Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1875, page 3

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.'H ^"i'f-'lM Ti,^"~ I*' I at tinjjei. gain ,l>l>TIHAk TIME TAKLK Trains leave Acton, sis folilijws : ^ , v:olM)ivBST./ ; "'. Morning Mail ny,Kvpross | - Kxpwws "* Mired - i Uight Exprcs^ 9.10 a.m. , iWp.m-. 7:K> p. in. )2s45 ,vm. tSOINU-KAST. Sight Express Mixed i, Pay Express. : Mail - ' - Mix*! 3i3T a.ui. - 0:10 a,m.- 35a,tn. .5:'J0p;in. o:S5p,m; evening, freeofclmrgc.foHho pur- pose of havings public meeting to discuss this matter, WVahaU ex pert to sco iv largo incoting of oyr citizens, and'her'thofexpression op their views, - I ACT*fcVslr OFFICE. ,\'-:, '- If alls'(flng'W*st aw closed at 8:45 a.nt. : 'tJoing-fcMt.atsp. pv^.., -v] ... KcgisWrod .tetters JBwtst bf in live .minutes before the al&ve hours. " "^ustchhull mail, Tuesdays-and Fridays, CHBtSTMAS IS COMIN0. A splendid assortment of new-ami Useful goods suitable; for Ctiristnias presents for your father, your mother, your sister, your brother, yiur wife, your husband, your friond, ar your . ,'f-'l.t rg^ass fcaiiety iy ioUJ at , \L, k'r-el| a Sns> " .- ; jrt|fapps-' pijscea of rrd> worth 'aoioe.ofall <* IN, E *.- ]. 'ft. T v; IEL li< ...Hi lady love. Bkos. Call an&,8eo.them.--SK00RD UWAX XitM'S. .llVstai// J* gratr,\at ., <" jimes '<<> fYCcirr if<-mi efijotal netex, iM >w. special c\nbeh service.*, nircf- u>;7* or" ?rmi<ruMoe or Mr fvcictics, sm'(!rli, orjnn.v ixcii/att irhic.S may tie ';.. ip.'mtiixy, either .in tAi.< Vontfijjt or J ! fir csuntn; gtKfmJltK- Matter*of thin ki>u{ i*iit/ bf *cHtfmarhftl "Printer'/. j(>rr oi.,' i <jrf 'V tfithyl. In i- (. / /<> inturv it* ~ it-Mtwtsa t, oruf to nr- irire-i# ftyy rAr*idy ih y .rwj/, t the taleti. . ". Bkttks1 \kt. J.^y. Maiin has haA ou order fora nuantity of liisct Jebrated tea to. send to Ireland. o bn, yo blowers atout your meteors i ji-A your 'medicinal teas. " LOCAL MATTERS. PAY'TJP. AHlpcrsons indebtod to Secird IJros. ' are requested to call ami Bettlo ft oneb without furtlier notice, , All lieeounta re4aiiiine'.unpaid on the istlror.Deccm, l>er will bb haiulcd-'over for coHoction;' This aptyco" applies to all. At Ithia tuno of year tre reqairo.the m(iney ^-ind must have it. Wii are determnied-i o collect all accounts this itiouth. /Plea is attend to the above and saye as thi i pain of having to'send any to oouft-t-SscoaD Bros. ViHstgti Couaeil this everfing, - ' Milton stores close at 7:30. \\Tiat is tiero to jrrvvent Acton mcr. chants foUo\ring sujft * ' ;; The letter -we published last . weelif from Mr. Matthews; concerning! the hxngers-cin at the jyist office store, "appears' to'have had"sonic effect. His' laily customers wiH no dmiot b glad to knowthat they inay now enter "without ling compellcjd to fan the gauntlet of nuLicnliue Snioke-staclis. '-!"" Trie catae fair-:t-day was not very well attended, and-the cattle'on. the grvmnd'were-too lean to attract thj. atteiitiim of drovers. One buyer ironr Ti>roisto ri\-ant^l twenty head of good ; beeve. cattle,-ba 'as there were only a iewHsatisfsctiiry iivfmjjcbu, he.Jidnot buy any. We hear: 1 cpuiplaints frOSu farm^ri of tie broteii'iynditioa tf the .- fences; azvuml the "-fieliu, allowing their fjantmals tc> go a&tniy unless \they werj Sconitantly watched.. The fences should be Ftjviired "srithoutjdeiiy. ." . - ! -rTae S<xialr and Literary En- terrainnient given in .the Temperance Hall, hy tper Yoong People's Literary cV"ciety, !.-L!t Monday evening, wagTi de-' cided success,.Jin every 'particular. The JjsagreeaUe ?!.- :" :the weather no dfcb: {ircveaU-1 -Vgoiid njaay from at-. t-^diug, i'siilT there .was- ?a very good audience, aixl wx' leiieve every one wsis ihkhly pleased with! the entettainmeiit. lis orvler thati tlie fragments may -J' If yon want a _good silvw" (ratch of any kind from four tortn dotlirs below jeAvellers' prices, you should tj 11 at Se- cord B^os, All watches' Warra ited. If yiiu want gooI-'g61d\jr silver ring of any kind, very cheap, yon should calloiiSecord Bros.'", ' l It vou.waut'n really handsome and stj'lisb-set'of. ehina of latest iiesignsi yoU-ought to go to Seconl Broiii They ha\"e 1.6 different patterni. t Glassware dishes of all kinds ih great variety, elieap. The latest ana niost beautiful thing.! Glassware, table seta. at -Secord Bn>s. | ' . |: JJ Christinas fS coming, nndx feecont Brt>s- are prepared for it with J every. triiug nice for old Santa Claus, h f . ..' Esquesinp .Council; .' The Council met at StewarUi^4>^"ov- 12th. Members all present, lowing sums we^-e Voted: li Soble j4 and to VV'm. Kennedy sheep killed; by..ifogs, the o v which aire "unknown. The Ti was authoriroil to paj; Mrs. Ajb^>,tt $6 for the "support (if Isaac Coo^sr.l The account of Edward Xixon, of S9.SK5, for impounding l.s> serving n( Court of Uevisioji, etc., was cr.l.,i U4e3 oj ,'efed beiiwid: The siim of $S wa^ granted for the relief of.Irvin Ixive, he -indigent eircumstanccs. Petir aid and Ihigald McKechniu; we mitted to the jioor house fortl: John Hardy and Jacob Bjoc \ BARGAIN. . H' FCi BALE Tiisqu I^t ^o. 30, 3rd Con,, a milo from the llounrf Acton, Containing 100 acrijs. acre* heavily timbered wi lock and Cedar, euitablo iwlesior posts. EJccllcut eight roomed, in thorough atablo and log barn j orclla fruit | a never (ailing spr ..... T( through the promises. Vy to - CUA8. ain St.. or by letter to P.S. If not sold will THE ^CT6ir FREE PEES 11 5: _uesing, of iiig village of w. About 50 ih rise, Hom- f>r telegraph Framo House, ronair; frame rd of' choice crook runs i easy. Ap- CAMERON, 62, Acton, rented. PK Box i bo 4 DR. KOBERTS' Celebrated Ointment J CALLKD Tllf '. POOR MAN'S FRIKND, ta confidently recommended to the l'ub- llo as an antatllng remedy lor wounds of every deaarlptlon; a curiam cure for Uloeralo4 8or* Uen, even of twonty year*' itandloc; Cuts, iBuros, Bculdn, Rrulsei, Uhtlbtalns, Bcorbutlo Kruptlons, atxl Ptmplea on the F^ce, Boro and In flamed Jty*, (Sore Heeds, Bore Breasts, 111m, Ftitula, and Canct-rous Humours, and to a Speeloe tor thoaniifnicttne Er|>- UoosUuttaouetlme* follow vuelunutlon. BoM tn Potf at is. lid. and its. Od. each. Sr. BotoKWHlniaAjatUorophulB Or ALT&RMATIVET Pltifes, confirmeU by sixty yean* experleueo \o bo one of toe brsi tnedlotttes ever eomrounded for nurlfylug tfeeotood, and asslsilnnNnture d her operation*. Henceithoy.dra tweful Wm? IStewait & Co: jqc HIJL1^ . "W O WYNDUAIII 8TKEET, GUELEE Are showing now In Scrofula, ttooltjutio Complaint*, Qlaiv di'lar Bwelllngs. portlculprlyltiosa of tlio Nk, *c. They form a mlMand superior Family Aperient, which my be tnfcen at ll times without oonflnemeutor chanKo of diet. Bold In Boxes nt 1b. I)d:,-2s.0d., i*.-9d, 11. aaidttN.ynch. . BT THK PROPKIltrOItS, BEACH AND BARNlCOTT / AT THBIR DISrE\S.tKT, BRIDPOBt, ENGLAND, una by all respectablo Medicine Vendors irtr.- * X^ARM TO RENT. The subscriber offers to rent, or let on ahares, his farm, being.Lot No. 31j.on the 5th Concession of Jis picsinfi, com prising 100 acres, 80 acres of which are under cultivation, the balance excellent cedar and hard -.wood. Good frame house and barns, -with plenty of good water, and other*,convcnie ices. About 2J miles from Acton. Apply j on thb premises to "' ' SIMON McIJSAN. Esquesing, Oct, 1, IS"5. ^ Beware of Counterfeits. nks authorized te draw sti>ne""for on Lot.1'2, 5th con.: Five doll:Lrs were of llaiikets, utliird, fhereWvill lie another ."entertain- \ -meat .of. a /SimilJw character ia' the , ifctfc^Iist : Chure.ii, tliis (Thursday.) evcnlnj, :to whicii-tlie public are invitcil free ofchanre. ' ' i . . .' ', . > , granted for the1 purchase ' -i " i etc, for Charles; S-rott, a ] panpc r. i "Bfrffcrr JLodBOio SSI. . ;Tiu; regular meeting of. - the aliove l>kU:e wiK be hel I in tbe ilaaonie Hall,' . oa-M>ind-sy"evcningi 6th of Dec,.at 7 .'oljliick for t'uefoiljwingbusiness; Pass ing, IUislnjj and-Bc'ction of Officers... :_ ' j l~ - F. Sz)EO,-Sec. aab^atki School .InnJTenary. . 'The anniversary -of ;'the. - Sabbath ' Sihool- in cjonnectioa with the Metho dist Church, will be-' celebrated on Tjicrsday evening; 23rd insL, in the Tfmperance HalL There will be a tea inhering and other, entertainment of .a pleasing character.- The proceeds are to \>i . applied'-, to . pri>Tidiug funds, forther re^jlenisaing of the Sabbath School library. iWe expect to seeja very.large gathering on the occasion. ' '" twUlJngi : work to sort IpU^-* , " Tidence, near ,-haIf tf>H BELL. Its.1!- 2i-*r the snb- - j l | cob. Jiisaagar, . . '-:./ -Augol* last, !r: |Tbe enrnex i . - . .I*yiasIe*. - - X IJ. iGOKDON. H-ik>li5,Io7S. '",' J wants k'gop^l J ; JS, LEECH, . -r.i\" !'JCC*MsV'--~-v i - - ". -": .. "' -' -j>:? fMWBfXf SB* ^e% rTlBOaUy *!* ,1 Sborw.< "-!>-,';? [otier/nA lU*" "ir* A Satcxestloa. ". -i . ^ ; " J - "We woald likettcsay a word or f two to. those people, "who'are in the [ habit of perlding their leisure time inhangitig aroUad thoVstorea, and other- business places. If they would consider the atriooht of. in jury they are^dojng by preventing customers from coming in, else nn- '.dergo the disagreeable necessity, of :rmxnin'g the gauntlet hf a double file of ffieh and boys, tey "rwouldT jirobably bfe; disposed to seek some " place -of 'resort, where they would . not be encroaching upon -the pri vate ' rights of the storekeeper. In the first place, "we-weuM suggest ttf our merchants ithe advisability of . closing theif stores at a muciwear- lfer Itoux in the evening than th^y : have been in the habit of doing . thus shutting oft"! this harbor of" ro; foge. We woult^ "then! suggest that, -some centrally located room be en- winter jeyenihgB, where jail- would-fiel' ^perfect"Uloerty."to cdmeand goiasjthey felt, inclined, where' Aej^wul^smokajtalk, read^ _discnBs politics or anything -else *-. ' as they now do yithe stores. We hate not mnch iaithrm regularly - organised' reading rooms or me- cbanics institutes, as they are very - ra,^?J' appreciated by the- mlisses, an$ are but little', patronized. . Bu t 1 ~wfffancy &H-plsce of public vresorfc suth as we hafe; hem, in<ffeited, f^ald meet .the disposition ot'^a large' number of pebplfr who. do-'not care tosubmifc to' the -restraint <>f orgimized diacipllnet :-- prinking, Moved by Mr. McEnery, seconawl by Mr. Warren, that the sum of thirty:nve dollars l>o granted to improve' th new road through Mr, XickelTs Una, and; the cross-road between Lots 22 and 23, in the 4th con., and^that John Nnekell -?an"d James. Scott be appointed commis sioners to expend "the same; nnd that the'Treasurer l>e anthorized to pay that amount on the ordtjr of the :iid com missioners. Carried. j Moved by Mrl Preston, sect ncled- by Mr. Wrigglesworth,*tlint" th( Sam of. sixty dollars ]be' granted to v idjen the road on the;hfll on^he 4th line, tot~24, and the embankment at the foitlof the same so as to. make it safe I or! public use, and that Messrs. ' John LJawson;" Alex. Kennedy and Andrew Scott "be appointetl"Cnnimispionera to^xpiind the same. CarriejL ! ., .. Moved by Mr/ Preston, seconded by Mr. Warreij, -that the^ Treajsuirer be authorized itfiay to the onjer of M<jssri. Wm. Elliott ai id Win. Bowman .the si^m of one hundred and. four doUnjrs and- fifty cents fo:; building two bridges on the* base line on the 2nd don. The iCouiicil f the Corpo^itionof tbel.Town- ship of Tarfalgar having granted an being, in MiDon- rejre-ad- intcr. were a bridge Wpfal amount.1 ""-'f- j. J'"' >' i The Council tben n<ljourned till Thursday, I Ct'i December. - ' vTlie Post Oiflce Store,]Acton, Gives 8 cents on the f\ (lis want for cash on all General .Groceries, ]Crock- .ery,' Glasswaife, Wall: Papen, iSchool Books, Stationery, tc. On a parohare of 25 cts, 2 fata discount ym Sfi cjsnts, 4 cents; on 175 cents, 6 :ts|; and on SI rS cts. Ca*h Customer* tjhiak, and justly' too, that they have noli here tofore been fairly dealt with in ^ato pay the samd price for good i as those running yearly accounts. iouwj they can get justice! at the Post Office iStore, where they.iget 8 per cent disjeount, which is a r&sonable inargir Wtween cash and yearly .accounts;, AI kinds of produce wanted-in exchange f|r t>oods. SUCH BLiO"WTN&! I suppose, iyou never hea: -d before about 50c tea, [as you see everj week in the'Free PheSs. -One firm hat it freak ing all the ieaipota inth'p neighborhood tliathas the misfortune of isink it. Another-firm tjhat their tea ha: noirival but itself. The Post^ Office Store.cjaims for its 50c tea 'medicinal properties, which hnridrods . will testify and say that they havi never had an'hi ur's sick ness aince using it. He says also that the 8 iipr ceni discpunt is gi1 ing ; p'eat satisfaction. I. [^ketotb ; C$* J-% '-i Turkeys Geese . Dressed Hogs Lambskins : gambling, or mother iinnlbrality, icnickens,' perW.' shoUloVfee strictly ptohiliited, bufrJDncks, otherwise-'there- 'isiould ba perfect social freedom. -A f^4e#8papers atii; other reading matter be pro- _vided for those fa/fao were disposed to occupy^ their time in reading. Tbeite are two or three convenient places which we "believe could be secured for this purpose- on' very cea^onable terms. - : " , -Hk ilutthews -authorizes us to W ,-that he will'- have his hall wsriued and lighted'ori.Baturtlay , AC-TtfX MAKKET8, White WJheat.!.)........ 0 !|5 to 1 00 Treadwell...J____........0 SO to 0 95 Spring Wheatl......... 0 (5 toO 90 Barley ....'............. 0: (0 to 0 6& Oats.....i..../........ 0 JotojO^OO Peas,. J. J...'____ -v.. ' 0 i 5tqj0 60 Potatoes, per bust....... iO^OtdiiOflO Dr^ed Apples, per' lb. Onions, per bushelV.. Batter...';...."-v'..v-f. Eggs...... i. ^ ..... Hay, 4>er ton.,........'".. 14-00 to \b 00 CCEI .FD 1UBKET8 Fall wheat ^8c to SI.05; ?l to 81.02-, 88c to 92c SI to $L'07-r < readVell, Bjmng wheat, (Slascow), spring wheat (; ed chaff), bats, 35c to 2 8c; peas, 63c to 70c; bajrloy,' 50eto C5c; dozen, ITcjt 17c to 20c,1 j to P TOIU N'TO Spring , wljeat, >y r 8c; butter, dair f psiked, atoes, perbag^ i 0c te 70e. ?l;03; ntw wheat, $1.04 io ?1.P'S; oats, (iSc-: ley, GOc.tobSt. 0 08 to O'^to, 0 53 to J) &to |0 00 1 50 0 00 0 00 7 00 0 80 6 i>0to 0 iiOto____ 0 JiO to!0 60 0 OStoiO 06< -0 (i5.to0 06 ,0 06 to 0.07 0 IS to 0-06 egg"4 per vlrite bar. I Forthe protection or the public of Brit ish >'orth Araerlcaj I deem ;lt my duty to state t'mt my P11.LS and Ointment are neither manufactured'lmr told in any pnrtnftne Unitkb Si ATE. Kacb I'ol and Box bers the '.British Government Stamp, wltl| 'the words' * H-H.I.OWAVS Pll.l^ AND OINTMEJfT, LoSti-iN," engmv.-d thereon.- On the label Is the.address, oKS Oxionn STitEtrr, Ixindon." ' ' Tti}s notice hns beoomo necessary. In conpounoe or vile nt) I spurious Imita tion* or ' Bol'lowuy.'s IMUs and < >intra"i>t," bfln^'rabricaU -^p^few etat7SMaid en Lane, J*ow ^^ S^ York, by par-' ties Uicraselvoj "Hollowly <tg|"fcJiMCo." with An assumedV BjjfT^jB trade mart, thus %M Kv ITaprtnclp'ed vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price, and fo deceive Syfi by selling the aime, for my genu-ne lloway' !Pj;i* and Ointment, which are mnnnfaclored only at 533, Oxrord street, London. .... PeTioni who may bo so deceived will be pleased to comraiinlmu with tn<. Many respectable Anns in the British Provlnce,i who obtain my medicines di rect from -here, have very properly su*- ested that I should, lor |the tx nrtlt of themselves and the public. Insert their names in tho -papers, th t it may be known that my medlclnm) can Le nad g-nnlne from tnem. ! Tne-fulmowing Is d llsloft,ho flrmrf allude ed to: and 1 particularly reeommend thoMi wbodesire to eet my mIIclnes to apply to some of tne Houses named : Kvaxk, Mkrceb.ACoJ Montreal. . AvekTi-Hbow* a Co.. HallfttX.-X. S. FoRSTTH'aCa, Halifabc, N. B. .;____. T. a BARK KB* Boss, l. John, N. B, ApoTuB-^ABtias' HAU.Co.JCharlolletown Lang let a Co., Victoria, IB. C. MooBE*Co_;Viciori3, B.|C Dr. JoiIN PALLaN, Chatham, N. B. Mukbo*Co- Montreal. |" J WiNKRiCcL.Haniilton.Ont. H. J. Komk, Toronto. -| .'"-!. A. CiUPMAH SMJTlt, (}. John. i B. Jo'iw BoSD, tioderlrh, lint. Elliot A Co^ Toronto. I J. CHALOKER. RU'John, Nt. B. HakiSOTi>k Brothkhs, St. John. >. B. K. B. Pkidt>t,-Wlo'dSor, OhU" .Mra,OBPE3f, MorSMi.'N. 8*.~ GEOSStt'. Hcirr.Jnn., Fredencton, N.B. W. H. THOMPsew HarborUrace, N.F.L. J. M. Wii.-BT.'F'redrrleioni. *i B. W. *D.,Ycn.s5Wontreal; CiiAS. 1. BAVIKS/Frederiplon, N.B. The mr4lelnes ore" sold at the lowest wholesale net prices. In qcantlties of not leas than 20 worth viz, Ss. 0-1., 2>., and 3|. per doxen boxes of Pills or pots or UinUneat, for which rezutttoncos must be sent In advane*; THOMA8 HOLLOWAY. 633. Oxford 8tr*, W. C. ' Jlx>ndon, J una 1st, IP* FIXING UP FOE ' - * WALli PA1PER AT PAJY'S B0OKST0JRE. Ghbice Patterns, New Designs, a Large; and Splendid Stock Tery cheap at- ..- DAY'S BOOKSTORE. GUELPH. Day Sells Cheap. T>ON^S to Manniacturers. THE VILLAGE OF ACTON Is .prepared to.grant a bonus t<i parties' astablfsblngany kind of htannfacuiring business employing ten skflled hands an3 upwards, and where said] business does hot conflict-with any business already established within the corporation, ao- tonrossesses good^ rolIWay gcjlttlfj. being on the Urand Trunk Railway, thlrty-flvemiles westofltoronto, Is in a beautiful nd healthy lo&tloD, Is free from municipal debt, and-property can bo ob Wined on reasonable terms. \ .1 Spcieal Lines in Cheap jackets. Special Lines of Cheap DreBS Goods Special Lines of Cheap C6ttohs. Special1 Lines of Cheap Silks. Special Lines of Cheap Flannels. Special Lines of Cheap Blankets.. A Special Lot of Canton Flannels. A Special. Lot of Chdap Tweeds. AiSpecial'-Lot of Winceys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special .Value. . W9I. STEWART & Col. a DECEMBER 2, T '! ' - I SPEOtA 103 PIECES OROB^Y'I ' ' j':"'! ,4T TOE 175 dehts 73 Pieces Assorted 2 4rsafrsj-^^Z X, a:o ' Jl-r" ' - '" ' \>: 3d 3tsn W tt W, TJ" -& "' I ITKESEBLY. CHEAP PRICE OF. f .: '"" :v-v v\: ^ 'LI BEAUTIFUL GOOfiS, ATj.A'LA$GUS EEDUCTION ON USUAL PRICES. f and The above goods pave bten bought by me at less than tlie makitfs' co it, land I oier^for the. next two months the oue'apest carpet?: to the Dominion. Call early land select. . i Oct. 27,'18fCr-i; MILLINERY & EW GOODS. IS" The Students- Microscope With Dissecting Apparatus, for ex amining insects, plants, flowers, cloth; circulation of the blood, ani- malcula in water, 4c, 60 cents; Pi XJtfhtcTft, Tnora Extrators, Byp Qpenow, Always useful, always answering, al; ways instructive-1- ! Powerful " - ![ . I Pocket Microscope, 50 CEXl-a . Best Finished Reading Glasses, powefcfulmagnifying power, for flow ers, piibtocrnphs and pictures. A large and cheup stock of new goods at ANDERSON CHEAP BOOKSTORE On East side Wyndham Street, ."..'.' " iGUELPH. - s acttiD,July HENRY pi MODRB, I Vllhnje C'erk. 1,1655. .-:.;-. .'..- WACOM AND CARRIACE FACTORY.: .. .' ' ' '.. '.']" - JAMES KYDEK, Proi>rictoR WaeoM, .-.-':-. .'-j _ :' . OwrlascSfj" j"" . / ' j ' -CltttOrft^SSOi Kept in stock and mode- to Order on the ! Shortest Notice.. ..;." j Strict attention" paid U> iKotscf SHeeiss & aonoralJtfbWng and satisfaction guaranteed, , Acton, July 1st, 1875. j Cheaper than; the LARGEST STOCK IM (Cheapest I OWN 3 {ply ^daerii^sfe]? .rti :} I- "- ' I - '. ' -i ' -I- : ." ' U . - , - M Alma T5rock,"tTp'per Wyndhain !Strje|t, Grielp^; :\ -] D. which he is bound to sell McNAIR Has iust receivod aniextenslve stock of new goods suitSble for the seasoii, H.tire very lowest possible price:. He believes " ' " " stock of ^ tar oda See Our' Cheap Winceys. Buttejr, Ege's, Poultry, etc., taken in exchange for goods. Acton, >ov. 17, 1875. In quick sales umLsmaH'prbfits. Call and see our: beautiful "WcoioBJ Goods, KUlIaerr, Dress Goods,." | Obildroa's Siilts, Salserdaslicty, Gcatlemoa's FuralsWngr Goods, Toilet Articles, Toys, Berlin "Wool, etc, etc Also a nice stock -"of JEWELJERY |to be sold off v^ry'low, Remember all these coods are marked down to.the very lowest figures, -tE&' Jssr' MONEY WANTED s#<iii AT PANIC KENNEDY', BiROTHERS Have just received their Fall! Stock pi Boots Andf are deterhmined to cohtiijineto sell cheap better value for your money than,can Call and See for Yourselves' * -:'": Friends Vvith you. .j | Examine our stock which! comprises everything in the trade w. .i=. and most .elegant-styles and patterns of English, Canadian and American manufacture. ' r and Shoes, >er bk than ftbe cheapest-, and had elsewhere. and bring your ^5 Orders promptly of the lat sst executed and good jfits guaranteed N.B.-^-All accounts mustlbe settljed this month ;AktoJ,.Npv.4,.lo-75 DOMINION I E j^.OT035T SG WiNt Which is now complete, is larger, better assorted, more ., cheapen than ever before, comprising in par; Tweeds, Overcoatings, Dross Goods,, in Proncli,- Ueii do:.; Colsourg AIT ^pol Plaids, BlacS. and Colored' tnstres, in Pliia r-' iffiguted-Kanneli-Winceys,-SMrts,iS]Mrtings, p"nwr- sliirts DraVors, :Felt Skirts, Shawls, :.. ' Blankets, 'AH "vTool] TaTsle CpTors, (very . " . . : pretty patterns), CjlOUdB, laifflerS,- . -Tatiie linens, Towelings, Factory anjd .Bleasned Cottpas, liadie^' iadiosVand Bents' Ties, 8de-> See.,' and a. very'good stcokj of BOYb' AND MENS' HATS ANP . ' i ' ' "i i j together witn ' Groperies, XJroclsery ^ Gla^^ar^ JB- Call early and secuije bargains. - Aot6n,iOct. 20x 1875. ELEk'HiMT CtfiTHINC <3--Er33'Ij!iE,Ep be met with in All Ready Fot ^intpr. " r tKeJOo' The Loading Clothing House of '. Nt ?% :I -.", .-' : ' Just received 500. Men's Overcoats, ranging in .price frem $5.00 ii^ 187 .Boys'; Overcoats, A tremendous stock of lien' Heavy "Suits in Scotch, English' Tweeds, ranging' in pricS^ from 7.00 up. A beautiful stqck.of Children's Suits,'ranging in price rtonj $ Big stock of Woolen Underclothing, to Wsold very Ion Cardigan Jackets, ranging in pric^ from 1.00 up. ; Magnificent iot of new. Shirts, Collars, Scarfs,Bows and Hats and Caps just received 4 cases to he ruti. off verj Every and i Canadian. Parties vhitlng Guelph, by making it a point to call, at the _. __, going BisQwUere, wll^sayo at leusl 5 to 20 percent on every dollar ih WM. rf ERFORD ICQ Octobfir 13, I , ^Htf. 3X, I^er wyiLdaajn'! Street N: Jl-'-. 1875. #aU md ^N^te^ McLEOD. f i i .-Mammotli Houses Q6orgetpv7tti, . Beg leave tor say thai they nave .received large i Dl^ESS GOODB,io !^|S Black and Colored Lustres WHITE COTTONS, PRINTS, TABLE LIREN, .5diii?]t just LEtfHAf tr ihiy Btje r. (ysoeitd. r n-t; .. V tojiand. r I- * T hefore" " il'l,-'. 9 Guelph. -The there sy sa-vlils a large peroentasOLof^riilchthe public,.ihall get is large, varied and attractive, and as the manufacturing interes ts'.ojr.thl are i>' cunsidfirablDjmportauce. and as vJfe believe In patiohizlhgj home tndi bavo laid in large lines of tho lolloping: Xincn. Sots CAPS, s TRAY HEIFER. scrilior al^OUt t*iW BWW* wwwy~., .. ~--------, 2 years old,; . The owner is rcjqu'es'ted IP prove property, pay! pxpenscj, and tan ner away. " " i . I WM, DREDGE. NassagaweyaP.O., Nov". 15,1875. qUBSCttlBE FOR TIIE . Acton Free Press Fo T io subscriber oners1 to] i. l>oiiig Eist half of Lot ml 7i Is<f coi To*riBlijp lof Erin,; coaiprisikjg about lfiu acres, 95 teres of whidh ak-ej Under culti vation! | Situated aboiit four, utiles frdrn Acton and samp distance fioui llook- wood. All.well fenced AWt J,;Cedar rails; cobd lct-olf-farm.'clay Ispni^ WeU-watJer.- r fnrther parti culjira,.enquire DJinaldStteNair.-Actoii, or pi. . " J AMES |TfiOMr|SON. oil iuo preiui! es. Nov; 10, 1875. ii . ] 2!-lt." Tweeds, Full CHoths, Overcoatings,: -;;; Knitted Shirts and Drawers, Muffler^ . Y^rns,-Cheeks, Fine and Fancy Flannels;' xi /'. Grey and Scarlet Flannels, Bruggetk, ' Blanki: " '-, : ":"-"-. ' 'Factory.Cotton!?,- Debin ,-. ; --' /.-: |Ck)ttori Yarn, CottoriBagail - :'--i ::Ticlangs,"Shrtinfe<lj, -' '. v i \-\ Menfs WhiteMurts, SOOtTS AND SHOES, "."'..-:' BUBFA1.0 tfOBEK, ' : SADIES' FUE SETTS, - '-. -i. .-MEN'S FUR-" 1 CLOTH CAPS AND HATS. 'Th4 In lb tb b Public msty rely oa? s^ttingiS-re boant lmk Cur Our surpa now We in a uo -gooJi B , fHEFTlNCS, &C. Fancy Goods "and'Small. Wares of all'-kiids'. Carpets,. Broadolethsv 33oesSins, -- -'. ' . Enjlisn and'Seoteh Tweeds, Overcoating, Ready-nude Overcoats and Olotl ~ Boya? SeadT-iaadg; Overci v ' .'..':! ' Clowning, Gents' above Goods have been lnlported jllrect from the lending martre OURj(mHABIA^ D^i^TJ^Nffi nhovo Goods have been purchitsed. froni the b>fit and Chi Ddmlmon and will be Sold at a small adyauca oncost. ORDERED CIuOTHIN.0 DBPAIt I Aheddofall competition. OurstoCE: lslpmipnsp. JThe different IfH^HhavtfbwhEe-'. le'cto l'jwlth-great care. . Anygenileman can be suUed in, trtst^, ql^uli^!y'nnj^ price A ilul-llno of the n"west thing In Overcoatings. -Our. ftcill ieSifoj cutting ami -_. . ->,r.., ** "^J ' "llthat evppriiijVce.and ng our garments lire unsurpassed."(~We jhave all the 1 nlei - 'V: "I '- ' " v- Odmlninn- Uustry Sve" money cau procure, aua casi IhQreTore gpaxa4to'! satls'facwtcu in eve.rjf lns4ahce. "Ro IlILLIlslERY. .!' '- \ -V Show'fepomiis complete with;allLtfae laieafciafeyles ; Paris'and ITew York.: " j(; ftonsehas haeri-fmie'dfor Itsstyiishnnd.tmtqnenitHlhery. Th'jtraf>rt wosliotl issall our former olforta, because.^ e havotiveflulopt-nbd g<)ods tliuo-iU All .he Colors in Ribbjnt, leathers, ToroUolsb Orananw>nis,iap. - . ? - | "? jr\ , iimi, i tSiA'ck, as ft* GENTL.EMEN. 'f>e rorcEcinglkaBTiore'.Kijni U wpulit takeoil.tHe-pageaof a aryof.onr lm- ~.17JcJt, aliIt wpuld tatte ou.ttie-pagesoi a ivcw>ip.-tf-r":-toiieserive]th4|dtirte*it phasjfcs a.1 |la Immense variety, cheapness, oiid echraI-atlfartlonB. f^t^leplt to :>y, rievt ' " "' """ *' *'"~ --- ere d( 111 iever^tter-piypared'lo s*rve the-publlo to tntariSaUslactlonjiasi we tj"vo reerBtoek than heretofore to meet tho wants of our rv^rjlnoM liie-!tr*le, ao<l nbl, with returning-prpapwlty and th<*xccedthsly low Mrlcca.i fa.arel.VJelltjut: at, we sb^l-sairaBa-BU-oor former auvances. ..-..".. . Goods. Sold ior Oaai, and'no Second Trice. Ge'tyrgeto-W-nV dot. 7, 1S7S.V- a* .; 'K PKOMPTLYf B^ECUTKU .AT T1WB :--F^EB^^fi^ss;i:\0i ..:IJ -"i- v - MoLEOD,i ANDJ8I ^Of* ^ CO.;

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