Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1875, page 1

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/ 1 1 ' SAL iOS. ImOSS, d hTJBB '. fMr JVMEb MAT* w rActon *ori ricmity CASH j^ und nrLadi*** ly'e *& DurabdiSy epairing. has. EDSXR. what To sale. iy>"i Hote3 fJvXEDY BROS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ]ST OT1CE. , ,--i TOEE (R-oods^ fM-;^ in&y = 1. LasswareKv^f An\ person or persons trespassing on Lot 2$, Concession 3, of the Township of/ibsque&iug [adjoining the Village, ot Acton), or injuring trees of any kind, or leaving gates ^mproperls ahut, or fences partis down will bo subject to prosecu tion a/ter tins <Xate IV S. ARMbTRONU Acton, \agusfcjip, 1S75,--, QOflP STRAYED. strayed from Mr Snluo\- Smith n held, about tiia/IOth-of \ugust, a phite. Cow, with red spot, medium sw, -f years old, ahart-crooked horns-, a gimlet hole in right hom. A liberal reword will be gjvea'to'any person who. -will gp c-such. information as will lead to her recovery M\LGOLM KENNEDY 'Acton, Aug^*, 1&75. ---------*---------------------------------------- - - T UIBBSIBU. A Ram Lamb, about four months old str*>ed from thepremises of 1) >f\_Sa r on Tuesday |tfth mat. i Anv one giving iaformabon],^'iU^ttJ to its rciio\cr> will be. liberajlv-.rewarded. U McX\IR. *cton, Aug. 18, U5 <. Tr uns |pavc Actot as l OINO \\ EST ^turning Mnil 1)t\ 1- xprcss .xpnras i Mit\t iM^ht Express ooiiw right Express (dix^l pay Express >Iarl I unl 4tTOt Vour OlVli fc d-uls going West ar > closed it 6 ISium, tJouig East at2>p n, i Registered Lottos inuit| bo it li\o jmmitcs before thea bO\ o 1 ours K-U-itchbull mail, Ti: esdaj i and Teidaj a o VkKVOAT LO&T. ACTON M|lBHKT!. iVhrte W heat Preudwell Pring,\\ he it .lita ,T :'c"u) _ j ;'otatoci, ne|r, per blish V\ ool Butter Dm 1 .Apples pi r I Pork ' RTspbtrnp, per lb (irrveii Pcis per bij Jlnj, per ton In the neighborhood of 4t_t< u on Mon lav, July 2utb, & hsht colored sum- mi f~CKercoat. The trndtr ml] k rt. warded b\ leavins; it at this olbce TOOK SUE. ULEU>HArAUKi.TS Pall wheat $1 IS to$l je , treadmill, $1 ITtoSl 18 spnni; vhcit, (Objscow), Jl L2to$l 1">, sprYigttht*.tred th^ff), 1 10to$l 12, oats 44i. io 40c; ppaa, 4c to IToc, eg^,rper 10to$l 12, oats 6<K to 7tk, Wlej <loju,Brllc to lie, I jitter, dairj packed 5c to gl, A desirable res.ieace .n the town c(f Acton,'consisting of 2J acres of land, d fomfortiWe Dwelling House, a frame barn, an3 a .sniall - orchard ;6f excellent ' - ", ~ :.Kilbride P.O.Ir ' 17^t T9*k potatoes, jvool,: 30o_to32. TOEokTO ' Spring ^crtag, MARKETS,' Sl.'lS^Jnew rtr- fa.:?&Ilitrg at th* -. - :. :' l*- !-* ' '*' T" "'l -;- A>f^'^f nv >-V- | p:'JM^ >( ' y.r:. ^" . ": ' ' 'f^ - i. j - *.- . - i "si t r -' > *Ii-td-'!XJii-"-'T^ !iV Marblq Worlss, Opposite?. skle from-. >IiQ^.; 4 Goo&feilow'a Fouadry.'and Near firamosa Bridge, j| (iaelph. : ALL K1SDS OF i ^ ' ' MONUMENTS Tomo Stones, Miptle Pieces, 4c.j ma^le to any gizeot design, and put; op in any part of the coun&y;v :'Ci- Jf3"-.S^ofceh Granite: Monn, meats hkported,too^der. KrSr^A- Kejinedy'U a prac- ticaj c^arblepotter. te1 FVRIDAY MORXIN'G. ; Dotucio local con|tiiiiencubs were ls- jiubdla^t Mondu; KAPIK1MO. EpijOfJ _ | .JOS The }Yrits k ,3Ir. Crooks 11 ;urned by a good Oxford. The Kefbroneijs iiave unanimoua y McCraney; of -B?" didate. Mr. J.-Sniitu, TT WOUL1) LtKE TO HAVE ALL I'1 ,iny neconnts urid nntes psid tn by 'tue flrt day of September next, before dopUziUieicastis>sfetn. ' JA3 MATTHEWS. ' ;icsQ0 cosa op Qood Hemlock Bark JFor trhle-h l| sltl pay FIVE T>OI,T>AK8 -"'i '-'---r per;Con^'"> AT jTHBT ACTON TANNEBY iifdellvered lh summer. t , iL.BEAKDiioBE, Proprietor, ^. A. EtAikJ Agent. : "~ ' Actoc, Jffly J, 1875. ' :l igiunst the rec|nt 3ietsinger; B ifornr SomwaLLin J.he fcure. Sir. Thpmas iffihite; Jr.i has been unaniinon?ly [S1 >Siina}iBd aa^ the Liberal-Coaserya ntest, -Mootr^d; I ease oarifix^ur^s Qneyj' jrei inatW . V - i ! 1 - rf1 bodB'Lantb JCasb-'V J V - > -, M wilt a aeoond'^.' icni'&i - '! ^ * - a cts. upvrarda :-'M pASpLS, .jlar^s .,., ' 5Cfe5 j- -I-;?: I)|LILl4^ncl :> . < . ' i' - T ""' 1 : ' _T kale price ^1,63. ? j--: J-orth 37Jd and; '=::& -Jv-f-'- '1 lAINS we have"4-- ^. iuxte ail'sfeTbe .^ ' [artme?ijbs A protest has iorm M.P.,ifor Peterboro', 'will iiture. Lane Express, ii \its rev ;rop prospects, 6 iys th'at there haa >e^n a genfifjl tl ough small decline- ii prices, owini ; :ru iu the.weaxaer.experienced, in Euroj>e. Thej C on'tjhenl *lv'harvest i;abetter than:-w,is expscd. The .Hon. Mr. >ooks has issue 1 hiaiultlress to the iG~: .D-i 'jf^rRlNOtEji."Jfor tlie,afoinLs|:rati6h : partm.ent,- and ; Without such ^atctimaker, Giilelpb, T"~. V- i ' " ' Takevaava^tage of the Feee Febss to thank nisi cuitome'rs J.n.'and around ' 4cton for'.tbetr' past patronage, anji.-so- Ilclt*acafetiniitnce. v5 ^ G. D. P.VsSsa Hiipes soon i to make sr-'; range tceDts whereby jpntches and jeweU) ; ry may oe seijtio,and bom IGuelph .witb j safely, mikJ without trouble' and expense The-4ast niifciberllof \ South OxfoS t>. Crocks has issue:' i .lectora'of South ngof hie desire je states that; \ was to explain J^dno intfentioh: member \oi- the from the 'time oi my deft ;Toronto I'.was dpsirons [igved from the to bisenstomen. . S uelpE,^hliy 15.1875. 1 lature could be fing elected ency."--.-' [ "Nutior\ i gives the. Ittjays; "The respectable . .Conservatives surely -ht ve ibecotne "pretty. .fck of their di ily readipgi They rtrii8t l?e Jready. to exepange their The Toronto Mail & keejjic.jt. more must . The subscriber begn to Inform Ibe in- hibltanls of Acton and viclnlly jvhiit be ' ts prepared tof upply. i< Firatrclass BreatL, Bans, Cak^s H; - -,'v Bfocults. etc. " .'-}. \(-' Tresh every day 4eHvlred it Weir ' ?es. \ WEDDING ^CA^ES Mode to order In tbe latest Btyles apd 'Ml : N-flsonablej cbarges. ' ,. i .".-'Jjsi^ Higlitft'price I*i Ciish paid Tor Kggs. ' '?' . ":M . D. OAfcLOWAi, -;- jLV' ' gentlemanly I.' journal ' : thing that can be laid upon the fcablB of a decen; citizen." for rvT TABLE. follows --- 9-10 n.m 1 50 p. in f> 2|)p m 7 lf> p m \H 4fi a.m, 140n.m 8 lt> a tn 11 36n.ui 5 20 p in 8 40 pm 75ljo0 00 i t)o0 75 1 lo tb 1 1G 1 15ti> 1 lb 1 lOtj 1 10 0 oOtjoO 00 Q 75 0 70 0 34 tlo 0 3b 0 18 b) 0 00 0 12<o0 00 -0 O&ioO 00 O l.*J oOOO 0 CitoO 00 1 OOtoO 00 ,14 00 tp 15 00 white J,.A-!?p. 2J, 1875. till vacancies in to' be re- niajjjifity in South for North Vicjor La. 1ms i>d on the! grq^u d ot Corrupt prac- .ieea. ' ~' ' GENERAL NEJVS , . . Ono huttdrod thonswil nioney order blanks huvo boon b x>leiv fiom the Washington post olh *>,(. It is smd m Ottawa that Mr Miickenzio ^s to bo tondei cd a grand reception on his arm til <t 'Quobcc Tim Pope has receiv >d the axx mill Ions b. liloUars left h iu by the late EaipejorKeidinnnd )f Austria A nurubl'i of Abjs^in ails uro re pot toil to bo making prep uiitions to imado the Egyptian lrmtier The 67.oi., of Saturdaj, gives its iSsuul free advertisement to the Na twit tuid Ml Cfoldw-m Suilth The Adventists aunpui ce tho ixA of tho wpild foi the 10 lu of JJeja* tember, and thiir amII "km cL all bur fall shows! higher than a cite ' Tho Guelph Maple leaf" beat tho jSt. La\> lence Club o: Kingston on Monday hy J runs bcoie 12 to Mi Win, Hal], of Pet -iborough, who has just died, kit 30,000 to be distributed in chanties atnolig tbe Protestant poor of that town Tho hrst annual matel its, of the Halton Bifle Club wi'l uke place on Thursday, 23ixl ScpU mbci and following da>s - Messrs John Smith, of Lloia, and Joseph Shaw, of OraugayiMe. ha\e betu appointed Ofhciul AbUgn eestfuf the; County of Wollfngion., "Accounts from maiiyj different districts throughoutOnuiriov ai^ to tlie effect tliat the p^Utoe/'croji-this year will bo very abundant.-..' . ; - ' A, younj; woman of Hamilton on Friday lcoi iituitted suicide byitnk-. ins^ strychnine. ; A quliriel .with her cousin, towhom she jsvas engug,- ed, prompted the'act. f*-1 ;; .-' The approaching Ontario icamp meeting, ..w; the oM eunip ground Griinsby,;is likely to be ihejargest gathering' of the kind ever held Canada., I . ' i of Bast Kent' ele ted Mr. D. rtrwel i,; theii- can- Beforn M. P. P., been unseat- i Mr. Tootr. Gowdy, of Limehousej ahtpped^25 barrels of Ontario ce ment, or water lime/ to IMfe'ssrs Buiolay & Morrison, Manitoba j A weman wfio had outlived fdur husbands, and who is $aid to ,ha\o been Over 10G yearn oflage, died at Kinderhook,. in New York Staie on Fuday night ^ 3?horo is a child at tho Protestant Hospital, Ottawa, ^liiel Ve;gba pniy 3 pounds It is thnagjyeeka old and measures nin^ inches ^i length, and its faco is coveted with daik^hiifi Tho child ia said to be perfectly healthy. J , Tho WaUcwfbtt Tdtteopd *aj^ " Tho fall whea^t is about all har vestdd, but owing to the rcafc amouiit of rain, it is somowh'at ditmuged.s and -it will be dm k, m coloui, otherwise it is -Ono of the host cropef.that has been hai^-^ted For some^years Tho fall wheat pear Paisley h been all harveatfed, and in bettei condition than Was. at one tihte ex pteted We believe that fio grea harm has been? done hy tlfo-r*cen" rum Those wha lu\o llin'shg^ speak of an extraordijaary yield t>' fine pjump grain. The first load of fresh wlieat thai was brought,to town tln:ijseaa)i was secured bv Jilr J W. Mai n on SftturdH> last It wan grovi by Mr Bobeit. Baine, ^6 Tul & aiore; and weighed "62lbs fo Jbiish :1 The ! 'price realized -was ^1^25.-- Brdmptoh CoriseniStoF.'. ! ! jj . A man named^Bichatjl.iSlateswaii shdt in the thigh byja Voung mm named W/Miirks, near; G.ufelph,--;n 'Thursday night, and 'whiloj the lej; !was beirig.anipiitatedrin the GUeJ ill hospital poor 'Yfafes'di'ed.|'/His niarr derer is still atjlarge'. The fourth annual pien'ic> employees of the Toronto^ Gr^y[<5f Bruce Kail way Company,! wa in Wilcox's grove in on Monday last, 'and ' waaj in every decided success. '0ver --------,ra Wt ikall brglavl, at) ' ^_T1 eiSocial in the1 lamperance ill!/* </ temperance of other toeiettes, acctdniU, -or any iitttdsrtl which nut}/ be tpttretttng, fUher'tn thu Ideality or in the country Ujeneratly. Matter of thu Ittuimay If sent marled " Pnnier's Copy," at the rate of one cent per oz., and not teakd In order to ttuure U publication i( u nece-ssary for ut to ra ceme jt by Thursday vwrtuny, at tke latftL LOCAL MATTER8. tNa change gram this v, eekj in the ptico of y RBmember"the Monthly Pair next Thujrsday, 2nd September. That pigpen on Frederick street is an intolerable nuisance Re mo\o it' I ' Our Bute Ball boys Btert on their up-country tonra week from next Monday < Il6p picking wij,l ^ommence next week Lots of work for picker* in this county * Messis Christie, Henderson <fc Co. announeo tie arnval of new goods See their big advertisement Messrs Kennedy Bros say the people ha\e MFound out at Last" Read tho rest 'qf it, yourself, in their ad\ ertiscment I Mr Wdliarason, of jthe Golden Lion, Guelph, has sent us a new adver picas oil tho Baso Ball Oln ->, tfraa well attendej J by a large gath<nni;of our ^outigjisaple, *nd all seem id to enjoy ( an'escce :dingly pleasant evsmng An exqellen; lunch was provid :d, jand the enfcertai intent was enliven ;d by sing ing and mueic^om the orga i and brass band hisses Cameron, H U, [Watson, Storey t pd others, favored t le company with e' re|al choice pieces, ind so also did Me sra Anderson, Jen oere, Lucas and oth ii Mr John Bdl gave a very well ex< cutcd solo on the vu 1 nj These socials s re a good institutioi A i ftn illustration o" the easy play up an words, we may give on in- .... fstance t iiat occurred here, tl e other day. tUenient, .announcing the arrival of new U^; w- -made a befc with Sir. C. that fall^oods.. It s recbived too late for the TCm ^n Base BaU 6taV woald win this.,iBS,ue.:, Look for it next week. -rf A lecture on Prohibition was b<eh. return entered of Mr. member for Outalrio' IiMisla- tive candidate to West for the Souse of Comm< ins..- The: trial <?Tt lejpe.tition against ;he return <if, Jlri B. L>evlin, Be- Mohtrqal Centrej ia8:;concluded, bad the.respondent '. ias been ti,nseiat^ 1. JDr. OSolliyin, Cq'nsery^tive, ivho -was rtcenti unseated in East again be a candi- late for the Teprfesen^aticjn of that a^nstituencj in the ^nt:irio";-I^egis- -to the the Murk ew dfltbb v .. refepeot, a decided succesa. The international banquet given j three ..thousand persons arrived by by ' the Mt.yor .and Corporation of i| the exctirsiou trains in the: riioming, London to 'the itead's of foreigii ;and it is estimated that over six hiunici|>alitles>( b said to jhavo cotti! thousand persons visitedthtigrouhds 120^)00. ^ -| : Tlie disturbances, iii the.Npi'th-l' -- west Pf-pvinces are now said hi have bjeeh quieted. Their in.ipoVUi'hce'iey, nioreoyer, fetateth to have^ bee,u over estimated., '" "^ . , ! i The Owen Sdimd.b4-latv. tb-raise favorable OxfordJ Ihspeak- ,:to .possess a seat, >ne of, his iobjeets defend, jjor accoirnt f his De- say : cation "I" tinning a ent, {and t in E,ast f being re^- jositionjj nnless the pres&ited Twjthin 15,000 by way of ajloan f6ivthe: construction" of: a.;dry (lock, 'was- voted ' The yo( stood w^'.-JHamiltbn machinist iinihed Killcy, brings out a new:bydrO.-car- bon motor, with which heichallenges Keeley, _ part rjeisiltk -. . | "" ." j>. ThijeB;. card. sharpers who: were travelling on" the (Jreat Western Bailwjay Saturday, robbed a nian named GUT if 2,000, and then' jumped off ;|the train. Tlrey have not yet been captured. -! '.; ' ElluifcWyal Wallace Agricultural SocietjjrJ^ifrj seven j silver medals, and one gold medal| at the fall exhibition,' tg- be held at Ljstcrarel .-on ths Zdtlf'wd 30th September. ;; ^, i .The next Canadian ' Sfengerfes t jw'ili he held in Hamiltoi i in i'S? 4:? The amblllous city has a reputatio<\. .for! hospitality,'and no ionbt *i 1' fenterthin the visitors on that oeca- 4ibn \vith yrp'n.teU'.Kberali tyr j! ' Bishop Nazrey, hea'defth^Brit ish Methodist Episcopal 2hui-ch,:rin Canadla,! has been stricten down, with iierious illness at Cape Bretohj wherei bphad gone' from his home, near Chatham, in. thu ,Province i" ' . ':" ' .- ' i . -i Th* New MoioR.-rrTlie Hamil ton Spectator says] thfiL r ew mptorj introdueed v by Mr. Killey, of that city,land: called the h'^dro-carbdn machine, ip becoming'popiiljir. '.One. in the car- opportunity was A . i reasonable time beforejlthe Ivegis ^onveaettSof my be- ahothetv constitu^ A By-Law, granting a bonuS: pi $20,000 in aid of the Iftkel, Simcioe Jurictioh ..Ba^l way, was . pgfeed; lust- week ih iGwillimbiiry^ i This' rbadV will run from' StoiuT>$le^ to Jackj- eon's Point, on Lake Sdrncdef a. dist tiince of tw^nty-hin'e fniles. This- will -be another lmportaiit^feeder to the Nipissrog road.'. ' ; ; James; Wyllie the cliam^ipn -, draught; player of the woiid giyesA public exhibitions of hiB iikitl beH. fore crowds of delighted amateurs inSynicrise,|'No1Tv .:Mr, jWyUi^ career'during thepastyiear has'betnl. ii<-rehiarkabTy;,checl|:ered,<)ne. in ,tis time .ilid ;had kept an accufatd 'account o]f his plak and the restiit is 4iai4 gatnes won, 32: Jlost aiid '494'tl'tawn.'-/;.i"|: ~! ^. A-novel use is to be made of befeph and maple tr'eesJ A stojk^oini, Pan7,%" villoijlil' for '1'"..* tabi>. - .spctaH! Bianjtinfr [ calico. delivered by Rev. Mr. Hayward, in the/ Methodist Church, last-Sunday evening, after: tke'close of the' regular service. The Church was filled tb its utniost'ea- ^| ' IAt a meeting of the members of the Methodist Cliurch, Monday even ing, it was resolved to accept this'tender .'Eli Snyda, at $5,000, aiid pro- at once w ith the; erection / of the new church edif ce. 1 jTbe site chosen is the two vacant-lots on Mill Street be tween John and (Elgin Streets. ; ,! i Donald Campbell's threshing machine did some falst-work at Samuel' Canon's barn, 2nd concession Esques- |ng,, last Thursday; Between the'hours of 5 and 8 o'clock, 329-bushels of wheat were hustled through the machine. This is' considered' a pretty big three hours'. workl -Now,' let's hear from the next. 'I ' ';" ' i- ; -.'. ':', *i i Some skulking iindlviduals made a raid on- Mr. Geo, Walter's plum treesj last Sunday, while Mr. aind Mrs. Walters were at church, and carried off the -ivhohi of the ripe: plumi. Such mean) contemptible trjeks should be put. a. stop to. 'The parties are liable to a: month's imprisonment, and also to ipay damages. , . -4-The clothes-line stealirig busi ness ; is getting monotonous. Whoever the individual is appears to have:got a full supply of shirts, kndiiijw goes in for' dresses and thingfe,. Last Tuesday night aTaid was inade] on Ed-- ward Moore's lines, and two' dresses' tal^n therefrom. The pverskirts. were " If k young man -sits kip too late lth hi i birl at Sarnia, ttie (Id folks come in oftho parlor, and w. th tt rofiue raent o! sanosm, lUvite hn i to wait a few muiiibis longer and brea Wast will bd ready " -aarnui Canadian \ | " lb. 1 his city, the girls or 3 allowed to doit all themselves Wher they think tho you ig- fellow has stayed 1 ong enough, they po itely hand him his h it and cane, and ask sundry questions as to the State ofthoveatbor The "spoi ny" gener ally hn is( himself at the door before those sro concluded." L mdpn Fret Piest i | Now, in Aeton, the boy's 1 now enough todoal their "spaftkmg" it a reasons] able hoi r in the evening, and don't waif to be nvited out doors And this ii whereinj they show their sen ie of the Council for the ftppoihtment of al Collector of Taxes for the current yekr Thtu-sday avemng, September ^ad, 7 o'clock. The Grain Trade. Th,e Counai then adjdumed tUTn<Ut| K u 4iffiJnlt to Harm &n% correct - at I ! G ' Hilly photographer, hf fors a npe large lithogaph, 25x30r to; every fM>r$m ordering ona dozen photo- graphs dunng tho^cpinine sreek Call I at once and scoiiro a choice picture { Hill Bios, have A nice assort ment of photo albums, which they offer at a disconet of 2fX per oettt, for a tew weeks, only Coll a|id see them '1- SHOOKING AiFFAltt NEAR, OpEJLPH. ** A Yoansr Man Shot and D; 3d > 'the neaj^Day. the gan ie! then being' playe I in Guelnb with th i.'Slaple Leafs." 'Tht money was placed n. the hands ibf a s ake-holder. Mr. H., who was standing iy, then skid ' to ,?jr. ' V;- " I will bet yon tWeaty-fW cents y< uihave lost your mp nkjf." Tins bat wai also taken,, jA few hours late i-,, when t^e parts of[ Ehglau 1,1; ;! A gahg'pf "chbpbers^ er3 to of them hns .befen set pp. pet factory in Elora, It woul Ido well for bear ihi'mindthat inqiiests held' oi a Sunday are illegal", afcl tl|at/on niore than! pne oceasiott the holding of such inf e8.tigat ions on that day tribst It mentable -failttrea has, led to Of justice; ' A^ottl The ijleniiodite,, emigratioli tb Mabitobftriabva'Vfor thp season During'thelast ift^en months eigl; hundred and; iighiy ; families, or fonr thousand bu|-; hjundredtand; forty-four pei'spi A, one-third of these coming this .yet ry hltve; settled ihj the province, * ? " ; ; '>-j ' . The fpot and iponfcn! diseasa has broken ^flnt in Porsetshire, where 12,000 ^animals are-flown yith ji^i. The disease is sprea'ding. to other me j has buen found, washed ashore at: Port :lope, Mich., con taining what purports "tip? be memor anda sign^d-by JP: -of, pomaTdBon.and dropped injto the lake:wh in the late balloonists-found th.emse ves in imf mineirt danger."' "- } ,Prrjm-'all acomnis, the potato. [u|crop4iliis year throughoht Ontario n. iis likiiyto be yeW-liij-gii afi^ -very ,t fthoice. This hi anjiteinjlot news;f- no smaU importance jtovi^any; aJ household in ,view of :the rfsing price iofbread. -, ' The Glielph- Ilerdld* is inforn>ed that ii h^intepaed to: erect a-new B^nisn Catholic leburch on the site of StJ|Baiftholemi5w's church! in that much larger^_8dale than to win on t. the present building, is(4aid, lire already Tojrohto, ij - - ^ :M-JL Ineplansjit epared 4n wprk there,-.f/elling the1, trees, the, com; , pany'having bought, a large tract of woodland for the aboyp purpoie; ' The "iyonng man -Henry- Wpfch, referred to'in last week's fpaper..asi- having become so inlich '.excited at revival meetings that hevbaoame de ranged, died on Saturday last. [It is; difficult to say whetheii1 j the dis'r "ease caused the": excitement or 'tpei- excitement the disease; The youpg, nian'iwas twenty years of age.y-r/ ^paialei}-Advocate. ". ,. Messrsi Coleman . <k Gjouinlo?k haVe Bent a proposition to phe, Sgir forth- council, in ; which they offer to e8tabli8}i;i\. foundry and machiiie the;.town-in^-wliiph th<y will iiiyest 25,000^for permanent works,:;.ix.\ another' 25,000>1o carry, ^he ,work;on, and ipye ieti- ployment to 10O, menTK. ik>r:fdbii g Bothey ask sL bpnus o'f ^IOJOOO, af .d ho^xemptton from.fixes. | '.1 . .; The NewmaTrket'iJrajsajjb: It is niaiiy years aiiicp this section of tj ^ country was' blessed with ad'-boipi- tiful a.harveRf.aB' the prese it." -Tl e- i?rop? ;are all Rood, and 'air aady f Bt e 'signs: bf-iihprPving' trft'dcv' =0"n|:a_ few ifarnJB/i'.'in;the neighborhoiij,' spring wheat has rusted so ine rbii * these iaro. exceptional caBeirj so.% r" as- we .can.-'learn."r.;:^Bruit' iajaot.sp . but tbe,Fe will 1*^:' al paying crop neyfee- ,thelesa- ' as'rppa are concerned inuch wil|l A jpend jp h the l&ason yet to cpnie;:b>it!"ptff- specjt8,'jare: very:fair, j' ^ jj ' : AS^THfiR AB^fiTION, iOAtiE. -^Tftp hody: of MiB. GeorgelfXaihg. wj & exhumed aV'Hatnilt^i, <Monda <f, an iaquest held, a^d.^sj verdict iei turrieJd-|that ebe- catne.'to ]^erjdsa| by tn4 procuratioij of bin i&;. ihei house bf "Dr.' , . Da^l fiow. in^Toronto Igao^'for t ie " *" '" ' [De'tfeaspd (wxfeh id r^hlt oNh'elgan Le wasMov n,.H. churt^ the'hospitali where he elithe<Orcents,to whi^^j'objected^ ^U-nL:Ai.._i^ Lii o lithe ( round tl -at at the t me tbe bet w as;ma le.'the gn me was noi concluded, an& 'con lequehtl;' that he : lad not then *:' mbna /." The qi lestion,then arose w lether . was reallj entitled; to the depisit,- which' created considerable gobd-ht mbred discussion, ai id was' final ly refxr. d toa |vell-kripwn grammarian for sohtipn. If was, of a arse, easily! de&ided in favorjof H. as it a clear that the moi ejr was- ff lost " as s< on as it was deposib d although he cot Id not chum it until the conclusion of tbi game. I i SinietimA it js a good thing fa* pert ins. holding public jffices to, bet "hanlcsl iovjer.the coals," when they neglect their duty. Even school'trus tees are often improved by " roasting.'!' We do 1't knosrrprecisely ujpon.whose shoulde -s toj lay the blame, fdri the very culpabh i neglect in not havi ig tho seat-j mg: of jthe 'third | deparbr ent; fpf jour school^i ittended, to* in pitop sr-tihie; but. as j the whole .Board is: res Krasjble, we( shall co isider it in the line of ottf duty to say t> them all that, such neglect can not'be quietly tolerated. W under stand tl tat the new seate an 1 desks sfero not or<] ered, until I within taree or four days oi the- close of the holidays,, ali though it had been, resol ;ed to.' havej them, a ad a1 committee app linted to ftt-'J tend to the; mattfer,-more t lan a month previou k . Of couree the i yumfacturer, require! L' a reasonable tim! to filt-the order, mi ;the.result-is, tiat that del applyingpereonaliy, or by letter. . -i-'We are.glad;t6 be-.abW to an nounce that Mr. G. M. Scot^'^f the " Ddihinion Eppori'um," ha, concluded not to remove from Action, as lie ilitend-' ed !flpm6 time ago. He how says hi; his adVertisenient, on- thp .3rd ,page ;bf this week's Fbbb ?RE88, that the satiafijbtoiy turn' which bu'stnessj has takeii| has in- : iduced him to.VeniAm,; and Ve. believe he 'will jaevcr have reasqb to -regret ihaving come'to thiB : detemunatidiil ..See! his advertisement. ,'-fj-Two ypungladies-.not.yet.. buiE' of their "teens, we're' seen! ilast. eveaing oiling the. hinges :of th'ef garden gate -with- sewing-machine oil oher with a >fea,ther and ;the.rother>viai aclbth..". It wasn't Y|Uae fennell. ,. y Tfie Council1 met last (Thursday| evening -Present,; the,. Reeve) "and M^b|s. I airSpeight and: fickihl, lib ] ii lahee Cobamittee, reported the folidwii g - accounts!; and.) thi Sr tp iy ment, via.!'] Mr. Cooper /for' 'pahtini> &&.'} JasJ G.^Hily. staiianery] ScE^j^l. K f S. Zimtaerman, grading, &.O.] because they hak any iUifeeliag-;aga!hsW. ^75 Llfecjbt.: A^#*,.;fodgihg travellers! that:gat4,' biit it was'Just!merely to/pr^'$L5b.V. r. H; Baciihg; prii timjahd ad| I mijrdw of Jane Giliboii^. wasfa Bister/tp Davb' first >$iponsin tpibis preBent jbn<i r. ' vent itBingmg while they sfood waiting: and fwatching, j We.suppress namejs,' aa the ieold weather is 'comingi.albngi and beca^d wfe think two young menm jbpwn are 'matrimonially .inclined.; \.- .... |v:-,.^1.f -. .r..,., ... '//-UTbe ^Milton./ChatnjnQJpr'fkj*. "pyrties Ivisiting--.Milton have/iionsider- aMe^diffiihlty in. p^sing^jni/apd' out/of that to wh, on occouftt of /the huge alive'r-. ^isem'ents painted,on theifenoes,. by'/.the; Messrs;.' Secoid J|ros., the', ^ia^isiilg proprietors of.. thfe.great Tea^Hanl^re and Crockery Stcire of Aoto^th^sESdv ow of which effectually- doei.a^a^;?Jirith/- ny heed for'.shade' trees,".' :'Th*H^ow8 ;what' enterprising; .fellows pur flie^chantji are, - - They -iBjKj no |ifflcuJty [inattracting-customeVji'ft^m-;tltq' aleepy- rheadedstore-k^epera-of.^ltfe^'%\ - h -U3?hfe following^es jiokea,. up on MiU street bn'-^onto/yjlasft.:" j":: " T0 Mr; J-^ r-.-iMy Tfealf Jim vefctistnto; $13.85..j,vThe rep m* waaadop; te< LanT U he soveijai;items iwdered to be pan.'f"". . /^bhe-i ui a of $1,7:5 was gr intod to John McPhie; i, .hnd SlJ(XJ disb'v reed by. the Bxjevej for charitable jpnrp ises; A petif tic n ;w- is 'presented' from J. Hi Smith n j. 60 ei a for a drain' on Main street; tii m;Mr. Smith'sjresideno itb'the crossi -ing-opp aBtte:Richard Hamitton'si.: Also, ot^ 'ih rf A $tepherisbtt,- S. Hamiltori' anji otl iis to have Willow street graded &im! tl e 6oh(ier opposite i he Prist/Oftjce to|:the" ai w plowT factory. B!o.lh petU ti(Mas w ai 3 Uu^d ovtetiU jie rt meetisg. fhd. CleJk;iMr',Jas>;G>riT:": U-"A i wfitethis Ht^e/iiote'to- jbid'you good bye for i could' :.n:ot dfeaiitP go'iyitho/at afiij:is not at all likely'Jthat ishaalaee. youYi hopemy dearlittIej'boy; that "yon- w}l| not;>e :'angiy. haVl^niy own B^ar. iSmmiejias i-ain-yburjowh true . ' "T"^r-'-. A'tittl^g&rklioe.' Good Bye DeslvBoy .and pleaiae.excuse thi? hurried/lScriwM shalitheibiBk mt*- tiine f b^lhe walk. . | .',,'. ': *N. B i am pttttin this in -ybhr note Jippk-sw-ybn witt:ba/Buro to 9W ifej;/. .--.. ,C;."^f ' . m . 1 .- .-- -V-- :/-tr:<. m mmm*m^B0^^^ iirbl* of leavihg: Acfco % . ut, ' je, fla begged to: teiidq f .his/ resigna- *ffl^ E? W*:' ^ C6^ !^*^S^ I not givea-to drhik, bntjs "ah , jj+l. ' aii/.p/>'B/lP: in aiaurinc.a suc- fasijthejt' succee(j;4dVih':.aii.3uringr.,a..si4c: Mov id,by.M&HilL secmded:^.;Mr.. ;n ii hat leavis be; grai ited/tointso-' d4e' * B pie/w?at .the, n isct. sitting; of 1 wun^ ve be grintedtorintto- , ., ,.- .. ,,. _ ,...-, , -s ] [y-La-w*; it the it e*t^^ fit ting a&\ sells/of Lpfldou, ^aa playe4 ill I a n'oil <<&.. ayyan; isaessment on -.'Aori.,- oTa'J^uefiday/j/ i a presence \i ';.* *%' :m THE MUBDBRElt STILL AT tAROf , A most shocking affray occurred last Thursday night about a mjile and a litalf from Guelph Tb men of that tbwn nained W. Do B fx'atea and Wm. M^rkrwent 6111 for a day's shooting in. the viouifty bt the rocks 011 the q\ er Speed, 1 _ob night ctuneonthey du'ecte^ tbjur 'steps homeward, and on arriving at | the Rifle Range Hotel, they w|nt in thera on account of the ram ajnd amused themselves by Bhootiag jfor the drinks. Ahqut eight o'clock they all left for home, and t had not proceeded fir when Y/ates and Downs coin tienced scuffling, -itj is supposed in ', '\tin ' While they-wl sre doing this Miarks came up and &iid something to/them and; went aw ay a short.distance, Yftieia 'follb^iig'. In 1 a" very (short iinjje P/jwns, who was lying on the grass, heard a si lot and on going up found that Ya^s had been shot in'the thigh, the shpt making 'a fearful";"^onnd..- Yates was; driven into iaiwn and taken; ip (as attend ed bjirhts.-Clarke ahji HaTkin.., j A conBultatibn of ip^aicianaj1 ttos h/i ild the/ following day, when j-t was v le- cided to amputate/'j'hia v;leg. :ie died eb/ortly td"ter the operation v as performed.". Yates iWas about 25 er 20 years -of age, .anoV|bas;:'only .be en in tbe/cAuntry ab<)|it a: year, he. haying emigrated from, England. Latterly "be has been-in the: emp! oy of Mr. B". Siurdyas^^ a-pain,ter.. : le leaves a Tvife and/t!w;p children, ;w io will meet with the; deepest symija- thy in this their sad'afflictipn. Marks, who.viir^d -th^. shot, .('is about 20 year8'.pf a^/abi> 6 inches high, dkrk cpniplex oh, a dd is minus three of the fingecii of/ria left band., S00& after the 4hot ^aa fired, he ran a^yyand has been/captured. J:We hope most endeayprB: .will, " brihghimtajustice. estimate 0/ how far grain has Ime.i held by farmers and marketed ui coiispquenoe of the recent; better cj mand at higher pnoesv From some points, large qodftiity has b-ii repaitedfas naving been brought '"-. bat in other places theiv-doee not> seem to have been a,ny active mow njent. Although they entire &b>p- mente from -this sort >thm eeabOfi hav^ been considerably wnallei tbar usualft the amount of Canadirf.11, whejat ht^ been, large, e\en gteatei than in other seasons, notwitWana mg the low rates at wiiich tbebnlk of it must have been mafketptij so that it aeeniB probable tl&la. fm grealtei proportion 4 the crqp was sold tbata' l|as generally been thotlghr, and 'this agrees with in formed I opinions expressed v ry early to the seasoh, and with the experience 4f the piei-cantiler com mumty lately, for they bi\% nttt been exfKaieacHQg tbe financial re lief (which they expected in conse quence of higher' rates attracting 8U])|1ips of wheat which has been held] for aj rise uf piieo. Montreal Wit\iess. \. ~~ h :w not j et the' it- made to' AI MatbimoSial Mixtwie. The follorwxng k>f *lneh +he writec be came personally grjgrtirjint while/pn a visit to the locality, shows. tha.t age I cannot always be taken as a guide to, the relirtipnshtp. existing betW|eeh fiimilies->4-N:ot.j.far ifnoui Jae "jivillage <>f CopksvMfi^ *fttt? Cphiity. of I Peel; litps iayniahl arid! !jiis> yife,'.-whose ages '.are r^apecti-sje/- { 'aind'!5$ y*ai-s:^inJjhe ajr.e- . -'s sn, ar ma^pf!'3i; year&n ry bf fhe;narjriage. pf-fhe is,; ;K^ot/ron^^pce^Eanly ^trajjigle. I T^jie wbnian:|c8fnie;. a lew months agcJl from{ Dublin/ Ir^hind^' fend (took/ up her. i^idfence in thej Hbbvenatatf3 ; - ne3ghiijrh&d,'r /She '..-%--':PJ i; -'M " .- /-i." .' wa8in recei|)tof^i ajrinfoity freni the %l<^ (jountrylOf, .it* is!AHd^liG^" a\^ year^and -oamerout j to fpeik; I for a> -. husbjandjto> share'T^f/|riohea.i .Sie^: was quitSB spry and coihel^, aiid aptr;-.- X - - - -J - - _^' ' .J*.lJ Xiord dhaft^bi^r^B^Op^dk j Ix-T-'-V ' Serious Eailway Aocident 'Thursday/- .afterrippn; -.when-: ^h Great Wegte^trami due at Tort n- to at S">30 |>.m'.^.was /about s$v en nruesithis side, of/Oatyille.insar , .;.;-. McGill's^oasmg-a farnierjirho'V aB, the. A^erieaSi Evangelist.,/ ' ll meeting of the Church Sofeti Mjjiprtakilj feature bf tius w jlei the: Inoi :attendainoe 'of -son e siictyJchHi dreq fo: two weeks will c# ise quite an appreci hie reduction in th 3 average at- tendafw a of the quarter, ant. consequent; ly a 'ser oua.reduction in .tl 9 amount of ___ theGisenimeht'schoolgwu.t.. 'Ailthesel^jKJji^ aaiii 'a : s>ge<Wi. -JraSj, t ley things 1 ujstibe takenihto ^eratiajj.4.^ph^T^r fto'*. fJakvUle, }!%& by wo Board; ami itvwui be well/iori" *: --,-:/ e4hSn< iWutl mamher to .ee to it that' i su^p^se^ .jihat'^ injured ;nojsnch]nhgle.ct 6f| djity occ lire again." '1 "' - back part of i "wagon.,complet!lyr smashing it, and tbrpwing^/put' t he] man with conskiei.bJei fiopfe./; -On, his-Jibeaag jneked1; h%:iV s?as fou id that he was sariousl^jif Jiot-fata ly injneed. llie.ep^ieto^of the tra !n, which haa .been stopped as soon as the - uceideut occurred, had the- in jured juan:, taken' to ' the; searps't ;iB&a.->'pas rathar deaf^ ahd'diiinptiiiotipej tl fat the train Was lpse ite ihe.' cross ng as it was.,/ He :wasi|yery' sut about the, back .^Ktrt: of. tlie- he id, and' -had!!reoeived]80jne internal-: inv j.iuaea,TT4.<$Wai4! Fearful Murder jiiJNqya Soo bia A WQitAJf KI.ttEp BV:jiEJRHuisfiifV>, parently many year^ younger-th/aa- she reaUy^was, sp-on;hler anxsety\U%; miarry .,becoming known^seyeral of fers were made her, add she accept ed one, that jiaf her, p'^eWn^husl^nd, and be marriage foilp*^-a.|w^k after -the ^ntroduct^'n.; >, By f/fhe -. iinio a of,t(her;4wo' .ja j jiresented tihe strm^e anomaly nf a woiaaa' , ihg n huabaiitt 31 yt:herjnnSpri anjd a tfatheri having a stepstyi ill yearn hie senior. In!ithesabaer/aec- tion, it\'m3ght te added/tj) #dmplete this chapter ofconnhiat pheifonie^a; is ati English em^ra^tiniiriiejito aj i c^oredjvoman a^.black{as.a;"~ front the forge.: :li Mr- Moody. Lord;phaftesbnry baS^exp.i a.veryrhigh-ilHJrxiiba pt -Mtv Moody, the-Aawrieab. Eyaigelist.,-JMt '.a driying*wagoft'end^Vbredtocrpas1'meejting of the Ohu>ch ^n^of/k tbelinelbut the>ngine -B6r'uckihe[ ^^?T<ice'*%he *??* fe *^b -' " --- rw- - i. 1 thantfuii to Goditbat Mr.Mqodyy -r . - -aa Hilli .';,'---. -.; S/.Aug/l ' A 'fea'rfulj Jiaujcdea;, pephped.; last tnis;ht:.;i Iayi4/.^^^Robbinis'j ^ears of age.vshbt/tia1 w^^Eqiil|.n^j 'Chrtte, heat^t her; biiwnavwif mallet; set'fire to her bad Wnd U> the wppds.\. /Bob/bibs ptn: /offfas thS,brother of the mOidei-ed jvpi H'Otto.the-house.i- The /whole hinnity iaiifegreatlaxcitefiient. Bcera with'u1, pbssa /are;in , this), nibrtiinff.'. Th^';.-.e*arder evioientLy premedftated.| L Rob -hasbeen^disposing |sf hierorpiy c^yertfcig thepV' Wt^ nipney * - . li !J\': bad not- been educated, at: Qx,f/a?d;y j( , ?lle ^M/r- Mpody) hak a wbnderful*.], j-^v4 |k>wer- of getting=)bM.; thp hearts; of": [! ; 'f ^ men, and] vrhile the ^mmpn-people ? beiidihiai g/ftidry, mtoy perepna of higl. sWtion had been, struck 'with; the iaSrveilOTs/simpBeittSt1 of iiis;: prat ehing> The Lb&JGja^cdio*ef Bnj land/bad saidj^'ih/i^i^ ffThp^ aim] ilifiity: ojf that man's. p/reipKingi /" the sleat hjawierfint wbieh he'- aefes '.->/ fort x Balvatiph/ by Ohrist, iis/.t<i jpe f.; the/ "hiosti ,4t|4ring ^todldefightfid \* thirigC;/)ver';IwieV'- ju 'igajr rlafev1. Z life IJordship e^^reesed;, theibptnis^- ' that \ - Mjft^i Moody' ;bi ii ; ftiiui^iS'br y f_ 4nebe!athttaiat. v-;"", w-'f'^ "^ ""- ' '- -' <-- -"-' *~l- "' " T|e CanaJian dep^tm|ntl at jbe TH ^hi^alpW.Ekhibbi&nriifittep j }': an iaiea bf| 3,'eop^daia feetlf/- '; \:- =5? ieesattMPosi jUft7be!i Witf end'the^prejaft 1 .Offiojs^fore, Acton. All reduced ' .pefe cent - for cash 6r tnvjtejady. .. iug muiitbly ouatomers are conside caj^:;/"'^/^-^/M/.f-' i,,/;^!/;:;'/: : - h*ye/3nst.n7:^ rectnved1 a ;ceSaighihait of -7%\^. nitipeht ,vase/:lanlipii By removiag/^iie t; "Jr_?r3 bovd Which, isits ;[flt^the itaud',. you //. have a beautifoj flower vasAi "/-(la^t ,anfdr-:-:_:. see tkenij Ti>sai urer' of .'this- it with.;.hin] the woods. . Robbips h;is ill-ti' h is- wife' /lbug,/ timet at the time the! fpu initted, %ekvd ':sc^iin's.,.aiidnran. down staiis andVont to their un< leV pear by. KikoBT6y.r:V3..-;|f^,^NLM,)!,h<! w-tiwj- -jvni. Tnatcli-.betweenHife St^vL^wwnc* NmkM Beconded^y ^ibj^-/Kb^.I^ " ~ e A * tit Si& ii Divisi 6n; fbr/|jhob|. fai^e /a^^^ge;.' ,vT>; ^^' ]Siw^! seconded'-" !^,in^ i^aifeddMaif ..."tin t leave? be;:-graiited ,' ne3|*,'-," ' r;r up /deed-y as,is ;in -'-.! ,e; le8t ' Nxw"HAfs.^-:Latej4 -*tyl*.- Youth's? ana/r Bo j? *dt HaWrjtoj to: hand.'aaA BeR at ciosfe p^eAtoV s^t the -titoie*, <y^ter|f(^srs&/&!. Co., (5lasg#w;;Hou8e, AcbM.;i -^,'3^;: fi"; i M*ip^;=^e;Mttisri;^ have rast.received'a cpusig celehraiecl fifty cent meteor ti _ came us- celetwated iait Falff ^3> "**' is said by esperts, M judge* to -j ;ii / best .tea' grown. iiitJKajjs a^ghpafcg^ife. is rare and fia^^heaw1*;r';>! " 1 faB" Scowl*.. ':+>: /ifciBtr-sjf-,., ._ Centrali Fair,- '&im^mfi^m^r^. Uth SpV> and tbire*! foltowiug ilays, I The' /EaqVeaiiLJj/r. /"^". " !" !, held at Georg6feowrfdl*y,they October. : /:|t ./rf:/:'/!/. ^-:-a:vF>}m /HaKon- CenfttT:?aaiat^^n^**I^S>ia thfri3tM*.*i#i0^^ - JJivas*gawey?i,^at 6otobe>.-,:'**r;;;v! " j^aAbs^^'lSee^^Sa;: t i-CoaiityJafeP^ " ' WymL

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