Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1876, page 2

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;#i^ THE FREE ?RESS, ACTON; HALTON COUNTY, ONT.,| FEBRUARY 24, 1876< 'JRH-B ' P;i'Ai;hcd Every Thursday .91 Per Aimum tt AcLwmco. ^^cianFrp'Cil^iicss; HHCKW EDITOR Tucrsuxt ilORSlSi*, Fri. Morning. ACTON- Ftt-E^J PRESS j upon piineiplu ; an\( wo idao know rthat fheroine many monl who oit- j pose it from pure nioannofs or soil"' ishtujsx, mulu >vho;| try|&.^nuike theijselvcs luid others i*>Wvo that they nro guided iiyiia lofty "prin ciple." ," Wo trust' there1 are none of litis latter olassiit Acton. Whoh _.. . tjj() hoiius.By-law comes (to be suli- mittodf to the voted Of thp..frcohold- oi-% ri.f it probably (will shortly, wo hoper to find that till wbo'cfy'oppowi it'Svill do 8t>! honestly! and that J4, 187l>. u. *-, WORDS IS i'i-^ A FEW MORE ABOUT BONUSES. 1 Whatever tends to te-ilelit the public *bould ffcecive ertconrsge- .ment front tbo puldic ftfarijfac- turiug industries of almp3teA'ery; dtfcjjpUdu are of this nature, and "are generally admitted to tsfr lene- ficiil to the community $n wliicb - they ure located. Tl eyj are vahw aide in proportion to the jpUnit of their operations, in -building, up" villages.and tpwns and circulating money.' It isTi.notice-Mile fact that where -' hvuiufaetoripsJ exist to a large^extent, three do [we find the people ,iij a much monk comfortable- - condition than ".in" 'places' where theic are none of anyj importance.. Town? so situated; inj respect to " shipping and other facilities.,-imd " sun nmided -~by :good agricultural these facts alone they -will bo at>lo~toolh.T| reasonably goo$"-grounds-for their ' (opposition. 1\n\ we do not anticipatio much dif- )ien|ty in having it pkssed-:jby if- yerv large? majority.; I Wo havo faith in the iiitoTUgehcb of the. peo ple ^>f Actpn, and bolijisve tjiey can i fulls'appreciate that /, "Th^ro is a tide in the ittairi of men, Whiiih, t.iUeii atAho: ilikxl, leads ou to fortune: : .. ~ ' Omiticd, all the vnyigp-f tlieir lifo Is boiim}in-shallow*; dial in miseries." Thfse" words of wisdom weru writ ten ,hy Shakqs| , many years ago, anil their 'truthfulness- maybe- app'Hed as well to; municipalities us to individuals. ' .. .' GENERAL. NEWS. Hon.' A, Crooks ""-iwiui sworn in as Minister of Education on Satur day. ..-.-.-- ' * " A Wingliamman has'been liaul- ed upfov wiling bad wl.oat. .The caso is not .Bottled yet. The. Roynl Albert bridge, project |o connect Montival.with tho South Shore is ticking ahnpe, and a charter is to be applieil.for, "l . ' ' ' T>A importol into Canmla, 85o jxiirjlb., fct Socord Ifrtw. One hnndijcd; dollars voitli of goods we|-o B^olftn from Appef ik Boaii'8 Btcrfc in New Haiiiburg on Friday night. ' On Friday itigjit, Mr..Harring ton, of Ancivater was thrown out of his buggy and very Beriously, but not fatally, injured. Rev.. G.~R. Green, Episcopal Minister of Ailsa Craig, is charged with forgery. Ha hfci'bcc.ri releas ed tfn bail. -: " Messrs. Hood, - Davies. \t Co., have eoiiimeneiid packing beef for the Liverpool and-'Glasgow inar: kets, and will iuake aonii) shipments Miortly. ' .,' .-/" -r-Tea for 12A cents per H). at Swor\l Hn>s. r . HeniT Motlm and. Charles Primilfoot, ayinl 8. anil 10 yeai-s it; n ! - I. * s. .rt7'-. t- - '-Z f. -flibtriotsJ Ciiii by offer siitVierrt inrluc'eniept teTseciiw the various' iudu^tiiinlj establish- _mertt* Jrithont IvoThg "obligevt to -stdisift4 them wish"" f a_ -nioney boniis. jiYut there nlv hiany-places :1 - ' i ^f ^ i wbre these natntal ai.tvai)tagrs -tlo Hot "exisjt .to- so grtit| an extent. Hence the"' syi-tem -4f ' |. sjievtivoly,' wesi* drowiuil at Goiler- Venturing on ; bonuses-,to make iip cienciea Kms bei of" aU-1 ye>.\j-s udop- ted l>v iiwnv such municipalities for I j A gwd deal otj interest is .natur.-j" ic)l im S.itunlay'by ally! felt in the n.iroVdsions of tho i tin Kite ice. . ~ Aci amending ;blie law jl;i:spt-cting ,-/ ^ ^lu,!ray Amlei-son, of.' Lon- >ht>jel arid shop licences. We pub-- ,l0n, (>nt., Imsiieeii lM-pieathe<l-an- Iis/lieda couple of weeks ago a syuJ estate in St. Ixiuis wol til 5>i.tl0|l)l)0, sis of the new; Bill, but: as a fe^v j V>' \V. "Kefr, who ;', . - :[, , :' ?-,,:- I died in N\ i.>coiisin lvceiitlv. nemlineuts wctjo subsequently m-'| ~- . "../ ivjQucvd, we navf r,i\-<3 a summary I The American Slmvw Company, Lithe chief' provisions'of tho^cVj of Providence; K.I., has made an gT-anJjng |!IS tinallv nassed ' : ntler to Canada Screw Company .t.hescvdett- I The iiowei-s of of Polio? Commis- vith more or less fat Suits. There niaTt I isfactory.. reT e sonic-tha liberality iit ave, iiot vet - f 1 , *. to ^ Pv ^ 3*y " HL lH\tTO 3 - r&iw us5--: ";{l^.- :'? - ' k.ff if have r*gi-etted their " this respect, but wi"i ~ . knovrn or hear j of .hny. I- irg atnounta.have been given; to i.ii -TOY c^mpanjes for which -no. adt- quate return has been received, lit t we have yet to.ieArfi of-irn instanc ti of a reputable: roanafactnrer recei' - j ing a bonus withont his haying ad< :- ] 'ed the prospenty jjf. h s- ; onminunity; Unfortunately^-theie jre too^many enteqirises comme: 1- -'ied Without sntEcientj capital, at d -too much reliance | is'.placed ujx n jthe bonus -wherevrith; to carry < n the operations. It islimportant :o - "know positively. that! tb'.e-individ-' : na\8 to whom.a bonus; is given are - in good financial position and ia.- pable of conducting their line of business successfully. (., Most of oat readers aro aires ly A ware a firm has sbeen negotia ting with the Acton i Corporati in, / aking for a bonus of $4,500 to ecure the establisbtnent of a. br ish innufactory here, (winch- will g iye <onstant'employuient|to fro.n fcrty 4& fifty people. We believe tl ere is no phe but will admit that an 'industry of thir description vrt uld? -1 a. very valnable acpessiDn to - Ullage.. We have seve'ral_ini nu- '- factoring .establish tnents here, s ime of which are on. a pretty ex ten ;ive scale,;.and all are kniwn to b^i of great, benefit^ to tiejlplace, sioners ih cities; and. of Councils in towns, village's iuul. towivsliips, are transferred to I the llew. License Hoard,-composed of Gpiii'mtssionerH to "be aiuioiiited liv i the Govern- itiVtit. - ; ,| '.-;'" "; 'The tiuicfor graiiting licensl's iimler the. nuijeniled | Act begins from 'the. 1st of! May in each year. IViwet-ii now and | the 15lh of March, all exjstiiii: jlicrn'ses may be renewed unjtil the; 1st" of May next, on pMjrobut of otiesixtl. of the ii resent duty, provincial and municipal. The jdiajre of the mu nicipal fee isjto bel.paid to the treasurer of thi; municijialitv, and M^.. M& thai of the province to the p resent my-.'--:: .MH-'-'!"-M'- ir-'i"::-:'!.'^.i ^1 ! there-is abundanee !bf roonl ; .| J, morej.eipecially Bucliius wouliji -come in direct c6n>pe'iti6n . tbose.alr&uly in exh:.teuce. ^gloye factory, tanneries, plov carriage^actorica, Hoar mills ber'and-fsbingle mill t:.-. -... tin ]L- : --'"|JI - iltii etc., have most of tlii m grow with the vilhige: and " established institu Ad:is ofjct?n able vafue, but we h^v'c hone ?}But for riot dth Our a^id lum- jes, have bbfcohie coopi : ider- with irhfch the proposed brush bu; in ess would \be a Cfimp.disor. Sc that no'reasonable objedlioii could be prged on thaflgrotma. It is -well known that tho extensive In nbejrr ;ing;Jbtistness camel on in this vtciriity in'past year;, is now near ly atJanend, arid the loss' elf this materially felt IVM' S ; :l issuers. The- provincial issuers will, uponHhis being done, endorse the f-enewal of each license tilUthe 1st of May. I . :. ..,..'. ' : The present inspectors of license have no lunger "any functions or powers. ;' ' The respecters to be appointed by the Government .will slso be the issuers of licensea after the loth of) March ; ana, exceptingifor thepur-- ]K>se of renewing _the ptfesent licen ses till the jfii-s'l "of May, the duties of the present issuers, will cease. Thej maximum limit for tho issue of tavern licetises in cities..^towns and iucorporatied villages,1 shall be i^ne fcr each" 250 of J tlie first' 1,000 -of Uie population, according'to the last .Dominion j census, and one for each 400 over |the first lf>00.v_The licenses" issued Bhall not in any case exceed the number now"tinder license. In cities the number for next_year njnyj be/ three-fourths of therpreseritrinmbter. ;Municipal eouJneils may -by, by law to bo passed/ before, the? 1st "of March in any Vear, limit the ^um ber of Uivern/licenses belo* the limit imposed by. the Act, and may also limit the; number jaf-shm^ li censes to be granted. ] " Councils.may also; by a-: similar bylaw p'reftct'ibe further .require ments, as to tihle accomodation to be possessed by taverns, and may also confine the-bnsiness of a'shopkeep er exelusivelyjto the keeping and selling of lifpior. ' - . _ I i : Council*.' ahwikave the power, by by-lawj. to increase the duty^ on tavern'and shop licenses ;to 200. In future,'alt applicants for tav ern -licenses^ musu show;that the tavei^ is :i welJ appointed and suf- ficioiit eating boiree, as well as in "other'-respects possessing the ac- commodatioiv.required by law. Ajijitications for new licenses should be made before the 1st of April. :. . " ~ Wholesale : licenses are now strict]^-, limited to wholesalo deal ers. ' ,. ] " . The fees for licenses are : 'Wholesale-; .'J...'.. .. ........-.-.. .8150 Shop.and tavern in cities......... 100 Shop and tavern in towns........ 80 Shop and tavern in other "tnunicb_.. pulitics. -v......... u....... CO One-third-of^the fee goes to the Province^ and twp-thirds to the .municipality, jifter all ex.penses are "deducted. The wljole of any exeess prescribed by by-law goe's to the mtuilcipality. ; Duiulas, for the purchase of their; works. .- Scedrd Bros.' COc Tea in un- U|u;dcil. "NViifijii SDc Ju Ciuelpk. . Air. CJeorgei Nicklin, has dispos ed of liis oltl homestead iii,' the township of Pilkington, with the intention "of inoviiig.iuto the . vil- lage.of llarriston. iliss M^iniiie. 1'nsworth, fjr.iner- ly toauher _of th'c fourth form of Georgetown Public School, has been engaged to teach in the Public School at Zimmerman.: Mr. Armour is about to cease the publication of the, Pnlnierston Pr(*pvA!, which, however, will pro bably-resume publication in a few weeks. \ . .Charlotte Cushman, the distin guished, actress, died at the Park House, Boston, oh Friday morning, leaving an estate valued at i?G00,- 000. Miss Cusharn was born in Boston in IS 16. i County JDoiivotition of tho Sons of\Temperanco. Pi'om'thr (/ca'ryetoien Wri'iiW. The wet state of tho weather and roads hindered many from attend ing tho Convention held in George town on Friday, February Hth. I Only one officer, the Sentinel, wis present.' MrjG. II. Kennedy fill ed tho Presideivt'B chair and made the following appointments]:<> few : D. W. McGregor, W. A, ; Hro. Hender son, Con. ; Bro. McPhor8on,;Chup. There being only a fow presont nt eleven o'cliKkj the President, after u few words of encouragement, (lis-, missed tho"meeting until the after noon. ; Convention ro-as'senibled at 2:45 p.m. ' Fresh arrivals of dele gates and business proceeded with. On the appointment of a License Insjiector for this (Vninty, Mr. Me Pheison moved, HccondeiJ by Jus. Hose, anil cairied, that Mr. Geo. W. Black be recommended us.-In- sjHftor. Bro. Black replied, stilt ing he was sensible of the holier conferred upon liim, by this expies sion of conthleiicu from the t(!in]iei- ance people, Tind could only account for it ujk>h the gronnd of the strict iinpartiiility with w"hieh he enforced the law, when township Inspector. (Cheers,) lie had been Consider ed a telnperancB fanatic by some, j lint he would to God that there were more shell fanatics, and less lisTlcssness itnd -inactivity umotig temperance people. . " . ' -* Dr.1 Stan'di'sh spoke comriiewbv lily of. tho aji|iintmeiit of " Mr. Black as also didMesai-s, Christie and Mcpherson! Uu: motion it Wiis carried that G. II. Kennedy, of Georgetown; SV: H. i7oung, Oakville; Wm. Buntin, Burlington, bo recommended as License Commissioners- for this County. - 'Moved by Bro. Lynn, seconded arid carried", that T. J'. Suwret print the number of petitions required for distribution among the tempor al; co societies, respecting the ap- poiritnu'iiD of a License Inspector. On motion of Bro. Christie the next Convention will be -held in Actoiij On motion of Bro.; Starret, tho nex* Hiebting will be held the third Thursday in June. Convention then adjourned. J nt the now cvffin rood faclorj Guelph, in wlrich Mr. K. W. pm con of Buffalo, and Mr. : J. "r Domiiickj of Philadelphia, united. ' Tho business theyi aitici patois to tho extent of 5C,00O. yearly, -which if realized cnnh(>t> fail vidurice, 11,1., seeking, to eJstii theniHolves nt Dnndas.' glad to welcome A-inerican Tho largest cotton mill in this country is in course of erection nt Yiilloyfield, near Montreal. The main'"building is two hundred feet long by lOOJfeot wide, and is five storeys in hjght. Near'this Btruc thro 'is another three BtoryjbuiWinfr, to help forward tho manufacturing 'sixty fivo feet by forty-five. All interests of Guelph greatly.j- Tho (the, walls dre of f>tone.' To drive other iinstahco is that nicntiion sd inftlio '37-jflOO spindles and the 700 theso columns a;fow days since, the I looms, thers is it good water power Amorican ScroW Company ;pf Pro- Bnd> three turbines of about 250 .-L_ Ti T ".____1.:^^. * ni. Wish Wo are ca ;)ital ists lieie, and doubt thai this will bo found to be but tile commencement of a large American capital in future. ' ! ! ' i . -. SeI.Uno Liquoii to Bovs.-r-Itis not generally known that to s'ill in- toxicjiting drinks 4o a young man under 21 jears of age,, is apontra- vention of law,; in fact, the ltw in this respect seems to be ii:<>n| hon ored; in the breach -than Abe observance, and bar-room " swells" want-, lealers should know., however, that tho law SrejjnrilH ; wront; to tio ho ; I ... _ _ .nillty it the d bar- town horse power each. A bleachery capaHe f blcnefriBg every week 10,0p0 pieces of forty yards each, is also being constriicted and it is clnimed tlitt tho (rnntiftl capacity of the mifl will be six million yards' or 3,500 pieces of medium white shirtings per week. of from K> to 21 are nevdr ing. I It is well that liqwori yid; as an iminrico of the p' inciured, we lined it liquor ?2J3i for an oil' Fatal A:i >n Thin maY state lb Police Magistrate of Stratfoi "dealer in that enco.of thii riaUiro. IDBNT IS GAUAFKAXA. tjday .while two men MABBIKD. At the rehidencb of Mr- Wm. Front; Gleiiwillians, on Saturtlay, Feb. 5th, by the Ke". Mr. Bonltbec, ifr. Simon Prout.-to.A'iiss Susan MrWclimont, all:bf the Glen. - IH P.P. On the flth inat., near. Acton, An. drew, son < f Mr. (cr>. Tolton, agnl one year and nine months, Martin, 'boh of Mr. Martin Simpnoii, jr., Mer chant, agcA '.) ye.ira and 4 months. On I'eli. 21st, at fieorgctlittn, Emma S:.King, o tly child of Mr. WTP.King, merchant, aged 11 inontiliH and 2V days, At. Sciifiurth, on the 11th int., Mr. James Am REMNANTS! \ BBMNAlTT&j Prorious to stock taking, we will hare onr usual.two weeks'.CI, of Remnants. Every IMsmnaii t in tho store-wilt-be sold cheap. of liitii. lie w 2i yeaii of a ons. . Great- fi'ldnds.. Tli struck by a injured. were chopping in Mr. Chisholin's bub, near I)ouglass, one gained. Allixmukr lumcan was-, instantly killed by a <"edar ti-eo which' was lwlgcd in a birch which He was chopping, '.he tn;e fell and 'struck is a young man -abo^it ^i), sober and inibistri- dm'jxithy i.< felt for hiB io other mairwns .also ;iinb, but not seriously- on lot 20 about. 2.^ n which bail iv as Illicit -Dif.fii.- Skizi'he j LEHY. On Thursday lasti Mr. Col lector Gow, assist<-d by ; Ollicer Nichols;, soiled an illicit! distillery - A set of china for 4,1 worth ?(T, at SecordBros. *. l_ The petition praying for the com mutation' of McConnel's sentence is being freely circulated and signed in Hamilton, but tie majority of the citizens wish to see the sentence carried' out. The;nomination of candidates for the representation of LincolnPin tho Ontario ' Legislature took place nt St. Catherines on Friday, Mr. J. C. Ryk-ert, Conservative, and. Mr. Neelon, Grit,L>eing the candidates. : There was a heavy snow storm in tho northern ,and . western parts of the Province Tuesday. A heavy windftirifted the snow, and the roadslare blocked in some of tlie counties. -; - Killed by the.Cars. New-markkt,- Feb. 17th. Mr. John Hacking, farmer, of Whit church, whilst driving north and crossing the railway .iibotit h.alf a mile north of Newmarket, was run over by the passenger train, and died in an hour.. His two legs were literally torn to pieces, and one arm was severed from the body. The waggon was a complete >vrtck. The horses arc uninjured. H:s son, who was ahead driving, .another team got safely over. Dr. Morton, of Bradford, who was on the train, attended to. him at, once and pronounced his;case hopeless. Ho was put on the car and brought to tho station. The doctor took his last testament and will on the car. Then he was removed to the ladies waiting-room till his death. He was a sober, industrious man, about, fifty years of age, fin J leaves a wife and eight children. [He wai cousin ,of the JSdiier of the Free. Pressj] ' _ ~ ..," i The .open meelingheld on Friday evening in Georgetown was largely attended., showing tho increasing popularity of tho temperance cause. G. H..' concession ,j Wallace, ilea from Pu'merston, been; woa-ked by Messrs. Lockliart nisrl others' The npjiaratits was of a very primitive, character nud consisted of the uten sils nsniilly" found in such places. There were no spirits on, thb prem ises but ;i considerable quantity of ibeor jn processs of fermentation. Tho whole apparatus was ,seiz<:d in Her Majesty's name and destroyed on the spot lereon, aged ,v(j yeard. Morning 1 D7,Bxprj Extora" ^Mixed" ^ Krrs' C ocoa. (iiiATKPtTL asu'Com- roHTiso.- -" liy thorough knowledge of the ua Uiral lawg which govtrn the operations of digestion and- nutrition, nud by a careful apjilicatiim (if the fine propertied of well uclectetl coooa, Mr. >>>jjrt UaH jsrovided our breakfast t'ables- with a delicately flavored licverage which, may save un many heavy doctors' bills. It i&4>y the judicioaa useof each articles of diet tliat a comtitution may. lie gradually built up until qtrongenongh to resiHt every tendency tor discone. Hundred^ of subtle maladtes are floating aro'uhil ua, really to attack whereTer there is a! weak point. We may escape many a fatal Abaft by keeping onraelvca w<Jl fortitied with pure blood ,-iiid a pro perly nourished iraine." Civil Serrice tJavtte. -.Isold only in packets labeled-^ "Jamks Kits & Co., Hoiiiueonathie Chemit,;48, "Threadnecdlc Street, and 470, Piccadilly, Lohdon.".'- itTOV H.VKKKT*, -f Wliite Wlieat.'........... j 0 33 to 0 38 TrcadweH........... NE BEMNANTS DRKliS GOODS - KEMNANTS SILXi, . -' \. . ' V. RBMiSANTS LUSTRES, ' -^ REMNAiNTS ERKWCH MEmNOy, 7 REMNANTS PRINTS, . z\: \ ' J_ REMNANTS CO^TO^'.S,(White and, Grey)^ RKMNANTS TICKINGS, ' REMNANTS HOXLANDS, . .;. - REMNANTS FLASTSELS, ;j. V. REMNANTS'toWELLING'^ . V REMNANTS SfJJUTiNGS, "j VT REMNANTS TWEEDS, REMNANTS WINCEYS, &&., &c. o. Gael, 1870. W ADVEKTISEMKNTS. NOTHING ;.MK WlieM you have the Tin] to Tniy BUCHAM, FanhtonabTc West End Jjrrcss: SttHinery andrMamlo KtaWljtiait. -T. QABB.iTIi SCHOOLS. :JP-^ that; Mr. ' > greach tdqext, at " Spring Wheat. ..!.... IJarlcy . .|.;............. Oats..............____ Pens..-.,!. j.'____'....... Potatoes,! per bush....... Dried Ajkjles, jier lb... Onions, per bashel..... Butter..!, j...........-. dl, vity, on: given ies I Kennedy occupied the chair. Rev, Montreal seems a favorable place J Mr. Ewing, Dr. Stahdish, M. Clary of refuge for A(nericon rogues of and G. W. Black! gave short ad fcrad& is being very inateri : by our riierchanta a ad meel anics. In order to ] conntertct the ailing dff in this line off i msiness, it. is : necessary thut weisliovtld encmrage the est*blisbmentjof other br inches- *f indastry on as exiensive > scale M possible. It is a rioticoub e /act lhat where a fewJsiiceesisfiU actor- \*u are curried on jth -rb is i t ;nden- - , ej tluifcotl ers will <)n folio'?, apcl tht>: rnjiid growth (>f .the'.place is thereby secured, wi.hout cr mting } renjarkable . ' pimphlet J #ny additional subtidv;" "i may ["Civil Liberty in Lpwer Canada, t doVn "as a: t .ason-'in: wfafch he cniIor^ the Vi' U. jnEerence tha; the prtctical remttoi oijr granting' a-bo:ms. in &U case will be ths t -%ve wi 11 not only hav*i the bn ish" facte ryfjbr oar $4,500; but that we will at tlie ume tinie be \>tbrtu ting the j rowth and attttblwdjjnenfc o'f;- many other indmrtriee, ^ind cow ^c|unt ii crease Wpur popuUtipn,-' ~1jffe V"0*"- tliere aro sorii e who thtxerely oppose jib.; Itoatu; >ystein - - r - . Sir A. T. Gal^has jn$t;issu.eil a entitled .1- .! j - j - j m wtnen ne cnaorseu tno vie\ks of- therefore beset do^n as a: reason- ", . . . ,, bo-Htln. Mr. Huntington-on: the politico-religious queslioh. of the day, and announces his intention of giving hifj. hairty Support and sympathy to itba^Liberal Catholics pf Quebec, :, . : Wye notice by the estimates sub mitted, to tlie House on Friday that the' govpi-nriient havo granted the sum of,$2^,000 for the erection of a Post Office, and offices'for the Customs and Inland Revenue De partments iii Gjielph, all degrees; the latest arrival being aihandsomo young clerk, 23 yeais of age, who was arrested in lhat city tfie other day on a charge of embez zling $2,000 from his employers. Smith, the murder of Miv.Finley has been again respited till the,24th of April to give his Counsel time to ejiable him, it necessary, to carry "the case to Supreme Court or the judicial Couimitttje of'the Privy Council in" England. ." - A facetious boy-asked one of bis intimates why a hardware dealer was like a boot-maker'!. The latter, aomewliat juizzled, gave it up. "Why," said the other, "because the-one, sold the nails and the other hailed the soles." ' ". . The Municipal Councils of Lon don, Seaforth, Collingwood, .Nap- anee, Kenebec, Mill Point, etc., have p;issed by-laws either restrict- ing-tlie number of or increasing the cost of liquor licenses, or providing that bnly'liqnor shall be sold in a shop |.to. which A license has been gi-anted: The luetics of Toronto presented a petition to the City Council On Monday night,.praying : First; that' the number of tavern licenses be. restricted to one for every thousand of the population; secondly,-Jhu't no shop licenses bo issued for places in which other goods are sold;- thirdly, that licenses be rais ed to 200; fourth, tJia6 eyerj pro per meuns be taken to pnforco the la*. : ' i '.. {" . jlnthe Dominion Parliament,Mr. Bciurassa has given notice that he will introduce an amendment tothe Insolveiicy Law providing that farmers,- common laborers, or work men for hireshaflnot be bojimd to accept thev compositiott^if an insol- ventL but may receive;the dividend declared, and Bubse/piently have recourse for the balance of their claim until full payment lias boen obtained. ' (h-esses. The' chie|f attracting fea- ture of the meeting was the music. Georgetown Brass Band played several excellent selections. Miss Cameron, of Acton, sang some very difBcult songs which were well ren dered, and loudly enchored. Miss Nicklin presided at the "Organ. A duet by Misses Nicklin and 'Cum' eron was , well received, " Nellie Wild wood," by Miss Watson, of Acton,-was well given. . The. en- tertainnients recently given here have been marked with success in every way, and we are glad to see that the people of every class are assisting by their presence and sup port to jirgo On the temperance work.-^T&raW. " ) I>res?ed Hogs Hay, per t(m. i Lambskins... Lkap Yeah Ball in Ro^kwoodj imu. Last Friday evening! Hack wood ) was tin; scene ofgre:lt festi the occasion of a grand b; and conducted by tho.yoi of tlie village, to tlieir jmuhjerotis friends and aquaintancoH. ;Tlie b.-iU1 ciimo off with the greatest (vhtt, all the proceedings of thci evening being conducted by the ladies,; in a! manner which sho\yed that they could assume the reins and conduct themselves creditably,,even iti mat ters beyond there natural! pursuits. ;An excellent supper w;as provided, of which about .80 ladies" partook. Dancing continued until the small .hours of the night, win n the comp any separated, 'all highly pleased, the gentlemen in particular, wish ing for a quick return, Jof a like oc casion. '!!"-' ' Stkange AND SirDDKN. A few days ago, says the Cnathajm Plant t, duringu the dedicatory services at a church at Colchester a :Mr. Eede A few 0 90 to 0 05 \Q 5K) to 0 95 vO'60 to 0 68 , 0 35 to 0 00 o eatoO 62 0 40 to 0 00 0 0SU.1) 00 0 75 to 1 50. 0 20 to 0 0O1 6 18 toO 00 : 6 50 to 7 20 IflOOtolGOO . 0 50 tod 80 . 0 50 to 0 60 3j. FISHBB Beg' cllivi tool ter, oat to annonnce that having pi ed an ..'entirely, new stock i of-the moat improved char; he is now in a. position to t all kinds of TIN AND SHEET-IRQ Fall ^hcat, 97c toSf.01 ; trcadweli, 97c to OjSc; spring wheat, (Glasgow), 03c to. ft")c;; spring wheat (red chaff), 80c to 1.85c ; .oats, *33<j to 35c^ peas, <i9c to 70c; liarley, 50c to 62c; ^ggs, per ^lozen, 17c to 19c; butter, ilairy^ncked, 15c to 16 2; potatoes, per bag, 50c to COc. ronoVTO MAKKKTS. Spring1 wheat, 9Rc .to 99 i-- trliite wheat, -fl to 61.02 ; oats, 34c ; liarley, 62c to S&i. . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D|R. HeAvJ. TitAFic.r Grand Trurk is enjoying flush times in the way of freight how-a-days,' the re sults of which are seen in'the in crease of receipts, those of the week ending. Jan.- 22, being .4,200 over the corresponding week of 1875. Notwithstanding this treriiendous rush of traffic the road is aliriost en- tirly free from acoidents, hardly, a single run offhaving occurred since the New Year. Ail freight is get ting prompt "despatch, and the pros pects of the road were never brighter than now; The through connection to Chicago is still agitating tho minds of the business men of the western metropolis, and it isprobU- ble that not many months will pass before the G, T. R. rwill* own and- run an indpendent lino from Chicago to the sea board, from which advantages hardly realized at present will undoubtedly follow. suddenly dropped dead minutes before he saitb to those riuar that ho would be willing to die, could lie see tlrej clmrch debt [laid off, towards which i object he had subscribed 50, others contrib uting freely. Only a few dollars more were; required to complete the cherished end, when tho hand .of death fell upon him.. i Bki Work. Mr. Joseph Kent- ner &' Son, of Erin,; sawed 84i cords of stove wood iji seven" hours, for George Scott, lot S, com 3, Erin 'township, with one of the London cross cut drag saws. Wlio can beat that ? i:'.'-'/ T< m tbe B 3RT BEST STYLE, Being inl a position tp^ ay all his .Sto^k FOR ' o &.'&&: th< ed UOnERTSOX. of Drs, UnlH-rtnon A' Bennett, . Milton, will be jvt Agnow;s Hotel, Aotoa. On Thursday of5eacihr week, From 12 o'clock, lioonVunUl 4 p.m., for professii nal consultation, Fob. its, 1876.' : 35-tf O BE SOLl> OR LET, Part of Lot No. 1, on %'ic 4th concea- sion o'f Erin, comprisiong hye acres. On. it are arframe house 18x24 ; a:log liarri and a small log house ; good orchard in good beiring ; schobl convenient. Situ ated' 3 J miles from Acton and'3 from Ballinafkd.. Good'title arid immediate possession."*; Apply to JAMES' WAT SON, on the premises, or to Thomaa Watsonj, Acton station. ,34-2t J A' CTOX BAKERY. American Casital fob Canada/ rUnder this caption the London' Free Press says; " during the last few* (lays two instances of the will ingness of American capitalists to come to Canada, taking advantage of Our comparatively low tariff and ted " taxation, have presented them selves. One'of theso is'.the case of" tiie'Couuciladjourucc'l. A Dispute about j Ownership, j At . the last meeting-ofj ^ho, George town Council, we liotico by. the report in the Herold, over tho [signature of the Village ClorkJ that a xllsciipaion eripucd juppn the cpicgtiou as to whom the Town Hall belonged, the Corporation or the SonB of Tctnperatiee. : Dr. Standish presented a copy , of, nil1 agreement, which was read, and which; showed that tho Town Halt had been deeded to tho Trustees of SJ S. No. 10;| jby two par ities, then members of, the jSons of Tem perance, hut reserving the nppcr part, which was to bo used for temperance purposes first; after that for town pur- i poses. This .agreomeht j was entered into in tho year' 1854. Top. lower part of the hall was j to bo, and was used as a school-room ;.for sqmeiyears. When tho, now school house was. built the Trastees gave |ovor ^hcir'right of the hall to tho Council, lippnl consideration that the latter would ^ivo them the street vJhich rail between tbo old gravpr yard and tho school honsje, to be an ad-, dition to tho school-yard This is how tho Council claim permission to tho hall. Thecorporatiori' has kept itin repair, artd has rented it upon all occasions, when needed foir public mootiriga, shows, &c. But it is known .that tho George town Division!No. 74, being an incor porated body,. had deeded it to the Gmnd Lodge, consequently the propor- "ty is in possession of and is tho proper ty .of tho. Grand Lodge. Thov Reevo thought tliat siheo the Corporation liad had possession of it for 21 years that no legal steps could bo taken which wauld deprive; it of Jliolding possession'still; Aftor a few. ariimated;retorts, on motiori REMOVED Next door to Morrow's drug^, store; First- Th y'eby . gaming the nilrantngp of trade discount*, b* is de,t>riiiin- to sell goods of first-class make an l material at Decidedly lower Prices Than can be obtained..; from oilier noose in the Province. .FrijJihijturhin at Work.. S'ihbiith School World- Hitrnlay School Timet, Siuul'iif . fyhool '.'Tunc*. _ ' i -, - ' ' Vi est mi ntfer Question Book. - Bercan QtKdion Boot:. Inle^mtxtionrsT'Leseem Leave*. Westminster Lesion Leave*.', SiiperiiTteridetii. Biirerifi Lc**on IJtrttcx^ : K Sciect ' Kotc-f oii /Je luterrhticmkl .Jje*soii8 for lSyGr' - I. . - ; '- -^-- - - V ;; . The Largest and Wienpe** SJoek tf Sabbath School Papers- -i&nppia --toi-r4rded, prepaid,- ORUEU AT ONCEV P ;A^o:i:-0:!| CHEAP BOOKSTORE " I On' Rist Side of WylrflhaBj Stmt, : .'^- fGUELPH. ..;X>>, any This is not blowing, but genuine facts.'-If yon doubt it, Rive b rh a trial. : '.'.' \ :. yEAVETROUCHIfIC A SPECIALTY. Hiving just procured the mbsl im* proyed: appliances for "doing the work, he feels aatisfiedithat he ca nriot bci outdone in this branch. The shop will shortly be con; ably enlarged^and .1 intend^to always on hand a large atoc&'o) Class Bread, Buns, Cakes i Biscuits, etc. ,i % B Fresh.;iyory day delivered at honsies ' \ i ..t . - WEDDNQ CAKES Mado to order In ;be(alPBt styles and at reasonablo charges. ~ ; 5gj_ U ghest price In Cash paid for Eggs. T>. GALLOWAY. XST6. Aotoii, Feb. 23, r^H$X.P BREAD FOlil THE1 MILLION Sc E. NICKLIN STOVE SJ (if| all' kinys, which will be sdldj at vsty lo.w prices.-"\- > .--- Cpal'da for Sale kcep K/FISIIER. lActon, Feb. 22,1875. CLEARING SALE OF 5.5-3m 4r '^.If jt- T*&tThe tO^GiSEJfATiiTl liEVEIt W/AiT(CH-'-.irl|MI:ii| sell at :- ^': .Is tlicr best for the loifli,,,,,. '": 4.'y -. -^m Canada./.' * Watchmaker, . "uerpli.Feb.J. 1STJ.";', : v.: " "" iV ' : -:--rmnosE who always imt| ,X:-.;.'- ': ; . ! |T' ,:f-l READY MONI --I: WINTER GOODS it MoN AIR'S QTQatly Esduced Pricss Beg to atmouncb tliat they, have aoourcd ; the services of' a ' '. _ Firat-Glaiss Baker j ' | '^ ' and tdat they:will commence business in'thi promiBoa owndd by Mrs. Hamia, on thi 23rd inst; . -' Breidwill .bo delivered daily at|theJ house: i in the yillago land vidbiity: i ' is -res pectfcUy solicited.:. j _'" ' - B,l& E. NlfJKWN, Action.-F/dj, IC, J1876.. . j ar .the most, particular iitl forts to.make th^ir purShi** J.'_.'vc . Lovesi C&sli^i^ With-Cash m Si4" Ko Lossejf' Are^Wf. and "you can ifor'd.tdi.seyijWfl your neigbbys. who mMtn*. tbeir losaes.JV greater priest ... !yao pay.and-th9i[,.^^ i Mp^h UNJtl|| makf^bosai^ip alwjrs *"**L_ pay the bills oi Ithos* fWf? * have1 any-* L Actol A large quantity of ]J':ite:W,Ei-fi.Ji:T TObe riiebed off <vt :ywii" ii"W"! ra i o si. fS. .i does ibdsiness on thei P*^ paying monqr do"?h>.,".-f^.___, advantages in his-toe -<j^jM none.* ejo'se'-G*sh' BoyS?'.SI Bookstore for itneir satisfied; with SnaU-Pro1^^ b^rs

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