Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1875, page 2

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'J ifel -"il .'J - ' e^:-; ' '# Iv--."* ' M;:OV J. 'S I > 1 II ffittl ?-. :i I'; 'j|>UK .M"rOXj FRi;l; MtKKS 'duly- .qlpreeiutw i Pa'.i.isbcd'-Every! Friday Morning ,.-$jl Per Annum; tu Advaiiete ^ I airing W the sting wns tukeir cui ITi, ii ' r-.-f.. 1- ; i - , - < FRIDAY -MOUSING,;:OCT.- 22,18tA 1 J."-.i-i'" : > ~l :1 e,^-" v. Ifc.-'f ' - . >v..;V;.--' -; -i -'. {*.-". l * it-. .'. fi ' :-m > i r 1 !/"'.- rj " > ^ fey "-.' r" V- ,?- -< "THE HALTON ELECTION ' H ;" -_ - - !Thc battle bis begun, Mid we iiira'-tit.ibe h*t-of the Clay-Lyon - Qiiu>st * The first gun was firVd rV OJe^rjr^town Inst - Friday night, bjr (job C4ay,7who whs strongly snp- l^rted on the right flank, by xMnjor MeDougnlL tuuI ^buptuin Boiiltlxk ; ntid pU'tlte left by CorjKjrwl Fnhey ..-,vrjth k- jgT*rd of light artillery. / CJen.'Xyou diii not api>ear on the jwne personally, but was repjreseht- . jS . liy Major Stirton and- Lieut. Barclay. .;The skirmish apjieiHrs. to have beeira ijvely; one, and re stilt of tho sharp Vdgo spe/'oh, ijnd this iind: substance of elected iijcriilwr J^idtM^Mwiiftli Tho stunning "" scandals",of cot nso received a "duo of tho opposition ati about the suiii He .was folio>,'rtl on thoMuio SiMo bv Mr. I). I. Hay, tt uy, tno. Jiewly 'or North Perth, .who made'soniefjieihloiuHl telling liiU Hjpnnst tne opposition speakt>ra And in fyvor of tl o Rcforui goyera anient." Mr. Hay is nn.;-efR-ctive speaker imd origi itil thinker^ and a pu" who will vnddnbtodly carry mucti inflnenco ir the House. Hia| roniHiksjon this c ocasion were very evidently ;nOt n^ predated by the or>j)psitii)ncabdidr te and hisJriends. It beij gnow about twIve o'clock tho Col. rose and. made a " brii f ftp peid toi he electoiB to"~support hire in ther contest.- He hoped they \ToaKl iiot make 1 for nil t ] serViXt-iv im tho soape-go'st lo niisdce U of the Censor a party.k What bad beer ~r( i! Ail, aecordingrto jS5 dutches, jn (Iflne 'by, menibc, 8 ol tbs forme, gu;vtkiiifcnt,^io w as,not responsible r- -- H: ' V- J.: -i -' t-<;:-. m Rye ! -t ' %i m 111 .mm i-'iiis: I- . tbo h'jfnlse and coHiplcto-diecomfif,- iire ofVoher^l Lyon'* forces they - having been ^vfcrpowered by sii{>er ier nikujbers and.more cgective^tiv.' Hnition. * It is,updeistbqd tliat Col, > ijlav claims the victory in th firet /: .\>. - f I Oil ^tiirday ^?<.>1.' Clay pitched* - llis tent at Drunitiuin and on Mo- ' _day at GfenfwilltaTO^.^at neither^pf , Miich.platfes>-s-miich opposition ; :'clfjbredr ! ;:-. j '^""; .'" ; ~:--~y ! Oq Tuesday, : thov vanquishing r ljost nuuciied to j Acton, Eiippp^tetl .' diily; bj"1 Hoa-'iYrW McDoiigull niik b;itijilion-of infantry,, where hcrwj.Tet by D. SttrtoOj Ttf. R, iiJ P. Ht, Ml P. P., fuid Mr- A- ; QampbelLl Hera the trbojis o| boih ptrjdes. were bananguad with foren-; !^ Ei and cknstic' eloquence :for op; jj: wards of; foiir" hbuxs, tbeuprinoif' ;':ipal fet|-e be^ng a perspmil :-jK*' . asjatrs bitween' !Mera. McDou- -*aill-iand Stirton. '. TJbe. giilljiit CdL'.isrsi spokd his piece and - reiseivexl I he plaudits of his follow-. rH erfc" ' Tien -ciuao Mr. Arcti.; - CJimplell, in .a brief and pointed - address in behalf of Mr. l.ycn:(.whfj . ii ^as unavDidably absent at the bat jt^e of Trafalgar). He iielt -on tlie< r inportani of "sustaining the .gov- 1 ernment by electing a consistent - " and reliable member of the Reform ,": pp-rty, aid drew forth responsive -'eblioes Sri in. a. fair prapbrtion of* the cirowd.^ a Hon; 2 Ir. McDongall" followed . , atT great length,;taking his jtext " '. fjjom the. remarks of" tho previous ;r fpeaber ii if regard _to Party. After -deprecafcii ig party -"warfare and par . tiian mot res to his heat t'sconterit, wjtbout seeming to__elicit; much PsyiilpathT.rhe laupched fortb into piisonal ixjdanatioifein respect to . htajbwn erratic course. Everybody "~ knew Lin in days of yore as a liad inglliybt the Reform party, and toi find bi n now as the mouth-piece .: of tbo Op XH^tiqa, reqjiired explan ation^ anc we were given tho '^x- T plar.atipn This, bb ^ matter of course, involved a har- TOwing n s of t'.e' old time '^out- fiigas'-'wof which tJje leaders pf both ptrties h* ve been guilty, and.of the pisrticnlais of which tho country bK been ^urfeittdTor yrnrp. This -.. .siock-in-t -ads bis to do duty on all auch occa: ions) for lack of other antl better an ument.. Ncvertbekss he ! made an Jiteresting, eloquent and _. pjlaiuiible address, and was listened to with w -apt attention We; fane, bowever.; be;did_ not succeed Li making any converts to bis. way of thinking.]. One matter be.itouchei upon, we tliink, would bavo be niore to the -interest of ' his client bad He exercised greater |iscretioi in,;_that is, in "reference --".j^o.'tbS C< nrrovertedj Election Act. 'lie 'expressed' himsolf as bitterly pnosed ^o t|ie law which deprived candidi te of the privilege of tab j g a gift is of whiskey on "election ay, .^iiT, ;we believe the great snajority of the; people-; of Canada.: ;' ^re beaTt ily glad, 'that isuch' a law - Exists, aiid believe the Controvert- s f.ed Election Act-to be one of the .T1 f, feesV^ts evr.plac<!d on the statute. -i-_^>ok*7, , 'His pointed^ remarks on >j'ii8~'subiect. were Very .evidently T2vf.]>{)recuited by many ;of hLs " . " , Mfl I' " ^.irtow, M. P.,1 was' the- _ next "Speaker!. He said ay the pre- :yioyjipjeaker' remarks'liad bean > '-j.Wio. 3Ii DoiigalL's" personal jjxjjan'- 4 iivticr^ hs bail no help for it; but to ; jfi<Iii;e~on the same sfciingf anti he lilul fitldlj on1 the same ^rjng'for ,au hour, fproidjjLding ariyjtbing'.but an agreei ibl4 twang;' ^Be fireil off a jnamberof sharp and.effective shots for, altidj thought should be softghl deni JEh'eljieopl =-|-iuaiiy yeai-sj'ond long career, as u couiity '. and' wojild pve .biru'-s supi>ort on lus'Ow live of (Strict part it unfaic that h to :bear their bur of- this countv lie hoped that hi imember, of tbj township ' councili claim ujiori their n merits, irrespw y line's. , meetings in Co On \^ediiesdajy -Clay's mteres^.\v< re helduit Brool ville, iiassagnwes'a, in the n'ftt'h riopn, aid at Cati|ibellviHo in th \Vo have' feceiv'cxl no n: &irt fjvm either o{ theip aieetiti qvoning. Meetings in tlJu" interest of Mr. Lyon, the Reform- candidate, wi be held: at Geoig< town'on Monday next; at Acton o:i Thursday,und:i|t. Glenwilliams oa pridav.. "Dr." Duvis The nom,inatiou will, be held.'ejt Milton on Tuesdiy next, 26th in? and the-election on-, Tuesday,' N^ vemberl 2iid:' mm THE AC^ON JFREI THE ACTON S^AI'ION. '. Tho following coiimuiilication in ro- irineo.t tho'itigrnc^[ul stito <il tho ai>l>rt>a*jin;ii to our ridiwny Btotioa, wo puljisli .with -much jilcrtsuro. If' wo thought it: woiiht bo tho moans of cffJSct-. ing.miy chWngo for tho tastier, wo would i wo hnvo >0!hesitation in-ojcproHHujn , gladly Bivo!thc Grand Trunk niit,horitiea | oln' Conviction that tliera m vastly apcricHlicaidoao of almsoon tho apparV \" l KOUluneHS in tbo county ontly willful disrogard of,all of t],n ls frilly Bupposed. 1 U. doccnoy' in rospect to tho pil.lio oonvon winch tho country' lm* ionce, Acton station ha* for1 years had tbo reputation of boing tho wbratontho whole rue,jnnd' tho '.most difficult of access. :C:limtiing over or under freight trains, stumbling Jovcr cord-w'ooil, and wading (uikle deep in niud^ ia tbo oye'ry- day experience' of people wbo'haye hiisi- noss thoro. "i Tho miserable littlo build ing, too, is not'only a'.d[ti^raco to tho Grand Trunk but * standing reproach and ej:o-soro too our otherwise attractive: village. ' Wo hope to soo a change bo-^ fore- a- groat* while. s Mit. Editor.: " ,; ' "Conld you not call tho attention of your Town Fathers,' or Railway officials;' to tho disgraceful statoof thoapproachcg to tho Btatibn, or rather to tho want; of ,jpy safe niqdo of access atvall! As mat ters- nov standj no one leaving tho, sta tion' after dark can do so without riin- niiig au imminent risk^of either' break ing hiu neck-in trying to thread his way bver an'd thriJogh tho wood piles,: or having his head crushed to a jelly !)} : I MESS, OCTOBER;22, IB^5. *Xho Coudition of the Country Tho-AToiictii}'!/ 7'/;H/;-.^lppreciitfi tho pmcticijii indulged in by kohio o' tod ns PostmasUir-GeueraL sprojuling lii'ffdlc.Ns anxiety and i'oror ',, n. s t i i- \ i socials brp tho latest novel boding ' -r inereial cirules. It says : " Now ..... coin QBNEBAli NEWS. . Hon. L. B^Hiuitirigtoiiis giutefc- Coflbo socials lirp tho latest novo ty in titielim. i: '....... t . Burglariea ba^e latoly been con ; Iniittud iiiTSlora ind Oiangeville. m bc^?d,;badfknovn bim'fofag'i^ .(^ ^,lceW of the freight cars which 1 ' " usually stand stretched across the head of - the street, and uudcr which ho is obliged: to creep before he can reach tho suilbred lUHjilargply. con lined to i f.iw places, j' Tbesb aro important it is true, (but they are: not; thi w^olo couuity." It instances Moiv tivul, : Quebec and two-.or .th'r<ji other places as among the heavirtfi sufTorors, bii't goes oh to sny thii signs of iinp'roveiiKiht uro drstindtf} vitable. Turning., to the AVest il faiys : '.'-Wo find signs of ii bettei state 'of'tidings on every hand, i Ii a largo' nnrii!)of of towns and risiii{ villages' tluho have brei'i no fuilnit'i ut all. Thp. great farming interest!, is prosperous . lit | n. b'iglr degitie Splendid crops-lutvo beoh: reuped and are now toeing marketed at in uiuneriitiVo'.r pricek some whole sale houses jthnt have exercised rot sonable caution in"elecliiig custom ers, liave liiid jremittauct's in exccii of last -year.". - and tire-: jroinau generjJly caHed Mr. Davis, >vei e on Saturday evening after a fbi r di.iys'-' trial found , ;uilty of the mur der of ^ane Gilun inr,4ind sentonoe i to be banged oh the-) 8lh day '<f December. The evidence adduce i by .' the . prosecution placed the r girilt beyond a r jasonable sbado The Scottish American says: "The hew Supreme Court of the Dominion of CamiUa has now been of doubt, and the rerdict of the jury jforiually eonatitnted, and the other only accorded witjh that of tho ei- judicial appointments rendered'ne tire piiblic. -, Th 3 horriblO crin a for which \be tv o prisoners ha\ e been Hshtejiced t< >' the gallows ws i; not long m bein;;: discovered, ;and retribiiiion now seems follow"i swift bel ind. _Ohly ore- more prime actoi in. thisr tragedy remainW to be dis ^>vered- the or o r-ho seduced, .and in'all;-probability' ; ifterwards led tb< _ unfortunate gi :1 xi seek to r disgraee by pr>- curing abortion. It is not at all j improbable-that before the dealh sentence is execul ed one or both of the prisoners may give the autbo v. ities a^clue that niay lead to. bis ar rest. We -notice by t ie daily press th: it the mejiubere of the Legislative' A j- jseujbly of rOntar 0, wDl be calbd itogether for the lesputch of but i- ;hess early in No\ amber.-- .It is ec pectedithe sesaioE' will close befoije Christmas; ^. At,| a meeting of-Reformerj in Tofrontto, Mohda r evening; '^l' Jobo 'Turner ;asi'nominated sis their s|andard: be irer for the Hoin of, Commons, to fill the vachnty the cleyation of Mr.-Mo^s to the |behch < It.fej understool that Hon. John {jeVerlfcy Robinacn, has definitely accepted the Conservative noniiu(i- tion fbt West To:'onto. West Toronto, nominatim lakes place on the last <fay of this mom i and the balloUini; on November Gtji Mr. H. H. Sw Hfoid-,.of Guolp i has bi|en appointed Inspector of Weights and Mea mres for; the Wt 1- Iiiigtbi} district. Mr. J.--]VIacd6 i- gail," df Waterio j,-has, received a siiiiilnij appointmi nt in that count ?. Iti Hajton and P ;el the Inspecto -s have nipt yet beei appointed. : TheiProvincial Government biis- -been Sustained s< fiir; in the locil electioiis which aie' now takir place in British I!oltinVbia, accori- iiig tq a telegi-am tVoni sources which are favorable 'ti them. Tlie greafcPow jrs .are stated to b'avo brought-stic i pressure to beir on Turkey and Se -via that the fori u er is-diniinisljihg the niimberof her troops; oh the Stsiviun'frontier, aitd the latter is tferao Dilizing her fore* :s. Tlia repor.t'-.of t he English dire:t- ors of; the pran([;Tnmk' Railwiy says that an i np ovemeht in ttalSc is anticipated. Vha worst is saidjto ha.vo been reachei in'receipts, a ^Utitbe enemy. and-; succeeded in id economy will be strictly practisid v- | in tlie futiire woi king of the line.1 inifloogi wwto gi>od, po^ ^afltl-TherewiU tto 4o|dividend this" T,felf 3i SEel>on;gaH;r11 of which were' year^n the jjre'fi t .-^S^-J^rj^i. nr-itt*- reft rence capital. flUasjCBa aiir^i'tih.i fin. .sidewalk lending down to tho. town. >Tow, Mr, Editor, I don't make thisap- partmtly ridiculous stntcmcut from tjearsay, but state the matter as an ab solute factrof personal experience.1 Your correspondent has had occasion to leave tho station only" twice after dark, and bath' times he was subjected & ' the alxxve iannoyaate. Once' last ^fintcf, doming up fromj Toronto, he. got lost ajuong-the piles of wood with which the eitire premises seemed' to be coyerqd. and had to-wander about a considerable tjafte, tumbling over all sorts-.of obstruct tioas before he could find his way to the village.' Last Friday night, arriving froni1, tho west at 8:30, and emerging from the cam, in comjiahy with some half a dozen others,-.found ourselves completely blockaded, with tiq mode of egress but by creeping under ajong train of tars of about a quarter j? a jnilo in length, which stood like a rainpart at the head of the street. Now Imustsay that4 am a little astonishedit the extra-. oKlinarj' meekness of 'your townspeople in so long enduring such an imposition A Word miSeaeoiii- \Vo hear complaints from some part of the country, that farmers are holdiiij back their grain in hope:) of realizing bi, prices, to the embarrassment of storuj Keepers, .wlin; arc thus unablo'to meet their engageriifnts with" that promptU tu<10 which is hi)dusirablo. AVe. believe it has l>cen.satisfactorily deiii(iustrafed tluit any apparent gain in price*, after a holding on: of" entiiie mouths, fs in thev .majority of cases-fully' onset : by the idiriukage in bulk and loss of interest; tiut. the farmer, .as a rule, cannot bo made to.seo tliiit, ami bring naturally ail. iudependent character, likes' t<| air his; independence tu the dutri.mciit of. hifc own 'pocket aud whoover niay le so nn-1 fortunato'.as t<> sell him on credit. That; this i state i>f jafTairs is fd3t*;reiT by thi: long credit system .so prevalent throhgh-j out the country generally, there cSu^be, no-doubt,-and until there is some'comi1 bined action ion. the part of country st<irukeeiH'rs towards the restriction, of tlic credit'systurii, complaints of a siuii; lar-nature-to tlie aboro will continue-to In? heard to a greater or leiscr extent: Tho tliilicnlty is that nouo aii willing initiate a short credit ^-stj-in, fenrin tliat a move iii "this direction would ol fend their cii.fftomers and drive them to {ea'Vihg. their trade with roino ono of their comi>etitors. The .weaker-country trader or lio.w beginner, dare n)>t ninke the tirtt inoye, ivs it-would lead to- 1'iis neig!il>or of large means,' Ix-.ttjD^" aide to wait, if or hi3 pay, mon^pcUizing to a large Ic^j'fent' the business of .tlw place, and it ii to this latter c].-.s th.-iji (' Tlireo-caid,monto mcii are;just now plentiful-on tlio tnriopat'ail- way 'HnoM.' Look^sharp ! Mr. S. J.'Lane'hhs been .elected Mayor of Owen fjto'nnd in the place of Mr. ThoniiiH Scott who bus re signed.- \' : . ' . T>- - :j ~" Tlit' snvf-miils and, stigur refinsr- i'lsiti Montreal -nro shutting down ; tho harbor is empty and tbe labor i midket overstocked, Tlio Lieutenant RoTeroor boa. np pol.ite I Thursday 28th insty\s a pub lic, thanksgiving;day. Tho day wdl boobservid as a public holiday all qver Ontario. In tho West Itjding of Huron theru aro eight lodges of GootlTem- plal-8, with a.mehibership .consider ably oyer 000. ' ' :'. A gentleman from tlio neighbor, hood.of 'Guelph.bas purchased; 600 acres of land near Mindon, and is going to move on. it. Mr. J. P. Weisor, of Prescott, Ont:, hns sold -his- famous gelding to Mr. A. W; Ricliiriond; Chicago, foi- the handsome sum of $10,000.; The football match between On tario u'nd Quebec, ^caino off at To ronto on Saturday, and resulted in fuvor of tlib foruien . . !" Repo'-tSiof brutal assualts, high way roberies, incendiaries, nrid bur glaries, in varibnii pirts of the country, are aliiriningly coraraon. ' Fifteen commerqljl travellers at one hotel 'afe Brockville on Wednes: day^ms. beeV.'spoken-' of as an evi- denco of improvoment in ti-udo. Tlint'B one' way! of looking nt it, but tbuve's a jro"vorse, \yuy of looking at it.' ^ .A- ,^ 'A While 'at' breakfkdfc ^oh'\Sunday morning, apjwre'ntly hi'bis.jURunl healUi, Albert W. -Muir, agem't > of tho Dominion j Telegraph Co.* in Woodstocky. suddenly dropped dead from heart idisedse. - : Rev. W. lJ. McKenzie, incum bent of St.^Paul's Church, Mount Forest, is about leaving that-place to as-sume the charge, of the .Angli can Clinrcli at Milton, ' ' the Appeal shiuLr-first be ma>ie for ail' ] Bishop Bonnet issued a pastoral etfort in the dk-si'reddirection.. We IcaV^i. on Sunday, in-which ,bo i-ays that t *v n.-i~... r- J" -euon in xn dlusi'rcd direction.. We leaV^i. On S frpm.tho Railway Company mp^tend- I .,,- |o t||e ,k|L,c of the country tnffl without entering, into conflict with ing to give them railway, and ,jfeM'KencrallJ-.if .sn.* a- chsngo i., not the authorities in connection with at ^he samertinie closing np thoiieces- adesirable, ttieti it bo, why not,strive fur: sary mode of access to the station.- A VlSITOB.' it? We nritel one ortwo efforts in tliej direction riamcil, by wertern storckccjiii; ers,- and-we. earnestly hope that their pluck and spirit on behalf of this good cause may not go uurewArdcd, bnt we fear tho cases are tim isolated to have any 'gchu-aT pffect. A more thorough unity of purpose and action i:i required to bring about the results, aimed at. Montreal! Journal of Cvmmcrcr. I 1 cessarv by the 'Change have been, made.: Great wis<lom. bus been ^shoWn in the selection of men ;'and not. the less so that party poHtics bal^e been ignored.. Th"e president ofji'the Supreme^Court, Chief Jus tice RiebardsJ is a man of great ex perience >and ability; whilst his successor \ in- Ontario, Mr. R. A. Jlarrison, bias long occupied a lead ing position at the Bar? and. is a pronounced .Conservative. 'His ap-: jjofntment^ therefore, lis 'all the more creditable to the Government." England is now said to have the; most powerful'piece of artillery in the world in the shape of ah 81 ton gun, which-has been rsuccessfully tested with charges of'powder up to 24Q ibs.rand1 projectiles up to 1,260 lb& Tho velocities exhibited at the festing are said to bavo amazed everybody, arid the-energy imparted' to the shot rose-to the enormous pitch of 20,'400 foot tons, or aboitt the estimated force with which theprow of the Iron Duke encountered tbe Vanguard. - This pun is intended for the Infle-xible,' which is to earry four of these guns, ,the second of which is how'con structing. A prominent engipeor. stated, on the groiind, that before long Engtarid will possess a 16.0 ton gun, firing a'jone ton shot; which-at one niile;range can tear the strong est iron-clad to pieces. Nothing of ^importance Las late ly transpired in the Sjw^nish'- war. j The Oiirlist cause is almost hope- -. ;les8... Don .Carlos, has 'dismissed from: his iservice Generals Mendiri, Volasca, IMagrovejo,, and Doi-rega- ray, the latter of whom it will be remembered- conducted the rapid re treat across'the Ebro and towards the Pyrenees. In civil matters the Tho. financial outlook is mucl more cheiirinc; .than it has been for some time. ' :The, money market j.1? somewhat easier, and a , steady though slow return of confidence jsj preceptihlu, aiul little, difficulty i.4 now Jexpeiience<l by resjjonsiblo business hous<-s iri Reciiring dis|] oouiits at from 8 to 0 per c^.nt. on gond'commercinl paper. . There hai been a downward tendency in ill leading bank stocks here fdr -some - .i | time, attributable in ]>art to the urn certainty that is felt a's to the abili ity- of some of .these institiuions td declai-e anyvbing like its. accustohl} ed dividend1, to shareholders, and, people looking for safe investnients naturally desire the most Teiiuiiier| ativo, and Bank stocks do.not pres ent1 tho most attractive appearanqe to capitnlistjs at the present timfe are rather inclined toifavor improv ed real estate. This is particularly noticeable in Toronto,: where iii proportion-fco the decline in' bank stocks an advance is. ohsVrvublu hi the stocks of building societies. L Jowhtal of Commerce. - .' I the Guihord affair, -the liberty pf the^Church hag leen safely gnardedi ' Orangeville was ykite'd by a de- strnc'tivc fire oh, Sunday mornings eight storrs being burned. The firp is smid to have been the work of ah incendiary. \ ' ( Messrs. George and Isaac Eng lish, Omeineio, have alteady tiapped nearly , one thonsapd luusknitfi on Pigeon Lake. They expect, if tho weather continues favorable to dou- The Fifty-first volume of IlAitPEn's Maoazine, concluded with tho 'IJfo..! vember Number, fully sustains - the character and reputiition ot'.tbis pei nodical as.the foremost Of <imericai| Monthlies, both for its standard, o| literary excellenceond for th"e weal.ilj and tariety of its illustrations. It fans containeJ nearly four hundred and fifty exquisite engravings. Its- descriptive illuslratd articles have included within their range Briltanyj the Channel: Islands', the Hebridesj the picturesque features of Gape God the Glaciers ibt'.-Cali? fornia, tbe Cities and natural scenerj of';Minnesota, the ancient ^Pueblo: of New Mexico and Arizona; the lit erary rind historic associations of I h mmittrpif lr r_...... ., . - - Nuncio'si"defnand. j The ministry it ia lfoped[-will^resist ultramontanQ aggression^and-, endeavor to. main tain the cause of religious liberty. Weather prophetB say the com ing winter will bo far more severe than last" wihteiv -Mushwats; are building their,1 nests in tenj jfeet of. water and lining them with wool; and feathers, and laying in twicer the usual amount of firewood. Frogs lraye been, observed standing on. their heads, and everything indi cates thit before-, winter ,is half oyer it will- be cold enough to freeze, a cast iron mule solid. As" these wise pec pie were entirely out hi their calculations last fall, let us consider them wrong now, at least until.we haye actual/proof: of this unpreced ented severity, - Several stores ih Belleville were badly a firer-on. Mon day. Iricehdiurism is suspected. tern Civilization; (he-wild scenery df Lake ilooaehead, ,th humors of i Virginia Tournament; the: art-treas- ures opthe tiouth feensington Mu seum, and the industries of the; Ex press business nrid the .Americar Diiry. In illustrated literary nie mdir.s uaVe been presented graphic sketches .and portraits of 'several Parisan journalists, and; of the most eminent English writers -/during anq since the, Wordsworthian pocti. -. In its Keriai . and Short. Stories, :iU Poems end. MisceUaneous < Eapersj the Volume, just plosed hns been conspicious for-streng'tli, excellence and variety.. "*- The "First Century" Series the most remarkable enterprise iof cur rept magazine literature .will b^ continued through the next, two Volumes. ' .""'.-. - The sale df the Mo'unt<Jnle herd 6J shorthorns owned by JSfr. :J\ T Thompson,1 'near: Winchester, vKen tucky, tooK Jplace on the 15th inst About 80 liead were sold for 55,000;.' lute^ti'miTirty^ ble that hnnibcr. Tlie mani-. friends of the Rov John. Shaw. lately settled in Bi-ampton, will regret to learn that that gontlmin:being Wi a- visit to the neighborhood pfs-Ji'estoTi, fell into a eattlo'-giiiird and was serious? ly internally injjnred. 'At, a b:|nd bonfest_Jn Jlilton, ) Oak ville Band got first prize, Horn by-fcecond, and Georgetown third. Brampton band- men-are wroth be- ainso they got-no prize, there not being a fourth ;. and they declare that the judges, didn't know4-you: knoiv. /.'. i \ Mn Joseplij O'Connor, of tbe Queen's 'Hotel, ;.. Guelph, on TlVni-sda^ presented, a handsome 8ilver~iiiuliing lever double cased Mr... Alfred Hornbostle, o a sborT^time ago so maht^illy escu'ed Mr. O ConhorV little Mioy from drowning. Attached to- the watch is a nice gold Albert chain and locket. -Preston has gone into the bonus bfisiness again. A few-months since she paid Hepburn & Co. $6,- 0Q0 to remove their boot, manufac tory there from Guelph ; and now they give $5,000"to Detwiler & Shantz for tho removal of; their foundry therefrom Elinira, 'on con ditioathat they continuously em- ploy twenty mechanics. ',,'.- The. London Free Press' Says :-^- The following notes from the lakes will be read with interest'by sports men. ' ^T^he snipe and plover are gathering to gOthers preparatory to making their annual; migration,"and as the birds are quite Itame, sportsmeVn have slaughtered a great many of them within fi few days past.- Ducks aro beginning to be more plentiful, and afford fine sport i l some of the fa. vourite localities. ,_; , . A correspondent informs us that on the 8th inst. lie had; the pleasure of weighing on his scales .three brothers,.-, residents iof this section, the ujnited weight.'or* whom .figured u.p fo 854 pounds.' Our~-e;orrtspon dent thinks that three men; brothers fromf-the same> parents, cannot be found in.the Dominion of Canada to beat this for weijjut. Seaforthi *>' ppsitor. - -.'. ' .- The DayW Trial. : p. DAVTS AND WIPE BENTENQJil): TO .-( {", This trial was conclude 1 on Sat urday. Iihmedintely ufter tho open ing of tHblCburt the prisoners were brought ininnd plnoodin the dock. From association dftring the four days the trial had lasted, I be Courtj the bar, the jury, and,eye. the-bolk of tht; Bpectators must ha1 e become familiar to' them, and the/, did not therefore exhibit any cii "iosity on: ' taking their seats. But us thfr day wore on, And during the i ddressing of tho jury, the tntiie pr soner be trayed a lively interest in tho pro ceedings, seldom taking his^eypNS from the jury benches. 7; 'ho cro\*d] was, 11s great ason any lay Jireyi-i ouBf several females being amvngi the audiences^ to w;honv tie circum stance appearfe'd io ^wssesi a- certain attraction. I ', Two ior, three witaeises .were called-, after which Mr. iM.C.'Cam eron, for the defence, addressed the jury at great length. Mi. McKen- ie, for the Crown,.followed briefly, after which "His Lordsbit delivered his charge to tliejary, ; At five o'clock precis.?] y the jury ratired./ --. As it y)as pxpected tba t the jury would only bo absent a .snort time, His Lordship, tbe. counso i, and . the; large body of the spectatc rs remain ed in-their places." Th( prisoners .maintained their cool. demeanor,: occasionally conversing together for a few minutes. .' ! Tho jury returned into Court at 6:20 p.rn./buying been fbser.t one hour and twenty minutes. Ainid intense exjcitepieni tlie Fore.non, in answer to tlie qlies-. -tions^whethef; the prise nt-i-g , were guilty of not guilty of the 1,-barge of murder, replied " Guilty J' Mr. Mjigkenzie - at . once, mbved' that the judgment of .thelCOtirt be TVf piussed upon the prisoner s. ']. '-"' His Lordship asked th i.prisohers if i they had anything to say why the Court should not pas j sentence of deatli upon them for he'" felc/iiy of iw^iich they- had been c onvicted. *15oeh. .prisoners then re se and ad vanced1 ,to tlie front"? of/the dock, their faces; wearing a caln and re solute uppearance. "Dr." Davis, speaking in a firm, clear voice, addressed the Court. He said nftef ihe had been^gi-ven in tha jireseice of His Lordship and 'the .jury some of which was false-, particularly that of Mr. Chalk- aud ,ltioiJie parts of , he threw himself on the.mercy of he"'Court, j If justice.could bo tehi lered with nierey, he hopejl ihercy would be extended to- his young -wife, who was eaMrely itmocent of .tljcxhargp.. His Lordship assumed the black cap.'. ifhd passed seiitenc i on ' the prisoners. - He said : A-f vr-rH..Very careful and jiatieiit invesl igation of thrs cAse yoh bave beentfunhd^guil-" ty. . I think the evidence, -fully- warrimts tbfc conclusion jit. which the jury., have^-arrived. " I -. Injy.e' only oiieaiid a painful )lut_v to per form to 1WS3 tlio sentence^ of tbe law*upon you. I'wrll n<Jt refer to CiiBno#l>KDio'ATidNxH-The new cba -pa! erected in Guelphf by tbo Bap- tls-t :Church was" dedicated on Hab- bath last, when able and jMfjquerit sernjohs were ijreache^I byjhe &ev. Dr^Fyfe, Principal of tho Canadinn Liierarjr Institution, Woodstock, He^v.Wm. Stewart, M: A , of ilamtN ton; and Rev. Jr L. Campbell, of Chatlmm^ to large and attentive con' gregations. 'iTie chapel is built of the Guelph Freestoney and th-cost Wtfh its furnishings 8^3,000 the building is finishedin a m/igmficont style^ It Will seat about seven hun dred persons.. Rpv. Dr Hurd.. of 8tv thomns; delivered a lecture Monday evening in tho chapel: a a large and appreciative andi^hce. on tho' di^ni' ty,ol labour'" Bey. Dr Daridson ia pastor of j this Church. , NEW ADyERTIBEiMBNTS NTEp 'T0 fctARV THt P^iitiiig Business Must hue a fair education rmd fxi y-iffing to Itoni Apply at the FftEE Pkbi office BOVAyANTEp Pfiiiting Bu8ii maLioN UrtWM Candidate for i?|j(ltfurt-, Will address th i ^ro THE ELEpro$& I or tiik County of Saltoa, t J- the tocal Electors of Halton, at Georgetown, 611 Monday, October SSth, a1 7 p m - . . . i At Acttm, on jThnr^jiay, l: h October 28th,. ai At GleriioiUiainsi Friday, October 29th,.al; 7 p m- 7 pm ic Goverrimcut Some.j members of will be^ present at eaclji mettin^, ami also at the nomination 111 .Milton, on Tuesday, 2Gth; " Gpb, Save thk'Qcti--< -Dealers in real estate say that nev er in Chicago, within the- last ten yerrs; was their businesi so dull; Thoiigh money is plentiful, and pro perty.'as things; have been recently Roing. notu high, there ara no investments' being made. Plenty are ready and eager to sell, -but pur. chasers are not^o be had Instead of the-spirit; of restless and reckless speculation hitherto prevalent there, there is caution amounting to abso OTICE TO DEBTOfiS. Parties indebted to the subscribers are requested , to pay th<-ir accounts on or before, the 1st m ?Jo%ember, as we want to have our books closed by that dato 1 ii ' MOORE feSMITri ieton, Otrt. 1^ 1675 16-3t QifcPARATOR 41SU Vj5 POWEK. in good condlMou, for sale Apply to J AMfcS. UEL.U, Lot ^o IS, 2nd copcess!t(D of Etciucti.ig, ^ AtF0TI<^ SAtE ' '". OF V.VLL \6trfe IiIVE ; STOCK * And Implements. Guvrr ehen At; the Roform Conyentlon luU at Milton on Monday, the 4t& ^ tobqr inst, I had the honor of Li ing unanimonsly chosen u jL. standard beafxjr of the ReformP^v 9 ty ifi tho election: ft*' tba PVn.. went of Ontario, rtatlereaj nen^. sary by the resoft ef fie petjfi^% against Mr, Barberi ( I am deeply soDeibl^ of the fa. poitance of the'trust yon propel pi icing in my hands, the rwpo^,. ; bdities it inyoTVe-?, aftcf the( honor*" ? atUchmg to the reprtjsen&itioa ^ so important a county in r l^T eal Legislature "~ If elected I will give the^pttit^ JJovemme^t a hbet%l< sirpport to long as they adminwtej- tho tf^s of the Province as tiey| ha^e hat! tofore done in a consiitjti6t}Jnw,, ner and their policy rinds uTm opinion to advance the best iafar- ests, and promote tbe prosperity ef the countrja j I will snirport any aeastfrB tbt will tend to lessen the levifs of i^ IE "K ^4- ai Nv . . . I BL < for 1 twlady ny di i ternpei-ince, and will proneto the moE<J and infei^ecf of the people I will feel it to be insist upon, the strictejst eodilosyy consistent with efficiency in evfery m branch of the public1 serviiSr, and * will ive my cordial] support to jfe sttch iegisUkort as majj^e desoel neeessary for that purpose. I will endeavor to niect as msoy ] Mr. -W. W. Roe has recai\c<l instrtic tions from MR..C. S tiMITrl, to sell by public-auction, on tb/ j-imi'sas, L< t 27, JJndConj, Esqucs ng, 11jo n n-s, the Village of Acton, on FeHiiesday3i Oct. 27, At one' c'.cloek'p. m , sliarp^ the tollnv- ing valuable property, \ij- 1 ~~sf>au BroWii Horses', aged, 1 Bay Hofce, mn(- y0ar3 old }1 SoVr'el Hor=E, \i years old , 1 !Bay Horse, seven y eart> old, 1 general purpose Brood Mare, nji'foi^ to Dnff s imported- "*Ihike of 4.rgjlo-> 1 Blafck Colt,' two yejirs' old , 1 Roadster Brood Mju ------- of the E|ectors as potkible in H different parts of the Conntv beftr* thje election^ ant] fully .explain y political views Trusting you will hc*or me witfl )our confidence, J ^ I am, gentlemen, 1 ^ Tour ob'd't^rv't, , W- Dl LYON, Milton, Oct 7, 187? ] . ---- < I i Ti__ ^ To the Electors '\ Ot THt COUNTY OF HALTON. i ? , re/ (calle3 .Crsratr ra-trel m foal to ^ Volunteer .Coachiiian ,1 1 Black Brood your past life, nor'sav-at ytbihg toy^pve, in foairto '^etherby ' 1 Bay i.r'W *K w^tnlio'lnodc Ar ^-n, - Horse Colt, sire "VoluntLer Coachman, 1 llare' Colt, dam "Cioiiei mare," sire add to the wretchedness of your position. JJut I implore you to di vest your'miuds of uhy hope of ex pectation that the ^etjtence I am about to pass' wilV-fiot >e carried into execution, 'I have iio hope 'to hold out: to j on, and I iniplore you during' the-short time alls ted to you tqlive, that you will ca 1 to your aid the ministers of re: igion^ and prepare yourselves to neet-yonr. God.. .Tho sentence of the Court updn you, Arthur Paul Diiyis, as that yon be taken to the placeTfroSn. Vhence you came, and fr am thence to the place of execution on Wed- niesday, tbe 8th orDecetibeT; next, and you then and ther0,be hanged,1 by the nock until you aro dead, and may GocLJiave'ihercy on your sohl ilis Loruship tbeh. repeated ' the death sentence on tho fen ale prison er, Alice Davis, s"* The prisoners! who: renifiiTietl cool and collected, whilo- the sen fence- was being passed t pori" thorn, were then removed from the dock. '. Ifc.seoms that a; Doctor Moses Jacobi,'who: was lately,i,nested in New "Yprk.-fbr practising abortion, cpnfessbs tfiat he - humb ugged' wo men with his medicines. -He says; these medicines are fearf ally-harm less -the liquids b.eirig iflere color ed water, 'find the pills b read coated wi^h sugar. '. The "p^r'sican" he bought oht.^made S2;000 a. month. The rascal who would confess him self humbug to esctoe;- punish ment ia.none too goo4 t< use'medi-. cines that ure not harfaal s. ;In Seaforth; salt hai advanced ten cents per: barrel,'-a id- is now meeting, with ready sale it 65:eents. In^ Godpricb, owing -to ! id vantages in;shipping, no1 salt has been soldi during the season for It ss than' 70 cents per ban'el, all of it 1 aving'been shipped to the United S. tes. The Strathroy -giri ] vho sawed two cords of wood in-a day'has an average, of twenty-five of Jers of mar riage.- per week, and ea ih offer in cludes a saw and the neuessary fix ings. . - . "-The Toronto Pol ice M igistrato - is blamed by the Globe for. nuch.of the crime of that. city beer use of | - the light penalties which he i nflicts,1 and an, investigation is dema ided. This model magistrate i8 also i aid to be ia league with the liquor se .lere Volunteer C^acfiihan, ] 1 DurHim Cow with;'pedigree ;; 1 Durham Bull OVU, with'$edi^ee.; 1 Durham Heifer Calf, with pedigree; 1 yearling Durham Heifer ; 1 Urade Cow, in calf to a thor orlgul^d{ftull:;tIyeafhiihGnule Heifer, 2LSteerS, ;tw6 years (old, 1 Lincoln Shearling-Ram, took 2nd prize at Pro viircial - Exhibition, Uttaw a , Sev erol B*rn* Lambs, some of thtm prize taktra , T ;Tumip Cutter.; I Iron Bealn Plow-, 1 pet Single Harness, 1 set Light Doa ble Harness. ,\; sums under so, sash , over that amount t-n elvi months credit on approved joint notes '[.'-' ' " , C.-S. SMIRCH, Propnetor W. W- ROB, Auctioneer iActou, Oct. 15, 1875 I7-lt -\ U TION SALE OF\ < ValiAablo Erssi Estate '-. and M I: FARM^G ^FOC^. , Mir. GEO.flitmshas r*e*!vpd Irratrucllons from JOHN -|:HJfIN(,S *n., lo s. 11 bl Public At.ctlon, on HAlUHUA'i, 30]tli if! OCTOBEK. one of the most valuable Farms iu the Township of Ssquestotr, U<>. Ualtorj, belnsr 110 eijst halt 01 Lot 31, 2nd Con., comprlSlne 123 acres, ftO h< rts of which aralo a Jilgh ktatc ofraHhn, Urn, tho balance gool hardwood, Mtuu- td abootone mile from ihebeautlfu> and p^ojrresslvo Village of AOTOJM Gooi' Irnme house and barn,': tone stables and ether conveniences, excellent orchard and seven aeresof hop yard The toll Is unequalled In Ontario lbr croln^rowjl g, and ihefarm Is undoubtedly ono or_t e besteveroffered for sale to public auction. The plade will positively bo sold to the hlehest.otdder, aa Hie o^rneri* gl\ Inc up la'rmtrigon accbujnt-of old ue ^Perfect title guaranteed. XeimB easi, . (Also, at the same tlm^ an3 jilaco, will b^sold a largtiguantltj of B|&rta -Stock and Implements, eS>mprisms 4' horses, 8 c~ltSj 15 heat. Of cattle, a numoer of sbe^n arid pigs, one combined reiaper and mower, 2 wagons. 2slBl5tjB, buggy, cutter, plows, hariows, culllvaior.seed drill,runoiiismill, Ac <&c^ See Catalogue for particulars GEO. CHBBS, Auotioneer esln?, Sept ^0, lSVo. Gfntlembx - i In deference to tfce large number of my fnpn|h;T a*vei the honor ick offer my sel' a esadt* date for your suffrages, which J hope wdl meet the '4pt>rc bation of the Independent Eleqtoi s of' thii conntj j | j" 5Iy political opinions wishes- oV, fl- are wait1 -jjj^4TfcE. ; j .' Any person or pejOns trespassing on Lit 28, Concession S, bi the 'jownship ofj fisquesing, (adjbimn,; the Vjillage of Acton), or injuring troqs of anyf kind, or leaving gate's improperly shut, br fences partly dowii, will be subject toproseou tion after this date. .,,-, P S ARMSTRONG ' Acton, August .20, HS75 known alill I hope-io bavs & 11 I i - ". - pleasure "of, meetingi r lany of yo* before the polling day. ., v To pieveht iuiscobc* ption, I rar* j say heio that I will dive thepr* ' cut Government rib factious oppe^ Wat sevs the tion, but will support measures calcirlated to I general prosperity of t3iem in B increase ws-J the peopl^l W m land will strenuously (ppoaaexte*- * agance in every form whether IB J grants to Rajlwnys, thb dispoefcl the timber limits of this Proviu or in any other way, contrary *1 well understood' wishes of t8i people, ( If elected, my time; will be"1*| I sparingly -devoted to your infc irrespective of creed, party' WJ tionality -- i TV/TILIt! MILIt^ The subscriber has commenced the dairy business, and \iill deliver milk every'"morning- and evening at the housea-in the village* Milk warranted pure.. Twenty-one quart tickets for 9>1, if paid in advance, or t-wenty one pint tickets for 50 cents * P.S, ARMSTRONG . m Actouy Julj'-Sth, 1873 I have the honor) to be* v i Gentlemen, Your obedient ^erruBft, Norval, Oct 13,4 18J5. " u SxTUltM TO RENT,' The subscriber offers to rent, orWt*l shares, his larm, beingjbot No.--<frg| the 5th Ooncessioa ^>f JfciqiJesiiifeflJjJ prising 100 acres, 80eres of wbHfeg| jnder oultiv ation, the balanee :odar apd_ 'hard wood, ^food iouso and t>arns, with plenty #| ivater, and other conveniences, rjv^j JJ miles from. Acton Ayply <*Wpremises to r -1 1 F ~ SIMOV MctEfl squf&mg. Oct 1, 1875, " * *! i l of: in; * i'j ,der MOT f^ o li^lL^ w "4 ..T nwA5n

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