Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1875, page 2

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imM^ipz-kz C*.-* '$ npirE t FR,\>\\- ACTX FRE$ PRESS NASSA<JAW3SYA EXHljBI [': The ^iU Exhibition-of th;*|*tt8 saguwe;; Agricultural Society held at" llrpukyilte, tm Tuesday, inst, Twas l foggy, drizzly i -cloudy firim iuorning till night, iifdng'tlnj necessity; of "being vPaVi-*-d Kvffy" Friday Morning. : it Perj Ann^m in 'Advance. ,p-.;ru.:..ifi:p .. ~/ ' :. josr'M m^Skinq tnrcw MeiK-XlXtn/CKT. 8, 1ST "k: J 4RBFORM (JONVBNTION. . A eonvetitior pf delegates frofn the difftnmt-sts tions pf fthis!vounty iuet at Milton, on. MondwV- toj select a Reform caiAl idat fur therLocul House j-The delegation from iAc ton 'were Major- Allan. Messr.'C'TA*111 . Hall and Jvlin ?i>eig!it Wf learn that the result'oflthe conference is the unauimons :>ejecti'nfci:. of Tf. 'D. I>yon.&S].. Reevp of Milton.-as the <5a'nd;ii\l-be;irer of the party;.' Al though w<} have! not the pleasure bf 'Mr. Lrbn's acquaintance, \ve hetir-i binvvery jiiglil;Ksj>ken of by both \ political -.parties,-- as -being f. Xtf'jf- _ excellent ..candidate, and that his chances of flection areTgood." The nunc of hi, opponent. \ye believe. has not yet an- iaunced, but Sane'Rumor gives ^cdrrencv tftr the"" report tlnff Col. Ck>-of \S"ar*iilv is likely "doors . imythingj but 'ngreei mi Mid ftp-* oiiit b)e. Nevertheless: thord,; was n j ood show, nnd (i large munber of >;isi- t'ors.' The new. Township I [filly-- iised for the accommodation of the Jadirs' work, dairy produce, guijn, roots, etx?., .was well tilled. -A glance: at this department she wed;: us a hrrgif;varietyvof '.virry nop* rior .iitioles, vspcciullyv. in grain d.iiiyv honored>with jtjte nohiination\Jt>T ' the Cbnservutiye party.. In all pro- i babtlity*he wrats for .tie election VULber issued "n. a very Tew. days, "and the cpntes^will- beJon almost ' rnimedratelvr fc.r do Well to sell the'bulls grain without & , navigation wfl 1 rhiincea a^e tk ' tprices will not /' longer. -The : / - ere by jonnials H' , . SELL TOUR GRAIN. ' AQthongh tl: Ihigh^ -we thing e gripes are not very; that farmers wtitjld and- 1-rod ue[.',; There w'i'i-o Hry and pies 18 a. plea ;In >fac^ tlpt lintL siunple.H of barley, jWds potatoes.- ' A'good'ditfi'lay-iif n| .md;pears.- In butter/thera w large number' of beautiful-san of both . fresh and packed. liVlies' work nnd domestic maii tui-es -fliirp wt>re niaiiy Articles showed excelletit tasio 'and ren ark able 'iivdupt-ry\ some bf the luicy work beihg: worthy of specia. ad miration. If some of ih'e Diic -tors bad been: appointed to fill u i nil tho ticket* wjth tho names ol tife exhibitors, iuiuietliately after fudges bad pronounced upon ctuss, we feel.sure-it would given-nmcb sattsfntSion to hot There doe: no t iappe:ur ip- be any prosj)ect of jliisher rates,-a'iul [as soon be closed, tlifc it e'veBi the j>resent be maintained .inncli dvjee giv^-n to' farm- ex^las.ivery devoted ; t^e encb have i ex hibitora arid-^sitors,'to saviotli ing of;the.very great conyeuifc: ice jtj would *>itO- the"jie\i-spapei', r?j>pr- ter?.* "Exhibiting gooils;;wiihqutj hainea.r is'/ too/ much- like " h oiii-'s: jigl^t untkr a bushi'l." tjck'eWmijjht be jirepared whilj the) and coi|ld bci attached -iiuinediafc?"v after the of their U , .-.- ,. - , i Muiliies were-operattn further"' dehtv,- given t'lufir decision, so tha ithel _, . _ , , ". , .i.V, ii i . Fair Turkeys the publfci were adnjiittetl., W t'ice that this was dono"in a fe'iv in'- . . i . , -. I stances,:.bTtt it did not' appe it\ td have beeij earned out to' any";] gfeatj y.-^^-ffflj^fi^i 4<iJ*i Calf, of 1870- AVm;-' Watson THE ACTON | FREE PRESS, Arch. Campbell, 2-jlTiihcy lt^tihgi-^Iilrs. A. Bell. , . | ' Muchin^quiltin^-Mi-H.' D. Qillies!. (i;n.ii)K) "'.T . Miry.. Uracke^ Mi a.. May. Silver who wreath Goo.^S. TlipnitiH. Fancy letifliol- jMilt-h ww-r-A. Campbell, 2 John Ratnsay.- Heifer, thwe-year- old A. Oampbell, Heifer, two- yearDld (eo. ^Strangof, 2 J'olin RnniRay, II>ifer, one-year-old -A C'ainjibell, 2 Goo. Stranger. Heifer calf-of i875"- A. Campbell, 2 Wni. Watson. Bujl calf of 187$, A. Campbell, 2 R nnd W. Wfttson. Working dxihi IX Jtlorrison.^Snd T; Smith, 3N '**orrish. Three yoir- old Steer in jiko Mva- Agiiew, 2 John JSin\])son.--. Yoko of steers,- two-year old -Jonathan AditmRon. Two-year-old lull -J: AiLunson, |2 R ntn.1 W. rTbomus,- One-yeiir-pld bull "Morjison, 2 "tlr. AgniiW, -Ch work -Miss' V. McPhue. 1'nncy boadwork .Miss A., Davidnonl ___ ___ _ Berlin wool work Oiro. Kitchen, ] porfence of c ther countries aitd their di, 3 S. May, I own, tho pet plo of\ Canada, di^nl af. ; Sapd;Time8.J' "Under this; hwfelihg, the Ottawa Free Pfess, thus retnaak*r Un tho uhSlo, we" in-Casada have pnssod vory-successlullyjtho ti* danclal stronn Which.seerh* to have prevailed everywhere durini; the sra son* and Whiiti they compare tb.e ex* ig Rawson, 2 /. I&mo ~.Fut bcas^- WootW - ; ..'stlKKP ' t .'" Raw, two-yeai-a - old-^-AValter LsMiig, 2 Thos Wilson, 3 R. and W. Tl^omai. T. M; Tayloi", 2 I). Hntebeon, 3 N. Konish. *~\ain lamb Gw>. Etistcr- i)i|)ok,.2'J. Adiimsoli, 3 W'. Bur- ""* owes, two-year-old^ rows. "Piiir 1ST. Norritib, '. W. liiing. ]?i ...... ^ .. . . Geo. Easterbiobt 2, W. Burrows, 3 Ojeo. E:\iitorbr6ok, 3 shearling uwos J. Ada 0o. Easterbjoek, 2 N. No'rrish, 3 Wm. Buitov 2_Waltor wooled shee]] baree. b. Fat sheep d and t^ihg. Pair .of.fine 1 and 2 L. Bar- Boar, Jojin Hunt. lS75-,Tbhn L. Barbaree, pig, dro]>|ied 2 Thos. Bow -diiig. tho1 had "T 'uilf Pair swo lambs 2 Geo, Norrisl: XrtRICl7tTUrtAfc'at'tf*MKNTS. ! Ox yoke and bows John Siiivj'v- 8on, Pleasiiro: cftrriiigo -Abher Pigott. , Wooden plough Wif. linnv-"- Burrows, -2 Geo. Rainshaw. Scuilkii^ Harrow -^-Jaoies Elliott. MtSCKU.AKEOnS.; Horijo' inado brttad-^Misn Jcjjwio ReLd, 2 James' ReiiJ. ; Di-awing or painting M^iss Flora jrcPhee. .Sued llowore ~ ; bVeciai* PKizks. GrooinVd horse, ($5 jiriwi byAV. J. Kidiiuy), Jonathan Tasker, 2 W, J. Ivitkiuy. Pricked tvreath (by W. J. Kidney) Mre May, 2 Miss Jessie Reed."' Specimen of wfux work(by- A. C. McMillan) Miss 1^. MpPheo. Collection of; fowls (by J.' Founiay)^-P. flp'uld.* Four bushels tread well wheat(by J. Blacklock, thr-oahed by his:mnchtn^) Wm. Hutcheon. Four busjieis b.ul?y, (by A. MeCleliimd,, thresh ed: by. bis mucliihe) P. Gould. .Colt, "tho .progeny if the lioi-sc Jack's'Alive (given by D; Mann) John McPiicdran. e.1 Wlter Ltdng, 2 Bo^irpig, droiiped in Hunt. Brood sow 2 N. Norrish.. Sow in IS7">. L Baybaree, ] es. !' SWINE, SMALL BHEED. Boar, aged pig, dropped 2 John Kitcljion. Norrish, 2 pig Walter .Bo:ir in 1875 John Hunt, Brood sow J,- lepl' Kitchtm. Sow Jjaing",;J.. Norrishi p6%-l;Tll\. iffairs is to stfll-tlisir K. / - J v:F'~. : to comme>cil jgritin with cs little-delay nq possi- rhhe. There-cah be no doubt that . as a rule the correct policy for the agriculturist to pursue is to sell im- :- \ mediately .after. baxv;est. : Tiiktng i; _one year; witb|'aaother thisicourse ;'V'i will be'iounp to,pay. Prices at present are vfery fair, and, taken in connectioi' " \ yield, will pafr Handsomely!'. Barley and wheat ought not to bo. retained )in the bi extent. If ;township societies> julopt this t>!aii/and buveit full,- car- rietl out, vye feel convinced that ttjeyi would r&Jlize the benefit of it Jnihq number of , incryased! number of exhilitbrBJ riwo;busrietstrfeadweU wlieat We believe the additional in ntive. Ramsay, 2; Jobln LeacFniikn.x Two tihus given would be as'tonii h'inj These-remarks i will apply'a! s^ in, respect !to theJ live stock, tl biugli , , . with prohablr not.iso much foi ce, as with the abundant . . in most cases .the owners of Ue-anw. - '?. *'-A Thespian-. so pfepn 'pursued -rtjf, jkeeping grain in the. barn for a rise, while stoopiuj iin- dsr a bn'rder. of debt, is" rudicali<sr "b>d, as^vrell as; thoroughly dishon- efeL-.-Seil tjhe ^radnj gentlemen, aSvoid wiste,j and gain the immedi-. , ate ose of your; money and in the: long run yon will not. regret tak-! _ingj. our. atl-vnce. ' A'inistikij wa.4 ifiado last reason by- holding over lalge qrtanflitiea. The'vfa'ct is m "wlib]o.surpl|ns of Canadfl. ban have IntleLor- nq effect n port .prices, as :^iiie supplyr ireo.uired in; the'inark-', prizes, we notice/iiS jpar^ mals are known. The show of horses was ;-eally. .good, e^ecially-,in the carriagsjand genei-jit^purpose-'classes. We: lotice that Mr. Ttisker's beautiful teim of ma.tcied blacks,; which took first prize at Georgetown^were als(i sue cessful in carrying off a red iicket ilfcrei-. In agricultural horsei ,rtbe firat was- given to-the magu; Scent tci.nfo'f Mr. D. Hutcheon, thfj iwor. thy Secretary of the Society. theji. There weixjTsome.veryl gooftjeat- tle, quite a -number of them of sUr ptrior- bi-eed. A^good share; pfl tlie "-I.: """J--r." -V." ' : 'J<:'f> ,i_ ,-; = ..' jU ' ' iy'. ,; N'u- - 1 .* -.?{ " 'it. ^ x--.^'v > > : \. ^"i_':^ -i&-K m 1 ^ ii'^r ' >:>.$. :'i%n/. "I'm1 't-.-fcfi ! IT" 'eta of fclje ^orid is\to6".:gi-&it to be tffected by so small' a. .stream: England auone reqturesVthtsi year nearly riinatv millions .of basbels, according t-> the accepted estimate. .The price.L^.good already, aiid far mers will do well to'take it at gnce, especially iis the"banks-ahavij the -means and) ire willing- -to' farnish ^' 'he mbnoy to move the entire cropl ties in the ticiuity of Acton, 1 :The jPo^tal CbsiwesJ, - The new Postal Act, passed at the last session.of Parliament, and yhich camsinto force October "1st, contains several important changes, which,-** behoves i the pnbliti to make / thenselvei/ famipar with. Tfea,. pre-pi yment ' of v newspapers has been already alluded toj and of. course is fi lly understood. ;^nfoiV ibe other provisionals the [elause -jeqnirihg. ;*e-paym^nt yf .letters for a CuniuliaA destination. ; The .three eeilt rate remain* -the samej :\ biitmusi b? prtpaid, otherwise the epistle wili, iiejsent to the dffpart- inent^ of ! Jefnnct " coirrespoadence Uu^er-'jattl letiers will.befprwdrded^nU-deiiv ered t6 the sender on paymtent by thejreceiver of double the original postage.. '[lie rate to the JJnited Kingdom "s rednced to 6we? cents, in bly' by Mr. Archibald CadjS|bellj jWlKose name occurs" quite fre<[ilent- jly in the'prize lb,t. ) ' ;Thei .was' but a sm4.ll disj) lay bf implements, owing-rio doubt xj the disagreeable, state of the weai her. V;PRIZE LIST. AflHICCLIUBAL: HORSES., j Span /agricultural horse>-f D. Hutcheon, 2 jJphnvKitchen,3 John Ranisey. i Horse coJt-^Joun |Mfc- Phedran/S Sahrnel Scott, 3 ;*1 Mc-| tnTT Phedranl vFdly colt Illsofr dy L Woods. Gelding or ntire, pn^-year-old D. MqTavish, '. Jog. Anderson, 3 Tfios. Bohes. , Two- year-old '-filly 2 Geo: Kitc|ien. Two year-olil geld ing 2Bam. RaDpsey. 3 Thos. Boles. Brood mare- 4Jafc Scott, 2 Ji Anderson, 3 P. Cjsick, Filly" or.'-:jgelding,: thi*e-yeai olkl ^ Jas, Rainsey, 2 G.-,Easterl irook, 3 Thos: Wilson;".-? ROAD OR eAIWtlAol HOBSJ B. Span of carriage hories^ Jona than Taskerj 2 Thos. Storey, 3 "5. Bai-tiareei Win Hub-, bandy 2 1 Woods.'. F"illy co t Anderson, 2 iThos. Boles, 3 :C eorge "Norrisb., i One-y*jftr:old filly -Wm Elliott, ? (Robert AVilBpn, 3 Y. -M Tavior. i-Gfeldihg-7 ~av entire ' one John -byeitler The CuDardpr Omadfan - line,- and lt3s, probate that' tge I ^^TSli *^SL f'l-Z"' o'T priviiege Vdll o4 ex'ietided: to M^V ^^^ A%*a 2 ^ 1 -= - - - Wijfjonj 3J. I#aehtean. Tw<j>.year If f-.r- . -'-' '- -Kviin :'-*S' other"'conritjries bf^Earppe besfore long."'. JTeijwpaperif nnder four Pi in weigLfeflan be sent fbt" one cent ' eacb,ajtfl s^tnped ^rappers will be sold -jiat.fthl^rate of four for". ti*e' , ecnts. The above y.vp among the [if __." ^i>cincip^V cbadgesr'and adopted as sl " they havp. teep, after 'mature- cori- ddpratidny .wtH be sure to-, conduce to the bontehienceiof tlic- pnblio, an in all Jirplmbjljty "will largely increase th^ ftmount of niatter pass:' 'ihg through the mails. .-"' '.! i An fctioi.' fbr'50,000 damages "?.:,' GpuW,^ '$hbS; r.:_,Gee4'(H- Pi Gnnld.'2 Wm.: W'h^nT- Pair DuiikW'P. Gould, '2. Thos. *.-. Pair fowls (sm^l %i^d^ A^yPicWet'-li P. Gould/ - Pliir bwWiargo ^rced) -John KtlcllehV Pau'^hickens-^ Wm. Ladle, 2; J*. Xbrrjsb; V I GRAtH axd EKjtng Two bush fall Tfhcat, .^oule or, otbere |P. fjouidf two jbusbels treadwell wheat -Jiio, nota-i bnshelsJspfing wheat-Isaac Wbi |Twb bushels baHe)-2 Jnol Kitchen, 2-John Ramsay, 3 Arch Campbell. jjiTwobush golden vine.peas Isaac Woods, 2 W.r." Patters^' Two biisbiels fieas .01 her variety^ John Hunt, 2nd Jas. Ramsay. ^Wbite oats^ John Kitchen, 2 Jas,\vLogie. t>~-' i...=u.i -I j.jaci oats-pAVm. Two', bushels Husband, 2 Jfe. White.' Bushel j intersection timothy seed Jasi^ iConly. Half bushel fiax _eei 1-^-isanc Woods, 2 T. M.. Taylor. BOOTS AND VEGETABLES. Buijiel ea*ly rose potatoes jis. White,. 2. Jos.- Anderson, 3 Jacob Allison. Bitshid potatoes,any'oth!;r kind^ Hus band, .3 John. J lead. Swedish' ttilf- riips Jas.. Wiite7^2"-I WoodajhS Jonathan. Ada nson. " Turnips, any ptheF.sbtt-i-Jcnathan Adamson; |2 Geo Kitchen, 5 Gep. Easterbrook. Mangle wurtzle-T-Mrs. D. Gilliet," 2 Jpbxii Kitchen ." Field cirrots-T-j-G-' Eisteirbrook, :! L Barbaree, 3 Jno, Hunt;: Table carrots Ri ,m* sayt 21. Wobdj BIockI beets-j-J. Ailisoh, 2 Hehry Stingle. Poujtpe onions], Geo. l^isterbrook! 2 L Mo-' Millan. Se< d onions^ ilrs. j|D. Gillies^ 2 (name not known), (fab^ hasie-i-T.' L.'-Wilkinson, 2- Jasi Logie.l. Canl flower J,. Woodii, 2 Win. j Dredge. Pitm'pkins or j squashes John Mead, 2 Jjhn Ita.n^8ay. Indian' coin: W. lius band, 12 Jas.-Ramsay. . Citrors John I Mead, 2 ; Benj. Johns on . Another Riot in "Toronto. On Sunday Inst l\\ 6treot8 of To- rputo were tho scone of another riot of greater magnitude than that which took place on the preceding Sunday., As n disturbance -was ex pected by tho civic authorities every ^preparation hud been! inado to uphold tho'-majesty of the "law; The police force was called out al most ei miijite - while the' ^10'th Royiils, the ; Queen's .own, a troop, of .caValtv from Majkham . and an- ptheil'^tlip' Governor Geueriil's Body Guard were on Jmnd to ren der aid, if accessary. . Thei proces- siph reaphfrfJSt.. Michael's Church Uiidistiirb^ but on leaving there, was iissaiilfed by. an immense cro\*d assembled i ph the ' vacant sjiace around tb'ft-7Metroj)plitan Chui-cli." As the prpccsi'ipiiists reaehetl tli'o junction1 of C&tfrch- and Queoii 'ilreet*, "a Y6lle^r.of stones ft'H and a pisfbljsbbt was.fired by. a man in thie crowd, ; Pistol shots from the 'procession was.the answer to,;this atUck, 'and ibe police Bhurged di-iv- ing tbe' rioters before them. The procession ' then proceeded -down Church, Street to' Adelaide up which It' turned. As soon as the backs of the police -w-erg turned the rioters retnrU to the at-; tack and ponding 'down Victoria Street 'to the number, of'several thousand met the procession at thqj' of. that street With Adelaide, with a shower of stones. All the way up Adelaide Street to St." Ma'ry's: Church on' Bathurst. Street, a distance of nearly . a mile and a lUrf, the same sort of'gueril la warfare was carried on, the party' hostile ; to' the * Jwsbeea'bi Stotttaml : fhmdifR,-.- jlrtrbj; a. merchant of inst a'OomBiercml ^- uiiavorable rating, aqd ; - -*J " ./ "' BeU. old ' old-gelding" R Aikeo, 2 F. md J. Monagban. .- Brood mare^-John Kitichen,; .2, -T. Boles, 3"j AJ. Filly, or geMibg, three years Beuj. iTohpfetpn, 2 I>. Muly fish, 3 ]G; Anderson.' 1-'4"' ;' '"; . Judges is HpfWe(B^Thos. Wat son,, of "Selson ; :J; C, ;I>everi.ux., of Georgetown ; J^ M. Carr, of Flam- boro.- .,'.;. ... \ . i ' '. . -- PUEHAM)'. !' ' Durham.", cpw, with l-egistered' pedigree-j-R. and yWl Th^iuas^ 2. Thos. Ea$ton/" Heifer, thren yeaTB old Hiifei-, two-year-old , J0J1fa Rain:' say, 2 Thoa. Easton. Heif :r one- ' i-R.- ^u'tid W.(' Thomas.. Tomatoes-^-Geo. Stranger, 2 Jacob mm .}i--.;. FtUIT, ETC. Best'. winb:r apples^ Gforgei'iS, IThomiis, 2 I Smith. Fall" apfelea John Kite jen, 2 Geo. S^Thcfmas Fall j|ears^-Arch. Campbell, 2j W. Player. Winter pears Geo. Nor rish, 2 Geo., Ramsbaw. Graptte Wm. Elayer! 2 Geoi Stranger, / DAIjRY PBOOUCE.'"- McPledernr, 2 John Kitcheti, 3 Jas. Adatn? on.' Firkin of butter, not less than 50 lbs <jfeo. Straiger, 2 Mrs. McPllederan, 3 Isaitc Woods. Honii^made cheese, 8 lb's-^-Gdorge Stranger,- 2 lot' known, 3Mrs. Jas. T>. Gilles. Honey, strained, 10 lbs - Thps. Simpson,'2 Walter Liing. rh LEATHER WORK. " . ' ' * Common leam bamess-^N. Mc-; Milhin, NttSJagaweyu. - .:".i Judges in Dairy Rroduce, Grain; Fruils and ] toots^ John-MciCenzio of Gtielph; ]). p. Christie of AJctbnj and Mr. ,McQueen of Erampsa.' ' .. DOMESTIC MASWACXURHfc : j ; " Ftve yinrib fulled Iclotb-rrrpacpb Allispn, 2 AvMcTavish. (Five yards flanhel ikL McMillan, 2 A. McTjavisiv; Woolen socks Al Bell, 2-"S"m'^ Hut cbeon. Woolen iuitts iElliott: Patch qufitryA Bell,, 2 [Cteorge Kiwhen. . }F"air wooWn bknlietsr [ Mraf Morrison, 2 P, GiiBsickt,3 J. Henderson, recommended. Speci men] fine shirt Mrs, A, lelh 2 Mr4Gillie: Needle work A.-Bell. Crochet yyort A. Be'llV 2 Benj. Johnson. Embroidery Mist Jesse Reiijl, 2 .M^rs. Gillies. Rag iuat Gep Kitchen," 2 -Behj. Johnson. __ procession pouring along "Richmond- Street and turning down all ' the side Btreets] in successipu to: throw stones iuid to be. met with a. volley of pistol shots from , tl/e procession^ or a repulse by tho pplieo. --,' At St. Mary's Church, the final attack wa'8 inade. A fight between small boys led to a genoral mdet among their elders. A; body of proceasioniata: rushed up Bathurst Street throwing stones.and were met by a crowd of kheir. opponents at Little Richmond Street, who threw- the same kind pf niissles. Pistol shots were: rapidly fired by both-parties.- The policemen now qharged with level jrevolvers at the anti-processionists tfnd after repnls- feg tbetn;,tppk up a position be tween : the. >cpnt<jndirtg parties. Meanwhile:those.inj the procession' jjeft the church ^nd proceeded down jFront Street to St. Paul's Church fwhore they dispersed. J The ^rioters finding their prey bad.: escaped attacked the police :again,and again. Mpb-fighting oc^ icured in vaiious parts.jof. the city \\\\ darkness set in, but without Iftny loss Of life. By the days dis- ;ttirbiln'ee a liirgo number of. police ;were injured:-i-a.few se'ribusly and .scores; pf, the' processionists and jtheir- oppohents were . left with TOarks pf the row, : Strange to say, ;that" notwithstanding j the pistol shooting, very few were (injured by firearms.-J -.. ' ' ,,' ' . GOTOBER 8^ N J. 1875. DW AbVER^ISEMENl'h, _ Ddloo Corner of Htrcqls.^OcSyifBtown, 1>. MATIIEi# N, Attornc :y- ot-Lnw, 8oll< Ivor In Chaiurf ry, Maiif and Cliuicli SEPARATOR AND II POWER, in good ieohUItlon, far Apply to JAMKH, UKLLi, U>\ No 26, coneoKHlbn Of Kirqueitlajt, ' . fOrd tp'la^gli at the^stupldlty whiob, in the' Toty fao.wspnperH ana by stump orator*, proclaims long and loud thnt;,'tne firmnolal policy of the Govern: nopt is, responsible for tho presoni Uuiftncial stringency." The depress on of business has not been confined, to Cnnhda, alone. For months our daily telcgrachicde apntchos fr >m . the, United! States tewo been'ti led with reports of fail uresiind bar kruptoies, liwny pf them ot a serious nature, and comprising npt only , c snimerciol enterprises, but bunking and bthor monetary in Htitutions. In addition to this, we have had reported failures- in Great Britain of unusually serious charac ter, the fniluiea.of one month alone aft regal in g : !>8jW0,OOO - sterling or JJU"0(U(X),000. Miiny of these fail ures have hi 6n those of firms largely engaged in ' Indeed, it U only a natter of wonderment, that the shook has been .so.lightly felt in Cm ada as it had, and it speaks high y ol tho stability pf our trade and elasticity of our resources, that Canndti bus avoided any thing approaching to a financial catustro phe, and that not one of our monetary in ititutions has! been Crip plod;in tho least; W-e except, the Jacques Curlier b,iink whose ftiilure did riot unsie from legitimate causes, but: lroiu.' recklesss and dishonest niismanager ietrt. " The contrast pre sentod betv een, tbe successful man ner in which tlie gale orjadverBity has' been net in Canada, and the collapse of the CalrfqrnhijBank imd btljer great; corporations (if ; tue .United Stat as, and the geheralstag nAtion of" trade in tliat country, speaks highly for thercomparitively superior stability bf ] the trade and oomme ce of Canada. Another contrast is preaented which posses sesa like s gnificahce. - The failure of one bank tor 314.000,000, and of Duncan; Sh srtnan & Co., for 95,000,- 000 proUuc< d ocnstei-nalion through out a whole country of 40.000,000 of people. Xlie value of nutional ^urr ""rency-was depreciated thereby, in twenty-four hours, 2J cents per dol-< -,and the pri :e oT discounts increo?ed. to riiinuus rates. While on the other hmid, Britain, failures in A/ew weeks to I lie extent, 'as we have stated ol 140,000.000, -produced no perceptible diminution of public confidence, through all exceed 1J per cent to 2J per cent for ordinary three months' business rates'. "So far "as Canoda is concerned, wo be lieve the < lepression, is ended, and a speedy return to the former elaa licuy of tra ie and commerce will en sue upon t le openiDg of the grain market and the the^umo ber trade, while business will be ptaoed up \ a Surer, safer and more satisfactory basis. So-' far" as .;con cerns the policy of the Government, which the tipp6=ition insist in mix ing up wii h the^ i-elntions of trade and cooimt rce if it has had any in flutnee at ill, it must have been a very wise, j ndicious and commeuda bid-: policy which has.carried ; the country sfely through a storm which hai, rlsiud pur more wealthy ' arid nuuxrous neighbors- to the^ South wHhfsuch disastrous effects, -i. ^U TION SALE OF / Valuable Real Estate -ud farming] stock;1 Mr. Oeo^Oibbs has rf>eeivo<t liurtructio j's (rumJOKK 4'IMMIKUK. .. lo Bf II by Public Auction, on UATUHuAX, OUih ol OCTOBEIt. one of tbe most valwUle Farms, in -itio Township of KsqucHinr, Co. JUalton, being t"0 iinjl liulf qi IVotfl, 2iui Con., tomprisinif !J2)ucreHi 100 urf s of Wlilch lirolu a IiIku! ittato of cultlv i- tli'ii, tho bitlanon goodiJianlwood', slim-' U><! about oiin mile from tho beautiful al d- proifroHslve Village of ACTO Qot< wiimo hoiiKoiiml barn) stono dables atd otlier oonvfrnleiioos; Jtx'oi.'lleni. orchard and seven ueres of lion ynrd. Tbe soli Is unequalled In Ualarloi lor gruln Krowluk nnd the farm Is uMduilbtedTy one of tTo bestevoroltered tvfinlt by publlcauctloil. The place will positively bo soldlo: the htgbcsl bidder, iiftllie^wner bf givinguh lurinlng on account of old ago. Perfbat ago. !is easy. lAlKOjattbegame tlifoo and place,'wl .. htgbcsl bidder, iiftllie lurinlng on account oi lijtla gunrantced. T-di lAUn, at tho same tlmo i bo sold a hugM qunntltj-of Farm Stock, and Implements oomprislng 1: horses, 18 colo, 15 h6a<4 ( cnttli-, a nu'moer of'SuVei'* aud piB; oui combined roaper. and mower, 2 wugom. 2HlftlidB, bng<.v, cutteh: plowN hariowf, n"ltivalor.Bi-ed drill, finning JfllJl; 4o *c, Moo Catalogue for particulars. <l5t>.OI8i, Auctioneer. EKq.ictlnz, Sept a), J87i rjnuKcn of eLvcland SBRVIpBS. r . . ' - '" I ' ."' - G Call M J* ;W^Msna'9 i te- 'y-'i'i -A* MILL STREET', ACTON. HIS FAliL SVOCS OF; 3D) iE.':*XT: , 0-:G>..'0' AND READY-MADE CLOT hi|NC Is mucii'larger and better' than ever. ; A splendid stock to" itelect fronj^ ( very Iqw-prices. . '- i" (.>": I S In Groceries, Crockery aad '(Hapwfpej I Will be fout\d a complete assortment of the best rjtf!f"ty,. -GHE AT BARGAtMSI . 'Are offered for cash or'pfbo"uceL : The subscriberbegs to return his sinciar thanks; lo (hejinhabltants pf Acton and surrounding country, for "their liberal patronage, tnd trusts that in future they will txmtiritie, the same liberal appreciation. '- -."" As a large portion of hjsibusiness is ready-pay, .he can afibid idK sell -Qm&Mvm$t Than those wt|o give'long credit and hare a great m^riy bad df Hour. '. Di^nno'-.fSjlTjco wii bo hold,in St. Albau's Church,- AiSton,- on Sunday next, (D,y.j) at 10:30 a,m; "J^OTICE TO lEBfOItS. Parties indebted tc Craino & Son are rc<iuested to call anl'icttlo their ac". counts^ as early as . j ossible. Try and -make it convenient o pay before; the 15th October, and ret eive onr thanks - i. : --. RAIKE&'SON -lS"5.' ' J-Z^ETRtEVUfe fVf HTQthS s Stolen from tho Roksin House, Acioil. on Saturdiy- afternoon,- Sept. 25; a: Retriever I'uppy, ntmut five months old. When taken hej liad a steel collar around -hit neck, with the name T, Campltcll, Acton, or it. Any persmi returning^him to. th j undersigned will l.o - suitabl} Tewardcfl, arid' any ;person keeping him after thiji date will be dealt \yitlr nccon ing to lav . ."-." : 'THOS. CAMPBELL. A. B. DOOPER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 4^0.-t?|oJKTu. >art of,- Haviirg npcneil b lsiness m Mrr Matth-svrg' st<jrc -The Supreme Com t of Canda has been ^instituted at last. The appomtme'its appear to have been made With a view .to the personal fitness ;f he judges themselves, .a circumstance wbich-may be'passed to the credit of the government. The Chief Justice is Judge Richards pi Ontario.: The others "are Strbng.-pf Ontario, J Ion- T. Fournier arid- Judge Tas< hereon,-of-Quebec, Chief Tustice'Richie, of INova,Scotia, and Hon. "drTiienry, of New Brunswick. MrTThos. Moss, M. P., is to succeed Judge Strong, and Mr. R. A: Maris- son, Q.C. s to replace~Sfr^ Richardsi. W.e'b'elibyt that these appointments are the wisest and best that theGpv- erhtnent'hus made for & longtime. Our judiciary has always command" ed respect for tbe-'ability and iiitfig rity of the men:who compose it, and the new blx>d will not reduce erof these qualities. '. 'The opining of the Port Dover- arid Lake '. luron Railway to Wood stock was duly celebrated in the latter pk-ce on, Tuesday.' ; Hon, Mr.,, Movat and several leading public anii railway men weire pres ent at the demonstration. Tjhe tim \\R lopenea n lsiness ra ji.. -Mrr .Hatth :ws' store is prepared to re pair Watebes,: \ Cloct s iihd Jcwblery in the best rianiner, ind at resouable charges. - l"krtie8 h avin|f their onlcra may rely u ytix the m ork- promptly, and satisfactori iy nttenddd to, Acton, Ccjt, il-, 187 2"*URM TO .KENT, Thesubscribor offti-s to rent, or let (in shares, hia farm, :l>eiiig^Lot Ko. 31, bli the 5th Concession i if Tiquesmg, com'-- prising'lOO acres, SO icres of which are- undercultiration,.th ) balance excellent cedar and hatd -w xxL Gowl fraiiie house and ljiarlls, w th plenty of good water, and other' cot veluences. About 2} miles trjom = Act< ri. Apply on the premises t< i ' | : ' ' .' - , ! :' SI fj0N McLE.AX Esquesiig, Oct. -1, 1875. XT ktMi^LE T|IMBE It r oppqs te Lots 28, 29 and 30, on tjie Towu-Iuk bet-een Esqtiesing and NasBa> aweya, ei nsisiiiig of a .large lot of vain; due Cedai and other timber, will be ofKrod for eafe at the comers of Lots 28 iul 1' 29, .- On Saturday, tbe lQtb <iay of |Ootobef next,; at 2 o'clock p. m. . BY (JOIDER C F CjOTiNClLS OflEsquesinj anc Npss4gHWBya.: '. *Earl and Corintess DufTeriri for Canadi l on next Friday. sail Actbri, Sept. ,29, 1875. & wi mkitt^ Eall a?id ^winter; s> McLEOD, A1TDEBS0IT ' j' . - :. ".'. - i '.: Mammoth Hoiise, Georgetown, Beg- leavo^vto say- that ^t&ey li^ve, revive iriarjge imp jrtahens in DRESS ao^l)S,|^ glLKSi B:,ack and Colored Lustres, ITE C0TT0H J, PRINTS, TABLE LINEN, DRILtS, 8K iETINCft, *0v Faiicy Goods arid" Small AVares of all^kirt'ds. MilUitefeAM^ ; <& Shawls, Caj^9t/Sr^c;t3if,=.DbesWaa, i ., , - 1frrig~,Uh ]&ad! Scotch, Tweela, 0?crcoatinr, Seady-jniado 0rtafia^jft-id Olflthinaf^ ' . . "' ssytf* Beaa^^a^^OVeyepa'Bt aad" Clothing, Oentfl^ Fa: mti'i'rtjrtv bx. The nbove'Ooods have bert lmpprtaxr direct Irom the leading'maikeU of prope> .^. thereby HavHisjh hirge p.-roiiiiurge of which the^^^ public ilrall get thj advantage; Is Iarge^vxried and attractive, and ^s the nuinafqctortnglnieresls of this DomlDl"n are o1 ennsldcrBble |n>r ortaucf. r,d as we believe ln|pat.ontzlng h staa Industry wa Imve laid in large; Hints of the following: Tweeds, Full Cloths, Overjcbatings, -\\ ; ..' ;Knittd phirts sria Drawersr Mufflers', " .' _-, .'Yarns, Checks, Fine and Fancy Flafmels,". Grey and Scarlet Flannels, Dniggets, r> . AH-Wppl -and "Union \!glariketiy ' - Cotton Yarri^ Coitori R-ign', i- _ Tickings1^ hirting?, , " '. Men's WbiteStart*. ? -' ' BUFFALO "ROBRS, :--' " . -,,'. I SlE^r,S,rUR CAPS, CLOTH-CArs AJ"D"'H;ATS.--! "* BOOTS AND SHOES. LADiES' FUR'sErrs-, The ahov .e Goods have been purehaawV^rorn the besl a"n"<J cheapest manHtJacTuns* lii the Dominion aija tiiVL bo s^y ut a sni j.1.1 advance on cost A jTji'B. TraUj* lsave J . JJortirig "u"n ^ayEipreas^ -Exlirtss -\ ' -Mixed ' -\. , JghtExpfe^sJ Kigbt Express j VMixed * I i -t)ay Exgress '."i Mailr1 ." ]' U Mi^a-^ [-, ^"MaiIgoiirgW(] r -Going east at; ^ 'n\unites!jbefore J Knstchbull rnai k -r" debts'. -zouA HiAf^rq all times', ioi tuck a* :*p*xk . ings of Umi<iccidenlt, or i '_ inter&Ktiny, ei' tker_COitntry ; _^ jcind rnay- hi Cofiyi" atiltc and not fealty publicationil. ceive tt'hy JF ', -latest. tJOi <i--w s:ri * \-:-H ':' M '-- T -~7' .-- "W"anted,| :' fresh cto "- ff esK" utter.~ /BEOS..r "l^'".S'ow:'i| -:.' jsubscribe foe -j Itfe-pnCCy jbne| - Postage. i - ScaldarigJ i favorite, am use J . Bevejfal' canine ^..jtwrs; If-4ofei - aBiyben'i ": ^-theni, ..but-'o' ' V^ry-tlisreptitafJ ; ^---G.m_ - of a-^pleniliil:; : Dry Gpods/ wh - thereby; saving i ^ Jjenefit he Snt Shti his enkton :^ted, ...y| ' >-^5rV"e':^"Qui of. onr re*^*?!} mpht of Me ^Ife, 'bf Georgetj establishing^'c an immense r fclothing anil ' dom seen ontsiil -pTTi Any person or. per ions! trespa ssing ott Lot 28, Concession }, of thefownslup of Esquesing, (adjoii ingl the -\ illoge^.of Acton), or injuring t rees| of any kinrt,i)r leaving gates iniprpp arlyiahnt, >r fences partly down, will bo subject to prosecu tion after this date, f , . ; p. 8^ Armstrong; Acton, August 2Q 18^5, ;*' Marbiaob iy High ~L\vt.. Pro fessor Gpldwin Smith yas married to the -widow of. the late W. H. Boulton, at St. Peter's jchuroh, To- 'rpnfp, on 'Thursday impming, Mr. yi". B. Homer Dixon, |rtli& bride's brother, givirig ker awiky, and Mr. .piiyer^Howland best iiian. The affair was very quiet, only tho in timate friends of the parties being .present. .'-Mr. and Mrs.; Smith left > on an* extendetl (toiif.\a :the United &iites the karirer afternoioti; Guiboed's Brai4L. It is reported that the burial of Gmbord mil take plaee in about ten days, las. sopnras Mr. Raid, marble cutter] shallhaye finished a work that has .been- en - ^rusted to him.: Two blocks of at on > abont six feet lorig and four feet broad have been hollowed out in th j middle to seceivQ 'the deceased These stones! will be .{placed'onp above the other and ri rented togflth er with six.bsrrs of malleable iron), in a way that Would requlr* the la. bor or ten, horses to transport them, Tiit .wilb-be gaished o{n SsrBirdej r. next, and the burial will take plac. r a few days! after, with the assistanc^ of the Provincial.Police A large itockpf Boots and Slvoes, of.tbe very best manjufabiure, beeri'recei yed nt' GRAINE &! 1SON wsiLi. street; ACTON A lull line of all sizes for '.-' "'.*': - ;: Will bb found to select from, atpneesaslow;as can b > had. any fhere. -- Special'attention is called to our .; '. '-': V-VGUSTOM WORE, : f - h all timesirepeives pur careful personal spperviskjir ctiohrgdBranteed/- j^'": Repairirig neatly andpromptly"attended tor., ' ; Acton, Sept. 28j,137p\" jas.just I TO TIlJB V. Gli7 what a niagiiificent Shbw Rodm; "' ".- .- -u - .'" Duck of j# Bonnet! A: nice Hat I-^r-and U- I rtm going to^ McLEOD^ itNDEHSO|T & For all my new (Jlotites. 1 s '.'! i.'^ So will; I,? they are so cheap. ; . V .'-" NEW FALL. GO i-i. Such a i - $o Sta tf Tunpr^ v "At the last . : Sons of Tcmferl -itfaD, the fbUo^; Ifetl by iifW,- 3"<31 iJOB-. DiSqn,- WtJ . : AiTCl{asS"XksTj| :'; .Sleklin, TreasJ , IbJ-Mc^Iahin; Oj fcmm^ MattKe.. " -Si^Cnas..vD]ban1| ,fe^ogreai|i l9iuemberj ihi^ jfer, matii; At the mootj - Was only-sjoifleJ - f and' a fewf sTieJ -,). feui $& 3yi Wji ,i Vented -*'^c '; awonBt of th. '->Ws' WeVe ..sold at'gockl jij ; bought foai' heil . "?njfeh BeU-iimi^ 16 e^chs | Jpl bead froin .p.'li -oile "rprnTkoa. | derson'sdld a- ttunfor$2$'.' teii* Ust Kr The foflJ th Acton vbb Jadv^ en Wed. beeiioniitted-in . V " Jqhriv '\,: Christ<j >'J " David] "^CorrectienslK a is ARRIVRJ3 DAlLY'-At;-. DIOESOIT; & MeNl jf ; !j. ' ,t| 1)0; not fail to Tisit th -/.' "Perfeit-jiftttw- EA|f IN -,' e*a'mirrtT. thosq piles of " ':' . i WiNOEYSi racing fi om ]1Q cents^ u. ;Mm'ihosii (DOT^aXS, air be^t CJanaS anging from 8 cents itpWaVc^y 'FLAK^BXiS^ fiom 25 eettts iii^pwards, Mid ^otlier S^pte ^nd r Fmc^'iSrj "roportio*ai '. A D tan makes, ~:M-, Agairt have l ^WMUtibi'teaL Swn'-krti^l "never despavj ffeatedclnb cial '.A'en^ reason fdrl .fl^> tHeni iekee of their i tellable' njem t .-valid, we htay >, :*bit Mlto| 4] *u>ny for-Act 'three <otitside we still insist t. Jgamer. wir ^uay ; ac^jtendjJdie &$] ^dconseqftent -IniupretitioijB. . l>e*l debarred a -*^^That. a ptevipiu .8mei-wwj' dispositsbnirf tlj e^tia,; tanot ^W.. ""BedVusa $*"#est iat^redJ -*4J}qpit|d;>J Wtlufcwe'-,, V. ^"*:.-^ iamplyj \ iP** ***tfcit-f \ -.fc'-i:.- "T^-M UtonrSept.:- 23, M75, M(MM^0M ^^^$>^m^0M A-~. iS#?Ci K":

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