Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1875, page 1

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v?* If > i * -v* ill t t * <*- v- * i J t h?' [ j * U H' hi' " \< -- ^ J^ fiHW r ? ^ -- ji* i? Tii.-. j - i! -__,. t. r -- ?;i / ;1 t '"-$ Tolnm^ I. Ao. S. .,",f-;l i,!lV.T. i.\.:-:S MAT iSH . - /. ", V* yx-fiw iAnv^r/nsKMKNTH ^ airjl-n-S * \"J, V'-":^ T \HK!tS^ItAY. t .'[ ' . :.-| ' A.loim kWfv about' four tjionth's oSd, at ray o J iro'm t,iu' pK-uusi.- ot^IV-MeNJiiH ion Tuesday, jli'tl; mst.: Any. oho giving "IniomaSon i yiir lcvj. to ifcs fvoovi,ry willaV litSerfUv rrUMi-.tod. .'-' ; 3>. .Mo.X.UR. AoNMii'Att"-*- IS. IST.'i. ^qtijuioat m>st. . \{ In tho" ;idu-hKu-lioo,l f>f Acton, bn [Monday, Julk- :!.-co!oivdsii(ii- liior Oyvrv-.i.-ijt. ^lije bailor will l>e- re- . warded-by 1< ivin^ this oilioe. "J. jCTOR-SA I.E. ' A desir.-.ljl* ir.,;'.,ii::.-,-;: :'u,. towiisjnf Ac to a. co-.'^k- !'.'. :^.->;' j' !;.:>'- of Hand,1 a COIRTo:-.:;*:'.i' ; Kvrn, aiei a : fr-:: rrd/s.: ':. h'w-o.;'.: _- 1{i>'.:si', ,-j frame :r. .] ?- of evci-lb/nt IVirsoToncoaaUe. AppliV oaiioa !o?ii-irsa U to: ." "1 i K?i!>riaorw THE REASON WHY )^C; /ONjT.,; FR|EE)AY, ^tfGUST 20, :187*>.; THINGS EVERV PERSON SHOULD KNOW. s". >.v. i. ,.: .-. SiTarble"Works,v Ojk,.: I .i,,--V:. ;:r;.--- M;:>, * | iiurlph. . ' MUlVfE vf'VfS*- 1- v.. [' b'?svvfare *;- You snoei.D'K> to UM the choici money, you 's\\i Ur<?s. , " You SHOULD K one of iho la:1" st'opks,' aiid.. the lislinieat of -the ronto, : Yorf siiori.1* know Unit they.givo 10 Ipounds - of vhito" r>nj!ten \on( or ground sugai for u dolliir. You should.know thoj pounds_6f spleiii la'r. ' - ! You'snorii) kx a caddie '-(.f ti*o . $..;')0'. that "you . *o.7,j Tor in (.iucl] -You should km tyfo pounds ^iiiore th:ui you can jjet i ]You should k gat a .-et. of chi.i wou'd hiiye to- tiuelpii. ; You should %pw that you can' i\\v- flmt if you want ?t goods, nml savo i>uhi go to: i^ocord <t>\v that thoy havt>: 'gost . Hint-. choU'ost .hiliulsouiost oss'ab- JkmJ west of To- givo 11, 12, and l.'i i\l .sugiirs for a <.(oi-; vv. tiiat-ycu pui got munds of lea toe u;Ol!ld have to p::y, hl> r ' + \y;ih:it:you can f.M^t. rice for aj dollar n;uokj.h. I : y . i jiiowi tint ;iLASDlnti \u tiju: Ttiu.f:. Tr.-JuiD loivvo jActon'as folhnvs :- | ,i 'Ij.'dbisii \v.Bsr. .Morning AJuiT"]. - Han'. l*'\prOHH j - Kvprtiss i - Mixnl -'<- fiomuHircial mlfjic<!H ffrolirMon- 'I'tfnil iiiul other ciutoiH of tliowliolo- hiih) tnulis of Camilla'uro to|tl 0:10 ri,m', l:.W|, 7:ir> i>.ni. 1'2-ACt Night Kxi;rt'H!rv>. .] j. - I'.OJ^U.liAHT. . Xii'lit; Kxpre.HS - > -> .li-10 n.JH. Mi\o4 -^j - i- ."- SiM Day J.;.\pros3 - - *-' 11 :.'!.'> (v.nj. Mail : T20-p.n. .>li_xr.|| ;;_| : ^ -, 8:-0p.nJ. :*T\ .POST! OI-'FU'-K. 4- .' iZv^in^ \V.cst aro ch'i.sod at 8j4;"> a.iii- "'1 feet tlintj countrW nhTcliafitu vory cat)()ii.s, iind appari'iitily.'Hfilol-y oof: biiy 7 iiu'fnolliiito with itsYK'w to! tht'ii' iyuntH. . TIuhih tli'o" ]roppif co ujsft ;iiiidwill do:iniidi to gi'v'o ftnulo h lioal'tliy tone iiiul prcpnro ovl'ryl: to' tnko tho bpHt; mlvantago; of change for the gutter whoa! it. come 7 ody llOp.H >^1, Mails _ . (Join^'Kasj at ~> \\ hi. I ' '. lli''en'il ' I,utti'fs mii'st' Ikj niinuticx hofore On.: iilxlvo lunifa. Kn:itijlilmll mail, Tfie.i lnys and Fridays. . - :,--.<'IOV.ll.lBBJnr', Wfiit..' Wheat..'.....~.J TrcHiKvi'M'.-. . . ..... S-j.rifi^ \\'lii'Jt:r...... t)ats [.. . .v . .J.,.. ..... ivas.;.;..':).::........ I'otat.i.f.s, nVw.-piT Wool," :..1. : .....'. .. .......... Kc^.,--..........:. ..!.. l)iii..l-A].jih'S, jut 11). , Vork j....'.......' .... rtn-,ilil*:rrii.-s,"j><-'r.lli. . . Cn'.-Ji'lVas.'piT ba llay, ptr ton.".. <, .; . : (irchi'il ma -J i is .to id*; .! l'jfl to i k; . Mil to 3,10 .; o 50 to0 oo J: 0 75 to0 (X) .!":o'7oito0 75 . |. o :i4 tot) .si. .0 18 to() 00 . : 0 12 toiO'TO rf o <ts wo (ki . \2\ t.jOOO . j tlOo'f.KO.OO .: il <HI tiio'oo : .'. H 00 to-Jo Oil ft-KETr?.1'-. CoJ. Bakor, \fho wan fotind gifrfty at tlio ("ipyileu itsHizcs, ofindecontly HRsaultiiig ^li.sH DickiiiHon ip ihii1- WiiV e/irriiifi-',-l'ira boon diMfniBsod in fivo . froirk 'tTio jiritish nnny.. . Ho was Hentehci'd to a tine of ,500 uid! im- prisoinuput for twclvoinont iH. j : Botli'tlie Credit Valley otid.Port Dover -and "hjike Huron IljiilWays, live being pdshed forwanD It is (jxpecUfl that the letter i;(wd[w,il| Iff-, own to Stratford buforo twomOnilis. I . Th'o Ktntenient of ii.ssot.s., and lia- bilitiea -of Slewt-s, 'Dunciin,; Slier-' mail it Co.;'slWvb a deliciehuy -of "6i;,'70G,tU.r>.8jf. ' ... i f |. X $HS to^i:i'i); tnta'dWfll,' get a settpf. Vvhilc .^-foi) S3|ti5 th'nt pay S2175'fpr in t;ii,elj>h : You should knQ one 'i'sivu o:>e <ju: io'r Sl.oO an J a. Uoz I'aU you ^'in h;| j-j vjiriui.Whi'at, (lilasf,"1"'!."! for #j o,>:th:*iA"ou |'s'i,l-_> to .l.f">: f I'rjng vlioat (rod i;h:"iOf.> )y ^Gl30- for in'ii^l.'lO to ?1.12:r()its; -liio; 4>oa*a ' ' ' " (J','.- toTOo; larky, <4c to 7jx:;-ugg?. I'^l doic'ii.i J lo to 1-V; hiiUor, >Uiiry pai4it-d,4 p lto to'l'Ji;: potatoes, pt'-bag,!?i to SI,!!.'); wool j ({Oo to 3i.. : ' ' . V| tokonto mAuki-:ts. Spriin; wheat,' ?I.|l8 J new- white; wlu-at: Sl-/-'0 to $V.-2\ ; oats, '+ (c ; bar- loy; syo granite 54 pioces'- ou, would have to pay '^J.lXKand ^l' v tluit yotj..can get rt i;<-ru[fruit .lars n two' (f'uart ditto tor $2.O0, that vc u ivouid liavis to.- . 00' io.- iii-cueijdi- -YvU should, ki.-js* _t!/.t you can ive ftom 103 to-i'Jj.on hay fork.- ol i'KlliAY M(lK,N" " !"- ' .'c J r. :. / | JOS H. tiAJKjlNlh, EDITOR ' . ' -"'OLi-pq..' The Brampton IiiHoh.ho cjii,b'.Syou a victory over, the Woodstock -club on'Saturdny. : . I : One Jiundred barrelk of Hiiiu^i^lei] coal oil -'iyore at Kinj^Htuii 011 Sutnrday. . . ' - .. j-Tho'Hamilton Caledonian games were veijy KiiccoK.sf'i.ri', about r>.,0(X) pernouH ivero jireKoftt. ". Mr. John I^lelNuiil; an old rtsmlent of Oiielpli, died iit Oniiigoviljo on Sunday lat. ' '. Mr.' Tliymas JlefiKPiiger.'liiti! edit- ] or and proju-ietor of tins- (Irand River,6'cZic//, of Caledonia, 'is deiuL ".' S'urnia iluht: week .1 Ciirrie'd. a b- Iaw, i>y f^majoiity of ]$5, gnuif' ing iS7f),000 for this"erection of water.wAilkH. . . '.'. \ Great fiidiVring ifi,'reportVdMp China Vnd. Japan from the extreme heat that prevailed in Jjiofci.' eoiin-' "tries at, the"*tiuii)-of Jie^iiimee:!. Tho lo.HN ini cotton by. the over flow of thfi Mi.f.siKkippi in the Meur < [5S1.00 per aniiniu in Advance,x \ GENERAL NEWS.; Thp" licit, pjibyiuciu] 'Inhibition 11 liu' t'hfr bi'fcy <>f.Qtiiwa, I iujiingj.on Sjiloriday,' i)ej|/temlio'r ies Ui S'i h 2(jjih. ]'Jnlries|nnrat'bo li . el uli fa. ksi;h ;of ' witlilo and ' ..iipiilements adojntlje.1.' .inicrerth LOCAJj&tiW&T-WebkaU iMJ/litJ, '\at. all tunc*, Ui rixe(te'iiefnn of newt, \ eitcUtai'./i/'ecMl \c}lu'?ch}'jjerviccs, jiyt.f: iiigHV-af. teniptrance xif olhr.r jnnciikict, aicidtiitfr <ir,am}, mr.' which rday Id tMinij, nlmii iii.Vt'n local'tlg , or in.. of tho.Pwvy Oouijcil,. iiiteinieiit of tie ; i.oijd .,in tho .Iloi .late, marjf ' ' -' . kv' ^ -.- -rg ; ' .Political Itpms., The trial of thu 'petition against the Veturn of Mr, .McCniiieyj'MjP., for.Hulton, w-ili tiiko jriiiee pn the 31st iiist. ' ^_ ; '.' ' , . J ! : The nflicial Tetitniw froiii '.Russell give -.-Mr. -BalciTr," CohserVative^ A inuijority pf; -1301 -votes, 201,) more rthan ho jiollcd in January last, j Mr; John Duck has dcplfued the" Kt; ai'i;, .-jo; is; M- you . tnr'-ef- times mi'mths,.. is jiiliiig' m iH-ttV'. lfoavv. Il'eo ih ' '. 7 ' . .'i r - - ., on can f)uv llieu) .- j . ; >' lias ]t6 sav. t til .in n btiv lUOat >lv that thoy liav.t jooks'of t,;a;b.dd--*ni".l' ' 'okihio ,:o;l.',. f to-^ntvoue >ISTKU.SbG.V LCt- f :T?ii^ Ao'tou, Jaii-i'p-.h. J^7 A.VTIiS. ., .G-opi: -SesalppI Foris,>c':iI : AT feE ACTO:- 3ark W'i:i -[;.< i"i"V DOLLAKS irorr. nl. , _ 'AXNERY -IX : " ' ' . GIL. KEAMBM'J RE, Proprietor; 1Z.. A..ITAf.L, A-.-: 1.:. : ' .'AeS^r, Ju'y.Jj 1-. ..... IS; ' V- t.o- poor .mm the-, ricfi. .{j.l 1 "to : 1; is ng at !rv',:.o'id iey c in buy t!j is:-" ver liiali they'ej &/^C0L ci;-; oiSi-JIilnre Vi^ -.:..-e will a secon r. Itficiits': :n: ~> ctjj: 'u p warjls - v-r Ail kind You shpui.l knot' that you cm buy ",l all of the bejt seylli.u^JJio \,^ loWijuHuh. - A'oltshobld kno^iha all kuAis <>.f l/cks. Iliiiigc c.ll'S. i'O;; i'O.. lis \ iyi. laid ci^.es lower,', tbau. inrciuelph. . You sh'iiibi k.-i one of" the ia'rge.-t by any retail iiou.-, The ieas<'ui ,: wL saves money, arid- their )ealtu by pu: Bros. - is bee.iu-e '< goods;fipbrtheni i<.< , i . ', :|e bouglif ie|=e:ivliei|e The reason why sscor;l Br cheaper than . uelj h'is : 1st. The j have ri 3 lent to pay GUelph-thej. pay thousands. -! j, are nothing in com- | ; parison to what the,' are in au,etpli 3rd. Taxes.are merely no'iui'r.atj in" aaelph they are ;out-agoous; 4tfi. They bliy wrod for 53123'per cord { in puelph^ they' pay from go to_S7. per'card; " ;v ' pth. They pay nothing for gap, najture having Fully supplied them.. jOth. They pay mthing for water; m Guelph it costs a jarge item. th..i3ver7 ' jiiari must know that .all these jast< expenses Ls";mit the (Jiluh niiytho subj.-cj;. I't il.inl'u of Gol.hyJri nither oy'er- ; column"after Smith, two; or. Weelc/'fV'.r se. ti-al the a^ony begin- say. Xeiv s ],-.. !.-eil ll'l: ov. r. iih.Mr Smith, what hc_really n'hiiv is,KO His w'riting.s :j,,,U^ nil- it Mo irmt. i! viewK-iri.' V.i.-iiida be- \:;i!?0>. b'.rf <;l. .... in; 11^ p;,- I > \ . . - -, I'sf. not; simply nomination, for Easflvejnt.ytnd the Reform Convention-wjlingntfr/jnjeet ;oii the 20tU, tp select a" caiididatje. .The, trjal of thp'East Xorthttm- berlanid olectipii >V*il} cpmoi off] in X'ohouru', on Tlmi'-sday;'Sen'teipher i2tid. - There \Vill' be a "large liumjier of >vi(nlwses present. Each; party- Ls <ii-.mig for tlK?..striiggle..' - | i. . * Mr. F. Mi(ck! "litis lioen'_Uii;. seated'.Tor .Montreal' M'efjt., Cpr- riiptioii w;as proved against the res pondent, ' Mr.: White. By tili.e: scrutiny-..of the ballots Mr. Mac kenzie's .majority had been iiicreas-- eel to nine. .'. ' J The World's Crops: jl .. Tho MarlL Lane Express in its .review of the Icrojis .for the pitst '\ycek, says : 'JMie juns'ija'tled weather' has be(.'in;'v('ry unfavopible for tri^r- :\y<>i;k, -whith is very where <lo- layed,' iiiVil -thHL'hiyli; temperature lias. p:il. 'who.-rtj in "some danger of .-.proiuiiig, w'hililiil.s coiiititipu 111 list nl-oe.-siu'ily iinsi\tisfaciory..,. The phis district, is ustimated ii(000 balers. .... . , "' ' The army worm has invaded-wmic of. tllO . counties1 of' Nova Sonihi. New Brunswick has already suffer ing from' tlie pesj.tT/-. v * Tho timbei ' JtViide of' 'Qiielir.c-'.is -itiijupving, -and pales 'on a larger .scale than fpr'Boiup tiliiu preivioiib l_ hajre taken place. -: / There iato now in Milan,:tjit is said, 300 American ^jirls studying sihgipgwith a yie'w.-to^tho opei-ii'tic stage? ' ; ..-.- Hon. Alex. McKenzio _'sailed from England.on Thursday, and the' Hon. Georke Browh ia'fixpected-.'to sail on"ihop6th. '. \-,: I The Bodies, of tlui. yoii'n'g couple drowned .i'rohi thq' Cave of thvi', Winds, at Niagara \Fajls', 'h"short time ago, h ive both been recovered. -August 21 si-,; in' fiii;In products 1 general machinery liud nmnu- (orii|s~b|/ August 2StL,' ipd in J101 licujtui.'iil iiroducfs, laari'^ work 1 iho'finl.' Septe niier.4th. The df.'crbe ordering' tho Joieph ': Olii CaC f,-.\- lih> eial liel "tin for ;>V.f LilK i.h. Hie r/juhtru 'gejitralfff.r Malt'f ofxhl '. 'htnit'mtly b>Xent lUackql '"Pfirilgr'n-, Co)/!/," At the. fii'tr-pf pile rent .ptr'ta..* arul iioiyimicd.'- Jjt\brih;r tj imu/v.-it-i. pii/jlisafinn U i<* f&rrjiiiarii for Utt pj'rr.-1 l>y .-TJiurttilQy 'jtn/riiinij,:at (lie'. IdleM.- '.'.- tOCAL if&TJtW, pillage Counfilitie^t^Thurs-' olio "een eteryj was rcceh\'di-a day eve'iiihg. : ' . "1 I.'. \ .'- ',' "'"' - .yl'Mr; Josej,h Doutre, \_^^m -S,.cin|iBrlis:? h,U- just Privy Council.; lArra tlie fiine.uil are-being as . the? i.ieicils'sa'ry. h genthMmfn " wlio .so. ajbly adjo-. ^vd i' coniignlneht of' really /ma By reinen'ino t. oi-e the -'Jiielicnjd .jCoiniilitteej.'.of bowl -whieih sits into, the' -stainl, j y. iglunents niadu as' gal steps 11'to secuVe' the'carrvjligout of I'i.ot ih vith tie Rliyal .decj(;e. A ileal in coiiilectibn fuiJera-1. ? 'T- ' - A Hpeeiiil despatch from ; White- i;l.,'\ilih., says tliat the body pfT N. -S,: '^Grim.\v6odr who ^isci-'uded >v.itli IDiiiialdson in his ill-l'ated bal- oDii.-wu-, found on the :ieiw;h of. ]"j!ti':'!\lichigaii, Benr'-.St(jr-y Creek, by-Li. Jleckwith.5 The^jludy' ..wi*s" fullk' 71'resseel, with', the exle ep.tion of boJts. or shoes. ,:Lett;ei,B belongitlg to <iriiinyi>ocl_ and"mites of lii^ bal- 'looik trip were found "on tlie" 'body, fuHk' establishing, jiis -iiieatity. ' Twjo loids ofj now bin-ley ^ Bdld::. op Guelph nun kit, Tuesday, by Mr/ He witson to'sdr., Snyeleir, tit 75 cJilts per bus! ml. The quality was not very superior. This M the. fiir^t .public' of. barley on" the-imjnjltet this )'n,-otlie'r transactions $eing by sanijile. ^ifercunj-- . I Tut:: Credit Yalley RaIlw^Y; - The"! jnty master on ' the Credit' Vitllky Tiaihvaj" finished paying at r\ r'iii. 1. fvoi.i' : 1 Pei-Jus'em Tliursdiiy.:morniD& hav- One of the veterans of lML'.paid . ^P -, a- -., ing previously paid all lianas at off in tho-Cotinty of Glejigarlv re- ' " \l ... -L ' - . ,,- , I '., 1,1 r in-i Orark'eville, Cataract, Jsrin, and- ctfnth", has irenehed the age of 103 TT.,,7? . . '> ,..-. .- .-.'-. ., J i J ,, 1-11 1 Hi hlburg. At present there are years, and ls said to be hale and ac- ; * '] ; = , - lover live limtdi^ri .men and two hundred- horses on tb.ej works 1 . - -,- , ' Clfy, of Norval /has nbf lust ^tu^ ^l^'.P ^ lof 6 i.'l.j ?' i, ,. ' : -. . ,. ,' j ,,U new\vhoat.,at tlife ilounng nulls c arneitiber of the t.V,u!il-il.of l~ Iifstriiction. Ti.e cplumu-anfr-^a- biilf of .:yitup'-.'ati').n 'iu '. itiuc,'| another in autu'rday'a.l arid; st/illI Another in iM^tiuii^^cani^ ?w;ard.";.Tho"Pin5f.*mark<i't'-%j felt i>ome"reaction'., and rates have given. ^iityi",1's. to.Is. Od.'per qtjar'tej:. jit: johhrrued thek; asAvfell: bot. Live the tlfiee-t W^ecurinig, for Mr.' SniitliV/a' ittnt^f^pf, l-eiddeiis . and: ultimate, fojlowfr^ His articles ia tho TpronttT Nation wilL ifndoubbeillv be ;read by moj ptiophj a,rid ujB influfchcecpnseqiH ly'-'.'mprei w'ide^s'pr'ead.-^whethfljf.: be for-good or evil. , T1)<j"!Ci"' -' - . f ' ' First'-' pij'rty, of wJiicl( he ia' be the"hiad a'nel front,-js s now heems cont tive. Ltllu, thilt_trotted a mile last week ilt Buffalo, iu^io; beat Goldsmith Maid on Saturday at Rochester^ and now takes the position of- queen of the trotting turf. -.. ' .; 1 . L- I9 . - 1 - ' .- -, .Col. Macphe^rHon and Major ^Lat tice have paid the surviviirg vet-e:- rans of the/war of IMi' aiid. subse quent rebi-llion. Several -bf the veterans hn'vif-turned' l(XJyears of K="*-'. : j / '.. Oiie' dollar a:nd thirty:f:v'e ceijts was paid to .Vv".* CI^V, of Norval ' '""*.....'6f of jiroved to' eX tra.good sample. , "-, ' ' The official anndunccnieitt of the appdintuieiit. of: W. K. Muir; as Mis;i'ERidVs -Dea^ii in Peel'.-^ On tho night of AVednesddy, the lltli, betweend,he. hours of eleven aiyl t ivolvp,' a7:olcired woman named Wiiit 4th lme.of tlifi town; hip pf Peel,fwas fouild/'ejl live febji deep, ceintainhig" tjyofeetpf .water. . The ver-; Found dead,-with strong; mag- the C'iill I an'd ->-^-- 111 a ^p about diet susjiie ba'pel aa 'hero, that.",ije>tJieVi-'Mmpl i8ji^r' General -Manager>of the :Canadian' quatitiijy.'will come up, toj Jast-ye^t-, *Jitle ftiip ' coijiditiprt :^ijea<i|y* Jbopnrdized -, rjebere Jgiith <iring4 a^e. 'coT^pktisr In Aussipk.p^ Hun-_ TST5^gary? tlie aHne t^pt\j(ire^nltjisjloof- much ih^ Bd itJX>K:as iier^kini tiiiS^JTor^he^ ^m 'fe, jpoiuii' 'to^tlic must be added to tt e" price" aof their/ kiiown outside of Southern Railway, has been receiv ed,'aniijyik-tiijiderstpod IttivMuiv. takes thepoBition at'onefk:.\ j ;-. 'The Listiowel-JBaMer.savs^i ^he prjomisfootd'^'. IthuBuliUy JT.*i- r.X:*L -'i .^x.-: V IO W. inns; at<? iook-- .... il!L;-.'.ioouii4 ilujitie^^b. liaie,' if?.. few'w? iohs^offouh-play.-" . Her bus-: ink been arrested on suspicion,; and.lidged in Guelph jail, tb await his'tr alj. .'"_' . f-: 1' ' '- A Go: rxjcjfL OF PlTBLIC. IXSTRUCTION, -^Tu.t Public Sclipol Inspectors 6ri Thui7 d|i\i/ unanimously nominated- Mr.' David Mij|s, ;Mi- P., a!3: thjPir- caiiiidate fpr thF'posatioii rendered vacabD'by thei'ljtinyneat ofihe'-HpiSj S. C. Wpc'd froni tlie Ceiijincin of .Puisjir I InstraicticJn. /.Thej- High School feeitciiers Luye tendered Dr." Wilscnjtheii-': unanimous, support', shpiilj lie allow huuself^eo' l|e again- Tprpntb, but goods in cuelpb, or. "ail at.-oiice. Jf.coHstant hounding rof-k GloU 8th.^TJJeyd9-quitUslaj-geJaa>u8i.Ji;^ .ibure to briuspt into^ notoriety, 1 of ilie ii'ind 'in;4 and to lead the wople tiirbughout C ipr PRINOLE, WaJtcdtrnakeV; Gruelph.i . l>6(-5 a/j'v;u!aM.-of'in* Fr.EE"PEES.-i to ;.ltiaul;' .'.ik cuj-tcmcTH ic and around e, and sb- _'!icitKacor":iinuifc,'-./. ' ( - j' ' , f}i D..I?. a!=o t^>pfis soon tomake air- i Vaouerr.f-nt': w!i'e.-(/brvr.-it<.-lii s aneJJewm- 'iry m;iy;r,r- teb'/lo anddroia G;if-Iph wi'fb : 'fiare-iy^-aud wijilK.ut-Hfiu-^k- and expense to./ii^ cGs ' ueljJi, ness as; any npuse* i uelpht 9th. Tftey tfiorou Lheir business;;; kno iow.^Io buy, and tjieltime to buy:, ire Wide awjako ti> take advantage of .my favorable' tiirn of the markets,- ind giye theirlcustonierB the benefit. You'6houldJinow t ;iat" tbeyHre de lermined to igi'goot.s atsu'uh price's aa will tb'e peo deal at Secord. Bros, aav-e mondy. i the ciountry .to inquire" jpto ^lfc :hly understand ' fnerits] as well as (lemerits. |: : iv where to buy, - ._ ---------.-----. . , The Pot calling the' Kettle black the Georgetown Hp-'atd and orij'-rt.. Ju.Jv.l-j. pie : Y'ou.mQst 1 ir .j-ou. wa.nt". to ! f " Only 12 pain lore of the ohl fogy .credit business \'-\ CTO.\..B.lliEKV. J:A.SOLS,"-Urier':' ' .'(" y '!": " -':', iililELis^aiid ; pJfA-iiq "price ST 52 : i-forih 7^0-and -,. * \GAINS v--e h'ahre ,' / L*hly iuiiL cojn- fcU?-'f!'N; &/(iP'... i"--.:L.?- 'G.e.'-rce.ov: the Post Office Sti: eople all say "they ould rather pay the c per ceut. discount. re, Acton/ The .gliid,.feir they sh- and-get- the i- TfloEiih.-i-rlberbe;;- Hj--Snf6rm the lii- - "hHejItanis of Ac-ion and vjtioitj- lliitihe - Is prepart-d t6 supply "'..- ( -II1 First-class Bread, B'uns,-t*akes ' '-' _ Biicuits, etc Fresh" cveTf^ day df|ivere*d at their -' " . ; - - liouses. - ; WEDDING CAKES ^ Ma3eio$rUerin|nir. lalest'-st^Ies ind'at ' - " reasonable cn.'ir^feS. ' ~ '%&. Highest price lii,Cash paid for'ilggs. ^ActODj'July \, LS: ;3-; B. GALLOWAY,- Eemember the 8 ppr cent discount ajfc the layst Office_ Store, j _^8 per cent Imado W buying for c&sh at the Post Ofiicf.: itam, Acton. I Christie, -HcnderBffa & CO., being desirous of adopting the early closuig- riovement, wouldj resj. eetfully reejnest their cuitomere who ha ve evening pur chases io make, to call sarly' enough ,to ehaljle- them to.: close ip at 8 o'clock sharp Saturday evenkigs always ex- cepteal. \ "'. ("I The cup that cheers, but Yloeu^not mtoKiea'te--C'hristie; Hi neiersoli & Go.'s. 50c, .tea.' "(" 1 ' Kew. Hats, -^-Latest *tyles in Me,ii,s Youth's andl Boys' Fe Hats just to ikid/and wili be .sold at close prices to ajkit the times. . Gjirist e, Henderson fe Op.,.Glasgow Houtfe, Alton. - -1 MbIb^r. Secord Bros., Hive ^ut r(ei\'e*^, lignraetit of that 3lfibrated fifty.cedfi me eor tea that he,-. iide so celebrated last: "aU.;: .This itfeff isaid by experts aVid j the_ rat tea grown, ijht it is rare and-hard11 >,be got-/ ; Milton Champion pickijjg gram- FnatiCi'ii' flaws in theifV ijeapective editorials.; Brethren,' do, quit it,- The'flaws are sufficiently','apparent without unnecessarily, di-awirig. the 1 attention of tho jpuulic rto them. ' The Scriptural injunction about the beam und the. mote is .very sugges.-' tive. .; ' k i ; '" -. ' ;. Tite Georgetown .Herald " defies all grammarians that ever.breathed" to prove that he .is not' cbrVect pn the 's|gra'inniaiy .quesjkion.,/\ Well, well, .Jthere's nothing like' being positive in one's own opinion', whether it bo coirect or not. " Any " p'r/e r/(.ar"iakes"-th'e'trouble to find " out; its, real meaning must not '" be' surprised . if he' come- to tjpe' " inevitable coiiclusion .that" -^ the Herald man is a, thorough gRimmBria,n ! How. would the Jferuld-hok if there were some at- 'ten'tion'paid to punctuatipn, in its (editorials.? . ,' ! ' w.- ; 'is a. reduction of ten j to- twelve; cents per busheli'm the price of wheat, hifice this time last week. j The hop ci-bp of Eng injured by blight. : land has ieen' I :-V-.- i Kaaid-tif; Ih1 lus admirable .address |to! the workingmen of DuWdee, the jljoq. Mrl| Mackenzie alluded incidentally to"7"a fact which/has dQi^Ue^rfeeeii the secret of hi8^,|and Tor ;that matter^of;tho. Bncctjss f nine-.tenths of the ' men-whb jhate jTn? Premier, as roost pf oitr refute*' , ku'otv, is a stonemason by 6jad4' anil'!ho' told his audience in Du'hdeA' that] when he went to.Canacfa^&am^ thirty. years j a'go, tljie trade ot if. bviilUer-Was [very dull a'nd^wage^ very lo\y. IJriablo to get remunerj ative employment ,as.a masopj. hej procured an axe and went; to iwjo^ in-tho woods, .just us maiiy ano|her| gopcl man iniBanada has hid'.t*^ wh'of never became, a Prime Mjriia"- ter. We allude to. this ineidpntj ript I because there'/is any sp merit about earning, an honest ;|liv-j ing, -but to show that we want emi grants just, now possessed of a slmi inr| spirit,: and'iif we don't get them of this spirit pferhaps we are as.well without them.' A- man coming to a cpunfe-y like Canada must be will ing to do any kind of work he jean \getj andif not dOvio; he Lad better stay;away, In.;tlio jqld coun,try, with its surplus "popula tion, labor is greatly divided and men learn to dp just one:thing .'Md never dream-of trying" auy thing else! Of this: cliias, that work !ex- clusively iji'ispecial' d'epurtineiite; of labor, we need but few Xjx Gaiiada. Wci'-need men "like"Mr. Mackenzie, \yhb-if:tlieyi'.ca.iniot get work atone thing,'cah iurn their.': hand, to jan other.--;'..' - '.',.'J i'..' i . JbfetleiS. . , Sliey.ifee-at the}. in. "Macr anid|i:-Jnne;,:. btiti'ylraM abed ' as theiiy ieprlestintatjiye c'onncil. -; Dfi Wilson "in rei-' j^Die conn'eotion ^itL the l\3uiifn^the'-jjpase'!43|wri!:icohii i?|bjJ|. .th^^^cias in pie TJiefV; init";tbrei^'.' ^"e., *" '*ueaQphat|ijef^rmI".,;"';t".'y,'. FjfSE': o^pf P.'^-i ^sprs.- if :cfi_;.' i 'aJji'r'Vejtyc ' Bold ;pep/ wf go' ;to !0fi;:.;'Amphg 'ii^iam ;"Cofcsr have a beautiful llo'vvor vast.-. see tbcrn. ; .-- ';"!.' ".': :. i" . f- A young mart'-wjip1. lives .with ^Ir.' .Thomas Larali, deceived a' severe , " [ - kick.from' a horse, Wednesday roejrning, causing a fracture:01 the; ;ari!i. :.The fracturo Vvas rddueefl^y Drs. ifciGarvik and Lo-.yry. > - -/.--,. ^.'-^Mr... Alex. Marin, I sen'r, -*fell t|zrough':thc' floor of i}<itet' Slauri's/liam- 16ft, Tljursday moi,cing,| while stotying - His-.chest and haeik ^oere severely hurt, butno'serious.roaultsktre apprehended. '.^Hei'recfiived.proiiijis at tention- from.JDjrs,'.ifSiGarv-inand Ixiwry. f -^-A: social will fejield ih/tlie -j - i - - 1 * -"' -' Tsjmperance.: Hall thfs; (Friday)0 ewaJiig; under'the kuspieoa of the'Acton":Base Ball Club,:tlie proceeds to hie devotedKC defraying tlie expenses of the proposed' tour of the club. . We hope to see a" fur1- hoijse., ; -Let(the bctys be,encouraged. ' " -Tlie Baptist Church pulpit was- occirpiedi laqt- Sunday by; Mr. C'l.iarleS Cook, son C; .JWr. E. B.. Copk, qfi this., -village.. -We1 unile'ratand the^oung-inan . is about U> "enter, the ministry, and-ihat hewdll shortly, ^eaye bis.prtsant\dcejipa-, tion: In Toronto ito prepare for icollege. -r^-The VJartyrwho bejrtowed; . a silver watch ^from, Mr.' JXeJfairVi hdfise about, three Iweesks; ago ii requested] to return it sobu,. ai the ownerj would like toBsoifcawhile hjmselt. 1: If itiis not re-, tumeii without delay,- we shall' be -Tinder'; the'painful nec"es'sity; of publphing the; name.- of. the individual who was seen takpigit:.- -i ' ,- ,V,~Mr.-.Thomas Kennett, -of Erin, sowed" this -spring,; on/five --acres 'of .grounel, five busliJels; of hulless bats, which, he-, paid. ^50./| The 'Vprolihe -crop' has'-jnst ;beeu hatvestedii^nd the pp,s- ,pect is. that-ii will giveayiol'd ofahou* .200 bas^elir -Partiei :wh'o.-thought he was reckless in'paying $10' per brehel fo'r-jseed, tvill perhaps!now/admitthathe wa^ not 39 fooUshjafter 1L ' . Ball? Club, of;. Atrton| intend making a tbu'rl along the linJi'.bf the .Wellingtwri, XJr.ey & Bruce Bail way, playing matches; ia a npmber tif.the'toivjjianei yillages.on the rfeute, .They/IpBbptfse starting a week ' frbin.a nex't:- Mbnelay; ^latches have been arranged with the clubs,.at AFergps, Harriston, Walk^toh, Listowel,; Brn.sBelSj,Wroxeter.arid Euckiiow. i-WTa; trust-they;.will" give '& good account <of -thenMelyea.-audiSUecebdin^rryi^ jiff ithe Isilver' ciipi. ofiore'd' by tlte. Listowel' ] .MILTON ITEMS. >- 1/! ] , .From Thi.CJidmpiov. , " . . Mr. J. D.. MnUi(;spn will leaVe, Mijton For .Georgetown,": wh.ere he TfiH takp t^ic place in the.l^lw-baairiess~of hij brother, Mr. T. C?. Mathesori, who a--. al>aiit removing to Hinico^,.. Mr. Matte- .' soiij lias resided hi- Milton for a-juunljer .'/ ' o yetfrsj and 'hi3'maily frit-fid.- will 'h^ : . sorry to lose hiimS, , iV'iwJ^h hirn sneces? ! iu his pew location) anil I'lvni' thejibility >.' that he has displayc'dun h is profes^'ioii, J; we tkink we are s'afe In" predieting .that i; he - will/ be. successful;'- He I wilf take? po:isHjoh of 'the olUee how ooenpied by - . ' his brother. ?"\.\~". '""s.' 7- ; ! The^Main St["bvielgo' is nnisbd,7 3. and-ilhe"'ra^'hg.;lS^x'tee^.-c^^o,s3ed:ia^-'r, safety forA;ears, to-'come) -. ,--. ' .- -. . Jume.'sJ- Hunger, of il)en;y .West/ i threshwl COO'ljushels. of [barley .freW V2 -> acres, on the.-lih iust. ..-.: '~ \l .:.. .>_"'Our , Jim," of the '.Champion' -office, caught an eel, iii the ponel thp-- other might, two feet'ele%:n-.iucne iti. length; As'-t-he boy-anil the'-feh'. were:j_/- nearly the. saine fi^o, there wks-.a bigr ' ' struggle heforp itj1 -,vas; dei.cid'ed whether-- ^ the formeJr shoTild yo iaj or the iilttai-- | come out,'1 . ['-:... X;*.'-,\y !' .Mr. E. Hanham hasj-lioughfc out | tlnl livery stable Af Mr.' Hugh 'Foster, in,. - Bratnpffeny aud :de|partfd:lc>i' that tojrp.1 = ^Flie- btiek work oi^Mr. *WmJ. -;" .^phsou's'neir,i)le>eik isjbeiilg puajheij for- wiiij'l r ipiefly;,.' htih.' will soon he complet ed. ' Mr. Ileibwjn hi'.s'had 'Wverai eppli- eations for-the stores.alreaiiy. . / . j . -.-.-r. ' -A If the: meeting of. the Gran'd!;'-/ Ijo'dge L-O..O. F.j hekl- in [Condor* last- : week, B/ G. Am;o3'GilleVi of' Milton, . . was appointed D.i).G.M.pfithi3'e|istrieti ' * Bro. ilatheson hayingresigueel. .1. ' '-_ iPiiople may "deny; as j they will, ' . that there's "any appreciation of jtie^ hu>- -.. '. moro"ns:in -animafs^but: a^-^liltci^&tap' swears that he .saw a -broa4;]grin ispple.. over-tliti' visage of a hog^at whiciijlie^nad . -: throwil:a hiige'haTflifli - graze' the bjnite aiidi'^afjb^a'wTiidflfW' ' beyond. ;' ' the Georgetown Herald ari-Isnmaelitej- ri"~ .' Thevhop crop in'.Halth.njproniises t- an' abundant yieli : Mr. r|"eriry;31bss,' tlie' most extensir^ the"^cemnty, says-he .will liave'.ialouhle crop. -' '. F. Barclay, Es|>-,V-j-e:iirii.ed.,Jj"o'itt ; Manitoba on. Tuesdiyjl^"1' t'okiligmuth- the better foir his. trip/ .."-:-5; . i . .,..'; ' A "friendly'%ain'e. of!bfise jbali/waa.-. playei on Saturday/las'tvj.betwejea t|few Ihdeplmdenla of' iVElton, atid tj&e JVidS/. 7 .Ai^.ketQpf Sireetayille, on the 6routtdof - , the lalt&r club, which resuliedjln a^ vic-r tory for the ludependentarby ib:sabi*i:i .- ! II. ichibV i I the Bake- Bill. ;.-The! -^fetutti- litfaJfeL/betwe^ 2fil j^p^^whs^t "Ac'toh and '<xrand Ca^letei^<&'^t7^^|j^ TeiSoileictted; ithat.'"]at " jShe-' 'm4t^h{'-pia'iy.ea herej ofi'i^e; ;JQthv^f ]J^y;-fhe-^ofoiito. clul>: only !s|oretf/^a^^.t ^,ia4f; this . GESaETO"WN IJTl ^ ?. - - From. Tlie Xarji, ' The ^drlteid 6\i Friday li^e Sth was vei-y-'peorly-attended, profcaJ^y oii"ilucconnt-of the; - farmers'being busy harvesting. '"-/.: : ' Frf: A'": ^/"Werthirtk it would not than VightVif the Acton j whtin giving;the, to giv^e credi<^*= (/ !Mr'.. Joseph^ iiaTTj^'-^Kjwi^aM^5? "3 .McGollum and, Mr; IQej^irtt' "l^W^?r: returned from" Manitoba 'ana iljjn'tj- --v'r\i look the woi-sel for7 their trip.'; . ' ' The!lire wIiieU;occured sometime-. ." ;.' ., ago infCmei.tenha>^.Iiijojjiett ikvesti- ! ; . gated'"by> a coroncji,"'andCjjuiy ia(|-rff=7>41 suited; in .Mr.' Jolin| Moria^wJ-'iiKig4/ .- gist,' in whejse place the: fire.origin-; ated,. bffing iip'ld-pi;.bait.:.uulfcP.tlie:':, , .' fall a^sjjjeslin-Bramptpn^; " i. .- . ;".'A gam<> of baseball wa^played^a, "/-: TLfcursday between the Mutuila.of- Georgetown, and asjW'asprediitedi iskott-JAiaa ago,"tbat if the boys.did: . 4"' jiptiiia^ajittle better tfJey ;\feaiild;: '; be beaten." ;.^P6e. predigtipn; |c4(.'mie; - -': rue-^-Nprval J29/H^p*g6,|iiwjii 18..^ Aatpr^ts in circaUifciw1 thst the- - memW^^-^Gle^willfaij^^^^ fweretiadly *'t^eB>;5&an"fr**' toyi'*" fcondonr.Tea C*qJ '."^ toietirae'm.l^yp'gqqd ^*..a%.j; of eVtery kind.;;^pw,- W^^&fbrf jj^j^^^^ Syhile]nqthi.g: cart':,^^^06ijbetujr, Wft^l^eighwMa^ rtneai*t^rfgr^ss7tnd!pasture':,'fc~"^ r'iKi f? aliy^insureja fineTall prpdi butter. nA cheese,' the grea of thi^ jpart(of iCanada,,;,,. Mot It I is -sa|d tbafcj the '&of^ii^:of Davie|! 1 in9 *^"e> carn iii**S41ft*?*t?*'-; jn-.tW' Toropfco^feortion; caW'wiHl ^^^tfie^'ghfltW^ilW;! jirfegbsint. itJiail'j'; thatjsheiytv^^^tbli^f^ some b dicBie' f<3- -#laiinJonl;'fej(n! tvhicli"he \v|ab .sufiifferitogj aridjtmi^ ia adni inisteririg the; draitgM^f0*" poisoii. was .kiveain/;".&'.ilikep'7Frloin! .the effects of wnteL:.4he"J4te8^-- ' .......t age. ej antl, hi i hit&.pyje eo^ld/iate; added IS iseighttiif thav.La dtd' 1 *no- ?Be,nppe4stty: pf S. &.L- r-i -"jjfaijjif'ioTv."-thfr. tiivjrd' ^'.^a^:'."^^v^e>4ev!af.enly , '-- -.. iMiS^'x^ Stunl 'Wp*ed"^p4:;-tried,;- ^'*^ ^p^ki4}tft b&7^o^l^rlfSft "" jg^^^p^'^>^^:!h^^|iiiMr7 % ^:-&*ll tfe|u"'-ii*.%Qng#tiaSd.itia 'eaeypat . ~ z.; -7; m'phth pge&: -p'etjetl" torJEf-^^r3 .to'Bfilsl t I'qf -liel^ini rflis-1! gfiiin): irid;Sr; iB:^<^vkil(i-liirje* "^ aMfe-.-'-y.: baS.^ .,,,- . ,.,_ six-toTparBbXcti^n and u^usb';]^.^*^^. . ..,... , . choaei) a facjtf-an*^^!^!!!,tj^,th^i;p6ti' Burfordi roa'A,; ^itliimV^^MM!! of Bran'tfori' . HU Jwia ^mJ^lm^^m 153 ^Sl^ ,, costs $ 12,6bl9, oF^ic.hfsnfellS^Pv^iglrty is to baLgiveh by.; Brantforjdl, af/Sg^aJfcSf4, bonus, j' '"^:--rl>!i^! The tj-iai of:t^, one ;of. *%' ,.^^lfeer.<^BC endidly iontesit^l-i ii^"-ift^la!id;'Miii45( _...H.^, . tsnj-rwB, ;nd JMPB,<Jofl| ,noaife,3*faji < i; , V-.V- mon leaders-'ifor';tbe tnurder-iVj ^P^: blood, of men', wbipieD, fad ;chi idretf; in what is called the Mountain B^Eea- dowLmaBsacre^baR-resulted hi isttl- vided jury. '["Nothing ' else 'JjouW. il. gf^g^M^g larni^/^iii arbiiad- MoS< 'cIoJUbJ ihat?the'u^ted' Htales Itiovernjnent. 1;frilliT do not aidopti-som " punishing -ilie miscreants tji.ap ' trying1 them ^before a jury compc of those who'woiilel sympatbiK^" ttiem injanytUiug they di(l intr tereat3 of the Church. " have bebn expected /wheu t _ known that' the jury was, -comriosed of nine jWmons. i,t.ste;ms:-(4Bai.g ikor'-tivJ iTsifoH Kta(es Itiovernpie .of

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