growth and prosrerity i*i Acton ibej>cude.-l-<ea the ur.ittd eJle.-giesV'f surh, thu-primitivc forest would yet stand on herlstreets to-day! : Yours truly, - '^i. ClTIZES. Acton, Feb. 29, 1S7G. if lie is he knows very littlo about it. I might say for his aatinTncttori nnd for the infsrmiition of tlio rate payers tluit tho C-ounciLypted ?20 to be disbursed for cluiritnblo ]>ur- poses, but I do not think that tho council Txpocteil tnn to givo to everybotly that asked it, if so itf would not have lasted it hove 'two weeks. I know tbfr linnl times presses severely on many people, but you kiiow there nro u git>at many irunij>s going through the country who miike irthuir busineRs to, ti-nvoj from place to place and culling pji tho Keevps of the.differ ent 'phtcea Jisking a!m,and by such menns they can travel without any oxpejise, nnd who in very many cases do not deserve our aymimthies, and there are others who come in n beastly afat'e of intoxication. Tlio latter I will in future not assist. I have had-inet) my in'cnml>ency some thirty npplicnntajnntl if I had given each _w hut was necessary to keep them overnight, I would lunvo spent the ^20 long ago. Tlien ln inanity Ju(i, jwould have made liis voice heard when the stntements iif accounts were piesented at the eiid of the year, if'lie has any interest ih that fund, 'IJjive but in three hir' stances sent them away empty. I have always f6Yi.nd that those -who cry the loudest in these niiit- ters contribute tic least to such'd-care very little liow the charities 411-e dispensed so long as they are not called upon to contrib ute anything to it except to make a littie noise ; further, to show how insincere or 'ignorant Humanity Jun. i'B when b-4 impuU's siich mo tives to me ) as lie generous. The cost of one coroner's inquest would amount to more than the- -price of a dozen beds and slippers.'-' To enlighten him a little itt this I .would say for his information that if such 111^ unfortunate occurrence should happen in tlrs municipality, the expense,of such inquest would, not effect his purse any, as that ex- pensu would be borne by the Coun ty, and that I would not likely le cajled' U[>on to hold the inquest un less Humanity, Jan., would first hand me a . formal " information sworn to by himself. Having -the confidence of ft large majority of the Electors of this municipality as shown b\T thei^ votes, I consider duty.-to guard their interests in fostering the funds intrusted to my care, and I shall never misplace .their confidence by uselessly spending their money in.charities to|unchiir-; itiable people. We have (persons entertainment greatly Vy pliiying at intervals in their annul uotul style. After the tlBtial voto of thanks, tho en tertainment was brought.- to a close about 12 o'clock by ; tho hand iildy.itig the National Anthem, Notwithstand ing tho crowded house the best of order prevailed. Com. sya ONT., M^RCH 2, 1876. Nassatrawe^a Council. ThiH Council mot in tho towi shij) hall, Hrookvillo, on HntnrdnjJ, 26th; Fobrunry. All tho membei'3 prcsont. Tho minutes of previous) meeting woro mud nnd adopted. Tlio ri!jx>rt of tho Tavern Irmpeckfr recommended tho granting' of licen ses to the following parties, viz GENERAL NEWS. An item has been pntced in tht) j HelVry Stinglo of Brook vi'llo; V, Estitnnies for granting a fiirrtihtr I j. Dhwhou, Haltonviilo; Alex( bounty to the 1812-14 veterans ua rj>rtVj,iROn and Jaa Al'Wroll, Camp was given last year. "Wo understand that the Toronto, Grey nnd Brtico-Jlnilway havo made a largo reduction in freight rates along their lino, to Toronto. Last week tho Dtinkin Bill was tried ih Uxbridgo and Colchester. The by-law wna defeated in tho foi* mer township nnd carried in tho latter. '.-. "- .' - instructerl to notify tho executors of tho'litto-Tiiomas-.Loghrin to movo a fence .on hhlo roitd if), 20, con. .*},' hej'oro tirst day of May next. AI5y- lnw for tho purchase of a piece of land on the west corner of. itho east half oNot:5, con. 7, wnftpassed after the usual number of readings. Tho Council then odiourned to mcot ngain lit tho Centre Inn on Monday, tho-10th day of April next. ; .), A. Datiiwox, ' 1 !" Township Clerk, B. Puefclmrn, widely Mr. G. known as it bandmaster, nnd in structor of soyeral. ^ornft Intud's, died: very suddenly at jarvia on KridaT. A Weston, the Arnericnn pedes trian, is now in England, and has sueciMHled in walking two hundred and seventy-five miles in. seventy- five [hours. An entertainment was givon nt Oakyille on Friday evening by Bevetnl young men of the town, and Over S7U dollars were realized, which waR handed to tho Mayor for distribution among . tho poor of Oakville. The Drayton New Era snyfr A pedlar who had been offering for salo. h. preparation for the-teeth, lias, Wo understand, succeeded in inducing a young lady who has,but lately taken up, her residenco in Drayton to elopo with hitn.> -n i'i .MM tC' -- .' Municipal jAcconrrts are fre- qneutly audited in \ tBe most iin- ( I>erfect manner, being only a check ofia Dr. ami i Cr. account, reaving the'public entirely igEorant of the trae financial position of the cor poration arid the auditors some- .- times ' .knowing little more. Such Ought nqt to be the case, but - iu every abstract statement , the assets and lhiUilities at the'.'date of- ' audit ought to apjiear. 1 To enable thin to bo done, satisfactorily the collaetotV roll jforeac-b [year.shonld be eloRed by the *nd oi Decerjibei1 y or if-thin u n<jt poi*il/fe. a balance aheet of hia accoimt* klso shown. A little rooro |care in ttiift Kf^nect 'wonId be a.'valuable guide to; rate payers and _councillo;-, H]K'cii'iliv , tire latter,' iaXJ.!ieir- esil.cirlutkms as ' to taxation an|l expeji Jittnv. The Bonus Question. To'_thc Etlitor of th: Fnc Press. Dear Sir. I.take' the liberty troubling you with a few re marks oti the Iwnus. I cannot see that their is any " lofty ^principle " involved inlthe question ; it~is en- tirejy a business matter. If the people of Acton think they are. re ceiving value for their $4,500 *.et them support the By-law ; and. let thoserwho hold a different opinion vote it down. I oppose the bonus and/will let you have my reasons. Hekrihg other places cited'l'ns ex- amjiles in fivor af granting a bonus, .1 took the troubld to look the mat ter jup and find'; in Oshawa for .^10,- OOol they established an Agricultur al Implement 'factory employing onej hundred . 'nkilltUl wrn. In Parkhill a" flax mill" employing fourteen men' (receives a bonus of -350, and then in.the face of facts like (these we are.asked to give' 4,- 500'to a:, affair employing thirty- five j children'*- where every tiling necessary to establish it is conven ient Arid cheap." As an example of the way manufacturers are likely to ilopk into." our village in conse quence of- our .acquisition, I In: Halton. Agricultural Society; A special meeting Oft the Halton Agricultural Society Cook's Hotel,, Milton. of last week when "the the Directors were .present. -its( held at on Tuesday ?. majority ..tit On th- to hold moti<Mi-it ti'a^'iresolved Sjiriag' ShoT: Jon 21st of .Ailiril. SeA'eral additions1 were made to m .: if- t'-'-W' - ' ^:' -r;prize;liat, tba.^ff-u'ra:of the Soc etyM in.tuii oriiig; in a be^ithy eoudithih." Die ^ .report of the &)ijitmttee apjwir ted -v*t .the last.' meeting ...Lh reference to the Centennial Exhibition adopted. " The following is tji - rfportr: :- '^ T-n-compliance with .1 request from the Horn, the Minister of Ag riculture, ta.the County of Ha,lLon,. the M works empte you w holder see $4 tw-o es do .ivil of the would pea is tions havin can " ture a suppoi our .acqtiisition, 1 Jiave's ority for stat ing ttatas his taxes have already been 'raised to over 250 he will in case ojf further increase remove Jiis from the village unless ex- l" from taxation. I'thinlr 11. find very few of the Fiee 1 of Acton will say they can 500 difference betwem the .ablibhincntK, and those who moHt likely see jt in fayor- taiiFiery.. In conclusion, I say, any statement that dp- n either of my comnuuhiea am prepared to prove, and shown good reason 'whyIT honestly" oppose it, I ven- ivord of advice to the "hearty. ters."' Let the uwt.ter.drpi> -and tlo'.not run the village into fujrthor useless ex'pense.'for the Bti-hrw will C(;itainjy be defeated anili-ytii may then experience-the e of the raUqiayers : in ..a you do riot at all anticipate., iours, OeiposinoKiST. m.k-*'- " ]The Charity -Fund." To the 1 ditor of'thi-xFree Press, YVoiild 3011 kindly allow :ne Epace in your coliimns to. reply to a communication in your U st issue t-igned ";Hninanity Jim." I would not^havo noticed it it not "that tlio]'ratepayers would .expect that. I Bliould give some jxplanation regarding the charge! brought against their repre- sehtati ^e and custodian of the'ehar- ityfmi J. , .- In:tie fii-st-place I would say : the -Cumojitt/je wliieh have been apjtoihbed request all. parties who khave. superior Grain or Seeds! to .-J teoJf:'fcVi> quarts of .each with the proper names, also tiieir own names Mid address.' [Also.MiHera,' two 'fvtifi of each sarhplejof floiir, br-ii ami sliorts, to be. forwarded by the ltflh v March to W] LV Btatyfe ffainUryj- Oihagh P. 6.| through njriof tha followii>j|-perBbii8r Wuw 3'<inf, J- B, Barber, C. P. Pres ton, i. Brothers, \V. j Wbi.taker, J*ies Harvey, J. Hjurriion.Wtu. JCerns, John Ramsey, and all thej-dispeh nd by, the custodian of the ^ wij , 0 jgaejnfcontvf the Agricukuraf Boatxl. 'ehurit; fund of this municipality, be '-Tbe^CiXmi^UlVstring'bandaul^the that ih 1: 1. Humanity Jiin.-is not sincere ihtrfemarks about tie. chiirities On Tuesday of last week, while a son of Mr. C. Sparl|ng, George town, was sliding down a hill 'at tho School house, he fell and when picked up was insensible. It. is supposed'that'his sk:ill is injured. Hopes ure entertained of his recov ery. . '. . - The Councils of London, King ston, Toronto, mid Parkhill have either passed or submitted by-laws for the reduction of tho number and increase of the cost of liquor licence. The township of Sarawak, in--Greyr has adopted the Dunkiu Act. ": - ' -.' bellvillo. ; \ j Mr. Menzies moved, socemded by Mr. Hutclioon, that tho rfcport of the Tavern Inspector bo roceived. and ongrosflod on the minutes.' On piiymerlt of tho neces'siiry fee, j the licenso ^vnB' cxtenrhid to the above-named' parties until th:i 1st of May. 'After-which date, they will come under the provision of the new License Act. On niction of -Mr, Ilulclieon, seconded by Mr. Menzies; S.' B. Lister was authorized and empow eretl to collect tho Wla.nce of tuxei remaining nnjraid foi*' tho yea"- 1875, ninl make his returns on o- before March 20th to tho IVeas-. tirer, \ Moved by Mr. Menziqs, secrond.- e'd by Mr. Nonish, that tAie'dolla* be jwtd to Walter I/iing, beili error iiifassessment of oncilog. Moved by Mr. Mehzies, second ed by :Mr. ilutoheon, that tho Au ditors-Report bo received and ex amined by a committeo of thh whoh.', Tim Report having been reit'l and ad opted, n motion was made that'tho Auditor* he. paid %i> each in accordance with tho By; law. .! Petition of Walter; Laingond 18 others was presented to the coun cil, setting forth the dangerous stnte of a certajii causeway opposite Lot 30 in 2nd con., in tho, spring of each year and praying tlio cunn- cil to adopt some means to remedy the same. Beferred to Road and Bridge committee.. Moved by Mr. Menzies, jvcpnil- ed by Mr. Norrish, and resolved thaf ^11 By-laws, Bonds and oilier Scandal in Ailsa Craiar. j Scmo weeks ago, tho Key. It7 S. Greon, English Church minister at Ailsa ,Craig, discounted.n liotp for ?400 nt thoj Exchange Bank in Parkhill. .It was signed by him self, and endorsed by the name of ChjristophoT Lowis and Richard Blickwell, -both of M"cGillivray. Mr. Greotir also left a deed of-n par sonage in, Ailsa Craig, as collateral security, j Some days ago Messrs Lewis and Blackwe'l called at the . Exchangfi . Bank, nnd upon ascer taining that such la note 'was in j possession of tlm bfink, pronounced it a forgery. Sir Cameron, tho bank agent, iiccojnpitnicd by Mussrs. Lewis and Black well, together, with Constable Smith, at-.bneo repair ed to,Ailsa Craig and interviewed tho llev. Mr. Green, Tho latter gentleman, upon being accused of forging tlio signatures, storitly a]i- .M:rted that the. note had been signed by both;. Lewis and Blackwell at his (t)ie iriinisrer's) honse!,iii the pre- senco of menders of. his family. Messrs. Blackwell and Lewis cstlled tho lie v. ! gentleman u lilir. and a switutleriiand firononnceil his whole story n; barefa'c'eiLlic. The matter wiis' allowed-to stand in; this shiijie till to-hiy. when Mr. Green was ar rested' brought to jhil'to.stand his trial upon a chargo of forgei^y. -London Ad centner. ' '.' The examination of Mr. Green, in our midst who should claim our attention in thismatter and I shall consider it my duty to see to thein first. ..'-. And I.will., tell Humanity Jun. that I wi'J only give to those whom I belieVe should receive some assistance and reject those whom I -believeareablehut unwilling to earrt their own livelihood and who have misspent" th'eir time during the summer when1 work was plenty and wages good. .-In conclusion, I would advise Humanity Jun. to come'out. boldly in his true name and character if Ire has any complaints to make,and - I am prepared to justify, my acts, but not assassin-like'attempt to stab in the dark. I inn yours, ic. ;* N. McGinvi*. Acton^ Feb. 29th, 1876. On Friday night, in Dundas, as Mr. Freeman the leader of the Free man Band-accompanied by mem bers his family, was walking home on the tih'dlo of the street, after. , ,. , . , , , 'and others having been playing at a party, he was knocked down and run over by a waggon. The hihd wheel passed over his chest, causing instant death. matters relating to the Licenses 6f Hotels or Taverns for this Town ship for 1875 l*j and are hereby- adopted for the portion of the pre sent year, and this resolution be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, ami have the iCoi^iorato ,fceal at tached Moved by Mr. Menziek seconded isll, that the requisition rving and 37 others be by Mr.,Nor of Robert I received an being read, [>e ranee back to the tion, as the has not liei in Examination and Social ' Na^sagaweya- ' _'_ * The quarterly examination of the pupils of Pine Grove School, Section No. 7, Nassagaweya, was held on the ISth ult. The pupils were exam ined by their teachers, Mr. MePhatter and Miss ' Donahlspn, and YV"m'. S. Mc- Tavish, teachcr.'of S. S. No. .12, Nelson. The pupils acquitted themselves in a manner highly complimentary to troth the parents arid teachers. At the close of the examination Mr. MePhatter was called to the ehair,iwben short but.ap propriate addresses wero delivered by j Messrs. Arch. Bell, R. Aik'ens, Wm. Dredge, M. McMillan, and several othei-s, complimenting the teachers on the rapid progress the pupils had made under their instruction, and urged the pupils to embrace the-excellent opporr tunitie.3 afforded them, of acquiring that knowledge which would be of incalcula ble benefit to them in after years when called on to take their-placea iu the dif ferent spheres of life. " ? In the evening an entertainment was bc-Iil which proved to be the best ever held in this, locality. Notwithstanding the bad state of the'roads, the spacious At a meeting in St. Thomas on Saturday night, r young .man named.Marriott suddenly' dropjied from" his seat and fell to the floor, and before he could be picked up lifo was extinct. Deceased- was an employee of the Canada Southern Railway. -The caiiF* of his sudden death is supposed tc bava been heart disease. "^p On the 8th of last month a lad, ten years of age, named Robert Mc- Kenzie (left the bouse of his guar dian, Mr. Meldrtim, at Mount Forest, and has not since heard off. When Lst seen he was three miles from Fergus. Any information of him would be thankfully received by his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum. The boy is rather slim, fair bair, and when he left home was.dressed in a dark jacket, grey pants, rather short boots laced iu front. He had his school bag along with Kim. Child Drowned. On Monday 21st inst, a pump on the premises of Mr. William Hodkinson, lot 10, con, 4, Eramosn, had been removed for repairs, and the well had been temporarily covered with planks. During the afternoon a little son of Mr. Hodkinson, about six years old, was playing round the place, and it is supposed that it must havo remoVed some of these planks and fallen into the well. He was missed in: a short time, and a search instituted, and he was finally discovered down the welb Municipal Election for tho current year. Moved by Mr. Nbrrish, senoni- edby Mr. Menzies, that the amount of $4.12 be paid to .7. Easterbrpc k for clothing furnished jto Patric' McGarrigle, a poor and destitute beenJ^person Moved by Mr. Menzies, second ed by Dr. "Winn, that the accou school honse was filled to the utmost Mr. HodkinSon was away from home, and some of the neighbors were sent for, who took the child out, but he was dead. The event has cast a gloom over the neighbor hood, as Mr. HodjkinBon and family are very highly respected; and rnuch Bytupatby is felt for them. Easter Sunday. Easter will fall, this year on the 16th of April, f because Easter-day iB regulated not by.a solar, but by a lunar cycle the cycle that regulates the gokjen number. Now, by a solar calcula tion a day always begins at mid night;- but by a lunar calculation it begins at noon. If, therefore, the Paschal moon falls on a Satur day,1 after 12ro., it is counted as falling on Sunday, and then Easter day is, under a rule of the prayer book, the Sunday following. . This is what happens in the present year, The Paschal moon falls on Saturday, April 8, ^t 2:43 p.m. It is therefore counted as falling on Sunday, April 9th, and EftBter is the Sunday following i.e., April 16th. It may be added that should tha full' moon fall on March 21, before 12-m., that full moon (count ed as falling on March 20) would not regulate Easter day, btit the one following. ~ This,happened in 1819. capacity, so that even (standing room could not do obtained and consequently some did not obtain admittance. Mr. OJ. McMillan was called to the chair, ;the duties of which he discharged in a very efiicicnt manner. Space will not allow us to enter into the details of the proceedings. . The following constituted the-programme : The entertainment wai opened by a. piece of music from the Cumminsvillo string band; Mr. MePhatter gave a piece entitled " Bro. Fowler," followed- by a piece froin.W. S. McTavish, entitled '.'PatKetyc';" song by J. Lochlean ; stump speech: by Alex. Bell; song by H.McLeod; "The Highland Immigrant," by ^"MePhat ter i song by A. Robinson j. dialogue by S, 4icTav'811 and Alex. Bell. At.abdut 8 o'clock tho chairman announced inter- jnissinn during which time tho audience did justice to the inner man with the excellent things provided by the ladies of 'the section. The meeting being called to"' order, tho people were, again entertained by' a stump speech from J. MeTavish ;-soiig by Miss Hotfg, accom- conrpaiiied by. her sister at the organ i; dialogue^ by If. Cargill and Alex. Bell |; song by S. Anderson ; debate - by Messrs. ;_McPhaj;ter, Bell, Wm. and J. -MeTavish; soug by J. Lochlean; dia logue " by Messrs. McMillan and R. Aikcns; Song by P. Gould; 'iputting on stylo/' by.Wm, S. MeTavish ; spng by Mr. i and the Misses Hogg; stump speech by Alex. Bell ; song by J. Mp- Tavisli i~a piece entitled'" Ladies and Gentlemen, ' by N; MePhatter; song by, A Robinson ; " Tho School Boy," byWmj Tavish ; song by J, Williams i; recitation by W. S. MeTavish ; boiir by P, Gou|ld ; address by N, McPatter. fer with lh ; said gnrd thereto. Moved . ed by Mr. be ."paid to several poll of Ailsa ;Craig, on the charge (Of forgery; was' couckided. on Friday. Prisoner i to ' committed for trial but thePolice Magistrate expressed himself it's, having strong doubt ns to the actual guilt, aud admitted ac cused to bail. RBMNI^NIJS! 1EMNANTSI ^ p -r Previous io stoclj taking, we will havt> our fnal tno wcoftg' CTeanng Sal# of Bomnank Every Beninaptin theiort, will be aold cheap? i BEMNANT8 DRKSS aOQDt, ".'. ' REMfcANTS SILKS,; REMNAJIT8 LUSTRES, ' \ " ' ' REMNANTS FRENCH ;MEfit08, jREJiNANTsPBINTS,^ j REMNANTS C01TONS (Wbitcind Grey), /. i RBMWANTS TTCKINGS, REMNAM'f3 HOIjLAN-I?S, REMNANTS FLANNELS, , ; -.5 " -' REMNANTS TOWELLINGS,/ "" ' REMNANT'S SHIBTING^ .REMNANTS TWEED?,- REMNANTS WINCEYS, &a., Ac. ' ;: A. . I 'Fashionable West End ris, MiTHnery nnd tfanUe FttabasntnMt. Guerpli,fvb. -a, 187a ' ' ' -' O. BUCHAM. BIBTIIS. \At. the Limerworks, Esqnasfjjg, the 22ml nit., the wife of David isml Oi a (laughter, . In Acton, on 29th inst., tie wife of vMr. Wm. Thompson, of a dan^iter. on Smith, ' new advertisem;ents;. 1 read. On the ])etition it .wuB moved hyj Dr.. Winn, seconded by Mr. Menzies, that tho petition of Robert Iryii.g in regard to -tho Teri- Atjr of 18G4 'be referrtd jietitioners for correp- jroper form of procedure n adhered to, and that The Scandal and How Beech- i ' er Deals -with It. . f'jrioii the Barton DuUtiui.) h' Mrj Tilton - Mr. Beecher has ruined niy .home, and is guilty of adultery, , s- Mr. (Beecher -Mr. Tilton, j-oii are a liar. Prove what.yon you can. I Mr. Moulton -Mr. Tilton tells the truth, for ilr. confess e'd to mo. ^Ir. Beecher I never did T>OARDERS. Parties wanting board; in a private Jiouse can hear of such.acconimodatidD by applying at the Free PliBSS office, s- Actrm, March 1, 1S76.. "| WILKERLODCE No. J1, A. F. A A.M7 ^ ; _Xhe Regular Meeting 'tri the above Lodge iwill,be held in the Masonic Hall, Acton j on Monday, fjth March, at-7:30 p.m. . , I: J.";ROSS, Sec. ;-PW ADriRTiSE^IENTa NOTHING LIKE When ytni hire ifie-Tin to^bvy if.- Mr. Huteheon bo njqiointed to con- petitiOuers m r ry Mr. Norrish, seconih Huteheon, that ?27.5() .he Township Clerk, bf ing the amount of expenses of tl ing subdivisions for tl fe of T. J. Day amounting to $3.21 for blanks for the Municipal Elec tion, nnd the farther sum of $10.48 for blanks for Municipal purposes be paid. I Moved hj- Mr. Norrish, second ed I y Dr. Winn, for leave to intro duce a By-law for the appointment of Fence Viewers, Pound Keepers, and Overseers of-Highways. By law introduced and read the first and second time, and the blanks thereon partly filled, up. ' , jj .. Moved by Mr. Huteheon, sec onded by Dr. "Winn, that Mr. Geo. Norrish be instructed to i sell jby public auction ufter giving prop'er notice, nil tlie timberl on tho road allowance, adjoining lots 21, 22 and 23, between, the lst and 2nd cin. of this Township. J On motion the Council adjourn ed to meet again on- Tuesday the 2nd of - May next, for the purpose of appointing Path-masters and for the transaction of other Township business. ! * ' . J. Easterbrook, T'p Clerk' Eramosa Township Council Weetingr. i . " ' This) Council met at the Centre Inn, on. Friday the 25th inst., alt the members present, the Reeve in: he chair. J The minutes of last meet ing were jread and' confirmed, '"tie Tavern Inspector presen 1 ed his rej ort which was received and approved of, and the Reevje and Clerk were in structed to grant certificates forljTe. newal of license for two months to John Martin,! Eden hotel; Pa|riok ,L'ee, To| wnli'n'e! hotel;' Hermon Claiik Royal hotel;. !John Cummins, Dom- rainion hotel ;i Edward Barry, Amjeri can hotel; Matthew Doran> Railroad hotel 5 [. Jeremiah Langford, drove- Inn; ilichoel -Lyons', Four Cofoer's' Inn; Margaret Lamb Centre jlnrii; James Caks, Fifth Line hotel: Jesse Usherwood, iUalfway House. | $iZ was ordered to be'paid to tho License Inspector for his services., A By-;law- to appoint pound-keepers, fence- viewers, overseers of highways ^nd thistle inspectors was introduced and was rend a first nnd a second time ; fhe third rending wasdeferred until the next meotingo'f the Coun cil. $12 50 was pnid to Jambs B. Allan for the benefit 1 of Mrs. Jones, indigent. The petition 'of iJbbn MoMahon-^Rnd. other.8 respecting toad improvernentB i Was laid | rivbr' until the usual Qcne. The Clerk was 1 Or: fJAA T^ DAILY^and ltld,UUU. WEEKLY Editions ' ' .- oi the MONTREAL STAR have bow (it-is estimated) an andience .f/'l7f. oS'b uusdhbd . AN1> SIjrETV-rTVK 1 thocsasd itEAi/EB.t, which makes ifiem I tlie most widely .circulated and inllnrn- " l.tial newsjiapcrs published-in Canada. R WISHER Begs to aDnormce tlat having- pur chased an - entirely: new stock oi tools of the most inprovad charae- ter, he is rrow>in a pejition to turn ' oat all kinds of TIN AND SHEET-IROH ^q:r,:k: i -: hi tbe '6. I any- a ,<le thing df|the kind. i.Sfeulton is giXMit a falsifier as Tilton. Mrs.' Moulton r Mr. j.BeecJ made'a- confession to me that- was guilty of the- charges 11111 against him by. Mr. Tihon. Mi'j-Boeclier-r^Mrs. Moulton is a Christiaifi lady, one that I alwuvs respected, but she has purjured hei'seljf to .save her husband. I wili turij her out of the church. Mrs. Moulton Mr. Beecher, he- fore you] do that let the matter-be investigated. Mr. Beecher I1 will, if you per-' mit me to select the Council^. If SPEX t A new lot of' VERT BEST STYLE. V Being in n pbsitioj 10 Ruy:; all his Stock von hav at ally it fair. B anything to" do with it will bo'iv hodge-pudge af- Mrs. lyionlton Good-bye. Mr. Bowen^Mr. Beecher adulterer, perjurer, and a' crite. Mr. slnndere an hdv whether violated gutiohal Mr( Council words is nn bypo- Beecher Mr. Bowen is and a liar. ', Will have isory council j to discuss thefPlymonth Church has tho rules of the Congre- denomination or not 3ecchei"s address to tho closed with the e emphatic If there is any man on earth that has any thing to say to my detriment, I hear now challenge him to s:.y it.. If there is any angel f God I challenge him to say aaght against nie ;-aye, I go far tyeyond that, I chuirefige truth from God himself." .." ' Errs' Cocoa. Grateful and Com- FOKTINO. "By a thorough knowledge of the j n itnral Jaws which govern the operation s .of digestion and nutrition, and by'a careful application of the fine properties o well .selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tableB with, a delicately flavored beverage which im'iy save us many heavy doctors' bills, lit is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may Opening Registered Letteiis^ It is reported that ft considerable sum. of jmoney was; stolen from .a registereid letter-recently posted at Tara, iidliresSed to a, business firm in Toifoiito. Mr. Sweotnaih, Post Office j Inspector, has uistituted an enquiry:within the post day orfwo into the piatteVy and it has transpir ed that [he has detected the thief and the money, which had been se creted; has been recovered. It- is not many days since the Inspector's services I were required in connec tion with money stolen from regis tered letters passing! through the Thornbury post office. 'J The offend er in that case was also discovered, and the istolen funds will be recov ered t SPECTACLES of quality n't 50 Cents, 75 Cents, Bi.oe, - ; , -. $2.50, 93.50, "~ Received at hPRlNCLE'S ' Jewelery. Store 578.J -. --'., g-tje: fJnelph, Feb. 27.4878.. DR. ROBERTSON. Of Drs. ItoberUon * Bennett, ' Hilloa, will be at : .Agno-vT'sHotel, Acton, On Thursday of each week, 1 "- -: . -: ' ' ,' .From 12 o'clncki noon, until 4 p.m., for professional consultation. Feb. 22.-187& 35-tf rillEAP ItREAD ..':' FOR THE MILUON B.| & E. NICKLI1T Beg~~to -announce that tncy hare seen red tho Berricea:. ol a ..-" - Ftrst-Oias's JBaker^ and that their Baking business is how in full,operation, in the premises owned by Mrs.; Hanha. ;._ . j Bread delivered daily at the houseB in the villago and-vicinity. - - Weddinpf Cakes, Tea Cakee, [Pastry, Buns, &o., - V- maile in the very best manner, and kept Thereby gaming the-ad vantage ot th<>.trade discounts, <i*trmin- ed to- affll goods of, first~olasl! majce, and material at * Decidedly lender Pxiee Than can ba obuinad from other bonaa in the Pronaco y iThia is toot blowing, but ^nam facts. If you doubt it, jriva him trial.- . . ' I'- - '" EAVETROUCHINC A SPECIALTY. Flaring just procured the most ia proved appuancaa for doing the work, he feels satisBod that he cannot be outdone in this bran eh. .. Thefshop will shortly be consider, ably enlarged, and I intend to kaef always on hand a large stock of 1 STOVE S Of all kinds, which will be sold very low prices. Coal Oil for Sale. it I .t ,R. Acton, Feb."22,1875. (FISHER. 3o-3m mo BE 80L1> OR |iET, Part of Lot TSo. 1, on the 4th conces sion of Erin, comprisiong hS e acres On it are a frame house, l8i?i , alog bam and a Ismail log house ; good orchard ra good tearing; school convenient. Situ ated 3 miles from Acton and 3 from Ballinaiad. Good title' and. immediate possession. Apply to JAMES WAT- SON, on the premises, or to JThomaa Watson, Acton station. I 34-2t CTON BAKERl begradually built up until strongeriough always on hand, good and fresh. Also to. result -every tendency'to disease. J "" "' n""'""' - Hundreds of subtle maladies aro.flqating aroitnol us ready to attack wherever there it a weak"point., \yo may-escape many a- fital shaft by keoping ourselves well foridfied.with puro blood and a pro perly iotirished frame. "^ Ci'i'ir,Service Gaxcllcl I Sold only in packets InJieled "jAMiis Ei'i-s &- Co., HomaJopa'thic Chemist,: 48,' Throadncedlc Streot,' and 170, Piccadilly, London" ' Tho befet job printing iii the County at the Fi^Eti PitESS Offioo] Call aad: ex- amino bur speoiuieus. .." all kijnds of'., Confectionery, -Biscuits', Cheese, &c The patronage of. the .public Is res- pectfujlly solicited. ."- '. -; ';' ' CK.LI^Acton. Feb. ?9, 1876. --" ," ; ' TOB PRINTIBfC of all kincte fj 'neatly and promptly exocuttdatthe ; . TFREE PRESS OFFICE, Next! the Post Office, Hill Street. t ] REMOVED Next door to Morrow's drug store. First-class Bread, B^nfe, fCake Biscuits, etc. Fresh.every day-dellre^nl at-homes* Made I WEDDING ^OAKES "" etborder In the latest styles and at^ .roasonablo oharges Highest price In Cas^i paid for Ejg* JWtoii, Fob. 33,187SH jl ^. _-Haitc Milton ne*t | The at present Jail The inn Agrlcultj Spjl to6',onK| Mr. -.mail store ( recently befl flitrs are 1 assignee at 1 rLaat the country 1 vfltaee wltlJ aeorislderatj were separa jflntl to hsari expected or r-Onl Ing * was Theat*enda| select-. Afu-r ed with the I down to a ^H ttfedby"Mi| was kept ur tbe victors 1 Jjongs are iquleter resf^ . Mr.'- talnedatCaj lnc of:th.! company ol sat^own to / (hey <1I(L fail which it wai on Mr. Cami[ company brij frheir^nlertB racRe, ?s Mj ^ town wher COM. . ".1 The Tcmperand UBion^ in. evening nq taintneht cl iss; Fo and -prdgr " Mr. Bal| byrush fact been .here! fortaar ag| respfcting h lsjidt "yd rpceived yesterclay,'| hets7',in may p.rov| -d ij raft-ernl lc.r? of Thompson oming fnj w ood iileij; -po :ite"Sco| t *on eitbei >-n^ the jv\ised ovJ ^lp, -'bt: W^.vl in a sl.eigJ] in a', cri| the mother is I withse!ri<J Anrttsir Ss| James ' esatbrief -farm istoclj M-troh ftli Joseph I <jtiBing'j , on Wedr I Gev,UG'| *ales.; irtsn Sch The'tefc in the Act mentis nf . ^eiBg.^ the seeondJ nge attend! for Eebr in the third ancejfor p| chiHren whoVbave | year. Soma or Tc| ADiv* recently J -ners.twith I ensuing qa| ^ Brcrw*jf Bro.. B H Bro D sister !i Bro Allf BroTbl Bro W J Slster"- Brip Moj Kro- R . Bro Sat 'Bro'Jbq -aeton c. The Co -ing, 26th present, meeting <a to have inserted i Appointmel the.words 1 Adopted. On mot| by Mr: Sn trodnce - eoses. granting o| m shops -J arsd itia&i aale of liql eotien- ness,:v It I and-was On rao byMir:,Sn and.readi licenses'! Council! whole to I Smith" in 'i ioi thesij a-tho lie taverns j J'" ^^A^j^.^^M

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