Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1875, page 1

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I :- ..A * v for .; s-V Volume I. Xo. 11.} ley re now Sho es; ill dar*b^i^: / */ j \new advertisements. .c* DEAN", Harness-Maker, r.Ki >D Trains : Siaviag "given up business in Acton, requests. alUtbos*indebted to html to call and settle -their accounts at their i earliest convenience. TK.VS k tlHE TABLE, lcivo Ac ;on as follows^- | COI.V '. WEST. Motuing Day Kxi Expresa Mixed Mail rvSs- ' 1 n t- . I - >fi SALE CHEAP. yight E. ;prbss Night E :pryss Mixed, r AiHjSrsiV Rarneas, Buggy, and a pair i>aV j.^, !,' Trucsks are dtfertsl for'sale cheat). :'.'!i. * . MOORE --Acton, Sept. 1,/1S73. j ; cheap. & SMI ITH. iMiU. -.. Miked jsihe -ijl-TOX hoit...,. ItAUKET*. :4< da < !* * TW"TICE. ' x;-: ' , '. --'L - --rpyiiitow Any person or persons -trespassing on':Tf.Vtwe' 1 Lot, as, Conciassibn 3, of the Township Sprini V 'iidJP <if Esqueaiag, (adjoiniBjj the-Village. 'Uf OatsiT.^. Acton), <n?injuring:trees of any kind, or Beits - %arjag-twi improperly shut, or fenoe*ip>0i^C3j'ne|v;pcr|bush.; partly rdowii, -will be subject to.prosecu-s AVool.*. k . t tiou after this date.. IBhtter 1 P. . ARMSTRONG,'Eggsj.'. VActon,.August t,_lS75. '.-. ,' iBm-d Ajiilci, per lb. ^XTIWilGE PROPERTY ! R^pbc'rrieV; Iper n> ,T , '^CDDR R A T.TnT bMajvperkouT..;.. ../..< The- undersigned pifers, f or sale the park ,lot' immediately east of the Bail- -$l;0.~> to.?).05 >5 H heat;-(Glasgow J," way track, khow'u as Young's survey, ju SI.Oo to SI.10; sprng wheat (red chaff), the village of Acton,, comprising six 100 to. $1,05; oat+, acres, more or less,- It has l>een;survey-" TOo to"yfk; barley, ~ed into village lota," but would prvFer to. ilozen, lilc to sell in block. Acton is oncVf the most 17e to lSe; pi prosperous and thriving places in this . wool, 30c to SO. I section of country,-and its JprosjiecU; for ;' ; Tl 'IJOXTO j-rapid-growth are second 'to none. The ' '" ""' ; above is a most desirable property j for -.9:10 a.m, ." 52!Op.hi; 7 :l5p.m. !li.';floa.m. 3:40 a.m.. $:|fc>.a.(n. Il:{ ACTON, ; QNT^ ,FRIDAY, whenj those wiip hdvo reeoived oc- clesiitRtical bujiai iio usimlly in? 'tcn-ed. it. wib ia oturj'iiig out their rights under this writ that Saibbrd's frienls were UtUicked. . Of course, cxcitertient'mns high in ^loutieal, but the autliocities and nearly all tto intelligent and resj)e%^blo oiti: ;enB are tloLftrniiued to vseo tliajt the Jimndates jui* the law afo, respected. I'fw'p coinjianiD^ of; ui^^'1"- ^voIuntJOFi ha\|q been Kiipplied "with ..-.. P-"i- ball cui-tfSdge, and ordered to be in rendinisa.: | A Ikirge forco of polico * * creditors fbr the purpose of coni- pouuding %yith them, or the e^liibi' ting of a ^statement showing inabilH tpjr'.tp megt Uiubilitiesi an proof bapkruptcyv '. .. " of . The notninaiion for Wufat Well lington tul?oa plttcqat IIiiHston- pa Monday, 2f0th tiBt.,'ii,nd thqVpoliiiig on Monday ! follpwing.; Mr, Mcfjfpwan, Conservative,. aiid 51 r. (Sarbutt Liberal;rire tbo.civudidutca ;.:JuBtico Ayu*i|ii haa. Btill furths^ andinillitary ^iUy be on,; hand" to ^^.^ XV^^T 4tain the biw]larid.^n the br^:-| sn^m th*Muafcolca election oy will criah the the coasequenceis'j .^rEUPH VfAjiKETS. Fall ikeit[ S1,(Vi to i?. 10 ; treajlwell, spn Spring 1 private residence orrmauutacturin^ pui- wheat, 1 Iposai, - For! terms land partiauhu-j in- : ?' i^' iquire of Mr; D. Henderson, Acton, or to-----. ---- tie owner, Ashuruve P. O., EsqUesiiig. j-; : " JOHN MeCALLi , i ; EaquesiEg, Sept;"4, I$7o. 12c; 1 tatoei tieat to!$i. MMJ'- **? ) - |^EJj.\EJ>Y-S Mafble Works,! Opposite ' side from ' Mills & Gixkliellow's Foundry, and I>-1 Xear .Eranwsa Bridge, 3.J.& KLSU5 OF MQNU^iENtS jTornVStoaes, Mantle Pieces, j ic., raiiie to any si^<or detigu, laud- jri^ in any p;ir: of the febuh'sry.;, _ . - ; _.."'. *r ;>cotch Graniie, Monn- [inentj imported u> oid^r.' j P.S.t A. Kennedy is'-a pr^c- I tical marble cutter. ^FRID^Y THE In !\ outreal I 05*>l.O6 ,, . 1 Oo to 1 08 i-ial ia "Kfiin atteinpted, m.a.few dayn, 0 40 toO 00 " - 0 .75 toOOO 0 70 to 0 75 0 30*0 0 30 0 lS.toO 00 0" IS ItoO 00 0 OS tdO 00 0 12i to 0 00 0 03 to O 00 1 00 to 0.00. 14 00 to IS 00 40c to-4oe;! peas, 0c to Sl\i; eggs, jier utter, dairy! packed, , per bag, foe to $1 ; MARKETS. $1.17 ; new white oats,, 40c; bar- tfaee'^rcss; HM KtNa_EOJTQRV. MORNf \G, SEPT.-10,- 1S7.X GUIBOED RIQTS- lubt wetk, there -;S-, '-.. V if-: : mca Good Hemlock Eark /for which-I'-btKI pay FIVE lX)LLJiK3 were aiptt disgni.'efnlscenes in cbn- nectioni with the. attempt to bury- 1 The renja ns of Jiseph Guibord, in ,;tl>e Rojii-f n CuUmIIc Cemetesry. ' A unidiiii] mob composed of jSfc'^ic^K s prevented tl; nuente riri^ the dempterv. ! - ' _'"" attending the fumniT were ith dikcjidant vellsi* and re thio'vn at then). . Had_ urudently n.'tired tliere is that a seiioiis colliiiion ,.ve ^tkeii place". :' Ever riotjtht gates of tins'c:;ipe. been g larded by /a JJang, is nuiiijrpus, of the. lo\y- s- in t]i citv uitm the . French; (_)i i the'.. low j hearse fr ' and'those ; greeted- v stones wt ! ' ,1 ;-th?y( not no doubt would b ] the j tery Lave I more or. 1 est- rougl per Ci t$-~; < j> : pjhee wotild feel|ustiiied in iin-est- ingatsigbt. Xoiwitlistandingthat TJn* or Oo, -*-: AT. THE' ACTON TANNESY '-L ). If delivered In 'summer. -' '", ,: i\ ;G^L.BEAKDilURE,r>oi>rie!or, VfcJKir, Julyll, 18T5. ,t :, Isbnie of the a.ire-i churches timiance v 0Y BAILEKY. i, ;/- s\l the tnnb aill-pen ist in riotous pro ceedings. : The., jurial, 'in c'onsef quence, hus been :. ]03tp.oned itntil sufficient nillitar.' force has been collected to force an entrance. - As tht excitifig cause: of: the trouble, m ly have passed partiully. from the 'memo:ies of some, <,we briery menjtipn : few of, th|e-cir- SDHiB.tance 3 of th is ' cau^ci xtlelre. first-class Bread, Bans, Cakes 'Joseph Guibord wais a Montreal w -T?ie snbsrrlberitegs 'o lnf.>rm tlje lp- JiaMtaniBOf-Aciou and 5>lciulty that ne }kjPtepsred to supply i -. , J' Biscnits, etc jFrtsh ever-y dpy dvilj"ered at tlielr : WEDDING CAKES of the; Montreal vised the diheon- f thiH'i esistance7 to law, nave a< South Oxfohd.^ [The nonrina S?1P*BMBEIR (1Q, {187S. e dinpoeition, wlifttever *-ioaio( dindidute.a fbi': representation ncds'uiay be.' " of this Riding in the Lflt^l Legislk- ' ' ' - t^rte, took place!at Ingersoll on Fi[i- A^RIilB BOSS MYS- ^ Q'te::a rittmberjlof noniin^ _i,__P itions were made, but all retired e:c- xaax.-_._i cept Hon. ^&Ir. Cropks and Mr. umo.that every body: has ^Hopkins; both of wlipm spoko |t heaixl of the Charlie Rossabddction considerable ;cse in JPbiladelphia. Very ltttl has been heardi about it for some months butj ust now interest in'the cjaise is revived^ i6us}>ect<'d of coinpHcity-ib the nffair,. is frow on trial in Philadelphia, and it is believed' tlift trial will not pass :over\withbut l-e^elations 6f.7cinsid- erable importance ^regarding the abduction being made. He hits ad mitted having been in.timate witiv Moshernnd Douglas, the two."'river thieves'| of New-, York, who were i.Tho! commercial .out look' in Su,n Eianci8Co is rapidly i.njproving, and iiwi-ensod confidence is ntahifested in monetary circles. Air official noti fication has. now ueenjgiven of tie riesuinptiqii/of tins business by the Bank of California. ! ' , jPrtoyiKciAii jExHiBiTioN.-^Thje total entries pf live stock Tor this Exhibition, which will be' held, st ptuwa on the 20tjh[,21t, 22nc. 23jrd, anij 24th ihstante, foot up tD, SO;]5; showing a decrease of:7G) wljexr compared; ivitni: last^-year, some months ago shot dead while | The show, being held iso far jeatt attempt n'g a btirglary. Vi'esterveltj prevents many of those from.'th a western, section'"'fiothj exhibitinj- Horses, show aiargtf|fall,ing off, cui tie alsbsbow'a fulling cjff bnt.not s j larttf;'; sheep a/decrease of over on* once pre fessed to be assisting- Sup erintend an^., Wajling, -sof. the1 New York ptfice, in 1)is fc^arcb after tHo boy and his aliduetors', but the latter now has former p search, 1 all he e'e u We^teiv proof! that all/the time the retejided to bo assisting the---failing- ie was' riyillv 'hindering it/--^' uld.-' The Hhpory" is that .: 'P_P .hundred ; and ;pigs and poultry (i - '!" .'I v iGooD' YiELJi.v4Mr.; |W; %rall, lot 271r:2nd coiH., Gitnifraxa, recent- * -into the enAnv's camp, lv ^hrfe.shed out twelve acres of bait - " '" atnburited thppry elt was a 'f])y gent by. the cpiUjiiia Himon^t*e police, position inuVeme inuveme its life h.'.d be ;o, so jas (o be in al '* product of whitjhai wind- lof/all thf4v tofl5f|)usliels, within a fn to get ts and soi giv for(> been {.'a^polieomah himself; but had. bedn discharged frotii tl e force, a circnnistanoe .which m i]y accfnifit forhis so readify actir.g Vjletectjvt'Vi-when he was on the sftle.of the'criuiiuals iiUHbe while. ] They 'were old frie'nds of his; ari4. lo.dpubt >t appeared to niiii' that thej liest' wy in. which he could, serve tteiit wotdd be, by turuirig to account liis fiirmcr expsrienee and .khowledjre of police ways and wpiks. |Thedespatchei from Phila- dej])hia _4'ill now be of .considerable general interest. : j .-:'. J wavniii".' aix^y bushels per'acre. I forl'Garrv. action of Not;so bad 3nrli^are%" fALE r-:.r j)>-inter/ tile foreinjan! ibrjnanyjyears of a welbinown j rihting .establish I ment. ,Hi wlis'a Roman Catholic of much piety ardj fidelity to his chmrcb, ard ajm|in pf unblemished Siadel^orterin the latest 'styles and-at' mpral^ character, ,4-s he had the eaton^ .e c argts. . > ; k of -JSS^a gtiest-price in Cash paid for Eggs.-[ printing tl.e bishop's pastorals and other churjh pajiers he becanlerac- GAIiLOWAy. 4.eUa, JnJyli 1S7S.; 9*i >: r- Y& SALE STABLE :ji;p,.ABLA?r . .' . ! Measure In announoln^ Lb\"ihjB -------------- ^tf-lxj 7k.e , .. _ . ..^.______ __ ; puhjlc i enerally that e- is prepai lurnish' a ;7irstH:lass 2os$$f aafl. Carriajrefr j. At Reasonable fiates. iif'HU Rjga and I Howes ore' the bpst that i tean-bo hid, and heiiM determined not ; Tie surpa 5Sed^b> any Clly Btjibte.- - '----- July,lst,^875, -jrActOB l>ATII>SO\, MCE^SED AUCTIONEER Fertile S^les ittendadito ;in any pirt of the CQjfnty,; f.t reasonable rites.: fAddress;' A-IDAviDSQN, Campbeflyillg, F.O. com; f :Co.,^:: ; or^icwn.. * 'v Cp\attT,- af JSaltoB' "..j \&- Ei IflbKLIN, Proprietors; ^. Floir and ' freed always on hand, jrholesafc and] /retail, Gristing and PhoppinjDaiiy. rJash for all toids of qoainted' with piany, priests, by whomjhe Vas belc in- high ejsie.em, W a man-,J if sterl r\g- hpnesty^ and uprightnesi. . Bislioj)_ Bburget /was on&ofJiis jteatest admirei's.; |Guir bord; ho we /er.fbeh mged to a sokiety mailed .the ', nstifut Canadien. iThis, society incurred tie writth of the bishop by r jfusjihg -o elnninate from" its library < ertain > rorks condemned in the-Indtx at' Lome. Guibord, S'itb, t^b b .tpdred other 'members, cbnr ection ; with' the lEaiti TJufferin w(iil saij for, Cana da' on itlio vigbth of. next month.-. Mr. Georgo.BroH'n, pttho <?|otfl, has Arrived in. Tciroutbi,] ftoiri/Eu- topO. ; i ../ -!'j ,./ "'- ; if ';'! ' ', ' Ke5igoy, of I)un<JiB/idied (it Ocean Grove, Pfiil- adelpiiia.'Jast week.. ' - *. Mr; Jpbri: Piggpfs fla* jmill. at Chatham was'destroyed1 by;"flre: last Week.! ;Loss'40,000. '. ; Hyi Hingstbnj. Mayor' of --Montr real, a dimghter of Lieutenant Cloveriior --Mubdonald, i this; wleek1;; \ ~".:" ' j ,/The. fisUihg t.his season in Luke Bturbti; is unusually good, and the' Ijoatsffou: Southampton sometiuies briligjin b x or seven toiiV at a time.-. .. Mr. j Jiti ties /Fahey, lately; editor: of the Gil slph 'fleratdyhas returned from California thoroughly disgust- <id withi the "Gpldeh Coast." . Jfr. Si lipsdn,' of (Jalfe, a noted cHek'etor,1 sva^ recently'psresenced by his friendi tliere with a very hand-, soiree criclet bat and pair of batting gfov'esj . .-.':.' .- '! / , ;liThe!Gielph MajJe Leaf Base ball: Club, beat the* New Haven pjrofessionat- ,;riiBe, on . Saturdhy at Guelph. The score"./was -! Beve'n td1 nine: ' 'Heavy failures continue.ito take place in the-Statea. 'Amorrg them is the extensive publishing firm of Lee <fc Shepjiacd, Boston,1 i J. H- Macdonald it Co's paper jntll at West Flambofb, and all its machinery, was totally destroyed by fire last week. Loss $23,500 ; instirance;81^i000., j. * : i . HouriganV'nxe Jacfory, in Dun- djis, wiis completely .destroyed by fire bu Aug.-20th." -Lbss; 2,000!: insurance .0800.1 'It will bo l-ebuilt a;fc onco| .1 ; .'Hair. M./Hi pinn^n.of the St. Lawrerice base ball *ljub, K-ingston,' litis "jtiBt received an okTerpf^SOOto ,piay fiecond base in d new profes-. Bionai cltjb in 01evelai}d,-Ohio. i; V The iwollen mills of Brodie, Pare- Ibjr' ', & !rCp., -Peterbprb' ^employing abpijit sixty.hands, were totally de- sti-oyedby fire on Thursday morn- -ing. -Tho loss is.heavy bat*- partly covered; by insurance. ' f' \--~^ ,/Six.nie'n 'guilty ^of rnurdcr/ and horse seealiAg Weie hanged j-.iit the same nibuierit on Friduly,' itf Fort Smith, "Arkansas. . One coi^es^ed to killing eight white men/atidiln- diaus any'negt-be without number. THE PREMIER'S '.RETCTR^. Afteifii pleasaiit visip and a con- tinuou3!s:'ries Of brilliant receptions in the prent land,ithe Hoii. Mr; Mackenzie has at length returned, to Canada^ and is n"gain- hard at' work in liis department with that. Harris' woollen factory. Irru snor energy w neb hits always "cbaracter- CbUXTY -O.ri DUFFERIX.-r- -The Reeve of Orififgeviile baa issued a notice, in:accordance with the Act, calling the ^ifirst meetings 'of th > "menibe"i^"6f^Ke^Cpnrrry: Cormcir of Dnffurin. The, to -bj lieliJ 'iii ;' the .Council ^Chan'iber Or.ingevillo, on-tho 25th of-Sef- teulber.'_; / -': "if , Scddek' Death , iVi Kotiix, James Hodge, proprioto- of tlife Queen Anne's Hotel, <fied siidden- "Silk to the value- of;.* thousand ly last Friday night.' Deceased had dollars ^-as stolen frbm^a Mpntrealr a quarrel with a" neighbor ;a few I st4re lately, and most of the goods: days previous and had been com- lua;ve: V^n:ilind iPva pedlers plainingever-^inco of injurha then) ^S^\ ne*r Newcastle, in thig rffcjwved, tbpngh he ke{|t, walkiiij; Pioviuoe. . titiqut. Dri ilaudstey,fcpfbner, Ira* issQed a. warrant to Hold an inquest. Fjbe in Mount. Forest. t>i Thursday morning a fire broke on in the engine/room ' of Tanner! <t time 'the jen^ire building, was it retained bis " I" i l, Jnstitut; 4 fter. witb-tlje jlisbop, and appealpd to th arbitary course dii -hitttry. In the antumji.o/'.l86!j> he bepamo seribti^-; lyilLand i eat j for a priest. ;TiTe ttiej bi ihop'.direction, refused lift- ebt^renie unction unle'SR he.wojild verihis connection WitU the'btnojrifos -society, jyiicb- (Gtui-^ bord c'eclinid.'-to da. tpbord re covered from bis si :kness,Vbut in a; fewiwjjeks^ied'8ucdeniy. . . r The cburib rjefui ed to allo'wj. h^s remabis to lie niter red* in WS^ifcrafc- ed gro ind- )iA law iiijf then issited. The Institutitook tae-cansb of their persecited rofemberyfihfjparrje4tho' jcase .from Opurt' io Couit tijl it ireach> f, the BVilvy council of iHri- ta/ih. Tbi4 Citirt - ssued a degree brderiiig that a j wr t be issued to thenFabri|jue,cim'n ariding them on the telideir of Jilje.ui ual feestoajiow the rei nains~bf pui >ord to vbe bur- rietfia ized bis dealing with-public mat. ters. Hi; return to'his home at the capitttl last4 week was made the ! occasion of a.grand public reception, j in wbiclr the residents of the city generally took, part, and' in which the City Council,-us a body, offici ally 'pariicijted. An immense .crowd assembled at -thi St. Law-- reube and Ottawa R...RJ station to greet the Premier-; and t) makle tlfe eyent tnotje impbsing.a i-jagni'ficent arch had been erected at the depot, and hung with appropria :e niotto&v As soon an the: train -supped, and- the lion', jentleiuan ahoT wife, had ;alighted, Acting j Mayor Waller {etepjied ' fc rward and jad an ad dress to him on behalf of,the cor poration, and Dr.' Sweet) ind one on behalf of t ie citizens, :T > these the Pjremier'^pjied in suitable teems, fexpresjspg his gratitudi for the splendid reception" given him,' and referring to the pride with which he had bee a animated, whenever be had appea-ed before a British &s-' seknblage sis CiDada's tfepresenta- tive. Wheii the reeeptiorjjjwas over, the gathering, filled W;itb: enthusi- astn,:escoi'tid the fion. jgentlemari's his residence,liand carniige to bis residence,iiana toen dispei-sed wifh three hearty Cheers I tlje .disagreement^for nim/iantjlila^y. ; .' j ., Thia New Insolvent S^oi. We are-1 leased; to see that in the appointment flf .the \oificiul assign ees under the Insolvent Act of 1875, most of the <>ld ajid- reliab^e.persons new Act, have been l etained. , Tiip bam4 i^60 fovco on the/ftrft .itember. i^-mbng its salient feat- iires ia few may be particularrzed- 'tiie power making -yoluntary "'sign men ts -i i- .withdrawn ;[aa /'vent .befon he can bb' flames, and w-as .rapidly, consumed /Very little of .the rrmchiuery wan saved; The loss is.abdut[ $10,000 insui-ed for Sl^OOOl-. A. Stranoe, Case.---.An Ottiiwt, despatch, says .a mechanic"~-of that city'has developed a curious mania' and hag placed himself in the kinds of i.; practising piiyBician. Hesayt he">las an almost uuc'ontrbllnblode- sire ./to imurdei1 big children,. but thai feeling^ tpwards them has passed offand.he warita to mui"dei the Hon: Mr.. Mackenzie. . ' Tie'mill hands in Dundee, hcot- Inp'c, have accepted a reduction in thei wages of five.per ^cent., and !hav<>"fione back to work; Ov r 80<>. shoemakers ol Mantick, a New ng land town, are oti a atiike (or a re turn to former wages. TTie.spinners of Fkll River, Mass , have agreed to tak<> the..- reduced -wages, btis the wan era still hoWotit A despatch' froni' Panapp^lstalfs, that articles of peace have, been aigni'd :by' General: Delguda, oominander of the forces of: the general tfoyernwent in (he United Statt a of Cblumbia, and General ban- ta Dnmingo, commandant of the. in- surgnht forcea,so that all trouble may now tie considered1 at; an end anus of Js SVil- is voted /The ratepayers of.Listowel, bya vote of 138 yei* to, 0-miys, _have decidedto graiit 'a bonus of 4,<)|00 to.Mr. Sliields for, the erection of a, grist and flouring milL This is the second bonusf)f $4,000 granted by that town witbin a lew. months. IThecpst of the recent' iSamger-' fe'st at Berliii aiifionnted to a^out $2,675. j 'jiite-pxpenditure was flipt by the receipts/'but so evenly that not a single dollar "remains., in the Treasurer's hands. The py-law - giving a b $10,006 "to the -Thomson liams MAuufacturingCb.-, w 6n .ittSttjattord on Monday, and car ried. :by.'a-majority of -12S. -.',-TJie new company purpose einjitpj/ing' about three hundreuimechaufcs. / Mr, Brpugllton's.managementiOt the Great Western Railway is sim ply beatitiful.j; The. traffic bits fall en off so inuch that six locomptives, he/i-etoforie : employed .on the uiain line, have had to be/laid aside at \VindsorJE and fourteen . employees disirii8sed. . ' '---.-- .4 , : Tl)e list of Assignment^ madb the week1 previous' to th'e first of September, when the new'Insolvent Law- came hi force, .is = the- largest ever made in the same time in Can- aday.- Iri Ontario .there arte thirty- four, aiid in'Montreal alone twenty- four.!- r i! -i"-; . - t- j T^ere is a beiottfiil expression of joj and gratitude upbn the face of a ladyHwhen, after a- thtmderstorm, she ob^er res the-un and, the rainbow, and li8#si] 3 to th<r [songs of ^he birds, but that i :xprei!6ion of joy and gratitude is not t! leHftieth part of a circumstance to the at ate! of her feelings when during an exam nation of this. stock of /Christie, Hgndsreon & Co/, ^sbe <l|jsp6vers Buuh a eplep lid line,of Black E^atrea aa the far ^fariiec -and justlycelebratiBd Tiger brand, ^t su< h- remarkably lowi priceflj Their J.,-_ ..'_ jtamoi k SQe Teg far.snrpaasea any ,iinita-, .P^^eP-:;iion\etoaej-fi!},i.'ii'.. .ii^L.-/:/:. !:: ;: jet N<iw THEy.i-^N'pwVis'the time lb -imprc ye .'the iappearanoe, to -improye,, the' csmfort, alpd enhance the vame of 'your. (ijildmgntl^'PKin^^hflmco^tof ,r f pardA an* mkknig ;lhein )V)Sfti_plei>sing a.dis-. .to thp eye, and morejvfljuable if .you; tbafc part if fcnei cernqteryl debtor. calliiig a meetinC ; of: his 'yeeki charge musk pay 33i peif cent, of ^ant to >elL Becord; Bros,' have all bis liabilities V'and the- lakvdirects j kinds of paints, oils, yarishes, kc that the wr fe of attachmin4 be -'jsj. j r/NiiWj-'G.ObDs.'-^Nevv table and sued tQ the asgigneeinstefed'bi ithet pocket ctrttlery,,tea a>d table spobnA, sheriff m pifvided by Actjof I860, j ^^^^f^^S^i' Jt**& A.nfcw ch*u3e.is_a4dd,fco lhtae',4*- finiite.- ifee groutnd^--Vn. mhich^ a debitor 'sbal f be 3eenied -|an. ipsol-- vent, and it regards j the jfap.t-..qf a :-. I" eat .varifety,1 just opamng out a# SecorjfjBros. .- - - , ...-"i /,:i _4 rfilPBi^. ^a^a, nfoe .asSortl- ment )f photo albums, which thejy^offer at a-discount Qf;.2Q per, cent, for * few count Qf.2Q per, cent, for * inbjr.. C*l|*iaw^tbiJ,' .}' ',-.' ", ACCOUNTS READ-T/ Mesisra. Secord Bios'.-Would ^res- pet tfully intimate : to their friends- and cus Jomere that they are now making out all ROcJamts, aiid,would J>e!'obliged if ^he i "frientls when visiting the store Woi Id a^k for their!accounts.. '-We'will deli ver as many as possible through the poB ; oifice, Ithat being the quickest sand best way of rendering them ; our custo mers are spj numerous and spread over so wide a territory, -would cost us at least a hundred dollars and a month's time'- td visit them all and make 1 col lections personally ; heneeit will Be im- pqsaible dosoi ! ". j ' .! "Wfl.'f would also ^wis.h- to remvidlipiar friends an^ customers that all accounts oh pur bboka are. due ontjie 1st October,' and must pe; paid then; aa wfehafe yery heavy engagements to meet durine that month, and wul require to-cqlleo^ efeW idolhw* due.^a by that time; .:/ ' l\l- J"0ur customers wci aire happy .td:e4y," are.all of the first-class kin*, and wecfeel asaiirod'tbat they will all make aaenprt to settle their acconnta'-prprnptly,.land tHua.enable'.us to do tho Borne. This,haa been'. 'aa .exceedingly.! .liard, seaspn' ,'oin jperbhapta- generally,' and on?.tliatj,aVr' count we would ask our friends to make a special effort ;in ovBri.behsaf; lojio-^ing o the] flMyfc)' flot paid handed h Thursda; i. LOQAL MATTERS. t Di jyisit n 0ourt in Acton' next :Monday -Regular meeting of\ Masonib I/Qdge n ixtiK bndayi evening.' | "H dton / Cotiiityi Couiitjil at Milton i oxt T ucsday, W dlin ^oii County CouHbiL at Guelph i ;ext' VcdrtcBday. Aqton Village Cpuncfl"triext (^ll.Oib; per :":* :,r-:^~ retiring pffiper $$90), n'ttd that bis duties commericie" immediately.' upon tiling thto neeeiBary btjnda.! " ' Rt I- i ;-^ Esiuesing Township^ouncil next Frh lay. 20th inst. . ^Central Erin Council onMonday, --..-' Exbibitibn, at" Guelph next Tuesday, Wedn&adaV, Thhraday .and Fridiy. ; - -^Halton 'Mpnday,.!27th. ThJ Assizes at; Milton on id bop ' i J ' v crops' in ibis vicinity have tuniod ot t splendidly. I \' The rat ^of assessnjent in' Ac- jton, this year; is only. Hi, mills".on the dollar. /'.When i,is thereanother munici palityR8 IhjhtJ/ taxed T ' ' -i-The prp< eedinga of the iNassa- gaweya Cp'unci meeting,.held last;Sat urday, arrived too late for publication this wcekj -. ] ~ I '-.. handsome brick resi4enc? is. rapidly nearingl'com'. pletio'n. K wii 1-be an ornament to the village. ' J ' '-.'. V -4-Wejpu-b t8h today Mr. A^Oi. Bucham's JEjchil iition Sale price list, and. pjolicit the.iatte^ tibn of our readers ,to it.! It has a basinet 9 ring' about it "which is ______ 0NA\ViA'ViA>-6: 5?ABKqivj E^AfE; J^vedi^y ^r. Speight, :se&nded/b^.] .-: Mr/.Kiik'liiij-that tlie spexiial repbrt'of/bvi the! name.-bf Mrs-iiWinskev. i' ) !"]-" the Au^ra^made. necessary/b>/ the I f^, tlje -,,tL j^e ,-], M drivin V "'"' - ' -; ' retirement of .the'Clerfc, lie accepted. ! .1 r, !,,-' ' LtJ-*- i' V .^?.^ ^l6n ^"^'"r' Mr, Speight, jtl^afr thei-iteeye issue-hja checlt,iHfeivdr-'dfi4 G;'Hili for the *um of"8<J7, beingi in full of salary, &c'. to datef -, -:!.t-.;z_v--~;v;: ;/ [. Petitioil pf 'Asa Hall and'i others- for unr*^^cn^nt8on.J/am:!?JiwJt", was laid over till pext, meeting., /Council "then adjourn$a^-rt*e next meeting to be held oh fhie-16th;inst. ' - ... /' Two FeUowff'Vsmoose with a; FJFTY Vr. I Ull II X G- S^QB^O^yV^V fei -i-<iii awajj thi-ow-""/./ ,^ ,;' out1and istiuinh'y: - /---i wasfin8.naibie/if)'r:/c>. '-v-"-. these.dull thnek.' quite refreshing -f-It ia creci itable to itbe' reputa tion of the Mesi ra. Kennedy Bros., that t]jey havef rece ived a large number of orders for jboote from parties,in Mflton. 3Jho superior, ch sa of Work turneidputat their establishir ent must; receive merit ed rewaidJ A copntpuBication ias beeii re-: of ived TiyiMr, Storey, Reeve, from^a ilr. Baker, of Belleville, making in quiries about t ip inducements pnjered by this mnnicip ility to manufacturers. He wishestp est abliah a brush factory, giving -employii cnt to j some 40 or. 50 hn<l*. He' 'wii 1" probably visit,Acton ahgrtljC DOLLARS REW: /.'. ',-'; j ./OFFERED.. ; Early-Ion. Wednesday mdrning of laeit week, a young fellow- named Dynes RuddayV. came to' Adams" livery stable, and asked for-a horse and buggy to go to Oapi-inge,,-where he-said he -was going, to ib- some ^painting,'And wiould' return the same, evening. When- the rig was/mady, ^nptlfer^' fellow uamed Travi4 Cusjhmairgot into ihe.buggyyanii the t^o'd-oveioff together! Sometiinei this Pi-ovince, during^ the day it was discovered-,that', ""^ they (had d riven- in ,a contrary iEreetioji to' what ihiy 8tated,-'and that "they had been.seen'dnvingtot^ardslfilton. Mr/ A-dama then Jde^paiched a. constable-iff Milton with a warrant" for'their arrest The. eonat^bfe traced.-,them'-as far aa Pidejrmp, ,/jvh>re.they had;\been|some twelve hputs previous, and to^; ~warthr5amiiton. fiisfead pf t>llomn^ them up, as le'should iave idonei he re turned BonJe.without tnakihg'fnrther et- fort,. aadi^ia^together iikely^hatthej are now inif *the!"ian'd!Aof liberty." Wo understanditkat:bptn parties have been Uvmgforsame:-tinie in feeneighbPrfmpd of GeorgeioJBTi; they-are each abput 25 yarB of agji, .iCuahnjan is married and is respec^abjly loiiheotedj bathe liaa for Bome'tir^i'e "borne a bad elaracter. The hprse.ia a dark .bay, about .lSiianda' highV seyeniyears old, valued t abou^JlOO. Mr. Adamai offers a reward of 20 fo| such information as will lead to theire- toik fHgb^'on aj-iproach'jing th,i/ jwMte Wit ge, and' ~' "i .inff the^ v ^ninii-Put-1 h'ein so th it'she; wasfinsenaibie; souse-'titii'!,' She wis. tak^ri'hiio Mr. John Kennedy's, wljercsfjeveiy- ,r, thing to rt lieve lier i/rds dapa* /D,'-. -.">.'- Btanlish as -sept^ for,! "iiapl-ii^ibg -.'.. kway,- Dr..Freeman was <stlieMwi(j ".' d'tesijed.;^e iwonnd4,.w-hifelfl |\'errf i" founji to ji)' sbtue' severe*/sir4fci;|-':'J j) .aboUt hgf liicCj artd ^i|i ahgulafe CuS-:-.'./. On one"dfi ef-jars.^j8he| so_fi3r-rcH .' covered the same evcjiiing^ai|vPP'b<^-,'. able; to "*ef,um -.houi4 '-Tbq bpraeji :were_caH2hjt nea,r_ DrJ SIb<3ffl}bchiiV. Fall Stotkk Arriving. -The Mdssrsl Secord'"Bros, are now busily engaged!rjecoiving ajidopeninflnp their fall stocks, Indeed,'thhi liveJ^uid. go ahead .iouscj is assuming morcj the appearancQ; of a ibity Wholesale hbuse' than ever, j Such immense piles, of new Sesh teas" )and goods of; all" kinds piled/ froru floor to ceibngj we have'never seen fnaay'refa^atory.. .This is certainly a wide-awake house, and they seem deter mined to,uiake it to the interest of-the people far kind near to deal with tnetn1, They'say tpey. aro laying in the largest and Choice! t stock of goods this fall.thafc they] have < ver done, and that is \ saying a good deal ;;'-. '.'." covcry bf "thehbrsB and buggy', and ^V^^^jj^ t it -the nlsfe!sessibn: <,f more for the arrest and conviction of Ube thieves. ..-itis toJ>p:hPped thtjyimay be' caught 5nd;puniahed :.^)vthey^richly de serve. HP tEAVES .I'/- 'ESCAPADES. OF., A ' tTEJCWES"^.MtLTOif TO^EElHtS tilBIl!, . '--. GETS ! J!)S A SPBEfij-A^P SIEAYS i J6 JFEEGTia; - '. - ' ! -> TEiEJBIt? AKJb 'the^VpflSr -. Jl$FZBS.' .: : j. / Galiuc Abroad.'., T lere'vere. ten of therjaA-eiaipt- ly th i. Tl ey marched along. Mill street to"-tl e stalion,/ last Monday morning,- anil Srm jrssolution was' in every ktepi' They had h igh'forejheads and intelllgenti faces and; tjhere was a stern, determined look oh eajeh! face-^a 'look 'iwhich i said! tbeyiwonld die at their country^ calL '*' Nil; Despc randum " beamed from (each stem countenance, and was even echoed in-, the- trea^ of theSj footsteps.'. Were they going forth tp^ttle/LJWere'they. goingto thajrescue of. some kind' ofiaen- timent which the^ScEe! ipg .to blot from the hearts Wero; they gtting to the succor of the. nnfortunnte aud^distressed? No,'not ai cent's wortli they we're gjbing [put -tot play base ball, ' It ^aa an impoaing sight toi see. them march, march; each form erect, ,each 8tep in time; each face bearing that j look which Warriora Wear wben'the rbar of battle'is lo-udest.^ If; everyone of the tfenihadbeen on their w!ay 'to the wood-pile or the hop yard the eight could not ,have been mora grand or thrdling. ' | - > Vlllace Coti^cU. ; . Council met Thnraday evening, 2nd inst. I Present W. H. Storey, Reeve, and Messrs. [Hill, Speight aWd Nicklin.. Minutes of previous meeting , read and adopted! ,Bfeaplnti6ns to read By-law forJeyyingT^te pf asaasament for miini- cigal puippsaai first, second and" third fimej^erp^paifflecL The By-law was duly id' adopted, levying a rate uof four/mills on the _d.611ar;;for Coimty and Municip d purposes for! 1975 and a portion of 1876;- Resolution were passed .Authorizing the'reid'ng < f By-law; for 'hjvjying ai assessment oi the rateablefproperty.ot Aotbn jScboo] Diviaioh for iSchool.pu'r- ppses. h'TieiityUaw^waiauiy read and adoptep, lavj wg 4 rate "ok7J,&iris"on jjb& dpnarr n akjng!% fafo'tft^'tdixiif- \purp6stiabf P dy 11J Iniiilla. ori^the. dollar-.' A reaoliitica was passed" authorizing ,the piynient af tHree dolhu* ai' !|eas;tc seleotp^aof j urorai-oj ' ', I Moyedjby MrV Niok^,^ae'cbiicliea by- Mr, SpeigiitJ -tihat'tiie. reSignattb^.;of JinieV pi Hil'-Wpierk Wd :!Tre^soreT, of fthfe'm'unicipaUtyibaiaeoeptjwt' .^ .j?-"-' ' Mpvid'^? MV-^cTtani aoepna^d-by- Mr.'Spiight; thatJ^enry'E,'Moore jbe ' iA. young i inan efljpjoyed in. the al|oe store of Messrs. Kennedy.Bros., hir^d-a* first-clasa hoirse iuid buggy from "Allan's hvery ttable last Saturday mormjng, jfor /the.puipose !of jvisitingli his girl" in MjI- too, stating that he would return the fi>l- lowing/day;- iMessrs.Kiginiedy gavehuia bo veral'panS! of .boots ta dehA'er-to tbfetr, cuatomers in Miltqn, with ins'tructioins to collect tl^mone^ for thetnv On S^an- day he Wd riot returned, anl ^ie next day they rocked a report' --that; he ;hiid Been ae^nintbe neighborhood:<if^^Gueljijh, on a. *' big! idrank.".;'-He put up at! a1 hofel in GuelphTilate: Oh MoBda-y n^hV and .the. following, tlay started np.the Elpra|Joad. ^Jlif^AlIan iand;Mr.; Ti>qs. '.Kennedy, being up cotrotry -withvthe Base'_BaIl_Cliib, a telegram!:-wa*; sent, to .them-at "Liskiiwel "on Wednesday to come Ijiack to! Elora^ aiwlriry. and <Mtch the sunaway; In the mie^ihtfnie Mk p. Kennedy.weirtto|Mi}tpijtb;lobk;lftex .Was try- ^e ^}00^g ^^ aeeiv^hatmilney, had been, rts of -men ? c0Ue6ted ;! iia foufad'that onjyl'aome 20 or $30 ihad -^eeri received.: Yesterday^ iMr., Allan.telegraphed from^^iWrgus'that the horse ahdi buggy were.-.fonhdj. there,; "but could^^ get I no trace1 oi the man.- ! We ref^Tun from pubHshiiig the young/manjs name for ihe'ipreseat; trusting thath'e willrhirnyup dl!right mafewdays; afte : hehas got over hisspi-eP. '- '..-;- !,. i v, up^cojuifT^^ jopRi';: ;p MONDAY, SBP.J6T.1875. .14 4i .'.44 Ferguk;:;.'... ;.-.:. ;..v".'.;!)...-.".>, Adtoa.....;,. i..:. .>-.,..j^..;;-,!', V '; Harriston.........-..;.. \.. ,1.:. ActptCs .''. .\ ., .;... . \ IistoweI..v.'.!;",:' '"..-...'.'- ' c Actotu,;.;.;. j.:j.-;-;i".f;-.^-,._._.,;.. j AtListo^el,/bnIy';Keveu wope played,;owing; to twbibf .thei Aeton clubliayir^gitp , Wvts-lwforev tbe close of tie g^inetheiiig" sjinvj moned by" tele^i-ajib' to- look af^t-f the runaway;.sho^make^-f-^aia 'exr plained in anbther'r^ra^ril'phi.' " -We. will have farther particulars liext- week.-.!:;'.' '!./"-*/""" -S^V"' '":" ' "'"" """ .> : - KipPanaMon. To cbrrect.' in^-.mi8^&jes'.;that :tnay say* that tlje ifili tell on the " - .e .*'^ AptoIk-csiEVT. \{)ri] tariff -Gazetted w;4 le4m Uliat^! I tlicf-. ;!_:r- Lieutendrit Governor lias appbi^ei^t "-.' Mr.VA D--S^jitbeson|::of Vkvm&f ;.>. town, !fb La;-a ;:|fotar|j',:Pujl^c^f^[|^^^y ' . ..' t'r '--'p:ji v U :-n '/ Bas4 :$lix.^^be-[%nlio^/i^ .CiinYuiiiiKi-i le beat ftpe'; Inaepeji-j^'"--\ f dents of Mili^d ibree rtins, onfi.tjlii.j--' '!.:.'-' ^rouilds or -the latter club,.on 'the; i - i 28clvnlt^ r 1 .. " -"':'-':-:| / ,;/Rr/jfiwA'r?-r-Dr. Berine~tt"K.jlibrfee; : :,i/ ;-&n a way w ith: kiniilaso Friday- PJiU -aa\; the Bas^line.'-and;thrW':^iui'fro-iii/r O-^1. ihe bugjjy.. Thedc<;wii-was6eyeire:)! . f1' iy,s|akeri,-bnt yo'rtunaielyi hadi-'iyp-fi ",i Bon|s brok(ii. \ The.fni^dicine; eei$;j^,t ' ': >. Kufi^jBbJ,,ea<h ofithe-uftties"sostaiiji &%.. ~/^ !fit^ !. cbiii.pb : ud I frabtaresi^-riCi'i jr;j - " pygrl^ri^v ;];!:./;;.rv:-i ;,:4::. T 'TpE-'-PpOll HoUSE~^*MIT*EEi..-rTr Thei/cotnm^feeA'^appoin'^tt by thlj :Reel| Conntr Council\tq .visit ap li repbf't irivrelerenc* toVthej icpst ;ttji . mahag^cncnii of certaip j"Whsc$'fc i rpfflge- fori f: he: iatt^e^^DOr, bpfh "in Qa-nadaa idi. Y' " ~rT>-'--'^ "---' tAe^ tegticil, with a vie^ tbaylicix being"' taken by ;{h^-;'bbdjy -fcr|fcb<j vrectibc of jjx; fiimOaE/^MujtutioAf-udl Ihis/ijdXinty, \y:i\l. meet- !ai{itiiE i^ffic:-. f pf-the.Coii-n.:y'CJei-k, on 8^Wd*y, the ' 11th: Ui St., stfbs Kon'r1; :rf $ jb? p.niJ, for the purpose otprii1. 'pjiriiig . jtlieir x^liQltr^JSrpmpt^.l^y . ")?-" - -i-v-/ i u.s:^.'i^Jz} uii ^J: -BnAM^ON./MABonbr."5i1 . IK- o'clock -On sclrT'bn!-1 he morning of. tbei 4rit j insk,;the wa {on shop' pl/oahaffy iz^jDlinson!_w'a i.'discovered;; toi'^,J)'it ' tire, \jipi arc* omit jc^thejebmbosiy. Hfe rni.tiire.Tt)) -thb bailding^ kndt'vxii-. tet-iuls, ifc-fw to' 806^1 -<>iieA. mass/of" j, .flames, .wb'icit in lagy^ryi-'jfew/-.ttifc' uients . conii^ iinrcatediito,. a^'Jargf!. stable adjdii ing andfbelb^ing'%r. Efit for tbe 1 eavy.<rain.iniJifijajOfer-. noon and ^:re*ib>a^ day/ and tljer exin"tio^s/cd!';^hi'iirci\. coiujiany, tbi ^fire wouldiave-beeji/' verydikasthb is.'. M^bffy/| .Jbbn- ; sou?s'|ioss( ib ibbRt!!$L^000t;-!iis::iu-i" jnji-anic^,;/Tli 3- 'loV*' of -Mr; Wabjli, pf tfto'/ji Qiip snV "iHoSel, 13/-about - $ .-". \'i^ . y-vi-T". A'IDiFFIciXf BlJtE jSofcCESS-FUt". OFErtATtpN.-^ Mr. Andrew LaingjOf', 'ijlassagaiyey^ who is wealdsnOwniii!/ the neigbborl pod -wbere he resldeii - aS well jjostet I in diseases- of wattle Ahd 'zlioijs'es,! :-ecentir p*erpoE|njai/tt very diflyujti >p^^iJn^pp^Jia ani-. 1 inaf. in wiiitSi hia twasvdiisfldv snefi. /f ' .X'- \] mal,in wtyi!li to ' w^s^diiglil^ snsV lessfuk Tiie cafee in: qu*tibri. w'Vs 1 covf, bt5;lpn|ing to" Sfirl, SRofclii:!: Lainbi;'.!p'| thattbwnsbir);/iwJiict ^ / 'biiiiig ;tak4'i ey ddjenly/ill^ jitly Laihg.^" \_ < J .V was eUlled vu ^tjn'daii(^. it/p^'j ^^ " ' - "seeing! tjbef-.alifrua^/jre^ias^sil'j' ! satisfied" that 1 heti^k'^gbv^i^l and' as the tvoublc had ady^nced ie smfh:, alstage as to r shefer remedfnai -" iiv'ail,,;he cdncl tided ta^ operaWCupoa %, bftf as'tbe-dpi; /me*aapfteyiug;iier.H i lie their open< "Lilie cowls;diq:i*tnd also the stbins oh/ ari^^tobk'"Tretrei-,. [fi;bm' eight- pai sfnl,.bf :&bffi (wiiiert' wjeigbedV 153. |ioUnds; -Th> $8-j Was stlched uf again^ a^drtbjai.-'. j trial kept in:th i MfeHe for ^sjioiljile> qf weeks,-and" now} she 'iszolat Ori/'/ 1"3/^/:; m lifi i: the pastujBias well 'as ever.- ciiry.-\ \'"-'f\; , ;-' A / rjoXF^NCE :,t)?EBATbR:^r Ai " ";'" itsAyoiing.; man i -1 ikmfid - Edward; W^ "Kiip|.de,;son'of the "Rev. S./^iapple,. /\Jetho|difetmini iter.of ^reiitcaivtJut.^ is alldked to. iaye bbeii playing a! Ooniiileiieft gam 3- ti poa Beveral- Me^" bdist niihist^w bet-w^eh; Haniirton/ andVLondotii. ". Efe,is-about twefltyj ,.y,eaifs bflage; ltj'btib:niltv>ifih lit^ef or noivWhtskejSv %ud'*Weq,i,a.-iigjn>" - urDtbiug,' .'He iaysshe1 ispt -iobiaafe^Y cor on the ;'.Gre* it, Westcre^^failw^,' il Sa -UAU a 6 orj I bf-^ r^rnrsfay^blp??^; T > bj-bken; bug-iyi' iicj.'-aii3\fill^'-^iijli... stoi-y rreiiiitr ca! Sly. welV to cifeWni:-"Y- stance* He !'h^.- Sniccbedeijlim . -it teen rteteofs which, tell, on the Mfess'rs. ntln^^oi^ila^te'^^ noW.Metlted!6a TH^tefr&tinft,. ofmoney,; Hi | direc.tion.^ma ofwhiohttheyre^v^an'.otheVtooteiigii-- tfe;westward.. r?^ ;z'; 'J!J/;;i, "ment of J5. l^t4iteferiireek;v' Thi3 ia -"J%l.'.-/z s tr-i*J}^^^'-iiiti'i**u^ ^ ^rtainly the cAe^estitea weWW / Mu^,f l& ^B?}1!? $mM % I handled, ^nd'^oufd easU^^jnaldliO^ *./&** if^ : '%$ ?JR"-1^v^*^!^^ than tKejt'iaskrfor'-ifc- i*"140 tolpsrtm:p ratines, dnvehf>f m ,.:. I aecur^iiifeoa lotJof- z4&'h*j^e"|*piV.< sngir^t|i;waljf6'l sfe -::^' -vterK A--y^fc-ti^#^ -'::t'^"-.lj-:d^' M^:L i-iv '-H'V*-'-' j.', i'^-ir-i

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