Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1875, page 3

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Train* le*v< Mail Mora"* ^ 'Kxifoav -K-ww* r -Mixed -J - l};iga*-B*i'res bright Etpwv Wed j : IHv Bxj>rc M4 ^ Muttd j--; TltrxK. TlAK TAUfc ' Mtivml gutter lathis, A^cMia* foUow:-*-. JiilSs; AVKST. r.otxc ka'st. f: V-M SUTi. 1:50 p.m. .ftX* 12-45;*; mi. ' *" M .' 3:40 ahm. S:3.5 a.U>. lk-35 '-5ri! ^ fully WsknttvlcJg.lun> to est aiaja wo ftavtsjract wt Kriinagoth-ougU-tbis icoWd. Art**-***1' ftt'E. MniUkomgVVost .^ elosoU at$r45s.m. Registered letters .anists-be; in-five - kuiu?"* before the. above houipi 'iflOt-iiI'vYifHX HV-sW UJ!aJ. at ' /r/iiHW, to rrvrinr firm* orA*ii/ iui<v, ' w-A -tU f}ic&i} cJit.'iyJi '.*nfe<,'ffll- itf-W n "<rjvrjiiv; <>> trfA<rr> jAVicfir.^ -l cii-Wtf'; or'n';,? inrtf<r,r rrAir.f wayl*. ; Kstfwky '* ' liaririf " Print, r's said WMiWj'OTi'y Worilo it. the pitcher wi^l *Atchi-r vrtcw) Hot. active nicmbftf b: tb.c elub * flea rfy pfttvn {. I that thy <\<vnoti rwailc ^ti p tfltoii,-'tail that th<$- I all inot played" in the club, w? a ailiuitUHlWveii il>c absenco ol playing; jsnitorm being! goi l!<5ollit5)!al evidence r of iiiinr -feting 'i*outaid*f$." That tlieh>i\w objoctiiVi'.teV members' qf tho Acton there \i\it ooiishlerable * iljcn by tho ehih/.aUilitbat l>r eying "iwjo nKve'tlie'evidcntsJ of our own cars and eyes, lis. that Sufficient., fri eiul, CTa "j>fo ,? If not, wily thjen, i ay ,bo; and wq will try and iatisfy AVcll,' about $iiisj .g; we llavod lust Moiulay. AY,liilievu--cvt>iything was fair and square, and- tjat i either club have any. reason to co upla n of unfair troatmeiitJi The same" c itolk r and iitch- er >verd-;liejrsvi>'nt: aft th?y-h.' (Vpji V? MV r,:.V o- 'I-;,, ami *sJ sto.W- ' / > j- .j^VifoiiiHa i.'w Mi-o**: i i-' cfire i\ fry Tiirfdati< \f-jcejil f*r < to i.'f.-'iuv if.< . i.i" .< (o 'ir- IBAL MATTERS. is a. }u^ sty at 'the foot street, w-hieh U. abominable to viousH* played with, in obj lw : takct^j 'The. gi\iuc w-.vs ,teat<Hl one throughout and gave evidence of] being i ixeel Tho following is "the so ire AVallaee,' r f . Mowixt,; v f Arthurs,-CV.l) t\. RolierUen, Panton, 1 h I Souft? *J1i- Hnlton.rC<.rtnty Show will A.-RoH-rt3oiu c |MCt,A0, Milton next TuosAay niul . 12th-ajul 13thr f-1' .^Wntedv: iO'00-; dozen' , good ^^JresTvPSgi :Als<>:aiiy ipiantity'i> gooil |>bsh~ bolter. ^lighest price. SecoiU) ow is all excellent tiriifc to Bubscrib^ for the Aton !/*#*>; P/vm. izl\^bnT^'-^ne'.dollar fiiyear -h^eof PoSt^e. dirig dogs be a " favorite imiscmeiii- vri^ii 'some or.e, as ^renl' -cknincs.: V*ar~ very uuEijfhtly /teas; If ilogri>'uiblc2i.^sie jthia "'iMSI'be'aa effectual way; .of getting rivl of them, but jcihenriso"the trick is a Verr^Jisreputa^le one. . .; j j. > G. ifi- Scott is now iu receipt McOall.-p Hume, 1 f J. Nickiiiv 1 n Kennedy, a,b tightliart, rs s C'aaieKHi,. 1; f . Storey/ p'.l '- A Sicslin, cf Hill.rfv."-. NlcXralioh, c Francis, 3 b ACTOS .lbci'ii. pre dion iould a well cuh- l>oth;; elubs ent players. Soorers l>r. \jawry for SIctJibtion. Wr Miltoi^ t|i ;E. XicWini . We oie-stibwin ; thU Week ten lifiVrent pattcnis. cfccliina tea sets; ten patterns " of i--tea sets; digetvnt f&r*. ipli&iij ftTc^a;iif_:a,ll ami rtihtw rA^so a full"aWl? o^ all kinds I oi Krtope* . ' > ; i: i ' - ata$-. -.. . i - / T ' r siy^tntoMo' _ f III*. Ing?. .-' cn{aetarc :} ^DIyl thereby saving at least-15 per ciuit. |Tho ! sets, tnmbleraJJ gdMdjii ,ndj)ptes^ , Crockery ware ijf all ki udi j astrweivetl benefit he tad his c in torn era. liritel. WP which wfrtvbongh.t jorcrTi, J goixls in glalts preser\e intehils giving to the puLli; Ai;ear!v call; so- would direct the attenoon and will be 'spiel clieaj! .< Si coitil of onr'rea^trs' to the 'Ijir^e advertise nn\V: to Our frietids mitko up . dish she Cltfl :Vnj *il^ el!r' thr s^iart- iu.dur pib HaUon County fjhow, nt Milton, tifl tho t'Ah .Mid) 3th October. - Ndkh Hiding 'Waterloo, Ootolicr 12th Mid 13th. *= ; ; Krin 8hoWj at Erin Village, Tuosdnyi 18th'QritofeiA ' -: . : " v .'" . I " ' ' ' ' I '- Molars. Secoi'd Bi>68. lmyo just rccejvod a nico assortnmnt of-'.Uold and Silver Finger oujd AVcddihg Rings, SiWer:Watches, e,;Tlicsb ^(xja^vili bo aold frnifl \xiv to five dollars bolnw jcwallcr'siiricost Call and 'sq(S thiaii thoy liro cheap. ; liast hveek \ro. roeoived full stock of, jellies, jams, lXmi'inalades, pickles, etc. 'llhdAfijek-.pruvioii our des, previous a largo stock, 'i_tnbloi.a4d pjuokut cuttlory, pDoii8,{cr'iiuta, -etc., nnd teas; Thl8 week, jeroirke.ry, glassware, dltliin, lamp's utc I ;Kt week, staple .groceries, sugftfti, Irioo, feirlef ,'Jish, oat meal, etc. o.-rs. 3 3 4- 3 3 . v ' 4 a: n OLTS. I, RXTSS. ! 2 ; "}i " ttlRTIIH. ..Noar.lAqton(.on the 23txl\\\i,, tho wifo. of Mr.; 0eorg'e loltoii) tf a^daughter. ;. -i' MVRBir.n. - .' In Erin, on the 5th iitftki Mr. Thos; Rydorj of Kst'iuosiug, to Mnry; daughter iitvMr. David Smith, of Erin; ;jOn tho ISth inst.,- by tho itov. H. ChrUtopherstiit, at Happy Villa, Wel- Kngtou (square, Samuel H. JL>etlorj Kso., ;of GoderTch, to Kate, yonngt dnugh- tcr of Joabiia Freoman,'Esqi At St- John's Cliurch, koekwnod, on !tho- 7th inst-t by the Rev. C. It. I^e, |M.;'A:, .Taiucs Clarke Vm\. of (iiiclph, to Fanny; eldest ' daughter of. Frederick lAl.J...... 1>..... ._*!.-"_______'.- i AldousEsq;, .of Kraino^a) lati t all, Norfolk, KnglaVid, Mph, t( liderfct of' Rush- 19 RUKS. 4 3 ) 0 0 - 1 .' 3' 1 lolv \cton; Mr.' uipirc^-Mr. of beautiful , pitohers, ' " etc. , :' .idrpx .ti.ittkET!*. \\*hitoWheat........... 0 ."> b> 1 60 Trcadwell.;...___:.... Spring \V heat | . .\."... Barloy ..___._,... ..... Oats .".'.:.I.V..:..-... . IVias.'..'.'.'.'___......... Fiitafeica, per bush....... Rried Apples, per lb.. . Onions, fnjr bushel...:. 'Batter..';...,;. ...\K ... ^;::::;':F:::::- Iiay, per, ton........... Cfiicktnsi per tt>....-,... Ducks, :. ^-'>^.i.-... uld' begin s for -the one send- rortt of^tessrj.-r'McLeoJ,t AnrWrsoiv & pAclott' /VciT JFVws. v- Dx, tsf Gey^dwp.: At then^mntoth jng;uai ciub 0f eigjit/B ibscHbers, ; .-.i j )\. j ? , --. : -"f , with eijzbt dollars, v iE'be entitled : Jtl?ihing4d milii4eryv,.Stlch as is sel-M? anatUel-COJiy frcej ^ domsecnfiiitside cS the cities. "'- [ ijojts .___,.,_ ); time rjp.- _iea*_l TiaprraBre% ' . - ', Wc'.ltsire tc <tll the atteition of our H- At the. lastireyfL-ir mo-'thn; of t!,c . V-nst'/meM who htye nrts-yWt r*ns,w"Tpa!l-era !. in the Tcr.ii'-i.jTiudc-'with' the>iiv>usit of tluirac Half, thir fjjlloWjjig oiTiix-ro rvrere- mj:.-ai- j jkcv fell due *>n fthc liit >if -" - > 1 H } [Sijcii a k CQ/S *d iby.-Md John Srwight,; V. ( V. W. i%: ;| Oil tb io& Dixoit ; W, P.; E!:za , Cacicr:.n, \V. 'i 1 A.^ Cha&.- Ljslc, t'\ * I CLira Watson. ' ' A,P-Sj /o!in Cameron, F. v*?.: Ih-njamin - SickhB.'Ireai; "James .Mooriv Cluiit-'. 0: McilabDQ, tV; tXttic1 Si^lghjj A-'C'T; &n> Matthews,'-J.S.; J^s. .Swii-:oi% O. S.t^Chas. Irean, P.W.P. K/pfTjgnis*! 19 membe ' ter, nakin; evefi- .-icctf into 1 our books.' eitig the time when oir jd>ftf H-e re iuire the toi? icy . thii',.*"e must sijuare of'iHir iwokscyejty lot'<if .Optobtr entireh'. Bu: in order w> nc.'omni;jd.ite anrt-meet the > ishesof our cuyt<iti:cr3 fyzid fxiyiitlf* ^hn are etill -in ' ~ ' ' ' ly can, we e>4riic till tho 4ll aCSonntn dote, .will , who .,,,....... Tlas Div^ion I fn'eaK,. s:> far as *$&. ^1 ^ , v - 1 ^. 1 have decided toextiid tin rapidly, ]A.k daJ\f otf^r, when init'atcd-in the ji^-st rjiiyr-rl-remaining iunpl-ud aftej- t! yiiall 14"i usemliers. FAt'EXTS foif IXVEXTIOXS cXpeJlUooiOy and'prtipcrry secured in C-uoada, the Uult&J SUite.-vand Eurobe, Fatent eiardnteed or, no cnarge. : Hrfna Jorprlnred lnstriietlotli." A*ney in opfr- oifon ten years.!, jiknky CJi-klHT, Ottawa, .Canada, Meo'inntnU E^iffloecr, Sollelier of V*. tenu and Draughtsman. " fevore \ "Jis, -onnts, that this tninth. icu thai eertainly have t< hai ided >ver for col I lection, i and irk will lo obiged if cjr r Fslr, > j friends will tr^f and not imp< g thin very loathly.fair vfcstenyyHhcre j unpleasant neebsrfty up-m us . i Wc have o' - , ! also-nliout bve. hnndrei! Em.-11- n/.-coufts ep^3P or 40^ hea<l of cattle , ou.our botiks, ranging I from one tit fch Jid a few j sheep and p:^- The-.hcayy..|-^ollars, aniouiiting an, the a^gregntoj to .'though Vented a gx>d tiiany from coming, on j ?\ oneM* **T,*% .****** in ' ^ ...,~-, . , -S, :J they, are a,very largq iten , nhd ,-ecosnt of tne sloppy state or the, reads, -.payment wlonM lie'a v^iiflibl j-.assistanCc . We believ.: mbst of tlie cattle, Were j to lis. iWe wonld' l>(! 'oJ>l ged if oar ' sold t gwh1-figures. - Mr. Matthew8-t-frien(U'o'iv.ingany.of.thcise4niillacci>nnt bwjrhtWr heifers feom Robert ferowi,, j ^l-attena to them byi.the:aJ>ovfl date, '. Hach Bell: ml Eobt.- Creech, avfiaging | $16 tuck; Jobn4Storey bought three'- htadfromi'. \< m. ' -- ' :>Kl S)i ,-"'J* m .?"'--N one frpin Thos, Bell for>30. Johr An? | Person ,*pld mii fof'$28. McTavisb at %2o each^and a teulrh cow; to a Guelph The epjzotic is reiorte 1 to flave commenced; its; ravage r- among; Mpptreal horses; .Tie grarid.jury htivp I rought in true bills against_thel s borttoniat Davis and. hia Wife;1 at t;ie Agatzes VatfTt'ut Isetuion. in Toronto, i ' The following names werC-added to ;"_, ,.!,,. . t , *\.- , -, tb. Acton Iters' list, by the County: ^^h6 dwellla-S honb f &*&*&: :Jodg?taiWednesdav. fltb ii^fc. having Jmhs, riear Milton, b-as destroyed _ Desday^.flth iiisfc, having beea onntteJ|in the Clerk's copy, viz i "-.5.""; Zabnan A. HalL;.-. ' -'.; : '._-' Joh4McPhec. A .. Chr^rtopbef Dempscy. / Bavid Williajnoson. ': . . > Oqfrectjonrwerealso maile^in the^ fcjr -fewid^name! by adding thetinitial ict^ ten that aha printed in italics j; ;,':. D, j V CEHstife,-"";.'.. '" Jhffinfls V. Fulljames. .s h ' . Day i: T. Smith. : HoniceV. HaU. ". ';--.' have craf boysbeen defeated "by -ihe.Mflton* as "Xil:l>esperan-] ^^"is-thehj'tltletiwe trust- the^-will/ *': Berer despair." As nearly every de feated club cab give some good and suffi cient reason ftp their aJlluck, Wo may. wc Plead fprj theip. niTthis' instance the ab- -. *&e ofiheiricatcbjer, one of their most ^.Behable imenj| But as excuseli are not "?**?dj y? mayl as well honorably own up wt Mirton fr Co] is jtut a litUe too alone. ^Although the Is in IA&Irteea to;.^ 0 <J.r)to 1 tX) 0 95 to 1 fxv -0 an to.O .80 0 '35 to O 00 0 (iOto 0 70 0 40 to 0 00 0 OS to 0 00 0 75 to 1 50 0 20 to 0-22 0 12 toO 00 0 12.<, tot) 00 u'oo'toi.-.oo :~v oa too oo ; o w tbd gcklph .'Markets: ..': Fall'wheat, 95c-to; $1.05 ; troadwell,, 95c to 'SMie^spriug- whea^; (filasgow'),- (K\c to 05o; spring wheat (red chaff), (JSc - to >ih'; peas, tiSc to 70c;.'liarley, (!0c to 75c; vggsi'per' thaen^ 15c tn 15c; Imttcr, dairy packeU,' 18c to 20Cj potatoes, jier bag, 50c to G0c. ^ Toronto markets.. new -white |l.,l3;to.$i..lG; oats, -33c; bar ley, 84c.. l; : ' j- . 0^ Mill Street, ACTON, '..-.' ';.;.^-;aiJALfa'R!i-Sri ..' ,-. " - : vf'^ General Groosries, Boots and. Shoes, U7all Paper, ; / -- Itftidtiw Blinds, CbTffikety, X Glassware, ^.;. Kails,. \'-- Glassr ./'.. tainseed Cilj Ra^ a 'seiied _.' . '- . .-'.' " Paints, ;:. ' ntind, MariunS Oil, h Coal Oil, , :' /-' "" ' Salt, eto. a'8 IdcSfihfti li ii lcJttlWg tliO gofid people df A'tJton and the ddU6.tie6j.dl &T BRITISH ?' ^rhere'ie Whicli w: 11 bo along WQNDBRim. ATT, And" | that, 'Vvtonderfttl^utali'fl iDps^.'arsL ^T An earljr- inapedtic^h from old friond 3 and,' Customers is respectfully i - . Afjgdat 7,187/): ALSO ECORD luring t' lis month stithdiilg m{)tty '-' 0iiall Protitii and ^uicfe.alea*^ the wa^*ord,*hi^ means ; ' __'j____.. __A..' -____1 * / oisfi THE PARIS GREEN ^ HELUBORE Kor ilio'Destriiptton of rointo Bugs " CaterplUnrsahd Otlit-rlnibcfs, The (Subscriber bocs tb return tils thanks to tlie InhiilJitantsot ActohuiidRiirrouuU- Ing country for Uio liberal patronage orotofore extoiided to him, and at the", satne'ume sbilclt their fiirther'supporl -Cash Paid for Hides delivered. '..'-.'. -H. T. nibl>; Arton,Jnlylst \ti\- ' f*. STEWART & WiXDllAM riTftEE'T. ^-. ~~ * by ' &rG 6n '3Ionda_T, with much valuable f urhitjare: Mr. Fallis -was absent at shurqb. jSjo ix stfrance. The tri il of Wm. H. 1 fmith' and, Mrs. Finjky, for the taut derdf the husband Of tie' .latter iist May, comea up at the appro neb ng Lnmp- toi?. Assizes. : - ' f 'Tap Hop Grop/ in I?: G.LA>-p.-=- 'iAtv (lesratch'es from London state j that the hop pickers oiav > entirely finished.- It is; believex; that rio less than one-fiftB of jtbe-.crdp has failed, \\u t hops beinjc le ft on tbe poles as tbey.^Btebc>; vurtli pick ing. ' grpwth thh ye ir' 'cannot supply.the B6me trad<. .< Jbod Batn- plls; of JEnglikh hops ha' &'-accord ingly ad"apced from 8a i" to lOtf. per pwti r .^ f**t)iGi ee Sheep.- -Mi . William j 'WhifJaw, of Guelph: wj iship, has* recently imported.' "ronr-'ilie .old: country three pure breed shearling Leiceat* r rams, 'two of:; vhichi are from the well known Rock-flock of 'Rev.' Mr. ;Bosanquet of Jfoitthum- berland. ,Ope of them ia intended fcir.Mr. William .01#erf of Dum fries and tho other b$6 vr II be add- teaay fc* . \^**e'\oafm0an"';are-well Championed, [ [*ttul;b3*ist that at tho .time the last . I5toe was pt iye<J p Milton they --ere "Mt bonajidci tive members; o;f the club, ^consequeiiOy, according to the strict J ed to Mr. ISV'Hitlsiw's flocl . . ',?*X^li?1 i .tJ'"^-'bWl >' : Sheep FriB New BhujJ, i _ ;' ^.<wDarre(. from playing m a match i 8"l^i ^ha* they 'were not ruled out -preriotu to j he commencement of the .^gaiae. was oi ring to the good-natured dwpa^tbn-d the, Acton boys and their ;'?***?& "* flqt wishing to be too arbi- ;:trarj|. Becaiiie theb was nd formal' ;.. Irotert enter sd; the Cliamphn seeki to \ :!^Npita \ ^a.ythat,re e *VJ ""Ply aayi to the editor- of 2*^# h^eeatchosi*he.ed^ \/F *H ^F *BW in giving u *t- 5i OTt tf ou' remarks, and y*tht we?tatedjwhat was not.tone, the' tin, wjllftd fckekood, even in-". Sheep fob N*bw Bbvi ewics. Blr.JameB; Ooldie shipper [for New Brunswick j a Car-load f i tie sheep, principally! Jjeicesteii, ' ; pinch be purchasedjror the New. I rnnswick- goyiernment"; at tT3| req lest of a nomber of gentlemenj whe reoeptly visifed Guejpb, ihel whp ; iceengag: ed\atj>resent in purchas nij, stock ; for tbe far on5 maritime p^oyip-fce. 'Mr. Gbldie 'selected fheus] ieep from the floclw of Messrs. IL. I arkinson, G. and'E. Toltoir aid pi her -vrell- itter-r known shtop-bi-eedei* in Eratnosd. \GucfJih' 'l/cruj Erin and.- 1 i =_i - j. #i : iU .' .i * : J. ' " . ; v.fc-y '" PR1NGLE, .:~ Watcliraaker, Guelph, j ilttS"a.^6od- stock of " ' : 5RHJ8SEti,'V|ftHD ^AMEBICAH" ; '" ;| Always cf: lij'tid-,,.. ' : Hd atteh'ils ui rdnalrth^ of line watches nlmsfcir., : ' j.' [ I "- . "Mrj Hflejtln^i <St thfe Fbbe Prfss; vlU kindly caVry-watchc* nlid Jewelery to and from Oqelpn whep requested Ouolpli, Septi27.1ST.1" Gl-TJEIi CO., PH. - jPBALE^t|IN Saddles^ ':i\Harnes?, .i > "Valises, Travelling? Bais,/I ., ^Hprse;01ot^in^ Whips, Odnivbs ;/'; 'And.Brnp3|,ej All orders given Into otnjhnndi) w]l Alib now selling their; Splendid Stock of : ' ttt{'Y..;GfJ0D8 at ' yle and recdiviri^ ttfis We ik rare ^nd Sjclioice stocks in all the Itlhbiteest aelic|aci s olj ifhe Reason, comparing, in fidrt the fblloltiig goods: Canned B^.^ Oystjrs, Ocean roiltj gafcliheS,- ,- ! ': -. Cl&tHSr iWQ B^GM^ (afgtS plircliases of. ^ furinlor ttoti^e of v/iiich wri;be;givehl *= " ' **! E50MIN|O^ m ^ h ifeaini' on, JDobstersj <fcct' Canned Frt^it tocl ^e^efeipies I*CtIC;)C8) Strawberries, Quince, GREATLY ____________. ., V srrlctly attenand to, anrj warrantBil gtvo satisfaction, as we eWploy none bht tho best won rmetf and miicrjal COLliABS (rarrsntod ti give satiate tlon, as they fire of our owp-nianufacturo. or all Kinds done wita p satness and qm ". th i shortest n i.icfe* AllW'hor* hire goods l jour line w ao irelHo gi\ e ns. a call * - Lne elsewhere. BefBJent-t|r.ibe Btan B.-CRgEC.H jActon JuiyliWS , n-yi ' Acton, Ju MILfet The jjubsaibcr has! jommenced jfc! dairy bnsinc s&,.; and- will deliveajUU t eivery morning and" nvening atj;tle houses in th i'Village. Milk warritate 1 pure. Twei ity-dae_ Tjitort tickets: ,f< Jl, iflpaid in! ad^arfce, -or twenty-bEo, Siqt tickets ft* OOgenb,- '; ' * ' "M^lES, AKMSTJROI{> y-8th, 197"'. t-.: PRICES Prepai-atory to reftibviffg" to moij} extensivdand comiuOclioiis preajises. Their Sold friends iii Actcih and " vicinity;ire ap^ciidly invited to call and parti cipate in,the bargninp now offered.-. W. STfEWAtM1' &' cia. V IJLL AGE: PROFEftT V ,, , . 'ftits undersigned offers fof sttlp th' foro purcttab,J ^^ ^^2^^ ^t ^tnEllftil jT^lfjf. tracfe,;knpwjija4 YoiingVsini'eyj h i the Village\6f' Acton,. coni^rismg . si:: ")'. t 'It has beensurvey. -p| -. 7T"" cd into Tillage hits, bat would prifer .to sell i^ blCck. Acton is one:'of thi.'mbs; prosperous I and thrivirig.; |>lifes in thi f section of cdnntry,- and rts prospects fp rapid growth are second to aon^j Thi above is-a' niost desirable proj>eijty fo private,residence.or nranufacturinjg pur poaoa.' For terms arfd particnhMB; en qjiiro Of Mn O.j'Henderson*/itetoi/ortf qwnerj AshgFo'veP. Q.,: Bsqihsihg. '.. ..: \ |J- .T0HjrjfpjiJAL^.',.- Escptisihg, Pcpt..4i 1S75.; '"' ' ' Pears, j;. Pind Apple^; Gooseberries/ \ ', Blackjberries,1 Cherries,; -- Elkspberriea; Toiiiatoes, | :, V - Green Pfeasi" | Green Beans,'&ci ; :3Potted Jeilies. Leni<n Jellirj \Raspberry Jellyj ! E'ear {felly,- ^ino Apple ^ell: rfalttfijl ftjndj Woiiihgton know that lis has just returned f roni th ] V *m. ;k.Mates,^^ the watelword: wMeir-meanB ;-'-'.'-:'. .1 -..... -! solieitedi - :l\, aaajHJa^i'iTiitiii I Alma Block, -Upper: Wyndham fitree i, Giieiph; SI. V t- r.-v-'-Zf: Tf.l iiJL . J Ir-.l. a,-. . _,....;,.,. . ' rakes this opporjttinUjri of. informing the inhubihirita of - Acl On. 'an-i. stir. 1 onh'ding^qbunt^, that owing to the gatlsfa^tory turtt which DUsihes&-ha-, aken, and .al: the solicitation of a ritfbibe'ii :df his irest cititoi tiers, be1 ias' iiee'n'indoce.d'-to' .'- ; \:^'} ' :|#~-:::'" He wiltefadeaTOr intbs fattir^ ai in tbe"pasi:f6rdo busiaBfis ia 4h ' :' sfRicfi.y $m and on! #ici rti Believing that td bav( onto price for goods .is the only fair am L... , jfidoidg; business; besides^buying for; Casu; and Celling for cai h, Ber wHi be snabled to.-. ' ttt.. , : ... ,..-i Cent. Dfceimer Iban if he did buslneis dh the long winde! All parties visiting Acton are respeetfblly invited to the goods and prices before purcbasing elsewhere. Acton, August 23, liffs inest. wav -r^ -1 ' J Y -NliHASi STiiBJ3T-,fiTJKI Pj t"; { TREMENDOUS BARGAINS V'-v -'^./..i ' iV i':i.-'J:t:C .ill^e given daring tm^1.Sale, iavihgli^u^ed.Sffe-y ajtiticla^to" 'As fe aVjpnnjdoua:tQ qlearltrignfj o'ufc..-_ Callliaid,e'iimffie b&sii as teonsMef ii a -pledsSrtj td*m>ili- go'tfd& .;:-, : ' ,| ' . . ^ .-.->.f^'-":'-- '^tfelffb/'anly-iISi^ciT^v/"^"/:'-^ \; .'<: , Strawben y Jelly, ,- Slack dttrrant, JeUyi .'Grapb Jelly, Red Cnrntut (Telly, - Peaci Jelly, etc. PVG&QfW&ilMQ* Raspierrj-,' . fJhef-ryV IPea'cbv Bla^ PidklM 6f i^ltlSn No city establishment presents; atfy ihbf& i ici; fdrfey ionab e catalogue of delicacies and Btaples th't it."W ftf if iln'porthig' thii Jail; Pactileff who want,* really- choice artieli r'iri but GRQGUR At bur^eil-ktf(iwu*idvf piictS;fiinglrf ttf (i>me aid see ualJ dtirrant PI um, etc aioicb and fash- :mt Fall Stook of Teas is Reoe Lw iv3i;v 'I: l-.i>Ja--*-&. -A^=^rihrfLrJJjjV M **3iii8 -,t ..:;:'.rJ:;';-,'; HARDWARE :' :J .^orse partes*- - (W&a^^ .lie! St>ts,i ra Rubber Eldor iffaii -V j- .Qie^<44'^ l(rn&:loct^/G^ei^ Ifef "'|-v.; "1^,1="v$. Vt-,'TI'#-~~'T^ list u:r^

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