Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1875, page 4

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NEW ACTON FREE FRESS Tkiimjs, OU^ uo.iiir it j-rar.^irlctly In ^ttfvatuSr.jJr iw! |>u:J brfarrthr-'rruociths ono i>\ll:uraiH(tt {mil will t>e cUarcntl; or wjhyiolf.vrs It not, ivit till the e:ni of th* }i?ir, IXitpnper.will bescni loony par. poii |hti!v'llMi!oiie~year attpsijil- - - it.ii *sj>r:AhvKRTisiNii> Kli:'ht cciht* ,? i/or"Brxl icwertloa, iiml ..Wo cents. per U'&* -"*<eeh Bubieqrront liot-nlon. " Hhon ;iilve,rtls<>inehter t>Ulil 1l<iE-i ami uiKlerjlSl P>r ibtv* Insertions. jtki~lKeiB Cjir Is ii .tight lines. nd under, j,l |>er lui&uni. -.'--. ~ .-" ' I - A.1i M-n.t dlxeoart41lo'BreJ<1>'> sJ>.orrlei l,u->.-<crtei f\r ext." ud>?."I i*.>rir*ls; - AUvert:i>-btorris without upechil ini-li-pet Uons tis*trf<Hl Uil forbid, ami cUtuved iteirc.rdfcscti, "..- - "~ Aity ^pcwTfll Xotlce. the object of jrhlch .ls-U>>rptnoift.-tbe peconlaryCeKJi};^rju*y HnJivi^tyftA'^e-vnjvanj-, Vnpe cots! ibred , an advertisement- v j' __ Tr-.misent rdverti*enionfc ic be- j<atdror whc-n rirtfefcl. All adverUFtng accounts rendered'-itu-Tterly. - - Xotirioi ol ItiTrlxees, Births and DenUl* - in*ertod iree - * M- 4 IT y.:i;.' *Vc.-}' K": AbontAstronomy. > I saw and.heard bim as I was go ing boiiie t4t oilier -eveHingy A big tele-^coi^e-^asr pointing teavbn- .vsrtVirom'ithe public sqiuire, and be stood bteside it arid thoughtfully Uinirired; .{.-, : "Is itr possible, gen'tfeiiieni that you do not aire to view the beauti ful works'. of' nature alMrvfe tbe jbarth^j' it be true" that men of ;"y our; intellectual appearance wilLJ ^ordialy ding >a ten cents rather . thin tla take i look through this '.tle^co[M; ami bring ..{be beauties,of . heiver Vithin-'one-aa'd-a-linlf mi" "of you}-eyesf'. s . . ~- Tcq'/appasfl: *as too , inneb for '-J- oue.yoSng man to-resist. He was " i a .tillI > onng nLittuvmh: a loiig faoe, { ' high djieek-boirea. arid -an- anxious Fixrk. He! looted at the ten cents anj: tota atTtlie telescope;hesitated for a"single instant, andrtlien took bis sea; oi tbe~EtooL J- ' '.-" He re is a young man who pre} ers to feast bjis soul -erith scientific L^**ledga':. rather, than become a olid,, (grasping, avarieious capital- ':f? i-:^. MM !"f? '---: ga.;^; y^W.-- i- be arnuiiged: the instrument^ "Fall .-bkik, you;peoplfe "who prefer the paltry *ani' of ten; eents to !a view -of the gates of r*radise, and give Ttbis.- n'<Jbfe yoang man. pleaiy of %33i" " "'"_:> ' - The noble yoBg man removed y^y' _'i"i : Lis hatl niaeed iis eye to the in- '-? -; - strtiment, a cloth was tlirbirn over -bis bead, and" tbe astronomier ,opn- tlmtod /| ' - - bright star of Venuslp A sight bt. this j star is "B^ortb .a ^thoiisarili dollars': to any !ra:ia.:^rho_ prefers education; ^to I money." Tber^was' an. instant of Vleep silence, and then tbe young San exclaimed : ! ' :- ,' ffl|'Vt" I itoiod behind him and knew iV "ftbat the . tejeseojfe pointed at tbe gf;fr i ; :i^^ : ,; fifth story-i^f a; building across the Wir-.-- ' '--' 'x-H* r. ^ ii/iuare,1 Tvbsrfe a dance Tyas in pro- , ..i-ress.. . ri '.' AHioF.jtheminun^C'ia exola nmioiiB '.iof _:\ admiration as fthe-y yievrthe beaaties arid mysteries of .. "-na&ire," -retnarked "the astronomer. -"' Young njaUj'teEl the crovy'd *bat _L you see.-"':^ >. ; _; ' " j Jnras thefprompt i|eply-^"diirned. if '.'- the^e isrifj, a dozen of tbem'l"- ~ ."An.ljifet," continued the astroa . /omer,: ?'ijhiere are k>rdid wretches in -; tbtis jno.tfd who hang to -ten cents *'fcf .pfefeVijuee to " observing, sdeh eiglits as these; in .ietbercal space. i Vreniis is millions :df, miles aaray, jiiid yet ^y nieaiis" of thisieie^cope, / md bir paying ten cents, this inWU . Icctual.yjouag rrfan is enabled - to .observe-the inbabjtkriis of 'thut fiir- .:x)tf worl'd bagging each other just "~ "a^-naturai as-^liey:do in this.!" - :"5Viis wlieeled , Virbrind to bear ba the tower of X"b. 7, five blocks away, and tho astron- . iner continued: :r ) . \_ O"'- ' i'Behbld_lthe beauties'and tbfe wonders of S;iturn['; This star, ^to :.yft\i&i nakud eye appe^ra no larger : than ,a'-silver, half-tlbllaf^ and yet for thd pultry sum of ten 6eHt8?rbis noble j'oigig manliis placed ; within. one niiie of it!" '-By jJ inisalem"aiid coonsVi rnur' mured ,Ije yoaag loan as be slapped EL^ :-!< " A you see iny red.^ " 1*rtfeg.';-. "':--; a - " .-'-."Ttsll (tbefn wlkfc ^^riendi" ./~; - '; - . ; ^"13$(Hi two-fellers in a small roomjiist! ldking cigars: and playing reply. "Satn^nis tabout 8u,0OS,O00Tbf miles^-Xi'dmi this town,"1 continued' the astrortainer,i"and yet the insig-- iijific>nt*^ain of-.ten cents iias fen- * iblod.'this progressive yoiing man , - o/b>arn for bimself tbafr the celes- ipiiX beiugs enjoy tb'eirtselvea pretty ; Mineh ag we do ithisi,world\ I Vontur^to my that there is not a' jnnvil> tbuj erowd wha ever) knew before tJiat tbe inhabitants; of inb orn kriey anything- al>out euchraor ^.'.fead cigar factories,", : *t V". - : was " changed MA asrtlief interesf oF the tease3.aif^ & people be g&n to press nearer the said:, \ ;,t': -; "Now.Ih-Ii^M ' tlie plajiet[ the, -^ecoiid iliii-gest; jdani t. heavens." It is W,iCI,! " from here, and lippearHio eyr to be nothing iiiorji) bright stftr, And yet- this j| telte you whkt ho sees."" Half k mile up Uie. sti te top story of fi big bniidin J v evening school. The telcscoiH^goi tbe range ofl one. of tlie -and tbb yoiiijg nnui altuksi from' tbo ^stpbl as be i'ltokey to iUIig!tors"':. "It has bperi assqiied" astronomets' tha^ the idiinet of 3Lms is noi iWinbited," 1bc)markeii the astronooie- in qftiet] tones, "^ihie of them ' with -their arrogance, hij' me a swindler,- and hayp pijofessor Mars,] |ui miles' nuked kbaii a bu|ig luanj in tbb twos nil wjndbws. leapct sJIiobUh' cutting 4) culled uiuised vta* -coni pf| tbe late cost of J. I scrying e sees. 7 astron this instruetipntjj wbicb striated fbv Tne by oixler Emperor Kapojcon at $7J5,OO0, but let this young man tell you whatj "Whetstbhes and whitfletrees I'f exclaimed the young man. "Tell them teil them, my youW friend wjhat you see," uracil tile oiuer. I - f- "Tbere-'s : a" feller sirjir^ bri- ii oericli^jcsldo a girl. I taiv liini 'pinch her ear; and she bil 1 ini with a book. Tiiirh my l^jttoas, but she's all-fired pur|y." '.' i . . " Gentlemen, I am lib li To v-bard;'* ^aid the prefessor in hutk .-tones : /'I do not want to. say jwiiat thii telesebjw cai do. You 1 nve -.thi won! of one'of ^yoiir fello\i'-towns- meri, and I do not beliei e hat any of you will idispnte hiru I have been called,a swindler^ gentlemen^' beeaiise1'"! go around t le country tearirig froiui astronomy tb s veil of mystery" iritb wbicli so-!j.I ed proj fessers, drawing heavy sa lat ies, seek to. cover it.1 Eor' the ri iiculous sum of ten tents I am gi r-ing the public more' astronomical know- iedge iiuhalfan hour thin any col lege professor can giveybi. in sis. months. I";'demonstrate to you ^hat planet of Mars k not only in habited by human .beings, but by beautiful girls with red h dr, ami by-stylish yoang men- ring the hist kind of store clothes." Onee /more he. wheelstl tbe '-in. strument around. This tb ne it goj; tbbi range of a teneruen t-1 ouse oii th bilL Tbe young nan had scarcely taken a glance t in Migb tbe tube when be yelled oiit "Great guns.' But iWhslt pknet isthis^ .; - y "Yoii are now'looking it IT ran us," replied the professoK . "Urfig^ tis is 97,502,304 miles djsttnt from the earth, and jyet I-' waitrant that it doesn't appear bvrr-eighty-} rods pway: to youi Will jou l>e kind enougb,; my friendU tell thi i crowd1 what you /* J| . "Give it to him 1 jjf 1 ack bim ck ! Go in, old woman '." sho A r jgood r,easori-r" Itt0^ ri^f you're - hv a'jgood humpr--t^U-me bv you donU blow u* Iheiiblredl girl as you d|) me ?" Wife v .i" OhL there's a very, good reaspb i ir that-f tbey won't stand if :>'S9iBiBerb,:irife, yoii injdujlge tbajt boy too. much. He lj mala/' ."lOin, ; huibanb,* don't aocus^ our poor boj? b|T anjasa for a i father," -wa3s|lent. p. V.-'. '- TUe /: Another jLot of tha^it^nbus i>0c. T&bJust jbo hand ^pEtV M.VGAZIXES. team BEti-si ASP. oiiiv^Lntliei*' mK Journal SBPTEaIBER at ERS QMS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, S.^V !^-< ft On East sitle- Wy'ndliariV^trvot.. THE FASHIONABLE Press, ManUe & Milliner) Establishment, GRANJD EXHIBIillON IfejALE llLAt'K (.5I..VCE" SlKKSi \rarranteil puregoixl we >nng qualities, yoe.-, $l.oo, $i.2o, $1.40 an J $1.50. IU.AL'K OROGRATN rflLKS, remarkable for thijir superior-appua|rancc and ex- . .'. trjonliiuirv clurabililv, ooc^l.00 anil $1.20. ,1'l.AlN AND FANCY Sll.KS,' in imncif>c vari<tt>s at 75c, Socj ttoc anil S'i.ooC 25Q PIECES I'l.AIN AM) J-'ANCY PRESS y.OODS, new |ui(l ripproved .slyles, 16 be sold'all round at JOc, 15c and 30* per vara llie \fc>{ guo<ls for / tht money.we have e*ersol<I over Iheiounter. : Evcrv.Ijily ifl*st sec Oils lot, 60 .WEt'KS KCNIC lll.A CK LUSTRES, to be si>M ara reduclmn kifjfrom 5 to 15c ^ ]x.t yard.fmni forn er prices. Our 25c, y.Vi 35c anil i-4'(cj| qualities arc ' .s])ccially>rccomnicri'ilcd for gjjd wi^ar.- 1 j ; WJC..W 1'I.i.;"A'l-St SHjy>>jJ>jBrlSj{e _an.d-l>eaut5f il repircscntatioja,iof, New .Nfanjfbv-ifettttiTSn .tcrlab, SfiffTncry, Shawls ' ""vltc particular noiicje..,. 4Js" i4]^.-BiAnfcct%,ve.\tJ^ tS'inr tKvcM lOjD'J'AJ&afe.-HJvA^y- .BtfAX-K'ETS, atn l!a ( gain, as follow^ I ?'* ,Ukl5l?nKei^\Wiltjs1^e%r^'SiMV'% Also^Ob (guiltsami '^UiHeriulies1 to Be/olitofl" Cileap? Hotel aid--"HouAeeperi.. are requested t<; gfye these ' '; Our'inlentipiv'isTo mrtk^ this l'iraiiii,Exhil)ition^a]le"thc^rat'coibgicrciaKcvcritlif. I ptlic searsiin, anil \ve lufj'lpjas.suYv.visilor.s, l.lial norlWijj;-will be left tir<3i>nc.onuHir \aHtaiuflel theirJrj^iieitjautftpatioiis. if> Eashioiiajblc \Vcsj- End.'Press;"'Ms CTOX WACW AHD CARRIAGE " '""/ i" ' ' :. JAJfES KYDEB, jPropt-irtor. E .VGLISH MAUAZIXEIi FOR back! Go in, old woriikn 1" shout ed rhfr young man, slapphig one lee and then ihe other. ' .- '(!. ' 'fflpeat upjjBy friend. |What do you. see?" ; "That's it J Cot bim b^ tbe baijr now? I'll jbet fifty th)at.. Bbe'|l lickr ";";;.; . : ^Won't you b^j kind jnbngb, jnt friend, to allay tuecurusityofySoufr friendsf / "Wboop! Itliat's il: row sfie^B vgot bimjrpurtiest fanil/i fight I fever'saw!" Cried the roung man as be moved back and ' ;la ppedT his bands.. -" , "The professor covered ' i|p bis'.irj. strument slowly and carefully picket! up and unlocket [ s satchajl which bad^bben lying n i bis fee4. and then softly said; ' "flentlemeri, we will pdiise her.^i for a moment.' When 11 aan tell f'l you after this tliat tb r, >bniet of Saturn is not inbabitel,-- ;tell him 'Sunday Magazine for August. that you know better '. .1. ; . , :. 1 4.. , i . ., . v, '. vjood WQrdsifor. August. iio,t only, .inhabited, bt t '.- - married couples up ther j 1 ave fam-: Chambers' JoiirhaVfor'August, ily'fights, the same. as 0 a t his mjin -! ^ dane sphbre.y Iri"about jsi minute j I will be ready agliin to ex plamjth 3 wonders andi t|eaUties 0" t le spark}. I lihg;hpaveris to sucb is prefer ,j pillioH dollars off scientific kriow. ,'ejge to ten cents.-i^. v! e drosjrf Meanwhile permit nje.' o:. lall your attention to imy celebiatcd toqtb acbe. drops- the only !-periec]t aching feetb." : ? 7 :\ 'h 1-. . Ajtid'fyetj. I bad ever; 1 easori < ih believe thac^tlie profeasi r 1 ras earn est, honest iapd smeei, if.Qitai^. Wiitaut -'.. Oarrlgeii?r x ./^ ;);'"'*;. .--'. s&sriiB, ^'.' '.. .,'^-*'-::. .,.fv0ttttrt^*t Kept'tn'stbek nnd rond<! toPnlerjpa tUe ' Shortest JSb>lfc6 "! -j ; Strict attention paid ,.-'" ., '.." ' " t r^Uibn't fail I to Beourbome,0 tbb unheard or bargain* that they are now'; offering in ';'_.!">--- V '.. "%... j . ' I Rjfeiir, ^VTcHtne^-.ahd CliHdreiil^ and BatlsCaetlon guaranteed. Acton, July Xst, 18T3. BQ0ESTORE. - '};-' ' - L" . ! ' p- ""= ?^- . -r- \". 'f: -""-:. V: - 1 Young ladies' Journal for; Sept. ; Bc/w Bells for September. : '-& Every Week for September. London Journal for Aujmst. perfect baini bid-, man i Y^>urigrMen of G't Britain for Aug,. Kind Words for;August. Sunday School Papers for -August; ";"-. . "I DAY'S BOOKSTORE. W -Day Sells Cheap. "OOXl'S to Mnnufncturcr^, THE VILLACE OF ACTON In prepared to grant a bonus to parties estAuliHblng any kind of manufacturing business employing ten skilled bands and upwardii.i anil where said buslnes* does not conflict' with nny bustnesB already extablfshed within the corporation. Ac* ton possesses good rafTwaV' facilities, being on the Hrand Trunk Railway, thlrty^lve miles west of Torontfl. Is in a beautiful nina healthy location, is free from municipal debt, and property c<in be obtained pn reasonabletterliifi. -i. wanner.moube,; Acton, July 1,1875. '."- " !l#ti |"'""Skir(s, etc.y.t which mej 5b per pair 3-it - 4 -~h their- A O. IJUCHAM, s; Marjtjf afid Millinvf}> E^tabllshmcnti' 87 I'pper Wynilliniu St., <Juc]pli. nrJ^Je^trfnirffiBb to The K nporitim. Tlie. nbovs'linps you will Hi id complete. MILLINERY [feitlj*atid examine onr stick before. j>ur- . .;.c)iasingelse.w|i ' - r%_ ... Ac'tbn, July 1st, ifca.'- .*"-"' "' ' > A SlPEClAUTY. eref 4:: n:" SEAfe F^;SVSf"|M, JOB PRINTING Tbat the cllijcppfest 9|>| the CSqimjlj.for |<sft. *: Wito^are sailing offtfee balance ofU^it.immense stock at t*.*' - 4 " >] '. lnordeV tp tnokeroom for tbetrfall Goods. : I .'. * ... '-:>jV.. Particnlftj attention ^ orily grsi-bluis y/ork^ne^w caai turn 'mi^fwjk^ ty is second to noneWn tfie J>bminioh, J'r" VI Acton, August 24, 1875. ."' . FOR CiSg, {^C^i8tpjn'!'Work_a^dj^patting. :As"wbemjploy^ it for style/ arid diurabilK -:,v ~.vV"- Steam CarriageiWagon Works MAIN -sV- MIGHAfL General Btacksrijlth, Carriage arid Wngon Mnker* Best "Hbrs^-Shoers iti the GouxitV Perfect satisfaotioh guaranteed ci no price charged, -V : ; \- F1IRST-GLAS3 PLOWS ,\ .,; ;V,' Gollarcte Patent Iroii llarrows .' k Gool Stook of Carriages and Wagons. ; Hfel*AIllING proinytly and properly attended to. L Aoton.'ju^r il, 18J5, ", ^ ^ ' ??, 'Of eyei-yVdewriptid.nF- ;I;!:t:l"-' r^ . -' . '. # .'-ay :':': 'MM ' " V/? ^i^tlie^bfest aiin /tractive S| proi KMU ,'^y- mmmsm teEMEBSS PKrjTTINlraa^POTLIS^Tfi OPI'IG?! Over thie Post Ofiaeis^ill Sfcre&t '- '. . Orders for all kinds of Job Printing ] iromptly attended to, . .' -I O^FDSOES (In iTatthew's Ne^e Buildings) most iit- ag*!fg|n. j. tt. iHACKiNq Proprietor. ^br three' System Has Proved Most Satisfactory : "To iny ttu^nerbus customers.ftnd-also to^^rtyself^ I will continue td; Is^eli06ofe as Ldw a^an^Hpusp in tb.^ -".; .-" '- 1.' '"" vv'fv IX>ing a Credit Business, and will give^tlie 'i\; :yyy,,r--" - Sfvl :\; - And .discount for cash of EICHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, - ; i " .. ' ' '; :^ M -. ' mohtJiB'-pHst.^dnltf-tafcie' this opi<oi-tiinity of itating1 that the m v.l-". "s; --;-r, I _', DiSCOUNTEOR^ 6^[SH \5i / Customerff wdl nb'doiibt Avajl t aiu-lnllj satisfied of su^^s,and'satisfaction to 'all ^cbuceniedjin the 'eisb.a(nd. dis]- e miit By-stjeraJV .'-"' : ired'-: Ptompt .pdyiiig . monthly -enstomera! considerc t<ie discount..! \. .."."" --?" L'-' ' ^7-y^y,\: vy:;:y:> as cash,-and will ge(|; Ifbr all lands of . '"k!-' >i CJaavcyaiKwr* Issuer of STarrlage L!rn^^ Insnra^* igwit; ':'- 'I: Afeht*ey to Loai^Aernt Montreal Tel. < fcrrt Fonrtfi IMv. Court, Coat, in 4. S., .e. y " ^"p""-."7 (Acton, September 1,187a. CO .1 -.. i t, -' -ACHV THX'- * j l-:-D:-i:i^yMi rtm-^mwm Is underselling all the otter jsercbants, is because, he BUYS yj N ;nv- 1 ir:" FOR CASH AHD til- l knd has resident ^^u-x tbe Brifcfcbvnikrkiets two first-class btiyiirs rbne in fcrlasiwrw an4 cphig all Advantages for tiie pdtrons of t& Lion, the otherL mi IiondonyEnabind-1 both daily on the spot, ?v '- 11 * i H: -i Or '^f' 'M' !. " .anal % K" \. v. T-<1 I IE (4; J-'<-iz- l I.U t. ,^:- 'l I'- Chi V il :W^fif|l;^ri^:]|: 'low la now opening'FAtXi GOO^^;-exlbnmTeJy and at; rocj' ^ ^ In fact the ilibn wUl seU goVxb tins seah lewef tban otbejl ^ewb*rita pay for t^^ Bring your money lo the Lion, and ^tv:]?j^^-;":;'^ m^: ' J. D. WILLIAMSON, ' ':- Propitietor of tie leading Storf j . Augast; 3%-.. istor&'^v,; yy^I' tbe; only^directi in>: '"V. :i;;; :-:i; m m iv

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