Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1875, page 2

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mHB Veto's FltKE PKC&8 TuU ""hed R\ cry idaj SJornmR. ~$1 Per Apjiviii) *f Advance. J.OSH HACKING. M r 1r ! - f I- ' 1 u .ft "' ' ' ^___ F1U1)A\ M^UMXG, SKfcT. K, 1875.' THE;' OBAHQERS. . Two .vrecksl ago wq liad a few jcrudo remarks in connection with a ^communication anent,tne Grange societies <onfcssug our inability to diseuss [the subject intelligently, on jjreount of Jiur non-acquaintance with? the ainis and objects, of "the ^oaeties. ' Unfortunately, wb have pot yet been able to gather much (further information, neither through con*ersaUon with pt<es ittterest jjd or' from any discission of the W&tter~thrcmgh tlip press. There fore we are not now going to enter ^ufco the merits of the subj ct. We wiJuhl, hoei_er, be giud to see the inatter discussed in alt its beatings by_|tb* v^it> h^te made it their jsjtwly, "What leads us U say anything further just nowyia the, rather un 'pur way in * hick our cotsuiporary. +he Georgetown HemW, has seen fit to allude^ to our tew**^ He would fain lead3ius readers to infer that we vnahed; "to " totally ignore the rights of the farmers to protec tive combination1' a **y of l,ut- it whichjs neither Iwiuest nor ^-justifiable. Taere was nothing in what wesaid that would bear *>ucb construction, and tile inference we <iraw is, th^tthe Herald would like tto placets in an unfav orable light towards the farming community which we cannot quietly allow him pa do. No intelligent person would fail to see through -his sophjstry > aivd t is o at aty probable that anyone could be foolish eaongh to suppose that we. haijl the presump tion to wish, to deprh e the farmer pf fte exercise of any of his nghts And privileges- Nothing was fur- from our thoughts or inten- Of course the farmer, as '-srell as everybody else, has a perfect J right to do as he sees fit, so long as her does not -encroach upon the ~ fights, and priv ileges of Rithers, and of this ve- have no fear But as the Herald justty says, " the jjreat danger} seems to be m the belief that" they will run into an extreme, .and thereby defeat the very object which' the original system had in .yietf." I Erajnos* To-wjjBjjip Cou aoti. This Council mei at the Cfirt Inu on Monday, this 6th uU, JSfn Hugh Black, the Towaihir, Cotieoto , pre sented his bond, liigued by h' maclf, arid Mes-4 JuhhlStevmrt ai* John Rlacjk as sunttCB, winch ^iis i ccept ed antf hnndod toltho Treasu -e* for safe koping. A ay-law to rv juUte tho duties of jiveiieers of hia liways in reference to Ui oltaung of tho township road* o< snow during the winter season, was introduced and road a first and is econd tiuw, and after toonsiderablei disoussicn waa rt<ad a thint tin%e 4lul i,asse ,r an^ numbered *5.^ A by-law Car the re muneration of the members of the Council *nd ofnders of the i mnici- read a went ob the in the blanks pality was intjxxluced and first ".time, and the Counci into committee ojf tha wholo necond Tending, T* HoA'top chair. After nllfug Ui> the the commit tee i~<>se, anil th ) chair man repot td the l>\ -Iaw as vmend- h1, and the by lnw was then read a third Uwe and1 passed, ard num bered 46. After transaotii g some other busiiiess-odiuiftor inip< rtance, the Council adjfl^i-ni^l to m* >t again at the Centre Inn op Jloyi *y, the 11th day of October next J. A. D.vviDsoH, Townbhjp Clcik Wealthy llindowne^ The Duke oflkutheilknd owns tho greatest bpladth of land \hv Scofland, but i*mby, i)o laeUns tfllo most valuablo t 1 ja estate* j ejcteftd to 1,176,4G3 acw fi, \\A the annual value baa been re iuiiwl at Xj5G,G05J Tlie Duke nf DhqcIoucIi coiudh Hxt,, witli ^32;'095 aowe \ hut tlie unriu-' nl value ot tliPRo[f8-ilS$>,771. pii- Junies MathosojiL^ of Lewis ijnd AoliMiiy, Bait,, inlaws -with 421,- 460 aqrea, but theii> annual vuhio ts only 19,4871 1?lio" tiusteeri of tlie Eail of Fits claiin possessioA of 2i^3,820 acres, the annual valui of which ia 72,813 5 the Dnko of Hamilton, 102,441 ncrex, of tlte large annual value of 132,507,; the Countessi of Home. 103, )32 acre* returned ut 56,869 aniiiial Value ; the Murquis of lluntley layB claim to 8t),000 acre1*, but the annual value of these is only .11,- 215 ; while the lands of the,irl of Elgin, whujh extend to 2li')63; acres, i<re ret'iiued jit 12,080. It vilj be^ sep l, bv this thrffe, the largest landowi era have not ulthe bet revetu' es iher tions. a-|-Jv , Nassagaweya Oounci}- fhia Council met on Saturday, -he 4th day of September Msm $er all present, the Reei e in the phair. A petition was-presented to Economy. Living beyond their income is the ruia of nwny of my rip ghbors^ They can> h^idiv a^Tcu-d to keep nibhit, anil they must need to drive a ponv and chaise. I am a 'raid e$.- ( tra^aganoe is ttjs cotaniar disease' of the time, and many professing Christians have found it, to their *hame fand sorrow Goot cottpn and'st^fr'gowns are not goof enough now-A-fk-ys; girjs must htve^silks and satins, and there's^ a bi 1 at the dressmakers as ioag 4s & winter's night, aad quite as dismal. Show and ityle and smartness run away with a man's means and 1 eeps the family poor. Frog* Uy to look as big as bulls, and1 burst th< mselves. A pouncVA week apes five hundred a year, and comes up to tbe county court. Men burn the cindle at both ends, and then say t hat they are \ery unfortunate. Why don t they put the saddle on the right horso, and Bay they i fj very extra vagant ? Economy is half the bat tle in life; it is. not so ha d bo fi irn money as to spend it "we L Hun dreds" would not} have kn< wn want if they had not first knov n waste. If all poor men's wives i :nuw how to eook, how far a little n tight a, SEKgip&E "Words abotj t A_d*ek- tisikg, -The. people who sit ner vously m counting-houses or behind their goods, wilting for custome'rs to take them by storm, at d making no effort to let the world know the bargain they have to oSe , will find the season ufcp^epitioi a. Many who ha\ e spent large jBu mb in hir ing drummers and payin ; for other well-known appliances- of trade have effected large sales, 5at swal lowed up too large a shire -of.the receipts in suet} an enon lous atten dant expenses. The best remunera tion has been found by those who baye returned to more legitimate old-fashoned methods nf pushing their business. We say it no,t sim- h tap .Gtems of Thought. Learn npt to judge too rashly of any one, either in resuoot to good or evil* for both are dangerous, EJuy ot, sell not, Where ielf-re- speot is bartered, for that once lost, the mainspi ing of honor ia ,rust*d and decayed, ' j! TIiq best thing to bo done when evil conuis'n'vou us U iiot lamenta4 tion, but antion ; not to tt and suf-j fef, but to riBo uud seek the remedy Thei-o'is nothing like pemever anoftj Begin with doing ever so little* at a time, and great result are accomplished imply->by keep ing on. 1 Misfortunes are troublesome at first j but when there is no Vemedy but. patience^ ^-Uhtoiii nnlk_es thein easy^o lis, and necessity" gives us com-age. , ^ !, ' , Pi mu'i"?o your conscience always "aoft mvd senrntrve Jf but one-sin foic'o its way jnto ttiat tender, part of the 8oul, and is suffered to dwell there, the roivi ia paved for a thou sand more iniquities.. v, , As evrty thread ofgold is valu able, so *is evey tjiinubo of time; and s it would bo gieat folly to shoe hoises yitti gold as Nero did, bo it is*Ho ^peiid time that should ho devoted tjo business or study i trifles- 1 Whenever you irre doubt ^which of tv,0'things tp do, let jour decis ion he for that whieh- ia tight, Donot waver do notf pailey^ -but: squire up to the uuik Hnd do/ the rtghfc thing. ' , There no virtue tltat adds so ni.- blouchaim'to the finest traits "of beauty H tha| wjjich t>xert ilselt in witching over the trnnquility of1 an ugecl parent. There ure no tears give so noble a lustre, to the cheek of innooeryje as the foftrs sA filial sorrow. ,. , I Duty is a power wTiich risc"> 'with us in the morning, and goes Jfc rest with us at night It is co-esS- tensive with the uctiortof-pur iu- tel i^ence. It is the shadow which cleaves to us, go wherel we will, and which only leaves uawhen wq leave the light ol life, i The great moral vioborles and defeats of the woild bften tAirn on five minutes. Crises come, the not .Pater Duin has to Jnnguish in *euing>of which is ruin. [Men may Vfelland gaol for SixTnonths for ab- | loi(e but time ^ wing80f the -daoUng.Uu^a. Hargrave, a^ed 16, ^|nd ^ M ^ J^, of TSI^T 3DIES3R3&,TJ GG, Xi lKL&.lSt oik the A Hftb Bridsre. I The highest aridgo in tlie v will bo built at the ciossing of Kentucky river, on the Cincinnati Southern railway, ueai the t-51 akrr Fxrry. The h lilge will consist of ail iron diaok tiuss of thiee spsuis.of 375 feet each, ientre to centiej sup ported by two piers and two hbut- Wients, The jnei-a will be built of lanscniy to a height of 6 J feel, 6i;i Sbove low watsr mark^and the ad ditional Jistance below low-.vater mark will he c eterniined by be tings under the 001 ti^ol of the retulont engineer.] These piers vvill be 1^0 ft. Jong, end :o "end of cut-waty-'r, and 35 feet wjle on the top, biitU hollowT Jwith the walls 24 feet fi'fjm the ep.d^ Upon the niasomy vfill rest the tror trestle-woik. The grade-line is S 75 feetG^inches above low-water. 1 'he abutments ^.-lll be built upon th 3 ehffs on oaoh ndijr of the river, ant arc to be 48 ft^ h&h, depending upon the shape of Jfehe ledges of rock. When this stwip - ture is poropleted Jventnekians bsin well point with pride to the highest bridge upon :his continent, r _w.-------------------- , Has pleatjuro in lotting tho good peoplo of Aofcon and the Counties of HalLri njid Wellington know that he has jusKeturned fr0m the (^BRITISH Ap FOFEI^_ MARKETS 4^ I Where ho has made larde -purillascs.of ' STABLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! W-hich will be along during thiB month, furthci notice of v/hich wi'l "aeigivon. f "WOITOBEB'TJL ATTRACTIONS WILL BE 0PF5BS35 And Ahat Wtwderful Man's standing motto " Sma|. Prolts and Quick Sales." will be the watchword, wjrich meHB An early inspection from old friends and customers is lespeotfully solicited! Aiig-jufc 7, 1873. i 1 , JOH.N EtCGG, Alma Block, Upper \Vyndham ?treet, Guelpb; SiJE] ORB one of Mu. ^TBII^KN, --A-oto^st., Hard.-w:ar.e, Crbckery, China, ^etl-a Bctt-rfrTl ' Wten-i , I know 1 WOIi Ajiiti Y-o,i "" ', t m O-rftoy*! -, Weei And blue] Ifryo . Wkcretlil Around And the 1 Jnyanj -nire^al Glassware,:(Lamps, Gils, &c^ r TtetE G-S;E3-AlT .TEJiik. ^3ZOTTSlE i ? the Council signed by Robert Had-!j t-Qigjine of expenditure, J '" - r/ 'Ct - r* den and nine other persons, pray log for aid In behalf of Adain *Schram, being in' indigent cirenm- .stances,-caused by an attack of paralysis and old age. After the jgtitibn .being' duly considered, it Sras inored tyy' Pr. Winn, and sec "pnded by Mr. M^enzies, that the sum of i $15 "be paid to the said Adam Schratn, and the further sum pi $6 in aid-of Mrs. Brain. Geo. Lowry presented a claim of $6 for pne sheep killed and two worried by dogs, sa^d claim.1 having been duly- certified, \i was-iordered to be ?iid. I A Bj^-lav*- emnowering the rustees of School Section No. 2, \o bqrrow ^200 for .the imprpve- nuenfct of the school liouse in said not because we are interested in but, as our lye's immigrant kurl ' The revisjerB of the New Testa ment in England have carried on their -work u> the middle of |tbe 4th chapter of the 1st Epistle tp the Coiinthirns, The maintenance of the {London law courts c est annually about 8y 750,000, of which suitors pay 4, 70%QO0, and the balance isipaid by tbe nation. Two Rubiian Government engi neers are at Ottawa and intend ex. amimngour canai -system and-col 5 leoting information that wtil a^Bigt in carrying put a propose?! jmprovel ment I in the inland navadation of tof" J I T Qa Wednesday night a heavily loaded titain from the National camp meeting, Goshen, 1ST Kingston, it*< Wesley [Qrote, neajr Y-, while WJ thfe way ,-tp broke through a rotten Tw6 of the bsnkment ^hB The habit of (looking! an the right , . sidfe is invaluable. Men , and f/pr section was introduced, and passed menVho are evermore f^ckoningup the necessary number of readings. Also a By-law for taxing the rate- >ble_!property of the Township, for County, Township School purposes, and the special rate for tip Credit ,Valfey Railway, received' the ne- p^siry_ readings, and swaa passed,1 ^fhich 'will require a rate <>f 5 mills and'ooe-half of a mil} in, the dollar. Als?> a By-law* to authonu^ the /Trustees of certain School Sections > to \evy a rate lor school purposes, -was^duly passed for" that purpose. A^lo*ft By-law Ifor the payment oi g5Q for a site dn which the^Town 'Halt is hialt, received the? usual readings and 'was passed. And ~>5so * By-law was passed to demise and, lease the Township Hall to Division :No.'JJ33, Sons 0f Temper* v nnce, eaid^ sbcraty having a privilege , of two days in each week for forty years, and being Ijound for any damage done thereto by them, and in ^consideration thereof to pay forthwith to "the Township Treas urer the sum pf $350 towaids the building of tbfe'same, and to pay a- certain percen,tage for the insujstnee of saidljrlanj A fe<tseJ in^accord- ace viith the abov^ condition* was <duly executed. Dr. Winn, moved, teconded by Mr, Korniih, that the 'sum of |3q bV pai^] to Messrs. Wal lace and. ^antort, for printing voter* fiste, i^nd, th^ further sum pf 3.Q4 for adyertis^ug said lists.-p- parried. Mr- Menzies moved, see- onded by 3^r. Hortjsh, tliat the sum of #8 be pai4 to' l^jr. J^^widSonT ^for, drawing lease, be. Carried: ^pn motioQ the Gfluncil adjourned $o Sa#urday,Jihe |7fcb November ^Toas' EASjEangiJ ^5k, Townahip best ady}ceo"a& who .yJBTi'w? be enterprising and *to seen -e a larger custonvjthere nothing-n >w so- effete- tiv-e to flus end as judit ous adver- ^ ^f" " ^ ^ tW,.AhtfteJdvtiiemeiitmay ^ ^ Kinl | of be likCji gentle touch of J)je which =V.. ----j_. A. to poor Dobbja's horse " a xneray thrown a-way,'! and a HI eral outlay is almost certain to brii ig in a large return, and this will h st even "be yond the current seast'D, We. do not believe that any oie who baa valuably servijee or desirable pro perty -to offer cWn fijl c f reaping rich harvest byicoutinujous advertis ing on a large scale. _^ -,---------1 *. ^ bri<tge neir Shawongunk Statist . -- went J own an er- twenty-nvg persora injurod, a few of them set iousI; - A King of .Swedett is tie greatest poet, the Empeior of Ger-' many the jgreatesjb soldier, jthe Eti- tet lii- ____ ._ Bavaria fch.3 greatest musician, the- King of Saxony the greitest Foholar, the King of Italy! the) greatest hunter,tlje King oflBelgium tie greatest dkneer, the Czar pf Huss ia HJO gr*ftae9^ smoker) amqngst I ie sovereigns of Europe! | The Tiniesx of It Ldia"^ays that "Newa -wjw received the other day at Jjidakh of the death of she Grand I^ima of Lhatsa, the Budd hist Pope. The hierarchy of Lamas at Lhassa is, us ie probably known, iu perpetual incarnation. The hum: m form perishes, but 1he spirit is at once re\irified in son other biriih, Jt ia [related thai'a boy borr; in one monasteries was ti years agu to fill th Lama, at Lna^saa. occassion it is not w,ind and all the great life are s-peeding on with the sure and tilent tread of destiny. ' Profanity never did any man the least; good. No man is the j-iober, or happier, or w laer for it. It com mends no one to any society. It is disgURtifg'to the refined ; abom inable ta the-good ; insulting' to those witb whom we associate j de- -gi'ading to .the mind; unprofitable, needless and injurious to society. You are not obliged to discuss your business or affairs eveiy one j ou may chance to know; but," in dealing with a confidential friend, be peifectly frank. Disclose the real motiv es of your conduct, then those- who differ from you mayJstill respect vou. Nothing ia more fa tal to a friendship than prevarica tion and deceit, what they want^ rathet than whal they*haye conntirig tne diffipultiek in the way, Instead of ccintriyjpi the tneans to overcome them^-are almost certain td live , >n com and bread, fat pork Mid s dt fish, and ink to unmarked j^ves, Th^ world is sure to 'smile upon a man t who seems to be suc ssful, but lejt | whom the suocesBioi himi g6 about with i crest-fallen **"" ""-u" -{" -~ air, a^nfl the very dogs in the street will s$fc upon him. VVe mnt all have !osaes. Ln.te fro it will nipithe bird, hanks will breai, inyesttnent* will prove worthless,^ aluablehorses will die and china vas es will breajc, bntail these calamitie i will no^come together. The wise sanrse to pdr- sne, wken one plan"! rtls, is tq form aoptber; when one ptop is knocked froni nnler UBjJo fill us, place with a subatitute.and evermore count what is left /rather than what is taken. WhenJ the final] reckoning is made, ^f it appears that wrf have- not lost Hhe consciousness, of our internal rectitnde : if we haw kept charity toward alkmen ) ifr hy the various discipline of life, we iave hean freed from follies and coi firmed in vir tues^ -whatever we have lost, the great balance sheet will be in your favor. | - t iT-, tbe queBtlion -ja ac if the Loda)kh sported some post of Da tai the pres snt et known on devolves, aut :ording" to iai cient usage determined by the con sultation of some orjaole, oi* Lama, who assuniea some supernatural farm and declares tWe new birth. i*L------------ AlfNoiLAR ECL,IE9E The riiost iutecestirg astronomical event! of The largest and cheapejsti* ail ktdck of Teas and General. Groceries west of Toronto. His Ci-oapbt ' 50a. an# mz. Tea^. ia 0aaa4a. THE PRINCIPAL BEASON GEBAT CLBABjING .SALE OF why TBB fhe yet will be the annular eclipse cjf the B\m, vvhich vjill occur on! the or^ ^he morning of |.he 29th of Sep tember* | At all Iplaces in j the United Htatea, east of the Miseis- aippi veAi ejf, tho snji will rise more or less eclipsed, , "4he phase will be annular rom tb,e Jodus Points in tne soutl i shore of Lake Ontario to the ocean. Along < he line of central eclipse tlie size wiH he 111 digits, The ecli jse-iwill end ^bnufc seven o'clock. J I | Fah Plj^tatmou A pretty girl has sent ub the jfolh wing definition: fan sIqw aged \ fan with right hand in 1 ron; of face Come on; fan witji 1 rft hand in front of face Boas me; Kiea ma; open wide Lovo; ijpen haf shut Can H see ycju homo 1 ' ' rel fi He was level full, and as he boarded :a car, | ,he remarked : ' Whazz sr name tpat c'ductor totk- er car f pointing vaguely at a de parting vehicle. " Don't know," was the (eply. " Well, he toldme go taken iap, aintei goint doit. I'm jus wide iwakes he or any otherman,- and'4on ; want'hhnmer nobody else tell me |mtokrna )'n don't you fer-* gizrit," 5* elucidated thei_ subject Madnem in Horsk8 A plant known in California as "rattle- weed" is said to produce in animals which eat of it symptons resembling madness. A 'correspondent of a San Francisco newspaper, writing from Montrfevy County, describes as follows the effect produced by this plant on a herd of fifty horsea on a ranohe in the southern part .of that I County. lie says : "They became) crazy, forsook the-farm,' pnd wan"f dered off one by one overthe plain, paying no attention to their mates or anything else. They1 were too muddled in thear brains to seek for watei, ^d mokt of the|ut died of thirst, Although they jwere wild, and had never. been handled, any person could walk up to them on the plain and hit them with hia hand, when thi iy would jump, per haps straight in the air, perhaps some other wap, and act as if they weie trying to leap a tSenoe at every step. They seemed to retain their sight, yet wou d loot turn'aside for anything. 1 he ' poor demented blasts would valk. over a pneoiniop without the si ghtestlfeax or heaitel. tion. j 1 Eooa. Th re is a vaj* 4iflfernce in the flavor, of egga, jfens fe^ on clear, souni grain and kept on a clean grass run, give tnuoh!fin.T er flavored ^gga than hens th4t have access tp stable and manure heaps, and, eat all kinds of filthy food, Hens |fed on fish and onions flavor their eggs accordingly, the same as cowsjeating Anions, or cab- hage, or drinking offensive water, imparts-* had taste to milk ox but, ter. The richtr the fjaod.the high, er the color (of the egga^ Wheat and corn giv^ eggs the beat oalor, while feeding on buckwheat makes thein colorless, rendering them un fit for some conffeotiotjary purposes, Orasshopperg dancers t i the. 'in, i " If a man saves 12^ cent* a day from the time he is tweuty^one un til be isihre^acore and ten,1 the ag- gregate, with interest, will i amount to $2,900," and tbe heirs will get up as big a tight for that sum U for twice tbe amount. 1 Guidsuke, mut^ said * housewife, to an honest dairyman,, 'what's thk ye'redoin' till our milk nooT Th* last I got frae ye there was aboot ft third o'twater.' 'There r're wraof, Mrs. Maclaren,' said the man; it GOLDEN LION o^ o-ttiei^e'ib; Is under<sellingall the other merchants, is because he BUYS FOR GASH AND CASH ONLY, and has 'resident in | the British markets two firfet-olass buyers one in Glasgow and the cither in London, England both d^ily on the S^ot, reaping all advantages fox the patrons of the I4ou, M^N AND BOYS' Ui^ CrtiOTHUSTQ- SOW oblNG OS AT THE ~ ' ELipriMT , GLOTHIN V'r i - V 'jr <^ STOKER NO. SI WYpbHAM STREET, CiUELPH. . -Will be THE LJON1 THfe LION!! Ia now opening PALL GOODS extensively and at such lowjpi ices In fact the Lion will sell goods this season lower than other nierohants pay for them. Bring your money to the Lion, and1 __ ! " . ' Otet Twenty Dollars Worth fo*' Fifteen. , I .:. i J.\ D. WlLLIAlViSON, Proprietor of tne Leading Qtore and the only direct importer in 3;uelpb. August 30, 1873. ', , ' ; ' TREMENDOUS Sale^ naving redi iced every article *to during this BARGAIN^ Cost and Ijncler, As wo are anxiovis to clear it-right but. cons ider it a pleasure to show goods. Call ai ,d examine stock, as - WM. RUTHERFORD & CO Guelpn, July 15,f 1875. , i ' i '. ' * ."'/ A1 PLANINa MILLS -AS II' Pninp. Sakh, l>oor and Blind I s factory. * "I BAOE Sc CAMPBELL, JMwnlraottirers of for some tnne t<k the passengers, maun hae jbeen ^a^ ither body's and finely stepped off to hunt up milk ye got lost time: mine's, aye that oth jfr conduc tor. 'half an'half 1 ^BES1 ^SiESEl PEE3S ^PRINTING and PUBI^SH^lf G 0^3PIC33 ., *, ^iadoixT Sasii, 1 Doors, i i " Venetian Blinds Mouldings. f Aba Qthelr Building; Requisites > Also Uakers. of-* lr WAGON AHO CARR FACTORY, smm a deb, lS^prkfeH^ Ov^er the Post OfflcelMill Street Orders for all kinds of "Job Printing promptly attended fc>. Lumber Planed- and Dressed to order I in tne best manner. ': A "i % - i - V' jg^. ^11 work guaranteed. , j &,ctop, JvifJJSio. \ \{> Qa|5Aaa K-^t 1 ElJk and softde tp Ordr <Ai 3UorW Nottae. wonldl Strrtt ttnM<in pM ;* i-tl r ,^oiJi & ftawJl J9 ! ' I > *r '" Ue^elp^ BToiranU** ylst,18^f T , icm

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