Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1875, page 3

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:>1! h*l C&nvent*ot li tbe hono* jf -^ l.v chosen^,*i ^ aftbeR* tit of" tie fbpry. . ^ of) "tjL J,,. fc -nd*,'tie %jg| Irs. and* tW w0rSMit|io4 rf l-cunty in t>ir !*>. honot^; j Jitend? .swnp art .b iiihistcir^tk*-. IciyiKitntrWM ( man lier., tends5, n mir ;th^i8| -i): C^U\D Jr*rJistJ*Mn4 TaftLE. Trains le * Acton m fSBows : " iteming. NfJil - r \- y fcxprcsi ' Express Mixed <"-* i" i ^jght xprj si \ , X i cotxo KaST. Xight iEipri at - _ Mixe* Dm; . iod 9:10 a.m. 1:80 p.m; S:'J0ii,m. 7:lSp.m. 3:40 a.m. 8:35 a.m. Tl:Wa,m. 5:20 p.m. 8r0p.nw mrs. . MausBoiisi kVeaVai* closed at Going wot >t 5 pi. rn. -r. - JRVgistefW . LetteWt nrott be in vq mhiuy^befi the above hours. " "KrrtUhbull nut, Tuesdays and Fridays, ; "] On the 6th hut. by th* J&v, il Kidj *t the residiace of;the libido fatter, HtUsburg, Mr. Qeoi idi Catharine, dau ,_, McMillan, all of fcrifL V. Parkinson, among tho Township, aged m <4L W> Wf * fl/arf, or j*H if iair*,.: o necrice'ifew* o/ focal arte*, jtafV a* * worn/. cAWrrA sefricrt, mtH- ; |i*p$ e/ ft nijwraaor or ptAet' -etx-ietir*, loiikfeafc,' ji- onjf aefat( o*ieA stay 6 iii<|rif*Kji^ eilAer in f^u locality or i* \ lei* ceSmfr r yemj/fti Matter WVtAi* 'itsstf'May ti*aii'miritwf "/Vtaier'* fo^i" - ^ a-ate' o** t x>rri 0*4 and sigt ifesj. ihs-H " (o *rre tff !.^ifiRuJovi ii'w iw.<ia ^ or <u :<o rif- teioc ,< 6j 2*Atrjrf<ty- ,_ < ihg, at Sir .rii: inter- petK* piwytity of ' * -" . - V ' - ken rive eviia of i- ptu^i war p B>ot I * - ^ Ito be my duty tw- 'Kiictest ewnoftj, eiBciencT in e\fery liablic' 8ervi0 ",, *nd " cordiaj support to as may Jse e ened purj rot1, to' jd^: ai many as possible in the uf-tiVCvniity bieArira L(i-*ullT ejejijain . arjr; r:"'- ': irilt honor n "ritli' , pVd't serii-'tt D Sledtora ir^THE: 10 5ALi MATTERS. lOF HALTON. [;to;:tEe, Tisbssf.'-of '* Jf my friend^, I Save i"er; myself : 4 'cainli'! safirages, % -hVebi % j-^6&. a^prpktion of- - st j:jecto? ]rf thi opinions Jir^ ww bbpe to "'-.tte: ting many of yw' ]j^ day. isoonceuiion, X w*7 will -give tl ie pre*', t no factJooB oW** nppqrt theni-u1 f^ Kgj to inert a S rity of . the, pe^pl^ f -bjusly pppo* i; ext**": form wte iier &*tT ysj jtbft/dil aetl ^? tis-of this 'Pi oviocejfiV' yia-y, &3nt -axj V>j "'"' ,,f w, wfelies-' uv. time--Will be #*-*' ted toyoiir ':iiitererf*r creed, party Je: honor to 'bj, Rentlenien, it aerr^rt, 1875, Kf, I offers to rent. LotJ^W aeei ,J |OD/Of ;>~i----tt,t. j S8Q acres <rf MgJ5 \J tie haluide i XT*** nith plwty cooTemencei;. c'ton. :Ap0y <?jfl l.'rsTs, hbit u*" I s ] pur'esteemed Reeve, 3tjr. W. A Hi Storey, vbo has '-^eeij prostrated^ ^rith erkwM v&ieu fol several day, ire ace 4(lad to 1 jain is. now improving. . Partit s in wahit of ^ * good Tiraik qe -A alise shonld^not wH to call . b&- R. Greix h, who has; just'received a *ilendid stick of this* foods, suitable fnk both'lad es and gcfltlenwu. tentioA of fanners and oticrs is directed to: the. adyertisenient- of Mri C. S. Smith's sale of live stock, . to Jjake \ptae e jwxt . Wednesday. Also to ijr. 3ohn Odnumn*s sale of farm and st >ck on the 30 Insl" .-..". ; . ,, " I " -Tbe-3Jisboj) of" Niagara has i-- tpointed Si .nday nextrthe 2*thiast-.a,, ' a day oi C^ei era! Thanksgiving th^erugh ' ' t>4t the dioc ac, for the blessings jof an . a4mdan "h irvest. A1 Special Service "adapfed-to ie occasion, .-will be held jl!*. Vy) in,: t. Alban's -JCh'nrehv Acton, beginning at 10&0' A. M: - The p trty or parties vrho took i tbe four turkeys from Mr. Oeoijft j Walters pjn T*eSday night, may: have 1; thW Semaiuii ig- fewse by caUiag in day- ; light, as it a not -pleasant"t& havt Bght- el matches Arown aroond the stable at nijjht. . Ren ember the eighth command- > BJHit. Thon shalt not steal-i-tiirkeyS. 1 . O^irsrtsl'* rBU. ' 1 An .entcrt lihmeat under the' jibore ipx' the . .T^iperaaict HaU;nert Weilnesdajj even- _ fog., by :ifi33 v^JUl Crosby. '^,Tne Dtorama '- in Jades (Jfty . bwMitjfur and attractive scines'iin 'PjilestineVexecuted' in fine'bil i iintings by the Kev. Jj.xT, JUowling:.': i estiihoniaLs from the plead and a'numbe r of iainuters prououmfe it to 1*1 an ;ex ^edingly intere|!tihg!.enter- - tainraent \ . r. peorge Smith, to jhter of Mr: Chan.1 r- ^i^--^;^i:. *!i2ii-:i;rv-:i ^TBttl AdTQH FREE FBE]SS, !t)CT0fi ,1 ELEPHANT CLOTH INC In Ersinoa*, Ott t* i \^th inst., Thorny a ong tl e oldest settlers < i J years. BSS= rf* .attium* Wbi to Wheat... Tread weU..____ Spring Wheat. . Barley ......;,. Oats....;----- Pa___..-----. PloUtocav per bush, pried Apple*, per lb ^' *ok, nflf bushel. t ay, per ton.,.... C lickens, per ft>.. tucks, ;-r/ . Tall iOlT^LPH : MARKETS. m $1.08; treadweU, Spring i irheat, fei.l wheat,-fl. 10 to $1J15; ley, 63c to 70c OOOtOl 6B 0 Wtotjlj OWtofO) o eotoO 6) ..$'S5tob'0> o 65 too er . 0 40to0 0> 0 08to0 0> 0 75 to| I '* I 0 22to0 0(> 0 15to00(> 0 12it6 0(K U00tol5 0< 0 06 to 0 0 07 to 0 f c to 91,02; spring wheat, (Glasgow), & io to $1,021 sprirg wheat (rodch S$o ti> 93c ; batT- 38c to 40c; peas, feOe. to 65c j barley. BOcto 75c | down; 16c to 18c; tuitter. daii ^Oc to 22c; potato*, per bag, 1 TORONTO SOcto 75e|.eggs, per ackedj to 60c O^t^EX.^Xi. Ready For Winter. HOUSE, Tlis Leadiag1 Clothing House pi tJio'Coutttyt ,. V MARKKTSi $1.08; now white "" oats, 35c | bor- nje-stibSerHMr be r* to Inform the 1ft- haWUiintaor Aetoti ind rltiolty mat tie i. Highest price Acion, July 1, IW i. Hats and .Just redoived 'i :j .v- ' 8 Uyorcbnts, J'ahging in'piip"-from $5.00 up. \ '. ' jOvercpats, ringing^ id price from 2.00 up. 'j . . ,j ' d^usBtoelt'of Men' Heavy. S.uits in Scotch"', English and" Ca'nattiaD, fciSj"ranglng >n prla firpm i^i.00 np; ' ' v ! i 500 Men 187 Boys A tremet ' '. ! i-Tm A beautil ul atbek of Chlklron's SuitB, ltin^ing in price from $2 50 ^ipi Big stock) Cardigan of Woolen Unddrclotbingi to bo sold very low < * - Jaoket', iranglDg in price from SI.00, up. Magnificent lot of jneiv.'Khirts, Colliirs, Scarfs,Bows nd Gloves^ust to hand. Caps just rebelved ,4 cases to be run off very low. , Parties vi Ulng Gnplph. t>y mntlnBltnpiilDt to call at the EIJ folns; eHowLcre, will (.avoau itust 5 to -tl f or cent on every UoliaF 'SPi ,uy sosnii boforo WM. RUTHERFORD octibir 18, ls?o. JTo. 31, Lowor "Wyndhaia Stroot. Oruelph^ 6l CO, U t reprKl to sayp y f FlfsUelass Br< d. Bans, Cakes Biseoits, *tc Fireah everjr day Udvilvered at their : 'r :_ .J. hi uses. . :v / -. weobii tl OAKES ; ' t' L >' U4e toortterlblriplafflit stales and at and Winter 187Q. reasonat lo. eniixes. .1:' in Cash paid for Kggs. . QAUJOWAY.; ILL1GE IROPERTY oLEOD, AiTDEESOIT & Co. Ha-mrfitoth- Hous$, Georgetown,. Cnt.; 1 Beg .leiiye to siy, thnt. they have receive 1 large irnportaticns. in SILKS, qr^J^a? ' L'.. ATTBACTIOWS WILL B33 Andihat 'Wbnde'rflil Man's standing motto " Jmall Prouts and Quicjc Sales ". irill'beithe watciyofei,;.-&kich J_..' i^* Aii earl* i ttspeotloii Aiigust 1,-HiTb ,Ha8.pleaif!urfl !m letting! ik* gd id people of Acton^and thi I CJounfcieBjof lialton an4 fef JapJEllJTlSH ANI> ^REIG 1.'! Where lehaji ttado iktgfe^Wfcbfl^.'oif I r*hic1i will be along during mo SECORD ihiBtaonth^urtiet notibe of fri:ch vVl be gi^eit- 3_,c>:fca-o aEiif?,iaaES Mmas frpm t Id friends and eifttoners 1b mmttem fWpeetfhlly } ress aooos,;. &REfes^ ,;'.'. ? Black and Colorod Lustres, ITE C0TT0HS. P3IHT3, TABL^ UH\tHt DRILLS, SHcETlNdS Fancy Goods and Small ^Vrres of all kinds, ,1 wo^r .^JTVantid, 1000 doeen gwl 'resheegs. Also any quantity of go< d tr.ib buttei. Hightst price. SfOBD BB*i " -' ' .'rrGjJL Scott isffebw in receipt of a splejadil stock of fall arid wint.^ I>rJ- Goods, rhich were bought for cash, thereby savi ig *t ieast 15 per cent. The "benefit, he' to the.paMic "j-'and-'his ens- bmers. ! An early call ao ' ^JipiteoV ^ ' We aie showing this wefc!ten - -d^ffe)nt pat xjrns of china tea sets; ten '" -dSerent pafcteras 'of-^ass tea seta. .' Xbo a full-si ock of all kinds of beautiful ^ jjoods in gl-" 5'preserve dishes, jritchersj, "- . aets, tmnblf rs, goblets, nappies, etc ; Crecijeev ws re of all kinds jnat rcv>ed and will be old cheap.-^SbCobd BeoS) The ucKlerawitd offers for sale the Thc-ntiiv^ park lot ImimMin tely east of the Kail- thereby s^v way track,: krioHri as Young's survey, in the .village of-. jf ;cton, 'comprising six ocrOVmore or lest It has been survey ed Into village lot s, but Tfould prefer to :ll in block. Alton is one of the most iperous and i hriving places in-this of countri, and its prospec** for tecoad to none. The desirable property ior private residence or mannfactnring pur poses. For tern is and particulars en- fruiro of M_r., 1). I 'enderson, Acton; or to , the owner, Aahgi >ve P. 9., Kaqneaiag. JOHK McCALL. |E4ineingvSeit. 4, 1675. Ql'lr; I ! SSRioCa - AeabHrr is- J^rw. CM FlrurrUy 1 he 8th inst- Tboaias MoV , lnlln, of Ms township, receiTed a i. Bvere injur]? pf the.heaJ by falling.J from a waggon. : prs. McNaaghton / ^tnd McGantin ^ere called, and foond | 'it necesaar r to trephine the head and elevate a depressed fragment of i the bone/ We are nappy to lay that; : t'e"ipiuti is :progreasiag faTorabiyk" ; Accidbxt -W1 Pcsj-tsca.. On th. 14tbinst., i. little boy.twi of M- ^Robert Beat tie, of Pttslincb, mef wtxh . actions' isxbident. : He wjb attend ing McLaxei fa ;bool on the 9th oon- V-iiesj*ai. an I like other boys wfSt -' fct[;be*jcha ttting'. In order to be** * *Br-i.'ac|x)m5>lish'- his purposey" "he _and when perched - out on tho', imbsj it either broke or |the boy Tel L oft _ However the boy rfell to 'the groond. -a considerable w th full force. Hoinast - nave fallen an bitflisnda, 'far, ;wbn . taken up it wag found that .both his \ wriato were broken. He waa atjonce taken horn s and _0r. Keating' sent for. ; The- ittte fellow is dohig aa BAlliiB. ]ffili|i}.ery, CM^ntle|s ; <& jphaivjls, CaarpBt3, Broadclctis, Docsiliia, -. Eafflialx'abd Ecotct Twooda, tN'flMO&ting, . Eoaly-iaaio, Ovcxcoats tad OlotMAjf, . ,B07s' Hoad^ -in.34.'5 Overcoat^ an'l . ,* Olsttiagi Soati':S,urkia3ii4TS O'EJR iCANADIAN IJEPART^ENT 1 3*rgo, .vvrletlfmj attrprilvp.^hd ns the manifMrinrlneinSbreilR f>f this pom^nloit. are i'o"nsrd#'rnbtc,jTnf ra-tauc*1. :n tins we belie\ u lu itationixing liojnr HI Mill Strje^t, AtTON, ; " . j liE^LER ts General drocerios, Bwts aid Shoes, Wall Well as can ^ i The Lax Accideht.-^W* are^ . 4jlad to hea r thit Mr. Hendefeaoij, ;; >: .o^BBiy'iDJ^ id ia Ckielph on the 6tlT mst, ind r ow lies at "the General .-Hoepitali, a progressing favo*- - *1 ?ably. i^Alt lough v net yet out of ;" . '.iianaBr, tJ; erf is every reason to -; iio^jybaA 1 lo ;wUl yet'recoyer. U X: be expected-^-Meecory. 'GKOKOEriowjj AcadeSt, "Mr. - Tait, who ', lasfconducted ibis |nsti tutibn for i time time past, has given :it p,' am ' has moved Hto Oken 8o|^a^9li sr# be iitencsi carrying : jm*ie-A?! dfljmy lately tn tbe hands of Mr.,CatppelL The insfefaition 'in George bo*m, under Mr. Tait, "at wideHBpread reputation, ^ mad we ha re no donbt but that his new venture will pe, ojqnally sno- Jeessfulr i "Wiaido-w Blinds, Crockery, Cflais, X*inMed CU, & as sou&' Paints, i <5rxyl- hnvc liffn.Imiwirftl dirrot 'r >m'lhe lemlinsr murlcplis ot tv^ci .Uwrgo pcrcriutuj.vof jvlilch Ihu pub'le ilidll get ' e lulu tn largo- !lnt,,df ino loilow log: Tvr >eds,:F ill'Clothav Oyercoatings, iB^ittedFhirtis and Bntwersj 3ItdTI Yarns, Checks, Fine hnd.'jr'rncy Flannels, Grey and Scarlet Fini nels, Druggel All-Wool and Union Blanket*,! Factory Cottons, Denims, [Drills, CJtton Yarn, Cqttop Bugs, Tickings, Shirting?, , Men'a White Shirts.> BObTS A$D' SHOES. BUFFJAl.O ROBftS, siEN'S FUJI CAPS, CLOTH CArS ANP HATS. eBljavrl In tbeJDoml Gpoas have hpen pnrclinswl from tho bept jind choappsJ-maiiufuclures nlou anil will be sjIU ut (ismutl ndvioceontost. | 1' . ; lis Ptt*blic may rely} on "$et tingGreit Sargains l&RDERED CLOTHliSTGrJ DEPARTMENT A nead of all le:t*'l wllh hfa'itilul lid ni'ktrBfnir garments are unsujpasseu.. Wo Ii }Utiy ciiu-procttrp, auJ can theryfore guaraule Our Shdw MILEINEJRY. Room is complete} jyilh" alt- tl e latest .styles. from London, Paris and New ;York. W Hotise tas hpen r'medX^r its stylish and unf pie mi'llnery. "tljiRsraion wpsliall urilassall cur former elioriH, b>. rause > hiivo.t! p talent uikI goods to iio it; All- ilie ewjcolorsi'iKibb-ins, hcutUeru, Toniuolsc OxauitnieaiB, 4e. r : LADIE.S AMD dENTuEMEN;!'fl'C}Corf ;f.lhg'tsa'nipr> Bhirnmary ofotir lra mfiiHeBp ck. a* ft woulH lnki- oil ine.pages of a SeW^iiai ur nxtqscribb tin- dilleroilt pbasfKorilM imniPOBi; variety, !:hen,rjjiiiss mitf I oiIenirnUiarlloiiKi- tjuflceit to Hjiy [w^ Wi>re never"tt<-r pripiiredEto g^rve'Ibo-piib Ic to tticlrsatlsth'ctl^n, ns\wa have In a lnreersto^k tl an liFreti.'oreitnm.'et the wanijt of our nvar increasing trade, and no doubt, w|tli icturiiiiiK prosperity and tt* jsci^ediusly low prices we.urii to sell our jrooJ at, wo liyjidvuntitfo El &c. So. rope, lsojna: lnflusti y. we Our competition. Onr f^l/ock is ImmonsK The difT.Tentj lints, have been se- freftt ctirr. Any cenili man c;ift be uiiied In taste, (UinKiy and prleb. A a of the n5ve-t tliiiif In pvercoil^nss. Oiii- facilities i/or Cuttinz fini "eii'cei .{oall thetniiciitl < Jsulisfacllcbin< .1; luitjcpeTle very Instance. I i and m L AND owp^ert. Choice C-oods :s *3 I:agLmense solicited. -t- ATmd ;t31oc]c,-W p'pei A large stock of Boo -s and Shoes, of )en received at ^very :R,03ri:^,st l 'is.- hr-Strset,|Gnelpb.-; r- bes' | manufactuMj, bat Joet " .Kl. eises -"fetf A^uUh^aofall , MEN, ,^p^ Will be found to seiect frBtit at pitic > ..'.-. "-.- ss-Call aad ! attention is c died to ouf *hQ&$-;&fo'. at Lowest .Trici D<^IVl!tSIJ>N sji^ulld call ^d examine stock and prides. hall fcU'pass oil our formiir au^imt es. Goods Sold. for.Oash^aia..::o'Socon4-/^rlC9.i " ^cLfeop,!; ANDERSO* &! CO; Oeonre^own, Oct,' V-lftiJ ... \X MadHne Oill* Oil, - ->--. r q,/5^ MJBO" :*y. v.y : At the I lgin Assi ea swn found r 'Jguilty of; leductng a girl described .y,\ ka "small and *e& in body"and _ ejiskntly;j iotof sir mg inteUeoi or -: *ill powei' tto; resii fr importunity^ "- was order 3di}ito p* j $1_75'; while another m a for cir|u]ating a, idan- : *. -" der\wa4 se itenced to buy a fine cf i f; PARIS CREEI & HaLEBOR Kor thai Desitrae to^ of; *Poalp; Bus Cattrptltmrm and otboe tnseets, -LJ-.:'.S- : Tile subscribe) s^tOretnrohUtnahtB to the lnbabitant icl AewnaidtorToaiil* Ing country for tbe liberal' patronai e *ejfetofta-e<?xtiB<etito him, and at tie aaatevibe sollcf their fqrther soppo t --f N.B.-Cash PaljUbr aides^deltferjed. Actopj July 1st Jfe75. aoyei dall at J-r^- JMannTs CENTRAL EMPOl4lUiyi; MILL STREET, AGTQTS.; > | > /-.:,._. his fall sroc K1 OFj . ,! |.: AND READY-MADE CLOTHING Is muoh Targer and better than-Bver. very loir prices. r " A ,s )lendid "stook to ielect fromi *l i. Will'be found a complete assoTffiint of the best quality.. 'IF ': ). GftE AT 0$.|tG A-3[ NB ! Are offered for cash crproduee; ^i'rbegs to return his sincere thanks lo-Lhe inhabitants Of rb'lflnding country, forUheir.l beraljpatronage, and trusts that ji Th^'. Acton an ,_-, . _ ....... , ,...,._ in future they will continue tbe same ltbert ,1 appreciation Asa tarj;e portion of bis business is read;'-pay, he canaporcl W- S EL L Q HE A PER Than' thoaft who give-long credit and have ,L NEW FA sBtloiiD Biios: our TSE GEEiLV TEA aoWSE, Ml)o nol EAS t great many badidebts 'J,; Aetoti &p&9/i8^- f-r J. WMMVfi -4!: & MclTAB Jul to visit the which at all tinie3 f'ecei yes: our careful pei poi id -sup^ ^vision, {action guaranteed; '<' ' ' Repairing neatly and Acton, Sepfc 28;_ 1875; " H'- ' - - \ '" -*^.""".. - where. -':-' Tases this- opportunity of -inforffling the in rounding cotffllry, that owutg_to};tbe satisfi ctori takn, and at thS ebUcc tation of a nambejr, of ] ^ ^e wiii endeavor in th6 future|as ia tlLpajst tt $ttSoTir cash iuid eMir!w.i Believing' that to bare" ontf price for goodiis of Actoi jind sur=which bnsiness has1 bis bes> customers, Be na*- SliTj^SS i !'. t. !; in lb bosnlegs] tfh tBe dE PRlNOiPLtz, tbsfo'nl ifairaod hbn#at way of doing'busine'ssj besides Buying.for easJ^ aaldi sell|b fer caah,jbe will be1 enabled to Sell at li|ast 10 ;;^:r ^Ip^i ills j.-'-^ie^p^p' ^credit system. Than if b.e did busindSs tSh the long win dod i Acton tfe rSsp^tiuiliHiovid' te_UJndiiispee"l the,goods and prices^hlefora pmxnasingi^I lew iir%. " " " V:-- G. ' Acton, August 23, 1'8|75. S- And examine those piles o ^I^CEYS, rangittg v&j'lso! (ho^e QtTd$ 3^ att best Canadian hmke^, ranging from 8 cents FLAipf|iLSf fi-oni j^DCenta iipyvards; iaidothfer Staple probdrtiQp; Actcb, epti 23j 1875; END 1 fioih 10 ifienU upwards, pvvards ^5 cents land Fancy, Dry Grojods in jqsT jtEGTO HAUDTTT-AEE oucfetii, SGotcla Flbor Horsse F<>kSj - J^arisrJCJreeiil Ref^erafer^, Rubber lpoo^ JBdaiba, AJmiMocE,. XJuel I M.SCQ 1-......^.....r.... AKiirrjR "M'cBEiMjr,.^feirdware Jlerchajntr" i,$73.,' PBOH^TIlV BXECUTK JaT

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