Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1875, page 4

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J/l JNIIIIMjjlj|l A<DTOT FRBE PliESS, \ . i DJEGBMUER 0, 18f5 Ti hile tliankm;^ jheir nunierojis customer^) for their very liberal patronage during the past season beg! pi intimate tliat they are again fullyj; equipe<jjl ' WILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, SHIRTS '. . it* .Pt. . v'--' \'""r*-:v. -' r* -:r%^ J-:---:--*-' ^ -'/^i,-5-!f-'. ' . - GENERAL OR* <>vcr imported iiito tins eonntV by any one invite the Tiiitcst inspection olf-their ff6od.s oATeted beforje'm thi^ ov-tvljoiiung counties by stvingihn uhofesale deafefs profit. A np?f, durability and chtiapn^s j. In fact tr i at oOe per-pouiul; woKhjSttc.-^dcdidedly; t :J ACTON vrTHK iiEE PRESS ,;-r<- ... MVd ' r&*. ' " * ""' ii f '- , - TKRMfC Ono ,*Tv*prtr xuyenr. Mfro'ty irt advance 1fn<>i "j^t;..! ruToiottuvr moi-tliy oiu*-io,Bi*r;*ivl JtHifin itt'tt-li.: ctini^ 0 ;-oi* AWotUvibirs triuU'i^-*r UU the oiuL^f tim sm "U.ny per-. - 'jvt.Uw* for iVrVv irjsvi ltoji,.aiul *wo-oout.s' per initios* t-y*li Vclv-aiironV lUM.*rUnv, -s^hori li.Kerxl^nn^t-Knf eluht lir.os-rfnil .ut<t^i it friU:viiustir*.iens, liu-Ivio^ . X.\u\K>t' .ri^ju .lilus and- under, j-i per -Aim via. . .V j'.i^'tul-lU-cni! t ir.iow^ion4uKmortls^ nitMi-s urseru-t r\r- i ij-r.doil it rnsls, it^. -v.i:- >'yAwii\\ ir.slruc- tiows 1X1*1-rtt'il 'till f.ri'itl,- mul' cUar^wl arc*ird'.n2l>-. " - - : Aay spiVjul Xoii'w' tho.otyf*>t.criFhich 1r u* poiiu..!^ !u.v;voinilry c-rHeii: of any liuIiviluaJ ijr.<*i>tu ras;y, l^j-t>e p^nsHlDrod, _ *niv^ vi<oTiio:iis :c Uo'piiiilfOr ronv;vj>Hi jn rtt'r'y. '.-_ . " "N"*VitOt'>_nl Murrl.ii;?*, 15:rtUs"and 0cath^ trc-c - - ^ " B .f.' - S^f. j.> 'U.r' r*-F . St.- tr-' . ; 1 ' Vii ft-' K^-;-' ' St: E1D honsb, and at prices below anything ever known in the history of the Dry Goods .tijhde.- Their!, I>ject is [to suit evry one inkpxnntitv, tpndity,and prijep/and |Cnr4ii and^prices. Their stock of BOOTS AND SHOES in Men's, Wouteii'sf and Children's Wejjr, fur jqnahtity rjnality\ttnd prl(je conduned, far exceedhariythliig ip^5 ht usejJo,:iiiii<t^s iosn for;:'S.tyJ:e,::|jjc! H Ql vp BfiOSi, C "i1 O 1ST, '-' Ob r fiill fet|ck is now stoc! is the iaigest and foxia t in adUifion to^ouj- cacy t>o be found In any Fre* OySters^jJ ?oTe OystrE?, Clams, " Red u ...j * -.; t-i*^ j3u " v-^.$r. %X-, ^^- i - m~ - ^- >;f:-^ m ^-Iriv " i:S'i^-": 1&-Y-' -.--' >.:*-'-* -i-.0-::-i - rV Li- ! - - '} - --' :^H - t i^-if- %-A^ ^- 1^r ! fef'- -*-' 1. t ..^:.,f-i p" ' " "* .,.?; - Ji\i-y.-- r :\ fc- i ... .' c?t.^ fcv-'" : -'^ffi.". ^ M--St-3l--.i'= li F-.-y' ' - -rfSSir's . <t?3 - -FAMILY 'MAfTJBRS:": " Tn'^rafrbiisg cmIiwmjs:in which tlis colore. tv liot iu^t. bo "careful no.t 4. boil -them ; luit wash in the /usual w:\y-.-n"itli'si'>:t{% aad rinse ah hard water.' . Fr'; dalk Colored Soods. add a little salt-'to the \rut<r; "viuegar. * " . Ex*mgniisHir^3 ti'^sL -The flaihe of petrolenui. bwizuie. etc..'may be - extiiigt'iislKd uy. a vrollen'cloli,f.or carpet, or a \>et muslin .or linen " doth, or by earih or. sand, being , thro>rn over it; These, act by ex- . eluding the air, ivi,tliou,t nhiah cou> bilstidn cannot be iuaiiitained. Th-e, following is a simple' but isnre \v-ay to tell good from bad "eggs.'. Put. theBi'in ivate'r c-nongh ti> cover them. 7 -A3j(' tliat lay flat, ^ out of^e goodl Those of " whiclj- the big-, eu'd risrs are bad? ; The "vessel used should have a ' smooth, level bottom.. ' '-'- . - ; Your Own Mason. Small holes la.white w;i!!s caii be easily repair- esi- without-sending for tlie -tn;Cson. - E^iial jvtslof;p.]astcr of Paris and j j most fumili^s for scouring purposes-' CoSed,^ ^-raiixed with water-to a jiaste", ap- pHed.'inimediafvly ai'.d 'smoothed -vith a knife or tiat, juece of wend, williake'the broken place as.good as new. As.-the mixture hardens very quickly, it J3 best to prepare but-i stpall-quantity at a time.- iiotLs -s?iil work in carpets- in rooms that ; are Itept w^rii in the-j-winter as. we,ll as_in_st:m!uer. " A; sire rueth- ol of reroovrag the pests is to'pour? strong alutnlwater on fbe floor uv the distance of haii a y.u-d around the edgesi before laying. iLe carpets. . Then onqe or- twicp during the sea^ ;SOn sprinkle dry skit over the car pet.before sweeping.- I Insects do inot like'salt, and'sumcieuYadlieres to' the cirpet to prevent their flighting upon it. ' ., .^jTtt -Keirtove Mildew. Make'a _very weak sbliition ofy. chloride of- - 3rtoe-in. water (about. a up; teaspoonfhl to -a. quart of water), strain it carefully; an'dldip the' spot on tiiegirrment into it; and it the. inildew does noi disappear immedi ately; lay it in the 'siiu for" a few luinutf-s, or <li]jy-it, /again -in. .the lime-water-. The wyrk is eQvctual- i ly and speedily-done, and the chlo- r-ride of lime neither; rote' the cloth " nor removes'delicata-ttolors wLen " ..sufficiently diluted and theirticleg -rinsed afterwards in clear water. to hand, opened up and displayed to yiew. Thia choicest we have ever imported, aud in it will |be large stock of stable goodi, every luxury and deli- first-class city 'establishment, <uch as- Canned Salmon, . Sardinps; j ^ .. .- - 'V ' [ . 'Ocean Trout,) Lobsters, \ Finnan lladdies, Kh^U Lobsters. Fresh Oysters always in Stock. Leman Jellv, Fear Jelly, ! Grago. Jelly, L. . . WHite Fig^, Pea(h Tresertre, Cinrrant do Stack Curttuitdo Black Currant Jelly, Crab Apple Jelly, j Red Currant Jelly, Strawberry jolly, JfipeiApplef Jelly Bnapbeiry Jelly. Cod, Salmon Trout, Herrings. Blue Plum Preserve, Lombard do do , Gotten Droj/ do do Raspberry Preserre,. ,i Pear do Cherry , do ."-' j Oqr Stock- of Teas is Large, Fresh, Choice, \ okd Olieap.; - Canned Cherries, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Confectionery, Biscuits, Raisins, Currants, Sec Chocolate, Canned Black/Currants, Canned Tomatoes, .-- " '". Green Beans, ,:" Green Corn, ' " Corn. STOCHCOIVIPLETE \ "- - lp every Department at tho j. ' , WEST.| .EJSD:. G.t T. * Ifor the Fall arid Winter campaign, halving laid jiii qjjjf;W: : : ;| '.^ -fi -=v~i DRAWERS, HATS, 6 A PS, i HI ^L. O. BTJOU^y.Isfc, Boenrto lnt,|mnto that bin Block Ik now cojti-plf to tu every ^eptirtnifnt^ nn'.l dcHlroB to Inform tl * IndlfH oi Gu-dph and fJi'in^iatuMiiR country that |Ik illspl'ty cf Piovr nnd FMm<)imtlo <J-<xlw Ir tlto Uu bus fcVcr hiibmllU*il for (Alblic njtprovul. Spcclnl utu.'Uilon 1h Invited to our . ' " ' f. SJ^lk arid DreSs JDepartmenW Shaw;!' and Mantle Department. Milliiiery Department. Furs, Fancy Woolen G/ood^, Hosiery, Kid Gldves, . 'Blankets^ Fianiiels, Tweeds, &c, All ot which we'arc prepared to cut at tho very lowest 'rce A. O. BUCHAM, r Fnelilonablo West Eud Dressr MlUlnery ancl Manila Kftiibllshment. Guelph, OcL li 1S75. . j ' . -ARBIVINO'DAILY'-AT - \'< j DICKSON 8s McNAB'S. Do not fail to visit thd Spicee, - .Pickles, ' : Flavorc," , Castor and Olive Oils, Mustard, : ^oap, Hair Oil, Good Goods, and Selling Cheap, Benefit Our Customers. : HARDWARE. By Seeping we : _ In Hardware we hate every article necessary to complete the building or fumishipg of any Hcrcse or Barn, alsoi every implement necessary about o Farm or Garden, su :h as^Nwls, Locks, Hinges, Spade*, Shovels, Forkp, Axes, S^tws', Carpenters' Tools, Boilta, Chains, Ropes, Blasting Powder, Fuse, - Gpns, Pistols, Revolvers, Abmunilion, -Cartridges, Brass Kettles, Enamel Pots, &c. \) By Benefitting Our Customers We Benefit Ourselves.^ itle Table Cut]tlery; Pocket Cutilery, Mirrors, Our : Tiovr to take life easy Be eare- / less \fith keroiierje. " .-.";' -./[SmaliSj The Indian rereredy for - dandruff - Tife'Hiov-G.tlie scalp. ," [' " Wheni3.a small - ba"by like a Weat- banker! When he is a irroth &4- child-- ".,". '/ Wheu you g^t iuto Tiot water go to-your friends alid you will tind them cool enough.. " -. - A schoolboy say's that wlien ibik teacher atteiiijjts to slibw .'him,' " what ia wjikt," lie only finds out which is switch. -AinraiiE'ric or Goxsumptiok, Two .thin slipes make otie cold, two., colds one attack of bronchitis, two . attacks of jbr.bnch^ti^.^one coffin. Look/to it^dajadiea. i ,; ;--, LaSyXwhps* opinion/of t*be pic-, ture his been asked, after/a long ,j>-iU8&)>-I suppose there islno-way ~~x>' washing all the paint off, is there, if-you jpanf the cahyas to put some/ thirig else on'?/ . ." " '-" A-landsd 'gentleman sothe-tim rince : drained ' an unprofitable swamp, and /was one day vfatching -tbefeeulfe, when/.a'farmer came tip r to him and eaid, " Sir, you haveja -l>e4utrful .cron."" "Y&i; I- havej" -vraa the rejoinder.- - '* How did you get it t' was asked. '{Brains," was /tt\eV'Tpeply; ;i 'j-What,, manure the -field-^ith fbniins V. "was further In quired. "Oh^fis." -The farmer jipened his eycH, and-"8aidi '.'Graci-" ous/lyer honor, where dfye cet :-Wn -'.--. 'V\.-..r. -...- j" In.this branch:we h Spoons, Razor?, " . Canes, Cruits, Scissors, . Brushes. EAST ^ ; And eixamine those piles of - WINCEYS/ ranging fi 6m 10; cents upwards^ -Also ihose COTTON'S, all best Canadian makes, ranging from 8 cents upwards. tlLAKNELS, jfrojn 25 cents upwards. And other Staple and Fancy |Dry Goods in proportion^ !-' | filCKSON McHAB. Aeton, Sept. 23, 18T5. _ Oail at J- W. v Mami'^ CENTRAL EMPORIUM, MILL STREET, ACTON. HIS FALL StOCK OF '; / ! j G-opis Jllilt Street, A TOxJJE/LEft IN General Groceries, Boots and Shoes L II, OHpiSTIE^HENDEBSQ 1ST -p- OOl Wrtvmti 5iP Member .0 ElM&fl I l^f^M*'**^W^*M Acton, Nov, 3. A large stock of Drugs, Medicines, tfapcy C^odds, always on hand i . \S15i E. BORROW GHBMI3T ANP-DRTXG^S'ft . ': Has, removed to the Bri(ik 13>riig Stor^ -on Mill |>tr|etj Formerly/ occupied by "the lata DR; 3ARTER, ^jhich ^h; ia beeu enlarged-aA/ refitted I " \, ';'.'- ' :'-..-'- Ji ... ' X :\- t.'.t^/-'--' Toii^t Articlo,V*, ..;:h"""""' ':'^" , -r T\R-R:1 . X-r ceon Jiew iori| ^College, ( . rue*d*yVi 4p.m. , Acton. ItamesI ": IS^. iMueif MMfl^ter, '. -Xohosto, pourth Oil Acton, Oi *ncCp. : pared test! resaciniblel .Mortgage j - > -is? Linseed i - -. Paints, Turjientine, Machine Oil, (3oal Oil,] '-" ! Salt, etc. The suliserlb; r begs toieturp hU 11 at k to the lnb'nblto utKol Acion ands'iirrpni^d-. ing country fijir the liberal pati liereloforie to blm,' anp a 'satiietihio solilclt their further sil N.B.-Gashl A cton, July 1 ail for Hides dellvc ..CiT;HI^U ;t 1S75. J . Stock of Hard-ware is Large, Well Se lected, and Cheap, i * PAiNTSy OILS, ETG; - We holda large stock of all-kinds of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes,- Japans, -Ejrushes, Pfncila, Graining Combs, Points, Gold L'af Bronae, GRdGKERY, CHINA, ETC. ire a very fine., stock of beautiful goods, comprising I everything !in the linej including glassware of all descriptions. AND READY-MADE CLOTHING Is much larger and better than ever. A splendid stock to selept from^ at Yery lojf prices. ."'] i In G-pooeries, Crockery aiid Glassware Will be found a complete assortment of ,ha best- quality; GREAT B;ARG|IN|! Are offered for cash or prpduc 3. : .. .' j The subscriber begs to' return his sincere thanks to.the inhabitants of ' trusts that We aim at pleasing our Customers, and 3seep- g -wiat^they -want. Acton and surrounding country, for, their hberajl patronage, and j m future they will continue ths same liberal appreciation. j As.a large portion of his busi ness is ready-pay, he pan afford to '" I Than those who give long credit and have a great many bad debts. White GranitefTea Sfets,; '* ;i;Cup8^n& Saucers, ; /Plate ; Pitchers, " " M- Toilette Sets/ Parian Stiki and/Pitcl ^rs, Vas^B,- Magni:lcent 3>eop Blue, and Bronze Toilet Sets. Lamps of a 1 kinds, Glass Pres< rv'e Disheej, " Fruit Dishes,' " .; Cake Dishes, / We don't ing cheap they are dbing. China Tea Seta, (10 kinds) ' " 1 Pitchers, Tuster Jugs, ' Fancy Jugs and; Pitchers, Common Dishes of all kinds, .Sickbed Cups and Pang. ' Glass Table Sets. " Tumblers, " Goblo/ts, " Celery Glasses, Glass Nappies', _ > PijikleBottles, j j " Syrup Pitchers.. j giye disco unts, for* we don't believe in them. ' *We prefer selk- ad at net prices, so' that oar. customers know exactly what Teas, are jtwentyvflre per cent, and other, goods flf- teep g/ercejnt lower than they, can\ be. bought else where, and evety petspn savesmoney by dealiigajt ' ' ' ',- BEOS; Acton, Sept. 29^ 1875. J. ViT. IVIAIVI^. T '1 .*. JSL. n Works AGTON. EIGH " General Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Makir* Best Horse-Shbers: inj tne County ..; -' Perfect satiafaotion guaranteed or no pri^e ,oharged FlisT-CLAlS ^PLOWa .'.J'-'".-' I .. AND' COLLARD'S PATENT IEQH Always on hand A Good Stock of Carriages and Wagons. REPAIRING promptly and properly Acton, Jiily 1, 1875. HARROWS attended 'l . J. His Rigs and. can b<> liutl, nnc bo surpnssi-u bs Acton i July 1 JOB onagc he/ port .'A large Btbckjof Boots and Shoes^ of^he Very best n&inufaeture, bia. jifl-f been received at - . . / ,/ ' ' / . * " * f^J'r-;-' u:'r .ij-.' -I * ' e. Offic it- JUta^ will4>e!___ CampbeiL -:w<fc:'v - " --,*--^--g - Afenv' for 1 ' Aft 6ttsl raltbnillp '^Ifertet^ * A fullTine of all suie's for MEL^" V^QME^j AND CHIfcPKEN, Will be found io select from, at prices as low as earn lie'had anynatrei'/ .::. s-- . ."]{ J83*CalI and See Us.-g* " | "/ which at all'tirnesjreceives our &wefulpersocalrsUpervisibh. Perfect/. iti- faction guaianieed. .':^i", " ... - ' ltepairiitig ne'atly and:promptry^ attended to.^ ^ -' - ;] "r :; ' caii2sra-.&\sov. Aptpn, Sept. 28, 1875.'- -? .....' ',:!" ,/.i:- A CTOX LIVERY & SALE STABLE P* ALLAN Takes ploasurn in announcing t< public goherally that' ho Is prepai furnish .-. ?irst-ola33 'feorsos and Car At Reasonable Rates. Horses nie the best lieiR determined any City Stable, it, 1875. .' ?08 that at to PRINTII Of every descriptid In thej best and most traclve s 1 i - - promrjtly (la ;o. executed at Uie FRJEI3 PBESI3 oir^xoorzi tthe v's New Bui.ldtig > ) ACrrDN. \ J. " H. JFrACpKING, Pr^ejor. ': '- UehniJ teni au4 . ILI >'.. iBoxin1 . ';'".'lOflice y.l'iCoanity'. 1' :'.; -if'!*:. i TSE m Having^aidopted the '." ' y. -f .' - ['-'.-'.- EEai;;::p#y/:/SY*l^ :"1 WOi ROBT-I '^Hotel-i '- With Stewi omniodion . aifeniioa tnjveffcjg: j Uest Liqu [and ittentrJ And discount fortpash of EIGHT DOLLAR, for three: months past, would take this oppo^itutjr'6f|s<tibg-*fh&t--liMT^ 1; System j$a& Proved Most" ^a^Ea^torsr :^ !" To my numerdua Customers and also to myself, I will o!Bi8inn'e to : ^ 4:1" Sell Goods 4^ Ldw;>s any House iti ttie Tradev -'/._ . Dbihg a Credit/Riisinessy-aaid will givja'tbe .. :J ':- ..: - ':':':i': Al . Prompt, paying 'tlie diBcbunfa Acton, So Customers will jaadpubti'arail themselves of ^the. discoriafc"! Ijtun. . satisfied of/suCces8, and satisfactfon tb ail eonoerned;iD. tl 16 iWaSrippSijIt! ount system.. 4"-? --'W mqhthly customers. considered as ;ts ih, Conveyaufier, If suer Of Mrtrringe Licenses,Jni wiai^Jtip/fM :. Agent Moiiciv to Lban.Aeeiit Montrcal/.Ta^s^^iCttprfffl Fourtb DiVi Oonrt, Corn ip^qj tutor 1, 18T5. i ": \'" \' Ml ffliicisof^rcii^^ B^S- i, Aeent m.inQ.B ^KES:|^ ' 4-""'.-' l^-.' 'J '.'. i .' V imers f J filk

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