Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1875, page 2

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'it* *^*Sira IMS i-3 i^^K^i^^^'?^^-^;f.j = j:1f ^ '-fe^te?] K ft- f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. {.-"Removal IJ.M,oro>w. ^~~ Mouey. Wanted Kopnedy Bros. ST T tiki AjTTttXLykEK PUESS "1 Pahiahed Every l^iiay Morulas. ei p Annum ?ib Advance. -i .J I - A y- i A'v V.' s V--5.- i ii; ^ J.--- ife'P K-.'f- 'j J0 H nOKm* HHTOB Vi . : . .. i-^, , . i t m, ii _ --------^. : ^6AY MOlixtSO.i HqV. ; 1875. Hr-rr--^-K '. ' J-j,-r.-j~'--J^j:- ;vit wouldVooin that webaVeppui-'! . wilted a moat greriuus of&ncej tuid unwittingly brought npon puvaelvea < the ill-will of few friends of tho .; j Fkc Pkesb. Wji last week mild- -.' _ ly express**! pur yirwa concerning ; - then^e^nal fitricWthe two can. : tlidatea then seeking/election,- and we are now^nourty charged wjth \'j-~ having therein; departed from the atrict line of neutrality.' In ".(he. >xcftoxrVht >f the nmeri/thre4 or "i four, of. our Conservative- reader* have even gone so-.far as |'to return v their, copie* of the paper with Kur il illous remarks written on themar- /.' gm^cleatly exhibiting the narrow- ,rfiinded bigotry by which they are ; controlled. It would be .a watte of ~ ~ .yfords to try to convince' men of ~_j.z this 8t*jup that we have riot, pub-- ' lished a suitable in connection with this election which could by the j .-greatest strain of imagination be construed into anything, but' strict ' politic*! neutcality.r While profeis- - ipg . political independence, it is . clearly not the.duty of a newspaper pedHoi^to creep! quietly thrvugh |ftn election campaign, and like a noodle, say not a word concerning tie perH i epnal fitness of either of thi candi- / - dij$es. Ordinary intelligence rebels against puch stricture*. ' Candidates] {/.; for parliamentary honors are public slich,-v is the pri- vifiege-aad "du.ty' the newspaper man to pomt out their ^failings and -.., personal i&erita.. . We have endea ^ " voied -a* far as possible to keep :f within the Jine of Personal as well na Political neutrality. IF we have "t failed in either respect,, it was not '; ..-knowingly, or with thelmost remote , feelings -of disrespect -to."either' ' party. If Gol. Cky, or his friends, feet at all aggrieved .at oar remarks ,'." conc^i-ning his.advanced years,lwe *M are verv sbrrv that it should be so, / although we do not fee that m j hare any reason' to rvtract one ;' werd, that was-said, except probably r tfU. wre_weremUinfonned in regard f.n /his .j^ge. W haVe since been ' jpl-i that he has not yet sef n seren- 7 vtarsj and if this be the case, we trust he witt.pardon~,~jm tor. having set him down as being apjiarently i . beyond'that nuinber.. Lj KQw^perhape^ it would J^e as well to say'a wordbr.twornjhisconnec- tion in respect to our position. It ' was clearly stated in-the Preapectus -* " that the Ebe Pbess should not " be -devoted to the interest of any -' ' Political Party or factibnj that it " should .at all tirileB be free to die- -,; cuss mjvtters of public policy on j" tbeir merita." Tins is what we. proposed, and this is what we have carried out to:the:*l!ttfir.~ ; During an election campaign i js a difii- cult uStter to keep strictly on -the. line, without seeming' to favor-one bide or'.the other.., end while careful ly avoiding the discussion ofpoliti:' cul issues; it is a duty we owe :jto '" opr readers to give them the fullest ' I- information in"" onr power repect- ' ipg the candidate^ and their views. Beirig a,compatalive stranger here,: arid not.knowing, except by report. ar;j tiling of the past history of tho ts'o can'didat-es, we avoided jsaying '-.; r-ord" fcuTicermflg-theiii until we Lad "p,-en and. heard them jiddreKS .'.'i'.1 )'U'riieetingB. We then; found* " 4._-^ery ea*y matter-- -to draw cbm- and form. nn opinion as to ' flit-ir respective abilities. HiEbTOip BLIOTION . MlLTtK,.Jfoy. 3. The followiu* are the majorities in the dijbrent-Beotioi I in tho*elec tion, to-day of k inembsr to the On turio Aseemblv : y<*4%.) Cl^y (O.) .-... 34 .... 1 ... 12 , .. 16 .;. 122 MiltbnJ.v..... Oakville-.J.N. \*ton i.. Georgetown r Nasaagnweya Burlington ....... - : -"' J9 Eaqucwing., ... .. M Trafalgar.. !f. rj "'.. .13 Nilson......\,..\ .. 18 .": J fliB. r Majority for Mr.LTJon.. ; J&7. " Another IbanLhas.just been"plac ed gn the Lanjqn money n|iarket l>yt. our yinance Mi lister, amount is 1,&00,00( ,r nearly ten millions of dollara. Tjhree-fifths of it Unguaranteed by Governnient, and thfe fifths ia o^v Canadian The bonds are tbrrn-fpr thirty, d part for thirty-fire yeaija, and :o bear interest at fon r asinuni, payable half y ' Arteiegram to the Gltf* states that the-Walkeiri government has been defeated-in Brit sh /Columbia and that the Opposi .Ion! ha ve re* twined fourteen memt>ersjth* Ind- pendants six, and the Government five. Nine seats fill Mi. by Mints tpi-ialists'i in the late House- have been won by the Opposition, and only oiie seat ;beld h) ftho 0pj>6i tion luu> beon lost by fhem. HI 'M&&&& a^lFiSM &8sXtMsa&ik^4!r. MM V. ^- Mil "i "* * I. v ' ~c .1 -' $ - '$& ma fe^jffijigg-Bgg 4^|^j!jfe;ww| ll^p *. i. THE ^LCTON* FR^E PRESS TOVEto^ the Iaiperial bthe two credit alone. per ce^t per early S. G. Moylau, of .Ottawa, is ga zetted Inspector of P hitenti iriea. vHbn. Mr. Macken tie jig" v siting the Maritime Provinces. .. j-Mr. Creightou (C 'ppositibn) is elected for North Gwy." He| has a majority of ninet'fcse'i en. In East. '21 btthun iberlanji Ed ward Cochran*, Cons srvativ >, and J. M. Ferris, Gjrit, w< re nominated as"candidates for the Ontari > Leg islature. : Polling1 on Tuesdar, /A despatch fioiri ^ 'ashing x>n re- views the "Cuban qua tion, at id says that the United^ Sut isdetermin ed to set up Cuba ai an iiiiepen dahtSiate, anda bolls j slavery from that Island. V ;^rin TowniBhipjCbuniil. This Council inet*p]ur8uaht} ta ad journment, the Reeve in thel chair. Members all present Moved"by MKBurt, seconded" !>y-Mr. BJeid, that the Reeve order the payment of $5 to John ITordel , for making a culvert on the 5th 1 ne, Na 13, Carried. Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by Mr. Reic, that f 10 be allowed^- fen patting in a culvert and otherwise repairing tho road on the StH line, oppoiite lot 22 and cross road..-^Ca.r|ied. Mr. Roid moved, Mr. Teeter icerided, that Mr. Burt:be instruct d U> jo arid inspect a culvert, built by James,) Paisley, opposite lot No. 10, .6th line, and pay -for the same, if the work has been done n * sttisfac <ory manner, and "wort! the [.amount claimed for d ting go, being flO.j.-T-Cttrried., Hiv tig examined the tiUL of Messng. Ix nes 4 David son for printing, bein;' $52.11, Mr. Barhonr . m'oyed,. "secc nded"by Mr. ,Burt, that the Reeve jrder tlepny ment of the satne.-^-Ci rried: Mov ed by Mr. Barbour, second ed' by Mr." Burt,'that the Peeve give an order.for the jpaymsnt >of $15-, which was;granted ht session of the Council, for a job of wtrk on the lst"c$ii. 9^ the tiwri lil e be tween Erin arid Gar|ifraxa.4-rCar- fwo o'clock p; m, by .5eputti Mr.' Reid, seconded b;r Mi. Tee|er, I^awren. that the tenders callei.for, for the' That is luilding of a new trit ge at Bow's.-. have leai mill, between lots 2!! arid 23, on the 7th cbri. .be now )pened. The j pense is tenders weria found' iis folio v Angus McLellaa; $5J5;.C. J.:Mc MiHan,"-'$630-;'.John Can pbeil, $490 i Inoch Price, $ J70. ! loved by Mr.,BufI, seconde< by Mi. Bar- hour, that the tender of !Snoch Price for building the bridge i ibove- rnenttoned be acceptec , provided he Had wo ! furnishes sufficient security t mt he -r'-' wilPbuild the said brilge aocurding to the plan andspecifisation.-^Crfr' riL Moved by Mrj R^id, r*scond: ed by Mr. Teeter, thai the Cxincil go into Committee ef ,;he- whsle.-on By-law No. 9 of the present year, for levying the Count/ and Town ship fate, which By-jaw was. ead a first and second time last, meeting of Council S-Councit in Committee Mr.:Re5d in /the phair. The By law.'was fillietl iip as f jIIojes ', or Jfiounty purposes! i wills oi the dolljr^ for Township -purpo8pg,"l^ ' rrii^a: on the dollat. Com|mitee 'rojse. "" j Council resumed hlusinessj On motion by Mr. Teetec L seconci ed by Mri BliVt, By-law Nf>, 9 wan read a jthird time! "and p^usfed.- illcyed by/Mr. Barbour,- seconded |by Mr. Heid, that Mr, Burt bt instructed to examine Grand/River Hill <n the 2nd Une.und the hiir-on the 5ti line, i>j>(c*ite"16t/ll, arid hnve them re: j j>iiid if dungerouB. Mr. Barbour ftiiuved, seconded by Mr.. Teeter, t,(iiit the Council do. row, icd/otirn, to meet ngai.ii on Tuesday, th< 30th otherwite -than exprpss orif convictions in the-manner we'did last wek,Lwe'should have felt cOn -.icted-ofjinbral cowardice and. of ' being unworthy of public respect. '-Arid-- we may say' here|to those few parses who think; it a=gnind thing their petty spike by return- . ,-ifig their j spers and reviling ris- by . 1 their" loud-rriouthed ijatlier,- that ? they exhibit their wrath tc> no.pur- jiose. 8uch fictions have no influ-. ence oii-us whatever. jWhile pity- are enly e6fr\vth'atfth"dir 'chaneeB' for leWhi- ;;iii_ wikhan. are to very bhm.; It ; it .veil for. the:;countjy that tliis .la^fe'Of u(en Jis not very numerous. i . Id North iGrev, the Conserve-. ':-*3 hive. reuiaee.dMi^ Soilt, who i-.v-j ur;i:*ted aud^ "discjuaiified', by y 'A .-." 'i.'retgiiton/i.yho'is-chosen- ove^i r-' A:, -VlcKnighti . !4'"i.ortS .' Weill worth, c-locted Dr. . . ___ ,_________ ,'ji) .il.I-ihori,.%; reforiuerj. on Friday -Novelriber rioxt ensuitig. f^oi., by "it'n^erity of \% ',, v -.'*."' . Wm. Tyeiv|T ' ';' * i. - genbral jjiswa I Burglate huvo bocn pperatiijJg Jn Bntuiptun. Mr; Workman's .;majority in West Montreal is fifty-nirio, The1 United States currency at amounts to present outstanding! $4t4,455,0t>8.39. ;Xord rind Lady jJiifforia, it is | 'JdT^INQS FROST TORONTO Sjiecidi Correitimiiiifiice of. Mr^ri'-JrVwi rOBLld.kXCITSMICNT |-.KliEn--Tlt1Al. HT 1 Jt?* -- THK MAKRUUK Ql.rtWTION VO'lftil STKEKT tVJWl ToltONTO KI>.0- Tioir/Brcr, inr. , - ^ Thejintesso oxcitcinout, osused by the arrest oi A. P. Davis arid'wifo for the. murder of tho unFortuunto Jonnioi -----^ Oilmovir, and which oxiitod till tUoivn said, intend :visiting entoQ^o WASjbronojinaaH, Iiai at longth r '" died away. Every one. felt satisfled, at least shortly after their arrest, that thoy weri. the guilty partion ; every ou fpft tatistiud with the fair trib.1 tlioy rouoiv- cd, ankl few regretted'-iho .sovfro b<mi. toned pasaed upou thoin, There is aomv danger! I' that our virtuu h&agonu (]uiut- ly to tleep for s.nveh yosr wore." :..;.' Theltirial of Johfi Mill.Or and wifo for tho mnnler, of Hr. and Mr, Nash in now Hoing ori. l.ittlc or no interest U manifeateu in the cjvsu l>y tho pjiblio in gencrnfl; Why is this!. Wos tho ex- oiUinaut in tho Davia tri(il too liiuhT Has the . rkaction como ! !\Va tho jury which] sat in the D&viji caao intluenced at all by the high state 0f public focliug? TheOiSBditl y^ey Railway. Tho anntisl iioeting of. this coWj pany took p ac?o 'at Toronto,, brf Thursday. Tjjo following ia ; ihtf report : Your Directors have to report j. that tho giat ing is finished nori 116i miles, ni d there remains tc I be done 43 mji**. Bruco a dis- in Deceiuborv The. London, -Hiirjm-'and exteiiH(on is opoii to plintoHj tancu of about'tViirty uuloa. The Egyptiini iimiy has entered Abyssiuiu. Tlip "Abynsiiiiana are i%treating niul oueiiing no' rusia.; -taiico. ..- Tho ,Ix>ndon Tit/ies estimates that-' two., hutidfed mariners iand, others were drowned in the North Sen during- tlie galc^s of-i tho past tln-ee duys, ' '. .' | , John W. Gordon^ house, at Port Willine jury ^-hichiL actingow_ te ;Coybu0urne WUH hurglarizod on Sun in an way lunuonced by tho seeming I . '. - - . > mont necti mercy menui TpOMrk indiiftreuce of-the. public aa.tpwliioE way tho case may 'go t "..;! _' : TBX1L BV 3T11T. -. A. . . Such thoughts are apt' to mako us : wonder if. tho timo hsi^not arrived, or if it is htul, vh44t will l>b well for all parties cont^erued, to do away with ihet jury systein entirely. Jurors are f?r the most likrt'men of limited edueiAion men who havo spent most of their, days, without tindim; but the simpl(.'3trproblems of lifo to solve. -The result is/that, when placed: as judges o\-er their fcllow"-iAan, aiid altliouch j^perfe< tly honcat, and desirous of weigh- I ing.well.all the eN-vdeneefor und against, they are apt to be misled; tiy tho ro-; marks of th^ counsel for the prosecution1 or dcleuso. This is not sayiug anything against the character of tho juror. It is one oif tho most natural results which wo wiuld expect. Wo Jo uot moan to say that literary education will ensure lijoctjssory "^qualification for a-good i'or froin it. Wo have met meu in. oui time whoso hi Were ijieverquestioucd we would bo JiTath to risk our Much rather would wc be at the ' of a mail whose highest recom- itien is commi'm sense, even though little given to deep thought. But are inch i>n in any -ay intluenced 'by tho tqo oiten'- fallacious arguments of the learncd'counsel t Our beat lawyers are men who know "how to be luminous and hew to bo obscure." When "luy wijh to "be unJerstoo<l, they never fail to- make themselves understood ; they can with eae ,preaont a cloar, pliusiblo and popular view of! whUe on thei other hand if they do pot .wish'tb be explicit, thcy^have the power, of sayr inghoihing in language which'leaves on their audience the impression that they have id a great deal. Such was tho character of the younger l^tt, and'many men of Ithe present: day have succeeded admirably in imitating " the 'spoiled child of the House <>f_<.'ommoha." How1 irifinrteiy! better it would be to leave the wh^le matter in the hands of the judge. Then ssch nonsense on the part of learn ed couruel would be at an end. lien care litjUe to talk to the wind, even though! what they are saying bo.very importapt in their own estimation. T thb dcrkk stcbdkr. Much dissatisfaction is felt on tho part of many with the.judgmfcnl render ed in the case of those who attacked and killed poor Burke.' The murderers' themselves must feel their .punishment as triflirig." Tho Court'will soon iavo disposed of all the: cases, and the 8th of December will Icause many to pause and reflect once mbrc o"n-(the dark tragedy which his disgraced our land. It wifj then be a. thing of the past, , Little thought of; seldom spoken of, it will have gons ti> tho "'silence of the upper ...--. . ^ho gr.idi'nj is cojhpleltfd' from Toronto .early I a j)3iuti nieai tlte Carlton Race | Course to Jtreotevillej thence | notthwajfds o i the brunch' lij?o(! via Moudo\ ffllof Chiirdiviljie; Brampton, upi ;Choltenhtri to the (JrJdit Kiycr, irithithe e*ceptJon of] ftlK.ut Inilfn irilo.'nea* Bntfrfptbtry thence noji|hv irds \fo OrangeVilfo, and f'rdm.CJu'ta actj jEloriiund F*f- giih via 12rin, . Iillsburg, and-Korig- IaH,, with the excepticm of' abottt four miles bet' 'een a point-on tho Credit River, bove Cheltonhatrilto the forks of itli j'Rjvef Credit, arid a few pieces ai louuting in all nix and a biilf m IcB,1 near Cataract^ i Alton, -Hills] urgt I Fet'girs, and Etorn, whorcr't ie riglit ;of way could not bo obta'hie I; arid on the uiiin lino from Stre tsrirle to Milton slnd the Broek.'rottc, with the eixception of four irnd half miles, for. tfhicjf the right of i way hoe also not been .obtained, and i.bout a mile and a Kent Assizes^Jos. Rice] half neirr' iCattbellsviHe. Nothing baa been done) day evening arid ${iOO. worth joweljery, itc, were taken,--.'~ , of Aeaizos, Goo. The jury laid At tho Woodstock Thompson was' 'fbi|nd guilty^ \of aTuuderirig Ii. McKiiu,ex-M. P. P. for 'Wellington damages at $50, ' ' At the was churgud with shooting with in tent 6 kill, at orio> Wui. West, of Raksigh, early in Mky iast; Ver- dict-r A young girl ofurisound mind nauioi Mary i Heimbach, left hoi home in Berlin,on tljo 22nd Oct., and has not siuoo been heard of. Tho report of tho 6rent Western R iil way of Canada for tholialfyenr ; announces thnt there will bo; no dividend.-. : Tho defioiericy in' the gUliterary learning'revenue is.j 141,OOO.'I .: ,r,buttowhosejudg. | 'A womim LS bpen arrested crossing tho American frontier near Montreal, with four li'undred yards of silk rolled round her persdn,' The goods aro supposed to bo ;p'art of tho goods stolen from Morgan's store in Montreal.- A by-law of the town of'.Colling- wpod is jmblished to Jraise by de- beritiiros the i-min. of| 010,000, ' assist in establishing thti manufact ure of agriculturaJ implements in the'town. It will be |voted on by the ratepayers on thd 9th ofiNo- vember.. -.-'.' . > The horse known ns "Jim Chris tie," that made his firat running on the Brampton tr^k, while running in a race at Woodbine Park plung ed with his foot into s|- soft -part of tho. track on- his The owners "threaten to sue the pro- \ 56,017 ishell -; raja .marriage" qcestJos. Jn the meantime the subject of mar- riage is'nngaging the public attention. The Qloit is flooded with letters,'and the question is beiiJg -pretty well, venti lated. 11- has evidently been a inar-dgt with not a few and a merry-age with many more. "Artisan" makes au at tack upon the thoughtless and dressy, butL"Torknto " and "Irish Girl" came \ to tht defence, and he leaves tho field and aslu) ' for their address. . *.' Old BachelorT tries to be good natured, and offers his experience, which proves "to bo of no use bnt to the owner." " Wil- kins Miciwber " sums up the- coBt, arid /inds a balance in his favor. He's a married man, ;' ' ';'.". YOpJOE STEElET 70K SALE. The merchants of Yonge street have ticketed it "For Sale, "and think Beri- ously of nioving. They appealed to onr ^City Fathers, for redress. Our City Fathers.ojppejJed to their pwn common- sense, but alas !-. there was a lackisome where. If your Acton Council don't know hoir to conduct affairs expediti- thom form themselves into a aud coiho down to the St. Hall, for. two or three nights, e way our ""men. in power " ed how to do business so well, ajgo away as a deputation and linihensely wise. If the ex- ______. jo-great, let thom study c&ro- rully tha conduct of the Pickwick Club, while the Immortal Samivsl is deliver, ing an *<^dres8. .... '" ' Z trdRONTO BCECTIONS, Tho Ojfcoe and Mail are "cutting each other's throats ":ovor the West Toronto election] I ,_']'- " Fighting like Devils for conciliation," "Hatin; each other for the love of God."- HhefGk Wj would like to turn things to suit Mr Turner, and the Mail,, natural ly, woi Id like to keep them square. Tho wotd;.Po<i7<M is likely to takoadif- ferent--meamng Ijefore long. - Jt may bc- como aynoAyjnous with insanity. But tha.t depends not a little upon the next generapon. . | Yours, &c., LI. k and whs pitcjbed forward ' cattle guarjds dri Elqra branch head, breaking hi* neck. ' There-aro oft hand and paid prie-tors of tho rnce-cotirso for the IoSm, which appears to be bo $1,200. -! The Brampton Banner describes a'fight between'n terrier artd a rac coon, the hitter, w-e^are told, weigh- irig eleven . ponrds more than his assailant. The battle lasted about twenty minutes, the dog being the victor,1 but at the 'expenssdf his life, as he died subsequently from the effects of wounds received iri the encounter. The elections inj the United States resulted in lkrge Republic- can, gains.' The Republicans have' elected both branches (Jif the Legis lature in New York, New-Jersey, Wisconsin, Minnesota,' ;and possir bly in'Orpgon. MisMtisippi is-car- ties. by a large Brioham Youno in Trouble. On FJ-iday judgment was givenr at;'Sanderson; ried by the Demoti-ats majority. Tho Western Prohibi tory League, while in session at London on Sa turday passed a resolution to the effect that union with Qi^rio Pro hibitory League was not advisable, arid thut the cause of [prohibition will ,be: bet'ter served by retaining an independent position. ' On Tuesday evening 26th. ult. the saw mill ownedLijby .Messrs. Hay Jindl Hacking, neajr Listowel, was "totally destroyed by: firo. Though netliing definite is knpwn, it is supposed that the fi re originat ed amongsit the saw dust in the yard -by sparks' from the furnace. The loss over insurance is- about 2,000. In some parts of tlis Province complaints are being made about the scarcity, of small silver for change. Wo Are u|"raic. that a goo deal of our silver -is beiijg hoarded in thci country. The trovemment ought to issue, more 25 cent shin plusters, for they were found yerv convenient, .in mailj lg small change/ _. -,.:' I>.yirto a Corner stone in W"oodstock.-t The corncir stone of the Methodist Church stock was laid on Thursday after^ noon, by, Mr. T^ J. Woodstock. The conducted the J. B.Clatkson, J.. Gray, W. kc- Mullen; L B. Howaid. And ! G. R. A large concourse of in Wdod: day i [Clarke, at roinisteri. who services [were -Rev. between the Brock road arid the jiksUirn limit of the townidrip of .I'orth Dumfries/; for winch/ piece nc iniinioipal aid was, received. Frc in.tlfe east Kmit of North "Dumfr as the grading- jhas been t'omplotc . to Ingorsoll, with the e4cept]ori >f a, portion of tho cutting atj Gti t between the east limit of Nbrtti Dumfries and Gal-t, arid eight j.aric/ onelialf tween Innorki > nrid Irigersoll. Thero are fihished the Ifumher/ Mimico, Pulle 's Creek, ^Cooisville, Barber's Rav-ii e; Credit, and N;ith bridges, and 1,001 feet- small tree- selling on, br nch .line.: Church's "Oyechoad"! and j "Millpond1 bridges' are j ilso : completed, iij pluding fourt ren span of Howe trUB8. ".." | 'j "" :' . There is, no r erected thirty-five miles fencing < n nmin line," s'eve'ri' teen milei on Orangeville branch, hatween Strec Lsville and Chelten ham, and tu ce miles on Elora branch. One biindreil and sixty culverts and sixty-oub lairs of cattle gurirdfl have been ; rained and put in position ori mi in lirie. Fifty-seven culverts arid liueteep pairs cattle guards on Or* lgeville branch; and sixty culverti and] twelve pairs RRf. firiS flfty.ejght|millBandi aonpfa,ctor- ies op the route frotn Stioetsville to El >ra, and four towns, f mffeen' yil- laf op, and Be'V.onty mills and munti- fttt tories | from Toronto to Inger- '.<:: , I The President, Mr. Geo- Laicl- la\', made a lojng speech which we dat inot summarise to-day. Phe folloxving were elected _di- roctors for^. ther ensuing year ; G, La dlaw, VC. J. Camp Jell, John Ga rdner, Job'fi Mclfat b, Jas." L. risoii, i Wfra< Arthurs/- Rober^ .t a subsequent meeting of tho Di ectore Mr, Geo, Li.idlaw. "was re- alefcted President, 'aw! Mr. j. C. Qa mpbell TicePi-esiden t. ^ ~ " Tii^ Sombra Tra re3y. riNtAT- OlYT.ti I EVfDK!>CE( aoaUtst he* Accotqtlicm.- BllOti^t tttM,l*tj,tfV,iftitt*fHfi**+i*tiiW%J'it*nf E. MORRO ': - ~' ' ' ' , j- ' Has rpmaved t'o 'ha Briok Dr^ Stor^ oil the lato Dit. SAKl'ER, ijkifch -has been enl formerly aceupfed by refitted.. ; '. - always on hand Aeion,-lioy. 3, flfecfc of prMgHf. Medioiijes. Kaacy ... '.' * ."'. . * ' -rv*- ~M-- One | hundred for and Salt Lake Court in , the matter of aJimqriy, in the case,of Young vfc. Young: Brigham didn't appear tin Court, in ths eyes of the Judge, no good reason w^as ^iven,for h|sabsence be ordered that he 'be ispned until the 09,500 and of the suit are. paid, or; releas the I Court. Jn accordance with the iabove;-:Matshal l^ax.wel urrested Briglmm Yueng at the lat ter^ residence, f where ho now re mains in custody of the Marshal. .Messrs. Moody arid" Sankey are hard at work in Brooklyn. Their uUetings are well attended, congre-j gii'tiona of 15,000 and/upwardibeing present'every 'night; The indica tions jtjf great succefja are no long- driubtful, and a rfevival such as ei Brooklyn has never; before witness- c 'Pw&"\x$f? is exceedingly probable.- y people was preeont. In afestival *as held which ly attended. Proceeds, over $800. Not a dollar of the niqney stolen by rTweed has been, restored, but New York iB in a fair way to re cover between -five arid, six bun dled thousand dollars wrongfully taken by Watson. Thej explana tion of this difference; is, "that the, eVen- was large- Tweed is still alive, "while is dead/ The conscience prespntative of the late Auditor ,is more active than the sansibilities of tho Jiving master 6% the "ring." Mrs, Watson the proceeds of the sale of "the es-. tftte of which she was admisistra- trix in a' trust company, soon:bo paid to the city, be hoped that 'this' good will be imitated. f.iTTiWgaiautB Watoori of the re late deposited >fth Imis and will It is to example ninety propria iors of fright of way';; have been paij. for 437-. acres land taken, amounting toi ;$44,780, and there have been paid [for plant and working' inut sr-ial, \ including "the steam shovel: 22,125 30. Every pops ble etfbrt has been to economise.) he usfi-.of money in all; the departments, of the Coni-. puny's affaira, nq notwithstanding some overcharge Tor night of way, loss in attemp ing to buili a 'con crete bridge, t t Meadqwvale, and loss sugtainec by failure of con tractors, and < th^r 'mhior matters, the whcli! pro .bly !riot exceeding fioni eixht to welve[thousand dol lars, yo.ur.Dir ctors bplieTe that so much work hf i never been so well and ho econoit ically ^pne for a pub lic cotnpauy i i Canada. In .addi tion tq the; lunicipal assistance, thero have b en paid out "bn ac count to..the Cempany_$i79,o60 on account: if construction," this sum including a large amount for right of way Si ona'ted, to the Com pany. There remains .now in 'the iiands pf the Municipal Trustees $198,624 inicish, in uusold, deben tures arid initt- rest, funds;a cer tain extent Li; navailable, from the location and sircumatances of the works, wit hoi t father assistance. The Cdnipa: y havri not received any of the 5ovEnment Grant. The Ordsr in Coimctl states that the money is ( ' be paid exclusive' of tracklayiug '-'"'; r | -i The Govern nent have incident ally assisted tl e Company Ito con tinue its work during the past sea son.. ' The works ir no.w nearly, bub- pended and m tat remain until fur ther financial arrangements have, been made. , An average ef 620 men and 135" cams have been em ployed during the. past BeasonJ. i Your Directors have .to atape that to secur > the success of, the line, it will | je necessary td get from the Govi rnmenti fifteen hun dred dollars pi r mile more than the subsidy ulrnad ' granted, or a little, in excess of he aiaquiit, granted tlie IlamiUon ind;Nor;th Western Pailway,-arid ' ro n the city of To- rW $25^,00 ): imd from;- Fergus, Elora, and;,-i )rtngavlle, $8>Q00: -each.,. ',-.." No Order it Oauncil.was asked or obtained; foi tl at sebtiori of, -the line passing tb -ough llrin. ibdQir: affaxai in tjie ho[ County, rijf Wei-' lington, to ]'ergus, j Elqra and. Salem, cdnriec ing with .the Wel lington, Grey, >n Bruce Railway at Fergus, tty Suunic|pal aid for that sectiop i*d ,bean ..definitely settled.. This aid must-sow be petitioned for. : ' '". J {-.- Your Dii^ect >rs: canpot suppoao that the afore; aid aid; will be'rev .fuetedj either b; the Goxernmetit or .the piuni.cipal||(ieBi in .yfew; of theJ im portent iritaresta concerned, in- oluding those . of ,so n^any towns, By Telegraph froin LSjiinWcf'. Sarnia} pet. 30. The ^nal efi Sri ith for | the rtftfrder of, Finlay wai commenced yesterday, his Lodship Justito Mobs presiding, Mt. McMabon ^onducte 1 the case for the Crp^ri, rncr Mr Gliiss, of Lo idon' appeared for tli 6 prfeoriirr Smith.- Abeitt twnty "witntesseff We, o. ejtartrinedyesterdey arid tof crai. ^The .evidence .consisted :c%the finding of Finlay dead at hie1 bain door. Thej medical evidence wai to the cQeet that leath w eat sod "by * shot Wouridt/ ind all otl 6r'evidence adduced w is directed1 agi inst the prisoner, tho igh in tho opinion* of legal mipds ii was not 8tr ing eno*g-& to aeeun i his con1 vict\c*h." . . 'Phis aftertfooiT kt two..:i)<cl'ockthe4 otli er jirisorier/ Mrs.; Fi ilay, was placed in1 the witness box as" a wit-: neisforthe Crown'.- Sbs testified tht t 6n.| tho nfght-of th > murder/ while, she and her husband werein" bei', they heard a noise ir the barn.- Hr husband'got up and went out,- thinking there, was nomething wr nig with one of the ho -ses in the bain. " Theft she e report of i gun, after whjieh Snrith came to lier and' told her ' Itl is done/ well done arid for your sace." He tol 1 her to keep cjuiet un til he hud-j tine to get back' to bed. Aboulf tw snty %inute3 later she" gave the alarm: by going to tho bedroom where the prisoner] Smith arid: an- otl er young' man iiamec Sh^nh-B i, we re in becl. Shej rotrsed Shanks and Smith, who feigned, ileep, and to) lftbem the horses wore th( batn, and that |they h id better go out affd HKSisjt her husbamh Tbsy three, Sm,itb,' Shnnks, and Mrs. Finlay, went out aid found Finlay lying in a pool- "of blood dei.d at his barn door.} Sinith.then stated that he had 'been l;icked:tb deitth ,by one of the horses, which wus loose, arid she.backed up his statement. Sho; adinitled. that Sl ith-had addressed her in term p. of ifTectibn amounting to ove, and tin t'she belieyed nt the time ' that she. reciprocnted these addresses. s MorninJ DayiBi Expresi A H Miwrf ; /Night'-r ;' ' * ., M*il--.-| : , >Iixed " .'o#-S| - iitifA . irtf/*: - ' awriA ' -./ -v interfM T . - Vtiftef a -'.* :Co]/y, -artHj .pu'klu t J E|?cnmii '-! d. inaf most o1egi mfacture. KEMNEDY feR({)THEr1S, -.'. ;.; . Save ^ikt rec4ved thejii . i .. -'..j j/ '-,' fell StocK ^f Boolfe andr Sfacid^ find aro|detmmined fo cbritiriue: fp self cheaper than the cheapBitt, [arii^. I , I better value for your.Cibncy than eati'b^ Hud 'e'lse.-rfh'er^.-iii. j.j, . , i. Call iua^SGe f<^ Y^i^seWe^ t,nd briidg/iyioiif; ijrrie&da Vriib. ypu.-^".a \~~ u r ^ ' /: ' '- .'.' Ino'Plir stock whichcbrnprises everytjiirign i' the' tr'acle. Of: the -litest 1 ^.,-i-^styles arid-betterns 61 ErigliBhl Canadian a^di"Aineiicaff ; /' : h I "'*" "' Jj- OrdersprorripUy executed andJgo'od fi^sj guaranteed.*tBar " *,mt -lAiracebtttits must be settled this month i' "' - will be j . ilkys^ '! V/Wr'.' . braved "' MllCrltr| . 'offiee, - - :^fTI - ;..' Stor :" has s/> f; as to: be ; ;-jrj ' -.tho/Wca hatlieas | ; fhflfcrn " evamngl '-amf 'exjT con'yei| tb. 'In j'Which is now Vcomplete. .U lar'gef. bptf^-r. nssorft ._ cii6r.J!.'ct than ever befbre, cbniprl-iT1 Sh s admitted that she was Very in- tin iato with the prisoner Smith, bu ;. when asked if any improper in timacy existed, she hiing dowtidier hei.d and made no answer. '.The qu iation was,; riot further, pressed. Sh ) swore that Smith, had often ex- pnssed a! wish 'that; somebody would kill; Finlay, and afierwarda Sn ith had told her that heji had it ( all planned to take her husband's lif<. She acknowledged that her | in t statementis about the death pf he:- husband were false. iShe un derwent a very long and close cross- exiimination. i She "was removed frcTh,the oohrt-room in a. fui.ntingi state.' Her' evidence closed ithe cai e for the Crown. The p nsoner's Counsel, Mr. Glass, then raised several ppirits why the cas > should no; go to the jury, the ehif point be ng that. as' the only,.jvidence against the prisoner "wais th it of'an apfomplice, the prisoner -should be die charged. He (Mr.. Glais) cited spine 'authorities to maintiin this, vie w. ' His Lordship pron lised-.' to give his decision on tho. pc ints on Monday. The Court then ail- jotrned. i . ^ CLQ8E Or THE TRIAL :BMITH FoWd OUILTy". Sabhia-, Nov. 1, In the Finlay nil rder ease to-day the defei ice call ed only two witnesses^ : M; . Glass then;addressed the jury in s speech las ing four hours. Mr. McAIahon, for the Crown, spoke for an hour and a half. Mr. Justice Mess then chi rged the 'jurjTfor about a a hour, anc; *t f>:45; the^jury werit biit, '* ] jA'TKE.-^-At 10:16 ."o'closk i the jurf came into Court.' The; usual qui stion having been put tu them, the foreman answered ;"Cfuilty." Th' prisoner received the at noun? me|ut with firmness, SENfKNpEp Td BBj ttANOip, SABrliA, Nov. S.-^-To-day: at two O'clock,^Wm. .Henry Smith, was set tenced^'by Mr, Juetic^ ,,1 '.oas to be hanged-oh the 23rd of : Decem ber, i The prisoner broke down en tir< ly ciuring the delivery of the sentence,' and- wept like a child Hi i LordshiD urged him' tc make. villages' and ri anufactories as. are involved in the successful operation of the Credit "W alley Railway, there % being two towt s, thirteen; villages wil gentlemen who e^rived'on-Monday fitting prSparktipn Jot [ thfe fate ]after- sixf months', abserice in Bng which he had! brought upon'himielfw land, etetes that public, fueling there and in the course of his remarks pai la .high oompliment ' p V the ^zea ,-essieluity, and skill with which | bis defenoe had been coridue'edi' 'i 'he counsel fop the prison ir -will arg le'ithe questions of law re served b|ef irej the full' Court ^of Q aeen's Bei iclj' during tiext terniir ! The ease' against Mrs, come up'at. the next Asaizes. Xwoodel. AH i- SJeribca, Cclicu'im- "res. ia Pl^ia. 4^4 ;Cvcrccat:Egs,: Prefs GfpoSi. i?i- Free ^Ttioi- PlaittSv.Blacjt aid-?Colored:- 'iiidtt.. , ^ 41,^. , Fipittrl PlanaelsV "^iticoya,. sir];t>,'-'i MBtin,'! n^adtaw slilxta-aud; Brawsxs, Felt Efejjt^ ~-Ll-t-'- "' :=Blatikets, All lTfol. TiV.e Qoy'a ..';,. . pretty; p.ittcrne);/Cl6n<i4'. Mi >. '. Hiei7. Gloves,-'STeiiaa Tahlb.liaeiis",-, j Ito'Welln'grs, Jpaetery'" aa Slbasliol. Cottons', . /': Ladles1 sal &at3*=4ies-,'&p.', ^la-wls,- {verV "'. .-".' and & veryu good stock o( BO yfex-.' A.NI) -MES^ M Am tdgethenWith ' i- - S9"-Cli. early :and gpcurp bargainB. Acton; Oct. 26,",?8T3. G. ' yA. H. NEW A^VERTI^M'IJNT^. BOY WAX IED TO LKARil TljiE Printing i5nsihess. Mustj haVi a foil* fl,]/V.tlAn___it\'A lu>-*.-lli;n n\~> 1-,-Ll. . fair edudation- 4___i_. -i* .... -i [arid Iw^-n-illing SSp: leaim.' WeUirifirtori ^Assizes . . . The Fall -Assizes' commenced" in Guelph, on Monday afternpon,'Mr. S. Richards-, Q.'.C, presiding." ;: The calender contains thefpllhw- irig names : ':-" .^j . j Annie Orr, ' forgery.; Henry Whife, for the murder of his wife in Peel; Patrick Madcijgaii^and John Maddigapj assault rah'd. barA-| tery; iand^WiUiam Marks for the , , murder of_Henry -Yates. There #j|oui)B0t Apply At the liEE-pufess f>fiice7 I " ' W'" d B AKGA are . also the" following - rpannants ' . Maria Downey, one!charge of perjury nnct one of larceny, and William; Wal lace-Moore, one, charge .--of fraudu-j lent cpnversation- and larceny .and one charge of larceny.' .".': 1' ' The' docket contains twentyrfivp, easels' for- trial,_ The ' following;" have beervmarked for jury; Aris's v.' Watson. -" Bell. "v. 1 Still, *t ah' McDougair v. Campbell. ": Palmer v. Ferguson. Allen r. Wbiilf etal. Casey t.^ McGrath. , Patterson v. Rodger8< 1 MunnB. t.~ "Bucharina'n. Wilkie, et al,;y.; Waltson. " Wilkie, et nl, y; W^kltsdn, roplevhj. 'Aah- bury v. Paihley.' Terrian v. Raf ter et al. ~\ Jordan, yv'Rnriix. Stewart v.j Wilkinson.; f Bulliysiit et al, v. McMurrichi. iConi. Mut, F., Ins. Co., y.' Watson. McCuK lough v. Dowrieyl; House t. Dpjvr- ney;{ ' '-; "/.r-- "-', The followdrig' will be tried by. th^" Judge:-;-rf. Sn(^ling^v. :Eyansf { Piper v. MclririeB. * Al l5n y .- 'Leesori: Orphana Home v. %^verapij. (Massiej v.- Striall. St. Lawrencje Bank v, i Powell.,- Allen y. Wouif. - ' * '- im am 1 - '. -^ Thb OrhBORri' Gas'b;-h-A.'Montreal shares,, his! fannL "1. OTIC^. Any person or M ILK'! MILK ! beinc sine Lot Vo' 3}j oh the 5th Coinoe'dsijpn of i.3que3inft com" :prising lOOacr. s -80 acres of which rre uhder-onTtivajti >r, the balance excellfenti cedar and ha re wood. Good j fria house, and hariiB -with plenty of ciod. watorl and eth^r tonveniencei i'ABiat 2J utiles froin . Vcton Apply on tho premioiSetb i I- |SBtO^ McLIjlAN. Ea<iuesing,.'C(ctj; 1,^975, < is very muqh aroused^ qv|er the Gui' bord case; cfir j more t'han the refer.. encea of the iiress ,to:.'ibt5 subject would indicate V Mr^Josleph Doutre, Q.O., left on Monday-evening Soi St.' Jprrn, 'New ijrtinswiok/tii attena -the fishery commission. He j will be ab (. serif from teti -fp thirteen dsiv's, anci the CUitbord rJurial'-will not likely tatte pMatie uri^l hrs. return; thprigfr. in 'the meantime alt nejcessai'y pre parations'will be made! I'L; P^btR SAIiB. Lot Nr>. 30,' )-d Cpri.,%s5uesjng; | of a mile frorn tjl e -fi-oUrishi^g; Snllagoj .'ef 112IOO acres.. 141>ouii SOt. aereii heavily t r iVGre.l-*-ith Vine; Hfeni- lock aBd'.fcethrh;euitable/.for telfepiph ; ; poic9"or posts. . BxceUent Frame-rfotke,' ighfc rdorhed, iu thorougb'repair j frame *- stable and lojg 1 am.; orchardr^f ichSice fruit; a'niever 'nling sprinfr/ creek"-riuna-".;'. thrimgh tlie~pr j nises. Terms 'fjisv. Ai>', A plyTto; ;r f :'HAS.'CA,MEROK, j A, , Iain'St.,- orhv letter to Box 62; iActoiK / P. S. . F ARM T.0 The suhscrjbbij offers to rent, of let on; X: f^ladiea ' L^icii ^ts1 l; A^D~C4PBA rM-iicofe REXf. -j U -, : ;,'Kveiy:': ^AIi . t?erpnce| ' ani he. .' 'noiice. iTsiucer; '. -."'the"! Twdge'T inji in - Acton , A Tbefc "the'M'c - nndetst hands sold.. '"'Wrni. '; Boiurj tjoi pigs] -j- heirwl httve :itiiniiigl / v.'rlttenl ;- itsbly 1 namesfl P. Mr not sehl ' ;.'.y<mel ,.- As-iiHol :: ;Mr;j| ./thhaGrf ;"iAji hive -L -wiin'ol shall cj iy ^ tj of-the >nki \f d jiap . has jtfi . if the.- persons trespassing e* liot 28f Conce^siBn 3, Of tho Township bf Esqrieaing, (idjoinmg the "\ ill*igi- of Acton), or iniuring trep" of anj kind, at leaving gates lii ai operlv shut or fences partly downs jv iljl be sniject to prosecu^ tion after thja la|c P S AlOISTKONG, Acton, AugUsi) 20, 1S73 A da|l> 1 %ucatio| ; ideal;, Jsettsth| tenwit ^cmrin gsrost px*spn abothc After eitbtl el&r&ll gave l| The. subseri'bth' has commenped thei dairy btiiinesa, ind will" deliver'mdk every nJornin; nild evenmg at the-*, houses iri tho -\ il age Milk is arranted,"| fare.' fFwentj-e 110 qiiart tickets fors 1,'if paid in ac vanac, or-twentj-onej pint tipkets. fo: E 9 ceo ts * " 3' S, ARMSTRGXG Acton, July JStp;, ISTfe B TJOB PRI4']['IlNTi of all kind* tl' neatly aba p-om pity executed pi"" FREE PRESS OFFICE, OTcr the Posi Cijiee. MU Btrtel. Afresh freab -Bros Wej - tfis vi :dent -mo!* boriiel last, cooldl cumbtf ,j-w-W tatsiBft^iafea' fSB*6 iSn* ?.--<if.%Kis&i': i*Eai**i*aJK-ttfi.-

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