Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1875, page 2

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iHg illftll^ NEW AOVEK Un Kirkh^nv. VJlwn'n I'liiuvb. \Y. It. StorvV. Clinvtmat Tiec-Tii d .Literary Eiiter- t,Mirmoutf. " Farm' formal e- -Th Ouijph'Artiiory rJ Coffee S'\. ^Mamo \i\\ Klertifta uiniB ACTON rS!i&h*d Ettv Tl -St Per Annum-.-iij Advance. : *$<- ' riSSMENTS FREE PRESS nrsttay Monrltij;. - MUNICilPAEi Ji administration t>f fairs for -the cot) ing venr t ii' the tpicsiiori 'whioln '\hi' |>ii1.1ic mint: try Vlt is a..queiliol', too, oif much <1_ iialdly fi>o.~ often THE tfEBATTE ON THE 4lD- j r Dftiasa, Smiig tluit no amendment {wnfr propoied to, tho Address, tho. do Ivvteiiiay^eoiii to have Wen? time af the ,' o.ff just This tlio fea- eer- idea ocssj(if|1y protracted, but as it fouled tlio flew members of ItousC an opportinity of gettiii their nuiden speeches, it was as Ave 1 thut it ihonld/bo mV detini lg of their position on part members iwas tho Uire of the' dtuiAting, ami it tainly imprussed Oho with the that tlhero \vaa'm> lack of delwlting tnlent in- tho proseitt House. ELECTIONS. Who ty-tnjwl^jtrustbd'.with the on? 'lHunidpitk'af- oon will agitate U 'over the ivmn- gn-ater e than is iintortu- TLe'ihd'tlet^jice howiv by many of the WtteHcwss r.-v- .truenUv the-' efitot of leaving the destinies of mMiicipalities ip the hands of iiicoriVpi men tion moi e for tin sbn.-tl "lienors, tb proiiiotfRg the I ; - municipality. '- '-'fu-ijHe'ntly funni: attached t ol it. f electors hajs fiv- Ti.i ttnt mid dishonest r to Stek tho posi- sake of fhii per- n with, a vbw oi" : -.' \ ' I " -' "-St mtends of the. his,. we $ay, j is too 1 to be Uhe case. Wai.pointmen: of'itytWklv honest \}"S 1>dis eiulmg . fci ; \' , : ',-..., .Mi" : : ..-'-- l.l.c--(4, Wciv laid lietoietn m wen,,but men'6 .who nre'V<h -' ! tlev(?te ;i reason \tentiun to the tnatUn Tof fare of ?iVe pi:iei -Tir t i- fej. in proinoti prosperity ~'.-of ,r-:hilei a difil, abolitabn 4>{ dual w-pi>'!>eht;itii'n is sjiid jip 'lmvo jdepleted tliu: Housi; of mueh. of jta talent, we aw inelineil to believe ilia last (jenerarKleetion lias rceu ted pjar 1/xal Parliaiiu nt ui respetft to a very great extent both-sides of the llviue mei have i'xhibited u .stioiiiJ-leaiiii wimlij uigleraVfp.Uftu .politics seeing to'ibi>"'lt?It" by tho ] House, inoiv. thiin by either g' the two'Houses which preceded it that party' polUieA_in. provincial i tlaii-s are a | very secondary matter,- It is rjettiilg to be understood, .that wi:;e and . economical ladniiiiistniti nV ot our provincial ailairs on thi -jvirt of the people's re.preseiit;v.tiv< .h Lr.e thecliuf -mjuUiteu as"iv.gard.-j Joea} polities. : last but . the iera- _lhis ! On ibci.s. to- uVswit-i'Ji' bilsiiiess c;^pauity ile- and \vi!Hi:g to Vie share of their [trogress anil wrl- tl>ey lvpivsent, is impo t.ince. nicSev The Public. Accouhii. The public accounts of.Oi together wiili a stateineiit' tt.'CA-ints and expondr.uw-s f liiDiiths ending Sept, 1 lure, ojn Monday. The jjjoss'a of the expenditure for 1^71 ;a snii'ilj ileorei^e, a-j coiupaiv that of IS7;>. h'or 1S74 it, aiioutit- exl .tpj .SL>,o-t.2,3,'i'J.;"t2, -and '{ Traye upon the ch hether a ]>'lje> is .;ls a cstab- UP-3S. AIV ilueU dejnH^ls of the Co'int'il or is nottrT-cnde ett attirtcliv W'siilcuee or doiniblc tor the lishiif:u'.t'of 'bnsiues.*. An-inteHi gent,pctivif Cotincilivill nial^e itself :isj the iro tb. and .tlifjj-'-niuoicijvvlny ; tli at previoiiis; year After ' deduetiu to sJ.iC0,?r2.23- the ainpun tario, 'f the r the 30 th,-- i'gisla- ir.ouirt shows 1 w it'll The Toronto "Abortiok* Case. Kx-Aldt'huiui .t.-ioinenti: of To ronto who was suspettedjof txntig the svducer .of thfrJ girl Jwno Vaughaii UilnYour, aiid of having induced tuM-'io *ji) over ti) l)itvin, 4iHiV-notnuUy paid him for procuring abortioii, -w;is ant'sted ii\ Toronto last Friday inornin^J lt'in import' iu\ 'that on' July 2-Uli, tho date on which dece.esed .wiiK last Keen allvo, alio wnb brought into town on load of whoat-iieoonipnied by ^,wo- Boils of tho ueoused, -' Clement in charged with feloniously und unlaw fully counselling and procuring oin Arthur "Paul Da via ti) product abortion by uso;of JiiKtriiiuontsorl ouo.Jaiu) Viuiglian-(.JilniiouV. H<| wa,s brought l>foru the Polico ^lu gistrivto last iSatui'day,iuiil roniamU .yil for one week, l)ti\l ! being ro- ftUed. Dut'ing this jiTorning Ml. l'Vnson, t'lown Oounsid^ consulted Attorney (icncral JMoWat. as to tlio .course to be persued. t>>voiNil ru inois are" abro;nli us to the reaso i for tho sudden; tho most igeneinl one being that Davis, 1ms confessed. The authorities.]=-ana. very retiecnt and no par)iicQlyii,B ca l lx! obtained. ; '[..;'" ExTUAuKnis'Aitv Lo>'ci:vitv. -- The l'ieton St:>ii'l'.tirl Mips the ii- rofil of ages with : - "oh'leat' inhabitant'1 lias tieelinipprppriati d liy-iuaiiy places, but wel think that, i'jetim t'ounty can claiin to posse-s tliat veritable biding ainriig its reri- dniits. A wonniii liutiieil ' iMts. Jane Sutheilnud- 1'aiiiiliaily know.ii a.s."-big J alio" -is now living n Upper Barney's liiver^ who is new age4 130- years- a fict of whi i Tho civil w.urxiiv Spain lonka ub ' if it vronkV'-noti' last mil oh longer!, AnoTJhor CtffliHt'goneiral iunrgotiaU- ing, and no further communication will bo i^coived:by tho Spanish uiv- thqritioH from Don Carlos but his tincqiiditiotfal .Kim-Miiler, All this Ixindon jonrnnls ngKo in vfdiuuliii? his lust hator, and his forties ai\>" said to bo oxhivustod and disorgan ized. : The REtT.NT Btobm. Thu.snnp which wo exporienced on Monday ^ceni-to have boon general ovorail tho northern part of this continon:, fionrNebraska ib tho Atlantic tieJk: uoniil,-.,' In sovoral parts of Dntario tlio th<-iuoi|ieter registered; belov zero, tiautionary signals worn dii- played 'Oiytll tlio la'lics. On Lakes ilnroiiHitd Kvie the storur wan si Vere, and a numbi.-r- of .disnste h to shipping and losses of lifo are re ported. Vessels aio ashore at seve ral; points also on Lake 'Ontario. T'/iok Orri'ori The ^hief of Police at (Miiqago lwis c'y- ciilated infonnation through the Dominion to the effect that, seve ral parties have skirted for: Canada on a swindling expedition! in the way of selling patent riglits", get ting up stock companies, reeeivijig notes .for interest in the same, and ilu'm, of cairtse., decamping; leavi|ig tlmir victin}s in tho lurch. The public must bo wjitchlul iignitisl res, mid doubtless the of >r the ts ex- ubiils'o ru' for . At it 'iVi ::J \7~: - *- = in'. S:-_4. i-k: lei'dless one ^jloos Httlt. y.sbilnin sofeiiui '. roncleive artd p:is$ aiew'fornial iesj f olirtions of a^verySordiusry char.^o- ior, will fjTect but little substantial { nnjiroveuient,- ami- leave things . aBj>ut as they fonnd them. Tins is, of; eo'urse,- sp^akuig generally,' and without-any. locul reference. - ,JJut waiing to-our own village : we yet- btit little infonua-. tiori~a*-*o the probable character of thejdfpiiroa^hing contest. AVe are sorryr however, ito-find tl|nt our present esteemetl Reeve, Mr. -W. H. Storsy"- declines to again become a canbidate for re-election: thud ne- cessitsting the election of some one el& We bave'_ no -doubt a very' l$rge p'ropoTtion of the electors will join us iiT regretting tlie loss- of his ,' T Valuable iervi'ces in.- that capacity^ T We havejlieard the joames of two M Or three .very very good men tuen- _i tioned ;:as.^,liL*,probable successor, .' bnt, theiriannoTuncctneiit would-be ' yet ^ireiuKturl. ^ Two at least of - the 'present ocmnciV have stated ,tben-\inteiition Of Ji5ot; again being -- candidates. \^Te ho]>e that'the va- -Icancies wilpbg filled wit^Si firefcliiss iinen, and fv-e believe we hq-ye am ple -material to tiraw froTni^ I>et -! those of our citizens who have ' the s . ("welfare of our _-village at 'heart strain every effort^to return men JAvho are not biily above reproach,, i/but"whose itifelligence: anrl~st;ind- ] an^ wijj 'gain for them that consid- , efation which they ought to receive^ ;.;.-both at-home and abroad. Tl is : not iiecess.'iry that every candidate I for municipal --honors should be men J; of great erudition and eJbquence, j "bitt.tUej- shouhl bo ' nien >-of good, comnion 'sens*; and fair busmess ability. Andaliove allj-do not al low'the'politic il leanings "of nfcaui pendent, an'capital account, a re.fiimts: tlw. expendit' li> rt.;rinounts to 61,7Gti,13'3 thCi-end -of ISi.7 4 the.-totalUif iets of thiS-.'PvpvmeC! auiouniel to=.*B,: "^:>.<t.l,..rtnii the li.'iuiiitii'S. io illj^^D.lU,' Jeaving' ;v liif. .-?5,Ui.)'5,-t-4 I.?!). .Tho his financial siatemei mated;!'the ix-venno for If' S2,5(i6ju(iii. - liy the nine 1 statpuiint brought down on lay it i appears that the gi ccipts f^r the nine inoiitl reache(h?2,G10,4G(t, but as jico of :l'er,ili \, tsti- 7;") ;.it' l'onths" Moii- oss . re- lave this in- cluilvs .f51)3,2^0 ri-alized frmn feal of _ debl-ntures, the nett eceipts fro m al 1 o rtl i mi ry son rces 11 ay.-. Uc reckoneil for the three quarters at $2.100,000. TTiOji appropriations for the Vejir auiounted to 508,. besides tlw SlOO.OO.Oahntially charged on account of tnb Kafl'vav Subsidy: fund. It may; \>k a usi'imed, anding I^mds to the therefor^/, that^uotwiths; the falling offiti the Crown pepartinent receiptsvowing depi-ession in the lumber tride and the general financial stri igency, there will d>e a surplus on tho.yeiir's transactiqns of from three hundi-eJ- thousand dollars^ I up' the surplus asfeets of t vincn^o'very nearly five anda half millions of dollai-s. The Suez Canal: tinues td be com-menteii oh attract .grjeat attention in The shane3 are stateil to ha ' -n amm-- ' dhiate-tb.. atioji. be taken into-consider- -'^^'rfi -1 'K.l:..-'iiirl- ?.' An appeal H~ bajs^-tjofih .entered ^againstthe deslsion'of -Mi-. Justice : Patterson in the ^IcCiitncy case. :; The .libel suit brought by the : -; Hon, Win. McDpugall agaiiist the '(ftoho ter/hiiiuted on Siitm-day by the'jiiry bringing in -11' verdict for . plaintifT"witJi one shilling danuiges.. .-----~-------m-'-'m~-'r~ r T]be fleet-toji "in West peter- boro'ugli is'protestecL. If wiili be fi-esh-in rt-he uiinds of jnost of purl readers tliat Mr.,. W; H. Scott waa dech(recl| elected j;fer that eoristitii-' .; oacy by~a tiAjofity dfltuie-oves his bi>iionen%~ Mr'.- Cox. i * 1 -.j W---------- '.^* *<i*-Tri-----:--------^ : [ -An 'pi-der iti Cjoinicil \\asv b^en' .v. *jiph)v6<l of by his Honor thjeiiieu- r,- teaaitrGrovewiofi authoypiiig jibe, -,~jeIerk3:of the yitVwufi ufunscipalifcies hs-y'm^. ballotiioxes- belonging tnr the jfjritrarftmenjj of Qatario, to ber- nrt^sueli balloit' be usexl first offered to | France, hi difEcultji .was made, and respeiisibjo Freiw;h!officials crinunating one; another Titnn* s;iys tliat Bther powe not jiotined, beeaiise -there' time arid also bec;uise they.; right of protest, b\jt Li: N> ird,-.the Drussels Russian drgau, says that it"seems-imjossible for the iflairto be complete without an ntetiia- tional arrangement. It is intend- to' fQur ringing ie Prp- md to} -jurope. e been t some i^ow the are in- Tho s we're Was '.no had no such ihipostur WS. :" und Co'rca genera;^ NE War butwtlon Japuii is considered intivitubio. ThO. Uniteijl States1 Arjniy, ofllcurs uiulmcin number .less tl tin twenty- six thousaiul. . Tho H. ifc'N. W. wo iiidei*stand is to bo built to (fcorgetjoSvn by the 1st of next S;!p'temboi . Tho ' Imperial Paulii ment will probably jnei f Dec. bit 1, to rtitifv tho jiurcliiisc) of thti Kuez Canal shares. -Tlio wife of Jamos Dionnnn died in Montreal from con jet tion of Ilia bruin tiiVouglji drink, iindlwus found lead in bed by Jier husband. A report-! comes from London " U,o Kgypi- illi.-d in 1111 lyssiiinians. y in-PAiis \\ Saturday ! Jiisuraneo -and $1,000 tliat twelve. Bundled of tiaii troops ltjivo heeii 1 engagement With tho A A. Vj'hitelaw's foiinil was destroyed by liro t evening. Lijss heavy. i?l,fi00 in Corn jMiituai ju WatoiliKi Miitun Tlio' work on Uie now at Cuelph is progrsssin Tho buildin recent exj wrience ef these w to ';tho|Old lady herstlf jliwke.-s ShU was .borii in the Parish Clyhe, Sutherlanitshiro' Scdthinltl, nnd: sinew her' tini^ tl county has resided in \\.-\\ jivl'-scut. place of abode, where [she reared large, family, the you tiger iiiciiiliji of which is now an oil-mini. M Sutherland can sti1! ] readily ot verse in tho good old (Jaelie tongue,, and her hearing-is but slightly i paired. . She still'jilses her (la j7 . Ilibois on tho old ScQfch sptiining wheel, and is as-'good as tialiy i.H 11 a century youiigoTj Longcv, stems a prominent "trait in her i'lin- i!\\ for her brother, John Snth lanii, Keltic, who died about sevf' teeu years ago, \va.s"over 11-3 ye old, andhis wife^-nhp diej a lil iifter, wanted but a .short time have tlie same lengtlKined existei The united ages of this coiiplo w 23(yeais. - .-. j- 1 - ' ' Or.'TAUIrt MAXtTAf-Tl'lin^lS. I week n-large liuiuber of inannli niiei-s from all parts of (he Pro vince assembled in St. Ijiwrtdice Hall, Toronto, to Cike into consid eration the present deprekisioti trade, and the b(-st means t<$ taken to restore:- it; to ivihealhy stiite. Mr. W. H. Howllnd, -ci-ius elected chairman, and a number] of speeches were delivered, the tehor of. which was tfya't; the country wantedr more protect ion = tor jits manufactiirei's. :|V pet of resolu tions wliich jvere ^prepared by the committee appoink-<l for that pur pose, was presented. Tho niost important, recomiiri'ends iberimppsi- tion of duties on th productions of foreign- countries (the imot.her conntry excepted) exactly epjual to duties impbsckl ?'iy 1 each fforoign country oii siuiijiar pan;idian pro ductions, butjiever less than that on British gold's, i '! . . i! ; - - .;: WEATsrna ^itEbicfross. Which 6f:tlio"foll67iug predictions j made by local wealheri-"prophets, '.' bpth of.-good standing.f'ai* likely ,to be true : One' says4^-Thi-s auturori is to be tke tint-tit-,that we. have had ill Wjny years, with1 lib freeze, of 10 ,h'ive been badly bitten by " pattnt lihurn" Or \ " sutgical "Iieedle" Y^in- Itees will tOUcli them to be wary. A .Swi^i>i.i:. .A person giving his naiie las D. H. -Morgan and pretending to ' b? . dea.f anil 'dumb visited St. JIarys the other .tl ay, and advertised iui entertainuientj in the Town rllall. The ."dilmtuy " i'liproy.d the titno from bis vnfr^e th.e night of the performance u by selling'tickets and makin chases of necessary dry good several of th? stores. Tiro tern hearted ]icople of the town bought tickets for charity's yoij ktitfw, and about f?.40 cl d pel ce were pocketed by Moi for: tho .pasteboards. - For wearing iippa.r'el orders.-iwero gi in he regular fimdncss w.iy' to' ' 'Ilehsurer " at the door. On' 'un.ay about noon, the popr "du man1; thought ho would take .luily'out for .1 drive,'and to. iOni!( hireda hoish and buggy a f'f- ( stnjlili! of.. tho Messrs Nicul, tt'e coijiiinjj jbaek at tho :i]i]>pi: i'oWn-iri^ ;; favorably, r promises tho town j altogeth Io be a great! addition-t of tiuelpl Mr. I Fyde, having inn Taller, and tho ' ' fattei ing been kjlleil in th gave an eijitjor si chimci *.' tt'wfts iuitj thurfirst ti tlu had ,bee]u killed It and Taller.'-' The report of the Pi agemeut of the recent Provincial Inhibition jit Ottawa,.-showed the total expenditure, from local sources to the exhibition aifl ground, to eeii f>51.()00.' Of this;amount k' a Miss calf" hay-' i'v liquor, it to siiy that uie that cat-. r tho Hyde i 4.. afil of Man- :be 1st ac- tinjie, Mr, Niehol went aftt'l atil overtook him at Stibt The horse hire was demanded ite dily i'-iid, ;ind the "ilutii ve -v good lnunorcdly enijuired, time--without 'the use of the tl alphalxit Or pencil, if there any others aft-r him. That the last of thft " poor" duniiii} htil ; lur- in ^'- ' just: ke,' gan the veil. till! kit-- i)iib" his that the Not ted i j i 111 ird. ^nd ,ny" this iimb 1. ore- was Railway .AmalRamation. The iidjourned sjipcial'. meeting of thosharehohlei-s.of the Hamilton and Like Erie. Railway Was [held the oilice of the Hainilton and N'jrth-western Railway last v eek, for the j)iir)>oso- of considering the --'-- j ,H-.- the thi"e yet 1 nmains ian of-S 10,-107 lo liiiiitiliit'^. The Wii erloo C/ii-o Tluj woik of renioviiii! from the Bi-ilMi .Met! yariLis progressing ri iutended ,to' oiler the sale before. |yery lotiy The Ola},,-, f.-ivs thAt ting talent of the pi-t indebtedness i/i}'(rvsayH: tho reiliiiins jdist Clrave- liidly.1 . It-is [irhperty-for paring Burblary in Toronto. About ,'fou'tl o'cteck on Suntlaj afternoon fhtl porter of MeSsrt iiockhitrt nndj Hiijlduud, w]iolc!tul( dry goods nicii, went a usuniito their warchbttso; oii'-Wci}iij;tpn. st,, to Bi:o that all: was right,: .Iftrtrj iiig to open tv:p fi>tlnt door lujfoitivl it barric"aded,|aiid was |i4iiablp to. gift-in. IIo ibnnediately sent j two strangers, who 'wore' jiassing, to got semo-p.oliccnifijn,' as ho know sbino thing was wrong. .' Threo pplice- moii ap^edilyj arrived, and seeing t\ro inoii 'ruiniing away from, tin back of the ;s<<ovOi gave'clmsoi and captunid theiif. fTlieir liainef* ai't Fretl. ltiguaiflt, tho . -vrcll-known burglar and kjeepor :of an ass'lgna. Uon house, 'linil Andvhw'. Siiiith Admission Wiis theii..fmeed by tho police inlo.thp Htpi-e,!aiid the-fjtpck found in greult -d-iiiuijcler, : On tho ground in it jwall . eighteen iji'ch^it thiol;, scpamtjiiig llip; stoi-n-fi-otil tlie waiehouso nilj6iiiun.g, v 11 ich wiia va cant, n liolo was foun'd large'cnbugh to admit of tlio passage of i a. hiab's body. TheiburgliTrs m.jtlo, iiiii' c.n franco iiito tlie'storo by bitrsiing a panid of tho'baek door anil'wiench ing tho lock oflT. ,'Ih; the latterj place, was fo mil 8S/J00 \*prth. of 'silks, velvets,-real lax;e, and: teal, skin the ibest iyidut^ -lini^ selected with groat judgement aiid inado up in pircels .tiedjround witl;! shawls.ready . for carrying awaj and by the.side of .the : goods wci< found 11 complete, kitt of buigliaii toolt*^ Tlit; men uro iiotori.ouHiehftir aeatt;rs, well known to .tfi'o polioi and siippiyjed'to belong to the samp gang V'liti have been opera tin,", on si largo seal an|l other places, including two .0 thjeu t'xteiihivo silk I robberic wl ' ' we the deba- sent I.egisla ture is nmch superior ;o that in tin old'Huii.'-.e. Most of.j.thelspeeche! delivered in t lost oflthelspreches ' ^ Actoii.-jm th e debate un the Ad- lWv. <'. W. ijalver: dress- aio of more 'h: ability. : In Chatham, a you Thus, Russet, owing, disap]>Oiiitilii'ii,t. in ]oin liipior'j cut his t p(>cl;et kiiil,u. The at locket.kiiitu. The attempt nt -sui- idii was frustrated before he could g tiinn named :t is j said, V to md beiifg with, a tempt nt -sui renev/ it, and his life 7 On Saturday r.igl ham, of;vi!l<!. v- under u'ri attack of'/'. ..1 iiltemjitctl I to cifinin cutting bis throat, lartiallv slieeceechnl arretted aiid lodged i Tho nsii'al jumitiily ing been made to 'die Viinigiiard' tho dav bi sel fouiiik'rod. the 1 money w.-iji lost. Trjo have direcited that all|v uh occured in Toronto. The rje- up at jthe Police Colut 01 M'Midav, and committed to jail ft trud. "'-:.! ! ' - L1YJEJLY! LIVEJLY! LIVELY! ~J>n * *i AT " THE GOLDEN LION," Gh-CTKIXJPIH: Trams IcaV-a Morning Mail] Dy Express Express Mixed Niglit Expresl Jf ight Expresl .Mixed f Day Kxpreul Mail Mud ACTO Haib goingJ Going East atj Registered 1 nunutes beforj ^nattiibnU : Tire bc-t Falln Tra<]e we have ever clone, a ml cntli thittloe/i it I'oi wo buy theip bu\in^ Iaicely mtl un'erielling everything riving, to bo rushed olFat pjnic prices. lhe leading home all at tit set, Piles of now foods again ar- i New fresh stock of Furs on hand, in everyday cht iper than any hitherto shown, , 1 I A eases New Dry Goods tremendous hargaias, worthy tho atlc> lion of buyeri Thrr^ cases Ne?-Mantles. ,n Nen Ffmterst, New Featficrs in endfess variety Ihoiis ' ----- in tho Millinery Department, up sturst >hnnl8, all bo ng sold decidedly cheap, isands of Clouds^ 8ei: A bankrupt stock of Tweqdv vvi'I be' so13 onc> teinfic b irpiih? in every inece 100 pieces or Scarlotl Flanrel, qu ility, it ^0q per yard, I V LOCAL XEall lunM, tuch a* *p tntpt of ten ttttermttrn/, the countrtitmd may Gopy, ' at tami Hoi mlpublication i e>tti\ it laiut. LOCi <ffsL 15 Pa fin Tlio Georgetown curling club h; be.'n r'e-orgaiiized.' , ' .I Revival-set vices are.being hell in'the W, M.; Church, Oetirg<Jtow|i cabli evenirii;;1 . ' ' In the Up Staiis Department! I am full of BufSa- lo Robt , mueh cheiper tlnn nn\ thing in Guelph We do the best Taj ps~ trj Cai petit 70c with 00 I fferent pitterns to choose frnpi.] 500 pieces of diik jii) home-n itlo rulleil li eel, extri heavy, nt 37 ic per yard, wtrtb 7 jc Come iij.hfc along where the bai gains aii, and get a full choice olat* 1 c' 1- es ol gooas, I ii' averaire to! Mi nutui:i. J'fit in?t., (>y tSa i-t, Mr. Jan. .\(cJ, Klii-.-il;th Milne, lmth "nt (Act' J. D. WILLIAMSON, *< ^ee the ooldrn Lion over the door was jsaved. , .Jlames CVi-.i- hile laboring mini (niii.ii)S, t.] suicide.' by but had only when' lie was 1 the cells. > payment hav- cieiv of .the fore that ve.i hplo' of the pj Admiralty -, ...... -.., Afho received jiayiiient'ipr that morjfli shall bo re paid the full amount J' ! " - The season has arrived when the CJii'eflil'hoMsowifo begiiis fo .hustle 'it-r floweii fjardeii, inq6 the house, chetn freeze 1 reneyv- her liijiual voW that "sh .....- | V U IT propanitory to having under shelter, and tfi' som^jiei-sops iposseHsiiig [tlid ed that coniidence of the British pfjverii- ment"shall proceed to"'EgK'pt and examine into lier finances, and al together tie course of afi'a: rsdojks like the ifornntinn of vtry close iiondsbetween England an 1 Egypt my eoriseiiMence until tho 2Qtl: pi December,"and ;then npthinq to ma"ke glad the beait of the ice-dial er. A fine Indian summer in J an- Tbe. British Grain M; irkefe :I^Nb"M, Nov. 29'. '-^- Tho Mijrk Jyini ETptjp.x* in its review of tho grain markets of tthe pa it week-, sayfi " jhat'Englahd'hashal a1 drag ging trade, with iinoccas onal de. eline, owing chiefly to the want of conditJOn iji samples. -In Holland niid Relguiin, former n.tes are uiaintaiiiefiji In Germar y, there has been KlightyiliictnationH. Prance, qfiptations are unchftiigcd^ although in viucial' markets there hat advance o a shilling', sniall.supp ing from a . A great ported as ]>ervading\ the Hiring inte country..- at fhelato in Toronto , striking In ;eneraljyj' ome pro- been an wint^ to is suffor- les. . Algeria severe drought. legi-ee Qf diillness is i|e- manufac- :-ests in all parts of the Ohlyik' single i kdividual manufacturers!' reported, his agreement entered iiito by tl: rcjtors with; the ilirectoi-s of Haiiiiltouland North-westerh Hail way i 'ompany for 41 union ot the tvo Companies. There Wils a large atteiidancp of shareholders, anil gieat interest manifested in the pi pecedings. The chair was j>ccu- , (]i?l by James TurnA, Pros dent t0 ktL a?tLer l>lan of the Company, who explaitie|l the, oViject of the meeting, lloach submitttd tho follow s< lution, which' was seconded by James Stewart, and carried uliaub moiisly : "That'the agreement of tlie eleventh day of August| last, made, by the Directors of this pom- p my with tho Diit:ctprs 61] the tys. the utiryj with 6nly.\ |a few cold' tl More:' rain^ than fsnpw dithing .winter, and little.:' 'i-j.110 sleighing. A few cold days bi !Feburary, just for at chiinge; wltb a dry, clt udy and warm March. Variable' in dry the April, to bo fplloxVed by a May. Whilst the following is opinion of an old country ge 1 tie- predicted winter : 1 December 1st, through the entire man, who correctly severe1 season last winter, it will be cold, cold, cold, cold, and, woi-se tlian that, ibere will be np-spring, (vfcry much last year), and you [will, find fires comfortable June. till the fir ilias a litory e-d4vil" 1 Nelson, the rotn like your it of meetiiiQg establish-- meni'tas-.wcjikin'g onfull ti ne. This: illus-tratioi of , the; aB taksifc gresit curtailment that 1 place ^iri -tlie' wages.' of ornplo3rees our mills hat soijne m fofjwinunp^L ejections held ifor ,--.,,,-,,-.. *> I."' tuci} mWcipafity^'berie Bueh^aso i*wn arte preparing fiorae bfng the - ' " d.ipftlil intvaribre |with the use' of 'atifcal, bnjthe' fourth of Janu'ijiT -; thfl Jballotbox'* :f ri PfjivincL-il. or] next,-at which ditto thr -County U"- ---i^i^ibioiieiectiSaTS,V f( " J -' Lodgd we^lii th<?re. arid in theipHodiiction. of >ind shops.!. We ti-nst light may :be thrown upou-the dis puted1 question as to wlat is.tjhe' caiise" tie tonses of-this state tilings fsvitJk . a view' to their moyaL Tlio Good; Templars o ' George; he Janiiiji-y VJllg near She i(i thb imed icted ted a t she" The Hamilton 77, about a certain ". si in tho Township of Zimmerman village!, wife of a"respectable farmer n Griiham, and it seems is' adc to drink, being when irjtoxien perfect fury...; On Fridky laa entered tha hoiise tjf a neighbor, .1 ikboring man named Burns beat Sir's. Burns within ah inch.of her life, and tried torset the hou >o on tire, i Mrs. Graham is now in Mil ton-gaol awaiting trial. m . The^Jaelot. Poi^tlio first 'in tho liisjtory of ; Canada,-th^ tiHg at the japproacl lng Municipal Elections will bo by, mejans o| the of re- tbiie vo- Mayor wing rq- 110, .uUVcr!:'. 1 never try Ovtr winter, i county of liners ton on November, Hamilton and.Northrwestern Iwail- v ay Cdmpiiiy for the nnion of the 'two Companies, and now submitted, ti this meeting, be, and tho Isiune h: heteby approved arid ratified." James Watson moved, secondsd'by %.: Cl! Kerr, "That 'the ' .varin t ianksaf tho sluireholders a'ro due, and are hereby tendered to tlie. Di rsetois of the Company for the management of its affairs; and. as sjme acknowledgment of tho obli gations the shareholdei-s are under to Messrs.:. James Turner, Edward Gurneyj W., J. Gopp, John-fituart, J/ames M. Williams; arid the late Andrew:, |T. Skinner,.for the largo -financial responsibility assumed by ' genUemen on behalf of tho .(poiupany, that 3Iessrs. Timer, ljiurnej-;|:Copp, Stuart, and Wil liams, bo asked: to acce])t tlio sum f 10,00.0, to;bo,distributfed by itiom between themselves- and Mr. Skinner's representatives iiji such iroportions as they may deem fit, nd that such sum be payablo next fter discharging tho. debts of the, Company." The following were blected directors of the amalgamat ed compjiriies^ Messrs. John Stiinrt, !Ames-Turner,- Edward Gti'rnoy,-P. I. Davfoot, W. Hendrie, W.' J. lopp, J|. W. Williams, M.P.P., John Field, M. Legatt,. Mayor; of the city! and the" Warden of the County of Simcbe. The construc tion of tlie road will bo proceeded with at pi\ce.~^-Hamilton Cor. " ' Bkilbt, instead bf""]heii!g open as -At tlie last; annual tneeting. of heretofore. .. The Ia|v provides that ,he Canadian\ Press Associiition, certain " Instriictionsi to Voters" held in Hamilton, it was: decided shall bojprinted for jthe guidance of ||,imt tiiel excursipn be. to.Phikdel- thpse -wishing to ca$t their ballots. bnia, ne} t year, when the' members - Mr. Qordcn Brtiwn,; of the Tb^' lyill hav 3 an opportunity of visiting i-bnto Globe, is:Eb.out;tcl leavet<Jan. fhe great Centennial Exhibition, a'da to spend tho winter in Galifor- It is-probable that the ^rip ivillj nia1, on uccount of his haalth, which take) place place somewhat, earlier continues! in fin I unsatisfactory .than on iforrner years probably in 'Tiio. Waitlcn of th Wellington ]?i Thursihiyj night, 25th fto- consider the qmsion of the county of Wellington : assuming Palmeistbn's .shiire ef the debt of the county of Perth. .It was found that there were leguli obstructions in the way, and special legislation will be Jiecessary in it in to lib done. tfhe matter if case pf tlit) The, vbrdict in tlio i'l-'futal i Pacific . distjibutes' the blanibI pVetty .equally] all round. The Qipiieus \frns in pifoiierly steer ed, bub if tho Pacific had: been sea worthy! she would .have stood the shock. \ The crew of the latter also were inkuflicient nnc. undisciplined and herl boats could only carry two- thirds pf thoso oh biard.i \ : ' Libel I SSuits are lot prospering now. The Hon. \^mj McDotigall only got Wonty.five cents for thti lamago done to his character by a ainst him n tlhb G/.ohe of trying t(J; wrongfully obtiiin part of theSUve Islet whip America ii Company anco of Ilr. M. C, (ormer Crown Lab rriTl'XICTlML KliK^TJONy fi. J. p^^B,HD\. ; Raving lies h;infonnb.V.that my tia:nl h^s a^aia bi-'Wi -nu;ativ-'hi:'l Ks-.a ciii<li<l it |fur lic-uvo ai the appiviacliing clbetji'iii 13 i.lfem it myliliity to-state'.i t 'nvj inteiilieii t ai;.-iin l>t.y(iuiu ;[ c.iii.l ihitu for ia1iiiiciji:d 'lmunr.-C; -'Ii' <\i> il I also taker thU"~<pi)iirtaiiity:(if thank n^. tlie electors Kir the.ciiiitHl-inie thiy h:.\i. eutrustcl me witltduring tlv; t\v<> yfc: rs 1 iluivu faitlitnlly but perh.-ub iin^urfi 1 t 1_Y attempted to do my duty, Furtlii. 1 rjjic^fl-aet.-. <if kiiuliil-:!.s aliil'^omUii-ill \i|>*i.-li liavo) tira exhibrte'l jtuwardii 1111 . vi nil times, ihd esji:-ci:illy ,wliili:- ill tl il|Bch:ir^c xif my lUitii.-s,' 1; linvt a fun. ipreci.ition, 'Ihognituful rc-iiieiiihra. icu ' wlii--li I trust, neither, tsnio lier: ejiiiiHt.iuee will titlrvac. ! I W. -H^fiTOl'.EV Uce. 1, 1S75, I . ! D WARE For the Season njyrtimg at ! Acton. A CVffeu Social will bc| hel.j r.t it'Mileiice of Mr. Cliarfus t'itrucrin.jBiji jtliu eycniii" of \Ve<lniitiy, the! 1 ])ucomV>er"j<l.j>f St. (lli'iircli Parsonage fund,.- A c": \fit itioa extended to all. '. icton, Dijc. 1, 1S75. i-jlIItlSTMAS TREIi LITERARY ENTERtAlNKENt. nioYoui g People's Litcrart- Socieh tial fltli 11 s 2U-dt lodist. 'Churchill Acton, ill j; .1 Christmas Tijce in tho " Christmas; Ever.r Par ic-. liang presents thereon i 1 ,i caii do so 011. the I at torn -inn Hfcii at 9 p \ctoii, -D hi'l: 9 - . 1 niiesing. -For liartictiltvrs add-: ^s 'i i ' THOxNiAS CLYKYIJ . Erhi P.01, Out., Nov. 3J)J:1S75, state. bolbnggd to an , by the assist- Caiberbn, the Minister. _, A telegram from i Ottawa an nounces I that' tho death .sontence passed idn " Dr." Dayia and his wife.; for jibe murder of Jane Vaugh aii Gilnibre, has been by the proper, authority comriluttcb tb imprison ment fori life. This step dered necessary by tlio aid thoy have fufnished by" moans of theit confession, in seem big the convio tion of thp seducer Ptobcrt B. Allen, wh) attempted to commit suicido in Haniilton a few dayi ago, by slipoting himself, was a feiw months -ago in- Fergus where: hp droveth'b North Ameri can Hbtel omnibus.; Ho camo from.. Paisley, and bat. j securities amounting, to 1,000 !when he l-eached Ha'miltohi but it appears he fellamong thieyes who bought him out for S300,!aftejr which lie commenced a downward course and M: '}' wound up by ttyin owrilifb'j.' ' vo tako his if the Met i id havin !"1 urcli on ri ihing ti) |li :ir frienil ){ the '24th.' A good litcraW land ru ciitertainnicnt will be pibvideil the Soifictjy. U m CRAS. IJASBlt, P )[2c 2, 1S7;".. ] 23-v l'OU sale! One hunVlred acres of-'-land,- ivcfl ioded, being the cast half of. Lot 21, the 5th Concession, in t:lic Town: hi]) .I'ELPII AKMOR]lf, AtSO (J,old,|Silver &!;NiclkeI Plying .Wteks, lliS QUEBEC STREET* GuiilfPS, ALV1A BLOCK, GUELFH W e are-4liowlng the best sKnety of V Il ] - (lOGI-S'^ FMtTU S CElEBrATEll STASH), . tier pliced before the people I of Gttelph 1 L' 1 t'l-iict", Toilettes, Almi Block, Ouelphj Nov 24, 1S75 Celeries, Sdc. NEW ADVER1ISEMEMS l3l b> (iora uS t -pjllZE PHOTOGRAPHS. ISow is the' Time for ^ticap Pictures. I Best Hetouchetf md Burnls'hed ihotognghs reduced to gl 00 per doron at tho | Ontario Phnfogrcqih Gallery, Acton Call at once and obtain a good end cheip picture, finished in lhe best style, before prices are agum ad vanced N, B, We weie awaidei all the iii it prizes ovei all competitors it the hte County r*iur at Jldton, Oct ISthand 11th, 1875 C W HILL, Photo. " Acton, Npv 2G, 1S75. 22-3m olin it [act Mamijta<!turer.ahit Importer ot rceeb and vMnzzle Loaijing Itiflj-s, Shot Guns, &c j 'evohcrs jo/ all descripiom always on hand, ILMMTJNItTION FOR AIL SREjECH 'I. :'! -' LOADING jjiftlIS. Ely <St ^j-noch's Cai-llj-ld flfl am :e Ctn(|p i.'aiul Cups for fris-iondlnC: ftntacf H'd-loi tiers llo-rapnem. Cap Kjnctiii-s, .CurlofB^.aiiU'loaiilnEltBttst uii*=rfl ox.lfles necessary for a Sporrsn-jnn's ouitlt. ;. -.., _....^ Q ifc-patrljighnit'Jobbing All son executed \n tho Klfones'k ntttlce at 48 Ctucboo Strtioti joxis i:iaKHAvf ffi^-RI(S c Galtcry ch 'Oto-.prom open Stou, 10 p'elotli a 111,1 c lo i>.ui I OtIIMON "V\7EA\ING Carpet weaving, stripping, twilling, ind'all kinds of homi ruade Work to suit firmeraland others, proniptly and pro- | perl\ itkcnded to, atlmy residence, sour Dublin Ichurch, about a milo.and 1 halt - from -iitio [HUG-H BELL. ysquesmg, Nov. 1, 1S7S 21-3t# QT11A.Y SUEE*^. Cinra- on tn tlie prtstaiaea of the ub> ^ scriberj Lot No lb 14th con. XTuiagat weycitboat the middle of August laat, one Ewe and one Lamb. Tho owner 1a requested to pewre-prpperty, pijr ekigs ana takc.thi.iu a,iayii 1 rf ^ WM J, GOKDOIT.* Niasagiweya P O *}fov. 15, 4875. HEIGH HO, STOP! HARNESS SHOP.lwhat,st^MaJter? llio subscriber begs to announce to tho inhabitints- of Acton and vicinity tint he has commenced the harness business in the Old Post Office Building, MULL STREET, ACTO"N, wheio he is prepare 1 to turn put work second to nono in the Domin ion as cheap as the cheapest, and on tho shortest possible notice I have on hand a large and well select ed stpek pf Horso Blankets, "vTlaiBs. BrusWs. Ootabs, Trusts, oto. Uepajnng piomptly -attended to. Give me a pall and be convinced. J F.DEMPSEY Acton, Nov. 23, 1875. .-sps- Post Ori-ior From the leport of the Postmaster Gtneral for the yeai ending Juno 30th, 1874, it ap jmjiis that the gios3 levenne of Guelph post ofhco for that time amounted to 10,190 79 Salavies amounted to 2,331 Foiwaidal low ance,-$400. In .the money or dot oflice theie wei-b'SSI.ISS SI of oideis- ibiued , 01 del a pud $46, 19176. Why any person who wants a good I and cheap . 1 , < , SET OF HARNESS, bhould call on J J, 1 OBT. ;GrECH, MILL STR,KET ACTOIli I ' \Vho is always ready tosdpply * tomers with eVeTyltbing asuuly **9I in a hrs^ciass Barneu Shop. i 1 I Harness raaAe| t* ord^r n *" [shortest possible notice. ' ( C0LLAES A.\ SraSOIALTT- Nov. 18, hit. K, QREECB ^Cbio. i i .. -j 1 Village! Milton I What 13 the chants .folio The lei _ weak from the-kaagers appears to lady cttstome -know tiiat th<J - being compe Ul tnacubnc 1 The very well attl the ground w| atteutioa oe Toroott) -a s beeve cattle^l ~few msatisfi- buy ajiy \Vtorm^rs of tk<] fences aroand animals to constantly w. be repaired The S, tcrtauimentl Hall? by th* Soeietj,last M <jdod succe disigrecable 'I doubt pre\ till *tL-KllU^ isudience, aiu jhigbly pleascJ {in order tluf lit h^cd, tin.- jatat of a Metho list evctnug, to fre" of thargd ljfJkcr todgj 1 Tin. . -ui I Lodge will h'j 00 M>nli} Lj oVlock rnr tH| lag. Raising 1 H)fckatk Sefa^ The aiin - School in col dot CbarchJ Thursdav etj Teniptrinu:; tneetmg audi pleasing^4ha*( be apnhod tl rtjjjlemahuig li&rary A1! t gsfthcrmgMDa I A SttEScstlaij We wouli two to tho babtt oCspa "* m hanging | other bu would cons| Jnry "they cuBtoBjers: dergo thej running thJ file of men f probably place of rel not be encJ Nvate rigbts| *he firsj; ph our jnerchfl losing the Her hoarH h*ve. been : thus ehutt f nge. We s^nne centr gaged fcfrtli all would come And, +hei^ theyl discuss pot as they uoii have aot organisecf'; c&anicaTru rarely appr and are butj * fancy a 1 such as would largo numb <ire. to sub| orgtmized gambling, t should be otherwise ' social fn and other videil for tj to occupy j There ars l Jilacea -wbid secured fol itWonabks 1 'Mr. JJLil y that w^ruu^d

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