Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1875, page 4

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.iiiiiiii&tiiM\iimmm>i)v_ %*#m&& ffSBKrlaaKr^ -J- r*"^:ir-- r ; - |ni-.'-U"S7- -, ,-. s mm fc' ? ^ : THEAGir FREE l^BESS; G-OyGBER -z - Bequeeinjr Exhibition. -"' < {Concluded from first pngv.) Treadwell .wheit j. B. Bc&wy,':2 -J.- Brownridge7\ 3 'Ji. HI: Nixon. 'Other variety jrinter i wheat -W. Thrown, 2 JD. Ctoss, 5 C. Swnck- haminfer.* .-Opting wuesit \V. Wil son, 2 W. C.Boaty. Lturge Peas, - : SV. C. Beaty. . Small peas Jninee SHarriscui, $ ft. He-.strefc White_____________ xwAte-rJanues 'HarriitinC * JL' Mc-JiH^said hoiwolld, and he followed SSaughton.! Black oatsr-lVIl- 3 Shanks, S A. Stark. Barlev M -M^aughfciH'a^rBro^vrn. "White lieans-^-Bj HeinstreeV.J.2 R-. Laird. Indian *nm-^J.rMu"frav, "2 B. H-.-' "'u,y- &vfJ= W: -^i..y j V- 6^ :.i -'-*. &fci:~. *!? "*1 Im-fU . fctr*-j-'!-j-',-"v--v:;l= r,.-.- l^r^'B^'; fell ':.=" te:, zym *& - BOOTS, TOGETJtBI&3 AKJ) FKUIT. v Potaioe*r^R. Reed. Early po- 'Jatoes R. iReed,-2 C. SwackKam- iner. Cairo ts 1 and 2 T. Hjtinie. I'ieid carr|3te--J, B. Besiey, 2 J: and G. ""Hardy."., Swede turnips-^-C. "Swackh^inmor, 2 R.- Cleave. Other tunaps^TW. "Wilson, 2 M. Howell. Dozen teets James McPhersoii, 2 JEt. Storey. Do?en onions rJfimes '^iatthewa, 2 B-'Heiiisti^et. jMan- igold Tipurtzttl^-J os. Barber; ,2 R. J: Murray.!" Cel ery^ W^lMcIjean, 2 R. "Storeji Cauliflower^ J. Murray. Pnmj>- kinfrpR. Stark,' 2 P." Kennedy. .Tomatoes C Swackhanimei^, 2 T. v:Hnmei Collection of apples D X,rpss, 2 J. B.^Bessey. Dozen fall Vppifis=-P.^.(?tqes, 2 J. Warren. I>oien winterapples^ _ 2 J. Harrisob-. Black grapes JJR ji Bessey, 2 Ej^Mbore. White gra|>es ' lJ-^1? B.i&easey.' .Djozen pears J.. ! Shaw, 2!P."-BamL::'!- '" ' "r' - Boiled fruit, D. Cro?s, R. Yonng7 , BottlA mixed pickfe 'BJ. Yoong. &Qnprer TieTnie-inade vrine-^^R. Young, W.. Gordon. Hoorjeast bread, home made ^-W. V^iiDer, 2\R.HemBtafeefe Sa^t-yesi&t breadr-G.'^ SwackhaiDwer1, ; f2 R; ; iHemstrebt. "* 'Ten ' lb<. hdney in Tsomb [ 'Bale TJop^D.-jCro*, 2 J Mjtfrayl, -^""' "- , '"- - / E_ MQIer, 2- A; Starkf Sibs *issh butte* JKniehVp 'B: Hemstreet,. 3^' A. Cook! 'Firkin Batter R. S.jHa)Jl, Ar-.Yovut8 M^n "W"ho "Wants :, Advioei i It' was t1io iccond' thno ho had ioconipaniinl th s young la'dy honio IJroiaBiuging Brbool, one of thoso little social! ju\rl iea Vvlach a-o got- iteiliHp'lo hVitjg fond hearts a"-stop to&!\rfir to each i ithcr. j When tl^ey i eached the gate Bho asked him tDu Woxildn't como in. i>. S. Supcrinteindeut^ her into t|io 1 ionise. " It was a Calm, atill jiigh ^,*;and the' hour was so latetbal he had no fear of see- J'lig the ojd; fblUs. Sarah took, his iat, to|d hioVt) sit down, and Bho left the rocinV't) lay off, her thing?. She w!as, i hard y; gone before her mother 'came rh, ;smilecf aweetlj'j- and dropping dbwn besidp the yoiin|g man ehi said i", :j .? I always d i3;&iy i.that if a poor but rcsWciabh yqungtmari fell in love w{t|t 'Sara i h)e should have niy Iconsont1' parr 6'mothers would a'a- jcrifice 'theHr . t 'au'ghtjef's happinesp foe riches^ ibut I am not one of that iClass.'Y'-i . . j-' >';' t 1?bejyoWng nan gave- a start of alarm. He cidn't know,j -whether ho liked Skral.' or not, and he had not dreamed of as uifirriage. ; 1 ; , ,|\ \" ' : '.'^She has acknowledged to me that she lovd -you," contirined tho mother^ ":anc whatever i'b for her jlmppinesslisiar muie.";- ; : '~ THe yoiing njan gave- two. start* of alarm this time, and' be felt his cheeks'-grOw pale.. " I " ho stammer ed, when jshe said : "Oli, jiev<rmind. I know you ' haven't rduch monpyj but of.cj>urse you'll live wi th ~nm We' take in boarders,: an 1 I'll risk btft whtlt ^4. r :?li '2 PrCross, W. Gordon, 4 ?. B. :Befcey/,>-'<;- ,. ' POWJStiC UASVTACTV&ZHy IMPLE' "jiESTS, HAkKESS,-LEATHES, ETC-! ;Set Team HarnessP-E. Nixon. '"- Set Carriage Harness -T. Heiiston. ^etSingle Harness T. Heuston,i2 T. Henstom _Eir JiJUii's . Sew^ . Boots J>. G. "Watson iW. Austin. yalr'Mert'a Pegged Boote-r-D. CL /Watson, 2 W. .Austin. P^ir "vVJo- men's Boots, hand made \y. Aub- vhji' Vppef LeatherT-T-D. Crostsl Sole leainer^D^; Cross. 'Euriher's 'all^ool clqtfc-^E. ^.: Thompson' 2 'Wi Gordonl" Piece white flannel ^=PviKemie4yt 2 Jaa. Shaw. Fic- iory Cloth Jjffl.'*' Shaw. T*c- . . lorse: carriage rCulp i HcKenzie. Open buggy-r-Culp and Mclteniio, ^" J.'Ryder. Lumber' rsvagoftj - . '^ostinff Alexander, 2\ J.' Ryder. Market wagoii Culp_and McKenzie, 2 J,'B.yd^r.~,:Iron plougb-^-Actpn- -r ^Piqrigky.Company. Othef plough ^A. Grievea,"H Millpy. ' Harrbw A._ GrieH-ea, 2 Acioh Tppugte/Jomfiny.' Cultiratbr-^iR. SqwelL Iron Hfirro w- D. Mc- Kinnon, 2 T."Bell. - V.- '.i "" " TJkDIEB WOBK. J ' Ktehwdti'quiltWj. S. Trac^. 2 PJ S. Armstrbnc;_^Faney quiltrjW.- jya'ldie, S^.jMcClelJaiiid.^Pi "_' , *ool workTbn^nvas T, Madori, t on /lriuslin C. vMcClellandL *m- .: broidery on^tton^-John'-pon^Qy. 2f D: "Crosa' i Embroidery oh .: T.^-Mason,, 2.C. MdClel !'Ornkmentel needlework :W. isor- 'don,'2 T. Mason. Crotchet ^ork ' P. Mann, 2 J. 8. Bessey^ Fan : cy knitting^ P. 'Mann, 2. 'C.. plc- T. VMaion. Ta& T. :Summerviije. 'Pijtnt iB^ey. ; Lace -work ^J, jMasori, 2 ^ JMc- Clelland^':/Honitn iace -TJ./Cross, ^-H." "Besse/.' GentlemanV sbij "W. Gordon,-2 K1. Hartnejih. r,; W]obl len stockingB A. Hartiiitt,' 2JW. tjordorL - Woqllen s^jcks -W. Gbr- "tlon, 2 A HartnettJl Woollen niitta i :Mrfc Miller) 2 ,T.- Mascrn.i Sofa ; obipnr-T.B.: leaser,' 2^. cfos* #-.) ,...,.-.-.- pIlfjj VaeTS. "' i' I Painting in yt :^.sjfree: '-.: iman,-"2 Mca. ^Pencil ~ :-drawji Bl *S. ,'HalL iCrayon arawihg-^-J. Mason, \$:& & Six 'phoifogSphs I-2 A.Ofiderkin."- 0pllection iiajural ^aowjer6^-Jph VSBarby,- 2V Ti B. ^raxe^^ble^o^ueti-'R. Yolmg, ^ li'R-ii*ieii;>f'Sah<t. bonaufet Andth^r Lot of that famous &6c, iTea jui3t to ,and;5. Sjj Teacliers, dlfTcrcut ITp-wards .of 5<0 %inds of entirely -new sr. Cards and Tickets, : THE FASHIONABLE WEST ENII Drt^ Manlle & MiljinBry Establishmfent, 37 TAPPER WYNiDHAM |ST^ QTJELEE', DERG CHEAP, BOOKSTORE. On side Wyndham Street, BLACK GLACE SILKS, warrantol purpgood wearjpg a\jaiities, at 50c. 7Sc,&ic, - liLACK GttC) GRAIN iilLK.S, rei mrkaMc for their suppwjnnppoflrance and traordinary 4urability,-9oe, $1 bo and-$K2o: \-:!'.y " ' 1'EAIN AND I'ANCV SILKS, in Immense variety?"at 75c', Soc,. oociand $!..<. J550 rUXIlCS l'LAIN AND KAMCY DRESS GOODS, new: amf approved "style*-, to be iijiliiall round at 2OCV25C and 30c per yard the beft goods si' fop the money we have! eVe'r^otd oler tjie counter., Every .Lady-must kce/this loti 60 PIECES FINE BLACK LUSTRES',*tb^ sold atfa rednctlon offrornlS to per yard from fo^irier prices. ' Our 25c, 30CJ ^c^aWd: ^odj- (jludities specially rcc'oniihendctl for good wear. ' I i WE WILL ALSO SHOW a lar;e and beautiful,rcpresentatiort bf; Hew tall Mantles, Mantle Materials, Milliner}-; -Sliaw[s<' Sjlafti, eic;,; to^ whicri We in vite particular notice. ]. Also 100 VAIKS JIEAVV BI.A{j \'/i lWiBlankets, larg ; -si??. 6'J^'lb'iBlanTiet^ extra size* I'A ib I51anl;ets, twil 1 RETS, at a Bargain,".as follows; we'll' get al'oi g all right r It was a bat 1 situation. H& faadn't j Yen'looked love at Sarab, and he felt that ho o sgbt to undeceire the: mother. . of" he stammered, h hen she held up her haiuls and sa: d : .; "iknojw j an'hadn't, but it'a all j^ght. With your wSges and what 4Shei boarders bring in- w0 shall r&I along-as ianuj: aB.bugs in a rug." but" " All 1 ifak "11 that yon be good to her," "interrupted, the mother'. " Sarah hris c tender heart and a lor- ing nature; indif you"iSbould b6 cross and togly it 'would break" Her down within a weokV'" Tne. youn i Euan's fcyes stood out like - cocoaa its in a show window, and be ro6e up and tried to' Bay something. Hesa'dj- - 'i " Great he ivens! niaaame I can't permit ' ' tserer ri ind abut the--thanks," 4he interruj ted. "_ I don't belise in long courtship my8elf; and let'm'e Sugtesfan iarly day for the mars riigtf."; the 30th ot September is my birthday, aid,it.would be nice for you to be m irricxl on that day. V ' 4i Bnt j "There, IhBre, I don't expect any speech 'in' breplyV1' she laughed, '.' You and S arah fix it up. to-night, 'and I'll-adf"irtiHe for twelye'board ers right-airay.' I'H try!'and; be" a. model mot ler- in-law. believe I am gook-na u'red and kind-hearted, though I d d once', follow a "young man two bt ndred miles and shoot fbe top of h b head off for agreeing to marry Sara! and then jumping the county.!" "* <"'. She pattei him on the head and sailed ^>u^ 1 ind'fabw the young nianj wants advi( e. He wants to know whether he had better get in the way oi a lesiomo ,ive or slide offthe wharf. $2 . pier pair ; 3-75 ' "!' " 4\7S ' -, T ?iie SHOES, EMPORIU1 (3HRISTIB, MllUncry, I Mantles, 7Ji lb Blankets, twil ed, extra s ict .. , .. ' Also 200 Quilts and Counterpanes o be sold off Cheap. Hotel and Hou,sek:epers &iu requested to give Jhgje goods tha? ' i - t car jful attention. v Our intention is to. make this Grtrr d Exhibition Sale the great commcrcbt^evei t of the season, and we l>eg to assure visitors that nothing will be left undone Sit 6^'r'part to meet their highest anticipations. ; , ...' i ' A. Q.'-BUCHAM, fashion lble West ^nd Dress, Mantle and Millinery E^taBlislirb ent, 8T V.CTON" WACOM AND CARRIAGE r '.'-'"- FACTORY'^ AMES KYDEK, Proprietor. ragoas, : Oa^riagea,-'-" , '.j :"-'"' sioiffiis,- Cutters, fta. r^- 1 - > ; Kdpt lu stbete and mailo to Order on, tBc^ '"' ' Shortest WottcoJ , !.' ' - ..Strict attention paid tfj, . ; S.crS&-BliooiBS & CenoralJo'bMii? - and satlefjetlon cnaranteeil. -..'Acton,'Jnl^ 1st,;l~6. j ..'-' An important arrangement has just been e fFected between' the_panr ada i-Southsrn andJ the Hamilton and Lake!5r;e railways^ to take ef- fec|'orf-thj 1st of October next! The;Canada Southern pjsople wjill tranfi&t"iheir own business 'in Harnflton, collecting and delivering all their iwn freight. They will Upper Wyndham St., jtinelph. AT That the cheapest spot in the Co^ihty"for ' -; -r.-r . ii AT KENNfiDY BROTHER^ j;:-J-.-'- '.')'.' ." " Who are sel] ing OS; the balance of thejr-Immense Btock at GRE^T {l^dlJCTION I]QR G4-Sft m 1 BOOESTOKB. s FICE ty is second to none 'Aqlo'n, August 24, I>6ntfril aboVe qajlbijd Apfao,. \L FOK C: IEA >; l>ress, aiid Faney Gboda, Toys,&c&<j. to go to Tlie EiaporlHra. The lines you Will fli ifeomplete. ERY A SPECIAUTY. erurplho our t Kk before par- ^Haslng <jlsow icre A r ' ^ I' - aly 1st, 187&46ri. JOB PRINTING In order to make room for their Fait Goods. Donft fail to securi Bomejof the unheard of bargains thaf .they arc offering iii Ajeii; IWoraen and Ch|ldfen?s Bqoti ai|tl Shce Eartrcul'aV attention paid to Custom Work and Repairing. As we employ only first-class workmen, we'ean turn out work thatjfor Style |and durojbili in the Dominion. 1875 |XKENN^DY|BKC^ now. Of-i^verjjr (f|eneriptt6n i \:f 11 the best rjn<T most at, Jractiye f pronjptlj ejec ifietj at the DIARIES EOR W7Q. . . _.. rtLZOjr^-f'Hand bonqu $. Yopn^'^Bolledtion greent jhu y^* BarlKsr, 2 W. W. EUppiness janb'tfoniid. in a pflactr: vi'in JioolSkge, "in riches Hojrj& ' \J-^. pot it -v: pi-- 'm g jior in lgfaor- jiDoe.norinjifeT'Bphfere oflffeTbftt in^djiing/ight from right motivo*. -;- ;jJ--^i*- at have an bfllcy'"id'-the' present freight-libt se of the! 'HT and. L E., whicji wil under'- the manag'el- ment-,oir Mii. ?n|J^ ^M ] A .'(lull supply and cheap late of th 3 Great , IKeBtern. Mr> J - " . 1 r,j .1 Chas" Am strong hasibeen appointj- ed Cartage A^eht^ . The freight and ticket offi:ej-: Mr. -Ai T Xv rFyfltej Agent, mains 'at.No; 6,'3avies-' Street sot ith. A local train pfthe Canada St uthBrn" will hrrun'frorn? St. Thonls s ItolBaggersville in the- morning ii itiihe .to^connect with the early E: and Ii E. train going north-, :<Av] ikh again "will ' connect ivitn the iJreat IFBsteni train leay-j ing Hamiffcon for;To^onto a^ p:lrS' aVm.;- TIu<|8t ThQinaH local traiji will awiil at^Haggersyille the | e7 rival of tl eSriin leaving Hamilton at 4:1'5 p. m., wher| it. will imipjBr dia^tely Btiir|; on the iretnrh to mV Thbmas. The St^iTJhorhaa piwppe will;- tbut be able; to i reach both Hamilton and Toronto \ with great cpnvenier co and " DAY!S BOOKSTORE. ' GXJELPH. , MAIM ^(frHs IGHIT MICHAEL j General B lacksmlth, Carriage and Wagon Malcer* Bi^stj Hoi se^Siiiqers in ike (hoitifey . -. Perfect 1 tatisfaction guaranteed or ho price'oharged. ./ AND Day Sella Cheap. "OONCS to Mannlacturers. THE VILLACE OF ACTON Is prepared to grant a bonus to parties' CsuiOltBhing any kind of manufacturln business employing ten skilled hands anu upwards, and where "aid business does cot conflict with! any business already established within 'the corporation. Ac- , ton possesses good railway .fncUltteB, ^oneeJ and courageous people' pelngqn the,^ Orand :Trnnfc Ball way, 1 have verr little to'^liyT'about^irSbS their .com age or thejr honesty ""-- sun has no need to boiat' brightneas nor the jnobn effulgenci, ...- j - ' Bl; Gdilard'itPEtteiot I^on Haiti^\^a -IT' j " r. ;/"* f: X "'" ' ^ . -"" ' ' '1 :" "+ ' ' '\ - ' '. A Obod Stock of Carriages, and ^agqus. RfcPAIKING promptly and properly attended to, AotbD> July1,1875. - [ nr^s} :f:recb^ :p3a:Eiss PEINTl N0 and PTTBI^Sp M p . -K^ a-- &j mmB j^bbss 'I.I! jrtafingallop: M % V<rlni RE^DYf;;RA| HC A&mp ^&$m iAnrl f]iscouOT foij cas|i of tlCHT SyallemHasPrpvei To my-numej-pria custOmei^ aitd-alsc }- $ell G0ods as Lowasanj Doing a'Credit.Bttsijfeas t B PEB 0EOT BlS^0tX]^ tyl^s, Customers will nodoubt avail themsel . , , ^ satisfied, of snJM3B,;and.BatisfactioaL 'Jo 11\ c<>ncerued,iii-the <sxsi i and.-^f: coiint system.' ' , . .' " ' ' ' "' Erompt paying nit -the discount '- customers DOL ;hat;i ; S'.- Satisfactory to i yseli*,"I WU1 ^eorituin^.foj - -! biis#: in and [eili git th.-, / :ps if Casli Ibr all Kinldfe pf &*om Con-veyaricer* Issuer of Marrrla'de'^)w^*lBSiiriafte A^ (Akent Money" to Xoaji, JiEpi't Mo boreal Tel, Voir " >-TFrtn IliT. Court, Com. iai^Q ^B.l ^:<%i 4c(^6. Bepteinber 1,1S75. considered as !H|- ?mm tlia'diKpotiiii. nMiurl 1 ft-4 ii A * is cash, 0 :.1;'-1 :$-*** .. . Office 0 mi i\~' ^^mm r \:& -^tte^uaon travelling j be3t Igqnn *nd -aj tend ?mm< (In Matthew's Hji^ Buildjr^gg), ^grc>H. i/; ~^- ><D^ <3-13r:pi i^EE jii uu4r;aeUing all the ojtfcep ercl ei^S," is beoinse Tie' BUYS FOR and hai British ijoarket s %\ r)> fi^t?clftss bayefs ^_ JGla8gow and Sio^ other ihj :Lond' in, En s1|h id-^bc|tK daily; 6jit.%?iH reapingall adTahtagea fortne pa'ta ons oEthe Lion. -4'- i:L. :~:'i'"si :. , v:"v-: ~] ii.! :':"in$M Is,'4^/ ope^g,EAl|LjQX}QI) J eiterj^' In feet the'Mon will-selP goods t lis sesas >n[l' pay 'for, themt 'Brihg ypur[ rhion* y to the liji 1 HAQEIN q ^rogrietgr. ding proprietor. . iLUgusi 36, i "'"-;.-':- and the t! t"- vfeS|| tiii ykr *liM^ ptn^ ff*^ ^^a%^;t%'1^ 'j -i "%J GTOI i" :1" 19rwb< WILLIAMS! ' " ^1 ,'^r'i.?.r= '"r'k"^..,.., en y ^dire^t impertofr sf| ';"-;|- "**i:ioiiJ -V'-'.^il - *X-i,"1ii- -;':i 'iJi -.f':.

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