Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1875, page 4

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&%?& '.Vp^"j mm '- cm '-jiv- ,,jj? Ma --4 -t-n-r .tifrgnr.r White rhankingttheir numerous customers DRV GOODS, over imported into this county by any oner l'bus a, mil J at prices i,nsiie='t.we fuftest itiispeeiion pf thlelr roods an rl prices. Their for iWA-f ,:\Gr tFHE AC*01f FREE PKBS8; tlieir mJLmmAm very liberal paifohage-during the past-'season, beg to intimate thai jthey are agiin fullj eo^ui <:A\ " '.] " -.-iV" V4|. r>': MILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY.) SHIRTS, XkS inspect offered b^foreA m this or adjotning counties by saving the wholesale dealers profit: A mess, durability and cheapness. In mctito at oOe per pouud, worth 80c -decidedly tl I ribeiial discount to families buying in one lot five or iho-fe pairs. Their (}RDEKED CLCTHl^ getla iieirt nnd stylish suit at a reasonable price it is nejeessary tocrtll ^t the (Glasgow I^ouse. ,EulI line)* <tf G&0CIjlRI$S, TJJAS, &<h aJwj e best value ever offered. :- A , : THE-, - :- ACTON FREE PRESS ;, sr rS/'-P : - V Tkkvw. Dae dollar-*.year, strlc'ly in advance.- IT notrald before Urrp*Tiaoaths tino ooliivr SimI awut-wlll b* cbarstdi or r*odoll*rs If not pahl UU tfe* enajor the >Ur^'0(it(rtn hewn; toafiy peri, <on more than one year unpH.j ; iV&^P 6FAr>v*Riisi!Wi,' EltM jit tvrn*fbr1ftt.-lnrtlon, amivttb6U - ru 'inel -tor eaeb.sabseqnent Insertion- :- tKu%**vtrn*ttienU of >lxht I loos and i jwjar,-**** tnreelnwrilowh. Bu*ineu c'ii-Ji of "eight Uses and ouiitr, $1 per !.:inoat. - ""v A. liberal discount allowed oh-adrortlsct- r.-.enu tuerted-.'fur . extended. - pcrlmU. Alverasementswlthout special mrtrne* ins inserted till farbld, and'. charged aocnr.nngjj-. Any Sjftclal toilet, the object of trhleh Is to rrora<Ketlpeonnlary erReflloTany i::JiTidcuuor company, to be considered ri: advertisement.. ' TnuuilentadviKtMejnenta to bo'poid.Jttr ff nen'ordered. Ml adverUflnj uccoonu rondejfed.qoirterly. ' . "' : -'" N'otiw at Marriage*, Blrthinrid Deaths WiertM free -. T1 M'j T T^^StiBwart SbM WYSDKXM STREET, Are sfcowing nov lis a:!vantnfe over other dealers is obtained by their purchasing direct {from jlLP.mttiuifacturcrs, instead of buying thrMigbi jobbers as pmst Ji^ufiesi dojihere- > _ :.T- ,T -%: Spcieal Lines in Cheap J: ^kets Bjxkaal lines of Chenp T>r ass Goods -i . SpectAl Iices of Cheap Cottons r.k . SpeotKl'LincA of Cheap Fl mrioli. ; 14968 of Cheap Bl mkofc. A Special. Lot; of Canton Flannels ~T -f- :fTA - : n * 1^ ? ' <~ i- -r. _ ^" ; fcVbUrj? "Ufll- P-'SI-SWt:-. _ % \ ^amflyTMattere. 7:^IFtefM. jn bcia. sprinkle^ chamomile flowers und- the "slie4te. _ BSck SItk.V-When the gloss is '( ca?^. bv coistant \rear, mowtea ' the siUf with a sponge, lay a damp doth ever- it, and pass a hot. iron brer: ic seTeral times till it is qnite . iir-:*'V :- .' To make Jeather bmahes *o xne> in grasBing para, or bruahing e^ over tarta oripastryy boil the win? feather* of & turkey or ichieken fot ' a^toutten minutes, then rinco'them ' - Jnjtepid wat^B, dry and tie them ap in bunches.' -' .'\.i Ktib fresh lard oTer verypaUoftSpecial Iiipea of Cheap Si^ks. r a tin dish, and then put it in a hot 1 oven apd heat it tboroughJyf- Tbiu ': treited, it is said that tinware toay be Toei. in water constantly, jna re main bright and free from nirt- an indefiiute lengtli of time. '-'.__ .: ~WaAerStainar To remove wafter stains front engravings or paper, fill iaflWrftrngy large clean veaael with pnr^iiratBr, dip Uie eng-raving ia, waving it backward and fonrahi ! hhtfl Vetthroagh. Then fasten it ' to a, fiat bond with drawing pins, _-j and lei it dry in the sunshine. ? Hibboau and Silks. Ribbons -:iand silks should bo.-j-.pat \ away for ' l^he chloride of lime-, used in nianufec- turing white paper frequently p'r- duees discoloration. A white, satin . dreag h<Wf Id be pinned in Ude pa- pe?,; w^ broTpi paper i oatside, sewij together si the.edgem. . Eemovip Paint froin Clothing. Equal parts of turpeBtine and spir- : itsof ammonia will tnie out the paint 7* spots from any kind of clothing, no matter iow^old and dry and how : hard- it may Ue, Saturate the spot with the liquid, perhaps two or thiee times, 4UI tie paint ii soft, , then weak all with, soap-suds. _ , Old;; PaperV-Oli : engrayingi ^ood-Cuts, or printed mattery t^iai ' have torned^ yellow, may be. ren- ;' <iered white by first washing care- -.-.".iully in; water-containing a little. " ].-rposulphite'of soda and then < dip- ; :ng for a minute in Javille water. -ToTprepare^ ffie Lttter, ^j>ut four1 " pcuikls bicairbonate of Bbjla jn a : and o^e gillon cf boilinglwa^er,;and let it. bofi for .-,. 15> -mintttlsl Ten stiif ,in lone T^Mnnd^pf_ jralvenzed chlprida- of -., lime. ..^hen^coid^ ;tho, liq'nid casv' .-^b;kBpt. ln"a jog'reidy. for .use. > "V"-*1 below anything ever known in the stock5 of .BOOTS: AND SHOB^ lie history of the Dr/ Gdbd* trade. Their objeet is to liuijt every orie in in Men's/Woinen^aiiajjChildreii's W2ar,ibr quantity, quality and |pric EW GOODS. The Student's Micrpscope i^jVith Dissecting Apjpnr.ttA.. for .ex amining 1 "insects, plftutsjr flovsors, Cloth,,circulation of tho blood, nut- laalcttjiin water, &o , 50 cents.. . JTaoni'Bxtrators,', ~; '.'" ,', Always useful, always answering, al- -- ways instructive- Powerful Pooket Microscope, 50 0EN1-&" EE^v--:-"-,;'?!*^!-- ivfiii: A 8pecial Lot of Cheap T weedi; A Special Ijot of "Wincev j, Chiap, Black LuBtre^i Special Ta' WM. PTEWAKT Best' Finished Beading Glasses, sdwerful'magnifying .power, for flow- srs,'. photographs and . pictures. A arge and cheap stock of new goods at ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE I On East side. Wyndham Street, '- GUELPH. - I ue; &c^. LIVERY & SALE STABLE :-*." f. AM&AX pr< pared ta the to JTen tire themselves In, pursuit ! of rest . .. Economy in youth makes a cush- _- ion fqSpld iaga :- : - ^ ' Tbe^lheapes^'of Uiwyers-^Keep- ' ing oue'ff own doiuasel, ' T . .\- Tbe man whto^ ' couldn't find his r in?.tcb? went t^jie^ in the dkrk. j "- S'( Gone" to gither-' antnmn leaves --.i-.\ Hea"v^^Mtbe-;lat effort of the .;obituary^p^t f.; :'/ -. .. , \>. There caUBot be- a surer proof of lev origin or of,an imnatejneanness J'-tit di^ositiori than b be always ' talking, and thinking of being gen- - .- Politeness is the mother of peace. .SfceTfeeejja: faiaijrity and ' iinpa- dend|i.frojp being ^kickwi to death, /and oftiin'saves herself a broken ..head; ; , T ~ ., "* . ' ^ '&. remedy for- caterpillars, 'whiclir ^us^a on aJarge-scale- in Franca, / consists in a selution (1 part in '.:'-}.S0Q^:- of^'^aiphide^ of potassium, sprinkled: on the tree by means of T>bau^.sjrrin^B.:-_.';- ' , V Sheep raising, has .paid better in WsJliW^arid;X7inatillacountieB, I. .Oregon^ than any ether enterprisei '- ^e^irefstrsver 200,000-head pfjstiefolguig fliere, worth from S^^T*S.TOi>er head. A'Bn6T'FEt,ixw. A m*n wentin- . - to the Manchester, N. Hr, station. , the other day after a lost trunk, and it earn* out that be .started feom ateKtesler, Me^^beryirs:fa - wiifc^b^ itnmtov twtwrived with only three, and ttat it had been in 1 Maacbesier ever since, but hadn't time t gS 4own (be statkm to .. >. gee abeotit Ustfr*. OiiTiases- Takes-plessttfe In announcln : pahiu geaan^ly that he -U ' -j farnlafc ~ PirfVelatf Sones *ad ' - At BeonflbIe Rates. Hia Bigs anfl Horses are the i est that can ba aid, and be 1 desermim d not U> bo snrpaaeed by any City. .Htabte Aeton Jury let, m i ^pq^c^f Wholef|e JUpafietiu er 6t CO.LLABS JpKAKER IS teMLsui^.' apneas, TmAke, Travelling Bags, Homo Clothing, Jpombs |r| And Brushes. will be All order-l*ren into' our hands________ trllly attended to, and worn nfed to glvmatlfHon. aa we omploy n >ne but the-Seat WQrkmn and material. COLIjABS warranted to glye atlgfao, Moa, a they are ol oar own luaBi fabtore." tlEPAIMHQ Of all kinds dnoie with neatness - - ihe bo^t .o-toe, ; AUwboireqntresoodai hi onr 1 jio will do well togtve na a call belore I urchSu- tnr ebwwbere. - ^ .Bememter tbe Stand ^ . ;^T * C^feEGB ^LCton, July 1, W75.- '.. -' . and on ST0 C H COMPLETE ' - ' . . ': i i ' ' 1 ' 1 . :' ->. .' ' \ ' ' ' ' " - i , In every Department at the FASHIONABLE WEST hi END. :^::-0:'-^ipno^i^i:&, IlesH to lntimnto that hi* Slock In now eomplf to In every depart mont, SS3 desires to Inform tru ladlrK or Guelph and fiirroundltiK country Hint hi dlpl->y|of Sow and FiwnionableG"OdKl Uio fluest ho ban over submitted lorpubllu approval.-; Special nttentlon lifinvlloil toour i ' i -. ,. Silk and Dress DepartmeiLt. Sh&wl artd Mantleipepartpient. inery Department. Flirts, Fancy /Woolen Goods, Hosiery, Kid] Gloves, Blankets; /Frannels, Tweeds, ^c^| All of which wo aro prepared tocntattbo very lowcBt rricp*. ;JtIA,.:0. BUChlAM, Fashionable \Vest Enil Qrcss, Millinery and Manfle RfUbllahmenU Guelph, Oeft. K, 1S75. ' ' AfT05f WACON AND CARRIAGE FACTORY. I JASIJES KYDEBi Proiirietor. Oarrtagos, ' ; SleijliB, ';,- : Cuttors, .See. Kept in stoclt and mode to Order on tho T . ! iShdi-test Motlce. ,.' [let attention paid to - i^orso-Snoai^sr & General Jobbing fj. and: aaUsfiicllon euaranteed, :?Acto, inly 1st, 1875. -> .: *', Call at J- "W". Maiaai's GENTF?AL EMPORIUM, MILL STilBja*,; AOTOir. j '- i ' - ': .'.). jo) JEirsr ': vo-;o"cs; zp..s AND READY-IWmDE CLOTHING Is much larger and better than ever. .A splendid stock' o select from, at very low prices. In G-roceries, Crockery and (-rlasswaxe . Will ba found a complete assortment of the best '< mality. '. . G.R'fE \A;Ti B A R G AI j Are offered forcash or produce. Fmw UP FOR ^ALL PAPER AT'JDAY^S fe^TORE. \ The subscriber begs to return his sincere thanks to t; te inhabitants of Acton and surrounding country, for their libeiral patronagi, and j trusts that in future they will continue jthe aamo liberal appreciation . As a large portion of his business' is ready-pay, he can afl btd toj SELL CHEAPER Than those who give long credit and have a great many bx d debts. N for the JfaH imd Wifttei^ can^paigni haA DRAWERS, H^TS, OA=a j|[pj"ieie combiiieclj far extee^L .Vplliery, , M unties, aUo-i FGH CHEAP Dress, and . . Fancy Goods, -j Jevffitrjt : -;..- >. /Toy'd,&cli Don't (i II to go to The Emporium MILL g lines you will find complete. HERY A SPECIALITY. Call ancf examine our itocjt beforp pur chasing elite where. I D. M^NAJIR. Acton, July 1st, 1S75. Cm. . &C. Tho JOB PRINTIflC Of every; descripticn ation ways on GHRISTI^ SENI?ERS<) :eA: ing^ttid-ln oimi:t "J- a i jAlJ F GOLDEN tLlON, Gt^zpsXxDKh: Jj^ense^ilis^aj '^M^^^f^^s^. ii] , IV and wrdially^ Jot siyleimefipt |iaiid.;i:iTEi;t-l I'T :!**. *e.6r jpier' ofl g^edna.- "*?(X-: - TlB." % l.i T:fiM All riiade^on:'tlie premises, every gnrnlent|of which is-warranted to'please both in wor"femanship apd-qual^y fff material.;,' Wc employ qnly| i^rst-class workmen, ahd:^very ; garment thoroughly jtested by our proficient c^ttor/'tMr^.llaiiinj and; ,in erery ipstanoe satisfactionvguaranteed. Hold your iboneytiH you reach the Jiion^ No Jew^' S|6p ^tuff ih-this Shop. Twenty hands:} 4. in t Town busy making our.'. Overcoats,- twenty-five making our "",.c::| Undercoats. It-' ieon,| .^lie,:Ca - fa&sdayB i ;,-ABtoD,-;;' > if JlSfES V:' Issuer' | ' ."-'Master/.'". . to loaa,-i Tl'ourttur .; Acton, Ontj 'Jure.also 'tance Co. W pa*d neatli t; . M t* * *t-1 *c. ota Streets. <j'd liey-d ,;:- : :4c*:Oniee? 1 :' "Milton, Ma j:?k '. _ ffll be und| ...' "Oanipbell, 'AT "..*t.the-?"" .'., w-eek. .t-l l':s[ tpatbjI .':y JE"--exife;i| inC^n:idaff Patent g *f .: lor printed! ^tibajten yl StecbanG ^ : .tentaand..' '~-i\mi Thousands of airs t of ;._\ See the uolden Lion bvor ijie'door'.. Ini tlii; best and most Tractive styles, Acton, Sept 29, 1875. ^A-OTOjunF iWagon Works MAIN STREET MICHAEL SPEIC5HT, General Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Maker* Best Horse-Shoers in tke County Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price char ;ed. ' ~~ FIR&T-.C3LAS3 ' - '-. '-! " ..:*&P" " Cbllard'sl Pajtent Iron Hi ! i 1 iChoice Patterns, New Designs j a Large and Splendid Stock j very cheap' at ', ~T '; DAY'S BOOKSTORE. -;:GUEL]Mr :'t.:: Day Sells Cheap. ONUS to aiannf actnrers. B THE VILLACE OF ACT ON Is prepared to grant a bonus to parties eslAbl'shlng any. hind of manufacturing business employlnj ten skilled hands and upwards. and"wlw re said business does not .onict: with any business already established within the corporation. Ac- tanLuBe*BtR eood railway fncllltleK, being on ftbb fir^ntT Trdbk \Railway, leases gt Ttbb Gi -e miles i tblrty-flve miles westof Toronto, Is in a beautiful and healthy dncojuon, Is free from municipal dfebt, and property can be obtained on reosbnablB tenns. i- - - UBNftXF, MO>B^, ' . -! Village Cleric Aotori,Jul*?, WTO. I ways on hand. A Good Stock of Carriages | and KfcPAIRING^proinptly and properly attenjded to. Acton, July 1, 1S75. . PRINTING Mid PtJpLISlEtNCJ Over the PpsfcQffice,MiIl ^trdet lOrdere for all kinds of promptly executed at J he 3E lPii5B'B& Job Printing promptly atten dei,td. at- ^ Iskvt-J --\ (Byl V--."JBu .' .Office at | " County 1 Teielierefj PlaiteringJ ihmost! tioa j iu . / :l\intsi!.iirtd^y(i'st.s;,iall: well sewn,.and beautifullyi cut, and at prices sufficient!;'lo_w to charm 'the-:; bbyer. v - ... . } ' ' ' J - l I . . . r^im J. D. WSLL!ArVaSON, Hi THE; ^ OFFICE (In ,tl ew's Hew, Buildbg *) MZTON. H. IE 'W-r<;.r. U8G, Proprietor. j Having" adopted the _W' -/ And discount for icash of '... mm M TftE i for three months pas t, -would .take this opportunity of - *'.' y'- :^^' '-- Systsm^Haa Proved Kost To my numerous ' Sell Goods as :ustopiers and also to myself, 1 wil ctntinue ;toi' '-". ';' "i< -!( Ldw as any mpT^se in[ t^xeTr^ijs r' A '"---Tv '~vl'":/-,.:"vTi ' Doing i CredifriSusiness, and will give 8 PER::C:p^ - :-%. ISSt - .A^entfor I . >H bus! net ialrbfuUy F' $ohpiXed,-. ; -fFlonr rVidesle'J " ' ,T C&pping ] > ,tJFOSS ...-":- 1X* the.* u j^ellenti :. public. mi &?* ~'_ V- new JBfctel ") with'new* f --.- ' lers will i J. _\-. commbdio S isttentfon :ia^.velling| ' : Tiestliiqo "."' -': anx^tf i-O.XAl .TKV-Aci .Sample 'l<jGon, ; inpdation I . Besttetml ' Bar. Hustlers.'1 -.'"i IWW tating thai the riLi -T*rhe 'Customers-willnodovl^t a rail themselves of the disconnfc satisfied of success, knd satisfaction to all' concerned} in t ie count system. i , Prompt paying imnQilv oiiatomerB cofisidered as ctah,; the discount. iJash for at -i- :/i-ii irkiii and dia- n& will gel ConTeyaneer, Issu pr o rMaprlage licensee Ins i Agent Money t<>. IiOani Agent Montreal "...f FourthDiv.*oi(rtjl)oiniinQ.B^&e^\ A Aoteni<teptembeiri"l87ii. ' : > : A- " ;'^t ?., - -:' :! " ,- ' '- 'r:' Only I

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