Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1875, page 3

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it'll '-; ' 2." T*5 ' ' V X>^ ',-3'% . . JEN f :'--.' -V.'-'-fe/ " '*v- )s, ' 'v. ' * .".: - .' " - _ / _> .-'^ '. - '* j ril t ' 5.1 ^ - /. 4-' irs. - A,re<lail>i receiving fires Acton, July 3i>, -1S75.V 1 f> Letyi. H 1 r . > -1 sucfoas .* 1 i. P#fri >l " T:5 r ;t '?' 71- at. fiftFf - *: article to t ^- fe-stock, -ai we W? - V . il VI u vaj ;> OF AjXIVft.- Ju fornii and feature, frscki Und limb, V 1 grew Si< like nvy brother, .! ?it folks j;ot taking me ifor hun, ' 1 ' Ami "each for: o;ie aiK>Uior. ' _It puiiled all1 our jiittasind kin, = : .' " For oW 6t us w^borna twin, .- .. .'r ' Arid: Ret s.^oul-know si-hich. ' J Oac day, to shako die matter worse,; ) ' \ Before"v'wr'natueswojrcLfeie^l, ;: .. And we weis; Wing washed by iiurse, -1 -We got completelymixed ; ,i\. .? --. 'Ani'. thus, you s\'o, by latt's.docrei.% ,". "Or rather nurse's wai'in,1 . ^y brother iTehii got christened iic, v- "' And'I sot:diitstoiied him. ' \< A This fata! likeness ever doirgcil \ i -* '*, ,Aiid I Vas always ge: ting" lli>gj;e J, '"" " -'TViVa jfohn-turned out a foijl j Tput thi^ o;iP5tion. Irtiitlesaly, ; To everyone I knew," " " ^ylra^ -*re(uld you do. it" yon \(fere ine, ': ' V/* <)aT close Te?>?mi)Iaiiee tr.rjed the'tide 6i my Ajt^csric I'.t'e, -J For s>ssefc(.>iv; inv iiiteiided:.laMe : Became iii' br. jlr. fact, ye;tr. aster * Absaru m|sta,ke ; iABd.when In-tlie-l tber s'wiso. v year,t.Ue-a] aiue went on. ! 4he neighbors came ,'Aitf buried brotiier John... rA=-+- m i- .! L J.I J ,'g THIE ACTON- FREE P AUGUST 20, J875! i , i / si ^ , H" BB ^=s WWf ^ t h is^t]brs to tM$t IVkjntUty Fair the privilege of lines of M GOODS fit priced to suit the times., To nng Safe durin the AslUl farther <c|luction A>|iJll>e gi\e :o clear oui; sc\cral lines. If Vou want goodu4nt bottom phce^caH-etirlfn _ { r A IfARRIACE ON SPECULATION. Tlte JTr&vli enWnKl A-rasterdubi the 2(>tb d January, .1^15; The soldiery5tao3fi'd tiieir- uruns on tUel '.^ krement ,[:ind Nyaited anxiously for ..-'iheit.bitttics'iutil;quarters. '" Despite tile severity of tlio VrcittV- . ierj the citizens utrncxi.piit in Ibfraje 'toteiihers to welcome anil Udmire the veierarifi in tEeir] lra^js. There'was ^enend " tlie - -city, which" for* the jftijost' paiit was - AUtjuiiaatedl Ait tlie extreme end" . of the- t.-y.vti ihvrc.._ wsts ' a >Wgi:6 iiouse. wiiose dtirt !oi-litdding:isi')ect," *ras In .strong": eabtiiist to the" bril- E^ant--iap[ieat-ancj bi the neighboring ^Hiildings. Lc_'w,!i.*-tlio!ri?3idenc6 of ,.; .teerich'MeLster WoerJen. '"(He was ^i&iirpietely nbsorlied in his commer cial operation*, and 'neither knew, aor ^sired tx> feiow'wli;^ was soinir - 'on in tile i/alitteal i'^ie wka t-oo familiar with .--)i-6t economy to thiafc'of s.iuandej.Li;g ' i <:andles. oti iui iUuniinr.fiopl' ' At this Inaopient when, all ,;Was worlil'; and tlven- .the i-ules * 1 ts .ot-^fof the tuditux hort>uucn, sjifd .William. il milEtia horbcmai).! Wb. it ban ho M;antTi- ^ s this moment tlic WAidsenart entered ,-atitl bunded- Wotiden l*i-i le^r, H^i patvri)M\ i>xanmit<d tho sea].:; ';"'.' \'. ICisltahdlrombled as he oix?he<l tho letter and read it, bul suddonl> the oW inari's fi\cg^g\>o ji jovous- exp Ltission aa hp oi kh.1 ' ^S6od^-good, I The'lotter'contaiueiL tn order foi foil hundred^ hous.\nd hudjngs for tho aruiyl to be dcliMrcd witlnn i LUO lt!l. .':- Will.janv'.cr td tlid old n^tn, 'I iVjtiil tlioiijjht Yo\| w ould m'arry Van Elburg's i; lughtei, md hnife a handsome dow rr^sMth her ' Ves, father, I won d, bu ' \vi;ll, Icavo the ii itter to mi. intorrupttid tho old in li 'Butset tha; there.are/two hor>^ reidy for us uionSJ\r monv i ( u h "The'next- tno'-^ln. at <5jmrise, f.ttSer and son wtix on the loid fvojn'AmsterJim to ^nxk, which ^hey 'reached a'-x. ut mi t das Tries ft^piiired jnituedi ite'j to tlie n.snl ence of Van Elbmg \flfo wbet he Saw thenij,cried ciit 'Ah, good rnioming Meister Woei-Jen',' HAve sou Jli d fioni the 'fittih'iih.1!!*J .-lti. ins case sou lie weleome-'l 'jNor.I^ed from nolrods You kn<iw;'I{ have notbic ; lb do with politics.; I come tc profost. ^joi^d speculation to vq ; - '|Yes:; AVhtit is iu ':I hastst^iQ ordoi from the Gos orritneE.t.fcrSbu. hu^i red thou-and hfci]rtngs,' to b dth i iitl ltl i mohtb." Gah sou fin ,iish me s.ith that number, in, sis phre^ ctk-f *At svhif. price t jTeti florins i tl oucmd ! ^jtTen florins.' \ t, (i vLill'fiiri lah them.' : ;f:: , iVery!wellj and n^ss I airu:half i"uni<ihed 3 i ^oy* and en"t!nbjiiisna' tbrougliout Amsterdam; ^ifi?ister 'Wderdeii Sat "qmetly.indifs cbair beside tfaejfire: JJn the; table there was alittle-orass ^ampi a mug of beer, and a big clay jaipa. On thd ofter side of the fire tBt'aniold.tuaid Servant, whose xp- tundity betrayedVher Eleniish. ori- "gm.j She svas occupied-in shoving "back, the coafiTthat had fallen 6tit 'on. the hearth^, when tixere came 'a' dond-knock it the street door. ." "~ '^?0 can tn^t be ? :Cro and see,' :.sai(F?He; raereha&t to the maid, who ha4 tiseii to-her feet " A/few moments later a stalwart j^young. inan entered the room. He N threw- oiffliis mantle and approached - jthe fire^- ' _ ' i ;4"Gootl evening, father,' he said.- | "'Hovt-1' is it you- William, I 'did .. . inot exptect:you back so soon.* , - l- 'i left "Broek this morning", - but - ^the roads have been, so bad by. the, ^trains' that we have been the Tphofo . <iay on the way. ' - \.' i. 'Welki.did you see Van Elburg?^- v; ! -Tes,' the young^inah, seat- ,| .ijig himself before the fire; 'Meister " -STanElburg Consents to the mir- - iiage," but airheres to his determin-; .atipntogive his dajjghter a dowry -~. 4P only &e,r thousand duqats.': 'L'WelLi Sien,^ha xiiay -kreiep hi,s 4aoghter^ and his dowjj\' .'replied- " 'Jyoerdenwitlr a fpawd. - , - ;'|"But ffither'-^-i- 1 ".- ; ; j :, 'Not ^Qother.^vdr^ my son! At .your" age1 men hive no more sense ,-fhan.; to.: sacrifice; evjery thing ;for j tpve, -and fo despise-;riches."' - ' "^EuyHerr Van-: Elbiirg;.: the" richiest, nierchant iii Holland,, and what he does not give nosv will "be at,hi3'd*eiith^...: " 'j" "-NousehSe!' replied' Meistier sviijl talk of a.nothf r ni Woerden in1! rod net I.the .inatjer, but :oijld Dot be ptrhuadt the, dowrsr -ne'had onti td to grs e his it of a. single eless dtcid d 'uaifehter to-the amou 'stiver. They nestrtlJi tha^b the'wedding hhovld take p'dce neJtt -i-eek. The following dny '>Voeitlen and his son returned hone Hardly hac. they left X*roek w I ec the young .ma a asked^ then father you lave changed yoiir mindi' How sof Have ybti decided dos rry offereil by Jteiiter Van El- Ihuirgr, / Let me my 'osvn way-, qtu stiqns.' ' Yh$n the wedding day tame, W^t erdeti atid his son returned to BrpekJ Van Elbttrg-ieoeived them JWoerden, kta I^ toof nbt rich? Lis-H [e\mi^ufeiJAlVU^ Jten, my son.l 1 on ssHll follosv I First IF-AJMIO-Ors di>|ghtor onlv foui thousand ducats pcjsttiou* in spluch sho found herself f ceuid ^ot oppose tho ss lanes of | plqctjd I i the 3 oimg folk^ but I doteimnncd^ Actuig on, hoj suggestion, JJack. to compel sou to do j oui ddts to s aril theoi With this object in \u.y>, 1 contrtctcd \\(th >pu for foup liuudrod thoutuv|l, alihough I tlienljad'aU xho hoiriugs m tho milket.1 Now, mould to conipls ssTth thb tenns of \"otlt iigroouitnt^ j on niiist buv fioni mt, and my pule 'S tiftj lion lib a "thousand , 5011 ha<.e, thcicfoie, onl\ to j>vy oscr tlio- sunt of sis.Uien thousmd florins, iand \se hi all bo s pi lie WJu^o Muitei Woenlon y> is ai 01 ought holnu d now locking-dhrti? 1 -vs lieij^ ho ciiiiio to supper They weio'Basing a hundred dollars^ 'jOHi, aud could srell a(Tord such Uttlq th|iigs, Wiion his wife ie tmiiDd f/m hei visit to thp tost of Qie neighbors, whom sho had bee'te rofoi'imng that sho ss-na nosv doing hoi 0^11 svoik, she as as delighted with the ne\s cimn, and dtehn-ed " Jlijit they jmi(,t havu a full sot of ifiinutuio to match it" This wus sud so besoechmgly and sho hung nsang dt this im lx-mtilo Jed} ition, 'so di^s niglj on hia'jieck tho whtl^' in 1111 it 'hi - - -l 1 -1. .1. . . . .1 > . ... Viiiii tlbin ll. equanimity ' I seio, I see,' y. anted s ud he a lies el -tridesm in caught ,and unisf- bide ce-J' , you aio 11111' fatily the conse" 1 Thinrcmifirciice onile 1, the tsso old m> ijehants njoined tho sseddm^ campms as though nothing in usu d oe*jneil bLt\sit.n them A\s(ek luu, \ m l_lbuia; to Yuiitcid nil, osttnsibls to'seelvis diu^htei No\s the UibleS svtu_ turned j lino of 1 gnl, tud Pctei covld weU' ' Ali, "\Ieisti 1,' ci;ed WoeidMi, 011 ntloid w/g,iv( it to hei 1 stoiug1iiwC'oll(.gt fin " I tumi Cioek, 1 M lek beg<*n to get^ineisy Was 'latum 1 umble ddc m 111 Tin thtie, af^er .ill, an) Raving in doing Dominion, tUat ul[ lOk couldnJ: lesist tho hppeaj. Tne Juinituro Svas sent down thb next iLty * AGout thieo diys after, Mis. McGpochen co-ibttd Petei into buj|- m^ hot a silk tliess-, and tho jiex,t 1 is she wcedlrd hnu out of 1 set ol j,is\dloisr It mis tho. same old. pie 1 she v vs. lightening the exj pe> oi s $0 much by doing hei osvn1 ssent ssark ^hntr she felt thtst slier wanted soiuitthmg e\tia It wohIJ amount to no moii, hho icisoned, than the II Sa&cUory * AOTOR*. CHARLES DEA^J ' Hns much pleiixuro In nnnounolng to tlio [>coplo<^ Acton anil tuirrounUlnfi umntry linthn If liow rrnrtred to M.pnly ciib- omcrn with est-rj tljinu In tlio lino of , U qblamiiig Gretit Bargain^ tiiey have concluded tt> .ont\p\ip their * ' 1 * ' " 1 ' I " ' Week 4t' Akiafasti 500, T^J^., ' j,. CHBISTIB^ HByrfiBR^O% & Ca STOREY &, Co. w. CANADA GLOVE WORKS .^JXDW.^NT. Wholesale \1 nuf icturerB of cverj dot- Loathe r,& Cloth Q-loves MITT ; AND CAUNTLET8. 1 1 l-vv \ I Dressers) of Plain and F&ncy it liundi ss hu Ti ^. >d thou time is ippio tilling must t'ehvtr th ifo r s ti d he -i m^- mliut njinl to ]>tit them in 1 Ih it doe no' sutj rite r|ie,' in ssseud \ an Llbur,', smiling, sou \ou_jhc up ill i is lie-i ii^-., md 1 bought up L. sout cisks 1 ^_-------- .----------i \ ithout 1 hned gnl ? Wouldn't t'nt soit of.ecoi om_j bmkrupt him 1 cisk c in I |in It-is thin a. jeai ? Ho got 1 ]>ieee of papei and a pencil anl fijuidd ' Lm>liislj Ant siLik sutliout liilp ( irpot*r r v. ] urmti x>, UlH. > ui I jeweller} 20 00 ->o 00 SO 00 Economy m tho HoisSdhold 'irt^ j' eoo IM s. ^^onI^ did n to dmmi \t tiible sve itteL 1 the subject Van Elbutg 1 to -ncrease 1 One moinii ^ 1L0 it tsso ago,Mrs Ali-i'oocln. 11 In irn< Is across the hie ikt it t-lblc busbiud, uidlnfoi mid him t h 1 I conel ided to dtsch i-ge tl e gnl and do lit 1 oss it ssork innoutieemt'tt "-t 11 tie I 31 Goothei alu-cst -. iL^en .nif s^he had dcel ired hei determin ition to commit binei le Ilehidlon^ tint hued help ssas < 1 e .s v up6r his me^gtesiK 11s, bu*- ] to accept tho had^dacated him tor gud itindis up his Th it pettsible^jind Le had 111 ido mind to ceilure Ft furesei she toluntari's- ofered to -^lispens'e s some prep it an o\. . 1 doubt I.-ir i, )f help oin- ssi.e?ir>o co 2 00 OSSN s eci = Td in I- 011 her 1 it she 2 Jiueil This Mc kllOSVjl dmin is wife. BiIiijl- in fasi r of a dom^tic 148 00 MiGrocUieii As 13 astounded Gt ifpnij thepuJei and his hat, he mule npid htudes: for home Upeninj the door, tho first thing tli it 1111 t his fieiizied gaze ss is the lined gnl ' y do it, i'd like Lots a great with the, sort ices of a girl ssa thing for winch lit is is not ed Looking at her s ith piession m which lioj./t am painfully mingled, he said u You -sou can't Eliza " mauage, A9 mter 1- . V Can'r f lt' 'nSIeetl ' , ?, my son 'amTask n'o tor hnow wh"l,s ^ rC ^ ' J of women in. this toss 11 do ' $eul moie, and think noihing of it I Oui fimil>'s small, just you and 1 mo ami Hemv WucL md if I kindly, ,but he was^s.1 flurried and I "*'* do the W0"rI5 for ",s ti"?e; Vnet vousVthat William eared he had1 1?eltei S to^a hospit il an|d liav bac news for Uicm His fathei ,done, U . , j. or hat.-'no such misgivings, the old ,' Whit put you into the lotion? foi knew too ss ell the c^Use of his, aslfed ^er husband, lui.dlj |yct coll ease's disturbed n anner J?0^ ered fl om-hl3 sUrl,nbC What- is the, Meiscer vino is hnE? There is a httlo maiden ' \\ ho h ^he* Do jim know ' A\ bit ah -s 1 ) is Ji sselcomt. ' ~\\ hercA^i she inav go Her ii" n like theJ May time, Her si Hi. 1 j like a birds , Th su t<*-t 1 f all music Ih 111 her ligLUomi sionls I adi pot+lie mike-" tl t b;ightcr, As if she \> ere tbe srin, An 1 eIic is sought and cherished An 1 los ctl bj cs cry one , Bs old folks aud bj clnld^cu, liy lofty and by low , \\ ho is this little maiden * Does anybody know ' You siiril/ must base met her, \ ou certajnlyi can gucs , * \\"hat ' mubt I introituce her r Her najne is Cheerfulness Va:i Elbui-g? he asked -with a sar dome srnile- 'Yob seem to be wor ripe about something ' :?'Ah, my fnend, I am gieatly ejiillarrassed, I must speak with spy-' - . . ' ^That !is it? J^Lave you changed :yoir mind'in regird to the in ir ria|[e? Speak frankly, it is not yet too late.' it 13 another matter entirely.' . . AVeH,,_theif, let us'-jarst proceed Aftersvard I shall be q service;' The company, theref , ceremony lite at youi )ip, lepaired 0 a ngighboriLg ehurch, and m a ' Q ^ & ^^ f 4 m> that b1 Cant m J^iifrve* tint ^frM,n r*or*rlr wurp ' . . . i ~ .1 ..!__: You .ssHU follosv me jiffniy business. Neyor forget these wo rules : -ne-s-er \give mqre than -ion receive, kind neyjar, further an- fcther . minY interest' to 'the detri ment of your own. Guided by [these piincfi)le3' one syllli better is condition_in marriage as: well as trade.' V' r ' , " . '- flSst another wiird iny sqn-^-not another word " i '.;_.- " '> William knew fc& father too well (tq eay anything more, .'but be? could iiot 'avoid evincjngv his dbjpjeasure ' 17 E.S"manner..1 j. $0 this-haweverj l.e'6jd man- pai^ Ttio attention j he *' ' '. filled, l^is pipe/.lighted, it, ^began to stnoke.'""' . v\\^ '^gain there" svas 91 loudjjrap at if" ft r\r\t* iiri-i 11 A' *% t- . fi\% ^' 'oj m > * husbaxitl'a'ncl wife Whenrthey ie ' turned to the ho^sei, asked Woerden to_gb his pviATv.ij6 X'oom My friend,' began hen he had careful y closed the th our agree .31 J^ff^treet door, wfeile; at 'fche: -BaiBe.1 /-F^?.^- fc^e dogs begaii to- bark. ".-' ] ^Ah!' said Meisfe;%oe^den ,'ifi ' |)ujfc bo a strkngei!,^.or tike'dbgs tfouldn'fc'bark so. ~Qo ancTse'e who .?"' - : !. '. The yoang - man - went 1H| the i "window: '"-- V -: -' - *? "" -!- ,- -' -, ,- . -=. . j'-t .' % i x. Van Elburg with -Jiita to 1 ^anj Elburg, fflius fir, i>een able to There's none e, 1 bought Woerden. doc r, 'in acepi ch-nce w me it, I should withdi two weeks fro n now", djehver to j ou four hun dre d::l3ion'8and herring lipiTOver I ha\e .jiofc ptc cure a jingle one in ;he riiar&t, they hive Jl been bo ight op.' : .'Certainly,* they hai them, myself,r repliei sm|ling.~-".. But ' stajmihered Yan Elbuig You., wilt fulfil fritedyan Elburg Yjou ;wdl some day leave youi daught?i a hansome foituhe; 'I shall leavo my sa$ at leasi as nitich, it is tl erefoceuiine- cef sarytb discuss theii future This ho vever, isiibt frue o -the present shair soon give my entire bvki neisto 'xpy.spn, svhile ' " Well, George," asked a fciead af a young la.syel " hosv dfo you EIARNEJ3S, I ^ S YDDLEo, j TRUNKS, XJ WHIPS, ;/ HORSE CLOTltlNG, Etc Prices to Sjuitl the Times. All VVarlc i\ niriintoil ~^^, t'oIlarB maiTfl aspeclnlly URe hira a call and lib svilldu jootood Acton, J ali 1, lb*"j A ]i4 Leathers. J1i! mst aiirlcet Prleo pai4 'Tor wooi^iviv=> I Acton, Jii ,y |bt !<P ' I E. filORRtW, i i { AlOTOJi^ PEALERIN DRUGS. A^TOX LIVERY &SME STABLE i * > - *" * ' J. P. ALLAN Tnkri p es^iro In annonnclnsr to Ui|n puhl|c generully Unit ho W prepareU '" furnish r Flxat-sl&ss Horses aad Carrl^^es i l At lieafoaablo Rates His Plsrisnil Horses nre the hest that can b ha I, nnil Ije Is rifcu-nnlni>il not vo ibo mrpiev-nl bw nnv nty yt ililo Acton, Julj 1st, Is7 Vrv Acton 1|K, ption and st>lo of I f 1 CHEMICALS, E'Jsrtumehy, L PATENT ANb [ ' EfROPIlIETARY, MEDIClNElf i Always on hlond n largn nnJ Well select ed htoelc ot I Dyo-Stufttj lifted 3Dye, Fancy and TQ^let loss^ Brus^3, Ssoniis, Trusses for-Chil' d: 4a. jvad. A&xlta, ?floH14Br|Btaei!Ssf3r Hen, 'vTomon aud Obiiaica, Pairita, dzy and - in oi!, Bot?S3, Stationery aid Taney Ooods- PURE "vt'INES AND LIQUORS, I Sledlclnal Porroses J5S- I>h, HolnnsPreFcrlptlonsnnd Do- mf*uc Ke :<?lrtx, nd Hjorne nod Cattle iledlclnea c irefi|U> compounded. \ , G ! SIOBH'W, Fioar 0 mot% JUST ^ECE^VSTD AT MCBEAN'S HARDWAEE STOEB, I i ! ' Scotelj1 Floor Oi^Olot^ Horse Pokes, J P&ris Green (Warranted Pure) GroqWet'Sets, - ! { ~- ' RefrigeTUtorJs, * ) " " Rubber B&br Mats, I ' ii1 ma. f Lawn MowersC Lawn Scythes, - . * - j PlyTrapsC Wira * Goods of ali Mnds. > *J ARTHUR MgBeJlN, Hardware 3Iereba"4 13V1S7) | j^ tiolpTi, Augj -4- j^T^^psr^il PI.' G t MedlCdl n^Il, Acton | , ;' EAST E(j!D DRY GOODS ..NO :h3TH!NG STO(E.33 Tlio undcrdgned bon leavo to oVl the nttfliitlon of thij Inhabitants or Acton and'v4 <flnlty to jhe- woll ussoi t"d Bt >olt of re- Well, Peter," she | -ephed, speakuig ma tender, self ropiovmg tone,, "111 tell sou I'vn been thinking l'atelv howjitrd }J<'ii hive to work, and liosv little I hate done to assist yon, m comparison with s hat I might and ought to1 lo, ind it appears to me that I sho ihl tiy and leduce cm ex|)enses asmuch as possible, and the best ss iy \L know of is to do ni> ossn housessoik Wje are pool, just mikuig a begin ning in life and it is mv dutv fco help j ou " j, With a voice almost chbked svith emotion At this unexpected evidence I of his ssife's devotion and energy, he feebly e&aaved pa fere lk1 hei re solution, saving he didn't wjint her people were ^ deJlcat4 fol the'task she id wis con of hei mtei It's it .Listen, templated, that all he asked svas continued loso and sympathy- 1 " Oh, that's all romance, inpted Mrs Mc&oochen high time my los o and sympathy was assuming a practical form I'll discharge the .gnl this very day. But there is one condition ifeter " " Name it,m> noble wife " "That nesv carpet you jhought we wpie unable to get Nosv do my ossn woik it will lest one hundred dqllais arid you can ceitainly afford the carpet" | \' Of course, my love, if jf-ou are satis'fied you aro not undertaking more ihan you can nerfoi m She' "Was sittsfied' and sc it was settled Mack lugged the cirpfet home ftfrtoon, and tound Lho gnl gone His, wife was^one, ;opf she had only been around tel in; neighbors that sho wai doin woikj Dinner svas late but if I Save at a sear, ig h^>r own ., wf^.. ---- - , then it wai tho first meal cooked by air fantteis, and Uo cou|d make of the her fair fangeis, and Uo ; -on give yoftr ' allosvanco ^"oi tho novelty rv passions nse, bur neighbors ads ertise, iw .away the dames , J3ut boldly do as they has c -done, Pursue the ioutso fliey have begun Ajid drive away dull times' A Lazy fellosv falling a distance of fifty feet, and escaping \sith only a fe|w sciatches, a by-stander reliiar^- ed that ho ss is "too slosv to fall fist enough to huit himself " i" Well, neighbor Slummidge, how much shall I pat you dewn for a subscription for a chandeliet for the chuich i" Nwghbor '-------, "Shoo ' what do we want to get a chmdvleer for? The' hain't nobody kin play on tei it ss hen ye get it 1' He iougnt svith his girl and then did Btrut, Assay to a butcher'sjhop and cut His throat with a Bologna sassage, I She hanged heraelf to a hole m 13.c I ground ' -i Said she d triwel the whole world round, And m the nesv street cars take pas ' sage Some men look very well with kid glos-iVand their hair parted in the middle all actoss the head, but they would not amount to much in picking potato bugs off the plants The following hne|3 in Notts andQuer ice illustrates the five different modes of pronouncing the syHablo spelt "ough"1 m the different words " By dint of plough m sweat of hrow, ELfe fallows through With much ado, Hodge learns enoughoi this world'*efuff, To moke good douqh for high and low, While from lna ti ougli feed swine well <sr.f A certain yonng gentlemkn jresid- mg tn Milton, recently accompunied a young*'lady to a tram to see her safely 'started on her journey He carried, hep railroad tickeit in his pocket foi Bafety, and found it there, Fancy \bzy G-oofls. Press Cidi nrt Diess Triinminss, Are nil of besUnaterials and hewci t rat terns, ------------1 . Comprising tall lines of Scotch, English JHANTrJ TWEEDS S LAfiGEB "THAN VR! and Canadian JTURE Vnd, belnij prndlcal svorkTien, frcl Fntm cheapness, neutndERUitd daratdlllyjpur-woilc ali'ln iissf'rtosj onr customers caduat be surbassed Acton, July 1st, T873. DICKSON & McNAB, 4 ^lOTonsi Steam CarriageiWc MAW strje:et. ~, when he reached home, ^pme hours iftei.-1^0 tram left MIOHAE1, SPEIGHT, Geperal Blacksmith^ Carriage aidiTVagon Mv&g& feest Horse-fehoers in Perfect satisfaction guaranteed Cr n price charBeXl,,, Obllard's- Patent Irdaa. always on 'hand ' k Good Stodk of Carraagtis and Kb PAIRING promptly and ]>roi t - Acton, July I, lSJ?. u .11 1 th4t^ori gqn Worfe POS^C Js tlie Plaee t SECtfllE TAXrE jfor jtmr Uioney CHOICE TEAS, CfP.O i v s Rroyi^olis, CrGckeryi Glasswar^ "Siatlonery, School Books, Wall pJpers, Fai^cy elsojfa^ Window Jttliads aud Rollers, Ftvturcs, |c| . ^J XeFirbrace this opportunity *of ttendenn| ohariks to tot, jatynxeferfc iN- friends for'the liberall pitronjge bestosved^bj' tljeai ior *Se l|ts4 \'imfe$^ years, and as the ejg)eriepce'&-^hatIlime'has na4 5fcs dessonfe, xnA Iba* - enabled me to profit thereby, so that I am liow Acquainted -with ithe Ties'j markets to purchase- in, ind also the cheapest, my lOiist^mecs mis" lely upon getting the benefit of.-said exaenence Jh (#rner w*fj ifcjias.been-a 101*1)118/ lraposfeble fco do business on a trietly| cash ibasis. Butolu country having prospered to an urtpiecedented degree Within1 the last few years, I think oui people ate nasv lnia position'to" | Abandon a System so;r&nwciffas, Thaliafc has" to create [margins $0t 'bad anfl douT)tful^e'bfie, wrhicTi "fib-s casl Jfcnstomer has no light to bfear and whjich hithert^"ner [has t3iad -tto |f am detei^ained, tberefore, on and after 4he; FIRSJ DAY OS1 EilBER NEXT to do onsmea* for j L ' "j ^ _ ' SH; OR 0JRA33E( OiSTLT t < "> f' >- And -by adopfiuig this system I vfiH be enabled to i REDUCE PBJCES FROM SIX x.a EIGHT PER CHT UntJgljBjttbqve'fnine arrives, enstomers jpaying Cash <svitl a^oeirve t"hn abov^Wsoojint tJustomers wiB no doubt see the id vantage of 'adogSr^ ^he^pi System! whioh indee(l*is% ONLY JRKJHT rSYSfiEM,"kaI secures ^&.vaa^t|\ges Jt,o,alljnQi 4> he lost sight'ol V tJash for gll Kinds- ^i^dnca <v; v snrance J^s^sta. Tel. Co^ Clei3 1 s Conveyancer, Issnsyr f JHLarrltrge JLli Agent Honey to lor.n, Agent* 3ft _ . f Anr^h' Div. CourtjrCom. in Q. % *^' ^ JAMBS IC^T^fcBWB. Acton, 3iHyast,l&76. -4- the Cqfcn^y ^.p^E 5=^ 1 L f. I ' ^ l.A-J ojf-euic: Over theI?osjt Offic (Qrdera Ioe aB Icm^a ofv Job Tjdjifap| I i ^W- '*// -t"3i

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