Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1876, page 4

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/ & :*il THE FREE! PRESS, ACTOK -HALTON THE FREEPRES3! A :)5 |J]^ii:rfl" Tk'sms. n yrarjMtki'fty-in ilvatv. 5rU'>liiaiiJtM nw^-tiirejsmrt^ihs; oni lolmr .-in.l : iiivn will bujcnsirjfci-d; 'or iwft^ ir not jVr (J till UkmmuI ofi Uio > car* iN'o pii; or will he writ to any per-'" Boii.ravi(PP<ir-,ni one year iuUil. -. < pir*niAv-.#ciii Uuprjuo'ir, and itvs cents j-ior ii>i* JotvCrt"'!! ^nisoquejxt Insertion.., :xt(ort wlxvrtlw,mit!"nr olirlit lilies and ' oiwfr, si, fir Uu-.-o-inis^riicu*. ]in^lnf-s Car.lsrof >lgiit lines Sad trailer, 1 per annum. ~ ' . ' i - ,\ li'x'ral .ii*,-!chii % V.lowcd<)>n advertise ments 'VKoTiixi fit" <>iti)dcil .'rVriPds. Ait^rtlsemeni-. within! s'j.vlnl Tnstrnc- tnotis i&svr'.id-till (viruid, mid charged Bcenrdiii.:l.v Any-ipecml N\>Hi-c,Hi- object of which v*s to JvOuii.ieUe pcMmbirv T'eiuMlr ojV.ny J'i:divl.lii;xi or <vmiputiy, ;o be cousluired nu_tf T-crtis^meru. ; - Transient ndvei rtsrmeuts to bo lvtlil for whenordencd. Ml auytrtisUus tvecounts rertiertxf iju rtcrly. - Xotlev* e.i Mujrijigcy, iSirths niul l>cths InxeiietThve >- .: Tho Weather for Poljrtiai'y- . Tho following; new collection; of woatlicr ftotoirelating to thomonth of February?;'will bo 'read with lfirst for wjo "cyclicalrecurrence of weather peculiarities, a theory that is doVotkly believed in by many,' wo have .this to-ou'er.from Kuituer'.s Ilun'dreijl War} Oidehduiy w Inch declares that '^February will bi> iii tlio beginning "dry'and .cold ; toward tlie'middlb of the month thoivwill be.snow and co!d winds; thereafter tho weathor will bo mild and changeable to tho cud." . n in tho Just at -Uic'pecp cp'of .Straiuiiii; xhe niilR ui t)e-i .1 -Y COIVTKY VHtLS. ' tarlvinornins,'-' '.<fUj_v, dairy.' Turning the wwaiiij' ' Swvepitii; the iWr iut^e kitchen, i.. ' M.iViUj; the Kvls up-Stairs, ';- ,. , ; 3YshingYfie brvakf-.Ut llisltcs,. ' J5ru>.h.iug the. cmmh^fnrat^the.jruitry-; Sjlunliujr^for egys in ilw Karu.i .Cle&uin tlio uirniiy; foi* Miunr,i- Spiksuug jfae stocking y;uTi' \ . \_ >- l>ou"n on -the lutshos ivlow, ' , Itsrisaekiiii; won-'nieaddw, '.) ..... Wiitre tile rtj.1 s:r.twt>ecrit3 grow. . Stacehins the '"lixincs " for SuuilaV, ..trotjucnij atul heavy let Wow tho north I wijtul, ".'- ' A fruitful,year wo-aro.thcu euro to . ttiul; 1 , . !r, if uot iu February tho nortlt viuA Wow, 'L<u>.k for't'in April with bleakness and ; suow.' - Tire, eat "that in February liiisks in.thp smif \]i"ill sv>ek rtniifort'under the strtve IJcforo M^reJt is done. \i"hcn-Sjiriti! loan's .licbmarj- sun, jCv'tiftiBghim With genial acts, Maii\vcoUt;uiid m)st'y niiilits, . j Is I'ne usury iSj\rin^ exaeU. i mf$i \m* Wh' flit CKutnutg tlio snowy ca,un, " KrasiUg-tiso 5t|ls and sirainei- V 'iiwya iri the .nainingistreaiu--'-^" ' licmuug the geese aihl tiirkeys, Making the.pumpkin pies, .i ji -' Jogjnng the little one's'- eradle, ,. i>rivuig a\vay the dies. ' ;.' : Grace in erery motion, ;: , | - Bcanty in fofiB and fo.iturs, ; ' tl'houisfeidi aiSght covtt to own . Checfcs tiiaCrival spring roses, .Tejjth-the whitest of pearls ; One of these, t-oirutry maiiU is vrorth M scare of your city jjirls. 1/ 3MH--. fiehoid/Hpw He Loved Eer ! ilivery-one' is .fat'illiar with' the' - EMttt. Tvho is utndly.iil love, who is prerfiifed to kiss thb ground tipos which his adortxl treails, whp basks ' jif.the smdight of hfcr eyes rand is n^ver tiiorougldy happy except mm AjAvarm Feliiiary will briutj A d:uup, cold aiid-tardv-isuriii ir'Ugs much niiu tlni^ighout tha year. -id Oaiullenias overcast!," ': \yintcx'H soon lie p:tst. :fth St. ^ratthevj cold, .: LoiW; will it; hold; --: and- fcuMV souring, uch mist and fog in February,' What is tho grvute'st stnnd ever uuulo' for civilisation The : iuk- slraud.' . . "'.' '.' AVill you have it rare or well ous f said-on. EngKshuian to an Irishman, as ha wjisjcuttiug a slice of ratst beef. "I love it well'done irer since I ana in this coimtry," r;plicd Patj "for it wi&Tiire ehough wo Used to ato iti'ii Ireland." STO 0 Si I 0.0 M $ L BT~M In every Department at tho BrVSHIONABLE WEST END. j^I: cb.; ib xj o 3: -A. im 3i ilepi to intlrnato l,Vii\t Iil^ Btock In n lnn>rm tro mdli- or (Juolph iiml't Knuhloniiblo Goods Is tho lines) ho bus ever h uttcrrUon Is invhw) todijr mv Romtil*'t'ln (ivory department, and deMlre* to Kiirroundtntf country Unit hlHillspl-iy cf Now and ub! ..... . .. bniltted roj public approval. Hpuclal Silk and Efress Department, Shawl and Mande Departtnent, Millinery Department. Furs, Fancy Woolen Goods, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Blankets, Fiannels, ^weedif, &c., ., ' !' " '. ." AUofwhlcU wa aro'prepurcd to cut at tho A-ery lowest priced A. O, BUCHAM. Fashionable, West End Dross."MIlllnory uud Jlontlb ErtHblisrinjent. Quelph, Oct, 14 1S75.' .'-"j cc BIO SALE OD COMMESCED AT THE S^ammoth. Hoiise, COITNTY ANOTHER LOT OF PLAT UP-TOWN BEAUT AT PRICES . JDffft,! FEBIliaRY J7, I I ED WARE OPENINO AT & o'si HARDWARE STORE Designed for tho Christinas iSeasorh A LINE OF. Alma .Block, Guclph, Ic. 18, 1815 Fm LAMPS UNPARALLED IN CUELPH AT A. McBEAN <Sc CO.'S. EY WANTED. eVvare of Coiintej-feits". ortho protDc(rdu 01 the public ofBrlt- isli >"orth AuiorJea, hln m 11 my duty to stjito iuva my i'ti.1.*. ami ui.vrMnvf.are nei'iier m:mu';u*laroil juir froM In un'y tajrl lit tile t'MTtli SI I ATt<. piu l'ol ii.iid Hnx b-iirstho "lirltlsb 'iqvern:r.<MU .'Stamp, wltb the worils " Wr>-IJ)V,-AY*.S 1'Jl.ils i A"Nr> ULNTHECT, Lulsrji>y eni_rav<d-thereon. On the hillel tsiue aaaressi &Si Oxkokd Stueet, L.obrik)X. ' Tjhlti not ire" ^bs become necessary. In consequence of vile anil spurious 1 mlta- tio^is far" Hoi loway's Pills and Ointment." A rabricat ' ^Ifc ed at 7S Maid- York, oy par- ihenise Ives Go-." with trade marK, Georgetown, On The Friday, Jan. 'Jth, 18TC. .beiMfabricat en tae, Sew lie^ i stvilne "HpHiway A an hsMimca thai Unprincipled ^vendors can obtain this trasn ata vers low price, and so.decclve you by selllnii'tbc same for my genuine Holldway's I'i'N and Ointment, which 0r|are iaannractured only at 533, Oitord st--ecii*ndon. " ' , ' ' Persons -who may bo so deceived will ' be plonsed to communicate with mp, . r ,M.viy respectable firms In the British Provinces, who obtain my medicine* di rect {>>ra here, have veiy properly sub- srested '.that 1 should, lm the lj neat of themselves jind tho public, insjert their namw,ln tlui papers, that it 'may be be uad Ai--;- .-(.w-ialRj* -i -when iiijher preseno^. -Many who see thu" recognise the tlopcription as having, at some time been their own, and who !if ques- ionedi iiow in theirjeaira moments, would cjajdidlycontesa that on the woinan Questiori, there have bet-n jperiods. when they made -Tools tkettisefves/ior .did something very like w|i^t would be done by an ix>- diyidtiui who -.fir' ; " itiD a tile: off r n 'The^rnan wno is " clean gdho!" may evervyfLere be readilv reoarmized- bv shown that my medicines can ^.i. - ' i " *t i b 1-, i " ! g-Rtunelfrom tnem. themanner in -which he: deplays ~- - x 1 Any littlearticle which'his lady love. lias given him, be ifcsi piece of rib- , Json, ihiinitcsmuily siualL a lock of hair tied in a true lover s1 knot, or lmost,ari}T other trifls which was hers, j <This iEdividyal \rill dance attendance even when his atten tions' are in no way desinibfe ; he will be ev-erything or nothing; so that he may have1 shed upon hitn , dbe light.of her cdnritcnance. This class jof- lover will essay anything, .even'if iuipossible of a"couipliBh- uient.;" he will jendeav^jr to asattme .the most ridiculous roltg. provided he may ^jain her approvJJL ;Thc Other d^y" ~":. SOME LOVE-STBICKES:1 SWAIK < we are informed, visited one of"thec saloons of this'town after .probillily,' visiting his girl he certainlyJshtul in his postession a. lock of fight bVown- hair tied up;.in the most ap proved style. =. There;, it is most likely, he dra4k to ller, aiid having - hfid the lock upon the counter, for got iatake;it up again. The same lock lies before us at- present, and - it is not very difficult _.under. the circumstances to pictuj-e tha lady to be alL that voung man's -fancy painted her. i.Doubtile&s the. one to whom1 the lock: was confided has since cursed JikTinlucky stass that , be Idst.the/lock at all-rr-inuch more \'r in the1 plate .where it\w,ts foupd, " 2fot-desiring tosbe parties to ar ; -j.:.' iven though it .was "detached from mass of ttessses of -which it formed a part, it mayr~be,, said thatTfthe ; owner .can jhavo it: returned ; by i ^provir>g property. Thus adventure .will certainly be a warning toj one of thelparties at Jeast to be "tnone ' careful of his treasures and not to OLH1. , The futtowlng-is a--iut ofthe firmsallnd- cd to: sliid I particularly racomraenu iha.-t'Wbb-de'dre to cet iny ln^jdiciues to npp!>J to spiffiTbl tne iiouses named : Kva.v>, MfekrEK 4 Co., Montreal. AyEiiY, -KkeAY i'1'Co.; Haltf:is,2<. S. FoESVTn^ffa, lfulifnxi N. S. t T. B. B.i.Hlifer. A'So.vs, St. J-ihn, N. B.___, Ap.-jtjie! 'Aims' Hau- Co., Charlotte town LA.XQLJ& d\Co . Victoria. Mooke it C<X. Victor! i,Ji. C-, nr> JosiJf Palles; Chatham, N.B. MfSRO & Cbw Montreal. J Wiser A Co., Hamilton, Ont.- K. J. -KOSE,-Toronto. A. ChipmaS BJiITlf, St. John. 4. Bi Joiix IJoNn, tiodericii. Out. : KI.MOT iS."Cf>.JT6tontrt. J. Cn.ii-oSEFiAst- John, X. B. EIax7:VutVn- Hi:otiiei:s, St. John. N. B. it. s. i'i:tn'i/V, f.Vindsor, Onu Mr?. OftFES. Monlen, X. i^. '- 'Geohuk I'.HiKT, jiin,. Kredericton, N.B. *V.. U. Til-iMi-st.N Ii:irborUrace, S.F.Li. J. M. tVir-WY, Ft.-d- rtelon, >. H. W". &"|i.'Yrli.EJ MnntreaL Ciias. I. t>AVlE^, Krederlclon, N.B. Ti.e mcdiclneli are sold at tho lowrst wh-'le-ale net qunnUtieR of not less than 2i w^rth vta.. &=. Od., 21s., and 21=. pf-r duztn boxes of i'llls or pots of oinlmentj for M^iilcQ remfttances must be seiil lu alvanc-. THOMAS HOIAXJWAY, 533, Oxford Stre W.C. X.ondon. June 1st, 1ST5. .even though he]desires to drink to balance of. our ^Vinter will bo cleared out at Stock Enormously Low Prices. Big Reduction. THE COODS MUST BE 80LD. AT PANIC PRICES, Fall Stock KENNEdY BROTHERS, j Ilavo just received their i of Booits and ShoWs, cheaper than tho cheapest, and 1 And are doternmined fo continue 'o eell Prepare for Bargri Note tho pticrs of n few of our lead ing lines ! " Extra heavy Full Cloth; 40c per yd. Eitrafheavy WoolTtteed, tOa pr yd. Extra "hoavy.Blankets, JS3.0Q. ' Splendid Shawls, SI.oOj f. r . Splendid Jackets, $1.50. l^ur Seta, 2.00. Extra heavy Flannels, 25c per yard. Extra heavy Factory Co tton, To pr yd' 800 Lad tea',Wincey Skirls, njadejip, 200 50c each, pieces Plain anil Fancy Dress 100 Goods, 12ic per yard! pieces Beautiful Inow Serges, 20c per yard. . Th^ above is only a few lines.of poods which We shall offer at this our Big Sale. 'Komember this is to be the grandest - "PUSH we have ever contemplated- Call and see ub if you - l DB; EGBERTS';' {' jSelo'brated Ointment ;- CAXIED THE ' ' POOR 'MAIN'S FRIEND, ii cmiadently re?o4iniended to fhe.Vub- Jic as^ih nntailln^ remedy tor .wounds of ,fitt dcserlptjonj a certain curB for Ulcerated Sore- Loss, even of twenty year^ standing:; Cuts, Burns, Bcalds, Bruises, i:hllblalns,'acorbntlc Eruptions, and Pimples on -ilie FRCe, Sore and ln.-- flamdtt. Kyef, Sore |Heads,. Sore Breasts, PIIks,1 Flsiula. and Cancj-rons Hrinrours, and i* a Spfcciflc fur tho.-fn afflicting Erup tion's tUatJ*ometTmQS folipw vactnnatlon. Hold in i* Is. lid. and is. Oct. each. Dr. Stfbeits'PiliiiUB AntisoroiPliuli Or AL,TEKN"ATIvfe PIT^LS, conflrmeil by istlxty years' ex|}criencR to oe oDe of the b"St medlclnesbver compounded for nurifyibg the blcodJaucr-assisllDgNatnre in her operations. (Heme they are useful in Scrofula, Scorbntse Complaint^, Olan- d"lar.Swellinps,j>artrcularly those or the N*'c!f, *c. They form a mild and superior Family Anenehf, which maybe taken at all times without ciniluementoT chahee of dleu_Sotd"lnBixes at lu. ljd., 2s.D(L, in.,9d-; lis. ^nd 22s. each. ' .' hBY the PB/ypHinrroRS, pfodu^e theni-ih unseemly places,- BEApH AND' BARNICOTT . Am*nEin . '" " V DisrESS-Uti"; nuioroKT, ExctAisn, an-iby all respectable Medicine Vendors m l-V- tb|m. j As for ?he lady how -morti fied slie woild be, could she only - recognize Iter' aforetime property, And estimafei, as no dofebj; '-Mie.; : would, the light ' store pat upon those isilken locks. \Yo"uldii't: there. - -be a>,8cene -when she next-met Mas- .te^TJinforturiate 1 ' ;Bufc the course uf^true love never does go [.smooth in one reflection, land, that 'the quarrels of lovers aye but the re- newals of love ia ahotner. ^fter ,the storm >vould ba! a calin. i THE "-DZib GO|SE "LOyERJ ' - 3nd his mistress >vouId i kiss j and .-. rnake _friends again, aadiunlais a I bad jease was, exceedingly strong against the defaulter, everything ^srould, wifchia a short period, gos fiappy- as a marriage- bell, arid |tj J^niight; be that the tintinniibuhitf ons5 I common at certain feiifjyo events, '.' jnight be acceleratiid by; the ijjore -';' apattfy uriiob. of " two &inds ^jVith liiitM- single! Jhoudht iwo, hearts thttt;^eat as'p'ap," j - / : ' JOB .pJRMfINib Of every] description In the bei irae it and most at. [\,6. styles, want to buy GOODS AT PANIC PRICES. We shall be pleased to see our customers,, and show our stock whether they' want to buy or not, t&>~ Aro trouble to ulioio GoocU.~<& " JIcLEOD, ANDERSON & CO., Mammoth Hoiise,, -, Georgetown. N. B. Remember our Ordired Clothing and Millinery Departments. ; McL., A. & Co. Georgetown, Jan, llj 1878. better value for'} our money tha i can be had elsewhere. Call and See for "Yourselves and bring your Fijien'ds v4th you. Examine our stock wbiclj, comprises eyer^ything in the trade of the latest manufacture. and rnostjplegant styles and patterns ol JEnglish, Canadian and American 0w Goo 41 CONSTANTLY ARRIVING AT THE CENTRAL EiyiPORlURL IIILL STBET, AOtO. i * Tolnmt ID !R"2 J. W, MANN'S Wmtti S'tock of i aooD <r>a rt. AMD READY-MADE CLOTHING ,'.,'.. Is now -.' I At GREATLY REDUCED pit^CES GREAT BARGAllNSJ '" "-.' " _ l ; . Are offered for cash or produce. "^ -"'I _ V - K ,4J 4 JT3 4>r AMEi veyane Ifcstniavte Money to ' iph Co.,I m. ln-,t>J i 1 rft^.prepairj aai Ou r| j. Uiu on ^ )G|a*gow7' lii (Jrbberies, Crockery and Glas&wafgt '* Will hn found Mmnlntn nssorf.TnBnt of thft h(*st nnntifv , -<r Will be found a complete assortment of the best quality. Acton, Deo. .29, 1816. J. W. MANW Mi mmi DOiyilNION EMPORIUM :i [ A.OTO^T Gm SCOTT'S Ir FALL AND WINTER STOCK T i ijfj Orders promptly1 executed and good fits1 guaranteed. N.B. All accounts must be settled this month. Acton Nov, 4,-1875. KENNEDY IBK0S. which is now .complete, is lirger better assorted, more attractive and cheaper than ever befoie, comprising in pari Swtfo&s, Overcoatings, Dress Goq&u, in Trcncli Herinos, CoMun . All '"WoorSlaiis, Black and Colorol Lustres, in. rials, and ^ . " '.'risnitol Flaapols, Wiacc73, Slirt: riiirtittgs, 'D'ader- - eliiris and Dra-wcrs, Tat skirts, Sha-wls, Blankets, All "Waal TaTslo Covers, (><-ry prcttj irttterns). Clouds, Ifilifflors, Eosiory. Gloves, Eollanda, \. Xa'blo iliaons, 1 T0v78l3, To'weliiiB'3,. Factory and Bleached Cottons, LaAics* Xdnea - ' ' Radios' and Cssts' T*'s, &c, Stc, , - -. t l y. and a very good* stock of BO^ AND MENS' RA.T& AKD CAPS, , together nun S3J~ Cull early, and secure bargains. f '.- i..-- /' _ > ., G. M. C. T. HlLti; Acton, Oct 26". 1^7j | SCOTT. Mill Street, ACTpjf, DEALER-IN I ffm. Stewart & Go. JSOOSS Itll liocs Carriage iWagon Works fAAIN STREET, ACTON. mB H A E: 11 S P Eli HT, Ceneral Bit .c|tsmith, Carriage and Wagon Maker* Best iibrse-StLpers in the County Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged, : '.' FIRST-GLASS PLOWS 1 - COLLARD'S PATENT IRpN HARRbwS . . t Always on hand J ' " _ ! ' A Good Stock of Carriages and- Wagons. REPAIRING promptly Acton, July 1,1875. and properly attended to. AX-L KINDS OF -4- 1*5 .. 1 >?' ,, j i^'lguacd well ray (friendships. lyhej^revoith mote tb 'me |hkn: vr^iqie|\'4bk faiae. | /;'; '"* '{., promptly jexecuted at the FREE PRESS OFFICE, ; (In Matthew's New Buildings) /GTON. BOOK Alto JOB PRINTING General Groceries, ; ';""-! . i Boots and Sli'oes,; " Wall Paper, . "WiadoTrT Slinds, Crockery, j Glassware, ' j i ;',- Nails,-; ' -. " -J -" Glass, '" Linseed Cil, ^aT &' s'oiioi Paints,' Turpentine* Machine 0i!., Coal Oil, Salt,:eto^;-; The subscriber begs tor eturn hip thanks to the Inhabitants ol Acton and sprround- ipg country for the liberal patronagja heretofore extended to him; and at the TVYNDIIAM STREET, TJELPH. Arts showing now Spcieal Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods -.V same time solicit their further support N.B. Cash ^ald for Hides delivered. '5 oton, July 1st 1875. e T. HILL. PBOMPTLY EXE0UTKD AT OFFICE. J.- U( -n iuCKING,, Proprietor.. Next Door, to tho Post Office, Miil Streot, Acton. dUBSCRIBE FOR THE ^.otbn Pree Presg, Only $1 a Year. Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special Lilies of Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets: A Special Lot of Canton Flannelg A Special Lot of Cheap Tweeds. A Special Lot of Winceys/Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value. VII. STEWART & Co. A large stock of Bodts -and Shoes, of the very best manufacture, baa jastc been at , ' I GRAlNE & SON'S, >' ; NEpioQT & SHOE STOIC KljiLL STREET, ACTON, c ' -, A full line of all eizes for MENi .JfOMEN ANET dHILIDREN,,: Vfill bo found to select from, at prices as low as ckn'be had anywbete.- * r W Call aud See Us. g* / ' : - Special attention is called to our IjOUSTOM WORK,, which at all times receives our careful personal supervision. Perfect atk^ faction guaranteed. Repairing^iea|tly and promptly attended to. rILLI " pieM*rr y i! W> I jBotlneenl fufltteat ths U^ity. Halt] JLB (Btawr Blitirrnx.-ie , U^ejpabllc ir^jOHIM H'.berl-I "Hotel ._1 f: with' ua ^vellers ri | teuhlii___ itkjii peJ J ;t'- *Hc >AU| Acton, Sept. 38, 1875. CHAINE 8s SON. ORiAT SALE. -\- Me. '^4-llffl Sweeping $ale of Eeady-Made Clothing metteed to-daj. ajt the ' ;^ :<? $ P*S.i' > ?>& m -J - .' ELEPHANT CLOTHINC HOU GTJELPH.. ', s Rare Chance. Call and See Our Prices. i i ^i I |WM4 RUTHERFORD & COg I ' ' i Mb. 3L La-wop ^adiam fl*pfe fl January 4, 18&6. * ' - i KW Is yky. 'v-ii .-*n| :-IT

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