Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1875, page 4

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'.Mi. >n4 'SI *! . - : -} 1 . f fficM &l < &^,?:.'* rJrl- mm i.'>-f- J- I 15- r: tea Ml %> % 'W \-3 ACTON While thaiiking Jh^r'.ijjiunero.^ |)pgto intimate that they are igfciaf ftilWe<|iiijpe4 CUNK&A DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ripRi|EltY, S eveunippiie<! iniQ this county by jany biic-house, and at prices IjeLow .anything t^'cr kuowji in pftercd belbrcf in this or adjqinuigi^ouiitiey. This advantage over^Ij'cr-.iieal'er^Mii'obiiiifed'-l) >y xlij cptint to jfainitjps buying in <>ne lot five 0 ness, dura>iij.|y and.pieapuess., fu,fact; to get, a ej) t mid stylish suit at a reasonable price it At^^pex^(^i^^^yorth 80c.-^e^edjy the liest y^|ue;cyvej: ^$rpd. tli THE i-( FREE PRESS - TKK>cs-#hie feoUrir,a.;ycnr. strictly In iMvaiieet. Irno|{vi;rtbvf6reth'njo rhombs or1 twoiloU*?* If n<-r pa-dAUl tjlic eiKl or *rtn ypa?. So-parelr-wlil bijsent tpwiy per. . . >se>tl *on muro tlian <(inc year unpaid; *v ...V f M K.VTKSt OF! AMVRKTJHRS|W?-Klcht n p-T lino Tost flrs< InserUoa, ami ; wo cents jior.Hoe ior e:\*ti *bsfrqxiciu Irmoitlon. tiUottaJvtUB'meiitoi clabt litre* $a<;ivmlr, $1Pw three. lose'riioiVs.: BitMneNi , Vsr-Js'oJr eight j line* a&a ,uri.le(t $4 toe* " ^iimffii, - " . \.' i-. - _ " ' . r,iticfvs..jinwri>vt Air ; t;rti?t41fi| periods, Aav^rUj^'monLt-witlfattt spocial ir.silrnc- Us inMor:cd lill UirbfifJ ami tharg^tl Jiceor.liJisiy. . ' ' ' . . ; !ioc. the o'hjwl ai which ] H to piomo'.Mho jioftHtlaty I^pctlt ofnny - SnU:vivUi.ii <\?-c*m|uwa>^ to be'coiislitireil an ailTQriiscnierit. .: ; \ ; '. ; Tranflen! &iive) Useraonts* to*.-- jvilj for TThen-onlt r'.><i; A'l advertlslue Hccbiint* rer.Jrn^l u'h TSjKrlj". ., . 1_- : ' ^.%U<-t's ot MarrlH^es, ijhrUis and DenlJis '.nii^pied :rce- <: . '. S. iSuperiutpudcn LIVERY & SAL! STABLE! Tafecs p'oasjife. In onn public generally lhaV.rtc jurnl-sh luadnit t<y mo Is! prepared to ffiwt-siais :S5rfl3 ca4 Carxiascs At Heosonai>16 ws^ nTv. H- -T- : V ~~ ' -..Fajriily Mfitteip. difeoly4 iiiia quutt of il^gkLwnter is goctl.&r cieniiing oIH black: silk JresHS:, casljmene, 61 4l^ Inik rriay 1 taken out'ofa earpet ; by-3 little jdissolyed oxalic aeid-or saltof sorrel rubbed on with fliujnel, and aftcrwRi ds vriisljed off with eold .-HTAtc;r^ thien rub,pji sam ht)rt- To 'mska lime 'whitewash that -."' wiHjhot >rub off. t;iko oiie h:tlt*-bush- jc!_qP xliislac'|cetf-lime, oije;:gdron :of :?alt,, po pouttu3i cf -tallow, aad "w-aU-r feiioush to make it of a con- . / fjiiencc totrUsh-on.% - --' - J \ It is said! that'silk "wliich lias -fee^ / ^oine "wfiriklc^ may be made fo ap- ' like niW by'Sponging the snr: face..with <ii.veak isolution of gum - arAi4o'<avrvfhite.'-gIue, and .iroijiiig -on,'tie -wrxm.gKide. ... ".'_-' ' " ,\Vjix ifoir-eri-, if let outrin the ., daHSztiTig r an, vrill ~be 'thbrOtighJy Jde55et\in- short time,'and -will j Jip&"ipnt erfullr- refreshed aud VwT-icing pf a "". ihb&ind flits inayji>6 obliterated ~-\ in this Simi)l&:raalii&f'.":. \ , The rercova! of foreign substances - from the ear crar,often.-..te p1rsh-t>|f '!ddnb1in|j; a io^sphair in ihe for^ of ialoo|i,-placing the ,pa- ""' jr tient iip'an:lthe.^ide, ;pHssIrig the ,l_"'Joop iitotbfe ear as far as it will go f!. and thfeh. iuj-nipg it gently T ' ":: : :".-- jXan^eedi ^oolrice. , lins^dd fl^nT^toi Jxi;Jing -wa^erj iu'-81161- 'cfent quantity to form *i poultice of j^.lj j! pjojter coasisfieocjj.-and beforo ap- ";:p^cat-iqh smear tti; citrface . with a 'Iiitle olive or'Iin^eed 6iL' |f irriti: . -'-Ttj^Et with great pain- and tender- -' hej63, or b>irdnes3j.should jireraif, it - j'wafj be Hepessary". to .substitnte !a ] decoction' of poppy = ,heads joj the nisiittgvaoA Homos w u tlio brstMlvttt can bf had, and lie Is ;lejermlnetl not to ij-si'.?j>;>iiedhj ny ntj Acion Jfoly ifov, IST5. Kates. Stable. and S. S. ts Teac?iers. Fpward* of 500 dlffercut boils ^f eutirclj new S. . C;rds and Tickets, . i ' " "" "V. . : ! S5r'0 CS f history^of the Dry \Qood* trade, in Meu'Sb Wqnieu's atirt Clpldren's morje _ is liecesscj wear, for quantity, quality fcpitf! pri^e cpn^ tj^d^ far excefi^ai their purehasiViffl direct frotn the patr^. Their OliDBK^D ^0THJNG DBPAIITMBNT^tiO mmv&^Udjep^fnio^ ssa|ry to bnil nt%e (JlaBgow gousp, Ftill ifnes c^\M^CEU^^M0K^^m CO li IIILB7S |,. In every jpepartrhent ot. the F^SHIOfABLB WEST; ifeify. O;. *EJ ANDER ^ WYNDHAM S TBBET. GtJBX^PH; -/.. rVro pow selling, their DRY G001 )S at ^ M' icohiin(m'water :Jl||fof'pbaIfcice i| ; jLingener'aV use ik*a|irt1ie Iibspitals.: I "- .-" !' i -- -------*. '. *i vj .iTIwfni3SrtlleVOtd:.SIioe:- Very fejr, probabijr,'ot"the]th6u. \ EaDds. ,whS throw old shoesiafter. ; brixlai parties^ as (hey are leaving bbaje kne* ahyihin^of the prt'^in of i tbAcusvorq.' like almost allipd.r'c'iip.- _\- iom*, its iorifiin is ancient, and- can ibe. traced tbact to Bible times. It Tras then^t&e/'cnstom-for 'the brother of '.n'childless :jnan to marrj his wid.Qw, or at least,-L bad the iiefus . alofher.: Ithq chose to'reject'-her, " 4 the oeiemony-iris pohlic. and consist- 3gk~ed inhsr lpoeing his shoe from ShIms fo<>t - dcU soiuiog in hia . face. ?^7iU37isiving np'.th shoe was aaym- . .& \i>\ of atndoning all dominion oyer fe^itferc isptuing in his face -,*g .re sptSliBg in nss iace g*: |^^err}o^iajpec^leh5c'e." 'There waa Span afiijr of Uhs ki*d -Jbetween IJtiflr "_vand Boazi fesome parts'of t^erilsV jtwas a custom to-parry p slipper be-i ; fore s newly mwrifetl pair-ag. a..token -ift =;.af the brtd^* st^j&UonV-Xhie'cae-; "\ ,'tonit M it exists with us, is very old? . i finEnglarjdBdSeotliod. Theusaal 'aajfing iijthat it-ls'jtlirown for Iucfe, i ,hu origonall/ it means a" rertunct*- tioh of the .parents over the bride. I*"' it wasifordt'Try a cuftom. amo><r the 'U.' Germans for the brjde. when she was .; jconducte^ her" f>ed chamber,jib "j-. Jlake ofi her shoe and throw it arao&j '.".-' the gue.518. .-\Vhoevier caught It)' 'inr' r .-" the struggle to'obtain it', received it ". aaan orj^en tfiit be orsne-wsonld sobb be happily marrield. Train, 'in-ttfe' i On' 'the/ bridegroom leaving" t"Hift touse, itiwas!customa'ry.4b thcow an r , old shoe a'ftf-r him, and in'lifce'manl ' li her after th* bride on': leaving- ham* . prbcee<f to the chu'roh, in order to __ i"" I :it}j^ire|goodlupk to each r^Bpeetively,' ' '".and 'ifi'fby stratagerii either of the |; hride'* *hoes could be taken off by y'~ ipy "inspector on herV way frotij .'-.: tliuteh, it had to be ransomed by-^he ..Driiegrobm." ' "l$" Kent. England^, after a couple; have 'started 'on-their' -tour, thesingle ladies are'dra'wn iip -ljh_one row, and the bachelors in. ah- " Jother. An old shoe;is then thrown -s; pcssible, and the ladies"run : fpr it the -succesif til one' being .the -."first female, who i't'.is supposed *i(t fee rdwried.' "-She then throw,* ii'xf * tee"gehtle^ea and tbe marirwhp is \ hitT by it is deemed to-be :the jirai -inale who will enter wedlock. Oener- .ally it |s considere^f thu older the ' shoe tibi better," i eleven centfl" for the ib^a> " ' then 1" excjatriiell * G4or_'i'a colo/e'd ? ; BtmMeri " gi*i it pack. .Brji|der j) : 'Job^^deT^rd opbtjbf Jftaraio> dis *': (fee-torse >^:e|^tii 1" ' "'.' * I S plendii Stock x4 SON'S ^E, P in every dtpirtmint>an'fch>slres to dMl .Bet.tolntHniitolhaJ.hlBSt6ck Is now on'in r>I ,___-.,.. --._____________ _________ Inform tr> lifld'H of ClU'ljih and Hiirrt{nbiilii|i country thftl lil|f'<l|pl"y of^ew and PnshlimnbicU'tHlii.iHtho finest ti6 Uiijf ever (.Ubmlttcd tier imbllo approTul. Hpeelal utteuiton Is luVlio.rtoonr :;-;: ' . . ' I - I Silk and Dress Departs eat; Sl^ awl and M aiatle Milliuery ppdartinnt. for iheF&ttl&Wint e^camiiatgn,; havjii. tqts. 'i"i-, Their object lrtoiuit;jBVr^ww^iirquaBti^cp1tynd pr rpHE EMPOKIIM in oo' - t'X;- '- , and cordially 4^. ;iJ!v ;4? 111 foIfSf-^, n^i PHEAP BQQKSTORE Da East side Wyndham^Strcet, :-' H -ouELrn, Furs, Fancy Woolen; jGroQdSj Hosiery, |sid 0lqves Blanketsi,lF(dnnelsj Tweeds, (fcp, ] All o[ which wo i Fashionable. Gaelpli, Oct. U. 18T5., are prepared to cut at the very lowiit rrtcoi. A. O. BU Vest End Dre, Millinery find JJanilo Rnkbllihi]iefi{. Tbt the cheapest spot jh the Goimiy fo FQpCflEAP a^ilUnerr, ^ ; . Mantles, v Ureas, and '! Fancy Goods, ".- T6ys,4fc,&c, I>ja'tfll logo to The BmporliiW. T}) jboye line* you wjlffjod complete,- MLLIHERY A SPECfALiTV. e^ll and examlM our stock bfjfora.par; pruujinr eUj where. A :|od( .Jo'yiftllgtMSlBi GREATLY i- - .- REDUCED PRICES 4-. '.- '. ' " Preparatory to reroc extensiyea id commo lions premises. in ing to', more WACON AND CARRIAGE FADTdEY. JJA3IES B]ERr Proprietor. Wi-.^,'i;;;|i; jj.' ;^:; SlOlfirlUI, '. , "1 ' I " Cutters, feo. Kept In 'Jheir: ol d friends vieinity an > specially in Acton and invited to call ftid partici pate in th i bargainH now offered. WMJ.- STEWART Si Co. FL gREECH, ^o*rej3SF|:' olesalte Mannfactttrfic pt LLARS, Saddles, ^v pt all kinds PEAtEJB Ii fiarasss, Trunks, Travelling Baj-s, Ho^se Olot^jiin^, 3ombs 4nd finishes. Aljordor[ Iven Into our hands'will slUctly attei idea to, nnd warranted grve satlsfaclj ... :m - tloa,n they _ .. ..... on. as we on ibehestsror^oaQn and Km c;o^laks l toy i a fcyial r"". |be to Done but warranted to gtve'sallDfiie- xre of oarow4 ijianuT^cEnro: done wjtb n< atness and pn . .- -i shoiwrt-^c ' !:AU who rex aire goods ft -oar'line' will so erell togU :e lis a call bstore 'purchas- Mfg *Uwhei a. ' ' - . |' .: Bemenjt er tho Stand- -' I - MM stock andoiade to Order on the : -Shortest iNotlce,. ' ! '^ ^entltnk iW' to " | ~ 3tef sc-slioisintf St General Jotbiag and saturation guaranteed. Acton, Jnly 1st, 18".:; _ r DA'S BOOE^TORE, OFFICE i^li::4via<lll lrf AT KENNEDY Don't fail, to secure some of tbe offering in i Aleu, Women j and Chi : ." DIABIE<* EQ^, f !3ROTMiR^ Who are selling off the ba ance' of their immensej stodc at. GREAT; REPXJCTlt)N JFOU jOAgH, In order to make ro >m for their Full Ooods. j"'.' r ! unheard of bargains that, they are aflw . ; ';: '!':' "'-f.< :': Idren's Bpots and Shoes. Rirticular attention paid to Pustom Work and Repairing. As we emt loy pnly iirst-clags workmen, we.can turn out work that for stylo and duptbili- fy is second to none in the Dominipn. KENNEDY BItoa Acton, Augut 24, 1875. MldHXEL e STREET. r M, I Wagon Work; SPEIGHT General Blacksmith, Carrlaee and Wagon Maker/ Best Horse-Shoer$ in: &fe Goiiini^y i Perfect satjsfaction guaranteed or iqp p^Jcpphfljged. .- ' A full supply and ichcap) ' :. DAY'S BOOKSTORE. I'ar Sells Cheap. T|>ONUSv to Mannfactjirers. THE VILLACE OF ACTON Ii prepared to grant a bomii to -parties e tablisblng any kind of manufacturing b isloess.erHploytng fen skilled bands and u)wards, and Where said ibuslness does nrt connlct'with, any'business a'lready o labllsbedwitbln the corporation. Ac- tin possesses good ^railway 'faellitles, b ling ;0n tbe'ifrand. Trnhk* Railway, tiilrty-nve miles West of Toronto, Is In a b iantlflul and healthy location, is free fioirr munlclpsl debt, and property can b > obtitlnedon reasonabloiermtu-. , . xr- ,^5.r#M6^5*j. , - r t-:.J ... - J. .: v - Awr(,jruiyi,W7S, oHa^d's A Good Stocks of Carriage^ and Pate]i( IroQ Parrowfe i ion han4T "Waffons. Aijyw1 ; Rb PAIRING Acton, Vuly 1,1875. r. promptly and prqperly attended to. ^E9| Yef %0 lostiOffice,^|fi|ll Street [pre for all tir^djs of| trbb'^rintvp^ promp^ k'tijende^ to. Op PRINT INC READ! El|jit|||FS:||H for. ttn^-nibnfhs'giiR^ woulil tltke this iopportc(hS|y of stating^ System Has Proved Kost :-itisfactor^ To iny numerou9;ciiJstomeiV^}$:fel:tO i?ysel' ^w^U oonitinnia t , . Y- '. /Ddinga' Of every description : l - i|ti( &PE&: Onstomers yill &(>'d< |8ati8^^f6fJsngcj!8S, at <H5tJrlifnif - , l|a the best and npj tractive sty 1 58, romptly executed ^ tHe FREE <Ii a^^jpjir's, Jfe.w Jtuildaiigf) _il ( :/- ' -) .>"> H. lUGiKt^G, ost at- W n? pro'ipp^^'^pa^^g.m.tni^iy^c^tanere' co.nsidet|e< [' jaj caehj^ani ^ i}the discount. Credit Bi^iv^i,.afldi,wilirf|vB43ia r. oi aTSfl thein6elfTS.of the i discowRtj . f itj^jiaH^ .s^ib-f-4ct}9ji t<3 all r#hcerti#,in the ic^glj a^l dl*[ " "'" "" ' ' ' '" ' ]' i.1? ' - I'T - .Ui-L ... i ' |;;';M^M - yieac*fijf:Hr?5| i'$Q--a aofi(Pr6<Mbef Conveyancer! Issuer of Harrlagp Licefl^si Ifispranee Ae^Bt * ^ I^DiviXodW, Com.inQ. p., &G, ! : ;'U.:^j/l " t-i: -^Q;.9JC&&&; and rwping !* - |8^riderae|] ing al} th^^^BJl^Mit? l.^ll*S?*i?*^i*. ,"T': :\,l! :V:..f|-/^-.[ i:V-.fcp^"--V^:r:'-7 ' AND CASH the British1 tnarfce^ twp' fi ^l^^ywrt^^e r^HJdp^^tber'ini I^doi),Jc^ana^ i.-.i. -* -."-^i roi S3P;^ Is now openiAg Iri iao tibe Lioa pay for^emjv ' 'i y tri^jisijjr^ii ^ ^ -.f * W-v. y>iA |3il^^^^rti|: BRll.Vifrf^ ^ropr^pjp of tfie jr^i flptp^ %a^B d3: ^eJonly. di &V- :; :i iil i:"^.-j-i:'|Efj _ |^:^.s^i4i|innaM lowpfi ^;lt o4ife^ ^tob Pefa|i tq *"%'lJDCt"- ^-i*.'.-r:i;v :' 'H ^ ... liii-":^.')..'"..-? vf-f*.'.'t "!li5 "-% impor^BrM t i ? -. wc [* - v^i I: -/

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