Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1875, page 4

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fmr y \THE AOT0N m r,^" VU^- 'IteL 'Ml -c , - -* 6, a.- <! V-. ft v'-^VlH J>: * '. *K ?-* ^V^'I While thanking their numerous customers cetiERAL DRY COODS, or their very liberal, patronage during the past '" y! the largest ;r 3HS555^3 8 1 "W:pg'm>WMMJ>MJMftiaBilIMU!! glfiRE^ ": I season^ beg to .lijliinate that , chei ipest, and most ch<ice MILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS _: * . (. ^ .at'oOc per pouud; worth 8fle. tdectdediy tint best value ever offered* THE ACTOH FREE PRESS ;*~ If. IIS* :.-! R?T- . '! ' i' i" C^-, & / ^r J-_ - Tnxs.One-dollar.a rear,'etrlelly to . AdTaace. IX not psiid before three raonthi <an*naHarnrlanaif |Mw caargrd ; or vto dollars If; not pa'd tlfl the nu or ttie like/, o*tserwillbee*&*toany peri m,M>.dun dm year Unpaid/ Eight cents i perllqe tor flrat Insertion, and .wo eonu f perHBe-lnr eaeh nbseq,uent Incertlon. : BboHadvertlMmenU of elftht lines and" ' littler, tl for tltree Insertion*. ! Barlows ;. Cards of eight?.Uaes ami under, < per 1 udoib. . vk Utxral dlMBurt allowed on adrirUe- " menu >nHet (or ,extended periods. r AdTerUsemenu without special Itwtroc- tio^ajaeerted UU.ferbid, and chained Any Special Nolle*, the ooject'of which -the -pecuniary oeaofu of any [or company, to he. oonaluered ______Jsemank Transient advertisements to be paid Cor when ordered. All ad vertUlng. accounts r*dere quarterly. -.;" -. .Koticeaot Marriages,Births and Deaths inserted tn#^- ~ 5."-- ^ .*'"- "" 4-< ^r * ri'".y~A" : *"<-: . -'.. mr^:; V-*"" * - m tfr? v^ 1 - mA^ .ii-:J.r: , *- ' iJ:"V-- 'k " ' , 'IS es-^---;v.-4&-^ Spdfekl Jines iff Cheap ackets. -:* f. ' I' { : FAMILY JtATTBRa /" ' Keep coffee by itself, as its odor jffeotB other ar- " tides. ' Kerosa^e and ; powdered lime, . ,riutmg,^)r wood ashes-will scour ! tin wtA4ljie least labor. -j Ink'^ains from tVood. Apply with a piece of cloth some spirits of -' -silts, andy after^arda" wash well i with Br&ffir. - i'r'-^I : :""' -.' '. Treatment jof-Boiis.-f As fooaas boil--becomes fia^Vahd"iiiflamed; Tfee /poison ,__ ' will not be scattered, but will be ,r aJ^aorbed by it ;* . In^ Btaina Hfrom Linen.-^Apply sritb a cawel 'hair brush some satuy -. i*td aolatiba of cyannrejt of\potas- I aitim, and "wash, the lineii w*ell with ':water.- ; ". . Cace of^ Lam pis.- Lamps are lia- Wa;^o - explode when- tritnming_ is f^B^SafeaL . law down^ip, lbs tiibe, the: flame bbtaina access to the oil beiow, \ Acid upon Clpthing. -Wi^n acidV A s jj jjfr of .(^fcin Hannefe. ' has been dropped on any article, of. elotiiog, apply lic^aid ammonia--to ' kill the.acid; the}n apaly chiorc- foi-pi to xest05e.the~.color. ; - ' Eating"Fruit.-:-7Fniit is' general- _ -: Jy considered^ jthd -Is/ healthful '-j fo&ij' batdt shJaizldj'jB'ot be:eaten.' j'jbetween ^nyeals, non whek the body . t ^\^uia*ea from, severe labor, '.ThVskin;" fir peel is -also indigest^' ibiei Wm. Stewart & every one in quantity, prjee ever ifep^rt4 into this county b^a^ brie h>use^^ invrteithe^ fid (est inspection oC their goods c o.-l pficesi Their sOtck Ipf ...]J0Q/r$"AN1) SHOES hi Meti'^ Woinen'si ihd ChiMferi'^ ity and price condnn^d,<Sr ^xeeeds ^nyjlhiii^ evelr offered before in this j>r adjoining Counties. Tlyjs'advontnj^e ovt^r other demdrs is obtained by.their purchasing direct ^onrthe tnanuMcturers, jnstend cf buying! through jbbbei\s as most h^ujsiesj tio, thereby saving the wholesale dealers^profit. A liberaj.diseount.;totfaniili-esM)uyl,tl(giu\ouc'lo-t five or inore pairs. flMieir OKUEliliD CLOlililNG p$P&RM&N% still jiiajntajrits its -^1 durability ami cheapness. ;lit lact to ^et aiueat ai^l stylislt suit at a reasonable pricefit is necessary to' eall at thc[| Glasgow Hbijise.-: Jfull ltnefl| j^fl- '**^"!"*" m-m.-ta-. 6.- t. WINDHAM STR1 SET. GUJSLPE Are ahowlng no r .Special Lines of'CJheap I ress Ooods - ',--.-' _ Special Lines' of Ciheap ( Cottons. Special liifiea of Cheap Special Line* of .Cheap Special Lines' of -Cheap silks.. Flannels.. BlaiketsT1 $ /*': I^-' . Tcplhacha;' - PulverixecV. alrim and" Isalt, in equii quantities, will- .; ~eva -the severest ^toothache. ' -Wei a, small piece .of cotton stuEeiently to make the. mixture' adhece to;-'Sv > And.iijsart in tts hollow of tiue' ""- : "f' Dm- !' solve-two-' ounces, borax iii -threeT . j pints of boiling water ; an& befort . it.xa cold a^Jd" one. teaspobnfnl of tte - - spirits of camphor, and bottle for use. A' teaspoehful of this- mix1 r- ' tnrei - with equal ;amount of ;.tepid- ; water,'and applied' daily witn a --' ioft, brush, preserves and beautifies ihe -teeth, .extirpates tartarioaB ad,- heeioo, , Srresta-dfnav, iuduces ' a " ; bebhy actioi of and :: jnalces- the iee^h pearly white." V . J3^*y ppois.-^Tr'nen- the boots , ax* take^bfffill ^hem 3ull with dry :' Vfots. This grain: has a 'great fond- jiess for damp, and j will rapidlyvab* 1-. *orb the least Vestaje of it from, the" are* leather. As it-takes up ^he BUHsfcure^. ii. swells and fills . the - ^boot . ^ke^pini its form good, and drying . ISx JmSMbt without hardening iti ' .-Jtrtne morning shake out the oats, . ' and iang them in a bag near the. :; fir* te dry, ready fc*v;th next wt ' '"' \ ' - h Popular ^ Errors. To think tie , li^%.mineats the' fatter he Will ibe^Dj&yXonb^ve'i^^tha more T^"(SKldrea' study the faster the-y will ley^' Jfo^ooelude that h if exorcise Mgo^d,-ts^lnwre yipleBt -Ul% the wore good lidone. \To - imagine tfcat every hour taken from! islaep is aa tour gained-, To aet on* the presumption that the smallest : rq^aLfo; t&tf house is large enpogi to .Visieep-ist; To:argue that whatever v resafldy mtw* one to feel batter, ia good for. -t&af system,, withaufc te- . gard jU?; vl^erior effects.* To'^ eat withoBt^sJ). ispetite, or to contWute . to eat aftsr tt has been satisfied,' ; surely to gratify tb* taste, - To aat ..^Jb^^fupfke* |6r?ihe pleajftre bI^ duriag-iba brief tam"e passing down tkstBrpit, at "fcRttHW*- f *' .Sflj ight ^f dis- tucbed sfeep and,* li&sajy wuking I ;fa,lbe morning, ^ "*.':-:------------^ ';'? -x . "' Curious anjwers ottenl come iout - inJtJ^mination.lfor the civil service, '. ' "#S: pag of reading, the examiner ' interrogated theyo'uugster :*'Wtat V iii: mfaeotao.eer .,"-PtfUnoDy." : ibing left byCs, father." : "What ; W*kt y^uioaH U illleft by a motk- ~fct- * ^tnnoa.y." A SpeciaiLoi of Cheap Tweeds. A Special ;Lot of ^in^ys^heap. Black. Lustres^-Special "7alue, TTIsT. STEWAI T o EW GOODS. N The Student's I Microscope With Dissecting AprmrAtusj 'or ex.- atnining insect?, I tlantf, (lowdra, cloth, circulation of tlio blocxl, ntal malcuU ip water, &o , 5U cents. Pips tiehtoTs, Taom Extratora. , ' Syo Oponers, Always useful, always nh8weiing,,|il- ' f'ways Instructive- , I Powerful*. ' j . p o o k e t Microscopo, !'-.-50i'oENTrS.: ': -Jl- Best Finished Reading Glasres, powerful' magnify iog.potver, for) jflow- era, photographs aud . picture^. A large and cbeup stock of nen goods ai ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE . , OnOEastsido Wyndham Strefct,1- ... - (. '.- .,. J '... - GUELPH. -v ;' STOCK ^gA^X4wrtwuji4t^A mmis. arc again stocks of riOSlERY, SHIRTS, 0 OMP Ii In every .Department nt.ttio' FiVSHloifABLK, WEST ^.. O. B Bess to luUmut^.tHnt his Stock is Ir.lorm. t) v Iwlu h ot (4a<tph mid KnMnoniiblo <5i<xls t {|io nuest liu attention is Itivllcl to our t,-- i'-> . 1- M^i'^Vj!!.'! rji^fi^^^'h^n " ?<L|gtR ^-WWK^'1.1^. '-?hH" i '.*- X the Fall and Winiei' campaign, havinia l&id Jri bi^^ GUPCBIUES, TEAS, &ci; always '.b>J' hatnd. VTB aixl cordiall r-:-; 3.; nvtatioii Xc>r stylej neat^ n. SI . :l- r-' f 4WJ Jifcafifeerl i j Stirge<)ji| j >ey Yd - . College] I j IueIaj| lAeton. TJOBE ^cm:, now coinpl* tf> In i-ypry* stirrotiicHifg country thai h\y Uas evtr MibmitXtd lur ^iibl Silk and JDress Deparlmeiit. Shawl and Miantle Departjnieiit. Milliiiery Dejpartmeiit. i Furs, Fancy TToolen Goods, Hosiery, annels, Tweeds, 1 Blankets, E " -, .' -|' -. /.- j All bt whlob wa nro rireparcd to cut nl tho very lottest | riC(?i A. O. BUCHAM. . ' i Fa.shlonablo.West;t.nd, Drcus.'Ml'.lincry and Mi nile KfUib i Ouelph,OcUl%, 18T5. '.7 iE* FALL GO " ARtHVINa.DAlLY'AT DICKS01T & McHAB'S. EAS Do flot fuil to visit the T E \cTpsr UYERY&SALE ^_CTOX, WACON AND CARRIAGE > FACTORY. JAMES BIBEK, Proprietor^. ' \- Carriages, {..'-. -'"' _' filolgis, - Outtsrs, Ssc, Keptlietock and made to Order on the ..'.,'?- Bhortest" Jjpiice. .' Strict attention paid ;to Horse-Ehceia.? 8s Goneral-Jobbinjr '- and satiiictlon guaranteed. Aeton, July ls.t, 18'b. s J. P. ALL1N Takan plaasnre .in ahnoa letnar to -the pnWla jeerally that "to b prepared to ' furnish yiwt-elass E&T&* .aati, Oftrriasras i At Beaaqoable Bftea. Hii Bias and Horses are eanbe aadi-aod belt " - deta/mined be surp'aaaeJd by any City Btable. Aaton J^ly Ut, 1875. ,he best that' not to ii R. :- '^agE?c^]^i-;::;f Whol^^le Hanafaeiansl' ol COLLARS, DBIALER II" ess, .-,/ ~,..: .\| r Valises, ; Horse Clot; ling-, ./;i:T,wiips,- :' 4:^:,Comas' ^ And Brualiosl AH orders gi Ven In to oar h^nds will be *M1ctIy :Bttenani? to, trad warranted' to ftv&aaitJ*fsetlon.tts we em; tloy none - but be bestrworKmen and ma eriat. _ i j OQLtiABS warranted t aire satJiXae- Won, they are of oar ovt wahufaoture .,-, ". | Of all kinds done with neituess'and oil _[, AUwbore<ilr goods In ftnr line VflJ no <reU*fo gfve-ns 'eU .6< fore-'ptttchu*- ina elsewhere. -1- ^ ' Benenjtr the Stand- : . . .c ^- CREfCH, Acton.! Jmy-J, 1ST5. , ^ f And eXamina those plle3 of WINCEYS; fangfng f.o>n 10 cent / Also (hose COTT^XS'^a'IJ best Cfii|adianiiaU^, ranging;from 8 cents^ipwards. FIjANNELS,".frd|tti 25 cents-.upVya; And (other -Staple and, Fancy Dry Goods it proportion. BIG Acton.Sept. 23,/1873. E FIXING UP FOR WALL PApfefe AT DATS BOOKSTORE. Call at |T. W. Haan'a GiNtRAL EMP()RI0M ! MILL s|ritBT, ACTOIT. HIS FALL Si'OCK: OF GOODS ID IR AND READY-MADE ClidTKING . -1 Is much larger and better than ever. A splendid stock to selecit from, at very low prices. GREAT In Groceries,- Crockery and Will be found a complete assortment pf the b< st qualitjv BARGA SON &l McNlA.B erns, ' ' ' ". ' \ Are offered for cash or produce, The subscriber befe to return hisl sincere thanks .1 o the inhabitants, of Aetou.and surrounding country^ for their liberal patronage, and trusts that in future they will continue tl e same liberal appreciati 3n As a large portion pf his business is ready-pay, he cau afford .to j| ' ^ELt, 'p.aEAi>B3- "* ] Than tbose who ^ive long ere lit and have a great .many bad debtsl New Designs^ a Choice Patte.,-. Large and Splendid Stock' very oheap at^ ...' .. DAY'S BOOKSTORE, r GIRELPH. I Day Sells Cheap. .-.; B ONUS to- Mannfactarers. THE VILLACE OF ACTON Is prepared to grant a bonus to parties establishing any kind or, manufacturing business employing tenskllled hai.d ana apwSaii". and wh'ere'sald business does-*" ' irotr conflict with any" boslriess. already eitate*lsl>etl wtthfn the cprporatir-n. Ac ton possesses g'tod railway ' fnclllti-B, oelng on the wrnnd TrunK' Railway, tnirty-llve miles west of Toronto, Is in o beanUful and healthy location', is free " ' "" "-J - *_ can. | Acton, Sept. 29, 1875. I Mi! maxim Acton,- July 1,1875. CarriageiWagon MAIN STREET, ACTON. General Blacksmltli, Carriage and Wakon Maker* , fiest H^i^e-Skoers in\%W\ County Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged. FiiRST^Cl.ASS PLOWS i.;... and - . ^<"t. mT. i$tm ; 3:arro v^s ?ay.j on ,haiid.'i ' . : ' '.[ .^^WJ, , Rfc^iIBIlVi$ promptly and property f ttendea YHlageJblerfc.;| Apton, July 1,1875 ' ^ '. r _, ^ .n ^ ie. PREU PBBS3 Cp^^IGEJ i 31ajtthew's New Buildingf) .(I4:^Iai, t\^Q Ji H. HAOEING, Prppriot it, EICHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, v) ..for three months past, would -take -thisop^rtunity-of itatingj ihat-the :System:;Hks Provide jSost 'Satis:^otpigr ^ To'my nunxerous;customers aiid/alsqito myself, I will continue jtp ;;% S611 Qpo^s as! Lip^ as ahy m v" 1 " ". ' I " '.' j3oiag a.Credit Busiu^ss, andlwill-givejtji 8 PER: CE^-M&COtt^ ." rfv?y Customers will no doubt avail, ibemselves of "the disetiTiit/^ I; am yhSb/t; -gg satisfied pf..BUCflessi.aiid satisfaction to aU wneerned,ii tlie' c^i^'-aJidit^ilt counteystem," - -.j.-.-.':-MC!t-.-is ', Prompt -paying^monthly ous^omera"; considered asrqajh,sjii w^ljt"iK ;hedisc4v&!t;'v<-.:, i^V-',*^- 0'*:M ""4vi ?.*. T^briftcieu:p Conveyaneer.Isaier of Carriage Licenses,-Ins nratte _ .' -;,:Awntjney'to;X#iir..iteepti'6W dtWR Fourth Div Coiu^. C^^ in <J. B.i &c. - Aotobf Bepesmbsr i 18T5 '^^^^ ^0^^^ ' ^i. -^ - ^ y-~38< Near I feK Ft *-".. v.l"

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