Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1875, page 2

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msx* v, =^aaJi:: + Pf'Tr< . -5. : 'T- : .- miiE; AjCTOS PHEE PRESS ?iSib<l fevcjry'Kriday MorninR.^ ': $1 T?er. Annum in AdvahoeT "_ -f _ ,' ,_______<_>_______i |r*. ERAMOS A iHXHEBITlON. The iuiriual! Exhibition of the Erainoan Agricultural helnV^t' Rm;kwocrt,ion Notwithstanding the : daring a greatpi-t of.tlid1 day, J herb. was- an excellent large number of !^i5 M^ftXa' **?' ^ -ta^|ihtbitton as a wbiltf.wiU fully up to that of auy prov ions y oar, and ex- 7r V '"V !: rfj '*}" '"- -: #-:'V>: '-"It- ^y-'-iiL i -.-jr fe: >f"y il' *!&V FvX . I.- V s:.--M: 4'^'-"*- 1OTW:; * .' 'J. '-. * 1 i. KufriiSz i V. iiK* .v.'--;v ^ -".?.t-: m-'#; Sri. I'"- : " -J *t rsi"; "- *! feNf ipri fip " <5j^"t)HrrS>iJicrUH>r, Who Lhve. tiisVJfft the Frf.k JPrkss Bince the lai of Julv, and li*\-e nv>t vet mid, at* .^rvsjrvtf^i^ ' wmindod tbst the li'nittotl'ijnie for reoeW:5ng'"'paynoent av the t^te of .One I>oVfeir wvll ex- piwj Tuis wkkk. ^^^ After tlw - -i^to of tWtolicr, .ilt unpaid! snfecnp .'finjiis-'ttill be cliargeil jit the rate-ef ' o^e-dpnar-and-a-liAlf. Now', js 6he .'. tiiiw to save fifty cepts. - \ , : [A\>.notice ny posters that a. Ke- f^>ru> Convehtionj for thi County, ii to bo held tiOiilton, oil Monday ^jnjext, to seiecta candidaUu for the/ V<J)ntirio,; Legislature, to take the ...plnce of Mr.'Barber, who has been- ^pcl.^revi disqnalifievl; Meetings are -tb belield in different'section^ ot .to-morrow evening to appoint delegates to the coarention. Vff trust they may succeed in se- . tfring the candidature of a firsts , class man. - t . Election "Appeals.; . . 'r* Tfee Cosirt of Error and Appeal m Toronto had "four election canes be- '," fere it otT Satnrdar last"' u;'- That " _of whiskey" pi-oved i.effica- cious in. confirming ilr. Stock's disqualification,, and Mr. Thomas S^ott. of Notth Grey,' haa^ been" .p*reonallr<lisqualifiatL under pecu- iiiiriy~'hard . cirjuinstancea.1 The, iiiiseating of Mr. "Paxton of INorth" Ojjtario has been oonfirmed on ap- }f5il.' 'The petitioners' against Mr. (||iisholni, whowas personally dis qualified in cqnnection with tlie ~^^el election! ^ . ' Eew trial; icelleil especiajry |tW:-;~" " " ihles jthtj show friini carriages of greatly ttdinired imakd ;and of _Steppienson a 1' Brotxl ware -John. J. and H JTalbo n ^ii^fe'Ss^ss^^ fc'Q: 1 'H---7^1'f'^^^^^^wiil! iv ahpw, THE ACTON ! ^REE PRfeSS, OCTOBER _i_^_____^____-____- ^ f - : Society H'ns. Wednesday, vet >yeathor, and. a very peoplo. The Ex- iiv- hot sea and cat- In ftuit*, jj;nripR, and Vegeta- \tas . inngnificent. Mr:.T of Actoni wero tjie lejiiling. feature of .tlie Implement ground, and were attnxcteU grtsit .jafcteut on for its superior luqrits. The ' ;en-cent ad- misR^on at the ptes amounted to u littlei over a hunllred dflhn-a. : Tho follo'wing is the irito litit i ue Hvder. for tl eir supevior hand}iou>e tnish. . One cuhhijkted, plow ,.,3rd .fnmea Hill. Colt J. and H. : TalWt, :!nd, Joseph Croft.' One^yeajr-old '-olt James -Bolton, 2nd Joseph-Anderson, 3rd Jobu .Grieve. One^yea iM)ld filly E.' Loree^ 2nd J. R)yce, Two- yeAivold gelding Robert Hay, 2nd John. Grieve,. rd, Janes .Rolton. Two-year-old $iI y John McAree, 2nd~ James Gruliaiu, 3ul E ;Loree. Span-heavy druight: h irses John Piace, ;2ndrGeor]^ Woo 1, 3rd Alex. Stewart. OESERAl.Pt RPQSE EIORSES. I - Bkk1/. inar^- Math as Kirbr, 2nd; Allan McCiillough 3rd Samuel Kerr. Colt foil M. oree, 2nd C. McDougall, 3rd James Hill. Filly foal M. Kirbv, 2nd John, Boltdft, 3rd P. A. Cm sick. Onet: Veaij-old colt-i-i. Dunbar One5 yearnctld filly H a)d, 2nd E. Lorie, 3rd H. Dunbar. Twb-year,- i ! ~u: David Siewnrt," 2nd, 3rd Jtlra Nkhol. y M. ELirby, 2nd Srd Wi lia'm" Croft. old ; gelding Alejc. Stewart, Two-year-old fi) Jui Graham, tave^ asked for JutT-he election petitipn against Mr. ., 3lcCranev.* tried at, Milton ob. the l.OtttN'ov. ] Mr. Mc(Jowan ^Opposition) wbb ^re elected on Monday to the Ontario ' .'A5sem.bly for North Wellington. - THe majoritv. was 28. / --.'.'. M--: < t "i . ^ie-new postal law relista^e to - the prepayment on new^japers, comes into operation to-day'.7 The o:ber changes also takes effect at once. ':.,.-" " - jThe Marl; Lane Express in a rev view.of the corn,ti-ude jmentions a fuirjher decline in 'prieek. An ad- vajnfce however is'looked for as .soon as I the market settles. '" f The Ea-stern question ia'assotn- 'n,^:SlaTe proportions, and, there is \noji- tvery likelihood of hostilities ibr^akins out between Seryia and aid SlcCaig, Trwid^ell w^eat C. ^wadchamhrer, 2hdf-I$enry Kirki 3rd 'Alex. McMitlkn.' Glaigo\v s'piihg wheat .. Laight, 2nd Clrns. Head. Other spring wlioat Isaac Andoi-aon. Barle^y-John Ranisay, 2ud J.ohu Moore, 3rd Alox. McMillan* Small whito jwaa^-T. M; Taylor,!! 2nd John Hunt, 3rd John Ramsay.. Poan, ajny other kind John Hunt, 2nd P. A.; Cussick. Canadian white oats O. SwackhaminbK Other white oate Wins Kitchen. IHack oits^-Jeaae Anderson, 2nd Isaac Anderson.'- Timothy' soed-rJohn Grieve, 2nd Allan McCullough- Flux seed M. Taylor, 2nd Clrns. Head. White beans Wm, Wright, 2nd Geo. E. RamBluvw. Butter IVaiiR Jivcob- Westover. . Indian Corn CiSwackhuraiiicr,' 2nd Win. "Wright. ' ' 1 , .... IIO0T3. -'l "Etirly rase poWoefi^-^C. Swnck- hammer, j 2nd Samuel Kerr, 3rd Jesse Anderson.' Other potatoes Robert! Wharton. 2nd Jesse An derson, 3nd Geo. Drydeh. Collec tion potnt.oes--J(?.s8e Anderson, 2nd Place, 2nd ]-Thos.JWnters. Swedish Ti|rni|>p (30 eiitrii'g) C. "Swaikbammer, 2d Isaac Anderson,- 3rd James Bolton. Other turnips. - (11 entries)^-Isnnc Anderson1, 2pd Charles McDougall. Mangold Wurtzel Isaac Ander son, 2nd Jesse Anderson. Winter Cabbage Strickland Dutneld, 2nd Robert Wharton Red Cabbage S:| DnfSeW, 2nd R, Wliarfon. Cauliflower Wm. Tolton, 2nd W. H. Matthews., Table., carrots Isaac " Anderson, Jesse Amierson. Field caiiota |John Webb, 2ud Wm. Wright. Isaac An<lersonf 2nd Jos. Parkinson. Blootl btiijts Isaac Anderson"^ 2nd Jesse Anderson.l Tomatoes Wm. Tolton, 2iid Wm.' - Hoiigkirison. White Onions JoW Pitrkin'soij, 2nd In mutttn IBs. PiGllllei, 2nd Mrc. 1 W, Coi\buSj. BdifdJtti--MM. W.| Cdokburifr. 2#l Ml*.: J Parkinson. Tjitting J. Porklnson, Miss CbulSbn Agricultural wrtintlii-Mrs. W. Cbokburn, Paper ftowerB-^Misa Laight. , Pl.OWBtlS. Window Plants Mrs J. Norrlsh, 2nd Mrs. Ramnay. Annuals-Mrs. L. Parkinson, 2nd Mrs. J. Parkin. bod, 3rd Mrs. Jl Worrlsh. Pabnic Mrs. I. Anderson, 2nd Mrs. L, Par- kinsqn. ; Stock* Mrs. 1, .Xkmlerson, 2nd Mrs. L. Parkinson. Asters- Mrs. L. Parkinson, 2nd Mrs. J. An derson. . Fronoh- Marigo]dB Mrs. J. farkinwirV. 2nd M1sa H. Tolton,/ African Mrs. L. Par kinson. Zinnms Mrs L,, Parkin- json. Table bouquet Mrs. L. Par kinson, 2nd Mrs. Jori.- Parkinson. Hand Bouquet Miss &. Tolton, 2nd Mrs, L. Parkinson. / . Spin for general purposes Anpstrong, 2nd A.^.J: Carrie-, 3rd L !J).. 'Currie. Span" of carriage horses C. .Sprsgge," '. Ihd Hirurii Swackhammer, 3rd R. D. Boome^ Single horse in barness^-William- Sbaw, 2nd Jacob West( ver, 3rd R and M. Holmeal - ;Roa< st^r -Wnt, Farrish, 2nd WJmi Gutlirie.,. Hack ney Walter. West, 2nd John Gitm roings, 3rd GeW Coghlii^.- Trottta'g fHo.r8e --Wm. Gutb ria "!:' . DURHAMSi i J Aged bull -JJ & H. John Grieve... Two-vea J. H.Kirby; 2nd" Ali 3rd John CurVie. bullh-Joshua fiorrish, Bolton, 3rd J. S. Webb. Jos. ; Parkinioh, ' , Th 4<sow-f-~J. 'Orieyfc- 2nd Qneeii. Iwoy^mild lie 1:.".o ---.-- -_ ,,. . (-Acton Plow Company. Iron ._ Hugh Milloy. Plow two "Servian officers were making's' roitnd^of.inspection, on Servian ter- j-itorvj-tliey: were shot by Tiirkish . sr.lii'ers;.' This seeeis to be the last; "s&:iw\requiied to break the-peaoe 'Ijetween tbese two iiiUions, a Afch. Campt son," 3rd The Jasy Peters, "2nd McQueen, 2nd'W. Paxl:inspn, 3rd Parbot,' 2nd 1 --old bull ' e x. btewart, C ne-yeatold 2nd Jbhji Bull lf 11,2nd Jos. Parkin^ ForsythJ Cow-ri- Johnl amsay, 3rd ree-yeaT^ld Alex.' Mc- fer Alex. Serine Points 'in the Ga0ord -.' .'^le Guibord affiir has given rise to (S&vei-iil^caribiiacriiestionK.' iBish- op Bou'rget- says tliaV if Gnibord is' interred in. the Roman Catholic" 'cenjiej iry - be will ciirse hisjjrave," Njw Guibord's wife is interred in ibis graven she died in the odour , of 8 inctity. 1 Will the. Bishop curse Jierjbodj? "Wid lie curse the.ppr-- tipri :of the grave' in Jwhieh she; li^sl? H not, 'hopK- is he to rrgn-a Lite^his-anathema, so that it shall j'e^neafc as many! feet of the soil ' ;*&-eorc4;in coatact with Guidord's ;coffinJ Again: Will the Bishop; 'p'.McGregor, 2^d keep the price-of -the lot he has - cursed 1 ' If the Guibord- lot be> eomes-accursed," the price paid fur ' it is money no man would like to retain! Aud here another question argues:; Having received tlie price of I the lot as consecrated- giound, ha^-the Bishop a legal right to de- , priciate its value now by convert ing it iutQciii-aed ground i A//ro[x*s "of] the value af xtinsecnited ' or catsed grouadiin the ey^es'-'of Ithe ' -iurch wef would like to?!know if it isT'ift a fact jthat litelyi in Mont- ; riAfl and in Q:Hjb6c, Roman .Catho-. I Tiof burial grounds, in which iteriis of tlipusands of Roman Catholics were bulried, have been surveyed into jbuklding lots, and sohi by Roraaii CiffiholicEscfesiagtical Corporations, .and streets'ahd^ lanes opened: up through what was. once consecrated 2nd Ephraim Jtoore. ground. If consecration could not save the dust of the faithful from thig shocking desecration, what fur ther hai^m could happen, to the re- . mains of him ^wbo slept in a grave ithat ;was bahnedtf. Conseoratio", it pj>ear8, jar hnt' a ' temporary^ blefis- iug; "fn process of ""'time- thje cbn- rs^crated gi-aya.!may be sold by the" foot by the Cl^nrc'n^ and converted Tuto a wine cellar1.- ' "Interdiction 1 y may consider ai equally ephinvj ,er^i.4i ite nato-e, and in theooiirse o( j. time the. jaccursed^^raye -may .-jV'Wa * rich a mine to the CJrurch jt / tke most' consecrated earth. .fi it wientbe Bishop interdicts tb fanify burialjgrofihjd of Guiird] JuV much, ofi-it irili he ^cnnsel "|T iat is the question. A'i//"?".^ 3rd John O'Doririell j GRADE CATTLI 1 Best covK W: Swa iston, '2nd Alex. Stewart, 13rd B. i.nd A. Tgl- ton. [ Threetyear-old co Vr B. and A. Tolton. "Tv^o-year-o d heifer- Alex. Stewart, 2nd Jar iea Peters, 3rd } W. Swantton.- C ne!-year-old heifer^-Alex. Stewart, 2nd J. Mc- (Caigt 3rd Josial Rbyce. Fat co-W, ox or steer J a?. 'Boltonj, 2ud John Grieve. 8HEEP jCOT^tVOIJDS, Aged riun John0'D3nneIJi.2ad Thomas Waters 3rd R. McGregor. Shearling rkm-i-j; H. ]Cirby,-"2nd JtL Kirby. Bam lamb T. Waters 2nd P. McGreg:r, Zrd'< ohn "Ram say. Pair agetiewes P. McGre- gpr, 2nd John O'Don iplL " Pair jshearling ewes-T-John K imsay, 2hd 'ir.'i'O-Dohnell.:'. Pair ev e', lambs J-.' O'lDpnneU IiEtdESTEES. Aged fam Mark Sitton, 2nd Walter Laiug, 3rd J. S. Loree. Yearling ram--G. and E. Tolton, 2nd -Joseph Pi rkinson, 3rd A^ Stewart. ; Ram lamb sbnj 2nd J. Par kinson, : Ird M'. Sut ton. Pair agec L 'ewes-^ L. Parkin son. Shearling 'ewes L. Parkin son, 2nd .j. Pa kinson. Pair, ewe -kmibi$i-G. and E. Toltm, 2nd L. Parkinson, 3rd J..Parki rison. Fat sheep- JMI. K irby, 2nt| W. Laing, 3rd D. ilutc^eon. PIG8 U RGE BEtED. Boar^W. Ijain'g, Jnd - John- Hunt. Sow IJ'Berbanee, 2nd T 6'Corinor.; B01 ir pig < lro])ped in 1^875 John H nntr. 2n I Ephraim Moore. Sow jLamberl Barberee," y. I'://. PIGS----SljtALlA.BBtED. 1 Boari-Wm. H. Slat ;hewp, 2nd John- Anderso v. l'Bow ^Alfred Antee, 2nd Jo ihua No Tish. :Boar pig-dropped in l875-^-j3hp Hilnt, 2}rfd Alfred A nBte. Ucfar pig R. E. Swayzie, 2nd Geq. Dryden.. ,: Tarkeys? Th pmW Eliston,: 2nd Alfred Anstei; Gee e Robert Dredge, 2nd John IL 38irby. Pair dacki Alfreds ^.nsteo,' 2 ad Thomas iEaBtoH. i Agbd fowls r. 'hos. Dock- eryj 2nd!Wm; ] I. Matt! ews. Pair chicbens-T^Wmj H. Mat thews, 2nd TLob!'Eaaton.^.1 :-T'-. -' .'" White wiptir wbeai-3j. Bar- beroe,! 2nd Chai; Head, 3mt Don L, Parkinson. : Red. oniona: Is. Purliinson, ;2ud Jor.-i Parkiuson. Pumpkin's Wrm ' Kitchen, 2nd Hugh Black. Squash T. M. Tay lor, Wm. Wright'. Citrons Thc-V. Harris, 2nd Jds. Ryder. Celery-^ W. TL Matthews, extra. . ,- \jiscellane6c'. ' fSet team harness^ James" W- Knowles. " Carriage harneiisr-^-J. W. Knowlea. -t Gent's lioots-r Jacob AVestover. Lo if bread (23 entries) -^ Mrs. Duncan Morrison, :2nd: Mrs. Duncali Gillis, 3rd Mil. Geoj1 Dry den. Baskefof hops John drieve. 2nd Sairiuel. Moore. Maple sugar A. J. j,Currie. Honey in cbaib ^ Win. \Tolton. Preserves JJcob. Westover.; "* J)AIRT PRODUCB. Firkin'Butter (17 .entries) Mrs. John Ramsay, 2nd Allan Ramsay, 3rd Mrs. Peter McGregor,' 4th W. Grqft. Basket fresh butter (29 en tries) -Jaruea Auld," 2nd John Grieve, 3rd Mijr. D. Stewart,;4th Mrs. P. McGregor. Dairy'cheese i Wm. Hodgson. Factory cheese ". implemevts,: Farm waggon^-Jas.0 Ryder, Ac- Wn,* 2nd Tori-anco i IRichairtlson. pemocrat Waggon-^ James 'Ryder. One horse bnggy -Jas. Ryder, 2nd Torrance &. Richardson. iroh Gow, Brill.' Tiv , JUP0K8. ' Fruit, -Flowore) 4c. Peter Wm. Stephenson; Geo. T. Horses Richard son, Richard Hemstreet, M. Barns. Cattle-'TsJ'ariies Cowan, Robert- Black, Benjamin Tuck. '" Sheep*' Pigs, -and -:Poultry ^Geo. Elingtou, Jamea Busaell, James Stirton.'- - .j 'l\: ,; I>adies' D^bartment A. O. Buc- iiam, Mrs. Bucham, Mrs. D. Gillis. . Dairy Produce^-^Davici Stirton, Geo. Bolkwill, Prank Taylor, John Burton. ; ') ;" '.- QiNBRALi .N-Biyj^] ; he gate recejpta at, ^10 Ottawa Fait amounted to 89,603.13. J Nowb has been received ati.Loh- don from tho African traveller Stanley. Ihe Diroet Oablo par+od yestor- day in tbo mjd-ocean^BOBtion, . A.t London, Ont., a congregation of t vq hundred Mornions ar erect ing % nqw church, _ | :.".- , The body of a young wpmrin nairod Whiilon was found in Col ling wood harbour. Piixtrtn, tho absconding the MecUianics'. Bank, MontiWl,' is repcrteril to- have embezzled over $lQO,OCfiO.| ' ; I Tjho inniuil general, raeetiing of the Crejdit. YaUey. Rail way Com pany; will he held ut Toronto on tho B8tl};of Oc.tobpr. Tlie twenty-eightli annual dinner of tJhft] loyal Canadian'-'Society . iei appointed to take place at Grimsby! on Oct. 13th. M beam plough Hugh Milloy, -jiny other kind Hugh Milloy. Power .straw. : critter ^L. Cossitt. Tpriiip (drill L.. Cossitt, 2nd Tor rance & Richardson. Pair iron seeid harrows Wm. Tost. Wooden ln(i jM hereby autlrorised1 to pay harrows Allan Simpson. Shbd the Widow Cook the Bum of $9, hprse - - Set- horfce shoeST*-J-John Torrance. iicDonald, 2rud S. McKenzie. - j--' ;' r ' .FRUIT. . . , ..- " Collection RJipleS' Hugh Black, 2nd Tlios. McCullough', 3rd ^Heriry lJaflield. Best 12 snow apples Then. .McCullongir,.2nd H, Duffield. 12 St. Lawrence apples William Sunter, 2nd1 Geo. Diyden. :f 12 Col- vert John j Dickenson, 2nii,George Dlryden. 12 anyj other variety of fail apples James Bolton, 2nd H. BlufBeld.', 12 Rhode Island green irigs Jd,hn Bia'nchfield, 2nd D. Mc<^aig. "12-American golden rus t Jonathan Lister, 2nd George ryden. .12 northern * Bpy D. cCaig, '2nd J. Ajiderson.; 12 anj- other 'variety winter - apples ^T. cCullough, 2nd H. Dnffield! Six fijll jiears T. M. Taylor, 2nd Wm. Triton, 3r.d T. McCullough. Six _ji_-._.^----- All-in Ranisay!,. 2ud- Cbas. Head, iJamplegrapes-^-/bs. Pttrkinson,vX3IcCullough. Dozen Siberian crabs- Tliosl McCulloxigh. Ejozen transcen4a!nt crabs: John FHrnsworth. r Six; plums W. H.' Jago, 2nd L-'Parkinson. .( LAWES DEPAHTMBNT. . jSpecimen crochet work in cotton -|Wm, 'Oo'rdpn, i2hd C. Aldofusb, 3rd Mrs.rWm. Cocicburn. Do.;in wool *-+0. Aldouse, 2nd MfB. Wrin'Cbck- burn, 3rd Mfni Oordon. Mejh work j-MrSi J. Parl^nson, 2ad Mias, Ii McCullougb, 3rd tVilliarn 0oi;dbn, Plain worsted work Win. Gordon' 2nd Mrs. Geo. Dryden, 3rd" jMia. W; Cbckburn. Worsted work, raised .Mrs. W!Farrisb/2nd ^rs:! tl;'Tolton, 3rd Mrs. Tito*. Bay. Hooked mit-f Mrs. J. Parkinson. 2nd Mrs. VV. Far- nbh, 3rd Miss M. A. Parkinson* Qkilt in pieciwork^Mrs. R. Keed, 2nd"MrB.: Wm. Cookburn^ 3rd James Aflan. Quilt. Ibg cabin Mrs. Wm. Cbckburr.,1 2nd Mrs. -W: Woodi/3rd " n.;ib.,tia6it~ Counterpane i[. B^ed, 2nd Mrs. Geo. Watson, 3rd ra.|Thos. X>ay. C>en.t'B shirt Mrs. jjiiUies,* 2nd Wm. Gordon, 3rd rs. W. Cockbiirn. Hair worhr W. msay. Ornamental needle work fMrs. jW> 'Cockburn, 2nd r/irs. .1. Parktoscn. Mrs., ti. Siott, 2nd Mrs. Qeo. Dryden. Worst. ei jsockB Gordon, 2nd Mrs, Wm. Tulton. vVorsted mitts1 Mrs. rx Gillie*, 2nd Mrs. George VVaUon. Klncy knitting Mrs. W. CboUburn, 2nd Mrs. John Grieve. Embroidery Esquesinpr Council. . Stewarttown, 17th Sept.^ 1875. Tho Council met" pursuant'to ad journment. Reeve in the chair. '.-.MemWrs all presehC. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.' The petition ot John Craig aud -others for grant to rejair tho hill on Lot 26,- -G-tb line, was received and read. Also, of Geo. Cooke and others,- for 250 to; repair cross-road^ ' be tween 10 and 11, 7th con. -' "-" The account of Dr- Freeman for attending the late Hiram Mann, Geo. Stanford and.rChas. 'Monag- ham. The account of Dr. Starr for tit-. tending the late' Hinirn Mann: also for attendance on. John Prin- gle, GleiiwilliauiF, - Tho account of Mrs. Cooke for supjilort of John Pringlo.was receiv ed and read:: ^ ' Moved by'.Mr. McEnery, sec, by' Mr. Wrigglesworth, that the' fol lowing sums bo paid by1 the Trea- surer/ to the undermentioned par ties for losses-stjstained by having their sheep killed :l>y jdogs,. the ownor or Owners oi which are un known, viz^: P.'Rowe, '2 'sheep, 1 lamb, S6.66; F. Ruddill, 1 laulb 2.60; W. Moore, 1 lamb 2.00; Wm. Hondcn, 1 sheep 4.00.' , Moved by Mr. Warren/- sec. by M^r. Preston, that the treasurer is hereby authorised to. pay Robe. McPhereon, 9.25 for th4 relief of Michael Burns : also 50 cents- per ; week to Widow Robinson from date'until futher notieo ; 8 'for the relief of Irvin Love and 7' to Isaac Cooper, said fiarties being in indigent circtimstances.-r-Carried.- Moved;byMr McEiierj', sec. by Mr.4 Warren, tliat Messrs;. James Nicftell and William Harding be ap{>ointed commissjone^B to im prove the hill on the.^jth line, lot 26, expenditure not to eiceed 50.; .--j . ' ." .. Moyed by Mr. McEnery, sec. by Mr. Preston, that the Treasurer be to in full/of her account for keeping John Pringle, an indigent. -Car- rieJ' * Sir, Preston move^sec by Mr. McEnery, that.the Treasurer pay to H. Ross and Robert McPfiereon, commissioners, 20, being the bal ance required to complete bridge 15 and 16, 3rd concession.- Car ried. : '; . Moved by Mr. Enery, sec. by Mr.' Wriggleswprth, that the sum. of 50 be'granted to Messrs. Alex. Stirrat and John. S. Frazer, com missioners, -for the repair of the hill, 22 and(23,11th con., the same being. now in a dangerous condi- tion.': Carried. Moved by Mr, Wrigglesworth, sec. by, Mr. ilcEnery,Vthat the sum of 200 be granted for grad_- ing and .gravelling the crjoss^road between lots 10 and 11, 7|th con cession, provided that n 'sum equal to one-thji;d of the above'ambunt'is first- subscribed and cxperided by parties' in the locality, and that Messrs. Richard Grahaii,. W. Thomson' and Thomas - Fisher oe commissioners to superint:n,d -the expenditure. Carried. The report of the Commissioners appointed to examine the|allowance for road between 22 and 23, 3rd con. was received and read. , . Mr. Preston moved sef. liy Geo. Wriggleswprth that W. McEnery and Warren be appointed' Commis sioners' to. act jointly wick Commis sioners of.the Council of Nassaga- weya,. to sell the ' timber on the -Townline between the Townships of Nassagaweya. and Esqiiesing, op^ posite to 28, 29 and SO.-^Carried. /.;M'ov*d'by.:W. McEnery ;.secohdT ed by Mr. Warren -thai treiisurer pay to Wm. Robinson 'three dol lars to purchase cloth . for James -!Clarke a pauper. :- ' seco^ded ' by Mr. Preston that in consideration of the voluntary offer of Dr. Web-. Bter of Norval, to visit the indigent' poor of the Township in {he Poor house in Stewarttown' -free of. charge that the said offer be ac- tcepted\with thinks. Carried. The. council then adjourned un til Friday ths 8th of ^October. 1, 18715. BaIse Bai}-i.. ol'the scjison d^nts/of Mil Tlio'tJiird between the In tori,- rind the .V of Cilmrniirsville', was playv. Saturday. ]|t was] the d< gnme/tiH each had vy>iv:-prt*y After [hard p aying (tho peore en, 16 eacli.. " .' ' . . ,Mani tobai srtffercrs gifasshopp^orB rtre rjo be loanct 1 60;-; Q0P in cahhi 1 nd wheat by t ie Do- itiion GoVer|imen^, NEW'ADN'ERTiISEMEJSTS. JDrMAI IIESOX, Atto ntey *o. Oftloo t>o n Bcreou;. Uf.orgi' Hollcltor In Clsbnc or of Juln unu XJWll. S1 K.PAK4T0U AM> ____ . II0RSK ._ i'OV>>:it, J\lg(xl condition, tor nuloi Apply to JA.M '.H ISEI.L, Lo\ Ko 20, 2nd cuiicenDlun of K inic^l.itf. A branch of tho Ancient; Order! og S hepnerds, a second 'degree |of the Ancient Order af Foresters, has beer, bpsned in Guqlph, under the narco of Maple'Leaf Court. ... h: On Thursday 'Mr: W. S. G. Knciwles, acting undt^r .power of a mortgaj.e, auction a farm of 130 i.creB, being the east half'iof lot! :U, son. A, FjBq^uesing, to Mr, J. Iu Rosa, of Georgetown, at 1,- 060 ."].. . '- ..,-' :./ -.! ' V re |re sony to hear that thtr Nev Ybrk Witness has been forood toBi8p4nd publication. Mr. John Ddiigalj .fought the battle with great courage and persistency, .'and it islsotoe satisfaction to be able to: say |EhatJf he did not-achieve suc- cess|he deserved it, t*I03f SALb OF Val-Tia'blle Real. Estate; aud- :;JTAH3|IING-.ST0CK ttt.O&S. Umnj has recelyeil insl -uctlofiB -Irl^rh JOHN t'JMM.\t. tq-.,-l< .sU by i'Ubllo Axcllon^ on ATUit,.AX, of David -Henderson,: of Everton was (brought before judge Macdon- ald at the Interim Sessions, I in.' Gueilpl^ last' wuek, charged w|th. stea ing 20 -from Henry Hort^p, mill=r,":Everton. Themoney Was Ctktu from a desk in tho mill. He pleaUed guilty to tho charge, ahd was sentenced to three months' im- pris m men t at hard labor. ": .' A1, the Lumbermen's Convention, now being held at Chicago, it. has bceri stated by one of the members that the supply of lumber in G'annltln, was nuch jess than is generally sup- poBeU.- Another speaker said tl|at; in fifteen years Michigan would ceise to he an. important lumber regiin. The question of reciprocity with t;iis country was a!so discussed. ft e. pharehblders of tbe City Buk of >Contreal approve of the} amal ;n- mation with the Royal' Can ad an Binl. The union will be effeciied as scon as the, necessary legislation is passed. Erin Council. This Council met on the 20th inst. at Erin. ' Members nU'pre- Bent .-ployed by Mr. Reid, second-*1 ed b y Mr: Burt, that this Council, do supplement the sum of 15 with Wes s Garafraxa, for the pui^se of opening the townline between (he 1st und 2nd concessions. Moy d by Mr. .'Teeter, seconded by Mr. Reid, .that Dr.. Btirnham be paid 10, the 'amount of" his'ac count' lor attendance pq the chil dren of Mrs. McArthurj of Hi ls- burg, while suffering from. scaiUjt fevei; Moved by Mr. Barl our, seconded, by Mr. Bv rt, that the Clerk be instructed to g.vje notice that tenders will be received to builtl a new bridge on] the cr ss- road between No. 1% and, 23, in l^e 7th in. In accordaHce with (he above motion, notice is hereby given that tenders will-"he received at tie Clerk's office in Erin yillnje, any time before the. lOtl of 0( ti|>- beri for the purpose of building he brj|] ;e above mentioned! ] )articnl irs. as it the kind of bridge, fequii e i will be giVen by calling on <hs Reei e. Moved by - Mr, iBarboU|', seconded by .Mr. Reid, that \ e petit ion of -James Colli ns:. ask: ng for % 20 to cut down a liill on lie 6th ine, opposite lot 26, be grant ed. -Carried. The Copncii tl'en adjourned 'to meet again/on Mon day, the 25th day of October. Wh.T^lek, Clerk. Eools A been N m All nexjt, ID.lV.Va. 10:30'a!in. OTICJ^i TO BEBTOtESw req vino Son ice, an^s I C'liui cli,- tna}x;li Ijfprin- liiotiH, last ciditig ously. stood from' jcory, Ch urc l.i OCTOBKK. ohf) of the most ;yfuable Foiima in tho.: Towamilp of % Kti iiiefilmr,' Cp.JWulton, b?l tig t'ld eaxlhulf di J*t 31, 2nu Dun.. cou>| rillni; 125 ucren,-'. 0d lurts of *l(ich are lr .n nigh tttnto of culllva- tli'iullio l)iilnnen gootl hardwooo ; Hllua- twilTibmit ouq ii llio from the benu ilful and protrrtSHlve JViljage or A.QTOt'. Goori irafno hoi^onill b,ani; alone Habits and ollipr eon'vi'tit-ucok ; 'excellent, orchurd ajid Kuvon ncrcfofliop yiird. ' T in soil Is Iqualled 1T> Jnlarlohor (jraln (rowing, .ihelarmlt und"iibt.otlly <in of tue bfestoverolterec fo/salo liy public iticUon The plneo will wsitlvuly bo "sold lo the bliibest bidder, iiKJIie owner l giving rip larujiiigon ucc jaia or old oko.j Jt'crfect HU|i iruuranlec t. Vciiiiu^nhy. * . -Also, at tho *. imo tlmo^anO. plbc'e, will bo *oldaluig.f luiiniliy of F^lrm Stock: fend. Implement; conjiprlBlnjj A ^otfus, a'criie, l! ' cat! It, a nupiD ;r uf siiloi iuid coiiibliled ro:irer lindmowe 2si*l(jus,bUKS',, cull.T, plows, ci'lUvalOr.ii^ocf drlll.^aniilncrall See(CuUiloaue for rnijleulars. Ekqaclnir,.S ;pl 28, 18"" UtRCU OF ENGLAND s!?!RVICES. '. Change of Ho ir.i will be, Aotonj \: ;: KILL STRffiBT, J^tiX. | f X M .*' ' N-r;-"iV HIS FALL Ki'OOK OF AND READY ii ,/.. -, , -.^ .... -. ,. .., v f nbch larger an 1 better than/ever. AA spltridid "stock to Bele>St'{ro^%i\ "x. vei'/^ioHT prices.'. ** -.--: Ht in'ft " As Ii % (jrcceri^s, Crockery m^tM^m^m *.*" Will be found GM E;A,'T: '0 :AM dj^l1 INT. S-il % '.; ' Are offerjecj foreswhior proddcS. 4/ Tie; subscriber begs to return Bis sincere, tharikajio the-inhabitant*-of Ac ten.and snrroundingvcountry, for their liberal patron3ge\%nd trasts tbt lure' the'ir will continue liberal/appreciation. . - a" j ;- a large portion of his business is.roady/payv fie jean affofflffo U '"" 1 : / SE 14^5/0 hWaPi " ' Tija4 tbos'e.'iwbo-1.'giye long:credft;fliid hav- ;:V ' ~: ' -j ' 'arties'imlcbted'.to Craine <L -S'oii are leateil' to ' ;iill and stttle' their ac- cmintsf .jis'c.-ii-y ,*ii po3:iibl'e.J Try, riml ina;ie:it coiiv.iiich: to pay lv.-fore' thi{ lut|i GctobtTj :;iid-receive our blanks. - CltA-LN| i: .S0.\:. Acton, Siiptl |21l, lb7o. ';. Tf> ETRIEtl'Elt VKp st'OJLEX Stolen front the Uowin Hume, Acton oriJ Saturday afternoon, .Sept. 2o Kotriaver l'n [ipy, about tivt mouths oldj When tiken hi?, had a v eel collftt: aroniuF.'-'liis lieck, witli^tlie T. Campbell,- Aetbn, on it1. Ai y person, returuinj; bin to the uiulera: ijaed! will be'snttaTily r jwarded, and any-person keeriiiig huUjii 'ter this (lafc wi] 1 be.dealt witn accontii) (tn'lawi I . . ' ' I. I ' - ;-'.' THOS.. CAMIfBELi.. Actbn, $ept. 29, 1S75. T^Albl Tf> KEXT; Tjie f ubscriber.ofTcr.i to: rent .W let on - share*;'his fatm, being'I^it :'o. '31, on the 5rli Concession o: Iisqiiei ine:, com prising'100 acres, 80. acres of which are urider cultivatiun, the halanca excellent eedar| and hard wood. (,io>t frame houHoj. aiijd hams, vith pl'tint\; of iood water, and other convenience!. ji,B6uti, 2J iiiiles from' Acton. ' Apply rati i the " preinxses to ' "' | ii! , SIMOX'MtiLEAX.' '* SJiiquesing, Dct. 1, 1875. LIABLE TISIBEIt The timbeij opposite Lots $8,,?? and 39,'$|n.tlie Town-linebetrvvebn E^S-iaesIng andl-Nnssagan eya, consisting if a large lot-of valnabl,! Cedar and otht r-.timber, willliic ofTered for sale: at tlio |i>nxers of Lotj28anil.i:3; O^i iSiaturc ay, the 16tri day of .' i||;' . . OctbbQr.nBxJ, at 8;b'clock p !.; f!:BY OR 5ER 6F COfislciLS -' Of Es jue8iug and Nas sagaweya, _jjjrjj>Tici|. . . - Ally :persori or persons tresAassihg. on Lot; js|)} Cone "ssion 3, of tho Townsliip of :E|4besing, (adjojning the Village ot Acfioiiwj! or in; uring'trees- of an y kind, or, leafing^ gsteS improperly; shut or fences pajSlgidown, will be subject 13 prosecii- tidnr iltier tliii date. :.p'; . P. S. AKltSTKONG. . Ao$on, AuiuBt 20,1:875., / J- Y '. ' - !-l i rm : j ..' Jffil I' :m :\'-c, m "!j mi 0 i, . >. ! 03RC3-STO sxrisr -~x Glir .wIint-:iaV'^agtti.fic,eht----iSh.*f>>v; Hoom ! SacJS:- I'uck ftf a Bonnet! ; A nice Mat Ir-Tfand so e!}eap>; J ,A' .iv"' ;-r - \". ; set :-Ct.-.. i-.: / '"' ah< "'-> 1 ^ .-',-: -'t i .->. , En -,'". ..f H a. ' ' "i M - ',-. fira ;-:- m to,'c : , L-. 2b -- ll . -"U . ---l-r t--.|" -of' m ' r :. -& Vt'in cal KcLBOS. so".&".ca ^.+- "A- JW) I am';gotii|; \o McLBOD, jfjbr all rayiiew ,tJIotlie's.. So vvill I, they are so; Septr.:28:,_I8T5;:; '/' arge stock ofBpotsand Shoes, b^th^ftery best ma nufactuje,; has "Just: received'at '." " ' ' GRAINE W MILL STRU \-..!. R&ON:- <fe -G0M -1 . i '" xtt i - .' i : r 1 - \. ::,.' -vf ;H'r-:' :{.:f.^i :*n - "- J: > 1 - -S " : _______ . .' - :l.-l- .- rm ?. -' "; '^' ': V-t "AH r'l*- . "' ' ei { '-ck. -' ! :-:" '"T;lB !.--; T-K ?'K i" IT; :@ v AI1L 'M XX Do ,hot= fail to visit the JMEiv., WOMEN . l ' r '. -. : af Call ajd Sec . r. ' - j . - Spi >cial attention is called to our which at all times receives oar care faotii m guaranteed. ; Re pairing neatly and promptly aftend^d to. Acton, Sept, I: C'r-^ I Abirt'exatJOine those'-piles :<>f Wp$(MX&i <rangirig fi 6nj 10 eerily upwaij3s;4f^1 Vi-;- -..."A:Vi-M" :.: ' 'I- -J-< ..I'!-'-.. W-'M J&sbMte DOTTO^SV M best ^^adiaa^mak^,! - - '-"| " ' i r- -.-' -':, p Ta Jglwg: from 8 cents apwartls. v ,l /.% ' 'u :'^*M J^L^Hl^ELS^ from:25;cettts upfvvardig|.y And; jojthe^ .Staple |- ariil Fa;n6y Act m* ScpKA5i3, .1875. iMtOETSON^; .Dry; '; ' */-':: -:V fP* -ii

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