Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1875, page 1

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0'f?3 if*" -II ^. M:> :#* Yolunie I. No. it. .L* .'NEW ADvIrIiSEMEKTS. ^Y FJILX.IAM WATR1NS, ; Business private At d -OdSc* attire Post Omce, County Hilton. .;. * CjcMUcaiti, ntrocnt.) . v, confidential. Glenwilliain, jps#LVENT A T OF 1815. , Thir^anadian Bank ofiC< Chxrlfi Uc*nt rai 'ommoree. Plaintiffs, Defendant cndlSboes. Ft- :/'- ,. A* W ftp*ojr lo and, diirsbiiU :edy - sites. .u A writ of attachment has issued in this cause. ' Dated a* Acton, in the County of. Haltf^, this Hth day September, A.D. 1S75V> _ - * "- ' F ,- ' p. M CAMPBELL, ES-St :. " , Qffidd' Assigneei. V ^V-OTICE.- ; .'^ b ". Any person or perjo'ns trespassing on Lot SSTtSnieassioa -3, Of the Totfjuship' of Esq&esing, (adjoining the Viiyjjje. of Actonh^or injuring trees of any iijid, or ' leaving gates improperly shut, or fences partly downj. will be subject to prujjecu- tiah after -Una dste/F ' F " ' -' F i PF &- ARMSTRONG. . Acton, August 20, 1S75- : } ' - :& ..'-,-.% CBA>U TRl Nk. TIME T^BIE. ; Trains leave AAmaa follows : OOIJ.VG WKST. Morning Mail Pay Express - Express I. f . Mixiki .'i'j. l I N*igh't Expwss '! ; ' , : i UOljHlJXAiiT., Sight Exiiijeis Mixed U - Pay -Express , Mail - |l ' Mixed - : ;'l 9:U>a.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:20p\rn. 7:15p'.m. .12:45 a. in. 3.:40 a.m. 8:30 a.m. ' 11:33 a.m. 5:20 p-< in. S:40pan. ."...... 1 oato l bush. n>.. White'Wheal'.'.. Tread well ill.. Spring W&eS. Oats. ...i.ij .'.. j Poas..:<.\. ...I Kitatoes, vie w, jiei Butter...... Eggs....,:.;.. Dried Aypios, .per Fork .... .'.'. ilavj, pertriti. ' ' GUrLPH MAUKETa. , Fall whaai $1.0 3 to 1.10 jltreidwelL $1.00 to $I.'0(>: spri ng wheat, (Glasgow), SI.Oo to $1.1}); spi ing-w-heat (red chaff), j$*.'OOt.>31.0$: oati, 30c! to 33e; ipeas,- iTOo tc 7bV,v barley, 70c to SHc; egjgs,'fier> idoxen. Ilc'tt>jT2e: >utter, dairy packed, 17c to 18c;-pduioeji, j>er bag,'50c>t9 60c MARTCETS. 06 1 03 to 1|X)5 1 00 to 1 05 0 35 td 0 00 0"75't<*0 00 0 70to0 75 0 IS to ft 00 .0 J12 to 0 00 0 08 toO 00 0 12$ to 0 00 14 00 to 15^00 FtwrJIRTY '.... TORiQHTt) Spring Wheat, wheat, $1.12 to 5?li Uy~, S4c. ; : " ACTON , SEPTEMBER 17, 1876, i two8hoa> riuu; Tbos. Cameroii, ActoH,' a i nged Leicester -rain, four siiearlini owes, two ewe unibs uud two shea ? riuu ; Tbt ActoH,' a i nged Leicester shearlinj owes, two ewe a rum lit nb~ Waltwr. IUihg, Nassn giiweya, StW twelve .Line Jin. sheep consiiitin j ;of two-rain . ajwbs, an aged run,' and a1 iiuiubi r of owe hun lis und .aged, ewjea, 'fhomjxs Boak, ' ?rufAlgnr, hai four ' mm luoiba ani two- shealing ;'LincolnS;' Joseph ^yi^, gar, has ,\vp 'I&icestter coin. itn| orted ; uiso An Cotswyld mm; John ituti sa^iwojNi, ati excellent lo^g-iwioolocj Leioester ram.' A:monj^t the piga ve boar^, Ja6 a young ewes, iall i,;Tmfal- anl a .Lin- iiuj>orloci' sav, JJua- nptice > |uad tow, rOOdS. ! A FOE S^H.3B^ Th* nndersiijned" offers tor sale the j ..jark lot iujmediately east of the Rail- | way track, fckuwTi as Young's snrvjg.-, in ' '.the* village bf Acton, ixinlprisjng six acrea, more.^r less. It has beeri suirey- ,' ed into village lots, but would prefer to ' Sell in blocb.! -Acton is one of tije most iji4prni* and thriviug places in this; -fe^iitia of country, and its prospocts for i .'/njpid growxh.are tgcond to Tiie j p3vate residence or mairafacturing. pur- |,.ises. For. terms and particulars en- ijaire of Mr. D Hendereiia," Aeton, or to . the o\rner, Ashgtove K O.; Esqueiiug. .; ;.;'," , JOHN jMcGALL.. ;Eaqnesing, Sept. 4, 1373. -JL-ctett'Fpee^ess' V.a"iKi HA( K1NEX-EDITOR ; -3aji|ijxi: QUELPK $1.17; new white lo'~r oats, 40c', bar- FRIDAY MOKM: G, SEPT. 1J, 1S75. hour shown,' bjy John . Huat, Nnssagu- weya. Thos. H. CatnjxW i, Acton, bus a yeujrling Herkshiio .oa^ for Which ho took firet' j>r;z James Main,. Irafulgar, ^bIiouh it' igoixl Lreedingl sow and two yot iig sown aird two 'Kiire, also ^ sj lei id id boar Olie-year und oyfer, 'Fuitter on, in' ttib pens, liftI shows a epic idid-sow kfild threit young.- boan. He also shows a. number of otfieri in the saiue cl^sJ.' Altogether ha has a ve-y siiperiof lot of Yorkshires. >W titer Laing, Nassagawt^ tn shows a :ine yniug bbai / M. lF.'Mo- Nanghtai, istjuesiug, u ^ young Bekkshi boar, ;un ugeqUspw and tW'> youn pigs, -'. _..n Iriijperiifiit8, we-_a,re sorry to from this section^ Wa ne very CE1JTRAL JBXHI- bit::on, ;. The fiftb annual Exhibition at Gueijib, litjljd th. s week, busbeefi in every Tesjiect ftiilv asvsiicqessfu j~^ - . "> r Produce,' Istl'ling tit [tha b Produce Pi Maxble.'^orks, Opposite, side fronifitills <fe "^"jjTj^dfellow's Fooiivbry, and .Year Bramosa pFitfgCt |, ', tiueiph. i VAIA KIXuS OF ' MONUMENTS Tomb Stones,-^Minde Pieces, 4c', madei to any size or design, and put ^tip in any part of the country, ! | - ; *3" Scoieh Granjfe Monn- f Rents' imported to' order. P.S. A. Kennedy fs a prac tical marble cntter. as any ;of ijes predecessors, an4 in some institpces mofe so. fho to Tbursday morning,; all of er . nibl .1 A7 5- ;-b XJrrEp.i, flOOOi d02JK3' br^i : Good Hemlock Bark Fox which I will -pavFIVB DOLUAKH ' ' . , AT^THF , AjCTpXj TA2sXERY If deUvened.-linsumjmer. ,-.' ' G.L.BEAKbMOItE, l^pprieior. ..-!. * ., Akton, July 1, ^*."5u j weather,, up was oil that cj)t being' lather On \Vedriest over l'OfiOO -they : iav fi'oni .early trstins' frtun total miniber ti.ioti cuusij ol lust year. &.3J7 oiiSstturdaj Monday^ ev*e ling Besides this bet* of at tides o i the bitLon onlv'i jespec instruments; c6ul<l be dersired, ex- dry and dusty. ay tl ere was said to' be miters on the ground bg ' lieen ]>oufing in lawn by teams and <iiictions. Tho thnjsher. Pal i'riiio. Waldie/ seel so few1 Stcphensdn, of Acton, ca net r being too late in entering his ijiloft-j which wasoiiiy liniah .-d Tues- :da^ iiight and on .tho grpm id but a lew minu oh l>efore the J.udj;eSjwere at n-ork. .'-i.We are glad, to notice, bo^ fever, ;hai it has taken; ;he first prfaie. This plow attracteii cbufiid- eraiile att*;n,tion, andajip|>aiid-to be greiitly adliiired by prac -i<; J plowv mett. : J. Brothers ^<&'Co.,i. of; 31H- ton: sliOw a combined rciijkr and a Lawreucti It J an'.- improved Haverhill, "o; sho'V a velynice buggy, lor they took second prize, tioys yrere shown by Matthews'Jof Acton, John ISriij, W. F, McNaiiglitoi and Mr. Munlock SlattKews had Bonii Spn, lH^apei-. Milton, w'bich 'gi Mr. exceeded those having fuoted evening, amPon o, neanv uid show-,of livel stock especrallyi tie. Of the tLE~Or & do. .j-; ... <e- jievmr'iixtttl'es f-1" ' ley, we hire ' 1 SAtE { . j is into; Cash./ : i wfllia E?con4 ;s. \atj<- _J_, "~l:K, 'pts/upwardfl , . iOLS/. large '" j*'.- Tfjsnbpriiberl>eg,Jqilnf<>rni--tlie tn. h>6itanis of Actotiand^jrjcimty ttuU. ne U prepared to supply. -':? 1 C,000. tru a' large ntim- Stound for evhr-' ny in musical ibitchinery. -The s; truly splendid and cat- idiffe rent horses/there ure 39 ) entries 160; gr4.iu etc, bir tries for conijie-J samples oflarjre onions, but James Allan,: . 2sques-: oF Eiin.. s >Ieinlid i they were not j'nife rijie, theyj iniied 'ta take" a pi'izL'. j L*':, ! V ;";liiside thc|palac, there is a veiy tine'.display jef" things tisVfj il laud things ; ornatnentid." Tile I south wing is^occupied with-stovesi furni--4 ture, sewiijgr machines,' harllwiure, etc.,^the w4st with'fruits i nci flow- erSj'the eaJt with har<l\vari, fstt'am engines, .micbihery, dairy inflicts, etc., the north with [>ainti igij, pho^ tograpb8, ]other pictures,' 'fiQwei-s, dosses of j etc, aud'd^e centreis uiaiijilyj filled ice dairy 350'; sheep iryv 403.; hops 6; roots. gaj-den^prbd Bowers \33G-; agi'ictiltorid 160.; carriag*|8, :Btc ery, castings work,-250; tin uianufaetdj ins. etc.,- 19 cattle >igs 168; poul- id. seeds/"290; ;82rfniits 657; -; plants and pebdiice .243-; ^mplen ents -26; machin- etc., 46. Of ladies $ne arfls -200; domes- res 90 c pa|>er; print- A with music tl instruments; Up stain .jwe have a vlprj) nice display of"various,kinds if ilaiidi work, the 1 idies occupying a; lai-ge projtortiOtt j:the spaced wtU their amaiineiital work. At th6 h ;ad of the stairs very nice specimens; of :""j ~t ^i' " fancy M1*! J slter-press priiiitipg' are and tools .8howu-by l|nnes & Davidscjii j< f the : uaturil history 29:; -class Bread, BtuisilCakes '- Blscuj^ts, etc] - '\i-..- { " ' I'"'/'-' .-""Iti-.:.. every dajr^^dpllverefljal. tbeir bouse*. !' , " "\ ' '-[. ' 4 WEOOINQ OAKES ': . ilade Jo onler In the Idlest s'tyiea and at ; reaaiiible charRfcs. ' ' ^&-Highest price in Cash palJ for Kggs. [ \ -m.' ! --1 \.i\ ..' ' r d. OALU)WAy. Aetonl SnirX &K. _ - 1 i\ '-' lie price #543 " ' ::l th 37Joraa^ |IMS *e h*v? DC ill and; bjj Lrtiaejits I the kind V[i- 'si . ^ r jaii^ "&m. |N &POi, ;'. ,-- GebrgeWifEl H ^)fEI^Y^$^LES-irABL^ '_ i.v. Aulas] :. Take*preasnre' In announcing", to.. the r PUUogenerally tbat'. lie- U pi'epaied to ; - : furnish . ' I . f.; / ' Wat^euw'SUau aad Oarxlftgres _. ' i At Beasonable Eateii ; ' ^f^ffxVnd Hore are the best GmU tZlS^ *ad' ad be n> aeterrnlnea not w Marpae<l bv a'nr aty BUibUr^ .;_ Aeton July. Isi, I87*y ; - jjt***1 fL011* Miiis. '"v iCti K. KiCKLlil, Proprietors: " wholesale and retail V\Gnxting and T-. popping Daily. O^i for all'kinds of 9 metal wiork 6); wop eQj cotton-and, flax goods Ji6 liesides' a great many other a -tides '] too numerous to mention.' Taking a . walk .through \ the jroundt on- Wednes day f we rio'tic id. quit< a nvintber of animals and article i from this county and ricirLity : Mr;-Hen) Mullen, of E* juesing, shows a verj niceT dark b y year! ing jpplt, 15 hands higby si id to w^ igh 9^0"'lbs: y Michae! Lyoi s, of .^al.t<^ville, a tiiree-year; od blwd 1 filly j J Brownridge, if ;Esqu3sinjgf"-has t handsome far n ieam, !a bay filly and a brdwn gelding' ;David Gal loway, Acton a.j fine sorrel road. 8ter; j. Task* r,'<if JMilton.ia bli^ck roaduter abeaio W. Bei gw,| of ilil- tori. a road/iiid carriagfe sUllion and a pair of sorrel ro idsfcers ; D. Loney, ErinHa "ybung black stal- lion; W. &'J Young, Erin, a sixl year-old agrici Ituml stt Hion ; Donj aid . MiiTavisl i, \ Nassi gaweya, d roadster-mare and a y sarlingistal- lion j James E raser, Hn lton,'a five- year-old saddh mare; I, ^faiSjhall, Georgetown.a ;ive-yeat-< Id rp^ater; mare;'T. "Clark, Georgetown, a handsome roai feter; Jd m Miller^ Hornby, a sad( ;}e horsey nd-an iron gi>ey tboroughl red stani^n^Ttoland. Orrv Trafalgar, ft.pair bhek match-! ed roadsters.7 ' There is aifi lelotof el eep', of the varitfus ^grailej, all tie leadiisg breeders ip'thil section ( f Ontario beJng well ijepresentet. J3fdney PAOHifeiTioWj-^Tbe E|i^pkia-j was, submitted to the Lrofc^i Ftibce Edwaid County; on 13a Said., of "AcPnTshc^ l^^-^jJ^r^X^^^^L two Leicester SjiCoraprising five " "" -""""" shearling: ewes, "five Cam* lianireed shearling .rams and three -imported ewe Iambi, ah. aged lamb' n ims; two ind two n m lambs; ewes; a pair of 'ram, and- fiw shearling ewes Thoa Wilson, and four long >rooled ran lambs; Nassagaw >ya> has a. Guelph Mhcury, arid b* J . !H.- Hacking: cf Guelph and i ctou, ealch of whem took ,fii-st_and t tcofld prizes in the diffeient classes. Fur ther on wer: beautiful specimius.of- ornamentalpenmanBhip.frcjm ialt; some lithographs, from "o; into; hair work Iby :.-31isses An c!r w j of Guelph,"'; and ilissj Stricila d.'of Oshawa;' F. Knowles; 4hen came! beail.-oiik,". fancy wool wurk^.. braiding tit;-an interesting c.isplay of natural ^8itie8,,8helli y fossils etc, factbj home-made carpeta, cloths, rugs, et^eU. The prize lb t not bebad'i i time for! this issue. Bishop Bourgei bab Wrat'b'n a letter to the that iflfresb Mont|al jiress Gqibord affa ir, in- which cur/i- -and lilts, rould ek'a efforts are! made troduce the body of Guiborj o| the ie says |):in- into the [Catholic cemetery thS J lace inhere it lay Will beimiiiediatel rm-- fcerdicted, ami looked upon-jiu t^ce- forth as a ci rsed place^ to aje I leld re- i i am {) the: 1 in execratiqri. He tnerefolre quests the batholics 'J'.to qttiet like true children church,", He also apnounc^s libat the Queen will be petitionedjoi subject. The worthy Bishop denliiy feels tl at any furthe> dit of mob h>w.wi I be useless, andtljp; fore finds a:w ty out of the diffic byfaakingGu bord'sgraYea"Jcu I)lace'? instead of sacreld Meanwhile, the 8u the Institut Oanadien has r; a letter threatening io jassa^siflate him if .the tempted. uneral ifl | agaip at-: of 613. ; This mu^t beiehcou to"'tejnj>eTance mefi,: and [&xera,idferabJB influence}' on public m^nt geJaerallj The large n aj| fy by which tkei:By-lrV-waj ried is another |r6pf that ten' ahee principles a(B gainikg gi oq id in Ontario. I v, also suggeats. *: ai what may bo done in 4 sb|ig& coun ty ma> be done in a wholej prbvixjee, and even in1 tjie whole Dominion. . i== ] ' . The Unu^iltoh Times regards1 it worthy of note that all the twenty ^contracts ojt the Canada Centr il Bail way, awarded by Hon. A. B. Foster, have beon.given to;'Cana dians,' Thuj is'the line'on wbich, accoixling to tho 6rgHns,,Mr. McMullen was -to-receive .'this pay," in the shape of a fat contract. '.'.'1 mu |ni t put - "Yarikee PoliticB.. ': The Hepublicans of Ifew I Yo:-Tc State,-in Cqhvehtion at Saratoga, have adopted u .platform, ihe va-i- ous planks of whidi include' nearly every importjant public question it present agitating (lie minds of our lieighl>or. * j j i ; The first four clauses are of the plutitudii\urisn order. '.'Ai just, generouH, and forbearing nation il policy, iu tlie SoujtJi;" "honest eoonptu\yritj^ efliciuncy iti/*jvw] branch of state aiid nntionsl adini isttittion;". tho nomination olF cai ilitlntes known to be opposed every form of corruption and administrationj'--7^thcso are glitteririg geiieralitiesr^', The ishrnent of the 'canul swindlers is demanded. The B.ejHiUlcan. part t is iiroclaiiuedithe party, of econofnjj as attested by the payment of ?20 000,000 of jlublic State debtViti - in' the last Tour 'year's. Strong ground is taken against furthejr ini tiation of the (currency, ss a-coursi at (Once disbohest. and calamitous Whilej reeoiinuiH^^enei-al Gi^ant'i; jiatriotic aervilces,: ^'unalterable np; " position"'is declared to .the "dec " tionj of any President fur a.Uiirc "term?', Thoi. ffbo Public Scarpa.' is. declared to bo the bulwark of the , American- Repiililic: " We there "fore demand unqualified ufaiiiten- unce of the Public School system " and^ its support by equal taxation "We lire opposed to all sectarian " apprpp^riatiohs, abd we deuoi nee ' against liberty and Be- " piiblicari ipstitutidns any project "for sectarian";division; or the ]>er- *; vision of tLejSuhdorFuiid of the "State."' ' -' i " - Of the vario|ir8 questjona ullul^d to alxive, the; must i'rupo'rtan; is that r-elatrng to thxs cnrrney uud: that relating' tp tjre school. Ti sse are burning questions, which will not "down" linWl they aw decis|ve-; ly settled! . '. |' "' jf. --.:". I.-. m r.~ i-r^: i. - t Tr^~ tt-;r-j> il c6cAL:'$EW&~Wetfiall hf,'g{^d, at FaslUoaabpe Wclddlae. 1 mil timet,, to.receive item* of local ueiet, Quite' a flutter of excitementpreraded . iuchi (u\apeeial church serriceaj 'mt.r.l- the elite qi our village on WeMkiesday I .fWo/;<^/>rance:or^r*oitoiM, mornin^ |A' f^bionable weadingw3 ; accident*,of any, incident which hay b > """""a- e ""T intervitiitg, cither in thi? locality, or, in | on the Uifrui, and before! nrne oc* tiie .country generally. ! Matter M this many peojWe were seen -going towards ^iind jfiay ' be tent jiKtrferf " PMtir's . Copy," at the rate of one cent pen vz., dnd not healed. In order to '.iiwibie it* Pfiilication it it necessary fur w.\tb:re- ceive it by Thursday vwming, a', the latest. ' LOCAL MA1TER8. -f-Iri everybody's tnoutb pt^ie famB and-flavor of Secord Bros.' 50c Meteor Tea, Worth 80o. : It has no rival. .1: ' ' , ' "' ; . -On Wednesday there were 270 tickets sold at tho station here, for Grieiph, and on ThnTrsday 150. , -r-Tli'O; heavy fain; several hours yesterday, prevented ajgood many. from going to tbo Guelph Exhibition. l-4-Young men about to commit matrimouy will find 'something of inter-, est in the card of Mr. Wm. Wotkins, of Glen William, in our advertising columns. -- =It was atrangeit at a meeting in|ttlu> McthoiiTst'Church, tho-other evinSig, to hold the Sabbth School an- niveiiary on thp 23rd ' December, due notice' of which iwiB be given hereafter. y~|A pic-nic[ for*> the children of St, Alban's cirirch Sunday School, Acton, is iu contemplation, and will pro* bably be hold some; day next week, of which further notice will be given. .' Messrs. Dickson <t McNab have tent in a new advertisement, (too late lor this week),.:announcing "the daily antral ofi! new fall!goods. Our advice to people"jf anting dry goods of clothing, ia, to call and ieefthiem, ." T.-' Christie, of the firm' of GhrislSe, Henderson & Co.', left yester day for Montreal and other Eastern markets. The; public may look out for bargains, as be will no doubt retifrn with ithe; cheapest-and choicest 6J the land.^; :. A 'meeting of the committee of the; Acton Braiich' ofl jthe V. C. ijible Depression ]in the ' . Trade.- Cheese Acton Society, will be,held in the vestry-_of the Presbyterian Church, Acton, on J Jon day evening next, the 20th inst, at 7:30 o'.cluck, to consider, matters, relatrv s to said tbe moire tjcpnomiosl working of thi Sccietv. A.fall attendance;ofthe|am ciittceis reojaestcd. of the . biggest" urd healthiest looking tomatoes that are liver 6een, have been given to us by Dr. Mc Garvini - There !were eight of them, :and they ayeraged iiearly li lbs each u| weight! The largest measured 174|rncHes^ in.. circnmfererice-Htruly a whopper. A writer iu jthe Monetary .Times ^ They arc of the Trophy varietjy, iand! calls, attention |to the very depress- Ija moat excellent quality of fruit.'. trt ing state .of the cheese trade in Canada at the[ present time. -He says that by bqd. management this valuable Canadian product i6 suflKr- ing great loss in money and reputo- tion this year, antl iisc.itbea. the rea son mainly to the fact, that farmers have gone into the cheese making themselves; in the formation and working : f joint-stock The writer goes on to say : " They put up .their own .factory and turn-, ed the milk in,'.'and you may be %ure they all Wanted a say in the selling of the cheese; and here the trduble began which; is going; on this season. ; Threugh the^rasjiing greediness of a. very large number of fiic^ory patrons; on the .; joiiit- ^tpek jirinciple, therie are iii Ganada tc-day 75,000 boxes of cheese over- kept,1 and almost reqtiiiing .a five< bar gate at the factory door to keep' them, fi;bm jiimpinig out. Every box of thia could have been.spra when tho cheese was in'.prime .order at frirni 9J to 10^ eente per poutid,; whereas to-day it is impossible (to1 Sell the cheese at 5 bents, so bad. has it become through over-keeping."| ] He concludes by Baying: " Tlie Granger infatuation baa certainly -taken!,, ppssessibn of;'Hbe : cheese ciakerBjuboutjJer^mr^Qanadarfind to some extent in /the jqgQ^bU Sf*-' trict and Eastein Townships. Itis to be hoped the lesson learned in the cheese Granger school w ill teach .these children- to attend ,to their, legitimate business pf making tiheesej make it good, and d^en d upon it there will always be buyers r'eadyjtolpay the utmost -frctipn - it is worth to them as distributers ' }&, the consumers, which is always more than it is worth to any one else." ] . ; w m- Bon*: FonNi>.rr-Jos'eph : Mpori, of the township, of North Gwit fimbury, an unmarried man about 34 yeape.of age, was found Monday afternoon in Cooks $ay, off Luke Sinjcoe. : Ha bad b^n, lnuwipg since Saturday ie itb'ui&j-siiice wbitjh time hundreds pf people have been searching for him. -He was >upposed,to; *&, a!jou6 OTe hun dred dol^^^i^M-i^j*^**^ he- was. missed'."' rWben the body^ was discovered no money could be-; found. '.' . .' - The-JWomen's Christian Teni- fa j perunce Union of Indiana is prepay ing an immense memprial playing ^Congress to prohibit, the man|ic{. ture and saleift'-tta Uilliied'.fibjrfcfs; bfaleobblic liquors as a beverage^- and fh ek'exportation :|f^ ^xo^ la moiat excellent quality of fruit.1 Dr. says he has lot's more in his girdei- -j-Messre, Christiej Henderson <fe ,ji\ Acton, ijespeotfully intimate' to .hose interested^ tbat during this jind he early' part of next week: th^y will Jehver, leither.personally or through the . lost office, fall acteonnts reipainilig tinset- led, aiid- request. that payment of the ; isine will be made at as tarly a date .as fuPt^nVa ' t >ossiblei as it is their intfentionl td have lat-wries. R ohtstandings' wound 't)p riot; later ihjen the; 1st -October: Their fall j stock daily poming;to; hand. Inspection is spectfully invited! Another 1 large? rgo of that famous, unequallea .and ever-will-be-beaten 50c Tea. Try H. -; f Mr, James G. Hill, late Clerk and. Treasurer of this municipality, l(Javes-tiii morning' for Hamilton, here he. has secured an adv,anta- g< us r interest! in "an established photograph business. AMr. Hill lis a nrefcclasB artist, and We have no doubt that in the wider field fof the. exercise of bis talent,'he, will not fail to secure, drie appreciation. His departure from the home of his youth will be j-egretted by a large ciilsle of friends; ;. We join in wish| ing hior every success in his future plJce of, abode.. The photograph'; business here Will be conducted by' bis younger brother. degroom; Oeor^e a, MarWr, ^ -^ ^ Shi' bn^uiiday *>? digging ott .the mbi^irjaiituid* |leadmgfme^rof^lare.i^^t^.ow^oi8^^H:.gaa /t-.; ..... ,^i'tiie.g^a^f to;^.^Hfc^^&.'J: tlie Episcpipal. church. The bride anjd bridegrooml1 though comparatively stran gers ; herd,! [were reputed to be young,' handsome, knd of high social standing.. iThe- bride, 1 daughter -of the latc'Georga Smith, Esq.;, of St. Catharines, jb, We understand)- a tieice of Sidney Smith, Esq.^ of thi^ village/ at whose'residence she haibeeik staying the pastfew weeks; and tliip bridegroom;' George K. Marler, Esq., is a wholesale house in Slontreal. The mar riage ccremimy was perfoniied accord ing to the Episcopal ritual by-Eev^Mr. Leo, Incnmijent of' St. Alban's 'Church, ihcre,1 ;aid4 w*s witncsaiid by a. large- and fashianableL'ondienee. I The bride "Was;, attended, by her sister, Miss.'Srrah Smith!, f St.1 (jJatharincW, and the bride; groom by his brother. [Oh the commu nion table we noticed a magnificent bou quet in a vpfie, around jWhich ^wero fes tooned a nujinbcr of baadsoine trailing vines- arranjged for tHel Occasion, and iprciented, we uiiderstand, by Mi*. Se cord. , At the close-of the ceremony, and after receiving fit flongratulatjons of numerous ifrierids and hctiuaintances, .the happy*, couple p'roceeped in a'car riage to thej residence of 'Mr. Smith, whence they!; shortly after left[by\train .. ... NBwa V The Huh; Sydney Smith has re turned to Cobwrg'-from^! visivtb lidrope..""[. :' %:.. Jno^Wttt, p,f Glttscpw; o^titijcd, with 'liabilities -to the arnouiifcp of ^!25o,ooo:i" - : ! - '- \'. ' ' -;'( .- "" . '. i The late' frostihas done -.considerr able dainai^'in'-'the tow'figaips"; of Lather,'Ai;thoiv!and Prfotoii.. !.', ;".'" A despatch {rou\'_. Madrid states, tl e resignabi'on of the^ Spanish Mill Eleven persons perished, in a. .-- * \' 1.0f>. per \ a imam in; Adv^xtc^. A daring rpbbery tvas .'Cdromite4 . ; in Guelph or "Friday nigbt^ia* -the- \. residence of Mrj Adams^fertteon. ' ^Fhe. b^rghjjri \ ransacked .tbe.ieiiiiye j^ house while the family were asleepJ"."* They'snceeei led^jn making theiif,es- cape^'.without' arxwsirig'iKny- of iifo ; inmateg, .tal ing \ with them itheek L -. watches, abdutV^WJ in" silver and!. ^ some farlicltg. of jeweliei^t, in \atU;; aboirt^40p;j It value. ' /" ' >- -i Jack jXTJ Jonnell, Vipse cpot ] breaking"pei' fortn'ances. have 'of, late., attracted attention,;tried to escapg*' frpto Guelph gaol, on Friday; night, for .Montreal. Bros. are jnbw Full Stocks\iirJTlng. The Messis. Secord busily engaged receiving andopenin^ up their! fall stocks.' 'indeed, this liv*. and go ahead, hotise is assuming fndre the appearance oJ a 'city wholesales hottse than ever. ; Sneh immense piles of new fresh teas intl goods of all kinds piled from Boor to teifing, we h^ve never.seen in;anyjjretail -store. .Jfhis is certainly a .widft-ajrake h,|(nse, and they seem deter mined to. makb 'it tojthe; interest of the. people far and near! to deal with them,- They say they, are,' laying in the largest and choicest stock of goods this fall that thoy h'ftWe ve; done, and that is saying a good if" irom por8oupus7 gas. jThe, foot and' month, disease is flpjreadwig crapidly^in.- De vonsbirJ. Therie were!two,thousand newcases: lait -weA. j.;.-.{-.,. ^;.v! :?.-..;'.: '.-;*"'. 'j.-Thirty-fiviB lives were. lost- on Kew-Oalenirs steaniei-s during .'the .first hulf bfi-this year, 4wenty-one byi'fii'o. " .! \ -r. ..'. The wine-'cropofFrance.fdr-18T5i is estimated; at S;l 00,000 gallons, a , ful^ yield; .!' ' ! . ,; -' Twen^y-ojie -millions of ha-W been j sp.. far.,, subscribed in F/'am^e.-for tlie sufferera bj-' iiiunda> tjipjO. -V ..j///>-.;'r,'. .-.' preparaiipnsjare making in Italy for (the celebration af the fpur liun- dreath anrfiyeiiifiry of-Michael An- gelo'B4)iiHh|ayv-' j: ;-/ ".:' - \. The Dnnean by-IaW was carried Tueiiayin ifae township:'.dEv Kingr stom'!.' ! - '.- \ '-. .'No^THEii. Now is tie time to improve? the. appearance, to improve the cdikfort,-and en lance, the .Value of your buildings by .gi ring them a coat of paintj!and making^-t leib more: pleasing to ^tlr^[|(yet and' tni re valuable if -yon Want! jtoi selL L Seco d: Bros.. Jaave all kinds of paintaj oils, varnishes, <tc. , -. '- " !"j-'|-TC " ' f - ' . ' ' -' -." ' ' ' N)6|W"; Goops^^-pew table rand pocketi:03uttlery, te1and tablespoons, nicklq^aud plated foi ks, cruits, &c, of all kind^lin great yaj jety,.jfUst; opening out at'Seoord Bros.* 1 , -3 ;ros.B j "1 of joy1^and gratitude : pon the face'of !a lady when, aner-;,'i tamdeinstdnn; jste observes the siin lani -the rainbowj and listens to the fo4gs f the.biids. Biit that expression I of jo ' and gratitude is; liot the fiftieth part o a circumitsiice to the state ^of herjfeeliri 3 when during an examihatipn,'6fj ibe. tiek of. Christie," Henderson & C&i sbj discovers .such>: splendid-line of Black Lfiatres as'the far famed and jastl; r-'bolet rated Tiger Brand,' at such' remark My J ow.^nces.,". :Their fambus 50c Tea far su -paaSes any' imita tion yet offered. 'The notice of Ins61veucy-aginst -ipnot' B*id H&?-]* fy* Pf^^. wdl.^e; w '-"'. w ,v ' , ir handed in toCoU3t for collection. Mr, Chaa. Dean, harness maker, of' thu. Tillage, as published in an other coliim/i, is entit/ed td. word of itplanation. We, are^ informed jtha'ti the action' taken^y -the Bank of:.Commerce la, the result of a ACOOD ^fS BEADY. -: Messrs. Sec >fc] Bros, would res-- pectfully. intinji tie' to' their friends.and customers that 1 hey are, now niabfngiont all accounts, ai d Would be - obliged if their, friends, when .^-Siting! the store; would ask for weir aocbiuits. _'%Ve ttiU'1 deliver aBlmanyja9:ppssible through '"the. post* office, that (being the quickest and best way of rendering them ;our cUsto- mdrs are, ao numerous and spread over bo wipe a territory, that it would cost ns at least a hundred dollars and a month's tiraa to visit tHem! :all and make col lections personally.; hence it will be im- jsibleforwi tqd *> ' : 1 ^ - 1 )Ve wouldi;ah)o i wish to remind our" friends! *nd customers that all accounts on pur books are dfie on the .1st October, and must beiipai< then, as w:o have very heavy.'.en^agemei Fta! to meht during that month; and will eijuire to; collect every, dollaf due ns by that'tima, - -I "; Our customers we are i-happy j<i s^y, arc all of tho' first -class kind, and we feel assured that the) will all make an effort to settle their accqjunts promptIy,jnd. thus enable us to! do .'the same. Tnis has exceed'igly. hard season on nK;r<J^ta J^ner illy, and on that ac count We jrou'lil t sk byr friends,to make a special effort nr otrr behalf, "knowing as they welldo th at We do not unreason^ pieoi ofrsharp practioe.oa the. part bf a Toronto wholesale firm with wlio; n Mrv Dean had been dealing: m !'!;- - The,-Grand Trunk water.tfl?ik,' wodd-shedf aiid. about l,200f cords of wood were bnriied1 at Duiinvfll^ on Saturday hig'ht. .,."'. .1/ ."vTalRable deposits of copper pre htive^heen. dfecovered ufe Gaiarus, Cape Britpn.^-Mt is;represented as beins.iqnal to theoreat'S&lt^pove, Ne^fburidlantL;' -' 'J: ": v ; four . or five houses iri; WooSsoock were'-en- il- tered by builg^rs, arid .money gnd yalimbles's^bljin.' '* h?:'.i : ':', ;!, Tlje Miltooj Nevi'sijs' 'thifc the; work done on the^ci^edit valley raitw^y^ in ihk; cbuirtyr cifc Haltptr," is fast goi ng ta destruction,:.":'.!. Tlr'p :. WMrhstock; Ai -Port Dover Railroad is now 'completed" tov Bnr- ge8srille; abotr|t 10 inile^; :, south \of Woodstock."! ' iOnj Saturday nigh t twolstorea; irr Watford were;entered ,'byi burglars, and'aqqanlity'.bf goojilfi^taken from ih.-' ' rump'r that Mi] ke some in jGrcat'Western Cbilders will shbfet- ofEcial chanjges in m fprce. . v'" jet lias^ writtcn^jto presi f'and ^Bishop >^L^cl|[.^:^eVTar6nt^^p'ros^,.^ene the Guibor&aflair. "' the'Greiit Wi ..Bbaiop .Bon Ihe""' Montreal Pveborts ol" hnrrj.qanes at tffl seriou ward ..Islands^and damage to vesspls continue.;to"be -receivedi, :Byi|her foundering iof (be^team barge jplpndota, oil- Lake', Michigan rsdjiy '1 yiifc,.,.thirteen per^. re.lost.r ud;s&yen;,si.\'ed. e rates 1 a'tfe been reduced to -five ceri s a word, arid;-':the f the pi! ,ce "frpmi which mes-- i-iginated wrlFbe'transmrtted charfge, had secreted., Ijis Work was dis^byerid by the. gadterj^and. hfj wr in fiitureT '" The BrpoJfiyn candal!,is .l>efore:lbe;ptiblic by .a lett^r...twm Mojiitou to 1 i*ietric^Attoniey. Bttt; ; ' ton! who!--hndr-reeommended;-% -: BoeclTer not i;ib- proceed ' agaiiis^ ';'. Moutjbn for -libeL1- In'-fthe letter^!: Motillon deniaiids tliat. the charges.:*; against him i\ e investigated as soon. :; as. {Kissible, Beeclrer. \uits willing '. to adopt the ingg'istiou of the Di*-;.'!' "trict-Attoi-ne:\-~:- i - ' " 'Si' -. -' , .- ! 'Jji'cq'ues\Ci. rtier Bank .re-openeo'7'- 'manager has'been^arrested; at the' ihstaiioe bf the 'Federal Gpyei-n-i; '. -luen't'fdr'i inuring false ^re^urns-to . the.Department at Ottawa.'.' S ,' . ' During tjri past yjear\ the nritn.: ber; of cigars ."cxrnminied;".' France amo:mted- to "-." 7if2,-0p0>-~ 000, Rndi/iiiafcifactured -:j-.'eigarV etts, .468,0'($,')0&" This isan av^r- , fi of twenty cigars ' arl Jhirteoji sretts for each 'indrridial)'iLe nilation ot"tvbmen ;and children ," ng jriclude( - in' Uie] calclriution; v Fpur stoirt-; nen ;in 4}b^eruih^ re^.'"' <riirytwerjrbe< r tnen*elves, when it : ;: was -foun^ list .'rii^ir combined?- ; weight was. -1J at t Hittle. Jsbort\-of ;i ' i;0G0...1b8.--i S';: "':.;= .V^|~ ! ; ...' ' ' " in the.Cariadiai 1 Bank of Coninjerce,.: Montreal, has absconded; with" up-. Warjds -of-|2p 000, funds of i f m?/ ; B i.n^. He an iAifi father,jhg ap-j p-irs to be iij ilicated in the -crime,';. ar? felieved to have gone. tpJ+New, t York. A:v '!-F? ' The annual ineeting.of thesto<%- .^ , hoidi'i-s^bf; thei Stratford. & Huron j - Railway was hddat. Stratford aai.- Priday. hMessi s, S. S) Fuller;:D;- Tisdale, F. S: I)obspn, AvWilliam:-.; -soil', T. J.; darl ty "V". "lleitcber and^ , J. E. Bullock uere^nan'imb&sly re- > elected^irectorsvrj'\lr, Euller,-was i re-elected Pi-estSent, -i"n"df Mr Tis- - ckle Vice-Pi'esi3ent'. ^Therepprtof ; tbe.'Directors * iid 510^ *how| Jtfoch "work done, bat ttk>kifaip'ifnl;riey ;~ of the future pi ospeete of the |oad. -; .-.' -The- l/uckri< w -SerdinM f^y;s_: ^ An agitation is being eimle 4b ^<3)n- . struct; a new 6nnty';rt;ipf. 'tJie- townsnips of H irrdnj! Ciitixisf, Kan- .- idss arid ; itrclcj row in Stli'cei and . ( , the two IWawi dsbes. with! Liicknow js 'the.county'itpwn..; m -- ?-.-j W. m & * i' 1 > - - J :-\r'>?il i'-l *'-' F-.'-- ?!1 ' 3^ 'Fall met ting'of,'the Ettmfl-,:<>ccurred near ton and Drivin<; Park 1 Association takes; ] dace on S eBfeurb^r^lst 22n*T and %'i rd. - Thfe re ni*e tfarejs .mcesJ btr eac,j day, and Over 1.60p"fwill" 'bfegiv'*'" "Q tm~o *-' "i-"- !..given-a8 prizes. : .%: A young mair nainedf. ._ ... Who bad' Mb hslnd ciit off by. Ft)}* A. ftwr!. at whilst,, going irdnre.with the London exctiriiaa- iste orri th^ 27* i nit.,' hashail^tp undergo the am frutation of bu? a^m-, A sad case of) accideinfeil haj^ntg m ^ fF\.V : BelmcSre ?recex$lyi; Mr. Joseph^ Driver, aged aboutF?l_ yeari,vha'd place i a ladder- agtfinst *fVva -of tM, ban r,ia^d vas endes^V- onrig tin geia. I ittie,'gtiun to\fed- liiahenav fHe'pl d his he*^ throb^ one ofFineV sp* ^es of the; ladder;" m ably push1,for-jpa "merits. ,,-;Allvaccoun.ts; Messrs. 6t rprd .Bros, have ju8t received i^consijnnj^fc of.really !inag- nificent vase lao>E>s.>, 'By removing. XEe bowl jwhich sits i)i'|o;-'{he|'stah'd, ybft liave a beautiful pwer vase. ' Crdl'and seethbm. j - ' '" " 'F F I-.- ... ' On. the 14th lust., Dayii-; Houderspn, "inn keeper, of JEvdrtpn,(w^:bro;i^ht:Up ..____ before 3fessr8, ilex^cQuee^n. and rt'sdems they, sent a renewal note! Robert Joyce, ji isttc^bf th^Peftpe, for Ml"'.'Dean's;, signaturp, with whiclrito retire'one about, falling due: F As soon as they, received jthe note, they gpt itdLcpunted; and used the proceeds, instead of reh tiring and ^npe!JUng..h<? old note. A fewidays!after,>tir^l.firm- became insolTent,T*itfc both.notes sUndinfe-: ugaiabt Mr. <p ptfyJlmtbriijj^nd1 hence " the action- if "th&BiakV 'under the 'New. I&-: solve; it-.Act. '-..: ; A x^xMi^ wlMi.^^^i^^ tnk|-&6ll:'of the ladder gave wi^e^sigtied^lsrri^ur^of^cie-l^ culatioii in; Npi:th Ontario, asking |tbe Upn, T. ;N. Gibba, to become a candidate for*-thki vacant seat ii;the local hpuBe. *. chai1^ with steali'ng: $34| in; bills ifroin jtbe !desk > >f; Henry Hprtbp, jftj miller, of Evertpn. ^t;app^are fripm ihe'eyidene e. ^hat M|rv i^irtop: e- put tnebills in 1 is office'diBsfc; .and' i '"tooklne ninabeiu>f- th^nivF Sliori- ;-' Three masked men.:;entered house o|f a fatirier near. Aurora On Moiida^ Fniorningi and carried plT ?5;00p'iji coin. ' They threatened' to shoot jthe -owner Jf he^ inada any; .resistaicev;"F:4 '; ""! -' F""l:i" :-'FF. ,!: , ;,The I Damiriion Rifle matchfes , Aware riisished'yesterdayV ] The last > stage for1 ad mission \ to 'V^imbledpn' , team wis-,fired -and the na&es -.' '< 'the Ciipkdia'nf.twgpty fpr!*next year1. are published., X,--] F: ; "The North, Shore- Railway is to Ke -pushed\:forward ' With-^-yigdr. The: number of j riien: iem ployed; on the work'is i to.' bV Jnel-eased'. io ijpboimW-;j;: :f " .iThe ktore! bf^Messrs:.';^ Thbrjhas ""F*y & Cp., JToFbntp> was entered " "'iir Ingiua -Mentr 1-Cftl ly sfMrwards he ;mill ^tqires,. ie i>ving). lrijr Henry ;H*rtpp sjir,, in, of;, tlw effiee, Jfjie lafef away j for : ?t fe|^iamn|jes, pent to dr^aer thb was and MxkiD. At 4t Alb^ri's Church, Acton, on the- tbafcthft bills'.#' " rjst A, stable ^ U;^edig^n^^mm., aiid fppili*ifo. itbGeorgrana Frrber, dauehter "T . r 1ri& Cttorgl Smith,' Esq.,- dTst., f ff^ 4 pn reikrnjngi.fA'f "He^ei^pB ^ap^ aWnifhia, :.miMing.-;; ^dnr, 9 ted;.. Ht|rider'80ii, jajii^ihia ppsspi- ais,!"^ Hbi posses- ;b^y berides 1 minifcted td;G^eMi{i*J$& **b\-l.u ofthe nitfg8^^ sftbebin, and holding hr it rthere; Until iB'fe.: was ekti*(ct. "; -" - ,rsScicrot^jGa.f).' F-.-':- ^\. f e i-:5A-: LAB epMH lu.ouxviwfc-j^TOii. 0^:aF-Ffcnjl^jsp^ ^ . :Broolfvr.Uei fifte ot bimselfJn his ipjm-Mondify mpin- tngi ', He; l^ft a note);bidding i$k , triends :gppdJby<^ saying*'!- faye ~. Vgone .Crazy;",; ije had->>bt .tieen quite s^ell! far aSputia j^r^aad^d ^nry .recently rbMin1!* ^mA*iPQ!F sea stiore;:pb much Tlmj^royeiF.ithsct it was intended t iiat.he should cpm^ inetice 804061 "ugain, wbich> be dreaded very:. *iuch,F.and wlien eohiioi thai arrivj dj,Tift^weti his ; room and committed the fatal act l . Daring Rob; xb&%^<Kt; about oi>e ^Ccldcfc Motid ty'! morning,FMr. iSainuei Wiltoh'S; bbu^a, situated oa. lie third iebneessi an'^.Whifcjiurch," County?of: York, wits"' iMjtered---byt^f t' . '-, K . !'. ' I,- "' t ah early hour1 on Friday teorrij tnree nien in dwg arse^nd robted of rig by snne p>r^ri Jurrk^oWh, and! fi^ tbbusand-dol!ars, Orie'tbowsand srqdwtitfo^ of Which wai^rly.Tftnd^b^nte 'itielvaluibf $ll,0WitoIeii:; -FF^W gold; After bjakmg inthfeokt- The $dt&it;;F?mP*&^mJMw*!'. bed^PoriimTKe old mRn*ttemptffI that a cai-tam j-woman js ^ntdg * -^ |^ apMhen < he of them pre; lectm*/^.^ Woman's-Du^^ ^f^te "^ggf*8; %* ^ ^iderioe iitn iolilV still-*nd-a^Vf= duty -is t M^^uzcyfc. jj- Woy(f ^^^$1*. ' ThW w&ni .' V ;;: \ M .se* m- ^afMeasrs:;" "" Sankeyx&fc'tie.,........ not Jess' I |*^wi': ,F2^|9i5:'; j About [0tiet& ass.^ 42,269^^'patdiiisalaries!&> Home-'r'fitioceeded intbJFai 1 '- b^iii^^"""^' ^*^' ":-t'f tfeasix Moodj- &pSiguarded tUej stafe door F/tb? ptfeveoJ pebpia of Loadon! tne5 two softs'froollqbming to1 *6fil V.' ;tedxf&e fhwd adjoinn*; bisl.

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