Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1875, page 1

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*'* in ene .^ "~ .; ?--_- ": <--.- - 'or ilfiere*'. rife,-neat- d. TEA: lOO. '-'V * I'll a "^ j M 1 -v^ 'VT'-t] -- < - >;? - ":-"*! y" IVi btHing. I; If material. .-^ id eve?j hy hands' poking oifr ali vvejr V lo charin the N* stE f1." TM"' 1 {-.-;-* iM : thatifche we .to. 0?ra<ie Hm am folly " knd jdii .. .will" get u: hide* Agent "Clert 'S; ! ' ' I' //""" t PcJsTAQlZ PREPAID BY >luBUMBa. JjfSIXESS CARDS, ;-rt H: LOWKYv^T. R, M. C. P. S., 1 y* Uraduate oL _ Trinity- College. \ir>ber -of Cullegc of Physicians and ^jovNns.-7-Mu.i. Strekt, Acton, ;' - j^Iir K. MOR-UOW, Fhysiciaiu Sur- -/.%e\$V; Xc, of- Bellevvc College,. '-.cwi/iorit, also Graduate of'Victoria _ .Vdlc^ Canada. Xonsultation days / fiiesday* and idys, from 9 a. tu. till :-4 p.a-~-Kesid<?nco j st Bower street, Acton.-'- j c: - ,i_ > JAKES'MATtini.\yS, Conveyancer, ls*nerj':of Marriagfc; Licenses, Post- ^ Master,' Insurance Agcoto'Agcnt -Moncv to Loan. -Stent Montreal Tel Co., Clerk Faufth Die -Court, Coin. iaQ. B., 4". Acton; Ont. . , i___ lX\\ HEXPERSOX^Conveyancer, Ac., A-?*, also Agent Canada tife , Assur ance' Co. f Deeds, Mor.tgagei, 4c!, pm- 'jjared neatly, juvi'mpsiy, correctly and oa teajoaatJe terms. ^Money to Loan ou Jlorigage. security. Othce Glasgow lf6asV,'Actonv ; " ': . JD. MATIIESX, Attornt-y- ! at-tjvr, Solicitor In I'tancerA. Corner or vain and Ohurcn Stnje^s. iit Oryrttcwn. "VSTVaL LUDLaW, Barrister, Attor- . T * ney-at- Law, Solicitor in tjhanee^y, 4c 0&ceJ.--^Hauulton, 10 Kingstreet, Milton;.Stain street. _ The Milton\Office will be under the management of D. \Y. Campion and $tr. Laidlaw arill idttend at t&e" "Milton Otfice'* on ^"ritlay/of each ".week. __ . i ." T3ATENTS for IXTjpXTIOS TO ft PRIXTIXU of fj . neatly and promptly ex scuUkTbIWio TREE VKESSOI^l ICE, -'- - Oxr kc Post Offlejf, *lll Mrert.. /~i.4.XADA CLdVE ^OBKS, \J " AOTOJiT, SSi.i W^H. STOREY Wholesalo Manufacturer* crlptlon and atyllo of alt kinds & CO., of every des i Leather^ Clotli Gloves MITTS AND CAlJNTLET. Take U '^ - Vf '.::!' JN0tEMB5iR TAKKTOt WOULD A8 re COME. told; him simply and wijtbout -comi Take the. woild as it is 1 there aro good; "lent or exaggeration tli 3 ijueiderita andlirdiuit, . --"I>.*- -Aildpood mid bad will bo from now..ingithe tHino^I Bpoko he- uo^er onco Andtheywl.o'oxpectfoinako sainta in ^V,0Ve/bis' 81,lnco fro?1 "'f' n^ a ininuto, - evinced, itny inoro romotioti than n Are in di gcr of mamng;nipro hearts I bad'been |relat[ng-the most comi than they'll meutl. ', -! ' mon-placb event. . : S yC TmllL ^ "eer 8coUforthe ."The drejun of a discrdared fan- Or you're sure to .find aomothing or cy,".ho alisvrered, contobptiioiisly "other [amiss : v " Yba havejnb.t-inentio'ied this to 'Mid much tjliat debases and much that (}ie children J Of Con flo not, or William would bavo tol|l"mo. Lot .exalt^; The world's not a bad one if loft as ' it isj' '- Dressers of Plain apd Blid Lieatheri- \ *W~ Hlrh.n Market V WOOL SKINS, Agents lot iUyrnond's ehtnes. ".-! i Acton, July 1st, IST5. w? , _Ej ^je3:| ttntloasly ancr projieflv *-ecurrd 'in Can:w^i tUeX'uuoi SUites^uml Kucope, PtenjL,g: iamnt^J tor. uo cl|arre. Send tor prrp;c-4 jcslructteni. Ap**$icy In oper- . . - -. Ottawa, Canada, M^c^^nlcai Engineer, s<x:ielior of P* IV IJLLIAU WATKtXS, luaer HarrlazrXleeiue* A Certujcatea, (By Royal Anpg>uitinent.').. Business private and confidential. ..'OSbe^t the Post Office, GlenwOnitm, CiL>2nty Haltoa. . . .' - M ISS. Si CACTEK. . Tracker efSiulr. Drawlas aad Frrttck, Church street,' Acton. OLIVER. LOZIER, PLASTERER, Arrox, Osrr. Every description of ^Pliiterinj and. Roujfe-casting done on *ihe must reasonable terms, and satisfac tion guaranteed; . _- " " jW-cTos bakei!y| Fancy Hco paliX for Sewing Ma- The sntwertberbepi torlbf'wm the Jh- haAltanisor Acton and vll' " "' ' '"""" Is prepared to i<uppjy Flrst-cla^s Br^ad. B nns, Cakes Biscuits, ejtc. Fresu everyJday rttJllV^red at their w-^- .- !' house;*.' '- " ' WEDDIHCl CfKES Made to order In the latH>i reaionifa'.o cba 'gt-s ^B, Highest price In Cai' 1 paid for,Kt;gs. GALLOWAY. Hi EXE? L. DKAkE, A3env for .the. Mercaiit.I** nnd V\ aV-rloo. -KU buKLuo'i enicuiteU to* care' wli b f*i h.'nMy attended 10, Oders hy m:ill ioLcIted, V B.LURAKE . A t[POX EiSvtR MILLS. ~ l.. _B.'i E. XICK0N, Proprietors." ;' ".Flour and Eeetf alwaj-s on hand, 'Hiiesa!e and retail. Gristing and Capping Uaily. Cash for all kinds of Craiii. r :. ': TyOSSHs-'HOUSE, Actoiu Ooseto "XV'.the G.TTi R^ln-ay Station. Ex cellent accommodation foT the travelling paqEc.; THUS.^CAMPBELL, Propr. DOiUXIGS JtOET. lulty tniit he styles and at HOTEL, AcTdsr;OxT. AGKEwi, -Proprietoi'.. This lew Hotel: is titted first-class stylo., with new-furniture.. Commercial Travel- " lers will-find good accommodation and " comniodious. Sample, Eoems. ^Special ' ^attention ' paid to the ^rafits of the fravellirrg public .Ear supplied with the .beit Liquors and Cigars. - Good Stabfing and attentive Hostlers. ^B OY AL EXCHANGE HOTEL,^1, TCV Acton, Ont. - ftoirr. Diceix, Prop. -Sample Rooms large and commodious. -' f gr.C'ommerciarTrayeliers- Good accom modation for Travellers -and Guests. v Bejt_brands of Liquors and Cigars at the ]Bar. Good Stabling and attentive "".Hostlers.-" tlio wprld as it Is ! if tho surfaco be shininc. iip tlio sediment hidden be ta reji mo give yo. a piece of 1 id vice : nsk ha question*! of any person, bridle your otiriosrty, foiviu this .house walls huve tktrs and eyep too." the room'as So siiyihgj, he quitted Ne'er stir low . j ..- M- -..., . There's wisdoin injthis,'but Uicrols'none suddenly aslbe hud e.titareulit. It was not without jt very con siderable triemor that I rehired to _ laing,; O'er -thiri&'that ban rarely be mended, wo know ! | ; There's beattty aroiund us,- which let us >jij; !'"'".' And chide not, unless it aiay_be with a ki_s; ; .; Though. Ea -th's not the Heaven wo tliouf hi wben a toy, .,.'-.' There's snuething to live for, if ta'en ,as it a! i Take the wirld as it is ! with its smiles and i a sorrow. Its love and its friendship its false- - hood and truth-1 Its scheme; that depend on the breath of t<o morrow'. Its hope > - which pass by like tho dreams of our youth. Yet, oh ! whilst the light of affection. - may'shine, '. The heaijt in itself hath a fountaih of .blisa In the irom tliere's some spark of a ria tura Divine, And the); wisest and beat take tht icorhl as i ARKi>ALB, bed but niy rest was undisturbed, lis it Was for m'auy a night afterwards. . Gradually I grew accustomed to tho gloom," the isilence, and'tho strange psople, and began to t|iink that Jlr. Roydon was right, innd that tbe.spectre t had seen was only a creature of rrty tick fancy.1 J "' ' ! I made but little prjogress with my pupils. Tho boy w ts top sullen j 01 too stupid to learn,,and I believe I frotn. the first conceived a hatred forme. The.girl was iiore.difficult' to underatau3; she was 1 gentle, amenable, anxious to c o her best; but was almost devoic, of memory incapable of cancen tratipg he-r mind, upon.'anything. She, had a; peculiar vacant look t lat at times quit-e tilled lne with coiceiini ' About a week ufte-'my j arrival. Mr. Roydon asked uie in his usual, abrupt Mantier w.hat !l thought' of my charges. I told [him frankly and simply as I have written it here; he received^my'ojFinion with his usual impassivenoss, and made no remark. '. '., j"" ; I The'weather had hitherto been remarkably fine, although piercing ly cold, and I had enjoyed several ..ra-nibltfs wjtli the children upon the margin of the lake,'iiud upon the hills; but with Decen bor tUe snow set in, and confined uk as complete ly to.the house as thjough we had been "in Siberia. The lako \vas frozen oyer and- encrusted with snow, the mountains kverc lnnfUed in it, ihecourtyard was tilled with it, every projecting' bit of stone of the. building laden with it, [ Now', did I experience the full PRINCfSbE; w M. HEMSTREET, , .,. Liicensed Auctioneer] / Fo/'tbt Counties of Weltli jton rnidi H*l- =J . ton. ynicTB l<-'i at. the FSee I^arsa ] Office, Actor, or at my residence, In KocfewcxI. will be promptly atteudei* 10. Terms reasonable. -I1' ' ' ,VT AtlDSOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER ; For the Coaty or nalwm. - / 'Saleiattended to in any pari of the 1 County, at reasonable rates. .'..' "Addreski. A. DAVIDSO^, " "'.-.' Campbellville.j'.O. ^MILltJ-mitu: ' ' -h , uhe; subscriber has commenced the ' dairy basiness, .and will dejiver milk every morning and. evening; at, the houses in the village. Milk warranted 1 "ipore. : TtFenty-one- qn^rt iicketti for :' .'Sf, 2-paid in advance, -or-twenty-one -, jiafr tickets for 50 cerrti. ! -^P. S^ ARMSTRONG. Acton, July 8th,. 1875,,. TVatchittaker, ." Has ja good st >clc or "russell" and ' american" "VKT^Lto: el ej& 'AlKfayf on 1 and Tie attends tpirepalrln ; of flne watches himself.^: T; " - - .- .^ Mr. Hadtlnp, ;of the ifsEB Puess,' will kindly carry watches 1 liu Jewelery to soilfrom Ouelpn when Requested. . Guelpli, Sept. 47.18T5. X CTQN PLANING AND :$ TgrjBA-SEBiPS ; Jtfjarble "^orks, Opposite side from Mills * .Gpodfdlow'i Foundry, and-, Jfear Eramosa Brtdge, T-\:-! Ctttelph, : . AIX KTSDS 07 MONUMENTS Tomb 8tonea,vMatle Pieces, 4c-, made to any size or design, and put np in any part of ."the country. ; ' j. 'ISf. Scotih, ^Granite Menu iaents zmpsrtetl to order.1 .. _- P. S. A.. JCeniiedy is a prac tical marble cotter. .-. Paidp. SasbrBpbt and Blind .-j P^fctprr. EBBACE Ss CAMPBELL, ! Haiiufacturdre of :v JDoorSp ! VeiietiJan Blinds -, JffojijLldings, And other BOLlldl is Kcqnlsites Also !Mak< r of ' |j :. asraovap woo: iw - tvscps FOR THE : JPBBE PBBSS^X-Lombac Planed and-bressed to order ; in the beat 1 oanner. All work guara ]teed, Actoti, 3olyl, 1B75. jXTOTItfE.'--;/" * Any pArson ofipersons trespassing on Ix>t 28, Concession 3, of the Township of Eequesing, (ailjojni ig the Village of i Acton), or injuring tr< es of any kind, or leaving ^gates impropc ly shut, or fences partly 4own, will be s abject to prosecu tion after thwdkte, -: r ;.'{! P. i. ARMSTRONG. - Acton, Aggtw* 20, J875. Guelpli, MILES The day passed unmarked by any particular incident: I say nothing of; :Mr. Roydon, nor any petson except the old woman and :ny pu pils, and about eight o'clock I re tired to) my own apartment, where I safc')reading by the fire until eleven.) Before retiring to rest, I carefully examined every part- of "my roam, and tried the lock of my door; (for with ; tho darkness my nervous timidity, never really dis- pe'Jedj, fulf force. 1 lay awake fprSome time, watchr ing' the fantastic shadows thrown by thje flickering firelight upon the dark Ipajiels, and listening for a re- curre)nce" of the serenade of: the prer vious night. But all was silent as the grave, and presently (I Went sleepy , j Jt ^,^3 almost insupjiortable, and- In the midst of a'dream, in which yet it had for me'a species of fasci I fancied I .was falling "over a'tie- nation of the hotrible.1] 1 longed to meiidou's precij)iee,- I awoke with "' " ' r; a slidden shock, and looked about mej The fire was quite; burned out, but the moonlight was streaming Between the window curtains, which I had only half drawn, rendering, -every object in. the trooin perfectly distinct. Surely, I tboughtj-Trnust be suf fering under some hallucination, for therein the broad, luminous jiatch, stood a female figure'clothed, in whjte. 'Her face was jiway from nie'1 towards the Window^ but as I gaz tioj the ful woman, the"very type of trty girl;ptij)il. Then it paced tip and down tie room, Waving its afuls i.n" a strange, wild manner, about its head, and moaning pitiful.- ly ' I but its^feotsteps gave forth no (ipiiod, and the tnoonlight seemed to "shiae through it.!, I never doubted for one moment thatl it^ to flavor of the dreariness; of the place. j. It was almost insupj ortable, and yet it had for me'a species of fasci nation of the hotrible.;f 1 longed tc so'.ve its mysteries, and that is.why I remained there, v" ;:! | Oncer again I had shrieks, and laughter, that nothing out of oirdinary. had met my eyes, or .'ears. ;| The parlor and my own chamber Were the only rooms I ever entered, and tojudge from tlje size of- the place,' there mst -hava beenlat leatt a.score of others. Although there .had been place; while I servant's in thjo 1 ijime, or betray, 12, 18^5. opt; neither did asfc altar their cosj by their manrier. that aught uausial had jhappened I felt, at timeH, that I must seeli out Mi'. Roydoi, and Ask at 'nil hazards, for an explariation' of what* I .had seen. But the vision of thpsej burning .ejrps' sevt v daunted my re^ solution. '. |j I It wanted |bi' t a fewj "days t<j Christmas. Tht was Btilj bad .as ever T{tlt )rnate snow, frost, and rain. Fpjr l.hree weeks I had notor Btcppediovqr ilje threshold of j the; outer dooi)."" I felt Ilcould en-l durie this life ho longer. -I was be coming dull,.; xioping;; |my brainj ^as full of fabci es, my nerves coraj plejely slmtteHet ^ Had .1 dared, would have given IVIr, Rpydon my resignation at once, [but \ knew in stinctively he .would,not jiermitme to go away with hisjsecrets in }ny, ))o.ssession. I knew, there was ai.i espionage kept upon me by theUoyj William, and Vy the -old serving woman. I liad had -but one letter since I had beenthere a reply to! one of mine writtenjto myj landlad in Camden Tow 1, concerning sorn luggage I "had ]<ft in 'hericare, a'ni. the state of the seal told tne it had been opened. , Oh. what 11' would have given coull I have" jled * from this house of horrors, 'aid This list shock..waV: more my seneea could fainted aiw'ay, sustain, arid1 1 {j$l.od per annum In.. Jbivane ban once] more found myself in - tlio . streetsl of-Xondon ! It was on tl|c riigbt of of December, pi, ruther, ing of tho 2i nd, .that, starting out of niy sleep, flash'bf'liffbtsw, dow. In an instant I was outj of bed, and peering through [,the cise- ment. Two to 'cheB wereffTaring in the court-yardi >elow, andl that was all I could see for a,few seconds. But sis my sigl t grew accustomed ' to the obscurit;: a strange kpectacle greeted it A: l)ier, covered with a lilack;'piiii,.bori e by..two jmen, was moviiig slowly oyep-' the White ground, and was preceded by two pei-sons:hearin-!j torclies. This then, was the;funera I hud been so long watching for. But w-hilt an ex traordinary henr for'- it"i-'to take place, tiud whe -e was the; body, to be buried! That was a i question I deSenninid a: all, risks to solyfe. . I was not tvoVinihutea dressing, and arrayed'in a heavy, dark cloak, the hood of ivliioh covered my. head, I crept dawn staii-s..| AHwaB sihnt not a jlimmer bf light any where] ahd.tlip outer, dpor stood wide open As it peepei 1 c liUiousli* out; I saw the procession passing slpwly t through the {ateway. Fear, pru heaixl * wild j d,encejvery consideration, was ab- but I beyond .sorbedanthe one feeling of irresist- tible curipsity. 'It was a cloudy, moonless niglil, and all was intense ly dark, save 'fhere the two torches threw their feeble, flickering light. I hurried acr >ss. the yard, passed through the -portal, and. glided be neath the shadow of the! frowning J the 21st| tjie morn- suddenly I: saw,a eep acrossj niy w;ih "Wheap I awpke, I found m; -self in my 6,yvn,;bed, arid Mr. Rojdon sitting beside my /pillow', witch ing me.i .It: was-.aseveral miiiutes before j . could call back U my k^collectipn what] > had happened, plowly tfie dreadful-scene came be fore meyj -# .'. |" I had [been discovered,- then.: Mr. jRoyd'pn was :;the'firsu to $>reak the silence. .,. . " ' ' 'You! have had the dasta'dly neanness to^lay the spy," be Sjaid, ' to thurst veuitself into family se- :rets sacred,secrets-!" ' '..". There!was a suppressed rago in lis vojcej that struck me Witt fear. 3y this time I-had become poisci^- ms of the peculiarity; of my si iua ion, had risen from, the be<l,und 1 itood renting my hand upon-a clair, iitill too Faint to stand withputiinp-, >ort. !' " '* Let me go away,1" I plea* led :aintly. . (l. I. will take any cath rpu like jto-propose never to re^ eal : night I have seen or heard in (his inner, " "I - ' no prohibition, -1 tacitly j "under- rocks, in the] stood that the remainder! of the hoir^e-was-closed tp'ine,, and, as & " ;" -ratic pendencies.- however,' accident " brought about what I would never haveTdared knowingly to| attempt. Likeiall old; mansions, Davkdale had many! \ortunus passages -and' . staircases. Thostnirs whicih led to liny, chamber, divided at landing into two flights spin dren [ rpppoisite directions.."'It wak just in the dusk, the snow, the window ialf obscured; light, (and being }in a. tlib turned I was loiking upon a spiri! for ho. living_".creature could enter thfojigh a locked door and that ~the mpthey of _the. two chil- - Presently; it seemed to fade "?"*!, .. -, _ _m . toood at the time, 1 awav, and 1 saw rt no mere: i,;., . , , ^ ', " _ left instead of to the The next mormng, as. soon as I ^ d|scover my wiis"out of bed, 1 instituted another and iinore, careful",scrutiny of'iuy 'apartment. I had heard, of secret panels and trap doors in old man sions] and this was'just the, place for such ;7but my search was fruit less, I also examined5 my little dressing room which, however, ,-. .- ,. r i, 1 , I Wrapped m a winding sheet, 'cely more than a very.large " i , ,.1____.i._..L; *u a moment I stood: petrified the first tising in against the dim ughtful to the and did until I eved-to riot discover my mistake opened a door which I| bel 1 be- mine, and found-mysJlf in a ^strange apartment. A small, .bare . room with no furniture, except . I started back. In the centre J was a bier draped, in black,-upon : which lay tho corpse. of a woman,. For was scarcely more tnan a veryjarge | & ^enfc j sfcood: petrifiBd with pariirV -n tibtjoe,-! ad- fignr^ had disappeared, but with no J ^^ aud look^ ^ tbej ^ace, aud better suceeBS. r , ,- <w -^g features' of my nocturnal During the day I put ~s[ Je w care-l v;siior. touso. "T Would riot tnrat you !" he jan- ) wered, sternly. " Besides, I need | rou. YJiiv signed a contract winch i equired ia, quarter's notice on titber 1 ide. j I demand vthe.fulfilment of 1 hat bond, -and shall take good care, 1 ly keeping "you under >lock "and 'key, that ypti do not evade jitj ( Concluded, next week:) 1 J: Hard Terras. !-. She had her mind made; t^p for i.wo or .three days, says'M| Quad, needed some)> caiitpr oil; but she knew that she must ap~' ipoach him gently. She! placed he bottle where he!couldj sea it, ind when he turned up his nose she laid ; . j ; Spper?s Fatal Etrpr. IMPABMKCn IKTEHESTiNO NKWS 16 - -HIS -WIPE THB WIDOW BTACJey'B ; H4IFER. .: j1'-. It's just like honey, my dar- ing.: thick darkness of which' detection was almost impos sible, and kept a few. jands iri-the wake of the bjer. The suppprters were the servant who had fetched me from the station,, and another man wlipin I liad occasionally seen about the premises. I jnow peiV ceived there vere three figures in-l' advance;1 the torches^ wre borne old wo-, fled that' less 4nd,"indirect questions to/the childJeni abbut. their mother. The boy made no answec^aijd all the girl donid or would say/-.was that she was an>DgeTin heaVeh. - ... vThiit evening; when the. lessons were over,^nd I wastkking my tea alone, I was 'surprisadi to aee Mr. Roydon sucdenlyenteij unarinpunc- ed^ aiid Without knocking. I hatl not teen him since the evening: of my arrival. ' .-.' PI mting himself directly'in front of mil; and fixing upon me his pierc^ ing eyes, he asked abruptly why I bad (questioned;"the children about theiir mother." ." There don't seek about for any lying-excuse," he said, iropatieritl^) "but tell me the truth; ifjdu don;k I shall find it out- for myself," ,..--, _ -, . And'why should I nofctelihim """ I thought. So, meeting, as boldly; as I could-, I the truth.1 Ibis-] T , . ' glance back to Ho^ I fpMnd my; way my own chamber I know riot. Here was a new mystery- horror.; If' the apparition beheld j was that of the children, the hers; tut I had been give'ji to tin.- derstaiid that she had b?en dead several years. . What meaning of all this deceit, was dexeit? "My brain Wnjs all con fusion, and - could not discover* a theory of explanation. I however,' to watch keenly| funeral. " A-week passed ten da' -anew I had the-njother of remains' were yeas the if there (resolved, for'the ys; dur ing that time I bad or ce more heard the plaintive serenade,.and on several occasions the shpeksiand, the laughter which seeme 1 to pro ceed from .the farther end of the building to that in which I waSs lp ,cated;' but there . had been, no funeral, unless it.*d taken certainly ,Ji.(i by Mr. Roydiia arid thei man ; while a t.hiijd, so mU it was imjibssible; in the tjb'scurity, to detect whet her it was that of a man; cr a wpmari, walUsd beside them. Who was this third ? Arrived at the margin of the lake, the beaiers pausedliand put down their bv rderi Good hen.viiisl icerethijj going to cast, it into the water ? Creeping vpon my hands and kriees among .be great figments of roak that stn wed; the .shore, T ad- vui|ced to within a few. feet of the group, arid, cjuip'etely hidden by ari imnibnse boulder, breathlessly watched the proceedings I- was not 1 spg kept ill) susriense, I saw the two .men lift thejpall, arid discby;er >en>ath~' it a body en wrapped .in a "white slieeti; they riiised i't,on at the feet the other at the head, swung it twice back wards and forwards, to impart an^ impetus, thep hurled it. forward He sejmed to doubt her~ wprd, Jind she continued:: - If you take some I'll l^tjvou bo. to-the circus."' " How much 1" he cautioufly [huired.; Oh, only a teaspoonful, jiist bn's spoonful," she replied>-ak phe [mcorkec! the bottle.. - . And, you' ive riie some sugar, tesicfes?'.' lie replied...' * " Of cpurse I will a big lunip." He waited until she began; pour- lug from the bottle, arid then t sk- "d:- l " And you'll give riie ten cehts, fcob?" '" . . i . "YesJ of cpurse." "-And.ypii'll buy iti4 a. sloof-fly kite?" he -wont on seeing hisiidyan- Fse. . J'J . j ,!, , ' I guess 80." ' -no ile," he said a4 be drew back, j ', "Well then I'll buy you the kite," she replied filling: the j sp Dpn clear upj , I " And a velocipede f I "Til think; of it."; - 1 " Yoti cari. think no castor ile down me ]" hie exclaimed, :-Jook ing aronnd for bis hat. ' " Heife will, or I'H t^ase father tlooj arid I knOw. h'e| will. Coine,nbw swallow it down.1' " And yoiilll buy me a goa 11 ."Yes[" " .'" ,.: , .' ' '\And two hundred marbl ;s t J "Yes.| Now take itright do\j-m" "Arid a'coach dbg." - " I can't promise that." " All [right'; no dog noilo.-'j " Well, I'll ask your fathejr. ' "Arid you'll buy me a pony i Oh, l| couldn't dV that. Novrbe a good boy and swallow it dowi 1." . Oli, yies, I'll swallow that [stuff,! will i" he. Eafd^ as he clapped]pn his hat; "jYbumay fool: some p) her boy with a. circus ticket, Ian 1 . a lump oft brown sugar,'ll lake a hundred dollar pon^ to'trrit that castor ile L down'. my throat!" j And he went out to!-sebjif tW neighbor's cat had been caught in the deadfall he set for! her. I Geib Rid of Old; Powls; There is no profit:, in kee|)in^; fowls. u^tU-tbey die of old^ag i o : jr { ^ fa ^ wjth ^^-^ disease.! It is better every way ^.v.S: , fi':ant wrath in her, eye, nnd LS it fell, the repress' a the cul- %vith ull their foi-ce.- |with a heavy" splash, jupon 'waters, I con Id- scarciflyj shriek., But even his was"no|t mination of the night's horrors. I saw Mr. Roydon raise his torch aloft, as thoi gli to,proje:t its light upon,the blank bosom of (the lake;. 1 at the same moment, the mysteri-j oris, third tig ire ,cast off jits m^ifl- irigs, and dis ;losed the. white robad form "of awe m an. She ithrew up her'arins wi't .a wild gesture and a loud peal of laughtelJj' aud fell-1 upon Mr. Rcydon's breast, dashing 1 tbe torch 1'roi n. his hand, fbu'frnot be- foie its red glow bad revealed to my very greit horrbr ttylfaceof the apparatioii 1 Juid seen in\myciikim- ber of the corpse Iliad ^e-, stretch edupon the bier nearly ffi.ree weeks before! niake at least an annual clearing of f of old: a ad undesirable stoqk." r. 'he; may no; hring. a very high pric b i; 1 the market, ibut;8ellirig them will stop the consrimption of; food 1 ee^d--i ed by more useful fowls, an t in iriany CiiseB give much needed looti in the yards or sleeping pi ices, Many fti-mers are, jve^jr car dee s about their poultry, corisidj rin % them uii - since. We have' Been" oonsideiable flocks en farms in which' the nun ber of <socks was bpe^fohrth .of tho wholi, ind j where the\ only sele< stip a .made'in reducing the' nlumber .w* by killing the largest apd i\tipit lobkifag p?each yea?s fowls ' 1'.' ;" ' A, b<^y tit'a crossing, having j be^- Fthat w; ged ft.-r Hojmethirig of aigeritleaieu, the lat ;er; told him,' he. would- give him scmetbirig~as !h'e pame j'iaoc Tho lby' replied :'; ]S* ^our 1 om>r would beisiirprised it" he1kne'v the' mouey X^oseby giyin^- cred.t.J_ ayl From'the AUeghatiy Mail, f \ Mri.Soper's wife had,; been Aick" fdr some time, but although" ex- body and mind, there is eriougH of the ti-ue woman remaining in her yet, which led her list Monday/, in a faint wbjsper;,to ask her husband, who had. entered the(Bick room with a. fririeral cast of features, what was tbe^news. " Well" aniwered Mr. Soper, sit ting uneasily down on the extreme^ djge of-a chair, and balancing, his hat oil his fingersiW the) brim. ^ there ain't nothin* to speak; Ojf 'n p'ticler. ! 'Spose " you . heerdf ' of Miss Cole's rdeath ; she wasi. t41f:en the gftine you'Was,": '^'- " "I, should, think, James,"-said Mrs. Soper, with a 'feeble 'empha sis, "that" if you couldn't ( a had somethiii' more 'cheerful tpiypn'r poor sick wife you'd hold ^your tongue^" ;'"Certainly.", said Mr, Sppe'r| meekly, " only rie'ws is' so sc'ace; Lemme see," h'eicqntinued, looking, thoughtfully into the crown of his bat, as if he had reserved" aTfund of gossip"therein, "you heered about Mathy Cartels hreakih'. her leg I".- :. A snappish nodof the head frbm': the invalid signified to Mr. Soper- that he was-on. dangerous ground., but after, a' moment's reflection !his face brightened visibly as'he said; i "Youoterbe'nto .town meet'n Monday... The town's voted " to have a new htarse, an'. I never wis so glad of anything in. my life." ; " James; Edward1 Soper," whis pered 'hij| wife, with painful {in tensity, " be yon a nat'ril born fool, ipr be you look1 in' lorrid. to getthi' ridipv vaeV. -_'-. -, ;-jb|s the latter -view' had never pre^erited itself to Mr. Soper in the. light of his-wife's inquiryj he.look^. ed very -much subdued, and scratch ed his head'with anair of Subdued ab- 8craction, as Mrs; Soper s^aid. again with a tearful voice :"' '"Oh, yba c'n go. If you cin't spare a few moments to sit. with "me,- an' jest giv me some _Jittle' in- terestin' news T don't want you to. ktay agirrV your iricliationi" she t. \ * Dohffc ] lurry. Believe .in travelling continifed with a. sfgh of a martyr, . Mr.Soper^hastily expressed his willingness to remain and desire \b please, so after a brief interval of thqughtlje. contintied'reflective:. = " Well, let me think. I Was over totheiWidder Stacey's Jas nite1 to-" see 'f I, couldn't make a trade for ji. Jersey heffer, an' I tell you Myrai"' j said Mr.' Soper enthusiastically, *' if she arn't a harrisum :crittery-I never see one." _ ,-'": . - ' A!n ominous light appeared in Mrs. Spper's surik.en eyes,' and if her husband had been| pbserivingjclose^ly ke would, have se^eii a: restless mo tion of her bands,' indicative of a desire^ to make a personal attack upon some one, or something, but he saw nothing and cpntinufccV": \ '*.She's j'rist'about, tiie right size,. ah' her' skin; SjS white' as -enow.- She's got the pbptiest le^s," contin- ufed the/' unreflecting Mr. _Sjeper,- witlf/a descriptive motion,of the hand';" an' when you come'tb t.ilk about, sbipe-r-why; .Maria," said Mr. Soper.i-risirig from his chair.iu bis warmth, "she'll;.measure two. foot across the breast-^ K:->, "- The scream which' catrie -from the: afflicted I invalid at this , juncture was of siich piercing shrillness that Mr. Sb^er placed his fipgers in his ears,!and Mrst Spper's: mamma, who was- in the next room, -appear ed on the scene in jthe twinkling of an;eye. '/ ' l Oh, yon awful brute" 1" she. ex.-. claimed, as 6he bathed -her daugh ter's brow with, hair oil in mistake .for -camphor, "while ;tbe wretched man feebly endeayoredHo explain that lie was-onfy.telling Mrs, Soper about a Jersey^heifer that hq was going to buy. '-.. " * There, ma," said Mrs, Soper with a gasp,-". I'm better now," Ylbnid bettpr leave the roqjn," "-^" { r x -;1: ... _ tp 'by: 1 step jvdo not, expert tb guv rich itfjl/i--.' .wiie^ is better,'., than- fast arid flini iy. "Perseverarjee by its dcily'ugaic enricl-eS -& man . more than fits knd starts\f fbjtnne arid speculation. -Every day.- thread\ make^. a si rein; in |tbeiyeai*^. - - Brick by itrfck^-louses -are built.-. KWe should creep before we walk, - walk before We tun; and riHii before we fide..' In getting rich jthe tDOrei 1 jaste the less spe d. '.^laste oftenr:'. trij>s up to its o'^nheelk Doart| give rip a- small buainests till ybti" See- that a large cne ;"wilj|- pay youi ..- (better. Even; erambs are; ;bread.. ,; /iBetter little fiirn{t ire thin an einp- _^ ty house: In thes; hard|--timeft, he ' whdeari sit a stop* and.fjeed himself had better aoji nip ve. /From bad to worse.ia 'ah id improvement. A prust is hard 1 are, but none it> 'all is barder.'/i>ont jump front thp/ frying pap into thi'fire) Kem'em-ber, meri'hSfVe doms well in a ]?ery.' small shop- A.Iittfe trade with] profit is better tl aW 1 large fire I . that burns yotC ' A" g-eat'deal Of.' water may be.'0t-f 'om k smkll pipe |-; if the bucket is'tiere!,to batch; ili.' "targe;bears may b< caught in small .. wpod8i A sheep e a/;get fat; En, a.-,'. small meadowy and aStrlva in!-'a great; desert. , Ha ;iwhp uriqertakes top/' -~ much Biipieeds but little.' How tp.TDriTe tonyay itatsi'.-; ! v -ji. ladyj*writpr{ iv aWi-ecent niimi j ber of a -New jYo'-k/journal,-jdisrt couise8;iri the' fillo wurig-, Style' cbfa* 1 cei-ning her: trehta eat tif- rata *nd j mice;*;- "Wejcflcan ot^r premise8J_-of I. ' th'e detesti^fe'|yerm u|.by^ making * : ,. wnitewash yellow withvvc6pperar j and covering the st>ne8 arid rafters . of the cellar with a thick coating it.-; In we-where (every diight tread, we pu.lcrystais of epp^' peras|and.scattered the the? cbrnefs |ot the. floiiv T/he _res*It svas-a perfect stamtfile of rats .and mice,,, Since'that pmWnbt a" foiifcr fall of either rat or moose has been heard, about the house. Every ^spring a coat of wish is'gi^-en the cellar, as a/purifier a* well as a; tat exjerminator, and"! io< typhoids dysr- ontery, or fever ajtacks.^the f^mV ity.":, ^Many --persons deliberately^ .attract the rats.:ir the: rieiglibor'- ihpbd by^ Tehvirig fruit;and vegetal bfes uncoyered in the cellar, and sftm^tinjes even sorir scraps, are hjftV opei.for their; regt le:nent,; fKJover up .(= very thing eAtaWe in the cellar: er. pantry, and ypu will soon.starve" them out. These. ] >reca-:itipnagoin- ed to the services ,<i' a good cat/-,Wiif process good a rat exterminator, aa:;;. theiiibemist can pVc vide." a Curious Geosr^ap tiic4l Problem ^ l- "Jil curious, gepgp pl.icaJ problem > us suggestedby I tin appearance t~ . themouth pf-the Se ine, near Havre/ - in.thejcourse,qf the present month, of one -pf the}) heri rietically:rseiiled,, bottles, in w'podeii cases, ^wHrph.:" were thrown | ovrbpard .j ;durjngf Prince Napolepn's ! forth Polar ex-; ' "peditipn, in 1$60". j.Wooderi^covep-t ed bpjbl^s of thfs k nd"Wre throws into yie sea daily ii 1 the. month 01 June that; year ft oui the prince's] ship, in' the : expe rUtion fiat thoj com se taken by th<m woiiidjlea'd-to| f/the elucidation of .the dirattion o|/ the; greater pc^nic onirrepats^,hnii . during the fourteen -and/a half yearfc", that have intervened; siri..:tpe5nJ"-' iione of these bottle 3 have been^Been, titl the present c ne * was! washed; ashore./Itsappearaace at th'e- mouth of the" Seine seems toindioste that a pdlar current, raja & 'he", boroe' into the/.German. Ocea:i,/an5"; canaed thence thro ugh Inej channel- to ^he' western; coast of Fi-ance. 'rrT Tlie Electric.',', j - V '// - , rt" A Wnolesald ^""~ ^*" itgi nranc wrain in hei\ .eye, trie unfortunate .Sopor ^departed, muttering,'as. he slamnied; the orit- side door behind him, thath:e*d' be master in jhis own house some da^ | }!but he hasn't been; yet, foi; Mrs:; Sober has recovered; arid her moth- -._ L.X. lii.L<Ah >iin )h' 4>/tHmAncnf"ivioi er has talceriup 'b;- permanent "resi dence with thench I '.-*.,/ .To,ihis day they apn't speak.tV the/V7idow Stacf,aml Mr; Spper's reiterated explanation has" always beep/'received-'in digbhScd ariot in credulous silence.-' . \_:- /. .-'^ -k -. Cold !pHA^QHT.^At-no Season of the;ynar prigbt people to be nifcire careful of sitting iifcurrerits of lair or'draughts than" during the/fall mpnthsC.. -Also be:pitrtieulai'"aVo'iit having .plenty of coverinjg^,within reach of-the bed! j When .yofu first j1?" retire at night -you may. not peed j.'** any, hut towai-da ipdrning the tern-. pemturS.may/chapge very deciued- ly awl rei^deif a blanket-or! two very" desirable.; ; '/ -.. j?:.'. ".-. I- ; . ' $ V\:H * A^gentleman who isacquaiated . 'with/ the fu.cts,pin! brrijs t^ie Belle-/ ^vjHe Inijslltgmcf^. ? hat. a wholeiale : rweddingf took plat at^ Mr. Nelsbtt Simmons', Meyers' >irg-.;towQship/of / Ssyriiour, on /Fridt y lasty-the prEci-, ufeiug clergyman.l>< ingZtbe jRev/.^.'. " Mt Finn, M. E, : minister.' Tilie^ yoon^ cjniples wh(' were uiuted-bfej; loA^ed tip two fiim ITes, 'their names being as^ollowS.:-|Riclja4 Clarlter to MissK). MJ f-itririVpnk; -Henry McJelvi|) to Miss, Ei.Jl S&ntrions|... Free'-to Miw A. Surimonsj. James FVee Cp .1 duss" E, jHulettt; - Robert Free to MJ ss:M.;Mi JFul<^t*j The party must*.6ave; been a Tery-^ "pleasant one indejjdj and v?e throw the old slipper af| a; the Jtyo' h^ppy" couples.. Pshaw ! / It's t; isy enough to |rip stpve-plpeS;}';;\. ill you have /goi ;.tp do is toput tl m togetfier.- ~ '/.Bridge-streetMethbdist Qhureh;. 'BoileviBe, celebraed its ;fifty-thj|ti' anii\ ersayy on e unday, and Ijlonf; .day; !."" //. iNia^l^^I^OfthAyebeenexpend. ed\ u^pn reparril p ,tbe IpleTTU* pi[ the Melodist, plinjch,. \\^afeitoo, season,. -'. A romantic 4pi ng man says thai 4 woman's heart': b like th^mooa-^- rt changes cow' tally' b.nfe Airtifi iiiiS'S inan hi '.iffciv Ki f f. '-A- -. A ', S-P wLMa

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